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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Optimal_Adrian] [ In reply to ]
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I've been through a rough patch with a reoccurrence of an injury/condition. But dammit I will abwork my way out of this. The superman and hold-crunch exercises have become my friends. I'm feeling the difference already!! I splashed about this morning - and I even did a pain-free flipturn!! 😳

Here's a trivia question: Is 800m a middle distance or a long distance? (I know I know...."Who cares? It's 800m.") This is important! 😂 There seems to be conflicting views on this subject. I say middle, because even a shmuck like me did 12:50. How is that long? And it is the 3000m run equivalent - which is most often deemed middle.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Optimal_Adrian] [ In reply to ]
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Some good sub minute per 100 swimming there Adrian, nice to have fresh arms for a change. Speaking of which, what a difference one day can make. Took yesterday off completely and today drove to the only pool open for the holiday, low but hot(84)..Felt like a million pesos, didnt even push but all my times were like 4 seconds a 100 faster with same effort levels..

5x100buoy@1;40(1;22 to 1;16)5x100frog@2;00(1;47 to 1;42)
3x200p@3;00(2;30/2;25/2;22) 2x200frog@4;00(3;32/3;28)
2x(2x50p@;50/2x50 dolphin@1;20)pulls(37 to 35's) dolphins(63/58/60/56)
3x100p easy@1;50(1;18/16/14)100IM kick(1;52)
3300SCY in 62 minutes
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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That’s a distance one imo. I think swimmers view 2 and 4 as middle and some view 4 and up as distance. 400 is a distance event as need to be really fit

1k warm up and 1k warm down

4k set as 2x200 300 200 100 free on 125 then back stroke 4x100 300 200 10 on 135 then 11223344 free / IM on 125 / 130. Steady not hard and finish with 550 400IM happy with that effort given for time result. On the right track.
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Glad to see you back and that you have some PT stuff that is helping.
Tues May 28
2200 yds, have a knot or sore spot in lat, not happy . 3.5 mi walk

22 x 100 on 1:50

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: May 28, 24 5:01
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Back at the upper pool, but still feeling pretty good after yesterdays fast stuff:

5x100buoy@1;40(1;24 to 1;19)5x100frog@2;00(1;49 to 1;43)
4x50 dolphin@1;15(69/64/62/58)
3150SCY in 56 minutes
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Calling this 3000. Lat felt fine
Something like
7 x (200 on 330, 2 x 100 on 1:50)
2 x 100 cd

2.5 mi walk

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: May 29, 24 15:11
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Calling this 3000. Lat felt fine
Something like
7 x (200 on 330, 2 x 100 on 1:50)
2 x 100 cd

The Accountability thread is watching you 😳
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Optimal_Adrian] [ In reply to ]
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Optimal_Adrian wrote:
.....hard ones: 59.6, 59.5, 59.1, 59.2, 58.6. easy ones ~1:11.....


(Easy 1:11 😂)

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Chowders] [ In reply to ]
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Chowders wrote:
Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Calling this 3000. Lat felt fine
Something like
7 x (200 on 330, 2 x 100 on 1:50)
2 x 100 cd

The Accountability thread is watching you 😳

And us. We are always watching also. 😂

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Chowders] [ In reply to ]
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Chowders wrote:
Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Calling this 3000. Lat felt fine
Something like
7 x (200 on 330, 2 x 100 on 1:50)
2 x 100 cd

The Accountability thread is watching you 😳

I appreciate the call-out more than you know. Thank you. It kept me from doing that same distance today. I did 24 x 100, which was two over the plan, justified in my brain bc I messed up the counting on the 16th or 17th of them (I’m aware of the lack of logic in accidentally adding :10 to an interval and deciding to add 200). Everything did feel fine yesterday while I was in and after, but it isn’t one day… it is the cumulative days in a row and not letting stuff get out of hand.

Thank you. I mean that.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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Skuj wrote:
Chowders wrote:
Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Calling this 3000. Lat felt fine
Something like
7 x (200 on 330, 2 x 100 on 1:50)
2 x 100 cd

The Accountability thread is watching you 😳

And us. We are always watching also. 😂

You are an awesome cocaptain. As w chowders I appreciate the call out. I mean that. :) I will show better leadership and stick to my plan.

You all rock.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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5/13 - 4200 SCY via
2x500 WU
2x(2x200 2x150 2x100 2x50) First set ez, moderate. Second set IM, free by rep
5x200 (all free for the first then add a 50 stroke to each, middle and last IM)
2x100 WD

5/16 - 4200 SCY via
400 550 WU
3x300 with quick rotating 100
6x100 on the 1:25-:27
4x(4x75) Kick, IM, Free, Free
2x(50, 4x25) ez 50, 2xbuild, fast

5/19 - Olympic Tri Swim - 23:50
Watch had 1846 yards and 1:18/100yd pace, most other were between 1750 and 1850. Pace could have been as slow as 1:22/100yd
7th in the swim, 1st in the run, 113rd on the bike for 22nd OA

5/23 - 4000 SCY via
600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100
5x200 descend with 30” rest (2:59 :50 :42 :37 :33)
5x100 300 WD

5/25 - 700yd OWS

5/30 - 4000 SCY via
1000 Broken WU
3x(200 IM, 100IM) 100 ez (3:11 :09 :07, 1:34 :32 :31)
2x200 2x150 2x100 2x50, ez first rep moderate second
1000 Broken WD

'22 IMMD, '23 SwimRun MD
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [RunnerSam] [ In reply to ]
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RunnerSam wrote:
5/19 - Olympic Tri Swim - 23:50
Watch had 1846 yards and 1:18/100yd pace, most other were between 1750 and 1850. Pace could have been as slow as 1:22/100yd
7th in the swim, 1st in the run, 113rd on the bike for 22nd OA

well done !
I used to have splits a lot like that.. good swim, better run, total collapse on the bike.. after some years I finally learned how to ride a bike. Now my run has abandoned me, still can swim luckily.

500 easy with snorkel, 6x100IM, 100 hard 1:12, 5x50, 250 snorking
first swim in over 2 weeks, wife brought a cough/fever back from travelling and it laid me low. Covid tests were negative at least, but spent three days flat on my back with fever dreams..
First outside pool day, yay ! actually managed to get a lane, double yay ! the stormclouds came over, spent much of workout worrying the thunder would close the pool, but made it through.

the company I work for has been sold. The deal has closed now so in July I'll either be working for IBM, or unemployed.. so far it looks like they will wait a bit to do layoffs, I hope.
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [doug in co] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Doug, how close are you to being able to retire? I mean if they offer some buyout or a couple more years, can you swing it this early?? Then you can train like a pro again, or not...All these cracking open of the chest threads of my old buddies is depressing...

I got to my low cool pool again today for a morning swim, little sore from something but feeling otherwise pretty good. Just kind of a distance day and steady:

15x200 as 5 buoy@3;10(2;52/48/44/42/39)5--odds frog@4;00/evens back@3;50)frogs(3;36/33/28)backs(3;07/3;03)4p@3;00(2;36/34/31/28)1frog@4;00(3;34)
2x(4x50p@;50/1 dolphin@1;00)pulls(37/36's)dolphin(64/59)
3500SCY in 60 minutes
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
Hey Doug, how close are you to being able to retire? I mean if they offer some buyout or a couple more years, can you swing it this early??

honestly I was really hoping for a package, to take early retirement ;-)
no such luck, just keep on the grinding wheel.. if they do lay me off, it will be an inadvertent early retirement, can't see finding another IT job at 64.. can get at least $20/hr for daytime lifeguard at the pool, might just do that.. ha.
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [doug in co] [ In reply to ]
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A guy who won nationals in his age group in the surf race does this down here. Don’t know what his other job was but think it was a creative job. Has a chat with the swimmers and poolies, does a few laps. Bit of pocket money.
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Re: Swim more eFISHiently: May thread [doug in co] [ In reply to ]
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Well almost being 65 Doug, you are in the sweet spot to cut your ties and move on. Of course I dont know your particular situation, but in general getting medicare, being able to get a pretty good SSI, and whatever pension/401 you might have, seems to be a game changer for many. It was a very happy day for me when I finally got medicare, literally saves me at least 10k a year, more if something really bad happens..Good luck with whatever they throw at you, but hopefully it is a choice you make and not one they make for you..

So another morning swim here in the low pool, however still hovering at 83+. I was on fire with how my stroke felt and the speed, thought about going for my 1k record but was a tad bit too hot. Settled for a brisk 500 with some really fast kicks today, all without pushing too hard also;

5x100buoy@1;30(1;22 to 1;18)500frog@9;20(8;51)5x100p@1;30(1;15/14/14/13/12)
2x100IM kick@2;00(1;55/51)
4x50@1;00-3buoy(42/40/38)1 swim(32)50kick
3450SCY in 60 minutes
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