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Show Low Triathlon
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I just wanted to congratulate everyone at Trisports.com. I thought that they put on the classiest event that I have ever participated in. Every single person was a delight. The event was thoroughly planned out and executed to perfection. I thought that the raffle could have been a little more fair to the people in back, which is probably only because I was one of those people. Man was that one guy lucky or what... Winning all that stuff in a row, and that Softride looked absolutely amazing. I wish I had won it.

I thought that the swimming was different than any other that I have done. Contending with the seaweed was rather fun, as was contending
with the current.

The bike course was very beautiful. I personally could have done without the crosswind, but it was very nice. I am sure for the people who have disks on the back that it was much more interesting.

The run course was also very nice. It was nice to have some trail running. I certainly "bonked" on the run. But it was very enjoyable.

I have to say one thing about the volunteers here. I thought that they were the kindest and most helpful group I have ever come across at an event like this. Having the kids help was also very nice, because as one of the other participants said their smiles and enthusiasm was absolutely contagious. You could see it on every participant. Speaking about the participants it was so cool to hear words of encouragement coming from every single one of them. I made sure to do my part and hoot and hollar for everyone that I saw. I just don't know of any other sport on the face of the planet where the competitors are actually cheering for each other. If there is any other sport in which this happens I would like to know. I really enjoy that aspect of this sport. The kindness and thoughtfulness of everyone was really great.

For this being the inaugural time for this event it went off without a hitch. I was very happy with it and will be one of the first online to sign up for the race next year. I am sure that this event will grow for years to come.
The one negative thing that I have to say was that the Pizza Factory was a disaster. The food was fine, but waiting for an hour and a half or so with Gail, who I believe was the volunteer coordinator and another trisports.com person we got pretty fed up.

Overall I would recommend this race to everyone and anyone who can make out to Show Low, AZ next year because it was by far the best event I have ever participated in. 3 Cheers for Trisports.com!!!!

David J

P.S. One very satisfied customer who is sure to send as much business as I can trisports.com's way.

asc-arizona state cycling
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Re: Show Low Triathlon [deetsay00] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you......thank you.......thank you!

Glad you had a great time! We had a beautiful day to race (BTW, that wasn't wind........that was a "mountain breeze"!) and it sure looked like everyone was having a blast!

The volunteers WERE great, weren't they? Hopefully they go home and tell all their friends how much fun then had and next year will be even better. Got to say that working behind the scenes on this race was the toughest thing I have ever done.........gives me a whole new perspective on race directing and hopefully a little more tolerance for the occasional race day glitch.

Were you the hat 'n glasses guy? Wish I would have known that while we were waiting for the dang spaghetti! And here I thought I missed any STer's.

Thanks again for your kind critique and SEE YA NEXT YEAR!!!!!


It's a little like wrestling a gorilla.........you don't stop when you're tired.........you stop when the gorilla is tired.
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Re: Show Low Triathlon [gleveq] [ In reply to ]
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That was me with the hat and the glasses. How crazy was that pizza factory, i couldn't beliieve how long we had to wait. One question though... is trisports.com going to be producing any more races any time soon becuase I would love to sign up for any event that they are involved in producing. Throughly enjoy this event!

David J

asc-arizona state cycling
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Re: Show Low Triathlon [deetsay00] [ In reply to ]
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If I'd only known it was you..........we could have talked bad about STer's behind their backs ;-). What a wasted opportunity.

Seriously, I hope all the racers agree with you. It sure was fun, and a lot of work, from my perspective. Although I would have loved to have raced, by Sunday I was waaaay too tired.

I'm pretty sure that Trisports is gonna make this their one race and just try to do it better every year. Think we got a good start!


It's a little like wrestling a gorilla.........you don't stop when you're tired.........you stop when the gorilla is tired.
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