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What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k?
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Looking at recent results, it seems like it takes around 31:00 off the bike (on a fast course) if you want to win a World Cup event. What can these guys run for an open 10k? Low 29:00's?
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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ITU courses are notoriously short.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Erik Clark] [ In reply to ]
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agreed that those courses are not the most accurate courses and their times are usually suspect. There have been some fast runners though. I think Simon can go just under 30 minutes in a real 10km. I don't know many of the current ITU guys but I know that Matt Reed can go around 31 in an open 10km. Some of the others have previously run some very good times (Tim Don for example) but not sure what they could actually do in the middle of tri season for an open 10km.

Mike Plumb, TriPower MultiSports
Professional Running, Cycling and Multisport Coaching, F.I.S.T. Certified
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Mike Plumb] [ In reply to ]
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All ITU runners are extremely fast. All are much faster than me. Only a few of them are sub-30 IMHO.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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What is their potential, or what is their capacity in the middle of training for two other sports?

They may be able to trim a minute if their focus switched to 10,000 workouts.


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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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There are a few guys with bona-fide 29-low times, even 28-high. I would bet that the top, say, 10% of the runners on the circuit could knock off a sub-30 with a few weeks of specific prep. The main thing standing in their way of that kind of speed is all the biking. To run our best, we need to quit biking for a while.

Those guys are extremely fit and fast.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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This kind of thread has run before. As I said last time I don't think any of them are actually capable of sub 29 on the track for 10. Otherwise, they would be running in the Olympic final instead. Other people think otherwise.

Look at Craig Mottram - sub 13 min 5k and WC bronze, 32 min 10k off the bike at Noosa.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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Most of them don't train to run it opne, so the question is really two part:

1) what can they run in triathlon shape open

2) what can they run if they trained just for 10K

Very, very few are sub-30 open in tri-shape. The courses for ITU are not super accurate. Most don't ever run open 10K's either, and certainly are not running open 10K's at peak fitness (if they are running them, it is early season or late season generally).

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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""""I don't think any of them are actually capable of sub 29 on the track for 10. Otherwise, they would be running in the Olympic final instead."""

sub 29:00 is not making the olympics, the guys in the olympics can run sub 27:30.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

Last edited by: desert dude: Oct 27, 05 15:34
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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Yann Millon did run a 28'31'' on track some years ago (when he was a runner).
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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Sub 26:30 even... Bekele is amazing! (26:17.53)

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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Agree, sub 29 will maybe earn you a few thousand bucks on the road race circuit, but you won't be seeing the Olympics unless your from a very small country that isn't in Eastern Africa.

For what its worth, Jared Shoemocker, ITU U23 World Champ, has run 14:09 for 5K on the track. This was during his college years when he was only training for running. Its about equivalent to a 29:10 open 10K.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Eddy Would Go] [ In reply to ]
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It wouldn't suprise me if JS could run 29:10 now. Kemper is much faster than he was in college. The level of training and fitness at the OTC is higher than a college track team (especially Harvard, Princeton?).
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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As I said, this topic has pretty much been covered here: http://forum.slowtwitch.com/...t_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

I was, I agree, overstating the case re: 29mins and the Olympics, and I take your point. In 2000 the 'A' standard for qualifying was 28:10. You need to be able run under 27:45 or have a mean kick if it is a slow race to get through the heat (provided there is one) at major championships.

I just think that triathletes think that we are better runners than we are. Just because Mark Allen could run around 2:40 off the bike in IM doesn't mean he would go sub 2:10. Just beacuse Hunter Kemper or Robbo can run ~ 30 mins on 'measured' road course doesn't mean they are as good as real runners - but that's ok, they are triathletes.

Real runners who run at world class are something else altogether. I ran a couple Olympic 'B' qualifiers in 2000, and even being at that level, considering I have some ability and was committed to what I was doing and uninjured, it was very humbling to just find people who were that much better than me.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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Its true that runners at the olympic level are truly out in another universe to a degree that few triathletes can comprehend (in terms of running ability). I've run fast enough to be referred to as a "runner" in a derogatory sense by triathletes during the run portion of the race (Its no fair! He's a "runner"), but it would be a pretty good day for me to hack an 800 at Bekele's 5K pace.

Out of curiosity, what events did you hit B standards in?
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Eddy Would Go] [ In reply to ]
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I was ok, without being exceptional. I ran anything from 1500m (3:46) to marathons (2:20) at respectable speeds.

I had a bunch of decent PBs, but only relative to 'normal' people who don't run - everyone elseould see that I was just a good runner. Every fish has it's depth I suppose, and I know mine.

But I was (and am) 100% clean. I know many who were in front of were not, because I saw it, trained with them and was offered to be put on a program at various times. I think I remember talking about this on this forum a few weeks back.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

I was ok, without being exceptional. I ran anything from 1500m (3:46) to marathons (2:20) at respectable speeds.

I had a bunch of decent PBs, but only relative to 'normal' people who don't run - everyone elseould see that I was just a good runner. Every fish has it's depth I suppose, and I know mine.

But I was (and am) 100% clean. I know many who were in front of were not, because I saw it, trained with them and was offered to be put on a program at various times. I think I remember talking about this on this forum a few weeks back.

systematic doping within usa track n field. who would have thought?!?!!? :P
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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"But I was (and am) 100% clean."

Thats something to be proud of. I've trained with a DI XC All American (sub 14, sub 29 guy) who left the sport post college because of he was offered to be put "on the program". Much respect to anyone in that time range who can let it all go rather than compromise thier integrity.

That some great range too. I'll never see that 1500 time but I hope to get within 2 minutes of that marathon in the next couple of years.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [fulla] [ In reply to ]
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systematic doping within usa track n field. who would have thought?!?!!? :P[/reply]
Not that there isn't systematic doping in the U.S., but I don't recall D.W. Weston being a Yank.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Mookie1986] [ In reply to ]
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And I'm not. And as far as I am concerend, there's systematic doping everywhere, but everyone deserves the presumption of innocence.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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weston what's your run training like? high mileage? lots of intervals? LSD?
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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Now I do long triathlons. So it's totally different. I'm not about to run sub 3 minutes kms after 180k of riding.

Then...well it was pretty old school.

When I was at my best for 5k I came off a 12 week intensive volume block, and then quickly moved in specific intervals designed to basically sharpen me up for track. I have always responded best to a big base, followed by very specific work with plenty of rest.

In my volume work I always had 3 or 4 runs a week with fartlek intervals/mile intervals/hillreps etc, but on soft surfaces and away from watches and numbers and heart rates. I focussed on form and feeling right, and then tried to translate it onto the track. The volume block referred to above actually meant 12 weeks of doing 200k+ weeks, with every 4th week at a reduced volume and intensity. I run hard runs hard, and easy runs really easy.

I look back on it and see some problems, but also some good points. I liked the fact that I didn't use much in the way of technology. Just feelings and preceptions for almost all of the non track miles. Very feng zen.
Last edited by: d.w.weston: Oct 27, 05 17:23
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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The only triathletes I can remember that ran sub 29 were Greg Watley, I think he went 28:30 and 13:30+ for 10k and 5k. ANd a current ITU racer, Derek Kite. I believe he ran sub 29 for 10k and was an NCAA finalist in the steeple chase I think. Confirmed sub 30 guys were Welchy, Bustos, Mark Allen, Mark Sisson, that I know for sure. Sure there are many others that have done it, or could do it. Point is until you have actually done it, then it is all speculation, and the old saying Money talks, Bullshit walks seems approiate for this discussion....By the way, Mark Sisson went 2:17 marathon, and Bustos 2:18. Except for Benjamin Parades who was the fastest running duathlete,( 2:10 marathon), I believe those times are the fastest. Erin Baker went 2:36 for the women, don't think that has been equalled either.....
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [monty] [ In reply to ]
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I think Whitfield has run a sub 29 standalone 10k... I doubt most run much under 33 or so for a normal 10K race. the guys at the very front are obviously faster but from the few guys I know who are middle of the packer ITU racers, they are more 33-34 minute 10K runners.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [monty] [ In reply to ]
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"Erin Baker went 2:36 for the women, don't think that has been equalled either..... "

Jackie Gallagher has run faster than that since she retired from triathlon. Another triathlete turned runner is germany's sonia korlik who ran <2:30 shortly after retiring from triathlon in the early 90s.

Anyway all the talk about what triathletes can run in open running events is missing the point: fast running off the bike is what is important to triathletes, and they would rarely if ever taper and race a running event. Open run times don't necessarily translate to success running off the bike.


JoelFilliol.com - check out the Real Coaching Podcast
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [czone] [ In reply to ]
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Joel joel joel... what kind of saying is this...

"Anyway all the talk about what triathletes can run in open running events is missing the point"

Isn't this Slowtwich - isn't missing the point and extrapolating our opinion about things that don't actually matter to the people we are talking about THE ONLY POINT of slowtwich - or at least one of the 3 main principles of posting on this board. I'm just surprised no one chimmed in with a question about how Mark Allen would do if he raced Simon Whitfield when they are both in their prime... Now that's a serious question!!!
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [cidewar] [ In reply to ]
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Mark Allen would beat Simon by 10 minutes... 10 MINUTES! With one leg... while sick... yeah, sick, one leg... no, I'm not joking!

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [cidewar] [ In reply to ]
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"Isn't this Slowtwich - isn't missing the point and extrapolating our opinion about things that don't actually matter to the people we are talking about THE ONLY POINT of slowtwich"

OK you got me.

"I'm just surprised no one chimmed in with a question about how Mark Allen would do if he raced Simon Whitfield when they are both in their prime... Now that's a serious question!!! "

That one is WAY too easy :-)


JoelFilliol.com - check out the Real Coaching Podcast
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [czone] [ In reply to ]
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umm somehow i think simon whitfield would win.
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [cidewar] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Isn't this Slowtwich - isn't missing the point and extrapolating our opinion about things that don't actually matter to the people we are talking about THE ONLY POINT of slowtwich [/reply]

Absolutely! Actually I find these types of discussions very interesting, because the kinds of speeds that the top people are capable of is impressive to say the least. Just 2 years ago I was pushing to break 55 for the 10k, now I am at least getting close to breaking 40. Someday I might even be able to run.

Last edited by: triguy42: Oct 27, 05 20:10
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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Sub 29 wouldn't put them in the olympic finals, it would barely put you in the top 5 for the NCAA's.

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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [RocketDogEJ] [ In reply to ]
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Did you read my clarification?
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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [d.w.weston] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry, don't you know? I have a serious problem with reading the whole thread before jumping all over it.

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Re: What can most ITU triathletes run for open 10k? [Snapple] [ In reply to ]
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Everytime I look at some ITU triathlon run splits I came to realise those 10K are usually off. But yes, most of the top guys go sub30:00 in a track and maybe low 30:00 on a open 10k run.

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