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my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist.
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I am not a communist, but the commercialisation of triathlon is just getting ridiculous.

I should note a few things at the start of this rant just to qualify what I am about to crap on about:

1. About two months ago I broke up with my girlfriend of two years. Thus, I have a lot more time on my hands, and many more thoughts in my head.

2. I am sponsored athlete who races pro (but never wins). My main sponsors are: Trek, Bontrager, and Nike – 3 of the bigger (and in one case the biggest) names in sport. I also get free servicing for my bikes when I go to my local Trek dealer. This makes me a hypocrite – and I am prepared to wear this accusation because it is true. After all, I am, by using these products, promoting them.

3. I should also note that the following rant doesn’t apply to all people in the commercial side of this sport – there are many, many legitimate and honourable manufacturers, retailers, and race organisers out there who do a great deal out of a sense of altruism and general desire to do right by their target audience. Some also just want to build a better mousetrap.

4. Further to that, none of the following will be news to anyone, but I can’t sit here any longer. It’s all such bullshit. So here we go.

I looked at my tri bike today and there are over 70 examples of brand labelling on it. Over 70! When I race an IM, I worked out that the only clearly unbranded things I use are salt tabs (which came in a branded tube) and sandwiches (which I pack in resealable plastic bags – which of course have a brand). Everything else, from wetsuit to socks to race belt to gel product, has an obvious brand. Everything!

The simple idea of this sport – go for a swim, a ride, and a run, and the strongest wins, seems to be disappearing under a wave of commercialisation and profiteering. When I swim in my wetsuit, I can see the model and brand on my wrist with every stroke in front of me. When I run I can look at my sneakers and see their label. It doesn’t matter where in nature I am, I am reminded of the commercial side of the sport.

Ironman began as an event of such challenge that it captured the public’s attention (not hindered at all by some clever marketing and a sweeping soundtrack). It has changed many lives, for better or worse, over the last nearly 30 years. It has been marketed as an ideal – a heroic event that encapsulates all that you are as a person because the nature of the event demands all things – the physical, the mental, and if you are into it, the spiritual. The winner is celebrated, but so is every finisher – it’s like some ultimate egalitarian event where every child gets a prize. It’s so attractive that most races in the States sell out (if you pardon the pun) in a day or so after entries open.

However, the word Ironman is now a brand, owned by a corporation. I should, apparently, use an asterisk next to it every time I use it. You can buy everything from bottled water to a bike with their distinctive logo on it. Some people are so into the ideal that they have tattooed the logo onto their skin.

The same thing is happening with Xterra racing. Do the race, buy the wetsuit, or the car, or whatever.

Why? To make money of course, for either the company owners, or if it is publicly listed, the shareholders. But this is what sucks so much. Can’t we just do this sport without being screwed?

With every race I do I am bombarded by the names of sponsors. The Subaru Ironman Canada. The Ford Ironman World Championship (World Championship my ass, but that’s another story altogether). I was once clipped while riding by a Ford Festina. Gee, now there’s a tangible connection to the sport.

People say that this kind of sponsorship brings money into the sport, and the sport needs it to survive. I say bullshit. The sport doesn’t look unhealthy to me. And if they are coughing up so much dough, why does it cost so much to enter a race? Why do hoteliers and local government have to pay Ironman substantial amounts of cash to keep a race in their town? Why? Why? Why?

They didn’t have sponsors for the first Ironman race, and they didn’t race for money. I’d like to see more of that! It was just about the event itself.

My point, in a round about way is that this sport is becoming less and less like I think it should be. I have a friend who makes wheels for a living. Over 20 years he has been developing his hubs and wheels to the point now where he has given his regular job away and is now making wheels and selling them for a living. He has many debts as a result. So what happens when his product hits the marketplace? First, he is threatened with legal action by no less that three major wheel manufacturers for apparently infringing their patent. When he calls their bluff and says sue me, he is given a very attractive set of offers by the same manufacturers to buy his business and patents. He hasn’t sold out yet.

But to me, this illustrates what is so wrong with this sport. We are all about dollars and cents to these companies, not performances. A company remakes a frame in an alternative aerospace material and everyone goes bananas. It’s great marketing. It’s gotta make me faster! See, there’s the ad, and the sponsored riders go quick don’t they? And the bike is like a half pound lighter! (as is your wallet, but not your guts). I fail to see how most top end bikes will make any difference to the overall result of an average IM athlete (12 hours?). Wind tunnel tests? Internal cabling? Top of the line components? Dimples on wheel surfaces? Gimme a break! Just ride the bastard!

So to finish this rant, I would like to say, yes I am a hypocrite. I use things with brands, and race for money in races that have sponsors who have no legitimate connection with anything that I think adds value to society or the sport. But I just wish that this sport wasn’t run for profit first and foremost. I just wish I could go for a swim, a ride, and a run without seeing a company name in my face all day. After all, no landscape was ever improved by a billboard.

And, after the 30 minutes it took to write this, I am still single. And available.
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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Well, first off 99% of us are NOT paid to race and do pay for our gear - you should thank us for looking at you and wanting to have what you get...our purchase pays for your dinner.

Second...you are man right? Damn, figures...I dont think there is a such thing as a single pro female that is looking....bitch's


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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Nicely wrote and in a perfect world what you desire could happen. Alas, we dont live in a perfect world we live in a capitalistic one and as long as more than one person gets together to do some sortof organized event there will be others trying to make money off of the first group.

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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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dude, you need to get laid.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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You are so right...but it is still better than my wife's idea of triathlon which is hitting Nordstrom, Macy's and Pottery Barn all in one trip!!
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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i am at 8 weeks and 2 days. it's an absurd situation.
Last edited by: d.w.weston: Nov 1, 05 15:08
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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chill out bro. everything in the western and eastern worlds is commercialized...you listen to radio, watch tv, eat, search google or the web, going to the hospital, your funeral, travel...its all commercialized...if you want something that is pure and devoid of commercial interest then you will be a very disappointed person, because there is nothing in life that is devoid of commercialization!!!
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [TriMike] [ In reply to ]
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"You are so right...but it is still better than my wife's idea of triathlon which is hitting Nordstrom, Macy's and Pottery Barn all in one trip!! "

and she won't let you get those new compact cranks? You need to have a talk about priorities in your house!

I've got a set of FSA carbon compacts 172.5 sitting in my garage with your name on them. $200 and they're yours...

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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [jeffm] [ In reply to ]
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I do have my priorities...she just says my priorities fall below hers. How do you like those SLK cranks? I was thinking of those as I was crawling up Ida Clayton road last weekend.
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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You are a COMMIE yellow balless punkboy and you didnt break up with your girlfriend, she broke up with you. At least that is what she told me inbetween sessions......

Just joking ya know!
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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This is why I:
- cancelled my cable (best decision ever!).
- generally choose races that are smaller, lower profile, "home grown" etc.
- have dropped most of my gear junkie's ways - I don't blow $ on crap I really don't need like I used to - ask Khai I am a cheap tri ho.
... you get the idea.

If we all choose to "buy into the brand", whatever that brand may be, then of course it will grow and flourish. If I personally choose to not buy into the brand, sure it may not make a difference in the big picture, but I feel better and less like a piece of meat with $ burning a hole in my pocket. I find other things to spend that $ on (like food!)

"How bad could it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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"I would like to say, yes I am a hypocrite. But I just wish that this sport wasn’t run for profit first and foremost. I just wish I could go for a swim, a ride, and a run without seeing a company name in my face all day"

You do have some valid points. So what are you waiting for? End your relationships with the evil corporations and see where that gets you. It’s a choice you can easily make. Think about how great it will be to work full-time or more like most of the rest of us (if you don’t) and pay retail prices. You can go for nude swims (could be fun), ride on a $90 used mountain bike (like I did when I started the sport), and run every weekend by yourself or with friends. I'm sure showing up for the group ride after giving up that cool, fast bike (with xyz sticker on it) won't hurt your ego at all? Just ride the damn thing right? I agree, aggressive marketing sucks but you are the poster child.

Don't hold back
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [jtaylor1024] [ In reply to ]
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What friends, he has no friends! Besides, if he did, he wouldnt be able to stop "staring" at the logos on the shirts, shorts, shoes,,,etc...Unless they run naked together!

I wonder if he has found his cave out in the woods yet!!!
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [TriMike] [ In reply to ]
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"How do you like those SLK cranks? I was thinking of those as I was crawling up Ida Clayton road last weekend. '

I like them. compacts are a great choice for around here. are you doing the three hills ride this weekend? geysers, pine flat, ida clayton. and possibly a bonus climb after. meet at kaffe moca @ 8 on saturday, supposedly.

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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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I had the same feelings about surfing back in the late 70's. What I started to do back then, and continue to do today, is to go about 500 miles down Baja Mexico, find a spot off a dirt road, miles away from the nearest fishing village, and surf my brains out with a few other burned out surfers. We drink tequila, sit around bon fires, and tell stories about the good ole' days. No parking fees, no crowds, no hotels, just lots of nice uncrowded waves, and no one trying to sell you anything. I stay there form a week to a couple months. I always come home energized with a fresh new outlook on life, and the busy world we live in. When things get me down, I just picture the next trip I'm taking down there, and all is calm.

You need to get 11 of your buddies, and go do your own race somewhere.(Just like the first Ironman) Pick a course that fits in with your geography and terrain, carry all your own stuff, and just go do it. Maybe take a long bike tour, whatever, just go have fun. Just remember, that if the sport had not grown from that first race in Hawaii, you wouldn't be here able to complain about it. Everything changes, it's the way of the world, you either make the adjustments to suit your own personality, or you live with the stress it causes you. I choose the former, and as others have said here, you do need to get laid...(--:
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [monty] [ In reply to ]
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all you need is a cool buzz and some tasty waves

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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The day after the Hawaii Ironman I went with my boyfriend to pick up his race photos and was disturbed to see a line winding around the store selling Ironman branded crap. There were 50+ people in line with armloads of gear. And there was a setup to get "FINISHER" embroidered on the products (I think that cost extra). The whole thing was overwhelming, people were literally lined up and waiting to get (I won't say the word).

That said, I did wear an Ironman tshirt in the weight room today and felt very studly about it so I am a hypocrite too. I'm not a communist though, I wear pink at least once a week.

I hope you find a girlfriend to share your deep thoughts with.
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [mc sac] [ In reply to ]
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I still ride with those shoes. Life is good
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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You want to throw back to the origins of the sport where the pioneerng spirit and lack of sponsorship was the mode of operations?

I have one word for you: Ultramarathoning

That is the closest you're gonna get as far as organized events are going to go. Most people to it for a shiny belt buckle, not for the money fame and glory.

Just my 2 cents.

Do or do not there is no try.
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with some early posts: Give away all your expensive, branded gear and start fresh and new with cheap crap. I'll pick it up from your house free of charge. Just let me know when you want me to show up...

"How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live."
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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There are some interesting replies here. I'm surprised by the hostility of some people, but that's ok. This forum does have a greater emphasis on product than training or anything else, and people love their gear I suppose.

In answer to some enquiries -

I have a real job (as in Monday to Friday) which generates most of my income. I pay taxes, and everything else, and don't reside in a cave.

I have friends, from both sides of the political divide.

This thread was written when I did have a lot of time to stare at my navel. And yes, as has been pointed out, I need to get laid. No one is more aware of this than me.

I just think that profit motive shouldn't drive this sport. The moments I enjoy most in it are the times when training or racing where you reach a state of mental stillness, where your physical state is in tune with the rest of you and you are clearly expressing your will in action. Branding, and the rest of it, seem such an irrelevance at these times.
Last edited by: d.w.weston: Nov 1, 05 18:50
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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Go do a few of the little races in the middle of nowhere in little towns. Finish and watch people finish till the last finisher crosses the line. You'll see a different world, and maybe meet a girl.
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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"I just think that profit motive shouldn't drive this sport. The moments I enjoy most in it are the times when training or racing where you reach a state of mental stillness, where your physical state is in tune wit the rest of you and you are clearly expressing your will in action. Branding, and the rest of it, seem such an irrelevance at these times."

Thats a good point that I think most people missed from your original post. I think for the most part those deeply involved in the sport understand that better than anyone else and wouldn't bother with branding if they didn't have to. Sadly, its been proven that branding is extremely effective (I think Marlboro first discovered that by admiting their cigs weren't the greatest caused immediate market crash - it was called 'black friday' or something). At least in triathlon you still can ignore the corporate culture and find that "state of mental stillness" whereas in most other corporate environments that place no longer exists. What I think is really great is that many people who should be feeding the corporate machine (though not the tri corporate machine) in one way or another spend their days posting here instead...
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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I just think that profit motive shouldn't drive this sport. The moments I enjoy most in it are the times when training or racing where you reach a state of mental stillness, where your physical state is in tune wit the rest of you and you are clearly expressing your will in action. Branding, and the rest of it, seem such an irrelevance at these times.

You probably would have had less hostility if you had written it that way in the first place rather than being a troll - I think most people here agreed with you overall. On the other hand, whining about having to look at the logos on all your free gear just makes you look like a dick. If I were your sponsor and read that post I'd drop you.

Don't hold back
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [AndyPants] [ In reply to ]
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andy, you really cancelled your cable?
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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I dont think anybody was getting hostile with you. Most of us really dont give a hoot that you cant get laid, get free stuff (except coochie), are feeling lonely, stare at your naval,,,etc....We are just laughing with you brother. Having fun with your rants! I myself got a big kick out of it. I wish I had the time you have to ponder such gibberish. But with training, working, wife, kids, and yummy ice cream, I cant spare any at the moment. I did drink some gatorade today, but I took the label off in your honor! HaHa
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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PS,,,your still a pinko commie and I think you should really consider going back on that medication! And maybe get a MANGINA-ectomy as soon as possible!
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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"Son, we need to talk..."

"You need to get laid!"

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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everything is commercialized, and you aren't going to change that.
do what I do - ignore it. Who cares. I used to get pissed that they changed the name of the boston garden to the fleet center. now it's called something else. who cares what they call it. everyone knows what it is, and someday when they tear it down people that went to it for decades will feel sad, even if it is on it's 12th name at the time.

there's nothing wrong with people who provide these awesome products making money at it. how much money? as much as they can.

you would if you're mortgage payment depended on it.

just chill and enjoy what you do man, you are good enough to be sponsored, if I were you, I'd just enjoy it.

believe me, we are having fun out here in the back of the pack.

i'm riding a bike that costs 1500 that's as good as something that costs twice that 10 years ago.

the system is working fine.

that said, my constant search for the perfect gear has abated somewhat.
I'm satisfied with what I've got, and it's time to just train .

it's all about balance. keep in mind, none of us have to spend money on any of this.

there's nothing to feel guilty about man.


"the trouble with normal is - it always gets worse"

- Cockburn
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Re: my (long) leftist triathlon post. but i am not a communist. [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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the Duke Blue Devil irondistance race in Raleigh, NC, a non-profit race for cancer research had so few participants this year that they almost didn't get even and the organizers may decide to stop offering this independent Irondistance race altogether.

It is a great race with a great atmosphere and organization but merely 170 people raced it this year....

while the M-dot brand races sell out in a day.....

seems to be excellent marketing by the IM guys...and people follow it...hey, I still get told I haven't done a 'real' Ironman (2 ID's)..but luckily I couldn't care less - and.. signed up for Wisconsin next year...

I agree there is too much commericalization, but this seems to be the trend with just about everything. And there may even be certain advantages to it, for instance the internet/TV coverage would likely not happen if there wasn't some monetary incentive etc
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