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Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tour d'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown
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Wow, this looks like one the the coolest bike trip/expeditions. 100 days of biking from Cairo to Cape Town. Along the way, discover the Nile Valley, the East African Highlands, Victoria Falls, the Zambesi River and then down the "diamond coast" to Cape Town. Now if I only had the $8800 and the three months off work.

This would be some special journey. I am sure there are some dudes on slowtwitch who have the time and the cash to do it. If so, it would be better than any two P3Carbon's that you could by, seeing Africa from head to toe ! If anyone goes, post some reports here. I'd love to hear about it !

Last edited by: devashish paul: Oct 25, 05 19:38
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Dev,

a guy from Sudbury did the tour this year... he did a webjournal on the local running club's website (Sudbury Rocks Running club)... check it out here:


(it starts at the bottom, with the last entry at the top after the introduction)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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This sounds like it would be a once in a life time experience. A few years ago I read about a company organizing a fully catered MTB tour around the base of Kilimanjaro

Dark Star Safari by Paul Theroux. Cairo to Cape Town, an excellent travel book!
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [simon lessing] [ In reply to ]
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Not only would this Tour be Epic, but getting thumped by multiple world Champion Simon Lessing all the way from Cairo to Cape Town for 100 days straight would not only be hard on the body, but if you emerged in one piece you'd be mentally a better man for it (is this what it feels like to be Dave Scott these days) :-)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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hey dev -

am planning on doing this trip before long. my research/work will be taking me to southern africa a whole lot over the next few years, and cape-cairo is something i've always wanted to do.

only thing is, starting from cape town and ending in cairo would suck, i think, compared with the reverse. cape town is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and after a long huge trip, it'd be great to grab some waves, drink some awesome wine, and have some great food. cairo, on the other hand. . .

still not sure if i'll try to cycle it or go with a motorbike - BMW dakar, for sure - or just go it on foot (via hitching, trains, busses, etc.) wish me luck.


p.s - just to clarify, i'm not one of the many guys on this forum with a 'spare' $8800. as a graduate student, i'm long on free time and short on money, but i've always figured time's tougher to come across than money anyway.


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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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Ironmike, the age old saying...you either have time or money, but seldom both. Interestingly enough I have a friend who is a financial advisor, whose company is called Time and Money. He is a sub 9 hour Ironman stud, and has both time and money. Funny thing is that now that he has time and money he is no longer training as hard as when he had time and no money :-). Go figure :-).

Have fun on Cairo to Cape Town. I am sure there would be lots of miserable days on the journey, but they would be made up for by the great days, and as we all know in the journey of life, you need a whole whack of really miserable days to make you appreciate those days that are a piece of heaven...otherwise you never know how good you have it :-)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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no question that would be epic - the biggest challenge would be keeping the gear in usable shape - spares are simply not available in the majority of that area - oh yeah...mind the bandits!!
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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10 years ago when I was in Kenya, I heard that it was impossible to get overland through southern Sudan - it was just too unsafe and dangerous at the time. Although I did meet a wild Aussie bike tourer who did it( Aussies seem to have a knack for this sort of thing),when I was in Kenya. Although, we did have this conversation in a bar in Nairobi and it was after more than a few shouts of Tusker beer had been downed, so who knows?


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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Zulu, I can imagine that riding through Malawi on the shores of Lake Nyasa, you aren't about to get UPS to fire over a 10 speed XTR chain from Nashbar overnight :-)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Another cool ride is over the Pamirs, riding the Karakoram highway from Pakistan over the roof of the world to China. Its supposed to be quite the Epic ride...so many things to do, so little time or money :-(. This is where the British, Russians and Chinese played out the "great game" of strategic "positioning" in the late 1800's. Very cool history.
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Snip - Zulu, I can imagine that riding through Malawi on the shores of Lake Nyasa, - Snip

Dude Lake Nyasa hasn't been around in years neither has Nyasaland:)

Acutally Malawi wouldn't be the worst of places to get spares - the further North you get the tougher it generally gets as a rule of thumb
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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Hey, what are they calling the Lake these days ? I know it is Malawi (the country, but my atlas shows the Lake as Nyasa...).

Here is a link to the Karakoram bike tour...

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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Malawi and Lake Malawi - that atlas has gotta be at least 20 yrs old:)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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Funny thing is that a search on the lake still shows lake Nyasa all over the place. Anyway, thanks for the update. I'll have to update the hard drive in my brain. its been around 20 years since my dad was working in southern Africa and unfortunately, I never had the chance to go there while he was working, but I have heard all the great stories.

Lake Malawi...looks like no openwater swimming "carnivourous fish and abundent crocs" :-)

---------------- Lake Malawi Lake Malawi seen from the Space Shuttle. Likoma and Chizumulu islands are visible near the centre of the image

Lake Malawi, originally known as Lake Nyasa, Lake Nyassa and Lake Niassa after the Yao word for "lake" (officially, still called Niassa in Mozambique), is the most southerly lake in the Great African Rift Valley system. First "discovered" by the famed Scottish explorer and missionary Dr. David Livingstone, Lake Malawi has sometimes been referred to as "Livingstone's Lake."

[/url] Geography

The lake is about 560 km long and 75 km wide at its widest point, with a total area of approximately 29,600 sq km, and is bordered by Mozambique, Malawi, and Tanzania. Its outlet is the Shire River; its largest tributary is the Ruhuhu. About three quarters of the lake is in Malawi; the rest is in Mozambique.

The lake lies in the Great African Rift Valley, a large graben caused by crustal extension. It probably formed about 40,000 years ago.

[/url] European discovery and colonization

David Livingstone was the first European to discover the lake, in 1859. Much of the area surrounding the lake was subsequently claimed by the British Empire to form the colony of Nyasaland. Although Portugal colonised the eastern shores of the lake, the islands of Likoma and Chizumulu which lie just off the shore were colonised by Scottish missionaries from Nyasaland, and as a result were incorporated as part of Nyasaland rather than Mozambique.

In 1914, the lake saw a brief naval engagement when a British ship, on hearing that World War I had begun, sank a German ship in Deutsch Ost-Afrika (see History of Tanzania) territorial waters.

[/url] Important islands A view of the lake from Likoma Island

There are two inhabited islands in the lake, Likoma and Chizumulu. Likoma is dominated by a huge stone Anglican cathedral, built by missionaries in the early 20th century. A notable feature of both islands is the large number of Baobab trees. The islands support a population of several thousand people, who grow cassava, bananas and mangos, as well as fishing the waters of the lake.

[/url] Lake transport

Large-scale transport between settlements along the shores of the lake and between the Malawi shore and Likoma and Chizumulu islands is provided by steamers. The MV Ilala is the best known, although in recent years has often been out of service. When running, it travels between Monkey Bay at the southern end of the lake to Karonga in the north, and occasionally to Iringa in Tanzania.

Boats travel about twice a week from Nkhata Bay on the mainland to Likoma and Chizumulu islands, taking about five hours to cross the lake. Neither island has a usable port, and boats moor offshore before transferring passengers and produce to the shore in small dinghies.

Informal transport between the two islands, and between Likoma Island and the Mozambique town of Cobue, is provided by small dhow-type boats.

[/url] Wildlife

Lake Malawi has traditionally provided a major food source to the residents of Malawi as it is rich in fish, the most famous of which is the Chambo, a fresh-water perch. Lake Malawi also holds a fish group known as the Malawi cichlid. These fish are divided into two basic groups First is the open-swimming, usually carnivorous species, often with colorful males and drab females, are Peacocks or Haps; the latter is short for Haplochromine, though the genus Haplochromis is no longer used for them. Second is a group locally and popularly known as mbuna, which means rockdweller. These fish are smaller, generally vegetarian, and both sexes are quite colorful, though many species are dimorphic. Cichlids are an important export for Malawi, but wild populations are increasingly threatened by commercial collecting and localized pollution. Other wildlife resident in the lake includes abundant crocodiles, and a large population of fish eagles which feed off the fish population.

The lake also supports populations of the snail which spreads bilharzia. For many years this was strenuously denied by the government, which feared it would deter tourism in the area, but since the fall of Hastings Banda, the presence of bilharzia in the lake has been more widely acknowledged.

[/url] See also
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Swimming etc is usually pretty safe - remember you don't have to out swim the croc just the person next to you:) Great place for a summer holiday - spent a Chrismas vacation in my old landy (sorry Landrover) exploring the area - fond memories of a different time
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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Moral of the story, don't go swimming with Jan Sibberson or Craig Walton in Lake Malawi...
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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That would mean cycling up some serious climbs( on crappy roads) at over 13,000 feet. I recall trying to "run" at this altitude when I was trekking in Nepal in 1995. You will note the quotation marks around the word run. It was more like the Kona Shuffle!!


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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aiiii. Egypt is ok, Northern Sudan fine. But the run through Ethiopia to Kenya is a dodgy to say the least. Once you are away from the border with Ethiopia and Kenya the rest of the trip would be fine.
Maybe you could skip the Sudan-Ethiopia section. Uganda would be a cool detour but can you climb hills?
Just spent a month travelling with a landrover (landy) through east africa. several times i thought about cycling, but the roads in africa are a death trap.
Last edited by: tridptri: Oct 25, 05 18:34
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [tridptri] [ In reply to ]
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yup - potholes in the road that could hide the landy!!
Last edited by: Zulu: Oct 25, 05 19:16
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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Zulu, are you a Saffa? I can't help but wonder with your screenname and all. ;)

That sounds like a trip of a lifetime, but considering how spotty infrastructure will become once you leave Egypt and until you reach South Africa, it would be one wild, unpredictable trip. I have been to most of the places along the route and they are all great in their own way, but I would not be brave enough to drive through Zim on a bike that is for sure.
Last edited by: icequeen: Oct 25, 05 18:53
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [tridptri] [ In reply to ]
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 ". . but the roads in africa are a death trap"

Agreed. I spent two months traveling around Kenya and Tanzania in 1995 during a year long round-the-world trip, and I have never been so scared during that trip or any other time in my life, than riding the buses in east Africa. The truck and bus drivers are absolutly maniacal! It's astounding really. Generally speaking, I found east African folk to be very easy going and laid back, but put them behind the wheel of a car and something happens - the transfomation is extraordinary.

I recall reading that Kenya and Tanzania have one of the highest per capita death rates on their roads in the world. Strange, because many of these roads run straight, across open country with great site lines. And very few people actually drive or own cars! It's quite a disturbing site looking along the sides of the roads - they just leave the wrecks of buses, trucks and cars sitting there. Every 400m is another wreck!

I am not sure if cycling on these same roads would be that safe.


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [icequeen] [ In reply to ]
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Yup - now resident in Vancouver - done 80% of that route in one form or another. Of course required equimment would be a rear gunner - just like the old irish milk delivery trucks:)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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typically the death rate there is caused by a combination of extremly poor driving skills, fatigue from driving excessively long hours plus the road worthyness (or rather lack there of) of the vehicles...
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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Me too though I've been in the States for over ten years now. Going back to S.A for Christmas to see the grandparents and then up to Namibia so I can play with the lions on the beach. ;) We order biltong from Vancouver from time to time. It's amazing how many South Africans have settled in Vancouver including some of my own extended family.
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [icequeen] [ In reply to ]
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hmmmm let me see. You leave sunny South Africa and settle in the Northwest where it rains 6 months per year ? There is something wrong with this picture. As for playing with lions in Namibia on the beach, whenever I hear Namibia, I either think of those elephants on the beach, or Frankie Fredricks, the fastest man never to win the Olympic games 100 or 200...
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [icequeen] [ In reply to ]
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Herman and the boys at SA Sausage are about 10 mins from where I work - of course that's when I'm not out of town on business (currently in NY) - seldom get homesick except when i stop by for some Castle, biltong and rooibos...last count had 60 000 of us in the Greater Vancouver area
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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LOL, didn't have a choice since it was my parents who immigrated and I was still a minor. At least we settled in Orange County initially which has the same climate as Cape Town pretty much. I am still not used to this weather up here even after several years. Namibia's beaches are also covered in diamonds, at least that is what my mom used to tell me. ;)
Last edited by: icequeen: Jun 6, 06 15:24
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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OMG, Castle? lThat is my dad's favourite and all his friends try and convince him it is rubbish. ;) If you are ever in L.A, stop by the European Deluxe Sausage Kitchen in Beverly Hills. The butcher is a German guy who lived in South Africa for twenty years or so and he makes the best biltong and dried vors ever! I don't know anyone who makes biltong in Seattle, but there is a butcher funny enough who makes boerewors.
Last edited by: icequeen: Jun 6, 06 15:25
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [icequeen] [ In reply to ]
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believe it or not I can actually buy castle in the local liquor store - along with Cape Velvet and a Meerlust Merlot or Cabernet:) Herman and the crew slice a mean rump to go with the borewors, biltong and niknaks!!:) I smell a braai coming on:))
Last edited by: Zulu: Oct 25, 05 19:48
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [icequeen] [ In reply to ]
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hey icequeen,

be sure to look me up next time you're in windhoek. god knows i'll probably be keen for a training partner.

and zulu:

can you actually nuy niknaks somewhere in north america? i'd pay a pound per ounce for the fruit chutney ones. . .



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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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oh shit yeah - several places I know of in Canada and the US...
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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Niknaks are my faves. I don't even mind the yellow fingers. ;) Do they have Simba chips, too? You are lucky you are in B.C with all the foods from home. We aren't so lucky in the States! This will probably disgust you, but I miss Anchovy Paste the most. You know the kind in the little green jars? Very good on buttery toast. Mmmmm....

BTW, I have ordered and been to Herman's place, too. Nice guy.
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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by the way, dude -

any good bike/tri shops in cape town? figure i might try to do ironman ZA and the drive from windhoek to CT's not THAT bad. obviously nothing in namibia, but was thinking i'd buy a new bike while there. plus if training in namibia i'd have to buy all the tubes/tyres/etc that i'd need until my next trip to CT. . .



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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [icequeen] [ In reply to ]
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...i'll pass on the paste thanks:) Haven't missed SA in quite a while - sitting in a cold wet NY hotel room talking about this is killing me though:)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, what are you doing in Windhoek? The drive to Cape Town is quite an undertaking. I've done it when I was young and it was rather frightening at times. Miles and miles of just you and the desert. I will definitely drop you a note if we end up that way. I'm always looking for someone to run with. :)
Last edited by: icequeen: Oct 25, 05 19:57
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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been a lot of years since I went bike shopping in Cape Town...when I left SA they still didn't have a tri shop in the country - not sure how that has changed - drop Raynard and email - he'll guide you....of course you would be looking high end based on all the diamonds you pick up every weekend on the beach at Swakopmund..
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [icequeen] [ In reply to ]
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heyo -

in namibia i do HIV research for the university of toronto and the university of namibia. sadly, at the moment i'm in edmonton trying to get a thesis done, and won't be back in NAM/ZA until may. alas. . .



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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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man you gotta plan your travel better - back to back winters suck:)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, as an undergrad i managed to string together a bit of an 'endless summer' by switching from university of toronto to melbourne uni and back to toronto (via south-east asia and south america) on a very careful schedule.

i must've pissed someone off because i've been paying for it ever since. edmonton? wtf?



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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [iron_mike] [ In reply to ]
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Impressive, Mike. You have an interesting job not to mention noble. Good luck with your research and everything and I hope that the winter isn't too tough of on you. Edmonton, eh? I doubt I could last a day in the winter. ;) But you're a tough Canadian with ice in your veins probably so I'm sure you will be fine. ;)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [icequeen] [ In reply to ]
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think we hijacked this thread enough??:)
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [Zulu] [ In reply to ]
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No no, this is all good. Nice to hear about the travels etc of others if I can't go myself.

Still want to do that trip to Malawi-Zambia-South Aftrica some time in my life, although the Cairo to Cape Town version looks quite daunting to say the least.

There is another very cool bike Tour from Katmandu Nepal to Lhasa Tibet....
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Zambia is rough dude - several years back I headed east out of Lusaka on the so called Great East Road towards Malawii - 500 odd miles of mind numbing pot holes later I finally crossed the border - would have been better if the it was dirt road.....can be pretty rough going with basic foods etc in poor supply - however had a great time at some of the local shebeens.....Malawii on the other hand is very friendly and well stocked....if you want to go anywhere head to Botswana along the Chobe river- hire a landy and head east from kasane along the chobe eventually comming out in Savuti then onto the Okovango and Maun - it'll take your breath away....
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Re: Wow: Trip of a Lifetime: Tourd'Afrique, from Cairo to Capetown [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Lake Malawi...looks like no openwater swimming "carnivourous fish and abundent crocs" :-)

that would be, um, nonsense.. none of the fish are big enough to be a problem, and while there might be crocs, I never saw or heard of one in all the years we travelled up there.

The open water swimming was in fact marvellous. I'd swim out from the beach for an hour, so land was a mere strip on the horizon, then float for a bit in a kind of mellow trance. No hydration problems, just open your mouth and drink the sweet clear water. This was of course nearly 20 years ago, so much has changed I'm sure.

I did come back with cerebral malaria once, can't recommend it.. mercenaries fighting in the neighbouring countries had brought back a quinine-resistant strain from Vietnam, so the pills I was taking didn't do a bit of good. The only somewhat effective prophylactic for the resistant strains of malaria is Lariam, which produces psychotic episodes in a significant fraction of the population. Hm. I've taken it, not a good trip.

The route of the tour from Nairobi on down is pretty good. The thought of cycling from Egypt through the Sudan (Darfur, anyone?) and Ethiopia, turns my bowels to water. I'm not brave enough for that. Maybe if I was single with no dependents..

"It is a good feeling for old men who have begun to fear failure, any sort of failure, to set a schedule for exercise and stick to it. If an aging man can run a distance of three miles, for instance, he knows that whatever his other failures may be, he is not completely wasted away." Romain Gary, SI interview
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