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SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way
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We understand and appreciate that you keep a fairly open mind on what gets discussed in here - and things lately OT have been moved over to the Lavender Room - which is great.

I have a suggestion - which may assist you somewhat in ensuring thread content and topic is suited to, relevant and even legal, on Slowtwitch.

The latest ranting of Heavy D - which is not only damaging to those indicated (whether there is any substance or not to his claims), it is damaging to him both on a personal, financial and possibly physical damage level (for which he has no one to blame but himself) - but also importantly - it is damaging to the continuance and good standing that this forum has globally, within the tri world.

Would you be open to consideration - of a couple of handpicked (by you) ST'ers - that you feel you could rely upon their judgment - to have some ability to delete or remove threads - that you may not otherwise see due to being away from the web for any reason?

They would be your "quasi-police" and a policy could be developed between you and them - but it would decrease the chances of this type of insanity going un-checked for any period of time.

We all take for granted that this forum exists - and one incident can bring the entire thing down - more importantly - apart from people getting hurt, the reputation of ST will be damaged - just lok at the dramas from TNO.

Dan - it is your name associated with the forum - you have countless ST'ers that would be appropriate to assist you - you know who they are. None of us want your creation here to become anything other than what it is - a tri forum which is enjoyed by tens of thousands of people.

What do you think?
Last edited by: AndrewJ: Dec 10, 05 11:57
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I think this has merit.

I nominate myself to have the power to delete threads.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I second Andrew J's concept, subject to Dan's review and approval.

A forum by the people and for the people. Good idea Andrew J.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [Erik Clark] [ In reply to ]
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I nominate Hazen.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks Tom

There is too much good in here - to let crap like this negatively impact everyone.

Welcome home - hope the break was restful!
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [johnthesavage] [ In reply to ]
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yes, he would be good :-)

then I would be banned from ST also.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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Andrew--Are you referring to your Happy Birthday Kittycat thread, or your Bunny movie thread?
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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bunny video

yes - it should have gone into the Lavender Room

Kittycats birthday wish - well - that's marginal - she's a celebrity here on ST and is a contributor on a lot of levels.

Not saying that every post I have made should have stayed on the front page - but mine have been completely mild by comparison - in terms of the OT- and importantly - never slanderous
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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Oooops.... LOL...

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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That was the idea behind the "Move to Lavender Room" button I suggested in this post:


Your variation of having it restricted to a core group would keep that idea from being abused.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Brent F] [ In reply to ]
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same desired result - hopefully Dan can look into it
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think this is neccessary and I really hope it doesn't happen. No need to overreact. We don't need to create a police state around here.

I'm sure Dan will pull the thread or send it to the Lavender room once he sees it, but even if he doesn't, those who don't want to be involved with that kind of crap will just avoid the thread. Very simple. We're all adults here, we can handle it.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [jaylew] [ In reply to ]
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it is sad but I think that the rules of the forum get broken and abused and sadly too little happens - maybe this is a chance for Dan to swing the axe (deservedly) and eliminate an ST'er
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
it is sad but I think that the rules of the forum get broken and abused and sadly too little happens - maybe this is a chance for Dan to swing the axe (deservedly) and eliminate an ST'er
Well if he decides to do that, that's his right. I just don't think it's necessary to appoint Slowtwitch Police - unless I'm one of them of course ;-)
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [jaylew] [ In reply to ]
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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It's fairly obvious that the people that continue to post OT stuff in the main forum will continue to do so because THEY want it HERE and don't give a poop what Dan (the owner) or anyone else says about it. The OT stuff is increasingly 'character assassinations' which may, at some point, come with some consequences.

It's hard to believe, but grown adults are going to have to be "forced" to follow one simple forum rule. The owner of the site has said something and the posters have said "we don't like that or agree with it, so we're going to do what we want".

I'm thinking ... if I am Dan ... and I have a business to run, decisions to make, a life to live, do I really want to even worry about monitoring adult behavior and conversation on a website? Why? Do I even want to go to the trouble of setting up "Jedi" to watch the site for me? Wouldn't I rather just be done with it and focus on what I enjoy doing?

Every forum I have ever been to has either been a model of entrophy (steady decline to disorder) or too much admin. The process is cyclical, new site get's started and is awesome, and is soon over-run by trolls, trouble-makers, bitchers, whiners, complainers, and similar negative personas. Someone gets frustrated, starts their own forum, process repeats ... or the alternative is to run a site that features 3 people talking on topic about the same four topics with never a curse word or a semi-complain, and absolutely never anything that might be construed as a quasi-insult to anyone else in the world, etc (okay, I exaggerate a tad).

If I'm Dan, I cut the forum loose. I still have a business, website, articles, etc that I can use to express my thoughts. I don't need the hassle of monitoring adult behavior and conversation. I also don't need the hassle of setting up "Jedi" to do it for me.

At some points, forums become more hassle (negative) than they are worth (positive) and need cut loose.

The triathlon world will not die w/o the ST forum, and the die-hards will eventually find somewhere else to spend their days. Honestly, after a week, some will realize how much time they've wasted having the same conversations about topics they have no influence over and be thankful it's gone.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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This is a good plan which works for me too.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ajfranke] [ In reply to ]
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OT Police Now Recruiting Edit | Delete | Quote | Reply
With the off season upon us, more and more OT threads are springing up in the Triathlon Forum. To combat this mad outbreak I think that we need to call up a OT Police { I, Aerojunkie2 will lead, if no one has any objections } and find and label all OT threads. Submit your interests in joining this fine team to me on this thread.


No, I'm not Normann Stadler and am not selling his bike, so stop asking.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [aerojunkie2] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know about all of that, but I notice that the 'Hateful Thread' thread has already went bye-bye, maybe. Was it my observation (with explicit examples of the swear words typically used over there?) that the Lavender Room is where all of that stuff needs to go?

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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---the Lavender Room is where all of that stuff needs to go?---

Is that not where you spend all your time anyway? Is that why you ant it to move there?
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Ben Zona] [ In reply to ]
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I really don't care one way or the other where it goes, I just made the observation that one of the threads over here may have already bitten the dust. I went back over there, and it's not present in that forum, either, so I'm already wrong about that.

I like both forums equally. Sometimes, especially after an especially heated debate over there about some inane topic or another, I prefer to spend more time here. And vice-versa. After all, one can only talk so much about resting heartrates and bike frame geometries before going batty. The same goes for the endless discussions about George Bush and all that other dreck over there, too.

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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I feel the same.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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Obviously it was a total lame move to call out two people of infidelity on a public board - true or not, nobody cares. But when you air out your entire social life on a public internet board and someone is having a bad day, or maybe is a bit tweaked in the head, these things eventually happen.

And to all the people through time who have posted threads here requesting the need for people to post their name when registering here - this is exactly why I keep my name and private life to myself: too many mentally unbalanced individuals out there ready to try and screw with your life from time to time.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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i think that this rant "against other peoples rants" also belongs in the lavendar room, no?

in any case, i completely disagree with you. mr. heavy d may be off on a tear, but, boy, people sure are interested in reading his post and responding, thereby keeping it popular and high up on page 1. just look at the no. of views!

if people here REALLY wanted something to go away, they could easily collectively make it happen. we ALL have the power to censor anything here: it is called, "don't respond".

i don't want anyone censoring things for me. i can learn to switch the TV channel myself, i sure don't need any self-appointed "big brothers" to do it for me.

relax. people say all kinds of smart, dumb, kind, mean, etc. things here and everywhere else. put some of your energy into alleviating the true suffering in the world. the electrons here feel no pain, last i heard.

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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GregX--There are some legal issues in sponsoring libel that are relevant to the forum operator, even if you are enjoying the show.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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You're right, Monkmeister. A forum operator can take a big hit, if it got that far. I don't know about an active ST forum participant being enlisted to become a thought policeman, though. And I don't think Dan wants to spend the $ putting someone here to babysit us adults. This might really be a Hobson's Choice for Danno!

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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 I don't want anyone censoring things for me

Normally I would agree with you, and about 30 minutes ago was about to post just that. However, a line is crossed when name-calling and innuendo turns into out and out accusations of illicit behavior. That is plain wrong no matter what the venue.

It certainly has no place in this forum. A little bit of censorship along those lines bothers me not in the least. I've faith in the powers that be (in this case, a singular "power") to not turn this forum into a new chapter of Farenheit 451.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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"hey would be your "quasi-police" and a policy could be developed between you and them - but it would decrease the chances of this type of insanity going un-checked for any period of time."

Great idea! Would these STers get uniforms? Maybe black ones, with knee high leather boots. And a nifty insignia. A special salute? We could call them the "Special STers." SS for short!
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I have to respectfully disagree.

With your proposal, who polices the police? The best form of policing is self censorship. There are people on this board(Lavendar room) that I simply do not respond to.

It is Dan's board and Dan alone should be responsible for what is not allowed. If you want to police a board, start your own and set your own rules.
Last edited by: Barrio: Dec 10, 05 13:58
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I have an online bodyboarding forum on my website with nearl 1,500 users, and I just couldn't keep up with all the posts myself, so I made 3 of the forum regulars into moderators who have the power to delete and move posts. I give them a discount on purchases on my site, and so far it's worked out really well!

My business-eBodyboarding.com
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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Self appointing?

I have no intention of getting involved in this - you completely misread my post - if Dan even asked me - not that he ever would - I would have no interest in it - I'm not into censorship - but this whole Heavy D thing is an example of just what is wrong with forums.

you are right - people sure are interested anc keep commenting - hence keeping it alive - maybe it's because they have no scandal in their lives and wish to focus on someone else's.

the nature of this foum will guarantee that if another post such as that was made - people would do the exact same thing - just like the media - focus on it and milk it until it is boring - but the journey from discovery to boredom is damaging for some.

you don't have to agree - I respect your opinion also
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [jaylew] [ In reply to ]
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it is sad but I think that the rules of the forum get broken and abused and sadly too little happens - maybe this is a chance for Dan to swing the axe (deservedly) and eliminate an ST'er [/reply]
[#0000ff]Well if he decides to do that, that's his right. I just don't think it's necessary to appoint Slowtwitch Police - unless I'm one of them of course ;-)[/#0000ff][/reply]

I agree with Jaylew.
And I will be his assistant. ;-)


Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Frank13] [ In reply to ]
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>>Would these STers get uniforms? Maybe black ones, with knee high leather boots<<

AND WHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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Never going to happen. The real strength and appeal of the Forum is the ability to freely express one's self. Editing or removing responses only inhibits the postings. That's not what stimulates "healthy" debate. Price of living in a Democracy. The real way we as participants of the Forum can police "ourselves" is simply to ignore the posting and don't respond. With the volume this Forum gets, the odious topic in question quickly falls from the first and then second page until it's "buried" by more current and appropriate postings.

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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I dunno man. Ironjack makes a strong argument!

Personal Training and Sports Conditioning
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Local Star] [ In reply to ]
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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Ironjack is stupid.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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Price of living in a Democracy.

Actually, we live in a republic here in the USA...*but anyway*...for the most part I agree with the no censorship idea; in this case, as I wrote above, a line was crossed. Yes, the vast majority of us can see through it and read it for what it is---BS---but the post and thread was inappropriate, slanderous and ugly.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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Is this a test??
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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It's still a Democracy, just like the United Kingdom is a Constitutional Monarchy but it's still a Democracy. Both have a democratic form of government where the citizens actively participate, sort of like this forum.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Local Star] [ In reply to ]
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Except the site isn't a democracy ... it's a private site linked to a business/identity.

Isn't the obvious solution for the members to follow the owner's rules?

Rather than have the "neighborhood watch" (i.e., moderators), or "ignoring the elephant in the room" (the off-topic posts), isn't the obvious solution for people to [1] moderate themselves by taking anything not related to tri to the LR or [2] change Dan's mind? I find it strange that the onus is placed on "everyone else" and not the folks responsible for the threads in opposition to the owner's suggestions/rules?

I've suggested the "ignore them and they'll go away" thing before, but after thinking about it some more ... it's hard to come up with examples of when this strategy actually works.

The other solution is to take the forum off-site to break any assocaitions with the forum content and the site owner. Unless this site results in Dan making significant more money (or prestige, etc), I can't some up with many reasons for keping it at the ST site. Off-site it could anything and everything the posters want it to be. Unfortunately, sites that are "self-moderated" are usually drug through the gutter by a few that seemingly take pride in such things. Confusing.


It's still a Democracy

We have democratic elections. It's a constitutionaly-limited republic. The latter is what keeps the majority from getting everything it wants. Looking throughout American history, it's good we're not a democracy.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
Last edited by: TripleThreat: Dec 10, 05 16:13
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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someone just needs to write up an initiative and then we can take a vote. 2/3rds majority wins. :)
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Kestrelkerri] [ In reply to ]
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TripleThreat] [ In reply to ]
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Except the site isn't a democracy ... it's a private site linked to a business/identity.
Exactly, that's why Ironjack is stupid. This is a commercial enterprise. Note the advertising?
Last edited by: Monk: Dec 10, 05 16:24
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I disagree with the proposed action.

The rules and guidelines Dan has established and posted, simple and few as they are, provide all of the guidance necessary for this forum. Any attempt to further regulate the forum with additional rules, or moderation by any person other than Slowman, would destroy the character of the Slowtwitch enterprise. I think that such actions would actually cause the forum to devolve into Tri-N*** pettiness and kill the board, rather than free us from the crap we're all sick of seeing pop up. I also believe that any additional regulation will kill the spirit of free discussion that invites people like Jack Weiss, Lew Kidder, Frank Day, and many other polarizing figures, some of whom are all but mortal enemies of Dan, to join the discussions here.

I don't like much of the content I've seen here lately. In that much, I agree with those that want something different. I wish it would go away. I hate meanness for the sake of being mean. But I also know that these things will come in cycles. Yes, I advocate the laissez-faire approach, at least to the extent practiced by Slowman.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TripleThreat] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I'm thinking ... if I am Dan ... and I have a business to run, decisions to make, a life to live, do I really want to even worry about monitoring adult behavior and conversation on a website? Why? Do I even want to go to the trouble of setting up "Jedi" to watch the site for me? Wouldn't I rather just be done with it and focus on what I enjoy doing?

I'm thinking....if I am Dan..... playing sheriff on this site is the highlight of his day...
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think anyone is proposing that the "moderators" would come up with new rules, just help Dan enforce the existing rules. Realistically, unless Dan is here every minute, some folks will ignore the rules and do as they wish. Therein is the problem.

The OT threads don't get moved to the LR or deleted until they're already dead (inactive) anyway. Essentially, unless Dan is present at all times, there are no rules. Read into that whatever one wants. IMO, it's an excellent case study in 'adult' behavior.

The proposition is that some folks that are on here all the time could move the OT threads to the off-topic forum, accomodating Dan's wishes/rules, allowing Dan to 'not worry about it'.

It's fascinating how complicated & involved this seemingly ultra-simplistic situation can become. It's as if Dan saying "Put the off topic stuff in the off-topic forum" is a mystery that can be interpreted hundreds of ways. Rather than complying or transfering, people are choosing to ignore the rules b/c Dan chooses not to spend every minute on the forum transferring/deleting threads.

Enough outta me, back to the research paper.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TripleThreat] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I can think of no person, not even Monty, who would moderate with the same discretion.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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Good speech. I agree.

Personal Training and Sports Conditioning
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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Exactly, that's why Ironjack is stupid. This is a commercial enterprise. Note the advertising?[/reply]

Unless your tongue is planted firmly in cheek...you're a fool. Calling Ironjack stupid is foolish. He's got a perfectly defensible position. If you really can't see that you are a fool. And this is a commercial enterprise for only one person... Dan. And in light of that if he chooses to clamp down on what people can and can not post he will lose forum members by the droves and thereby drive the worth of his commercial enterprise into the gutter. Do you really think Dan would do that? I don't. Please, life is a constant assault on our freedom of expression. Do we really need an fucking triathlon forum to add to that? So, everyone, post on!!!
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Never going to happen. The real strength and appeal of the Forum is the ability to freely express one's self. Editing or removing responses only inhibits the postings. That's not what stimulates "healthy" debate. Price of living in a Democracy. The real way we as participants of the Forum can police "ourselves" is simply to ignore the posting and don't respond. With the volume this Forum gets, the odious topic in question quickly falls from the first and then second page until it's "buried" by more current and appropriate postings.


Total BS. Can you think of a single post that was worthwhile (i.e., in line w/ Dan's rules) that would've EVER been edited? Negative. EVERYONE worth having as a posting member knows what would fall to Dan's (or any moderator's) axe. There would be no impingement of healthy debate.

Policing ourselves is a noble concept, and perfectly fine, so long as members understand that the signal to noise ratio will be significantly higher.

Hey Monk, solid post re: scoring the other thread. Very solid!

Too f@ckin depressed from various injuries to care about having a signature line.

Sponsored by Blue Shield PPO.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Aztec] [ In reply to ]
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"EVERYONE worth having as a posting member knows what would fall to Dan's"

I can GUARANTEE you that your definition of "EVERYONE worth having" will differ from mine, and differ from Monty's, and differ from Tom D's, or anyone else, for that matter. Who would you pick? What happens when you disagree with that person? Do you go running to Dan and cry foul?

We are all different. We all have different sets of opinions. And we are ALL jackasses sometimes.

Frankly, I think Dan has a firm finger on Chaos theory...
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [johnthesavage] [ In reply to ]
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I nominate Hazen.

Now that was funny. Thanks for the laugh.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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The same goes for the endless discussions about George Bush and all that other dreck over there, too.

Nice word and one which I had never come across before.

Main Entry:dreck
Variant:also drek \*drek\
Etymology:Yiddish drek & German Dreck, from Middle High German drec; akin to Old English threax rubbish

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [Erik Clark] [ In reply to ]
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Would any of my altered pictures get removed? I work very hard on "Cropped Monk Heads"
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [KJGrog] [ In reply to ]
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From what I read, its the OT threads, not OT posts, that are being complained about. And I agree, FWIW.

So if I start a thread that says: Hey Guys, how come when I ride my PowerTap on the Computrainer on a flat course, my PT is average watts is consistently 4 watts lower than the Computrainer average watts, and then you respond with "Hey let's do the Pub Crawl on December 17th in Clermont", then that is OK, but not the other way around.
Last edited by: Monk: Dec 10, 05 20:17
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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What does OT mean anyway? Is it "outta-town"? I am away in Virginia so I am definitely way OT!
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [KJGrog] [ In reply to ]
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"Would any of my altered pictures get removed? I work very hard on "Cropped Monk Heads""

They better not be, those are my favorite posts!!!

Especially the Eganski Jellies....huge in Clermont (especially the Tri-America and Escape from Florida lakes!!!) gulp...
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [eganski] [ In reply to ]
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I missed the eganski jellies--where is that one?
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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not sure if this works, but I think I found it:

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Aztec] [ In reply to ]
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That's your opinion and you're stuck with it!

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TriBodyboarder] [ In reply to ]
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Sounds like a good idea. What drama!

Another great day. Bob

Train safe & smart

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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Everybody is missing the real issue: The Government has failed to provide one of its basic services: providing for the public safety and tranquility. Since the government has failed, maybe the private sector should become involved. It's the classic government v. private sector debate, where to draw the line between the two?

Another way to state the premise of this thread: who's gonna watch the watchdog when the watchdog is asleep or has gone roaming?
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
"EVERYONE worth having as a posting member knows what would fall to Dan's"

I can GUARANTEE you that your definition of "EVERYONE worth having" will differ from mine, and differ from Monty's, and differ from Tom D's, or anyone else, for that matter. Who would you pick? What happens when you disagree with that person? Do you go running to Dan and cry foul?

We are all different. We all have different sets of opinions. And we are ALL jackasses sometimes.

Frankly, I think Dan has a firm finger on Chaos theory...

Nah, that's proof you don't get what I said. Allow me to repharse. EVERYONE worth having on the forum can know what the rules are -- hell, they are written out -- and obey them. People who choose to disobey those rules aren't worth having on the forum, by definition, because they are either arrogant a-holes or just plain stupid.

Disagreeing, arguing, fightin'. Hey, that's all cool. So long as it's reasonably on-topic. No reason to run to Dan for that.

Too f@ckin depressed from various injuries to care about having a signature line.

Sponsored by Blue Shield PPO.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Longboarder] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed Bob. Got in a run and swim this morning (surf sucked) and have the Tinsel Tri tomorrow. Looks like a new swell tomorrow!
Sorry to hijack the thread...back to our drama....

My business-eBodyboarding.com
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Sir Velo] [ In reply to ]
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Well, you have a point IF this Forum was really a government entity but in fact it is privately owned. The owner feels comfortable with a "non-interference" policy and that works for me.

Now if this were government controlled then when election time came, you could vote those "in charge" out. The more radical of us would start a revolution. But alas back to reality, the site is privately owned. However despite what some have already expressed, self policing is a viable option and then it becomes incumbent upon all of us to keep the site clean and upscale.

Then again, if you look at some of the posts on the site and consider the number of unidentified people posting, you could draw the conclusion that this site is really used by a lot of frustrated folks who would be beating their wives or tourching animals but instead take their frustrations out on the rest of us.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with the the "moderators" idea 100%...and I know that some of my posts would be removed...and have in the past. But, we need someone to control cock milkers like "D"


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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That doesn't mean those contributing to the site can't act with decorum and good manners. There are bounds with which we all can live within and when they are breached, intelligent people react to stem such breaches. Like in this case, where I should ignore your less then intelligent comments but feel the need to remind you of your lack decorum. Too bad you can't comprehend such complex thoughts.

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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Too bad you can't comprehend such complex thoughts.

I declare you not worth arguing with.

P.S. Erik Clark baited me into every dispute I have had today. When will I learn to not let myself be manipulated by this little mischief maker?
Last edited by: Monk: Dec 10, 05 23:04
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I think NO to any "thought police". Do you really suppose this forum's content will make or break lives cause financial, personal, and physical damage? Your note indicates hysteria to me.

which is not only damaging to those indicated (cut), it is damaging to him both on a personal, financial and possibly physical damage level (cut) - but also importantly - it is damaging to the continuance and good standing that this forum has globally, within the tri world.

I'm not a lawyer, but you imply there are threads that might not be legal. So I suppose one of the Slowtwitch thought cops would have to be well versed in law. Of course there should be an appeal board too I suppose.... To be fair the Cops would have to be impartial and selected from the "outside". They probably want compensation as I doubt this would qualify as a charity. To really be fair there would have to be a forum for both sides to layout their cases. How else can one judge if a post was legal? Lots of investigation here..... see where this goes?


have a suggestion - which may assist you somewhat in ensuring thread content and topic is suited to, relevant and even legal, on Slowtwitch.
I'll bet most people can see right through the specific thread that you refer to and the general threads you wish to protect the world from. That one is clearly authored by someone immature. It gives insight into who they really are versus the person you get to know for a few hours at a triathlon.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Aztec] [ In reply to ]
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"EVERYONE worth having on the forum can know what the rules are -- hell, they are written out -- and obey them. People who choose to disobey those rules aren't worth having on the forum, by definition, because they are either arrogant a-holes or just plain stupid."

I DO get what you said...THE FIRST TIME. You are the one not understanding. You say people who break the rules aren't worth having on the forum. That is a judgement call on your part, and one that leads to Draconian enforcement of "the rules"(Draconian as in banished). Slowman doesn't operate that way, at least according to his actions as moderator of this board up to this point. Also, there is a certain amount of latitude in the interpretation of "the rules". Slowman provides that "latitude". You and I don't provide that. We would certainly disagree about some rules judgements and, by extension, some enforcements, if we did. The fact that we are having this dicussion provides enough evidence of that. No member here will provide the same judgement and guidance to the conversation. Regardless of the outcome, the resulting forum would be less than the creature that Slowman created and fostered. We would even have differing opinions amongst the membership as to whether it was "better" or "worse".
Last edited by: TriBriGuy: Dec 11, 05 5:35
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [eganski] [ In reply to ]
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That fish is too funny. Did you ever end up seeing any jelly fish at IMFL? I saw some..but none of them had your name on them.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ [KJGrog] [ In reply to ]
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Believe me, they all had my name on them....

But no, I didn't see any. I saw a rope with ocean grime all over it on the 2nd lap during the race and almost jumped on the guy in front of me...I was pretty much scared shitless....

I'm heading to FL next month and doing the Escape from Florida race in your neck of the woods in March....any Gaytuzz I need to worry about for that swim?
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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As example to what I've written, here are a couple of exerpts from Slowman's ST forum FAQ:

"WHAT IS CONSIDERED ABUSIVE? We don't know, but we know it when we see it."

"ARE THESE ALL THE RULES? No. But these are most of them, in broad strokes. There may be others we place here from time to time. As you become familiar with this forum, and this community, you'll see that we interfere only when we need to. If you take a deep breath before you post, and give your idea a second thought before you push the "send" button, you probably won't write anything with which we'll take umbrage."

Does anyone out there believe they could apply these sorts of loose concepts in the same manner as Slowman? I know that I wouldn't.

And finally:

"DISCLAIMER: This is a very loosely moderated forum. We do not and cannot see everything written here, and we may not see an offensive post for awhile or indeed at all unless it is brought to our attention. We are hosting a global digital "water cooler," around which triathletes gather to "talk shop." As such we cannot and do not accept any liability for what others post here. We can simply make our best effort to monitor abuse that is brought to our attention."

Some of you are already uncomfortable with how loosely this forum is moderated. I'm not convinced your more tightly moderated board would be good. In fact, I am sure it would NOT be as good, for reasons I've outlined above.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
"EVERYONE worth having on the forum can know what the rules are -- hell, they are written out -- and obey them. People who choose to disobey those rules aren't worth having on the forum, by definition, because they are either arrogant a-holes or just plain stupid."

I DO get what you said...THE FIRST TIME. You are the one not understanding. You say people who break the rules aren't worth having on the forum. That is a judgement call on your part, and one that leads to Draconian enforcement of "the rules"(Draconian as in banished). Slowman doesn't operate that way, at least according to his actions as moderator of this board up to this point. Also, there is a certain amount of latitude in the interpretation of "the rules". Slowman provides that "latitude". You and I don't provide that. We would certainly disagree about some rules judgements and, by extension, some enforcements, if we did. The fact that we are having this dicussion provides enough evidence of that. No member here will provide the same judgement and guidance to the conversation. Regardless of the outcome, the resulting forum would be less than the creature that Slowman created and fostered. We would even have differing opinions amongst the membership as to whether it was "better" or "worse".

No, I definitely and completely understand *your* point. It's much simpler than mine (not trying to be a jackass, though you were probably correct when you earlier said that at some point we're all jackasses!).

Anyway, moving on and seeing your other post below... it doesn't much matter that there are additional rules from time to time, etc., as well as latitude. If everyone follows the letter of the law, then latitude is never needed. It's really simple stuff, and I just don't get why people can't stick to that in someone else's "house."

Too f@ckin depressed from various injuries to care about having a signature line.

Sponsored by Blue Shield PPO.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [ironjack] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Then again, if you look at some of the posts on the site and consider the number of unidentified people posting, you could draw the conclusion that this site is really used by a lot of frustrated folks who would be beating their wives or tourching animals but instead take their frustrations out on the rest of us

wow, that is really funny, or maybe it is really sad.

but maybe this forum provides a much needed public service in this way. it is certainly amusing to watch people really rile on another up here. and occasionally one gets a great morsel of great humor, so that makes it all worth it (i think).

sort of of like watching our great president trying to "lead" our nation and our military. ya just don't know whether you should laugh your guts out at his downright hilarious kookiness, or whether you should cringe at his tragic lack of brain power...

Where would you want to swim ?
Last edited by: Greg X: Dec 11, 05 8:42
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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sounds like plain ol' CENSORSHIP to me

and I can't help but be against it for that reason...even if the idea seems justified....

but in the hope of keeping the www 'free', I think we should not be in favor of any 'policing' by anyone (whatever amount of trust we may have in them), it just all ends up backfiring and well, always is plain censorship

we should rather have a certain amount of confindence in the fact that things will 'self-regulate', by the response they receive on the forum....
something along those lines....
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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sort of of like watching our great president trying to "lead" our nation and our military. ya just don't know whether you should laugh your guts out at his downright hilarious kookiness, or whether you should cringe at his tragic lack of brain power...
The One Note Samba reinvades the Main Forum.
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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I rest my case!
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Too bad you can't comprehend such complex thoughts.

I declare you not worth arguing with.

P.S. Erik Clark baited me into every dispute I have had today. When will I learn to not let myself be manipulated by this little mischief maker?
I am on my best behavior as always. I am not sure what Monk is talking about :-)

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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Plainly stated this simply wouldn't work.

If anyone here has the respect of the posters and right to delete, move threads and ban posters, it's Dan.

That being said if individuals willingly choose to not respect Dan's wishes and even go way over the line that he is drawn, what do you think they will do to an appointed "deputy". The first post, moved, deleted etc will cause that poster and probably more to post something a bit more off topic then more posts then you will have to ban them....which by the way is next to impossible to do...then it's a steady tumble into the pit.

Dan at least already has a fairly high level of respect and most people will say "Yeah he's right" and back off. I seriously doubt that a mjority of people will respond to anyone else in such a manner.

This is Dan's sandbox, play by his rules or go home, pretty simple in my book. Will certain OT topics get by, sure and even some Dan has no problem with. Will others, no. In some case maybe someone will get hosed. That is Dan's choice, and his only.

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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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ok - I see both sides - and having just read Dan's post - it is up to us to bring to his atention then, any posts we feel are inappropriate.

I think that will work just fine

Same result I was hoping for anyway - along with 99% of the rest of us
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Re: SLOWMAN - PLEASE READ -STer's please respond if you feel the same way [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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I, too, have read Slowman's edict and I agree with you that this is the result that 99% of us want to have happen.

That said, I think that there might be a way to help minimize the impact of these off-topic postings. I can't believe that i was thinking about this while i was riding today.

....with apologies to digg.com.....

Let those people who are are members of the forum give their approval (or disapproval) of the postings. Those postings are given approval or disapproval. Rather than simply letting a comment push a thread to the top you need to get people to give it "approval". If people disapprove the thread will fall to the depths off the first page.

We could call it "twitched" for things we approve of and "no-twitch" for those things we want to disapprove of. Obviously there has to be some algorithm behind it to make it fair and such.

Its a good way to let the users have input and help manage the content in a useful way. Obviously Dan still runs the show and will be the only one who can banish and move threads and all that.

Just a thought. I suppose that Slowman's solution is much easier to implement. :-)

Do or do not there is no try.
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