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The game - repost from the Depression Thread
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This was off base over there a bit - I re-read it and thought I would re-post it...tell me if you agree

What sets US aside from all the others out there is we play the game. The fact is most other sports (fans) know with out doubt that they will ever be real players in their sport. Hell, most football-baseball fans are fat bastards who cant even play catch, let alone a game. Most Softball players and bowlers are seemingly just social drinkers looking for entertainment while they drink...or something to do before they drink. We as IronMan "players" get to play on the same field, at the same time as the best of the best...we get to play our game with our heros...try to go play catch with the Yankees. You cant. There is no dream of that cause it is only that - a dream...we get our dream. We get to play the game, and compare our times to that of the pro's on the very same day. Sure, we get beat - but we played. I think that we are lucky in that way. We may get made fun of for shaven legs and spandex...next time some guy who thinks "Football" is a real sport...ask him to play your game - ask him to play HIS game. The fact is most of those guys can not play football at all and will get beat - the fact is if I was to play Football I would get beat...but I would finish the game. I know for certain, that most people when playing my game would not finish...we all know that. We do something special - we push ourselves to the limit of the human body.

There, enough rambling.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: The game - repost from the Depression Thread [Record10Ti] [ In reply to ]
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Your wrong. Since the players play it is a sport. Who is a fan has nothing to do with the sport.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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