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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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Do we still have the cry like a little bitch thread? Good lord OP. I
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [Duncan74] [ In reply to ]
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Duncan74 wrote:
Road_to_140.6 wrote:
God left!!!!
Shut down this post please!!!
I lost my bottleā€¦omgā€¦the end of the world
What are you?


We seem to have gone from a lost* water bottle to lost connection to reality on several sides in smart time.

I admit I was interested in the OP as I often do the same, and if doing hill reps then have been known to leave a top there too. I always accept that there is a chance that it can go missing, so don't take a favourite bottle/shirt. The loss of the top / bottle would way less of an issue than the water in the bottle as that may mean I need to truncate a session and that's way more annoying. But that's the tradeoff against carying water / warmup top whilst doing the main session.

*I say lost, I accept that this covers lost/stolen/taken hostage/kidnapping/alien abduction as well as potential dementia and it's just behind the next tree up the road.

Did I mention it was my favorite water bottle?
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [Ham Sandwich] [ In reply to ]
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Ham Sandwich wrote:
Do we still have the cry like a little bitch thread? Good lord OP. I
Thatā€™s kinda mean! Not saying your wrong but someone who is so mean to other people, I bet you would be the type of person to snatch someone elseā€™s water bottle!
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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JAA wrote:
Ham Sandwich wrote:
Do we still have the cry like a little bitch thread? Good lord OP. I

Thatā€™s kinda mean! Not saying your wrong but someone who is so mean to other people, I bet you would be the type of person to snatch someone elseā€™s water bottle!

I can promise you I don't have the slightest interest in stealing anyones water bottle off the side of the road or anywhere for that matter.

I have zero tolerance for littering and if it doesn't have a note/date on it and looks like someone just dumped it then yeah I'm probably picking it up and throwing it away.

Get a running vest or plan better.
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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JAA wrote:
Did I mention it was my favorite water bottle?

Ok, now you're being just being silly

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [Ham Sandwich] [ In reply to ]
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Ham Sandwich wrote:
JAA wrote:
Ham Sandwich wrote:
Do we still have the cry like a little bitch thread? Good lord OP. I

Thatā€™s kinda mean! Not saying your wrong but someone who is so mean to other people, I bet you would be the type of person to snatch someone elseā€™s water bottle!

I can promise you I don't have the slightest interest in stealing anyones water bottle off the side of the road or anywhere for that matter.

I have zero tolerance for littering and if it doesn't have a note/date on it and looks like someone just dumped it then yeah I'm probably picking it up and throwing it away.

Get a running vest or plan better.
Oh wow! You must be the life of the race come race day!

Does your Litter Police vest have a badge? Does it say Zero Tolerance in black and white?
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
JAA wrote:
Did I mention it was my favorite water bottle?

Ok, now you're being just being silly
I figured the timing to lighten the mood was now
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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I think if you would have entered the trailer yelling ā€œDO YOU KNOW WHO I AM????ā€ you would have gotten immediate resolution.
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [ChrisM] [ In reply to ]
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ChrisM wrote:
I think if you would have entered the trailer yelling ā€œDO YOU KNOW WHO I AM????ā€ you would have gotten immediate resolution.
I need to make sure someone is recording first though. Then Iā€™m legit.
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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ā€œ Considering you know nothing about me nor my political career, Iā€™ll tuck your opinion where it belongs.ā€

Please, enlighten us. Tell us who you are and maybe that will help. It certainly sounds like youā€™re strong enough in your convictions that youā€™d feel comfortable associating your name with this threadā€¦
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [Ing.] [ In reply to ]
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Ing. wrote:
ā€œ Considering you know nothing about me nor my political career, Iā€™ll tuck your opinion where it belongs.ā€

Please, enlighten us. Tell us who you are and maybe that will help. It certainly sounds like youā€™re strong enough in your convictions that youā€™d feel comfortable associating your name with this threadā€¦
Iā€™m a nobody. But am a good listener and can admit when Iā€™m wrong.

Got any other questions?
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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JAA wrote:
Ham Sandwich wrote:
JAA wrote:
Ham Sandwich wrote:
Do we still have the cry like a little bitch thread? Good lord OP. I

Thatā€™s kinda mean! Not saying your wrong but someone who is so mean to other people, I bet you would be the type of person to snatch someone elseā€™s water bottle!

I can promise you I don't have the slightest interest in stealing anyones water bottle off the side of the road or anywhere for that matter.

I have zero tolerance for littering and if it doesn't have a note/date on it and looks like someone just dumped it then yeah I'm probably picking it up and throwing it away.

Get a running vest or plan better.
Oh wow! You must be the life of the race come race day!

Does your Litter Police vest have a badge? Does it say Zero Tolerance in black and white?

Yikesā€¦. You are one cringey person. Donā€™t even know what else to say.
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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JAA wrote:
RandMart wrote:
JAA wrote:
Did I mention it was my favorite water bottle?

Ok, now you're being just being silly
I figured the timing to lighten the mood was now

That was the first good decision you've made here šŸ˜Ž

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
JAA wrote:
RandMart wrote:
JAA wrote:
Did I mention it was my favorite water bottle?

Ok, now you're being just being silly
I figured the timing to lighten the mood was now

That was the first good decision you've made here šŸ˜Ž
I thought the first good decision was typing out a stump speech about accountability, responsibility, and water bottles? I mean, what could go wrong?!?
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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Israelā€™s trying to start world war three, western inequality is at a record high and youā€™re micromanaging the morality of local construction workers for a lost water bottle.

If you want to fuss over peoplesā€™ morals, start with your local politicians and people of power. Oh waitā€¦

Otherwise get back to your training and have fun
Last edited by: emceemanners: May 20, 24 3:27
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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I haven't read all 4 pages of comments however as someone in law enforcement for 30 years....what evidence do you have that the construction workers took it? If you saw them do it, fine go and ask for it back. If you didn't then I would leave well alone and let it go.
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [Joss1965] [ In reply to ]
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Joss1965 wrote:
I haven't read all 4 pages of comments however as someone in law enforcement for 30 years....what evidence do you have that the construction workers took it? If you saw them do it, fine go and ask for it back. If you didn't then I would leave well alone and let it go.
Thank you for the response, I have let it go.

To answer your question, it was pouring rain outside and no one was around, at least within 50 meters of my water bottle. Within a 6 minute window (my interval loop time) the water bottle went missing. As I was approaching it, but not yet able to see it, 2 trucks drove by where my water bottle was on the edge of the service road the trucks were driving on. Once I got to viewing distance, approx 30 seconds later, I was not able to see the bottle. FWIW I did ask to see the construction companies camera's. Since I dropped water-bottle-gate, I have not gone back to ask.

PS - thank you for your 30 years of service.
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [emceemanners] [ In reply to ]
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emceemanners wrote:
Israelā€™s trying to start world war three, western inequality is at a record high and youā€™re micromanaging the morality of local construction workers for a lost water bottle.

If you want to fuss over peoplesā€™ morals, start with your local politicians and people of power. Oh waitā€¦

Otherwise get back to your training and have fun
Your false equivalence argument is duly noted.
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [M----n] [ In reply to ]
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Like you said yourself, there was no one else out there aside from the construction workers given the weather. The construction workers may have seen the bottle and immediately thought it was trash - they were doing more than their job if this was the case.

This is entirely a first world problem, and honestly the amount of time you have overanalyzed this, written out your thoughts, and time spent (personally, and the cities by way of wasting the construction company's time) you could have purchased multiple water bottles - some very nice ones I might add.

IG: NCGregory8778
Last edited by: Savage8778: May 22, 24 4:52
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [Savage8778] [ In reply to ]
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Reading this thread, my only comment is I wish I lived somewhere that leaving a water bottle on the side of a trail would elicit the grounds crew to clean it up. You could leave a dead body on the side of the trail here and it would be hours before someone bothered to call 911. (A slight stretch of reality, but not much).

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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You say you're an elected politician, but it seems you've missed your true calling. You should be in excavation.
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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If the flapping of a butterfly's wings causes typhoons, imagine what stealing or destroying a bottle of water could cause?
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Re: Need advice on a first world problem [JAA] [ In reply to ]
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JAA wrote:
TLDR - my plastic bike water bottle was taken by some construction workers and I'd like it back. Should I go full-on Karen or completely let it go?

Long story, since its Friday

On Thursday this week I was doing some interval running at a dam in my area. This location has sets of stairs with each set having ~100' of elevation gain. I like this location for intervals as I can take the stairs walking/jogging and then jog down to the bottom. Each interval is .5mi/~6min if Im enjoying my MOP-AG pace. On the trail back, the last ~100 yards to the bottom of the stairs is a paved service road. While it was just me this day, my friends and I have always put our water bottles on the edge of the service road under a shaded tree so when we stop we are shaded.

For the past 2 years this dam has had construction. They have been working at the generator building at the bottom of the dam. Since this is a very frequented site by walkers due to its beauty and stairs, everything has remained open. I continue to go there, others continue to go there.

So I'm doing my intervals and im like 5 in, so I've been going for almost 30 min. As I turn the corner I see 2 white trucks coming my way. I move my jogging to the grass so they have the entire road to drive. They drive by and I then can see ahead of my that my water bottle is missing. I jog to the location and quick look around. Maybe someone moved it? Maybe it got ran over? I start looking around on the grass and up to the brush. Then down to the water, nothing. WTF? I should add that Thursday this week I was alone at the dam. It was raining and pretty miserable so there was no other walker/joggers present who could have taken it.

My reaction in this moment was pure annoyance. Something as stupid and silly as a water bottle to be taken for who knows what reason. In addition, it all happened within the last 6 minutes. Why on earth would anyone do this? My thoughts were of 2 scenarios:
1. Someone thought it would be funny to annoy a jogger and swiped the water bottle
2. Someone ran over the water bottle by mistake and broke it and then wanted to cover it up

As I continued to think about this the more annoyed I got. Yes, it's true it's only a water bottle. What's also true is someone thought it was OK to take someone else's property with no sense of responsibility or accountability. For example, what if this was a sweatshirt taken? Is that OK? What if it was a wallet or backpack or bike that was taken? Is that OK? We know the answer to the wallet and bike, but where is the line?

Once I couldn't find the water bottle I went to the construction trailer which I am assuming is housed by management overseeing the site. I politely knock on the door and am offered entry. A nice lady is working the desk in the office alone. I politely explain to her my situation, exactly what happened. I politely ask if she could see if someone took my water bottle and if I could have it back. She makes a couple calls, asks a few questions and as reasonably expected, has no answers. I explain to her that while this is just a water bottle, it is important to me and I really just want my property back. She states she will ask around. I ask her if there are video cameras around and she states yes. I ask her if I could see them and she states she will ask. I thank her for the time, I apologize for the inconvenience and situation, but let her know its important to me and Ill be back tomorrow morning to see if they found it. She states she wont be here but some important person will be. I again thank her and leave.

This morning 9am I go down the site and politely knock. I enter and there is a new individual there. I explain my situation and he looks at me like Im crazy as he has no idea whats going on. I ask him if he is in-charge and he explains "he is for now" while others are away. I thank him for his time and let him know Ill be back Monday to check.

More context, while I am a nobody in the world, I am a somebody locally. I am a duly elected official in the town next to the one with the dam which I was jogging in. In my role (as well as other elected officials) I oversee the entire town. I feel I need to note this role is unpaid and completely volunteer. I have influence locally and if I felt like it was necessary, I could exert this influence to try and bring about a desirable outcome, even in a neighboring town. In addition, if I felt a business was wronging or taking advantage of residents, I could make their situation very difficult.

Before someone starts screaming ETHICS, please let me explain. Let me explain from the standpoint of a locally elected official who works in service to residents and business to ensure they are duly represented:
- I believe it is never the right time to do the wrong thing. I believe in personal accountability and responsibility. I believe if someone or something makes a mistake, own up to it and we can work through it. Never hide it.
- I believe if a resident or business in my town is being taken advantage of, it is my job to advocate for them, not ignore them because I do not believe their ask is important.
- I believe culture is important. I believe culture is created through leading by example as well as calling out bad acting as necessary. I believe we must fight for the culture we want. If it was easy, culture would be perfect everywhere.

Before someone starts screaming (like my wife) IT'S JUST A WATER BOTTLE FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS, let me explain my assessment of this situation. Again, this is my perspective which is coming from someone who needs to frequently asses "he said she said" situations before his board. This is part of my role when making a determination of how to use town resources:
- Someone felt it was OK to take someone else's property. Either they thought it would be funny or they ran it over and wanted to cover it up.
- The construction company doesn't care about something their employees did. Or they do care, but are covering it up for whatever reason. They think complacency with other people's property is OK.

I believe the above 2 behaviors are not OK. Here are my examples:
1. Imagine someone broke into one of the construction workers cars and took something from it. For this example, let's say it was a coffee mug. Just a coffee mug, but one which was given to the person by their deceased mother. Would we expect the construction company to take action? Would they look at the video and advocare for their employee? How far would they go for a "coffee mug"?
2. Imagine someone broke into the construction site and took something of significant importance to them. Maybe even something which cannot be easily replaced and needed for their work. Would the construction company expect support from the town and police force to help them get it back? Would they want the town and their resources to advocate on their behalf even though it doesn't impact the town directly?

I share the above 2 examples because I've been in politics for a bit. Not to monologue but people need to be reminded that culture swings both ways, ie everyone needs to work at it. Culture takes a long time, and a lot of thankless work.

In closing, and in my wife's best voice, IT'S JUST A WATER BOTTLE, GET A LIFE! And in my voice, as someone who fights for positive culture for everyone, "do the right thing or face the consequences."

What says slowtwitch?

PS - yes, this is a serious post about a water bottle. Everything I wrote above is true.
PSS - yes, I have a life. I may even represent you and your family. What type of town do you want to live in?

10/10. Well done. I bet a lot of people here read the whole thing, right? Hahaha.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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