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40k TT - Who would win?
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If your would line up all of triathlons best bikers for a 40k TT, who would win and what time? No swimming or running involved.
Wurf did 55 min at Australia ITT which was 40.9k, not sure if the course was flat or anything. Wurf is prob around 420W for a 40k and not sure any of the current bikers can match those pure watts, though I believe a few may be more aero.
Kienle did 34 min for a 22k at Rad am Ring which is quite hilly with 517m of elevation and previously has gone sub 55 though that was a long time ago.
Who else would be contending? I can see Alistair putting out good watts and he is passes the eyeball aero test.
Lionel would put up watts a bit under Wurf, but I think Wurf has a better position anyhow as well as w/cda.
Starky has also gone sub 55 though that was years ago.

My top 3 would be
1. Wurf 48:xx
2. Starky 49:xx
3. Alistair : 49:xx

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
Last edited by: oscaro: Mar 1, 18 20:15
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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I would say with tunnel testing with Wurf he would be a considerable amount more aerodynamic than when he rode the AUS National TT, maybe drop a minute or two off comparing now.

Lucas Hoffman
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Hoffy] [ In reply to ]
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Yes you’re right, and 55:09 44,9 is more equal to high 53 anyway so changing my prediction

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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It's not a totally flat course, but it's no mountain course either.
From memory (I've not been to Ballarat for a few years) the road surface is not great though, and it's usually hideously windy. Margins can be blown out year to year - Sean Lake was 90 secs behind Dennis in 16 and then 4 and a bit the year after (referenced as he like Wurf is a former rower, and knocked off Wurf by 5 seconds)

http://src.media.cyclingnews.com/2015/12/23/1/cycling_australia_national_championships_tt_profile.jpg gives the course profile.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Hoffy] [ In reply to ]
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I thought Wurf had done extensive tunnel testing with Faster. The trick to a 40k could be using a more radical position. Sub-50 minutes versus 4 hours allows for a more compact fit. Kienle wouldn't see much of a difference in my estimation because he already looks really good, with little room to improve. Plus he descends well with his low position and he would lose that advantage on a flat 40k.

Got to stil pick Wurf I guess.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [grumpier.mike] [ In reply to ]
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I meant that I don't think he had done tunnel testing before that nationals. I do remember him being at the FASTER tunnel. Who else would be able to put out a decent 40k TT?

Lucas Hoffman
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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oscaro wrote:
If your would line up all of triathlons best bikers for a 40k TT, who would win and what time? No swimming or running involved.
Wurf did 55 min at Australia ITT which was 40.9k, not sure if the course was flat or anything. Wurf is prob around 420W for a 40k and not sure any of the current bikers can match those pure watts, though I believe a few may be more aero.
Kienle did 34 min for a 22k at Rad am Ring which is quite hilly with 517m of elevation and previously has gone sub 55 though that was a long time ago.
Who else would be contending? I can see Alistair putting out good watts and he is passes the eyeball aero test.
Lionel would put up watts a bit under Wurf, but I think Wurf has a better position anyhow as well as w/cda.
Starky has also gone sub 55 though that was years ago.

My top 3 would be
1. Wurf 53:xx
2. Starky 54:xx
3. Alistair : 55:xx

Philip Graves was the first name that came to mind. A quick search for his TT times last year show him going sub 52 minutes for one 25 mile course and sub 53 for another. https://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/rider-results/1134

It's worth noting that Cameron Wurf did put over 20 minutes into Philip Graves on the bike at Ironman Wales last year over the longer distance and on a hilly course (for an IM brand race). Graves made up time on the run and finished 2minutes 30 seconds behind Wurf at the end though so maybe Graves paced it better or Wurf may have eased up to do what he needed to do to win and save something for Kona.

Does anyone know what kind of TT rider Andrew Talansky is?
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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On a reasonable fast flat course Dreitz would go below 50 minutes!
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Ian A] [ In reply to ]
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Ian A] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah I thought about Graves at first, he put a min on Alistair over a hilly 50 mile tt, though it is worth noting it was Alistairs first tt and he hasn’t had too much adaption to the tt position.
I was simply hesitant on including him as I don’t see him as a pure triathlete, more like a time trialer who dabs in triathlon.
Talansky is not a triathlete yet.so I think it would be unfair to use his previous results as a comparison.

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Ian A] [ In reply to ]
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Ian A wrote:
oscaro wrote:
If your would line up all of triathlons best bikers for a 40k TT, who would win and what time? No swimming or running involved.
Wurf did 55 min at Australia ITT which was 40.9k, not sure if the course was flat or anything. Wurf is prob around 420W for a 40k and not sure any of the current bikers can match those pure watts, though I believe a few may be more aero.
Kienle did 34 min for a 22k at Rad am Ring which is quite hilly with 517m of elevation and previously has gone sub 55 though that was a long time ago.
Who else would be contending? I can see Alistair putting out good watts and he is passes the eyeball aero test.
Lionel would put up watts a bit under Wurf, but I think Wurf has a better position anyhow as well as w/cda.
Starky has also gone sub 55 though that was years ago.

My top 3 would be
1. Wurf 53:xx
2. Starky 54:xx
3. Alistair : 55:xx

Philip Graves was the first name that came to mind. A quick search for his TT times last year show him going sub 52 minutes for one 25 mile course and sub 53 for another. https://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/rider-results/1134

It's worth noting that Cameron Wurf did put over 20 minutes into Philip Graves on the bike at Ironman Wales last year over the longer distance and on a hilly course (for an IM brand race). Graves made up time on the run and finished 2minutes 30 seconds behind Wurf at the end though so maybe Graves paced it better or Wurf may have eased up to do what he needed to do to win and save something for Kona.

Does anyone know what kind of TT rider Andrew Talansky is?

It might also be a question of the course - if it's one of the 'fast' courses in the UK with dual carriageway and traffic coming past setting up a draft, the times might not quite be as insanely quick as they seem.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [buzz] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the links. That Vuelta stage 19 TT result is something special.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [altayloraus] [ In reply to ]
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That's true. The Otley course looks like an out and back up the A1(M) and probably plenty of traffic drag assistance. The sub 52 was on what looks like normal A roads, a few junctions and roundabouts and negotiaite etc so looks legit. I don't know any of the courses first hand
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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I think Cam Dye has gone sub 53, so I'd toss him up there... Andrew Yoder as well when he's in top form. Did the WV State Championship TT a few years ago with him in the field... he won Cat1, that guy can legit fly on a bike!
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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I think some of those top triathletes could be close to 50 on a flat course. I did 59 on a 26 mile course in an Olympic last year, and that was only at 305 watts. That would translate to 56 or 57 at similar watts on a 40k course, and around FTP I'd be quicker. Someone putting out considerably more power should be much faster, although I know there gets to be a point where more power only translates into smaller increments of time.

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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Carl Spackler] [ In reply to ]
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Again, Talansky isn't really a triathlete yet. He just stopped pro cycling so it would be wrong to use his previous pro times.
We will se how fast he can bike when he has two other things to train as well.

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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You are way way off I'm afraid. You need to rethink.

Not disagreeing that Wurf might be the fastest but it will a lot (LOT) quicker than 55.

This chap had the fastest bike split at IM Wales and won his AG.


His fastest 40km is 49.57

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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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Patrick Lange needed last year in the olympic distance in Erding (Germany) 57:07 for 41,3 km, that is 55 minutes for 40 km. I guess he would have been faster without swimming and running involved.

However, air temperature and air pressure have influence.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [tuckandgo] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed not sure of the order but it would be a hell of lot quicker than 55 mins.

Here is a result from last year - 24 going under 50 mins, my 52:49 netted 59th (I'm no uber biker even in M50-54) and the top 100 all under 55. Fast course though....


IIRC you needed a time around 55 mins to get a place on the start line.

The guys in the top 10 would be 50 mins or thereabouts even on pretty slow courses from what I've seen.

Remember also you can utterly bury yourself on a TT, no need to save the legs.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [tuckandgo] [ In reply to ]
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If its a pancake flat course, then yeah they will prob be a lot faster and Wurf may go under 50, but I wouldn't say it was certain.
How fast do you think they would go?

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [TRO Saracen] [ In reply to ]
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TRO Saracen wrote:
my 52:49 netted 59th (I'm no uber biker even in M50-54)

Well, are you sure you're no uber biker in M50-54?
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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Wurf did triathlon the year after retiring from pro cycling, what’s the difference?

Btw, sub-50 for a 40k isn’t crazy fast for a flat course, best triathletes should best that. This is at elevation— Justin posts on here and took up triathlon shortly after. http://www.strava.com/segments/639856
Last edited by: Carl Spackler: Mar 1, 18 6:30
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Carl Spackler] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe they should do that, but I still haven't found any that have.

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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See the link I added. To put some context around it, Nate English was a domestic pro and absolute beast on bike. At the Tour of Cali in 2013 he finished 23rd in ITT, 3:30 back. Last year Talanaky finished 2nd by a few seconds.

Probably can’t find because few do a timed, all-out stand-alone 40k. It’s not fun.
Last edited by: Carl Spackler: Mar 1, 18 15:27
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Carl Spackler] [ In reply to ]
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I have no doubt talansky could go sub 50 on a fast course, just didn’t include him as I don’t see him as a triathlete. But you are correct that the times would be faster than in my op.

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [johnnybefit] [ In reply to ]
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Man that position hurts to look at...

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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oscaro wrote:
Man that position hurts to look at...

This position is better!

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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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oscaro wrote:
Maybe they should do that, but I still haven't found any that have.

Are you reading the thread?!

I have posted a link for a triathlete doing 49 xx for 40km.

Real result, real person (not hypothetical 'could do' )
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [tuckandgo] [ In reply to ]
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Yes I am reading, I was referring to results from the pros mentioned in the other posts...

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Carl Spackler] [ In reply to ]
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what was the crappy bike?

edit: you can't mean this?

Last edited by: buzz: Mar 1, 18 8:10
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Hoffy] [ In reply to ]
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Hoffy wrote:
I meant that I don't think he had done tunnel testing before that nationals. I do remember him being at the FASTER tunnel. Who else would be able to put out a decent 40k TT?

Wurf was on Team Sky previously. He has had plenty of wind tunnel testing and velodrom testing and he still rides his Pinerello from those days. I think you must have forgotten this when making your statement.

"Train so you have no regrets @ the finish line"
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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I believe Justin Rossi is also doing triathlon now ... I think he would probably smack a lot of guys in a 40k ITT

"Train so you have no regrets @ the finish line"
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [PushThePace] [ In reply to ]
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Don't forget to not compare IM splits or speeds and UCI/USAC time trial stuff. The rules on positions and bikes are different enough to really matter for what power equates to what speed.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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I think Graves not doing so many triathlons may be down to long term injuries stopping him running more than anything else. When he's turned up he's won ironman and 70.3 races in talented fields from relatively young age. As for Talansky, he said in an interview last year he was targeting a Kona place for 2018 but thought it would take may be three years to adapt properly. If he's competing seriously this year he should be counted. It'd be an interesting exercise but I'd struggle to see beyond the likes of Wurf and Talansky.

Magnus Backstedt was doing Ironmans when he retired from cycling. He would have been a strong TT contender at any distance. I know he had problems with his bike when went to Kona but he was an incredibly strong rider.
Last edited by: Ian A: Mar 1, 18 9:44
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [PushThePace] [ In reply to ]
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PushThePace wrote:
Hoffy wrote:
I meant that I don't think he had done tunnel testing before that nationals. I do remember him being at the FASTER tunnel. Who else would be able to put out a decent 40k TT?

Wurf was on Team Sky previously. He has had plenty of wind tunnel testing and velodrom testing and he still rides his Pinerello from those days. I think you must have forgotten this when making your statement.

Wurf was Cannondale mate.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [buzz] [ In reply to ]
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buzz wrote:

what was the crappy bike?

edit: you can't mean this?

Older Cannondale Slice RS. Not current Slice or Superslice
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Ian A] [ In reply to ]
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Bäckstedt would have done great, but hardly qualifies as a triathlete.
If we are counting retired athletes I think Björn would give Wurf a good run for his money. Björn did 1:02 over 50k in Swedish nats coming 30s behind Kessiakoff and 2 min behind Gustav Larsson who has a olympic silver. Not sure what conversions are normally used for cycling, but assuming constant speed he passed 40k at slightly under 50 and I know he said he didn't have a great race so think he would prob be around 48.

Terrible Tuesday’s Triathlon
Last edited by: oscaro: Mar 1, 18 10:59
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [PushThePace] [ In reply to ]
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PushThePace wrote:
Hoffy wrote:
I meant that I don't think he had done tunnel testing before that nationals. I do remember him being at the FASTER tunnel. Who else would be able to put out a decent 40k TT?

Wurf was on Team Sky previously. He has had plenty of wind tunnel testing and velodrom testing and he still rides his Pinerello from those days. I think you must have forgotten this when making your statement.

Nope he was never on Sky. He worked with Tim Kerrison who is a coach for Sky and is mates with Porte and Froome. Hence the Pinarello, which im fairly certain he purchased himself.

Lucas Hoffman
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [Hoffy] [ In reply to ]
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I was absolutely wrong my apologies. I could have sworn I read sky but indeed it was JV’s Cannondale team he was on. Oddly enough he was there with Talansky wasn’t he?

"Train so you have no regrets @ the finish line"
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [PushThePace] [ In reply to ]
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Thats no problem. I have seen him training with Froome and plus the pinarello makes it seem like he was. Yep I think he was on the team with him. Think Wurfs last year with Cannondale was 2014?

Lucas Hoffman
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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If we are counting retired athletes I think Björn would give Wurf a good run for his money. //

If we are talking about a flat and fast tt, gonna be pretty hard to beat Bjorn. HE was of course a bigger rider than most, but also put out a lot more power. Dont know what his Cda was, but it had to be good for a guy his size. You calculator guys can figure out what he would have done, plug in 465 watts for the 40k and you will have it with his Cda. Pretty sure he would have been 48+. As good as he did at his national TT champs, he always had some problem, think he even flatted one year.

Norman would have done pretty good too...(-;

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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [altayloraus] [ In reply to ]
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altayloraus wrote:
Ian A wrote:
oscaro wrote:
If your would line up all of triathlons best bikers for a 40k TT, who would win and what time? No swimming or running involved.
Wurf did 55 min at Australia ITT which was 40.9k, not sure if the course was flat or anything. Wurf is prob around 420W for a 40k and not sure any of the current bikers can match those pure watts, though I believe a few may be more aero.
Kienle did 34 min for a 22k at Rad am Ring which is quite hilly with 517m of elevation and previously has gone sub 55 though that was a long time ago.
Who else would be contending? I can see Alistair putting out good watts and he is passes the eyeball aero test.
Lionel would put up watts a bit under Wurf, but I think Wurf has a better position anyhow as well as w/cda.
Starky has also gone sub 55 though that was years ago.

My top 3 would be
1. Wurf 53:xx
2. Starky 54:xx
3. Alistair : 55:xx

Philip Graves was the first name that came to mind. A quick search for his TT times last year show him going sub 52 minutes for one 25 mile course and sub 53 for another. https://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/rider-results/1134

It's worth noting that Cameron Wurf did put over 20 minutes into Philip Graves on the bike at Ironman Wales last year over the longer distance and on a hilly course (for an IM brand race). Graves made up time on the run and finished 2minutes 30 seconds behind Wurf at the end though so maybe Graves paced it better or Wurf may have eased up to do what he needed to do to win and save something for Kona.

Does anyone know what kind of TT rider Andrew Talansky is?

It might also be a question of the course - if it's one of the 'fast' courses in the UK with dual carriageway and traffic coming past setting up a draft, the times might not quite be as insanely quick as they seem.

You can't compare the Australian National's TT Bunniyong course with any other. It is easily 5+ minutes slower than a flat course with no wind.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [oscaro] [ In reply to ]
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oscaro wrote:
Bäckstedt would have done great, but hardly qualifies as a triathlete.
If we are counting retired athletes I think Björn would give Wurf a good run for his money. Björn did 1:02 over 50k in Swedish nats coming 30s behind Kessiakoff and 2 min behind Gustav Larsson who has a olympic silver. Not sure what conversions are normally used for cycling, but assuming constant speed he passed 40k at slightly under 50 and I know he said he didn't have a great race so think he would prob be around 48.

Vinokirov has done some Tri stuff. I bet with a little pharmaceutical help he could crawl off the couch and rock a sub-50 still.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [xeon] [ In reply to ]
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xeon wrote:
I think Cam Dye has gone sub 53, so I'd toss him up there... Andrew Yoder as well when he's in top form. Did the WV State Championship TT a few years ago with him in the field... he won Cat1, that guy can legit fly on a bike!

WV state champion, that's practically world class;)
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [n_bens] [ In reply to ]
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I hate when someone who's actually raced and gone quickly on a course chimes in.

It takes out the watercooler element of the 'discussion'.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [johnnybefit] [ In reply to ]
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johnnybefit wrote:

Obree did a triathlon once does he count?

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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [n_bens] [ In reply to ]
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n_bens wrote:
altayloraus wrote:
Ian A wrote:
oscaro wrote:
If your would line up all of triathlons best bikers for a 40k TT, who would win and what time? No swimming or running involved.
Wurf did 55 min at Australia ITT which was 40.9k, not sure if the course was flat or anything. Wurf is prob around 420W for a 40k and not sure any of the current bikers can match those pure watts, though I believe a few may be more aero.
Kienle did 34 min for a 22k at Rad am Ring which is quite hilly with 517m of elevation and previously has gone sub 55 though that was a long time ago.
Who else would be contending? I can see Alistair putting out good watts and he is passes the eyeball aero test.
Lionel would put up watts a bit under Wurf, but I think Wurf has a better position anyhow as well as w/cda.
Starky has also gone sub 55 though that was years ago.

My top 3 would be
1. Wurf 53:xx
2. Starky 54:xx
3. Alistair : 55:xx

Philip Graves was the first name that came to mind. A quick search for his TT times last year show him going sub 52 minutes for one 25 mile course and sub 53 for another. https://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/rider-results/1134

It's worth noting that Cameron Wurf did put over 20 minutes into Philip Graves on the bike at Ironman Wales last year over the longer distance and on a hilly course (for an IM brand race). Graves made up time on the run and finished 2minutes 30 seconds behind Wurf at the end though so maybe Graves paced it better or Wurf may have eased up to do what he needed to do to win and save something for Kona.

Does anyone know what kind of TT rider Andrew Talansky is?

It might also be a question of the course - if it's one of the 'fast' courses in the UK with dual carriageway and traffic coming past setting up a draft, the times might not quite be as insanely quick as they seem.

You can't compare the Australian National's TT Bunniyong course with any other. It is easily 5+ minutes slower than a flat course with no wind.

This. It isn't pan flat, it has wind, it doesn't have the benefit of vehicle drafting you can get when TTing on the UK motorways.
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Re: 40k TT - Who would win? [turdburgler] [ In reply to ]
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How could I forget Matt Bottrill. He's placed well at HIMs and he started with the faste swimmers at a local early season pool tri I volunteered at last year. TT specialist and excellent triathlete.

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