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Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way!
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I a recent thread on the merits of aluminum and Ti, Col. Bunnyman suggested that eventually magnesium and carbon would become the wheel materials "du jour" in coming years. I was wondering if there is any merit to this statement. Does anyone out there know of any plans for magnesium on any part of the wheel.

The reason I ask is that I am probably the only slow twitcher to have actually ridden a magnesium frame bike regularly. In around 1991 Norsk Hydro Magnesium (out of Detroit, my dad engineered for them) and Kirk USA (I think that's what they were called) created a road frame and mountain frame made entirely of magnesium. They only made a handful for testing and R&D. The mountain frame made it into a few magazines with a picture of a caddy parked on the chainstays, which flexed but retained shape. Anyway, the frame ended up being way to heavy to justify the added strength, and the project was scrapped. So my dad, the Magnesium engineer, gave me the frame. It was heavy. But it was awesome, and I loved it.

Later in 1993, my dad brought home a set of cast Mag Wheels for his car (Mag wheels that were actually built out of MAgnesium, go figure). They were great for 10,000 miles until they developed stress fractures that would have eventually all given way. The answer was thicker metal to handle the loads. The material ended up not working for the application.

So I am wondering, does anyone know of anything magnesium in the works. It seems to me that it woud be too heavy to topple aluminum. Plus, even if it could be done, it would probably have to be cast in one piece, and look like a HED-3 or spinergy. I'd love to know if this is for real.
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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I do not have any experience with bicycle mag parts but, ultra high powered ultra light weight motorcycles all are mag and carbon fiber. body work is carbon anything that could be described as sheet goods. and motor castings wheels, engine covers, swingarms etc are all mag. I do know what industry leads and follows but there are indications that the COL. is correct

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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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Magnesium rims are rare, but available. I think the easiest source is american classic. Magnesium stems are available, and magnesium is the most common material for mid to upperend suspension forks (the lowers or sliders)

Pinerellos(sp) top frame is mag tubing and others are available, in both mountain and road.

One interesting tidbit is when you look at specific strenght ie the ratio of density to yield for various metals you get roughly the same number. Meaning that the lighter a metal is the more you need.

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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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Magnesium parts used to be more common in MTB applications. Back in the day, I had an old Specialized Future Shock, that was just a re-badged RockShox *Mag21. (*as in Magnesium)

I also currently have some Avid Magnesium "V" (er, excuse me - "linear-pull") brakes on one of my mt bikes right now. Very light, work well.

Used to have some Magnesium-bodied SPD-like pedals as well, made by Girvin. They were quite good, and also very light (perhaps too light - I snapped the Ti spindle one time, smashing my nards on the top tube in the process, YEOUCH!!!!).

My point being, if they can (and did, and still do) make parts outta Mag for mtb's, there's no reason they can't or won't do the same for road and tri bikes, if there is a cost/weight/performance benefit to doing so. If there's not, then they won't.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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As Styrrell said, this frame uses Magnesium tubing:

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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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Doesn't anybody remember what the IIa alkaline earth metals do when they come into contact with water?? I hope those magnesium parts don't get rained on!!

---Politics = Poli (many) Ticks (blood sucking ectoparasites)
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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I oppose flammable bicycles.

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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Chuck's Bikes has a magnesium frame for $250.00: http://www.chucksbikes.com/store/indexfr073.htm

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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [vitus979] [ In reply to ]
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You'd have to ride into the sun to ignite a bicycle.


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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [SuperDave] [ In reply to ]
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How long before someone names their magnesium frame "Icarus"? ;)

And if one of them actually caught fire while someone like Bjorn was riding it, wouldn't that be a stellar marketing opportunity?

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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The real issues with magnesium are likely its lack of use as a drawn and welded product. the metal has half the density of aluminum, strength better than 6061 alloy, and elongation numbers around 10 percent. It has a lower modulus than aluminum too, perhaps allowing a more compliant frame to be built.
The issue with corrosion can be overcome with proper surface treatment, like painting or anodization. They do it in 4x4 transfer cases that see lots of water.

If it were more widely used in industrial applications, we'd see more in bicycles. It isn't so its limitations and sources are not as well known.

Plus a 980 gram aluminum frame already rides pretty stiff and has a fairly long life expectancy, investing in the Mag and AK17 or whatever Deda calls it seems like a bad choice. Cheap China carbon fiber is way easier.


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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [vitus979] [ In reply to ]
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"And if one of them actually caught fire while someone like Bjorn was riding it, wouldn't that be a stellar marketing opportunity?"

It certainly would. For everyone except Bjorn, of course.

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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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Magenisum bikes by Paketa ( russian for rocket): www.paketa.com


Blog: felipebastos.blogspot.com
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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It ain't a WAG that mag is going to be the material choice for some rims, as AC is already using it in one wheelset. Industry insiders (I talk to a couple) have all said that there will be magnesium wheels that will rival carbon in weight and aluminium in strength. Carbon will still be lighter, but a true all-purpose racing/training wheel is not THAT far away.
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [col. bunnyman] [ In reply to ]
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Wow. I can't beleive my eyes. I am too naive. Thanks for all the input guys.

I really figured based on limited knowledge that magnesium laked some of the qualities required for a wheel. Does anybody know if magnesium wheels would be extruded or cast?
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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I know that my Time Titan Mag pedals never ever had an issue...and once I saw them spark hitting the road in a tight corner...


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Magnesium bike parts?!? I say no way! [BenDavis] [ In reply to ]
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Another problem with magnesium parts, because of magnesium's flammability it is often worked with in its molten state for casting and such in an artificial atmosphere with no oxygen (like argon), which must drastically raise the cost of manufacturing a similar aluminum part. But triathletes willl pay I guess. Even if it only is a few grams.
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Re: Magnesium on eBay [ In reply to ]
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Magnesium bike currently up on eBay:


Blog: felipebastos.blogspot.com
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Re: Magnesium on eBay [Felipe] [ In reply to ]
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doesn't American Classic make a new rim/wheelset using Mag?
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