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What should be harder - Training or Racing?
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Hey all,

First of all I have to say great site. I've been browsing here for a few weeks and finally decided I should register.

I race mainly sprint and olympic distance triathlons, with a half IM thrown in at the beginning of every season to toughen the legs up a bit.

My question is this: what should be harder, training or racing? I remember when I just found this site there was a video posted about the CSC team, and in it Jens Voigt said something like 'after this training camp racing will be a cruise'.

That got me thinking, should you train so hard that when you come to race, you'll be pushing yourself, but you'll be like 'I've done much harder things in training'. Should I train to be able to TT 80k hard then run a good 15k, so when I come to an OD race the 10k will feel like a run in the park?
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Re: What should be harder - Training or Racing? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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Define "harder."

Training and racing are different. I don't know that I'd say one should be harder than the other, it's that they're hard in different ways.

Should I train to be able to TT 80k hard then run a good 15k, so when I come to an OD race the 10k will feel like a run in the park?

No, and it's probably not generally even possible to do so. I mean, you could train yourself for a 95K race, and the OD race might therefor seem easy to complete, but you won't be able to run the OD at your potential. Train for the distance you intend to race.

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
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Re: What should be harder - Training or Racing? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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Racing should definately be harder physically. Training mentally would be harder. When you train you rarely give it everything you have due to recovery issues. When you race you know you have some time off coming so there is no reason to hold back. As far as mentally speaking, it is a lot easier to deal with suffering in a race knowing that you are going to be finished that day and have some time coming off. Training you start suffering and know that tomorrow it is the same thing all over again. Suffering though is a state of mind. I am trying to train my mind that I enjoy the suffering and that it isn't as bad as it seems, that it is actually fun to have my legs hurt. So far my legs pain is winning the battle with the minds spin on things.
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Re: What should be harder - Training or Racing? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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I think that I know what you are getting at. Here's my take - training should be as hard as it should be to achieve the goals that you want to.

With many years of experience I can honestly say that when EVERYTHING comes together on race day, on the day of the A level race, it can be a truly magical experience. You body is totally in that zone and in some cases you don't feel the pain. You keep pushing and pushing, almost waiting to blow up, but it never happens. These kinds of races don't happen that often - maybe once a season, if you are lucky. Sometimes the micro of the macro results are shocking. It's agreat feeling.


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: What should be harder - Training or Racing? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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i feel training should be more consistent vs harder so that when you race you have the ability to have a great race. You have to have hard days in training, but beating up everyone of your training buddies every workout is not neccessary. If you mix hard training efforts with the proper easier sessions ,training can be a drag and hard and that is what makes racing hard easier then training hard.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

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Re: What should be harder - Training or Racing? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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I was told it never gets easier, you just go faster.

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Re: What should be harder - Training or Racing? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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Your training should be harder in that you at times go over the distance, and at times go faster than race pace. So that you know the distance is not a problem, and you know that the speed is not a problem. At any time you'd be able to say to yourself "I've gone faster than this" or "I've gone farther than this."

But putting it together in race day should be the harder given the comparison to any given training day.

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: What should be harder - Training or Racing? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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If somebody's not pushing harder in a race than they push in training, they need some racing lessons.

While a saying like, "Train hard so racing is easy" might be pithy and poetic, racing is where you bring it all to bear. Anybody that does consistent race-efforts in training (in terms of intensity and duration) gets weeded out of endurance sports pretty quickly. It's called "burnout."
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