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It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989.
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This past weekend, I participated in Honu 70.3.
During the pre race meeting, I heard another story of the Dave Scott Mark Allen battle. Ok I am in Hawaii, I get it. But that was the only race story mentioned in the video and speech by Mike Riley.
The language was ( I am paraphrasing here): We have not had a battle like the Iron War in our sport, and this is what our sport is.

Ok, I have been racing for 14 years in the sport, and I am 49 years old. So 1989 might mean something to people my age. However, the sport will die if it does not get some new stories. Macca and Raelert came down to the climb up Palani hill. Lange chased Sanders down last year at mile 23 of the run. Not to mention the ladies: Runny chasing people down, and the domination of Chrissy and Ryf.

Not sure if racers who were barely alive in 1989 care about this narrative.

2017 Cervelo P2
2017 Cervelo S2
Last edited by: gymrat: Jun 4, 18 20:55
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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Ironwar is a great story, but as you've mentioned there are plenty of other epic stories. Every year has a narrative that is poetic in some way.

Team Zoot 2023
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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It's triathlon. Please move on from the Ironman.

I like that better.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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I was there and heard the same speech. He was relating the story that inspired him the most. Yes, there have been great battles, close races, but he was simply sharing his favorite. As he said it was an 8 hour, toe to toe battle.
If Macca were giving the talk, I am sure it would have been a different race.

Team Zoot So Cal
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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gymrat wrote:
Macca and Raelert came down to the climb up Palani hill.

My Moment of the Moments was a couple of years ago when dead declared Andreas Raelert chased Jan Frodeno in the lava desert.
Here the often bad and clumsy tv-coverage of Ironman created an unwanted effect: you saw minutes long Andreas Raelert running without any comment due to transmission trouble. You only heared the flapping sound of his feet on the ground, also because there are not any spectators there.
This gave a very intimate and intense impression, I found as if I was running myself somewhere on my own.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [longtrousers] [ In reply to ]
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Gomez and Brownlee are coming!
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [Dilbert] [ In reply to ]
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Dilbert wrote:
It's triathlon. Please move on from the Ironman.

I like that better.

Ironman distance (not brand) is triathlon. Everything else is just a warm up.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [Dilbert] [ In reply to ]
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It's 2018, please move on from triathlon.

(The rest of the world has).

I agree with the OP. This is why our sport has no reach. Not because of this story, but because the major brand is stuck in some historic loop and unable to connect with the young men and women who might get in the water this summer, if they had a good reason.

'It never gets easier, you just get crazier.'
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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Chrissie destroying all, with torn intercostals and fractured ribs is a great story from more modern times.

'to give anything less than the best is to sacrifice the gift'...Pre
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [undies] [ In reply to ]
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It's all about marketing, sport needs drama and contorversy to sell itself to the mass market, the best thing that could happen to Triathlon is for Frodo and Gomez to get into a fight at the Kona press conference viewing figures would double.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [tuckandgo] [ In reply to ]
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tuckandgo wrote:
Dilbert wrote:
It's triathlon. Please move on from the Ironman.

I like that better.

Ironman distance (not brand) is triathlon. Everything else is just a warm up.

Yes....I am not a triathlete any more!!!
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [Jackets] [ In reply to ]
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Jackets wrote:
Gomez and Brownlee are coming!

I’ll believe it when I see it. It sounds like Brownlee is hurt once again. I’d love that race to happen but for him to be in peak form for an Ironman he can’t get hurt on a rolling 3-6 month basis.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [Jackets] [ In reply to ]
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Jackets wrote:
It's all about marketing, sport needs drama and contorversy to sell itself to the mass market, the best thing that could happen to Triathlon is for Frodo and Gomez to get into a fight at the Kona press conference viewing figures would double.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to watch a triathlon on TV.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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Every religion needs to have a founding myth.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [len] [ In reply to ]
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len wrote:
Every religion needs to have a founding myth.

Hah! I like this on a couple of levels.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [T3_Beer] [ In reply to ]
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T3_Beer wrote:
I can't imagine why anyone would want to watch a triathlon on TV.

I get that too. I watch full stages of the TdF when I'm on the trainer (like minute-by-minute coverage of a stage). Otherwise I'd rather it follow the "Baseball in 30" idea of condensing a long event down into something shorter.

But if you're filling time on a trainer or something, it's better than watching Band of Brothers for the 37th time (although not by much).
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [Durhamskier] [ In reply to ]
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I love watching itu races. I guess I'm also the guy who would actually watch the coverage of a stacked ironman though, at least I'd have it on in the background during the day.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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gymrat wrote:
This past weekend, I participated in Honu 70.3.
During the pre race meeting, I heard another story of the Dave Scott Mark Allen battle. Ok I am in Hawaii, I get it. But that was the only race story mentioned in the video and speech by Mike Riley.
The language was ( I am paraphrasing here): We have not had a battle like the Iron War in our sport, and this is what our sport is.

Ok, I have been racing for 14 years in the sport, and I am 49 years old. So 1989 might mean something to people my age. However, the sport will die if it does not get some new stories. Macca and Raelert came down to the climb up Palani hill. Lange chased Sanders down last year at mile 23 of the run. Not to mention the ladies: Runny chasing people down, and the domination of Chrissy and Ryf.

Not sure if racers who were barely alive in 1989 care about this narrative.

Interesting post. As I was in the sport in those days and still am, I definitely remember those days. That said, I do agree with your point as the interest in both Ironwar and the Julie Moss crawl is lost on the newer athletes. Much like new baseball players have no idea of even Babe Ruth, it is lost on the upcoming generation. I know a few former pros of that generation who still harp on those days and sadly it does not connect with recent or even to a degree older triathletes. They need to find a new hook and show how the individual will benefit in the sport using more recent athletes. Sadly not many of the current crop have the mystique and outgoing personality that those forerunners did.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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yes... thank you - i thought i was the only person who thought that.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [triracerboy] [ In reply to ]
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Why iron war is epic and legendary

Don't get me wrong, I've heard Mark feel like he was launched out of a Canon more times than I can count

You say there's loads of worthy races But tell me one really comparable duel... Ironwar is much more than a cute close race 30 years ago

-Clash of 2 of the sports winningest champions ever!
- 6 wins each, 12 kona titles total!
- That race marked the turning point or handover from one indefeatable generation champ to another.... Sort of if eddy Merckx succeeded to indurain in one race
- Shoulder to shoulder racing all day
The yellow and green kits looked styled... When I saw the magazine cover I thought it had to be setup
There was years of buildup.. Mark was the fastest Olympic and Nice race champ... And couldn't throw dave off his throne... Coming from behind one year, breaking away on the run another year, breaking away on the bike one year... Nothing worked
Super fast times
Racing that put triathlon on nbc and sparked the sport in the public eye, ironman will be forever endebted to get that ball rolling
Dave was one of the original ironman racers and developed his own race knowledge to set records that are still amazing now
Super close finish, decided at the end of the marathon
Dave came back and raced at 42 and got second? Legend
Mark was Olympic distance and long course and ironman specialist... Went on to train for national level running... Epitomised the triathlon makes you for for anything
The guys were exemplary sportsmen, gracious and well spoken... None of the unsportsmanlike media bashing that tarnished a few other generations
Dave maintained his six pack and fat muscle balance into his 50s showing tri can be a sustainable healthy lifestyle and not just a fanatic few years... Hall of fame level role model fitness

So 2 legendary athletes head to head, great times, no sour grapes.... Still flying the flag 30 years later.... Without historical depth the sport is like fixie polo
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [Jackets] [ In reply to ]
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Jackets wrote:
It's all about marketing, sport needs drama and contorversy to sell itself to the mass market, the best thing that could happen to Triathlon is for Frodo and Gomez to get into a fight at the Kona press conference viewing figures would double.

That's a sad commentary on the mass market, but absolutely true.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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The only issue is that it wouldn't do anything for triathlon. That 30s press conference video clip would get X large views because it would become social media fire storm, and then the race the next day would be back to the same 10k views it normally gets, as that wouldn't matter. No one would care for the sport or either of those 2 athletes. They'd just care for the fun beat down one gave and one took and making cute comments when they share it on social media.

ETA: Entertainment value only works if said sport is at basic level somewhat entertaining....Triathlon doesn't have that. So all that type of value would be in the 30s video that would go social media firestorm. It wouldn't actually bring fans to the sport, it would bring them to said video and that's it.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Jun 5, 18 11:44
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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Mostly I agree with you. But perhaps there are people who started playing tennis because they liked to watch John McEnroe go ballistic on TV. Extra eyeballs can't be bad; didn't "he who shall not be named" help increase both TV coverage and actual participation?
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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He helped numbers. But it’ was still abysmally low. The report I found in 99 was around 66k people registered for USA cycling.

Given that includes adults it’s such a small number that percentage wise he made an impact but raw numbers wise barely moved the scale in popularity.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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Totally agree, but my point is more that at a basic level your sport has to be entertaining. Tennis has always had fans, Johnnie Mac just took it to a new level. Same with cycling, it's always been at a basic level way above the value that triathlon has ever had or will have.

So my point more was that until we actually allow the sport to be at a basic level entertaining in and of itself, all that type of press coverage would be is of the entertaining press conference and nothing more.

And the crutch of all of this is that the avenue that can be the only entertaining value the sport has to offer- itu- is the least understood and cared about version of our sport from the AG standpoint. ITU is the only avenue that the sport can consistently put it's best product forward 6 times a years vs long course that is so diluted with pros that it very rarely has a draw of best vs best except what 1 or 2 times a year. That's the funny/odd/reality of triathlon. It's best most easily televised product is the sport that as a whole our own sport cares the least about.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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I totally concur with all your points. That said, I personally was not attracted to triathlon because of ITU events; I do not watch ITU events; I do not care about ITU events; and I do not want to see the sport change towards the ITU model simply to accommodate television. Over the long run, I hope long course will grow slowly on its own, but it is what it is and that's good enough.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [jaretj] [ In reply to ]
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I come here for the gravel and nordic ski threads now.

I recall a story this year about a local running club that had existed for almost 40 years.
They finally pulled the remaining funds from the club account, bought a bunch of beer and food and had a closing party.
No new members for a decade, everyone in the club in their 60's or beyond.
I see triathlon going that way if things don't change.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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B_Doughtie wrote:
The only issue is that it wouldn't do anything for triathlon. That 30s press conference video clip would get X large views because it would become social media fire storm, and then the race the next day would be back to the same 10k views it normally gets, as that wouldn't matter. No one would care for the sport or either of those 2 athletes. They'd just care for the fun beat down one gave and one took and making cute comments when they share it on social media.

ETA: Entertainment value only works if said sport is at basic level somewhat entertaining....Triathlon doesn't have that. So all that type of value would be in the 30s video that would go social media firestorm. It wouldn't actually bring fans to the sport, it would bring them to said video and that's it.

I disagree, fair enough no none hardcore Triathlon fan is going to sit round all day watching hours upon hours of Kona live, but I'm sure if marketed right with the right deadly rivalry/controversy people would watch the highlights.

Floyd Mayweather had one of the most boring styles of boxing to watch to casual and none boxing fans, but people used to tune into his fights in there millions and made him one of the biggest, richest sports stars in history because he talked trash and marketed himself properly.

Triathlon is not very good at marketing itself, its too nice.
Last edited by: Jackets: Jun 5, 18 18:50
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [Jackets] [ In reply to ]
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Guy can beat the shit out of women even in front of small children and still get millions of people to tune in to watch him and make bank off fighting over the hill fighters. That was the amazing part about his career.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [lacticturkey] [ In reply to ]
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lacticturkey wrote:
Why iron war is epic and legendary

Don't get me wrong, I've heard Mark feel like he was launched out of a cannon more times than I can count
You say there's loads of worthy races But tell me one really comparable duel... Ironwar is much more than a cute close race 30 years ago
-Clash of 2 of the sports winningest champions ever!
- 6 wins each, 12 Kona titles total!
- That race marked the turning point or handover from one indefatigable generation champ to another.... Sort of if Eddy Merckx succeeded to Indurain in one race
- Shoulder to shoulder racing all day
The yellow and green kits looked styled... When I saw the magazine cover I thought it had to be setup
There was years of buildup.. Mark was the fastest Olympic and Nice race champ... And couldn't throw Dave off his throne... Coming from behind one year, breaking away on the run another year, breaking away on the bike one year... Nothing worked
Super fast times
Racing that put triathlon on NBC and sparked the sport in the public eye, ironman will be forever indebted to get that ball rolling
Dave was one of the original ironman racers and developed his own race knowledge to set records that are still amazing now
Super close finish, decided at the end of the marathon
Dave came back and raced at 42 and got second? Legend
Mark was Olympic distance and long course and ironman specialist... Went on to train for national level running... Epitomized the triathlon makes you for for anything
The guys were exemplary sportsmen, gracious and well spoken... None of the unsportsmanlike media bashing that tarnished a few other generations
Dave maintained his six pack and fat muscle balance into his 50s showing tri can be a sustainable healthy lifestyle and not just a fanatic few years... Hall of fame level role model fitness
So 2 legendary athletes head to head, great times, no sour grapes.... Still flying the flag 30 years later.... Without historical depth the sport is like fixie polo

Well said LT; that said, the OP does have a point.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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Watching Lange chase down Sanders was the most exciting spectacle of any sport I have ever watched ever (even though I wanted sanders to hang on)
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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gymrat wrote:
This past weekend, I participated in Honu 70.3.
During the pre race meeting, I heard another story of the Dave Scott Mark Allen battle. Ok I am in Hawaii, I get it. But that was the only race story mentioned in the video and speech by Mike Riley.
The language was ( I am paraphrasing here): We have not had a battle like the Iron War in our sport, and this is what our sport is.

Ok, I have been racing for 14 years in the sport, and I am 49 years old. So 1989 might mean something to people my age. However, the sport will die if it does not get some new stories. Macca and Raelert came down to the climb up Palani hill. Lange chased Sanders down last year at mile 23 of the run. Not to mention the ladies: Runny chasing people down, and the domination of Chrissy and Ryf.

Not sure if racers who were barely alive in 1989 care about this narrative.

The real scandal is I believe that Dave and mark were actually dating for a long period of time.

If you google their name there are heaps of photos of them together.

I think more questions need to be asked about this.

Rhymenocerus wrote:
I think everyone should consult ST before they do anything.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [PJC] [ In reply to ]
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It was actualy reading the Ironwar book that got me into Triathlon!
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [NordicSkier] [ In reply to ]
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NordicSkier wrote:
I come here for the gravel and nordic ski threads now.

I recall a story this year about a local running club that had existed for almost 40 years.
They finally pulled the remaining funds from the club account, bought a bunch of beer and food and had a closing party.
No new members for a decade, everyone in the club in their 60's or beyond.
I see triathlon going that way if things don't change.

Sadly, I would agree with this. Ironman brand has decimated shorter local race participation. And this years early finisher numbers does not seem to signal a turnaround.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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As one who was born in 1989 and a recent inductee into the sport of triathlon, this totally resonates with me. I do love hearing about the history of the sport especially when it is out of the mouths of Dave Scott and Mark Allen themselves, but I will always be much more interested to talk about the past years races because I actually watched them!

I am constantly trying to recruit more people into the sport, but I never use a story from 1989 to stoke their interests. When I can speak to all of the excitement that is going on in the sport right now, THAT is what hooks people to join in! The people at the top are doing EVERYTHING they can to perfect themselves, just look at Sanders (and now others) with mirrors in his endless pool, the Gerry Rodrigues group doing deck-ups after every lap, Daniela Ryf and Heather Jackson who have some of the strongest mindsets in the game, etc.

These are the people that I think about when training because I have seen them and because they are the sport of triathlon right now.
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [calitriguy89] [ In reply to ]
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Look at other major sports. It's the same. Do they still talk about Pele in soccer more than Cristiano Ronaldo? Jordan more than LeBron? It's time to move on. And in the era of social media, you can attach more to current athletes. So thanks for bringing this up. I'm sure this is a good reason why millennials cannot connect with tri... Just to start
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Re: It is 2018, Ironman please move on from the Iron War of 1989. [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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Off topic *kind of*, but was the 'hot sauce' around during the Ironwar era? Not saying they were on anything so don't get crazy on me. Just curious if steroids were being used during that time period?
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