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Are you a hunter?
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I find that when I am running or walking, and occasionally when I am biking, if I see someone ahead of me, I feel compelled to hunt them down and pass them, unless they are clearly going a lot faster than me. I don't do this much on the bike because, well, I'm not that fast. Once I catch them, I usually just say, "Howdy"(yeah, I say howdy), then keep running, eventually geting back to my original pace.

Last Sunday I was out doing just an easy run, and I saw someone far up ahead. I started running faster, trying to catch up with them, and was a little annoyed when they turned up a side street.

Does anyone else find that they have to hunt down people they see up ahead of them?

Last edited by: jmorrissey: Nov 9, 04 18:03
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Re: Are you a hunter? [jmorrissey] [ In reply to ]
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Definitely, and its something I am trying extremely hard to shake. Listening to wiser training partners has convinced me that such competitive impulses while training is rarely (although not never) productive. A hill sprint or pursuit can be a good thing, if it fits with your training objectives for that day. But letting your competitive edge push you too hard on a long aerobic day is for the birds. I'm also trying to bring this patience and discipline to the IM bike leg, or the first half at least!
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Re: Are you a hunter? [jmorrissey] [ In reply to ]
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I do it all the time. My favorite is when running since I run very quietly. People usually don't hear me before seeing me out of the side of their eye and I usually scare the crap out of them (unintentionally of course ;) )
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Re: Are you a hunter? [jmorrissey] [ In reply to ]
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Oh yes. Absolutely.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: Are you a hunter? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, I like to hunt poor old men running down roads (or women). Does anyone else chase deer? Of course they can sprint fast, but humans can easily outdistance them if there isn't too much brush. I haven't succeeded yet though......
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Re: Are you a hunter? [jmorrissey] [ In reply to ]
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Another form of this malady is called: "half wheeling". It's when you're riding beside someone, and you try to keep half of your front wheel ahead of theirs. Usually it's harmless, sometimes the symptoms go away, only to reappear later for no particular reason. Sort of like a dry skin patch on your elbow. Try not to scratch it too much, or, it can become a problem; otherwise, don't worry about it too much.

Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur
(That which is said in Latin sounds profound)
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Re: Are you a hunter? [Titan] [ In reply to ]
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Ever notice how the guy swimming in the lane next to you just "happens" to take off at the same time you are making your turn, then swims 1 lap and stops for a break, then does it again? The first one I give them for free, but the second time, if I can bury the guy (I'm not a fish) he is going down.

A lot of times if I get passed on the bike when I am just rolling along easy, and it looks like they were maybe "hunting" me, I just hang behind them by 50 yards for the next mile or two. They feel the pressure to keep hammering, until eventually they throw in the towel and I cruise by. I usually like to hold my breathing down as I pass them and give them a "nice day, eh?"

Of course, nothing is more fun than passing a whole pack of pseudo "roadies". One group pissed me off royally one day. It was a sort of amaturish looking group, they were apparently regrouping at the top of a hill as I passed several of them going up. I then hit a stoplight on the following downhill, and just as it was turning green they caught the light right and overtook me. Well, the first couple guys went past me just on their momentum, but then every damn one of them thought they had to speed up and get passed me, boxing me in on a rather narrow lane full of branches and all sorts of crap. Then they all ran the next stoplight, pissing me off even more. I hunted those bastards down like the dogs they are. I hope to God just one of them watched me blow by and thought "jeez, we suck!"
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