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I was at the Madrid TT World Champ - UCI officials 'measure' set-ups - see pic.
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....I was at the start paddock, well, just by it, on the other side of the rails.......and noticed a 'stand' for want of a better word, where they do their 5cm rule (tip of saddle to centre of bottom bracket) and the aero bar extensions (limit to how far out they stick) measurements.

Basically, it was like a base upon which the bike was placed as normal, as if on the ground and it had two vertical bars, at 90 degrees to the ground - the edge of which determined the limits - both of which immediately 'told' the UCI official if the saddle or the bars were illegally placed.

All complied with the 5cm rule - I noticed sawn off saddles - but one, a CSC rider from Denmark with a Cervelo P3C had his aero bars sticking out about 1.5cm off the front. There was much deliberation and finger-pointing at the offensive bars sticking out but as far as I noticed, unless a mechanic adjusted it off view, they remained as they were and the rider started as normal......

After 'measuring the bike - the bikes were weighed....both things were done by the UCI officials at hand.....

So there you have it.....the UCI rules and TT's at major championships.....

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
Last edited by: sperera: Sep 29, 05 3:16
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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Random observations:

......Bobby Julich had a Cervelo Soloist carbon which he rode as his last stage of warming up.....

Michael Rich from Germany is a massive rider.....huge legs and big build.....

the Specialized TT bike was really cool.....

the LOOK TT bikes were amazing and must be the most exotic of the lot(?).....

most riders had a normal road bike on top of their support vehicle - can't they afford the same TT bike as a replacement at that level?....I'm sure 99% of everyone here if we were at that level would have 2 identical TT bikes.....

Funniest moment was a young Spanish boy heckling Michael Rogers from Australia (the winner) before the start telling him it looked like his back wheel had a puncture!!!!.....

Overall a lack of attendance was noticeable compared to the road racing crowds....the ladies and the men's U23 was very poorly attended.....

Coolest skinsuits were the New Zealand ones.....

The TIME TT bike was really outstanding as well.....

Saw the TTX Trek for the first time....can't remember who was riding it....the same rider had lance's TT helmet...ie the one that only he and a select few use.....[b]

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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Random observations:

most riders had a normal road bike on top of their support vehicle - can't they afford the same TT bike as a replacement at that level?....I'm sure 99% of everyone here if we were at that level would have 2 identical TT bikes.....

There is probably not much point in having 2 identical TT bikes - one just as back up. Face it, if you have a mechanical, then you'll lose 10 places instantly. An TT bike on top won't let you keep that placing.
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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are you indicating some lack of rigor re the bike checks? I don't quite follow the 'measure' comments ...

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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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I did the Espoir National TT Championships in '03, and the UCI was also out enforcing the same rules with their "jig".
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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Cool. Thanks for the observations.

Riders are still using sawn off saddles ? One really has to question the UCI's logic on some of their restrictions..........
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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Come on! You where standing there and did not take any photos?? What are you doing to us,But really thats for the report,i hope they never start checking where i race,with my looong arms the tips of the aerobars would sure be sticking out to far.
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [rmur] [ In reply to ]
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I saw what I saw...I saw a Cervelo P3C from a Danish rider whose aero bars extended beyond the limit set by the UCI - clear to see with the 'jig' they use....i.e. the bars extended the measurement - they stuck out of the bars.....and there was some discussion thereafter between the tean manager and the UCI official but I never saw the mechanic or anyone pull the bars back on the bike.....he went on to the start and off he went.....

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [randall t] [ In reply to ]
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my cousin took some pics which I will put up here as soon as he gets them to me via email!

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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Great and thanks i would love to go see something like this,but being in the US about all you can see is Football Basketball etc
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [randall t] [ In reply to ]
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the great thing about it is the fact you can just mingle with all the teams and stuff if you go early enough and stand in the right places.....all for free too!.....and then you get great professionals like Victor Hugo Peña who are willing to chat too.....so I speak Spanish but you get my point.....

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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there are morphological exemptions to both the 5cm and the 75-80cm rule .. that could be what happened there .. or things could have been a little sloppy as you implied.

In any case, I think both rules are pretty darned stupid !

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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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I saw what I saw...I saw a Cervelo P3C from a Danish rider whose aero bars extended beyond the limit set by the UCI - clear to see with the 'jig' they use....i.e. the bars extended the measurement - they stuck out of the bars.....and there was some discussion thereafter between the tean manager and the UCI official but I never saw the mechanic or anyone pull the bars back on the bike.....he went on to the start and off he went.....
You need to take a look at the rules. The UCI requirement is that the hand position is less than 75 cm (85 with exemption?) from the bottom bracket. The rules explicitly says this is not the same as the end of the bars or the the far point of the bar end shifters. My guess (pure speculation on my part) is the team manager was convincing the official that the hand position was where the bars began to slope upward and this argument was accepted so the bars didn't have to be changed.
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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The aerobar length rule does mention exceptions will be made if the riders morphology merits it. This is basically a judgement call by the official. Some guys have REEEAAALLLLLYYYY LLLLOOOOOONNNNGGGGG forearms, especially tall riders, and would be unfairly penalized by the aerobar length rule. The main objective of this rule (and the saddle/BB rule) is to make it impossible for riders to assume the "superman position" or any of the other curiously extreme, yet aeordynamically effective TT positions.
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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The 5 cm behind BB rule really penalizes a shorter rider. Here is some basic match. Inseam of 65 cm and saddle 5 cm back, middle of saddle is 14.5 cm:

seat tube angle = 90 - arcsin {(14.5+5)/65} = 72.5 degrees

You wonder why guys are riding on the rivet (say 5 cm from the end of the nose) vs the middle of the saddle, this is why

effective angle = 90 - arcsin{(5+5)/65} = 81 degrees.
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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Okay enough about the UCI wags! I have a question re the length of both laps for the Elite Men's TT.

cyclingnews.com listed the profile as 22km. During the live report online, I noticed that the first lap split was listed at 21.9km and the full distance double that at 43.8km.

But on another forum (diccussing Lap 1/2 pacing) someone pointed out that the official distance is listed as 44.1km - which would imply that the 2nd lap was 300m longer.

Can you confirm that the start ramp/finish lines were offset such that the 2nd lap was indeed 300m longer? I don't mean down to the cm but does that sound correct?

thanks in advance,
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [rmur] [ In reply to ]
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yes...the start ramp was round the corner from the finish line.....I would actually guess about 300m away!!!!

The start saw a long slightly uphill straight and the finish line was just before the road took a sharp right hand leading to the start line again.....well done.....you nailed it.

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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okay Stephen thank you. All we need now are pics .. ;)

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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [rmur] [ In reply to ]
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my cousin has been told!!!!!!!!!

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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Here's Stephens illustration of the device !

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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [UK Gear Muncher] [ In reply to ]
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nice one UK Gear Muncher!!!!!!!!!

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [randall t] [ In reply to ]
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Come on! You where standing there and did not take any photos??
Here are some photos from Madrid of two of the CSC riders Cervélo P3C TT bikes:

Bobby Julich's P3C with O.Symetric chainrings:

Danish TT champion Michael Blaudzun's P3C:

There were two Danish CSC riders in the TT, so I don't know if it was Michael Blaudzun's or Brian Vandborg's TT bike you were talking about.

The Isaac TT bike of Danish U-23 rider Martin Mortensen (not a CSC rider) in front of CSC's bikes and equipment truck (he finished 4th in the U23 Men's TT):

Last edited by: Twitchslow: Sep 29, 05 7:55
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [Twitchslow] [ In reply to ]
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Now were talking,thanks for posting the photos,if that chainring gets any more oval its going to be square
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Re: I was at the Madrid TT World Championships and saw UCI officials 'measure' set-ups... [sperera] [ In reply to ]
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Michael Rich from Germany is a massive rider.....huge legs and big build.....

the Specialized TT bike was really cool.....
Since you mentioned Michael Rich, I guess you were tlking about his TT bike when you mentioned "Specialized" TT bikes. Specialized is the bike sponsor of Rich's Gerolstenier team. But all of Gerolsteiner's TT bikes are made by either FES or Walser and just rebadged as Specialized. None of the Gerolteiner TT bikes are actually made by Specialized. Some rides FES and some rides Walser. I beleive Rich rides a Walser and Leipheimer rides a FES. Read this topic: http://forum.slowtwitch.com/gforum.cgi?post=449084
Last edited by: Twitchslow: Sep 29, 05 8:08
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