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ITU Draft-Legal Tri Set-up question
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I know, I know...not really triathlon, so let's not debate that part.......

Do these folks just toss on shorty aerobars to fit their road position or are they using a totally different position (perhaps a bit forward?)? I'm aware of the 5cm behind bb rule and also familar with JC "slam"..so let's not go there. Its too tough to tell from the photos, so looking for someone who is familiar and/or worked to refine an optimal position. Feel free to use examples (names).

In a somewhat related topic, I'm looking for shorty aerobars. Vision or Profile Jammers do not fit my application. I'm looking for the manufacturer of those little "U" shaped "nubs" that appear to have little or no elbow rests. Since there must be a bridge, it appears many are custom set-ups.

thanks in advance.
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Re: ITU Draft-Legal Tri Set-up question [Smitty8] [ In reply to ]
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seems like a regular road setup for the most part, some guys seemed to be as far foward as they can get but not many. Half the guys don't even sport aerobars. A lot of jammers, the Deda bars are pretty popular and stuff like that. Not speaking from experience just observation and some friends who race ITU
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Re: ITU Draft-Legal Tri Set-up question [Smitty8] [ In reply to ]
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I race ETU draft legal races and use the Deda clip one. I don't use the pads that come with them though, I use the Cincelli wrap-around efforts with minimal padding. My bike is set up for normal road racing as these races are more RR than TT - unless you come out of the swim all alone.

AKIAK, most others guys do the same.

"Language most shows a man: Speak, that I may see thee. It springs out of the most retired and inmost parts of us, and is the image of the parents of it, the mind. No glass so mirrors a man's form or likeness so true as his speech." - Ben Jonson, Timber, or Discoveries made upon Men and Matter.
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Re: ITU Draft-Legal Tri Set-up question [Smitty8] [ In reply to ]
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The guys I saw at the Europeans last year were running slack angled road bikes with shortys added for the occasional break. I hate draft races.........
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Re: ITU Draft-Legal Tri Set-up question [Smitty8] [ In reply to ]
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GBJ is spot on on how to set up for ITU racing. Get some clip ons, pads optional or get some pads that are low profile and set them up on your road bike.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

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Re: ITU Draft-Legal Tri Set-up question [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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I use Profile Carbon Stryke bars set up short with the pads a good inch behind the handlebars. When in the tuck the pads are mid-forearm, I'm sitting on the front of the saddle and my position is almost identical to that on my triathlon bike.

In general I'd recommend a short clip on bar with rearward pad placement
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Re: ITU Draft-Legal Tri Set-up question [Smitty8] [ In reply to ]
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heyo -

my draft-legal setup is a soloist with a pair of cinelli spinacci light clip-ons. no arm rests, just a bit of extra padding taped to the handerbar underneath the bar tape. the whole setup weights about 195grams, which is less than half of what most of the other guys weigh. as for a bridge, set the bars close together, and join the gap with electrician's tape. it's legal!



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