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Team Member Needed for Desoto American Tripple T
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Help 3 people from my swim team formed a team for the Triple T Challenge and one dropped out so we are looking for a replacement.

The Triple T Challenge is a weekend-long stage Tri. There are 4 races over 3 days with the distances totaling to be an Ironman. Each team member does every leg of all the races and the three team members' times are added up. More info can be found at <http://www.hfpracing.com/>. The race is Memorial Day just south of Cleveland OH and lodging, dinner and massage are included in the price of admission.

Scott and I are planning on treating this race as a training camp. So just some quality training no GC hopes. So any skill level is acceptable. Fast or slow we do not care we just want to have fun.

If you are interested please email me at:
Tim Brower <tbrower@uberprojects.org>
Scott T Chadwick <scott.chadwick@bms.com>

Last edited by: uberchurch: May 7, 04 14:28
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