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Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid?
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A friend and a I were doing monster hill repeats yesterday on bikes. I was on my road bike and he was on his tri bike. We're both somewhat evenly matched bikers and I kept getting to the top well enough ahead of him to turn around at the top, double back and ride 1/3 the way up with him again. Which leads me to this question: would it be ridiculous to even consider using a road bike on the very hilly course at LP? It's been nagging me all day. I can anticipate some of what I'll be told here, but perhaps I'm sort of asking for it and I need to hear it again just to clear my head of all this road bike stuff with the season quickly approaching. Flame away.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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It would not be the only road bike there, but it is not necessary. None of the hills at LP are very long or steep. There are just a lot of them near the end. of each lap. If you are well trained & pace it well, you can stay aero for nearly all of the ride without compromising anything.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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I would recomend using your road bike at IMLP ONLY if you are planning on dropping out of the race after the bike portion. Your running legs will thank you for using a tri-set up!

Did you guys brick those hill repeats?
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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why on earth were you doing monster hill repeats, in february, on only the second rideable weekend day (albeit a bit windy) of 2004 in new york? and assuming you were in new york metro area, where exactly were these hills of which you speak?
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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Disclaimer/Disclosure: I have never done Ironman Lake Placid.

Having said that I have over 25 customers who have and we have gathered significant intelligence from them on the course.

Our findings are that a low, narrow aerodynamic position is unsuitable at Lake Placid (duy...).

We also propose that a road bike may be suitable for the course provided you don;t have to run afterwards. Trouble is, you do have to run afterwards. So......

A bike that is 2-3 degrees shallower than your normal, optimal "tri" position for a flat race. If you normally sit at 79 degrees (pretty common) dial that back to 76. Be sure your reach measurement DOES NOT GET LONGER. If you screw up and it does you will die a thousand deaths on the run. If your reach was 47.5 cm. before your saddle fore/aft adjustment it needs to be exactly 47.5 after the adjustment. That is cast in stone.

Your aerobars and base bars may need to be just slightly higher than your standard aero position.

Be sure your pedal cleats are new and correctly adjusted.

That's not the whole picture, but it is food for thought. Also, loose the handlebar mounted aero water bottle and the behind the saddle bottle carrier. Carry your bottle low on the bike for best handling and lowest center of gravity. The lighter you and your bike is, the more important that is.

Buy some tubular Zipp 303s and then you'll rule.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [bryanjaf] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Bryan:
Yeah I know. We were doing the repeats on the boat basin hill just off 9W by the GWB, in that low road park. We didn't follow up with a brick but we did continue on for another 50 miles up and around Nyack and Piermont etc. We've been getting some fairly good rides in the last three weekends. I did a recovery 50 today in P Park, which ended up being more of a stand still wind ride, but I'm just so happy to be on my bike with no ice on the road, you know?

Are you doing the NYTC March madness Duathlon? March 28th?

Thanks everyone for clearing my head about this road bike issue.

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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks Tom. That's some really good advice. I was hoping you'd chime in and you did, in a big way. BTW: I'll be using my trusty old 404's.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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i figured as much. you are a bad man. i did my first 50 in central this weekend. i'm afraid to stray too far from the nest in case things get ugly weather wise. too many bad memories of last year where it started to rain/hail every time i crossed the bridge. just curious, are you taking the subway from brooklyn to the gw? if so which stop are you getting off at. i'm through riding from lower manhatty to the gwb. any help would be appreciated.

ixnay on the mm du. i'm skiing in jackson that weekend. eagleman/timberman/some other race to be determined later. cutting out the garbage races so i can pay for my new elite.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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The 404s will rule too. That's what I'm using at New Zealand next week.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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now adam tell tom that they are clinchers. go on, you can do it. don't be shy.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [bryanjaf] [ In reply to ]
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My friend has a car with a roof rack, so we did it that way. Sometime I'll have to ride all the way up and over with you (weren't we talking about that last year?). The A train stop is 150 something, I believe. My friend says says the A is a really easy way up there.

I'm in the process of determining which new tri bike I should get. (I just sold my S32 this weekend, I felt like I was saying goodbye to an old friend). The last month I've gone from seriously considering a B2 (nixed), A Felt DA (pure fantasy) to a Guru Trilite (maybe, still) to a '03 Cervelo P3 (pretty sure). All of which R and A carries and all of which meet my geometrical needs.

I've had to cut a few races out myself this year in order to focus on Lake Placid. But man, those duathlons in Central Park are pure cheap (40 bucks!) fun. NYTC.ORG.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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yeah a nyack goes like this -- 45 min to the bridge, 10 minutes over the bridge, nyack iand back in 2:30 - 3:00 ish, 10 minutes over the bridge, 45 mintues home. well let's see you just rode 60 miles in about 4.5 - 5.0 hours. lo's of wasted energy. i heard the a train was the way to go too. you should come do the long road some time. it's very urban.

bike shopping is fun. good luck. you have more vig at r&a so it should work out. i went with an elite because i just liked their approach and i can't get anyone at r&a to give me the time of day. you can't go wrong with any of your selections assuming the fit works for you.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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We're both somewhat evenly matched bikers and I kept getting to the top well enough ahead of him to turn around at the top, double back and ride 1/3 the way up with him again.

It's not the bike. Don't buy the myth. You simply have a better power/weight ratio than your friend.

Bikes don't climb hills, people do.

Bike position in hill climbing has actually been extensively studied in physio labs. Position makes no difference, as long as the cyclist is riding the way they have been training.

FWIW -- all of my PRs on hill climbs around where I live are on my tri bike. Why? Because I do my hard hill training on my tri bike, so it's what I climb best on (forward position). The tri bike doesn't "climb better" than the road bike; I simply do more hill training on it.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Our findings are that a low, narrow aerodynamic position is unsuitable at Lake Placid (duy...).

Somebody should have told that to all of the mens and womens overall and AG winners! Who all rode tri bikes. Along with 90%+ of the other strong bikers there. That dummy Steve Larsen -- riding a tri bike to a 4:34 split.

Are you kidding me? That ride has plenty of time spent at speed. I can't imagine going from Keene to Jay or out of town and down to Keene hunched down over some drop bars. Or worse -- getting off the bike to run after climbing back to town sitting way back in the saddle and grinding along on a road bike.

I could see running a road bike at Wisconsin -- but only because of the STI shifters with all the rollers.

I'm setting my tri bike for World's Toughest as two bikes in one: Uphill time trial machine and downhill freerider. Saddle as forward as it will go, bars lower than I normally ride. I will be able to climb in a nice upright, open position (ie, spin and breathe) holding the cowhorns, and get as low as Joe Bonness on the descents. That's a good setup for Lake Placid, too.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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I did LP in '00 and used a road bike with a slightly shifted forward seat. I am racing again there this year and I'm pretty sure I'm going to use my Tri bike (78 Degree). Part of that decision is that I think I am "dialed in" a little better now on the Tri position and plan to spin the course and not load up the anaerobic system too much. If all goes well I will probably feel a little better on the run. This same issue comes up with Canada as well which I've only ever done on a road position (once with a PR once with a disappointing effort, so go figuire). At Lake Placid the climbs are not real steep and most except for the baby , mama and papa bear climb back to town are not real long. The trick is to train on hills with the Tri bike and get used to spinning in the aero position even on those climbs. In time, I think you will find you adapt and get stronger.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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You didn't say what your bikes are but I don't think the road bike idea is out of the question, especially if you could make it mimmic your tri position. A better idea is Tom's, make your tri bike a little less radical. I do a lot of riding in the mountains around Woodstock and Hunter NY and on the hilly North Shore of Long Island. I set my tri bike up in a road-like position; seat 4 cm behind the BB and elbow pads 9cm below the seat. Set up like this it climbs seated like a mountain goat and descends with gusto! In LP you'll descend as fast as you are willing to go no matter what you ride and you'll do it twice. Your problem will be gettng back to Lake Placid, you'll have to do that twice also. As for running of the bike, you can't buy a magic bicycle that will make you run better. Running well off the bike, comes form hard training and experience. Good Luck in Lake Placid

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! đŸ˜‚ '' Murphy's Law
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Julian] [ In reply to ]
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I will not defend Tom's position, only to say that bike positioning as it relates to performace in triathlon is VERY individual. What works for one, will be a complete non-starter for another.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry, I don't understand something. Why would I want to take my bike to 76 rather than 79? For climbing or descending?

As an aside, the first American finisher last year was riding at 73 degrees, but he always rides at 73 degrees.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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I road LP with a bike split under 6 hrs using a road bike and have used a road bike there many times... http://www.angelfire.com/.../355_rider/page1.htm

I was, now I will tri again!
Any time is a good time.
God Bless you my friend.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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As an aside, the first American finisher last year was riding at 73 degrees, but he always rides at 73 degrees.

In other words, Chris Lieto rode his tri bike. As have all the top finishers in that race, including the age groupers.

In my experience, I've heard two forms of argument from people saying they'll ride a road bike at LP:

- They had a bad ride and blame it on the tri bike, or

- They always want to ride a road bike on courses with climbs.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I will not defend Tom's position, only to say that bike positioning as it relates to performace in triathlon is VERY individual. What works for one, will be a complete non-starter for another.

Yes, you are right, but I think you misunderstood my post.

I'm not saying "steep is better" or anything silly like that. I'm just saying that there is zero reason to go to Lake Placid and race a bike that is different from what you've done all your other triathlons on (other than a bigger cassette or smaller rings). I think this is true for FOP to BOP athletes.

Stick with your tri bike -- whether it's set up steep or shallow.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Julian] [ In reply to ]
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Agree absolutly. I guess I thought that was implied.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Our findings are that a low, narrow aerodynamic position is unsuitable at Lake Placid (duy...).

You can't get much lower nor aerodynamic than Joe Bonness. He has 4 (out of 4) age group wins at Lake Placid, 40+ Masters record, a fastest amateur bike split and a 12th overall at a IMUSA. Maybe it's not so unsuitable.

Support Crew

Support Crew
This information contained herein has been assembled for your assistance and convenience. It is believed to be reliable, however, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. All opinions shown are subject to change without notice.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [support crew] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't think the guy that asked the question about riding a road bike at LP was planning on winning the event or his division. But if he is by all means get aero. If he's just wanting to finish or get a "good time" for that matter a road bike would be fine. Heck I achieved a bike split in the top 25% of my AG in the configuration shown here, didn't even need aerobars!....

I was, now I will tri again!
Any time is a good time.
God Bless you my friend.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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"Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? "

Yes the tricycle would be redicules.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [support crew] [ In reply to ]
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I rode 5:27 and finished 36th overall there in '99. I rode my Litespeed blade (78 degree) with the saddle pushed back on the rails. After pre riding the course I switched the Cinelli angel bars I had been using, for short course racing, for drops and clip ons just to have some additional hand positions for the climbs. I will qualify this by saying that I do a fair bit of road racing as well and like the hands on the hoods elbows bent at 90 degrees position for powerful sustained climbing.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [paul cusick] [ In reply to ]
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Paul, the big question is... did you have tubulars??? :-)

I was, now I will tri again!
Any time is a good time.
God Bless you my friend.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Goodtime] [ In reply to ]
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He did say he was racing didn't he? Sheesh!
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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Post: "Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? "

Yes the tricycle would be redicules.
Only if the tricycle was running clinchers. Sew ups..then he'd be good to go.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Kentiger] [ In reply to ]
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FWIW, my choice would be a road set-up, moderate geometry and clip-on bars. My climbing power is far better on this set-up that with my Trek TTT.

If you work on your flexibility then you should be able to get quite aero with this set-up.

I haven't raced IMLP but I have TT'd the bike course.

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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Goodtime] [ In reply to ]
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I would bet money that you would have been much faster on a tri bike that's fitted properly for your style.

I did LP the last two years (around 5:20 bike) and the wind was the real killer not the hills. I was in my aerobars for about 90 percent of the time. I only sat up for the hill out of town with the wind in the back and to clear some small hills out of the saddle. I don't think we have to talk about the advantage of the aerobars, Lemond made his point quit a while ago on that.

You did a 6 hour bike, quit respectable for LP, that means you are a good cyclist, you have the strength to clear small hills instead of sitting back and shift down. So take a tri bike to LP and do it, you'll be much faster this time.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [gbyrn] [ In reply to ]
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"FWIW, my choice would be a road set-up, moderate geometry and clip-on bars."

Would this be the same setup for World's Toughest Half? My instincts are telling me a road bike would be the right call, with the technical descent on Mosquito ridge and the steady climb back up.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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Hi John,

Yes, that's the set-up that I used at WT. I'll use the same again in 2004. Some folks climb great on their TT bikes. My TT bike is my choice for a course like IMC but for something like LP or WT, I'd go with what I noted.

See you there,

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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [gbyrn] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks, I appreciate the advice.

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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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What is all this, you cant run after riding a road bike? I run after long rides on my road bike all the time, and if im not mistaken, a lot of people at tris ride road bikes with clip ons, myself included. Are you saying you should be in the aero position, in which i would agree, or are you saying that a tri-specific bike is an absolute necessity, in which case i would say that youre being a tri-diva. Remember the early guys in Kona?
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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This may be waaaay off the subject BUT I have a friend who started tri's. He is a good road/crit racer. He bought a tri bike and started a tri series with us. All the races are on the same course. There are 5 races. The bike is a hilly 10 mile loop. After the first two races he said he didn't like his tri bike becouse he felt slow on it. The third race he brought his road bike and he was very psyched. He had a good race and after it I asked him how his two bike compared. He said he didn't use a computer on his road bike but he was sure he had been MUCH faster. When the results came out he had been SLOWER on his road bike. He couldn't believe it. Can't remember how much slower but it seemed like alot.
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Re: Should I use my Road Bike at Lake Placid? [support crew] [ In reply to ]
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"You can't get much lower nor aerodynamic than Joe Bonness. "

Read somewhere that his seat to handlebar drop is something like 27 cm. But realize that he is riding that unique custom Elite "funny bike" with 650 front wheel and 700 rear. The riding biomechanics would be completely different from a conventional 650 or 700 bike, so it's not really fair to make a comparison.
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