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I can't recommend this product enough. I really think this is a 'IT DEFINATELY WORKS' product and not one that is subjective.

I had some LeWedges (by Greg Lemond) fitted by Cyclefit UK:


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....when a guy called Gary Rogers came over to Gibraltar to do some bike fitting for us. Basically they're plastic(?) wedges that go under the cleats to correct foot and knee alignment issues.

Proof they work on me:
There's a loop of 120km I do now and again and when doing so I used to get an unbearable pain on the outside of my feet, especially the right foot, so much so that I literally took off the shoes and rode stepping on the shoes!!!!!

The fact was that I applying force on the outside of the foot more than anywhere else....plus my knees were out of line with my feet as a consequence.

So Gary addressed this and with the laser determined how out of wack I was and proceeded to install 3 wedges on the right shoe and 2 on my left. I use Shimano SPD-SL system.

He checked my pedalling action now from the front with the laser and my knees were going up and down over my feet as they were meant to now....I could see the difference in the mirror in front of me. The before and after effect was outstanding!

Result: No more pain on my feet. I did the loop yesterday and my feet were the only body part that did not hurt!!!!!!!!

If any of you have any issues with feet, knees, legs splaying out.....check this out!!!

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
Last edited by: sperera: Nov 8, 04 6:35
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