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Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.?
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Hey Gang:
I am signed up for Honu (last year with a deferral rollover to this year).

Is there any information on if this is going to move forward?
A month ago, I got my email inbox stuffed from Ironman on training, planning etc. and then CRICKETS!!!

I know to be flexible etc,.and I will train as if it going to happen and if I can get on a plane I will be on the Big Island that week race or not.
If racing I will race. If cancelled, I will bring my road bike and train and hike and avoid the Ironman tourist training traps. Targets hiking Waipio, Ride the Painted Church loop, Ride Old Mamalakis (SP?), do some Trail Running, and find that "Green" Sand beach etc.

But I am just curious.


2017 Cervelo P2
2017 Cervelo S2
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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Let's be honest here. There's zero chance this race happens. Outdoor sports are currently limited to 50 people and that includes participants and non-participants. This was from the recent emergency proclamation that was just extended until June 10th (Emergency Rule #14). So a June 5th race isn't happening. Unless I'm misreading something. This doesn't even factor in trying to get a special events permit.

9. Organized sports played/ conducted outdoors where contact between players is NOT a condition of the game, contact is NOT likely to occur repeatedly in the course of the activity, or the confines of the court/field/venue are such that athletes, coaches, managers, staff, scorekeepers/statisticians, and officials/referees/ umpires (hereinafter collectively "Participants") and parents/guardians, family members, friends, supporters and spectators hereinafter collectively "Non-Participants") are NOT closely confined, such baseball, softball, soccer, futsal, golf, disc golf, volleyball, canoeing, kayaking, standup paddle boarding, cycling, car/motorcycle racing, bike/motocross racing and similar sports (hereinafter "Non- Contact Sports Programs") are permitted to continue operations as follows:

Select Non- Contact Sports Programs may continue full regimen practices and scrimmages (hereinafter collectively "Training") and competitive play under the following conditions and requirements: i) Competitive play shall be limited to one Non-Contact Sports Program competing against another Non- Contact Sports Program (e.g., one baseball team playing against another) and shall not exceed a maximum of 50 Participants and Non- Participants combined between competing Non- Contact Sports Programs

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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Something like 70% of the adult population will have had at least 1 dose, something like 55-60% of adults will be fully vaccinated by June 5th. If that many people in the country decide they even want it, which I really hope they do. After everyone who wants a vaccine has one, what else is there left for us to do?

Cases in the country are in the decline - even Michigan seems to have turned around, despite people in most places beginning to act like the pandemic does not exist. The 7 day average of deaths in Hawaii has been oscillating between 0 and 1 for weeks. Those numbers *should* be significantly better 6 weeks from now.

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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I concur with GMAN. Honu is possible, but not probable.
  1. Hawaii is one of the most restrictive states regarding Covid interventions
  2. Hawaii has the lowest death rate in the US (fantastic)
  3. Hawaii has the lowest case rate in the US (fantastic)
  4. Hawaii is 10th in the US for vaccine rollout (pretty good)

Hawaii's objective Covid metrics are excellent (probably the best in the US when considered in total). But, the politics of restrictions will probably win out and kill the race.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
Something like 70% of the adult population will have had at least 1 dose, something like 55-60% of adults will be fully vaccinated by June 5th. If that many people in the country decide they even want it, which I really hope they do. After everyone who wants a vaccine has one, what else is there left for us to do?

Cases in the country are in the decline - even Michigan seems to have turned around, despite people in most places beginning to act like the pandemic does not exist. The 7 day average of deaths in Hawaii has been oscillating between 0 and 1 for weeks. Those numbers *should* be significantly better 6 weeks from now.

Yes, but there's a literal amended executive order signed by both the Governor and Mayor of Hawaii just a few days ago that extended the restrictions until June 10th.

We can debate numbers all day long (and I agree with you) but I don't see the Governor or Mayor rescinding the order they just signed. They might not sign another extension to the order (I believe the one just signed was the second extension of an existing order) but I cannot see them ending it early. There's really no precedent for that even in far more conservative states like FL or TX.

Gotta be pragmatic here. Race isn't happening.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I’m a local and have limited insider knowledge. What I do know is that they are organizing around the event happening - there are calls for volunteers, permits are being filed/negotiated, and in general we’ve had significant visitor numbers (spring break here was massive) without upticks in case numbers.

That being said, my understanding is that they do not yet have the permits, and there are multiple agencies to deal with - not just Hawaii County for the roads, Mauna Lani Resort for T2/run (that won’t be a problem, most likely), and, likely the most problematic, DLNR (Department of Land and Natural Resources), which oversees Hapuna State Recreation Area, site of the swim and T1. Despite the fact that Hapuna gets many beachgoers every day, it’s a matter of how they view the “large gathering”, despite Ironman’s distancing protocols tested in other races.

We’re hoping it happens, but I guess we’ll see.

Regarding vaccination rates, you really have to look island by island. They’re harder to get on crowded Oahu, but I got my second shot yesterday at the Kona Aquatic Center vax clinic, and anyone could basically walk up and get in. The point is that if you want one here, you can get one.

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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [ihersey] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, I work for the state and see the city/county permits as what are going to be the most difficult processes out of everything. Permits are just hard to come by at this time. That being said, each county is different in what they are allowing at the moment. Honolulu County is set for adult outdoor sports leagues to resume April 19. That said this event is six weeks out and anything can happen. I don't see anything on the race's webpage so maybe Ironman is holding out and hoping that they can obtain these permits.

Some positive news is that Governor Ige announced fully unrestricted interisland travel yesterday, starting May 11, 2021, for all state residents that have been fully vaccinated for 14 days or more. The press release is below:

Unrestricted Inter-island Travel for People Fully Vaccinated in Hawai‘i to Begin May 11
Governor Ige announced this afternoon that people who have been fully vaccinated in Hawai‘i can resume inter-county travel without COVID-19 testing and quarantine. The exception is for people who have received vaccines, two weeks after their last recommended dose.

“We made the decision to start with an inter-county travel program for those vaccinated in the State of Hawai‘i, because we are able to verify the information. This phased approach will allow us to assess the impacts of the program to our pre-departure document check program and screening procedures. Most importantly, we’ll be able to assess any impact to our virus transmission rates and healthcare facilities. As always, our number one priority is the health and safety of Hawai‘i’s people,” said Gov. Ige.

Work is underway to develop a validation process for travelers who received vaccinations outside of Hawai‘i. Once this process is in operation, the state plans to expand the vaccine exception to include travelers from the continental U.S. and Alaska. “We continue to work with several companies, and I believe solutions that provide the same assurance of integrity for domestic and international travel are forthcoming,” Governor Ige said.

Until then, domestic trans-Pacific travelers can avoid mandatory travel quarantine by following the Safe Travels Hawai‘i pre-test program requirements. “The sooner we move to herd immunity, the sooner we can get to a new accepted norm and sunset the Safe Travels Hawai‘i program altogether,” Governor Ige concluded.

The website we use to monitor and track cases, vaccinations, etc. is: https://health.hawaii.gov/...situation-in-hawaii/
Last edited by: GingerAvenger: Apr 21, 21 13:54
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [GingerAvenger] [ In reply to ]
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I missed the Ige announcement yesterday - I was napping after my second shot. :-)

That’s super news - back to island hopping!

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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [ihersey] [ In reply to ]
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I also live on the Big Island, but don't have much inside information. However, I have heard that they designed a new single transition race course. This could mean that they moved the swim to a location where permits are easier to obtain. All of the Covid stats are good here, but the only thing that matters is the governing bodies allowing these types of activities. If it does happen and you are coming from out-of-state, you will need a negative test within 72 hours of arrival to avoid the mandatory 14 day quarantine. They might amend the rule to allow vaccinated passengers to avoid the quarantine, but it hasn't happened yet and I don't expect it before June.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [KonaMan] [ In reply to ]
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That’s a pretty compelling rumor - always hated the two transition areas. If they were going to do that, my guess is that the swim would be in A-Bay, then head out on the bike south on the Queen K, u-turn somewhere and go north to another u-turn before ending up back in Waikoloa for T2. Then use some multi-loop variant of the Lavaman course.

A couple of us locals did “Honu on our own-u” on what should have been race day last year, and we transitioned to the run in the parking lot of Hapuna. There aren’t any non-brutal running options from there, not that the traditional Honu run isn’t brutal. :-)

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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [ihersey] [ In reply to ]
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ihersey wrote:
That’s a pretty compelling rumor - always hated the two transition areas. If they were going to do that, my guess is that the swim would be in A-Bay, then head out on the bike south on the Queen K, u-turn somewhere and go north to another u-turn before ending up back in Waikoloa for T2. Then use some multi-loop variant of the Lavaman course.

A couple of us locals did “Honu on our own-u” on what should have been race day last year, and we transitioned to the run in the parking lot of Hapuna. There aren’t any non-brutal running options from there, not that the traditional Honu run isn’t brutal. :-)


They could also just go north from either end of Waikoloa Beach Drive and maybe turn around in Hawi instead of at the Upolo Airport access. Using the north WBD intx would add some distance and could cut down in traffic conflicts to WBR and WV.

One thing going against A’Bay is the local water/sewer utility just kicked off a sewer force main relocation this past Monday that spans the A’Bay intx. with WBD. It is scheduled for completion in early June and you know how HI construction goes. It is Goodfellow Brothers doing the work which will help keep this on schedule. The plan is to maintain a single lane thru the construction, but it seems like counting on construction completion or coordination for an A’Bay swim/transition would just add even more complication to a difficult situation.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [SummitAK] [ In reply to ]
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SummitAK wrote:
ihersey wrote:
That’s a pretty compelling rumor - always hated the two transition areas. If they were going to do that, my guess is that the swim would be in A-Bay, then head out on the bike south on the Queen K, u-turn somewhere and go north to another u-turn before ending up back in Waikoloa for T2. Then use some multi-loop variant of the Lavaman course.

A couple of us locals did “Honu on our own-u” on what should have been race day last year, and we transitioned to the run in the parking lot of Hapuna. There aren’t any non-brutal running options from there, not that the traditional Honu run isn’t brutal. :-)


They could also just go north from either end of Waikoloa Beach Drive and maybe turn around in Hawi instead of at the Upolo Airport access. Using the north WBD intx would add some distance and could cut down in traffic conflicts to WBR and WV.

One thing going against A’Bay is the local water/sewer utility just kicked off a sewer force main relocation this past Monday that spans the A’Bay intx. with WBD. It is scheduled for completion in early June and you know how HI construction goes. It is Goodfellow Brothers doing the work which will help keep this on schedule. The plan is to maintain a single lane thru the construction, but it seems like counting on construction completion or coordination for an A’Bay swim/transition would just add even more complication to a difficult situation.

True, that's a great idea for the bike course. I didn't know about the A-Bay sewer stuff - ewww. I mainly swim Mauna Kea and Hapuna since I live north of Kawaihae; also, A-Bay often has reduced visibility. The big problem is where do you have a big enough parking lot for transition? Hapuna, obviously, and you have the option in the Fairmont, but the beach entry there isn't great.

I guess we'll see!
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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The GMAN wrote:
RowToTri wrote:
Something like 70% of the adult population will have had at least 1 dose, something like 55-60% of adults will be fully vaccinated by June 5th. If that many people in the country decide they even want it, which I really hope they do. After everyone who wants a vaccine has one, what else is there left for us to do?

Cases in the country are in the decline - even Michigan seems to have turned around, despite people in most places beginning to act like the pandemic does not exist. The 7 day average of deaths in Hawaii has been oscillating between 0 and 1 for weeks. Those numbers *should* be significantly better 6 weeks from now.

Yes, but there's a literal amended executive order signed by both the Governor and Mayor of Hawaii just a few days ago that extended the restrictions until June 10th.

We can debate numbers all day long (and I agree with you) but I don't see the Governor or Mayor rescinding the order they just signed. They might not sign another extension to the order (I believe the one just signed was the second extension of an existing order) but I cannot see them ending it early. There's really no precedent for that even in far more conservative states like FL or TX.

Gotta be pragmatic here. Race isn't happening.

Thanks GMAN and +1 on all this.

My mom has been following everything in hopes I can come home to visit and she's pretty much counted it out at this point.

808 > NYC > PDX > YVR
2024 Races: Taupo
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [hadukla] [ In reply to ]
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Guys that live there are mentioning rumors and changes that could make the race happen but I don’t see how any of that gets around the Governor and Mayor’s order that limits events like this to 50 total people (athletes +non-athletes). This seems pretty binary to me. “Will the total number of athletes, volunteers, race staff, and spectators exceed 50? If yes, the event is not allowed.” Inter-island travel and moving transitions and all that doesn’t really mean anything in this regard.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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The GMAN wrote:
I don’t see how any of that gets around the Governor and Mayor’s order that limits events like this to 50 total people (athletes +non-athletes).
I think that Hawaii is an interesting case study on general reopening sentiments. The more restrictive states have had a historical pattern over the past 15 months of continuing escalations. As you noted, there have been very few retractions. At some point, Hawaii will have to make that decision to allow more activities. That will be a good general indication of overall attitude toward resuming normalcy.

A friend of mine commented that his date of normalcy is when NYC opens Broadway. (Not this soft September date, but a hard date when everyone trusts that the shows really will resume.)
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [exxxviii] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure if it is directly relevant to this, but I just got an email that Xterra Worlds has been moved from October 31st to December 5th.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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Just got this email from the race director:

Event Update

Aloha Edward,

Time is flying! Can you believe we are less than 7 weeks away from race day? We are excited to host and welcome you to our beautiful Island of Hawai`i.

We know you have been training hard, balancing `ohana, life, and work to get to the start line. Our team has been working diligently in the preparations to host you at the 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 Hawai`i (Honu) held on the magical Kohala Coast.

As we prepare, we are motivated by each of you and we look forward to seeing you on the starting line at Honu. Some insight to our preparations:

  • We continue to work closely with our local agencies and community as we plan for a safe event.

  • We are meeting daily as we plan our venue experience following our best practices and our Safe Return to Racing guidelines.

  • Exciting new course and venue announcements are coming soon.

  • The Fairmont Orchid Hawai`i `ohana, your host hotel, is eager to greet you and welcome you home.

  • The 2021 Athlete Guide is undergoing edits and will be available on the website 4-6 weeks prior to race day.

  • We have set up a time slot reservation system for athlete check-in, reservations will open two weeks prior to race day.

  • 150 qualifying slots will be allocated to the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission in St. George, Utah, USA.

  • 30 qualifying slots will be allocated to Age Group athletes for the 2021 Supersapiens IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i.

  • 24 qualifying slots will be allocated to Hawai`i State Residents for the 2021 Supersapiens IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i.
We welcome you to embrace the uniqueness of this year’s event. Although it may feel different if you’ve raced with us before, the aloha shared will be the same.

Dan Gampon
Race Director
IRONMAN 70.3 Hawai`i

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
Instagram • Facebook
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [Jon] [ In reply to ]
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And Maui (different county than the big island) is actually instituting more restrictive measures of a second covid test on arrival in addition to the departure test (I know the big island already does this)

Many HI residents are a little peeved that they can’t have their kids play sports but tourism seems to be booming.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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Me too. Just deferred to 2022, as travel to the US is not approved by Canada. More importantly pools have been closed here, and I have not swam in over a year. I am very happy that Ironman has provided me this opportunity to defer. I was not anticipating this option and very much appreciate it, as I had purchased a community spot, so it was about $1,000 Canadian.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [ChrisM] [ In reply to ]
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As of April 12...

"Outdoor organized sports are now allowed to begin as part of Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s revised Tier 3 guidelines. This includes baseball, soccer football, volleyball, basketball and other similar sports.
Leagues are allowed to begin, but they will need a permit from the city.
The move has many youth leagues on the island gearing up for a brand new season while trying to follow the mayor’s new set of rules."

Also, out in areas like Nanakuli the youth football leagues have been in full force. Kind of like 7v7 leagues where there are large crowds of teams, families, and spectators. Youth sports is going strong in Oahu. Yes i understand that is a different county and different set of rules.
Last edited by: GingerAvenger: Apr 22, 21 10:40
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
Something like 70% of the adult population will have had at least 1 dose, something like 55-60% of adults will be fully vaccinated by June 5th. If that many people in the country decide they even want it, which I really hope they do. After everyone who wants a vaccine has one, what else is there left for us to do?

Cases in the country are in the decline - even Michigan seems to have turned around, despite people in most places beginning to act like the pandemic does not exist. The 7 day average of deaths in Hawaii has been oscillating between 0 and 1 for weeks. Those numbers *should* be significantly better 6 weeks from now.
Bolded. You are going to be disappointed.

Pandemic will continue, new variants will emerge because longer pandemic means more mutations will occur. If the vaccine is ineffective against the new variants WE ALL vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, those who had covid and those who never did alike, we all will get to repeat 2020 and 2021. All because some simple folk got lied to hard by charlatans and grifters.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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I met Race Director Dan after swimming at the Kona pier recently. He was still very positive about the race happening. He said that everyone involved was actively working on it, and that they hadn't received any "no's" yet.

Today's new update did mention a new venue/course, so they are clearly doing what they can to get approvals and to be safe. Finger's Crossed!
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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The GMAN wrote:
Guys that live there are mentioning rumors and changes that could make the race happen but I don’t see how any of that gets around the Governor and Mayor’s order that limits events like this to 50 total people (athletes +non-athletes). This seems pretty binary to me. “Will the total number of athletes, volunteers, race staff, and spectators exceed 50? If yes, the event is not allowed.” Inter-island travel and moving transitions and all that doesn’t really mean anything in this regard.

Except that there is an out if they want to grant permission- from the order- "Under the supervision of professional planners or venues, or a responsible business or person, business, events or gatherings otherwise prohibited by Section C or Exhibit 5 (collectively “events”), events may seek approval for events otherwise prohibited by Rule C and Exhibit 5 upon approval of the Mayor. The intention of this request procedure is to allow limited supervised types of events which can be held safely. A request shall be submitted to https://coronavirus-response-county-of-hawaii-hawaiicountygis.hub.arcgis.com/ at least thirty (30) days before the proposed event" So hopefully Ironman can pitch a safety plan that works and we'll all get to race after all...
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [przeor] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for that!

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
Instagram • Facebook
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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New swim course announced. Is at the beach at the Fairmont Orchid.

Not as cool as Hapuna but more convenient. Should make permitting easier.


Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
Instagram • Facebook
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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yep just saw that!

2017 Cervelo P2
2017 Cervelo S2
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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plugged the new bike course into RideWithGPS: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35849330

Cant wait!

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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
New swim course announced. Is at the beach at the Fairmont Orchid.

Not as cool as Hapuna but more convenient. Should make permitting easier.


Awesome change!! Definitely will make permitting easier bypassing the State park at Hapuna, dealing with the school bus "shuttles", etc...

Better hope there's no freak West swell in mid-summer tho!! That little bay for the in/out can have significant water moving around, and two very shallow surf spots on either side of that bay. Will be better underwater viewing than Hapuna tho!!
Last edited by: 808nation: Apr 27, 21 18:58
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [808nation] [ In reply to ]
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New run course too. Now 3 laps. It does cut out one of my least favorite golf course segments, but 3 laps...
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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Three loop run, almost entirely on cart paths.

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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [craigj532] [ In reply to ]
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craigj532 wrote:
Three loop run, almost entirely on cart paths.


Cart paths are easy. It's all the spongy fairway running with steam rising up from the ground that gets me :)

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
Instagram • Facebook
Last edited by: RowToTri: Apr 28, 21 7:44
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
Cart paths are easy. It's all the spongy fairway running with steam rising up from the ground that gets me :)

They both suck. The unnecessary ups and downs of the cart paths going under footbridges mess with your rhythm, and the spongy steamy fairways are brutal.

Have fun!
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [Kula] [ In reply to ]
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Kula wrote:
RowToTri wrote:
Cart paths are easy. It's all the spongy fairway running with steam rising up from the ground that gets me :)

They both suck. The unnecessary ups and downs of the cart paths going under footbridges mess with your rhythm, and the spongy steamy fairways are brutal.

Have fun!

Plus now we get the Hell's Kitchen road three times. But I'll take that over the grass!

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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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The 2021 Honu Athlete's Guide is posted - get ready to race!
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [starison] [ In reply to ]
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Do we know that means all permits have been acquired?

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
Instagram • Facebook
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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Nope, and even if there is a tentative agreement, remember that some races (Lubbock(?)) were forced to cancel only a few days before the start when conditions went downhill.
But to me, it means that the IM team is moving forward, and I'd like to think that the course changes were done to make it all work.
But I'm an optimist, and I want to race!
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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I hope you guys get to race. Now that you have your 70.3 World's slot wrapped up, you can focus on a Kona Q. Chances should be better as very few people from around the world will be able to head over.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah - I suppose I'll have to finish at least second or first I'm my AG to grab the kq without relying on getting lucky with a roll-down. I did a little snooping on the athlete list and there are 4 or 5 speedy guys at least. One is a former pro who's in France so he may not want to deal with the hassle of coming over but who knows. The others are all in the US. It'll be tough to grab the slot.

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
Instagram • Facebook
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
Yeah - I suppose I'll have to finish at least second or first I'm my AG to grab the kq without relying on getting lucky with a roll-down. I did a little snooping on the athlete list and there are 4 or 5 speedy guys at least. One is a former pro who's in France so he may not want to deal with the hassle of coming over but who knows. The others are all in the US. It'll be tough to grab the slot.

It is always tough to grab a spot, but the first filter to grabbing a spot is showing up at the start line, second filter is finish, third filter is how well you pushed yourself, and the final one is who else did 1 through 3 better than you.

This could swing both ways. You could get an ultra deep field all pent up, with extra time to train, ripped and ready to produce a lifetime best....you can also get very talented fast people waffling on motivation and finally stepping up in hope of getting in shape fast enough....and you can get those who are in the same boat as me who would love to go, but quarantines don't allow practical participation (I can't go to Hawaii and then spend days in a govt run hotel for quarantine and then be in a quarantine for the rest of time and try to practically run my company). I would say that by and large, your chances are improved over a normal year for a KQ.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
RowToTri wrote:
Yeah - I suppose I'll have to finish at least second or first I'm my AG to grab the kq without relying on getting lucky with a roll-down. I did a little snooping on the athlete list and there are 4 or 5 speedy guys at least. One is a former pro who's in France so he may not want to deal with the hassle of coming over but who knows. The others are all in the US. It'll be tough to grab the slot.

It is always tough to grab a spot, but the first filter to grabbing a spot is showing up at the start line, second filter is finish, third filter is how well you pushed yourself, and the final one is who else did 1 through 3 better than you.

This could swing both ways. You could get an ultra deep field all pent up, with extra time to train, ripped and ready to produce a lifetime best....you can also get very talented fast people waffling on motivation and finally stepping up in hope of getting in shape fast enough....and you can get those who are in the same boat as me who would love to go, but quarantines don't allow practical participation (I can't go to Hawaii and then spend days in a govt run hotel for quarantine and then be in a quarantine for the rest of time and try to practically run my company). I would say that by and large, your chances are improved over a normal year for a KQ.

I've learned something about the Honu in normal times and that is there is always huge gaps from the front end to the MOP, more so than any other race I've done. Part if is likely that if you don't come prepared, even if you are a top end athlete, the blow-out is epic and you finish close to 5 hours or above. But there always around 2-3 guys who come ready to win and perform to win and they do 4:30 or under. I definitely talk more about the M30-45 groups that I keep an eye on and am part of or will be but the gaps generally apply to most AGs.

Of course this year is quite unknown but the question I have is how did the times at St. George compare to prior years? Not talking about straight up speed times but more so how were the gaps between 1st and 5th, 1st and 10th etc to get an idea of if it was more competitive than prior years. That would provide some insight as to what one could expect racing this.

I am not going this year, regardless of whether they hold it since I have been unable to swim outside of sparse summer open water swims.

808 > NYC > PDX > YVR
2024 Races: Taupo
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [hadukla] [ In reply to ]
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The top 5% in the M35-39 age group at St. George this year seems to be right in between the previous 2 years it ran. And I think there is an argument to be made that the bike course was a little slower this year with the new segment that went north of I15 up through that neighborhood with a pretty good climb in there.

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [hadukla] [ In reply to ]
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The "spread" you spoke of is exactly how St. Croix used to shake out. With the heat/wind and hills if you were on you were on, and if you blew, it could be 30-45 min of extra walking. My one time I got a KQ in St. Croix was on a dramatic day when I did my personal WORST...but I kept jogging and it turns out with a massive torrential thunder storm right before race start, the entire island was a sauna coupled with being a mud strewn cyclocross event. If you just played it conservative on the bike and took no risks through stones and gravel and avoided flatting and did not crash and end up with road rash and broken body parts you were already well on your way to a KQ. On the run almost no one had zero walking. The humidity was like 2x the worst day you could get between Tokyo+Taipei+Houston in July. I just kept jogging, never went fast, never walked. If I recall correctly I ran 1:48 (at the time 48 years old) but most were in the 2 hrs+ range. I basically was one of a few left standing who did not walk, and that resulted in a KQ. It comes back to "You have to start the race, finish the race a as fast as you can, and the rest is about how the others execute or screw up". I THINK I had the most experience in humidity racing and I am built for that (at the time 138lbs at 5'6" so don't produce a lot of heat in the first place....conversely a rain race in 6C in Canada and my game is over).
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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From an email I just got from the Fairmont Orchid:

This event has been approved by the County and State of Hawaii and our health and safety protocols will be strictly enforced. Public spectators will not be allowed to attend this event--however, as our guest, we would like to invite you to join us in celebrating the athletes and their impressive achievements the morning of the race with complimentary mimosas, malasadas (donuts) and bloody mary cocktails (please see below for more information) at our dedicated guest hospitality area.

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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I swam much of the new swim course today at ~ 8 AM. Here's my report:
It's a beautiful white sand beach with crystal clear water, healthy coral, fish, turtles, and tiny bikinis everywhere.
The wind was the key today and likely will be on race day too.
At the beginning of the swim, the wind was from the west (from the ocean to the beach) at ~ 10-12 mph.
The water starts out clear and shallow and there was a noticeable current coming in thru the little pinch point (swimming with very little forward motion!)
As we swam 300-400 yards out to the deeper ocean, the wave action became more significant.
Max swells / waves today were 1-2' high.
Expect rough water for the entire leg out to the left and back (unless we get lucky).

By the time we left the Fairmont, at ~ 10AM, the winds were howling from the north (from Hawi) at 20 mph or more, and the white caps were everywhere on the swim course.
Expect HOT AND WINDY. Should be a great day!
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [starison] [ In reply to ]
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starison wrote:
...and tiny bikinis everywhere...

And we wonder why triathlon participation by women remains low. Thanks for the unnecessary toxic masculinity

808 > NYC > PDX > YVR
2024 Races: Taupo
Last edited by: hadukla: May 20, 21 22:03
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [hadukla] [ In reply to ]
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you racing bro? hope to reconnect with you!

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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [hadukla] [ In reply to ]
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maybe they were talking about the men in tiny bikinis….
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [chanthony] [ In reply to ]
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chanthony wrote:
you racing bro? hope to reconnect with you!

Anthony! Sadly I am not, I haven't done serious swimming in over a year and I'd rather feel prepared for a race. I am glad you're going to Hawai'i though! crush it!

808 > NYC > PDX > YVR
2024 Races: Taupo
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [hadukla] [ In reply to ]
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Looks like they upped the Kona slots again.

60 AG slots, 48 Hawaii Resident slots.


Here are the results of my calculator, not including the HI resident slots.

You'll notice that it calculated 61 total slots. That is because part of the calculation (columns hidden) ranks each age group for "slots by decimal rank" as I call them. There are 13 such slots to allocate and there is a tie for 13th place in that ranking and it is giving both of the tied age groups a slot, when only one can get it. In such a situation, I do not know how they decide which AG gets the slot. In this case the tie is between F45-49 and F50-54. One of those AG's may get 1 less slot than I have listed here. Also, Column C is labeled "Finishers" but it is starters. Actually, it is entries listed on the website as of the day I last downloaded it, so actual starters may be different.

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Last edited by: RowToTri: May 26, 21 8:14
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
Looks like they upped the Kona slots again.

60 AG slots, 48 Hawaii Resident slots.


Here are the results of my calculator, not including the HI resident slots.

You'll notice that it calculated 61 total slots. That is because part of the calculation (columns hidden) ranks each age group for "slots by decimal rank" as I call them. There are 13 such slots to allocate and there is a tie for 13th place in that ranking and it is giving both of the tied age groups a slot, when only one can get it. In such a situation, I do not know how they decide which AG gets the slot. In this case the tie is between F45-49 and F50-54. One of those AG's may get 1 less slot than I have listed here. Also, Column C is labeled "Finishers" but it is starters. Actually, it is entries listed on the website as of the day I last downloaded it, so actual starters may be different.

Alright, just get into the top 4 in your age group now. No slacking off !!!! We gotta live vicariously thru ya! If you pull it off, will be a great victory after the crash in Nice!

Now just go on the cabbage and water diet for a week, lose the final 5 lbs of bioprene so that you have minimum insulation for the run and less weight to haul around
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I'm 40-44 now (actually 44 so I have been that for a while), so only top 5 :)

While I have some real training scheduled through Sunday, I think for the most part, the hay is in the barn. Feeling pretty good.

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Last edited by: RowToTri: May 26, 21 8:49
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
Well, I'm 40-44 now (actually 44 so I have been that for a while), so only top 5 :)

While I have some real training scheduled through Sunday, I think for the most part, the hay is in the barn. Feeling pretty good.

Who do I bribe to remove all food from your house and only stock your fridge with Cabbage and water. Legend has it that this was Macca's plan before he won Kona 2010 (well that, and roping Marino, Raynard Tissink and Faris to be his bike train super domestiques to gap Crowie)

Edit: Oh and you still have to target the age group win to build in enough buffer for a flat. None of this aiming for 5th stuff. Slowman could revoke your ST mancard for that.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: May 26, 21 9:16
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Haha... Well... I'm all for being optimistic. But there's at least a few guys signed up who would have to have pretty bad days for me to beat them, including a former french pro who won it overall last time I was there in 2015. Maybe it's too much trouble for him to come. Who knows. But there are some other really fast dudes too.

And the cabbage and water diet I think would ensure that I finish lower than 35th....

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Last edited by: RowToTri: May 26, 21 9:30
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
Haha... Well... I'm all for being optimistic. But there's at least a few guys signed up who would have to have pretty bad days for me to beat them, including a former french pro who won it overall last time I was there in 2015. Maybe it's too much trouble for him to come. Who knows. But there are some other really fast dudes too.

And the cabbage and water diet I think would ensure that I finish lower than 35th....

Everyone has to get to the finish line....whether they are a former french pro or a former rower it does not matter. it is 70.3 miles for all. For sure some have better top line horsepower specs, but you never know which F1 pilot with a better machine burns out his own engine. So head down, and move your chassis through the course as efficiently as possible. The other guys will get whatever time they earn. Then let's see....plus some of those guys may not want to make another trip back to Kona so soon (unlikely but you never know).
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Grabbed a slot 🙂

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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RowToTri wrote:
Grabbed a slot 🙂

Super. We knew you could do it!!!

Do you know what time got one in 55-59?
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I think 5:14. I did not check that AG on the sheet but if my predictor was right at 4 slots, that's it. If it was 3 slots it would be 5:11.

The bike course was very slow today. Very windy. Strong quartering headwind all the way up to Hawi and scary gusts on the descent. I got out of aero a bunch on the way down. Lots of guys doing the one hand on the base bar thing.

Brutally hot, as usual, on the run.

Manny Huerta raced in M35-39 today! He won his ag, but got trounced by 2 EMJ guys in 25-29!!!

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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And Rudy Von Berg raced the Colorado Tri Olympic distance today. Won by 9 minutes.

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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M55-59 had 5 slots, 5:18 snagged the final one. Times were way slower than normal on all legs, guys that are ~25-26 mins swimmers went ~32 mins.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [burner] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone know how the roll down process goes?
I didn’t stick around post race since I heard roll down was virtual?

Was 6th in M30-34, and they had 4 slots. Was I supposed to stick around for roll down?

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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [burner] [ In reply to ]
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burner wrote:
M55-59 had 5 slots, 5:18 snagged the final one. Times were way slower than normal on all legs, guys that are ~25-26 mins swimmers went ~32 mins.

Thanks. These 55-59 studs run way faster than I can these days. i am one of the guys who swim-bikes like a 35 year old and then runs like a 70 year old lol..much respect for these guys .

Congrats to all who snagged slots in tough conditions !!!
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [chanthony] [ In reply to ]
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Congrats on your race!

You didn't need to hang around, those that were in the automatic qualification spots were able to accept in the afternoon of the race. I believe IM will notify any rolldowns in the next couple of days.
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [RowToTri] [ In reply to ]
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Ed, I was in the 50 to 55 wave behind your group. After "you" started the swim the announcer says "there goes Ed O'Malley....". I am like why do I know that name.
Well now I know why. Congrats on a fine race on a tough day.

2017 Cervelo P2
2017 Cervelo S2
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Re: Honu 70.3 / Any inside knowledge rumors etc.? [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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How odd! My wife does not remember hearing that. Was my name the only one they announced at the start?

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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