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Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders
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In broadcast of swim lots of talk about Charbot tending to Lionel. Exact same swim times.
Didnt see any threads on this. Seems like there would be a lot of opinions on here.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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NEPA_Trifan wrote:
In broadcast of swim lots of talk about Charbot tending to Lionel. Exact same swim times. Didn't see any threads on this. Seems like there would be a lot of opinions on here.

Ummm, i didn't watch the broadcast but, given that Sanders swam 1:01:10, i would not think he would really need a "domestique" to swim a 1:01.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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If this is true, then Lionel burned too many swim matches....
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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It's Chrabot not Charbot
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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Matt Lieto commented on it during the swim from his position in the boat. He said early on Charbot was looking back to make sure Sanders was still behind him.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [alittleslow] [ In reply to ]
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alittleslow wrote:
Matt Lieto commented on it during the swim from his position in the boat. He said early on Charbot was looking back to make sure Sanders was still behind him.

Well, it's just a bummer, I would have thought Lionel could have swum faster drafting off Chabrot. Perhaps Lionel will log on and provide some context for us, as he's done that several times over the past year or so.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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If you had watched it, it was pretty obvious.

I assume that it's technically against the rules to be paced even in the swim, impossible to enforce though, so kudos to the public shaming on the broadcast.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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NEPA_Trifan wrote:
In broadcast of swim lots of talk about Charbot tending to Lionel. Exact same swim times.
Didnt see any threads on this. Seems like there would be a lot of opinions on here.

There was lots of talk in "THE Kona Thread" day of the race
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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NEPA_Trifan wrote:
In broadcast of swim lots of talk about Charbot tending to Lionel. Exact same swim times.
Didnt see any threads on this. Seems like there would be a lot of opinions on here.

In 2012 Chrabot was the first. American and 7th overall out of the water at the San Diego Olympic selection event. A 1:01 swim does not correlate with that.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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What is making him humpback?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [johnnybefit] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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It was pretty obvious during the broadcast. I counted three instances of Chrabot rotating to look for Sanders even though I probably only watched half of the swim. I've literally never seen that before in a race.

My $0.02 that's cheating.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [GreenPlease] [ In reply to ]
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"My $0.02 that's cheating. "

Which rule was broken?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Trirunner] [ In reply to ]
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Dan said it best in The Offcial Kona Thread:

we've talked about this before, and i have always adhered to the slowman doctrine: "assistance" is not within the rules if it is rendered by an athlete who has abandoned or subordinated his own race ambition, and whose ambition is now to aid another. to me, that would be the case if matt is actually, obviously, pacing lionel. it should be clear based on past performance what matt is capable of.

the difference between potts and frodeno on one hand, and chrabot and sanders on the other, is that neither potts nor frodeno have abandoned their own race ambition.

is it always easy to tell when somebody has abandoned his race ambition? no. but it's not always easy to tell when somebody's doping either. because we can't know every instance of a failure to race by the rules that doesn't mean we should shy from enforcing a rule when it is broken.

the above is my view when it's ironman racing, which is a very clearly individual sport. in ITU racing, if you want to say that it's okay for that style of racing to incorporate team elements, fine. that's up to the ITU. but in ironman racing, this is a different format, a different history, a different culture. it has always been a fiercely individual sport. every man or woman on his own. the slowman doctrine holds say for ironman racing.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [GreatScott] [ In reply to ]
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I hear and understand you, but was there any rule in the Ironman rule book which was broken?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Trirunner] [ In reply to ]
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Trirunner wrote:
I hear and understand you, but was there any rule in the Ironman rule book which was broken?

Arguably, it could be against the USAT rule prohibiting pacing i.e. outside assistance.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [craigj532] [ In reply to ]
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I am not so sure, I think it would fall under inside assistance.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Trirunner] [ In reply to ]
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"I am not so sure, I think it would fall under inside assistance."

it isn't, nor has it ever, been outside assistance. it has always been unauthorized assistance.

3.4.d. Unauthorized Assistance. No participant shall accept from any person (other than a race official) physical assistance in any form, including food, drink, equipment, support, pacing, a replacement bicycle or bicycle parts, unless an express exception has been granted and approved, in writing, by USA Triathlon. The receipt of information regarding the progress, split times, or location of other competitors on the race course shall not be considered the acceptance of unauthorized assistance. Any violation of this Section shall result in a variable time penalty.

that's pretty clear, it seems to me. if anybody wants to know whether a rule has been broken and what the rule is, there it is.

i don't mind if ironman and/or USAT decides this is legal. it just needs to be addressed by both USAT and ironman: they need to say it's legal or it's not and if it's not they need to stick to that. this isn't new. i have observed a number of occasions over the years, in the pro field, where in my opinion assistance like this in the swim or the bike has been given. this occasion here is probably the most obvious i've ever seen but certainly not the first.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you for the clarification. I agree it is not the first time as there have been many cases of pro-men waiting and pacing their pro-women partners before. Heck the way the rule is written, it could be argued that Chrissy got unauthorized assistance when her competitor gave her a CO2 cartridge to fix a flat. I also agree that USAT/Ironman need to decide what they want and stick to their own rule.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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If you're going to cheat, you better win.

Not that he cares, but Lionel lost me as a fan on Saturday. I have been following and rooting for him this season, but I found this move to be pretty weak. If you can't hang, then get beaten or get better so you can hang with the big kids.

He also now doesn't know how much better he needs to get. "Wow, Potts and Frodo beat me out of the water by 13 minutes. Next year if I close that gap to 7 minutes, I'll have a chance to ride/run them down". What is he going to learn about swimming in Kona? That his pacer took a bad line? That his pacer went to fast and he burned too many matches?


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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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So when Chrissie got the CO2 that was a violation or was this rule after that?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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First of all, of course he paced him, a moron could see that.

Secondly is it against the rules, not any that I can find. Does it go against fair play and the nature of the sport, each has to decide that for themselves.

Thirdly, those of you commenting on the time, keep in mind that the swim was 3 minutes slow for the pointy end pros, probably 4 at the hour range. So that 1;01 is really like a 57 on a normal Kona swim, right about where many though he would be. When swims get funky, always go back and look at the top guys, and their difference to others to keep things in context.

And Lastly, I don't think it came up here, but I mentioned to dan on the phone while this was going on that I though Matt might also pace him on the bike for awhile. For those of you that don't know Matt, he is one of the best bikers in ITU, often breaking away solo for periods of time, but always trying to force breaks. I know Lionel is a monster on the bike too and pushes some big wattage, but for sure Matt could be his pacer for 50, 60, maybe even 70 miles if it was his only goal on the day.

So was anyone in the vicinity when they got passed by Lionel, and did you see Matt out in front(legal distance of course)? If pacing in the swim was within the letter of the rules, then I see no problem with this either. If you are Lionel and you are paying a guy to already break water for you, why not keep it going into the wind as long as possible too?

In the end this is going to force WTC's stand on this type of thing. I believe they have already made a rule that a man may not drop back and abandon his race for a woman, so along with gay marriage I guess there needs to be equality here too. But keep in mind that this one is a lot more tricky to figure out, man and woman is easy, just don't do it. But this need a far larger burden of proof. In this case, there is no doubt it was met, but for example, back when Macca rallied all the troops on the bike to gap Crowie, and all pretty much equal in cycling abilities, would that be not ok too??

I think in some instances this is why many rules just don't get made ahead of time, too many loop holes and enforcing issues. But with ironman it is usually they just have not thought about these scenarios ahead of time, and once they happen, then try and figure out what to do after the fact. How crazy would it have been if it played out exactly like I postured it could have, and Lionel won the race. Then the egg all over their face would be visible to the whole world, instead of a few eyeballs here on ST that read this stuff, or at least my stuff.. (-;

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [adambeston] [ In reply to ]
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"So when Chrissie got the CO2 that was a violation or was this rule after that?"

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"So when Chrissie got the CO2 that was a violation or was this rule after that?"

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

I have definitely given flat repair supplies to other athletes during races. Never thought of this as cheating, but I'll reference the "Slowman sportsmanship exception" if I ever get busted.


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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Pacing on the bike would have been prohibited. On our race packet, there was explicit instruction - "TEAM CYCLING OR RUNNING IS PROHIBITED AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION."

I believe this may have been tied to accusations from last year's race that Ronnie Schildknecht and another BMC/UPlace athlete dropped back to protect and pace Bart Aernouts. Or it may always have been there. I am not sure.

We will see if next year they add "swimming" to that list as well...

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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hey, i was guilty of this at this year's IM. guy gets a flat, right on kuakini hwy, 1 mile into the race. he's there, trying to fill up his tire with a CO2 cartridge. i was going to give him 1 cartridge to get the job done, and if he flubbed it i was going to do the 2nd cartridge for him. he got it done with the 1st cartridge. but i did cart off the empty tube for him (had he not it would have been "abandonment of equipment.").

so, i think this is a sub-paragraph 2, exceptions 1 and 3, which are: 1) spontaneous versus premeditated help; 2) sportsmanship.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

Introducing subjectivity into the equation deafens the rule to interpretation. Chrissy got the sportsmanship exception but Heather Wurtele did not in Couer D'Alene when a fellow competitor gave her equipment (a whole bike but really just equipment). Both would fall under the same sportsmanship exception - no?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [RobAllen] [ In reply to ]
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RobAllen wrote:
Slowman wrote:

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

Introducing subjectivity into the equation deafens the rule to interpretation. Chrissy got the sportsmanship exception but Heather Wurtele did not in Couer D'Alene when a fellow competitor gave her equipment (a whole bike but really just equipment). Both would fall under the same sportsmanship exception - no?

There are many folks who argued that Heather should not have been DQ'ed. And, in a stroke of brilliance, Christie Sym (I *THINK* - please correct me if I am wrong) argued that she wasn't actually assisting Heather. Stripes-style, she claimed she wasn't giving Heather her bike, she was abandoning it and heather was claiming it. Unfortunately, heather would then have been guilty of abandoning her own bike...

But the main point was that Chrissie also should have been DQ'ed. But no marshal witnessed the assistance. Just like they don't view the NBC footage and then hand out drafting penalties. Chrissie didn't actually get an "exemption." There isn't one. She just got lucky.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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It is also interesting to me that the rule prohibits receiving unauthorized assistance but says nothing about providing it. In other words, Sanders arguably broke a rule but Matt did not.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Are bike swaps prohibited?

Rappstar wrote:
RobAllen wrote:
Slowman wrote:

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

Introducing subjectivity into the equation deafens the rule to interpretation. Chrissy got the sportsmanship exception but Heather Wurtele did not in Couer D'Alene when a fellow competitor gave her equipment (a whole bike but really just equipment). Both would fall under the same sportsmanship exception - no?

There are many folks who argued that Heather should not have been DQ'ed. And, in a stroke of brilliance, Christie Sym (I *THINK* - please correct me if I am wrong) argued that she wasn't actually assisting Heather. Stripes-style, she claimed she wasn't giving Heather her bike, she was abandoning it and heather was claiming it. Unfortunately, heather would then have been guilty of abandoning her own bike...

But the main point was that Chrissie also should have been DQ'ed. But no marshal witnessed the assistance. Just like they don't view the NBC footage and then hand out drafting penalties. Chrissie didn't actually get an "exemption." There isn't one. She just got lucky.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [windschatten] [ In reply to ]
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between competitors yes. You can receive a bike from race support/official.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [windschatten] [ In reply to ]
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Who gives a sh$t? All it really shows is that even with a draft, Sanders is out of his league in the swim. I am a fan of the guy but if he is going to be competitive at the 140.6 distance, time to tackle the weakness with a tenacity that exceeds the level of training he puts into the other two sports.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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I got into trouble a few weeks ago talking about the spirit of the sport and suggesting that slingshotting, is a form of cheating.

We have, in a way, accepted that for the bike equipment, with the result that it is no longer a level playing field (and I am as much to blame) because those with money to spare can gain an advantage over those more able but with less resources. Perhaps the solution would be to throw the bikes in a pile and draw lots, now that would be a gas.

In swimming, because of the nature of the sport and the way open water swimming has always been run, it is more difficult to call someone drafting a cheat, it is just too difficult to consider banning it or requiring a set separation. You can provide a separation with lanes, but that is not going to happen in a mass start or AG start swim.

However having said all that, one competitor providing assistance, for some form of personal gain, however given, is absolutely against the spirit of the sport. Drafting a faster swimmer requires some effort and the possibility of burnout, but having a swimmer wait for a specific competitor, that removes the individual accomplishment and that smacks of cheating.

My bigger problem are those who start with the words, if there is no rule against it, it's ok. Too many people spend their time looking for an omission in the rules in order to gain an advantage, in life, as well as this sport. Takes all the fun out of too many things.
Last edited by: phog: Oct 12, 15 18:43
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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edit, never mind, covered if I bothered to read the thread!
Last edited by: ChrisM: Oct 12, 15 16:58
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [phog] [ In reply to ]
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OK, I'll bite... if you aren't using the rules as a guide as to what you can and can't do (whether by omission or not), then what do you suggest we use that would place everyone on the same equal footing?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Have to agree, the Macca thingy with teaming up the guy's to gap Crowie on the bike sounds a lot like team work... I'm sure this type of thing happens too many times to list. With all the so called "teams" being created, I'm guessing we should start to get used to it.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:
RobAllen wrote:
Slowman wrote:

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

Introducing subjectivity into the equation deafens the rule to interpretation. Chrissy got the sportsmanship exception but Heather Wurtele did not in Couer D'Alene when a fellow competitor gave her equipment (a whole bike but really just equipment). Both would fall under the same sportsmanship exception - no?

There are many folks who argued that Heather should not have been DQ'ed. And, in a stroke of brilliance, Christie Sym (I *THINK* - please correct me if I am wrong) argued that she wasn't actually assisting Heather. Stripes-style, she claimed she wasn't giving Heather her bike, she was abandoning it and heather was claiming it. Unfortunately, heather would then have been guilty of abandoning her own bike...

But the main point was that Chrissie also should have been DQ'ed. But no marshal witnessed the assistance. Just like they don't view the NBC footage and then hand out drafting penalties. Chrissie didn't actually get an "exemption." There isn't one. She just got lucky.

Well... we all witnessed it on the IM Video when she thanks Bec as she rode by.....
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [turningscrews] [ In reply to ]
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turningscrews wrote:
Who gives a sh$t? All it really shows is that even with a draft, Sanders is out of his league in the swim. I am a fan of the guy but if he is going to be competitive at the 140.6 distance, time to tackle the weakness with a tenacity that exceeds the level of training he puts into the other two sports.

That was my point exactly above around post 5 or so. Really, if he's drafting off a faster swimmer and yet still only swims a 1:01, and as a result is 10:20 behind the leaders, then he really needs to work on his swim. Maybe he can get jonnyo to help him out, or attend snappingT pro training camp in January. Ajthomas made the comment maybe 8-9 months ago when one of Lionel's "training day" videos was initially put up on youtube, that he was kind of doing his training in reverse, e.g. bike long and hard first, then run long and hard, then, with whatever energy left, try to swim hard. It seems like he should put his swim workout first so that can attack it when relatively fresh, not to mention that S-B-R is almost always the order of events.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the live feed but if this is true...and it sounds like it is...this is incredibly disappointing. Even if this isn't illegal it provides an advantage to an athlete that otherwise would not exist. I have been a HUGE Sanders fan but this would throw all of that out the window. If true, it was definitely premeditated.

I would love to hear from Sanders, Chrabot, or someone in their camps.

My question...why would Chrabot agree to do this? Do he and Sanders have some sort of relationship?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [RobAllen] [ In reply to ]
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Kind of like the old barter system...
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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I will address this matter as truthfully and openly as possible, and take responsibility for any flack. About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well. My first thought was that this would be against the rules, in the same manner that having your coach bike beside you is against the rules. Barrie then told the idea to Jimmy Riccitello (head referee for WTC) and asked if this was in violation of any of the rules. He said no. Admittedly, the idea did not sit very well with me, but if it wasn't against the rules I guess it was worth a shot.

The next task was to find someone who would be willing to help. I have connected with Matt Chrabot on several occasions at races and we have gotten along quite well. After his big performance in Chattanooga we figured he would not be looking to have a big outing in Kona. Barrie contacted him and asked if he was still coming to Kona, and if he would be willing to test this idea out. Being a nice guy and someone I consider to be a friend, he said yes.

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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LSandersTri wrote:
I will address this matter as truthfully and openly as possible, and take responsibility for any flack. About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well. My first thought was that this would be against the rules, in the same manner that having your coach bike beside you is against the rules. Barrie then told the idea to Jimmy Riccitello (head referee for WTC) and asked if this was in violation of any of the rules. He said no. Admittedly, the idea did not sit very well with me, but if it wasn't against the rules I guess it was worth a shot.

The next task was to find someone who would be willing to help. I have connected with Matt Chrabot on several occasions at races and we have gotten along quite well. After his big performance in Chattanooga we figured he would not be looking to have a big outing in Kona. Barrie contacted him and asked if he was still coming to Kona, and if he would be willing to test this idea out. Being a nice guy and someone I consider to be a friend, he said yes.

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim.

I think with this post and the closing statement you just won over a lot of fans. Best of luck with next year. Your race was pretty solid considering you did Tremblant not a long time ago!
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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LSandersTri wrote:
I will address this matter as truthfully and openly as possible, and take responsibility for any flack. About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well. My first thought was that this would be against the rules, in the same manner that having your coach bike beside you is against the rules. Barrie then told the idea to Jimmy Riccitello (head referee for WTC) and asked if this was in violation of any of the rules. He said no. Admittedly, the idea did not sit very well with me, but if it wasn't against the rules I guess it was worth a shot.

The next task was to find someone who would be willing to help. I have connected with Matt Chrabot on several occasions at races and we have gotten along quite well. After his big performance in Chattanooga we figured he would not be looking to have a big outing in Kona. Barrie contacted him and asked if he was still coming to Kona, and if he would be willing to test this idea out. Being a nice guy and someone I consider to be a friend, he said yes.

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim

awesome reply

now make your way to penticton....i will sort out your 1h swim issue for ever


Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [DFW_Tri] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think biting is in the rules
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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Wow. Very straight up guy to come on here, take the flack and respond in a non-defensive classy way. Good on ya.

And to say the you regret and will not do it again well then there is really nothing more to say. Except. Good luck in the future and congrats on your first Kona.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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jonnyo wrote:
LSandersTri wrote:
I will address this matter as truthfully and openly as possible, and take responsibility for any flack. About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well. My first thought was that this would be against the rules, in the same manner that having your coach bike beside you is against the rules. Barrie then told the idea to Jimmy Riccitello (head referee for WTC) and asked if this was in violation of any of the rules. He said no. Admittedly, the idea did not sit very well with me, but if it wasn't against the rules I guess it was worth a shot.

The next task was to find someone who would be willing to help. I have connected with Matt Chrabot on several occasions at races and we have gotten along quite well. After his big performance in Chattanooga we figured he would not be looking to have a big outing in Kona. Barrie contacted him and asked if he was still coming to Kona, and if he would be willing to test this idea out. Being a nice guy and someone I consider to be a friend, he said yes.

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim

awesome reply

now make your way to penticton....i will sort out your 1h swim issue for ever


What are you going to do? Make him swim 4000m daily, open water band pull beating him over the head with oars and swimming circles around him with a jet ski?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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Great post Lionel! Love rooting for you.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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Awesome post.

And it's very true, there aren't any shortcuts, and it isn't complicated. Swim every day, swim hard, swim with focus. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [johnnybefit] [ In reply to ]
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The other scenarios are addressed in the current IM rules:
(a) Assistance provided by Race Referees or Race Officials is allowed but such assistance is limited to: providing drinks, nutrition, mechanical and medical assistance, and other necessary assistance (as may be approved by the Event Director or Head Referee). Athletes competing in the same Race may assist each other with incidental items such as, but not restricted to: nutrition and drinks after an aid station and pumps, tires, inner tubes, and puncture repair kits; and
(b) Athletes may not provide any item of equipment to an athlete competing in the same Race if it results in the donor athlete being unable to continue with his/her own Race. Such equipment includes but is not restricted to: shoes, complete bicycle, frame, wheels, or helmet. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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Wow .... I don't normally respond in these forums but awesome to see Lionel be so upfront with that response. Totally agree I don't the pacing helped his swim at all.

FWIW I thought it was a great 1st up performance in Kona, a 2:54 marathon is a very solid effort on a tough run day. A 5-6 min faster swim (which I'd think would be easily attainable) puts him in firmly in Top 5-10 territory particularly as he'll be cycling in a group rather than on his own.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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LSandersTri wrote:
About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well.

I'm unimpressed with shep here. The front guys have earned others to swim with. You want people to swim with...get faster. It's that simple in my eyes. Sounds like Lionel sees that now.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, I will give you another kudos for coming on here. I used to think what Nike Oregon Project was/is doing was fine but have progressed. Transparency, especially that quickly is something to look for. You know there are dopers out there and other types of cheats so the competition is tough and unfair and you already have a chip on your shoulder. Good luck next year.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:

Thirdly, those of you commenting on the time, keep in mind that the swim was 3 minutes slow for the pointy end pros, probably 4 at the hour range. So that 1;01 is really like a 57 on a normal Kona swim, right about where many though he would be. When swims get funky, always go back and look at the top guys, and their difference to others to keep things in context.

I'm curious how you figure the swim was 3 mins slower for pointy end pro's? *Maybe* 1min slower but 50 mins is a pretty standard swim for the leaders in Kona these days. I don't ever recall seeing the lead swim pack exit in the high 47 / low 48's (a few outliers maybe but that's it). I think Potts might have swum a high 49 a few years back but I'm sure most years he's out in around 50 mins.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [badgertri] [ In reply to ]
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badgertri wrote:
LSandersTri wrote:
About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well.

I'm unimpressed with shep here. The front guys have earned others to swim with. You want people to swim with...get faster. It's that simple in my eyes. Sounds like Lionel sees that now.

I'm unimpressed with this particular decision, partly because of what you write, but mostly because it's a really shitty strategy. It's one thing to find a guy who will swim at the pace you want and say, "let's swim together". If the guy you are swimming with has to slow down though, it's really hard to maintain that balance between too fast and fast enough.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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LSandersTri wrote:
I will address this matter as truthfully and openly as possible, and take responsibility for any flack. About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well. My first thought was that this would be against the rules, in the same manner that having your coach bike beside you is against the rules. Barrie then told the idea to Jimmy Riccitello (head referee for WTC) and asked if this was in violation of any of the rules. He said no. Admittedly, the idea did not sit very well with me, but if it wasn't against the rules I guess it was worth a shot.

The next task was to find someone who would be willing to help. I have connected with Matt Chrabot on several occasions at races and we have gotten along quite well. After his big performance in Chattanooga we figured he would not be looking to have a big outing in Kona. Barrie contacted him and asked if he was still coming to Kona, and if he would be willing to test this idea out. Being a nice guy and someone I consider to be a friend, he said yes.

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim.

Lionel - As others have said, we appreciate your being a stand-up guy about this. If anyone in Canada can get you seriously faster, jonnyo is indeed the man. Good luck with working on your swim, swimming is hard but it is great fun when you're really moving. When i'm really swimming well, i feel a great sense of power:)

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Trying to police this is challenging. Think about it in the AG context where the stakes are not high, but I know the people who are going to swim under 30 in 70.3 races.

I try to line up with them and get my free ride saving around 3 minutes and feeling nice and fresh. It's no different to what sanders did except he had the decency to ask for the ride.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [adambeston] [ In reply to ]
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I've been off to the Green Beach for the day and finally had the chill out time my wife and I needed after a long ITU + Ironman season.

The swim partner concept grew out of watching what the elite guys in the front benefit from, without having to organize anything. Based on skill on Saturday, Dylan hammered the swim and Andy and Jan would get the benefit. Similarly about 20 others would gain the same benefits in the draft of the main chase pack of the swim. Knowing that very few athletes would likely be as novice in the ocean as Lionel was, I looked to evaluate all options that were available.

One option was simply swim on his own and get ready for the Ironman bike and run. Anticipated gap was 9-10 minutes (perhaps a bit better in the perfect day and worse if the conditions were harsher). I approached Lionel with the idea of a swim partner. He was on the fence on the idea, as he loves to do it all himself and I respect that. I believed it had a chance of helping him take the 8-10 min deficit down by another few minutes and put him closer to other rides on the 180km (rather then the virtual 180km he rode solo himself).

We inquired whether there were any rules against it (and if there were it would be a non-starter). The reality was there were no rules against it, because its occurring all day long in the swim, and impossible to scrutinize with 2000+ people in the small swim area. I am sure its been used before by better swimmers in modest size packs.

There were very few people who were likely candidates. 3/4's of the field were focused on Kona and would not be prepared to give up a second in the swim (and I understood that). 8-10 of the guys swim basically Lionel's speed anyway, so there was no assurances they could help him swim any straighter or faster. Matt Charbot was a great choice for a number of reasons. He had already emptied the tank in his Ironman two weeks before, so obviously would not be going for the podium in Kona. I knew Matt, knew his swim skills and when I approached him with the idea he was intrigued. Matt has raced ITU format for years and has both been the benefactor of a support person on the bike in ITU races and has likely helped others as well.

Matt did everything we could have asked on race day (then went onto bike and run a very solid day himself on very tired legs). Matt's a class guy and I appreciated him helping another young athlete when it wasn't Matt's day to shine. As Lionel's coach, I take full responsibility for evaluating a tactic to see if it had any value and convincing him to try it. In the end, my gut feeling is Lionel would have swam the same speed or faster (he was 11 min down out of the water) and has come out of the water numerous times with some of the guys who were 1-3 min ahead of him on Saturday.

Lionel and I know that he has to place more emphasis on improving his open water swimming and his opening 200m swim speed for the future. It's that simple. Lionel simply was not swimming world championship swimming speed in an ocean, without a wetsuit and we knew it had a modest chance of working, but it was the World Championships and you need to look at every aspect of the day that you can improve and influence (nutrition, equipment, aerodynamics, heat preparation) and in his case swim deficit.

Knowing what I know now, I would have simply suggested Lionel find the fastest slow guys he could find and stay on them all swim. I made an attempt to minimize his obvious deficit in the water, with a strategy that was allowed under the rules, and it didn't work out. I am sure faster, more competent swimmers have (and will) use it more effectively to their benefit. For now, Lionel simply needs to improve his swimming in both the pool & open water so that his world-class bike and run skills can be more properly displayed.

It was an honour to watch the incredible skills that the top 8-10 men displayed on Saturday. The reason they call it a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS is that you have to come with the complete package. Clearly we were ready to compete in 2 of the 3 legs and have 363 days to be ready for Kona 2016. I know Lionel's tenacity and he will have the full package by the time we come back in 2016.

For now, I simply see the failed swim support strategy as the perfect reason why you have to be world-class in all three sports if you want to compete for the podium in Kona. The top 10 men had the full package and they illustrated it on Saturday. We did not. We will get the work done over the winter to be able to be on more equal footing next year. Kudos to the great athletes who populated both the men's and women's field.

Barrie Shepley
Coach & Support to Lionel Sanders
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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Lionel already said all that with half the words.

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [H-] [ In reply to ]
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H- wrote:
Lionel already said all that with half the words.

Cut Barrie some slack please. He's just coming on here and taking some ownership of the entire strategy. It's not often that we see coaches doing that, so no need to beat up on him for contributing something. By all means, discuss his content, but having him participate is actually a benefit for all of us.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
H- wrote:
Lionel already said all that with half the words.

Cut Barrie some slack please. He's just coming on here and taking some ownership of the entire strategy. It's not often that we see coaches doing that, so no need to beat up on him for contributing something. By all means, discuss his content, but having him participate is actually a benefit for all of us.

I agree 100%. It's a privilege that these guys come on here to discuss their thoughts/strategies with us. No need to be a douche back at them when they are giving us what we want, an explanation straight from the horse's mouth
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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Thx Barrie & Lionel, I for one appreciate you guy's coming on here and explaining what went down on Saturday. I don't believe anything you tried to accomplish on Saturday has not been tried before and will be tried again.

Has anyone presented the idea of working with Gary Hall and his crew down at the Race Club? Is it a matter of logistics / Cost / to me they appear to run a top notch facility with great expertise. For a guy so close to breaking through, I figure it's time to go to the top for swim instruction.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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LSandersTri wrote:

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim.

While I appreciate you addressing the matter head on and your final point, I'm still not willing to give you a pass. You regret it because it was wrong or you regret it because it didn't work?

If you can swim 59 without assistance, I would bet you could swim 55 sitting on someone's feet who is swimming steady at a 55 min pace. Does coming out of the water 6 minutes faster change your day and have an impact on the overall race? Absolutely.

If you catch the main pack, maybe Jan knows you can run with him, so he burns matches to drop you on the bike and blows up on the run. Or maybe Sebi sits on your wheel as you go past and conserves enough to run 2:48 and win.

If you were going to execute this strategy, you should have at least gotten an advantage from it. The result is that you lost credibility (and me as a fan for whatever little that is worth) and didn't benefit in the race.

Back to my first response: if you are going to cheat, you better win


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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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If I wrote or interpreted the rule book, this would not be an allowable action. I don't write or interpret the rule book so my opinion carries little legal weight. But as head referee, Jimmy Riccitello, does. So having cleared this strategy with the officials I see absolutely no reason to question the ethics of having Lionel paced in the swim.

In my mind however the problem is that the rules of triathlon in general are immature. When I read usa swimming's rule book or the usga's rules of golf, there is far less vagueness. These rule books (especially golf) are sometimes hard to read but have evolved over years to account for situations that were not anticipated when the rules were first written. Hopefully this situation will be either clarified in a new wording of the rule, or in an officially documented "rule interpretation."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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Respect to both you and Lionel for owning the mistake.

Since I spend my races sitting on people's toes (there's no way around that, literally) I can't criticise. Good luck with the next year of training and racing!

'It never gets easier, you just get crazier.'
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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kjmcawesome wrote:
LSandersTri wrote:

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim.

While I appreciate you addressing the matter head on and your final point, I'm still not willing to give you a pass. You regret it because it was wrong or you regret it because it didn't work?

If you can swim 59 without assistance, I would bet you could swim 55 sitting on someone's feet who is swimming steady at a 55 min pace. Does coming out of the water 6 minutes faster change your day and have an impact on the overall race? Absolutely.

If you catch the main pack, maybe Jan knows you can run with him, so he burns matches to drop you on the bike and blows up on the run. Or maybe Sebi sits on your wheel as you go past and conserves enough to run 2:48 and win.

If you were going to execute this strategy, you should have at least gotten an advantage from it. The result is that you lost credibility (and me as a fan for whatever little that is worth) and didn't benefit in the race.

Back to my first response: if you are going to cheat, you better win

If you ask the head official if it's cool to do something, and the head official says it's cool, then it isn't cheating. They asked jimmy r, and he said fine, go ahead.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [georged] [ In reply to ]
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This is dumb, there really was no mistake made. I think if you guys are going to apologize for anything you should apologize for not drafting off someone who swims faster than you typically would on your own (I know Matt typically would). If anyone thinks this is cheating, then don't ever cheer for the Brownlee's or any other ITU athlete who works in groups. Drafting even occurs within swimming events with lane lines & is something distance swimmers are taught to use to their advantage at a young age. We can't be expected to race in a vacuum.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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You could also look at this as training for Sanders. You hope that one day he catches that 1st or 2nd pack, but because of his background he's probably not going to be leading these packs ever. He's going to have to learn to swim behind or next to someone, but at this stage he's almost always by himself and not able to practice this necessary skill. He just practiced swimming on someone's hip in a race situation (THE race situation), which is going to be a requirement for him in the future to win. This is definitely a plus, regardless of the final time. But I'm a bit of an optimist.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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3 things:

Move to wherever that Jonnyo guy is and eat, drink & sleep that PAIN you felt when you get out in 1:01.

Then get hooked up in the Velodrome STAT. We need to know how you can improve the bike.

Let me know if you need a homestay for IM AZ. I can help you out there.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
If you ask the head official if it's cool to do something, and the head official says it's cool, then it isn't cheating. They asked jimmy r, and he said fine, go ahead.

Totally agree with this...but I wonder what conversations other pros will have with Jimmy about the fairness of this strategy and the degree that it be refereed? That's the group that has the most to win and lose here.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [AKCrafty] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think there is really much to be gained by getting a considerably faster swimmer to slow down for you. They'll find it difficult to set an accurate pace (it isn't like you can get accurate splits), and you can't really communicate faster/slower very well in the water.

The real strategy is to find someone who is a little faster than you, and hang on their feet for dear life. Which is no different from the status quo. Maybe you agree to swim near someone who is similar speed, so you know you'll get a draft rather than hope you get one. But it really is pretty much what happens now.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:
RobAllen wrote:
Slowman wrote:

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

Introducing subjectivity into the equation deafens the rule to interpretation. Chrissy got the sportsmanship exception but Heather Wurtele did not in Couer D'Alene when a fellow competitor gave her equipment (a whole bike but really just equipment). Both would fall under the same sportsmanship exception - no?

There are many folks who argued that Heather should not have been DQ'ed. And, in a stroke of brilliance, Christie Sym (I *THINK* - please correct me if I am wrong) argued that she wasn't actually assisting Heather. Stripes-style, she claimed she wasn't giving Heather her bike, she was abandoning it and heather was claiming it. Unfortunately, heather would then have been guilty of abandoning her own bike...

But the main point was that Chrissie also should have been DQ'ed. But no marshal witnessed the assistance. Just like they don't view the NBC footage and then hand out drafting penalties. Chrissie didn't actually get an "exemption." There isn't one. She just got lucky.

I can't resist...

Have either of you ever been convicted of a felony?

Convicted? Nooooo... Never convicted... (one of my favorite lines - though the abandoning one is great too.) RIP HR (aka Russell Zitsky). if you ever see me laughing during a hard track workout, I'm likely thinking about Stripes, Caddyshack, Animal House or Office Space. Laughter kills some of the pain.

I saw this on a white board in a window box at my daughters middle school...
List of what life owes you:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"So when Chrissie got the CO2 that was a violation or was this rule after that?"

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

There was some discussion in pro golf years ago about having the field anonymously vote on a ruling in the event it fell into a rare grey area. Nothing ever came of it but, IMO, it's a good idea.

Sebastian Kienle has a fantastic photo and commentary on his Facebook page of him "receiving assistance" from Andreas Raelart in the form of water being poured onto his back on the run. Is this a violation of the rule? Yes, but there's no way in hell his piers would vote to enforce it. In Lionel's situation the outcome might be very different.

Sebastian Kienle wrote:
And if you like to know why I love this sport so much, the pic says it all. You are training endless hours just to beat the other guys. But on judgement day you still share your water with them.

Last edited by: GreenPlease: Oct 12, 15 22:16
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [GreenPlease] [ In reply to ]
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"Sebastian Kienle has a fantastic photo and commentary on his Facebook page of him "receiving assistance" from Andreas Raelart in the form of water being poured onto his back on the run. Is this a violation of the rule? Yes, but there's no way in hell his piers would vote to enforce it."

i think the questions that answer most of these questions are:

1. did the racer giving support obviously abandon his own race ambitions, throwing his efforts toward another?
2. is it much, much, much more likely than not that the aid was premeditated?

you don't need #2, but if you have both 1 and 2 i think it's clear that one person is getting aid of the sort no one else in the race is getting. in your example, i don't think either 1 or 2 were violated.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [HKoldtimer] [ In reply to ]
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I'm curious how you figure the swim was 3 mins slower for pointy end pro's? *Maybe* 1min slower but 50 mins is a pretty standard swim for the leaders in Kona these days. I don't ever recall seeing the lead swim pack exit in the high 47 / low 48's (a few outliers maybe but that's it). I think Potts might have swum a high 49 a few years back but I'm sure most years he's out in around 50 mins. //

I guess you have not watched many of these swims. Potts is like a metronome, almost always swims a 48+ on normal days, did a 47+ on someones feet one year. Unless he decides to just swim in the pack(i think he did that one year), he is a 48 guy. Wolfgang Deittrich was the same exact type of athlete, also swam 48's just about every year the swim was normal, which is almost always. The guy leading the swim was actually a better swimmer than Potts, at least good enough for him to never come around and take a pull. They started hard, broke the back of all the other great swimmers, and there was a ferocious sprint for the swim prime at the end, all elements of a hard fought swim. The guy that won the swim usually swims 44 in wetsuit swims and crushes the fields, so him drilling it for the swim prime should have put him in the 47's somewhere. Since Potts and Frodo where right with him, they too get my benefit of at least a 48 flat or so.

Now when you get to the slower swimmers, the delta will get a bit larger. I suspect that it was a side/head current for a lot of the swim, that is what usually leads to slower swims overall, and keeps bigger packs together with guys in them that usually don't make the cut. There was a glaring example of this the year Norman Stadler won and was in the lead pack in the swim, something he had never done before, or after. Im thinking this is what assisted Keinle to be in that group too, although he certainly has improved his swim. I just don't believe on a neutral swim course he would have made the cut on this day, but when there is head current, it allows others to follow that normally could not.

So thats how i figure it, and also, the lead group(not the off the front guys, but first big main group), almost always swims 50 flat to 51. I suspect this lead group was closer to the 50 flat or just under range considering who was in it.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
jonnyo wrote:
LSandersTri wrote:
I will address this matter as truthfully and openly as possible, and take responsibility for any flack. About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well. My first thought was that this would be against the rules, in the same manner that having your coach bike beside you is against the rules. Barrie then told the idea to Jimmy Riccitello (head referee for WTC) and asked if this was in violation of any of the rules. He said no. Admittedly, the idea did not sit very well with me, but if it wasn't against the rules I guess it was worth a shot.

The next task was to find someone who would be willing to help. I have connected with Matt Chrabot on several occasions at races and we have gotten along quite well. After his big performance in Chattanooga we figured he would not be looking to have a big outing in Kona. Barrie contacted him and asked if he was still coming to Kona, and if he would be willing to test this idea out. Being a nice guy and someone I consider to be a friend, he said yes.

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim

awesome reply

now make your way to penticton....i will sort out your 1h swim issue for ever


What are you going to do? Make him swim 4000m daily, open water band pull beating him over the head with oars and swimming circles around him with a jet ski?

I live about 2 hours from Jonnyo and we have a few athletes who spend time in Penticton, we (basically Jonny) organized a group "extra" workout on BC long weekend a week after Whistler.

The choice is mathematical load in the pool….IE a bunch of workouts on your own with no eyes or an OW workout 3X week with eyes and a fun group on you and always a focus on strategy and technique….

He basically incorporates a focus of "intensity plus strategy" in the OW, IE same as the pool…he will measure out various intervals with buoys etc and do intervals, but always perhaps an extra focus on strategy, I only swam once but a few athletes have swam a bit with him while there.

And of course, there is a little rest period….filled with smart as comments to some of his regular crew….he is nicer to "new" people ;-)

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"I am not so sure, I think it would fall under inside assistance."

it isn't, nor has it ever, been outside assistance. it has always been unauthorized assistance.

3.4.d. Unauthorized Assistance. No participant shall accept from any person (other than a race official) physical assistance in any form, including food, drink, equipment, support, pacing, a replacement bicycle or bicycle parts, unless an express exception has been granted and approved, in writing, by USA Triathlon. The receipt of information regarding the progress, split times, or location of other competitors on the race course shall not be considered the acceptance of unauthorized assistance. Any violation of this Section shall result in a variable time penalty.

that's pretty clear, it seems to me. if anybody wants to know whether a rule has been broken and what the rule is, there it is.

i don't mind if ironman and/or USAT decides this is legal. it just needs to be addressed by both USAT and ironman: they need to say it's legal or it's not and if it's not they need to stick to that. this isn't new. i have observed a number of occasions over the years, in the pro field, where in my opinion assistance like this in the swim or the bike has been given. this occasion here is probably the most obvious i've ever seen but certainly not the first.

Slowman, what you quoted here are USAT rules, not IM rules, which are actually as follows:
(a) Assistance provided by Race Referees or Race Officials is allowed but such assistance is limited to: providing drinks, nutrition, mechanical and medical assistance, and other necessary assistance (as may be provided by the Event Director or Head Referee). Athletes competing in the same Race may assist each other with incidental items such as, but not restricted to: nutrition, and drinks after an aid station and pumps, tires, inner tubes, and puncture repair kits; and
(b) Athletes may not provide any item of equipment to an athlete competing in the same Race if it results in the donor athlete being unable to continue his/her own Race. Such equipment includes but is not restricted to: shoes, complete bicycle, frame, wheels, or helmet. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes.

Section 2.01 states that athletes must
(a) practice good sportsmanship at all times
(h) compete without receiving assistance from other parties (other than from Race Referees, Race Officials, and other athletes in accordance with Section 2.02
(j) not gain or attempt to gain any unfair advantage from any external vehicle or object.

So my take on Lionel's drafting off Chabrot is this:
He attempted to gain an unfair advantage, but since Chabrot was not an external vehicle or object, I think the only rule he may have violated is 2.01 (a), for which neither Section 2.01 nor Article III. PENALTIES specifies the penalty. The Appendix, however, specifies for unsportsmanlike behaviour a DSQ and potential suspension.
Had he gained an unfair advantage from an external vehicle (and violated 2.01 (j)), then the rule doesn't even specify the penalty for that (unlike 2.01 (i), (k) or (l)), such that in accordance with 3.01(f) the penalty would have been up to the referee's discrection.

In any case I greatly appreciate Lionel's statement here on ST expressing regret for his decision, and I think this was very sportsmanlike such that for me the case is closed.

However, Lionel as well as every other athlete competing, was in violation of rule 2.01 (c), according to which each athlete must
know, understand, and follow all Competition Rules, as stated herein, in the Event-specific Athlete Information Guide, and at the Event-specific athlete briefings.

It would be good for the sport of triathlon to come up with a set of proper, consistent and well thought through rules. Current rule books (whether IM, ITU, USAT or other national federations) are full of self-contradictions, unclear wordings, unnecessary or just plain non-sensical rules. These rules could be split into two parts, a slim body of general rules which apply to the sport of triathlon, and then some additional rules specific to each event.

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [johnnybefit] [ In reply to ]
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 ups for some reason did not see the above post


page 7 2.2

Outside assistance:
The assistance provided by event personnel or Technical
Officials is allowed but is
limited to
drinks, nutrition, mechanical and medical assista
nce, upon the
approval of the Technical Delegate or Race Referee
. Athletes competing in the
same race may assist each other with incidental items such as
but not restricted
nutrition and drinks after a water station and pumps, tubular tires, inner tubes
and puncture repair kits
Athletes may not provide any item of equipment to an athlete competing in the
same race which results in the donor athlete bei
ng unable to continue with their
own race. This includes but is not restricted to shoes, complete bicycle, frame,
wheels and helmet. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes
johnnybefit wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
RobAllen wrote:
Slowman wrote:

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

Introducing subjectivity into the equation deafens the rule to interpretation. Chrissy got the sportsmanship exception but Heather Wurtele did not in Couer D'Alene when a fellow competitor gave her equipment (a whole bike but really just equipment). Both would fall under the same sportsmanship exception - no?

There are many folks who argued that Heather should not have been DQ'ed. And, in a stroke of brilliance, Christie Sym (I *THINK* - please correct me if I am wrong) argued that she wasn't actually assisting Heather. Stripes-style, she claimed she wasn't giving Heather her bike, she was abandoning it and heather was claiming it. Unfortunately, heather would then have been guilty of abandoning her own bike...

But the main point was that Chrissie also should have been DQ'ed. But no marshal witnessed the assistance. Just like they don't view the NBC footage and then hand out drafting penalties. Chrissie didn't actually get an "exemption." There isn't one. She just got lucky.

Well... we all witnessed it on the IM Video when she thanks Bec as she rode by.....
Last edited by: pk: Oct 13, 15 6:47
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, I've extended that invite already.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [pk] [ In reply to ]
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overall the problem in this thread is we have real issues like drafting and drugs
And focus on the " miniscule" stuff.

if we discuss outside assistance i would suggest we find a way to make it real world ( great Solomon that you would have given the guy a cartridge despite its against the current rules as this should be allowed as the athelte already has lost time - in this case a puncture -

with the drafting incident in the water from my understanding there is nothing illegal
and i think we are really in very difficult terrain when we talk aobut sportsmanship here

the current drafting rules provide assistance to the rider the current, swim rules provide assistance and both rules in a way punish the fastest in each sport.
so we really have an problem when we try to claim this is an unassited sport .
not even talking about power meter . That technically speaking are a pacing guide.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Am trying to understand the issue now.

The rules state if you have a question, you ask the head official. If they say something is okay, it is legal.
They asked, the HO said it was legal, and they did it.

So, what is the issue? Oh I know, it is not what the rules say, it is what folks think the rules should say. :)

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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So what about two athletes running together and supporting each in the late miles of an Ironman marathon? What if they decided to finish together since they bonded over the last X number of miles? Is that against the rules?

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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Let's say your strategy had succeeded and Lionel benefited by a few minutes in the swim from having a domestique. And after his superb, domestique-assisted swim, went on to uber-bike and uber-run and came home World Champion. How do you think his victory would have been received given the ostensibly legal but very dodgy tactic of hiring a swim domestique? My opinion is that this is not the way for Lionel to keep/grow his cult fanbase nor to earn respect from his pro peers. It all seems very ill-advised to me.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [mauricemaher] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Jonnyo swim group. last spring I was 1:23 per 100 in pool off on 1:40....push my luck I could do 10 like that on 1:30. Summer in the lake and came back pool...1:18s with 10sec Gap not 5 on swimmer ahead.

Now I've only done 3 swims since IM Wales so that's dropping the wrong direction now! But a factoid that hard open water group sets chasing faster athletes work.

Lionel can chase Sean Bechtel up there with Barrie and should get on that fast or spend a summer block here IMO.

As for this thread....Jesus ST needs to get over itself. Who cares? They asked head ref & he said fine. And frankly this was happening far more than people think in years gone by. . I mean Beijing Canada picked Colin Jenkins over Brent McMahon for this EXACT reason.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [turningscrews] [ In reply to ]
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turningscrews wrote:
This is dumb, there really was no mistake made.

This mistake was trying it in the first place. It was a desperate strategy and was likely never going to work. Lionel has very little experience drafting and Matt probably has no experience aiding a (much) slower swimmer. Both are hard to do, especially when experience is limited.

Lionel is a world class athlete. He is either satisfied being a mediocre swimmer (doubt it) or has not been given the tools and instruction to succeed as a swimmer. The suggestions that this swim should be graded on a curve are poor attempts to veil the absolute lack of improvement in the past 14 months in Lionel's swim. I would like to know how he is being guided through this process. I cannot believe that Mike McWha would have given a stamp of approval to this...
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kny] [ In reply to ]
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If it worked out I would have saluted both the athlete and coach for choosing an appropriate strategy that helped their race and was within the rules. Name one sport in the world that a coach wouldn't try to maximize the outcome as long as it is within the rules?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Macho Grande] [ In reply to ]
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"So what about two athletes running together and supporting each in the late miles of an Ironman marathon?"

asked and answered. see "slowman doctrine."

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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"Slowman, what you quoted here are USAT rules, not IM rules"

these rules are cumulative, not either/or, unless ironman got specific permission from USAT to have a USAT rule not apply. example: not all helmets have to be CPSC-certified in kona. that's a specific rule abatement.

i've sent a note off to jimmy about this. you might be right that the USAT rule is not applicable, but my guess is that it is applicable, and ironman's rules are lopped on top, as a second rule that must be followed as well.

in any case, we'll see what he says. whatever the interpretation is will be how it is the rules work going forward.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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clearly Andreas is sabotaging Sebastian by adding weight in the form of water to Sebby's suit and water in the shoes causing blisters, both of which caused him to slow down and get 8th.

Slowman wrote:
"Sebastian Kienle has a fantastic photo and commentary on his Facebook page of him "receiving assistance" from Andreas Raelart in the form of water being poured onto his back on the run. Is this a violation of the rule? Yes, but there's no way in hell his piers would vote to enforce it."

i think the questions that answer most of these questions are:

1. did the racer giving support obviously abandon his own race ambitions, throwing his efforts toward another?
2. is it much, much, much more likely than not that the aid was premeditated?

you don't need #2, but if you have both 1 and 2 i think it's clear that one person is getting aid of the sort no one else in the race is getting. in your example, i don't think either 1 or 2 were violated.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Where does that leave Chrissie W. and Rebeka Keat? Given that Rebeka donated two cartridges to help out when CW flatted, wouldn't one or both of them be in violation of the rule as it's written here?

I'm also not sure that the rule has "always" been the way it's phrased in 3.4.d... I'm going off memory, but at my first couple of IM races (late 90's?), I had thought that a distinction was drawn between spectators and competitors. If not, where does the verbal agreement between Rukosuev and Bernhadt during IMF 2001 fall?

Alec Rukosuev and Olivier Bernhard, both feared runners, exited their bikes together and commenced pursuit after eventual Ironman Florida champ Jamie Cleveland. After six miles of back-and-forth racing they settled into a pace, each using the other's energy.

Rukosuev recounts a philosophical conversation he was having with himself at mile-15. "Sport is sometimes unfair." said Rukosuev, "Especially an Ironman. You're not racing, but surviving. It occured to me right then that it would be, in a way, a shame to spend so much time working alongside a fellow competitor, with so much shared energy, only to have one prevail in a finishing sprint. That's what I was thinking."

It was almost precisely at that moment that Bernhardt -- a two-time winner of Ironman Switzerland -- looked over and asked, "Do you want to tie?"

"On other occasions I'd perhaps have said no." recalled Rukosuev, "But in that frame of mind I accepted. We shook hands, right there on the road. We agreed that whatever happened, win or lose, we'd do it together."

They were two-minutes behind Cleveland at that point. The pace picked up. At mile-19 they were one-minute behind, or a little less. The Swiss racer asked Rukosuev how he was feeling. "Great, let's go get him." Shortly afterward Bernhard cramped. He stopped dead in the road.

"I waited for him," said Rukosuev. "We had a deal. We shook. I waited while he stretched. Then we continued on, now two-minutes down. I still thought we could catch Jamie. Then Bernhard stopped again. I waited again. The lead was now four-minutes as we stood on the road. Finally I told him we can't wait any longer. I asked him if I could go on."

Rukosuev continued on to a second-place finish. Bernhard never made it past mile-22. There is no sense of what might have been in Rukosuev's voice, and he is gracious in his praise of Cleveland. Bernhard apologized to Rukosuev after the race, but the Russian immigrant -- awaiting his American citizenship -- seems to shake it off. "He would have waited for me." -- DE
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [gord] [ In reply to ]
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"Where does that leave Chrissie W. and Rebeka Keat?"

Slowman Doctrine. (read thread)

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"Slowman, what you quoted here are USAT rules, not IM rules"

these rules are cumulative, not either/or, unless ironman got specific permission from USAT to have a USAT rule not apply. example: not all helmets have to be CPSC-certified in kona. that's a specific rule abatement.

i've sent a note off to jimmy about this. you might be right that the USAT rule is not applicable, but my guess is that it is applicable, and ironman's rules are lopped on top, as a second rule that must be followed as well.

in any case, we'll see what he says. whatever the interpretation is will be how it is the rules work going forward.

The rules cannot be cumulative since they contradict each other. In any case, despite our efforts to read and understand the rules the bottom line is the following:
  • None of us is quite sure which rules are appliccable.
  • Even if we knew which rules apply, we still wouldn't be sure what exactly each rule is supposed to mean.
Frankly, triathlon should be a fairly simple sport, but the mess that all existing rules create is just crazy.

Achim Traut
Last edited by: heartpatient: Oct 13, 15 8:03
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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Can someone enlighten me on Lionel's Pool times vs Open water times? I mean, I consider myself to be a huge Fan/Supporter of Lionel, but to me it appears as though his pool times are not nearly fast enough either. Thus, he might be well served to continue to work/develop that technique along with Open Water skills.

I posed the question earlier on Cost / Logistics of jumping in with the likes of Gary Hall Sr, Greg Troy, David Durden, Heck Bob Bowman for crying out loud... then tack on Gerry Rodrigues or someone to help with the open water skills. I fully understand that these guy's are insanely busy and you just don't walk off the street and hop in the pool with these guy's, but Lionel does have a resume and good connections with Barrie et al.

You finish 4th at the 70.3 World's, you are knocking on the door of the Ironman World Championships if you could put together a decent swim. Wouldn't you go right to the top?? Time to re-focus and get the swim figured out or he never wins Kona.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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You're based out of Ontario, right? No need to travel far to get world class help with the swim. Go talk to Byron MacDonald at UofT. The guy knows more about swimming than this entire forum combined. He might not have a spot for you, but he'll have some ideas on who might be a good fit.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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"None of us is quite sure which rules are applicable."

when as part of my race preparation i arrange in advance with somebody to help me, pull me, pace me - said person abandoning his own race ambitions to help pull me to a faster finish - he and i are conspiring to break the rules, both the letter and the spirit, both sets of rules, all sets of rules.

there is nothing about this that isn't, or shouldn't be, clear. lionel, to his credit, understood this originally, got talked into something and now in retrospect, with the help of some additional voices, is listening to his original gut instinct.

whether ironman also interprets this the way i do (and lionel apparently now does) remains to be seen.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Phoenixrising wrote:
Gary Hall Sr, Greg Troy, David Durden, Heck Bob Bowman

For the last 3 coaches it would be a disruption both ways. Off the top of my head the only elite swim coach I think that would work with him is Paul Yetter. Because I think he likes doing 1 on 1 work.

The week before my 8th birthday in 1984 I was at a summer league swim meet when I discovered that I actually have some talent for the sport. Me and the best 8 year old from the other team handily beat all the other 7-8 year olds at that meet. That other 8 year old was... David Durden!
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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True enough!! It sounds like he has the background to pull something like this off and he is right under Lionel's nose. Which I'm sure would cut down on costs.

However, if you want to beat the likes of Frodeno / Gomez and eventually the Brownlee's you better not let $$ dictate your swim instructor. Get the best right now!!! It won't get any easier with age and that talent coming behind you.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you Coach and Lionel. You both have my respect.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Well, cost is always a consideration, but Byron is amongst the best, and more importantly, he's accessible and knows everyone in Ontario swimming who is worth knowing. IMO, connecting with one of the "supercoaches" is near worthless for what Lionel needs, which aren't the quick fixes (he's way past that level) and aren't the tiny adjustments that matter in the pool that might gain a half second. I'd go to those guys if I was at a pretty high level, but plateaued, then it might be really useful.

Consistency is key. Better to get in with someone who has the skill and knowledge, but can also be there every day / week / month....

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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Glad to see some of these names being tossed out!! Paul Yetter etc. Which is kinda where I was going with my comment and choices. Just trying to get a feel for why someone would not seek out some of these Coaches when you are so close to the top in the other 2 disciplines. I for sure don't know the answer but many top level swimmers / coaches on ST might :)

Would love to hear Barrie's thoughts on it as well. :)
Last edited by: Phoenixrising: Oct 13, 15 8:40
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Since Chrabot was bascially cooked from his IMChoo performance two weeks' prior, who's to say his "own race ambition" wasn't to pull Lionel through the swim and collect a chunk of his prize money. I get all this "spirit of the sport" stuff, but top level sport is made from folks pushing the envelope. I'm sure the first guy to show up with aerobars or hang in the "legal distance" draft pack all drew some hate from their competitors. Successful tactics to get an edge that work (and this one didn't) will either be outlawed as unfair or copied. In the meantime, game on.
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"None of us is quite sure which rules are applicable."

when as part of my race preparation i arrange in advance with somebody to help me, pull me, pace me - said person abandoning his own race ambitions to help pull me to a faster finish - he and i are conspiring to break the rules, both the letter and the spirit, both sets of rules, all sets of rules.

there is nothing about this that isn't, or shouldn't be, clear. lionel, to his credit, understood this originally, got talked into something and now in retrospect, with the help of some additional voices, is listening to his original gut instinct.

whether ironman also interprets this the way i do (and lionel apparently now does) remains to be seen.

I guess many will need to rethink this now with the Du and Tri Sprint DL races. I was not able to race the DL race Sunday so I helped. Boy were folks having fun using tactics, starting at the swim, to try and get out
of the water fast to get a, let alone the best, draft pack for the bike. Everyone I talked to after the race had a great time. I need to now get a road bike so I can consider doing some DL races next season.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [OkotoksLawyer] [ In reply to ]
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"who's to say his "own race ambition" wasn't to pull Lionel through the swim and collect a chunk of his prize money."

i'm pretty sure you know what it is i'm saying. when your goal - once the race commences - is to help someone else finish higher rather than to finish as high as you can, that's what i'm talking about by "race ambition."

look, there is my view of the world, there is everyone else's view of the world. i'm not saying mine is the only way. yes, i will be disappointed if this race falls to the point where i can hire somebody to pull me to the finish, like hiring someone to tether me up everest. but maybe i'm just an old fuddy-duddy. i've got a pretty tight view of fidelity, whether it's in marriage, business or racing. i don't think my view needs to be everybody's view.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [OkotoksLawyer] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
OkotoksLawyer wrote:
Since Chrabot was bascially cooked from his IMChoo performance two weeks' prior, who's to say his "own race ambition" wasn't to pull Lionel through the swim and collect a chunk of his prize money. I get all this "spirit of the sport" stuff, but top level sport is made from folks pushing the envelope. I'm sure the first guy to show up with aerobars or hang in the "legal distance" draft pack all drew some hate from their competitors. Successful tactics to get an edge that work (and this one didn't) will either be outlawed as unfair or copied. In the meantime, game on.

And you wonder why lawyers get a bad rap!


Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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Good Point Jason, concerning the Super Coaches!! I agree, he should not be looking for those last few subtle technique changes that can give him a few seconds. We are talking a 6-7 minute improvement on an Ironman swim.

I'm also wondering what's gone wrong so far with the guy's he has chosen? They appear to be guy's that know what they are doing and have some lofty resumes. Lionel is for sure not shy about putting in the work, what gives???

Any comments on Gary Hall Sr. I think they post here on ST??
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.

He obviously has the engine and is a good athlete. Maybe he has an aptitude for swimming and just needs more time in the pool. Maybe he is good in the pool but sucks in the open water. Maybe he just has no aptitude for swimming and should quit the sport.

What he doesn't need is to be able to swim the 1500 in in14:31.


Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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Agree'd!! My point was mainly that what he is doing is either not working or requires a ton more time. Also possible that he currently has the wrong Swim coach. If you are going to make the effort of recruiting a pace swimmer for IM Kona, then go all the way and get the best coach available to avoid this in the future.

It's entirely possible that all of the guy's listed so far would not be a great fit either. I just figured that if you are at Lionel's level, then just try and get the best Coach to help guide the process. Also, don't be afraid to leave the region. The Woodlands seem to be doing well with Hansen / Beals / Csoke as a training base. Maybe Lionel needs something similar...

He doesn't need a 14:31 1500m but he for sure needs something better then 1:01 this past weekend. So finding 7-8 min of improvement, shouldn't be left to just anyone.
Last edited by: Phoenixrising: Oct 13, 15 10:23
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Slowman wrote:
"Slowman, what you quoted here are USAT rules, not IM rules"

these rules are cumulative, not either/or, unless ironman got specific permission from USAT to have a USAT rule not apply. example: not all helmets have to be CPSC-certified in kona. that's a specific rule abatement.

i've sent a note off to jimmy about this. you might be right that the USAT rule is not applicable, but my guess is that it is applicable, and ironman's rules are lopped on top, as a second rule that must be followed as well.

in any case, we'll see what he says. whatever the interpretation is will be how it is the rules work going forward.

Ironman is actually even more specific.

(a) An athlete may not subordinate his/her race ambitions solely for the benefit of another athletes race ambitions. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes; (DSQ of both athletes)

Originally from: http://www.ironman.com/...s.aspx#ixzz3oTELgCA7

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [monty] [ In reply to ]
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13- DNS
11- 49:44
10- 48:48
09- 47:45
08- 48:40

I wouldnt exactly say that is a metronome for 48....Looks like he sat in the pack for more than one year, or isnt quite dead on 48 every year but once like you implied.
I would split the diff between your 3 min time and the other posters 1 min time. Maybe.......
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Team_Doc28] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Clearly Andy Potts has FINALLY figured out that winning the swim does him no good. I also think he finally stopped eating like a All-American swimmer last year as well.

both of these things bode well for AP and, factoring in TO and BH recent performances, an American winning Kona again someday.

Now, if we could just get him a bike that fits, a session at the Velodrome, and riding outside ;)

Team_Doc28 wrote:
13- DNS
11- 49:44
10- 48:48
09- 47:45
08- 48:40

I wouldnt exactly say that is a metronome for 48....Looks like he sat in the pack for more than one year, or isnt quite dead on 48 every year but once like you implied.
I would split the diff between your 3 min time and the other posters 1 min time. Maybe.......

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Team_Doc28] [ In reply to ]
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I wouldnt exactly say that is a metronome for 48....Looks like he sat in the pack for more than one year, or isnt quite dead on 48 every year but once like you implied.//

When i say 48, i mean 48+. One of his slower swims there was also a very slow year, like this one. And I do not just use andy to handicap how the hawaii swim went, as I stated earlier, there were other guys to gauge how it went out there. Why don't you add in the guy that won the swim and take a look at his times(believe this would be his slowest by far) And take a look at Frodo's swims too, pointy end ITU swimmer like Andy was. For those guys to be going as hard as they were, pretty much drilling it the whole way, it was at least a 48 flat effort with normal swimming conditions. And keep in mind that all of Andy's 48+ swims were solo off the front, and his one 47+ was drafting a very fast swimmer, just exactly like this race. I think in the past several years he has decided to just sit in, but if there is a guy that is super fast, he will sit in on that guy. If not, then it is just the lead pack pace he will end up with..

And take a look at Eric's gal who swims 8;20+ for the 800LCM free in the AG race, 52 flat I believe, 3 minutes ahead of the best pro woman, so a very solid and fast swim, just not in time(considering the womens record of 48+ and several who have gone 49 over the years. So everything i see points to it being around 3 minutes slow, its ok if you don't agree.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:
Slowman wrote:
"Slowman, what you quoted here are USAT rules, not IM rules"

these rules are cumulative, not either/or, unless ironman got specific permission from USAT to have a USAT rule not apply. example: not all helmets have to be CPSC-certified in kona. that's a specific rule abatement.

i've sent a note off to jimmy about this. you might be right that the USAT rule is not applicable, but my guess is that it is applicable, and ironman's rules are lopped on top, as a second rule that must be followed as well.

in any case, we'll see what he says. whatever the interpretation is will be how it is the rules work going forward.

Ironman is actually even more specific.

(a) An athlete may not subordinate his/her race ambitions solely for the benefit of another athletes race ambitions. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes; (DSQ of both athletes)

Originally from: http://www.ironman.com/...s.aspx#ixzz3oTELgCA7

Given this, why would Jimmy Riccetello indicate to Shepley that his proposed plan was OK?

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
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ericM40-44 wrote:
Clearly Andy Potts has FINALLY figured out that winning the swim does him no good. I also think he finally stopped eating like a All-American swimmer last year as well.

both of these things bode well for AP and, factoring in TO and BH recent performances, an American winning Kona again someday.

Now, if we could just get him a bike that fits, a session at the Velodrome, and riding outside ;)

Team_Doc28 wrote:
13- DNS
11- 49:44
10- 48:48
09- 47:45
08- 48:40

I wouldnt exactly say that is a metronome for 48....Looks like he sat in the pack for more than one year, or isnt quite dead on 48 every year but once like you implied.
I would split the diff between your 3 min time and the other posters 1 min time. Maybe.......

Eric, do we need to go to Andy's front door and brow beat him into a consulting session with Eric Reid, the guy "who will put you in the bike pack with Frodo?"
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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LSandersTri wrote:
I will address this matter as truthfully and openly as possible, and take responsibility for any flack. About a month ago my coach Barrie Shepley came to me with an idea of finding someone to swim with during the Ironman swim. The logic being that the front guys have someone to swim with, so why not try to find someone to swim with as well. My first thought was that this would be against the rules, in the same manner that having your coach bike beside you is against the rules. Barrie then told the idea to Jimmy Riccitello (head referee for WTC) and asked if this was in violation of any of the rules. He said no. Admittedly, the idea did not sit very well with me, but if it wasn't against the rules I guess it was worth a shot.

The next task was to find someone who would be willing to help. I have connected with Matt Chrabot on several occasions at races and we have gotten along quite well. After his big performance in Chattanooga we figured he would not be looking to have a big outing in Kona. Barrie contacted him and asked if he was still coming to Kona, and if he would be willing to test this idea out. Being a nice guy and someone I consider to be a friend, he said yes.

I swam on his left hip the entire race. With hindsight, I would say all the concentration I put on staying on his hip probably hindered my swim, as very little focus was left to put on actually swimming hard, or on holding good form. The final conclusion: It didn't do much to improve my swim. In the practice swim the week prior I swam over a minute faster.

My final thoughts on the matter: It was a cop-out and I regret even testing the idea. Instead of looking for shortcuts, learn how to swim.

I will say that swim times are not comparable day-to-day. There have been other athletes that have gone a good 5-7 minutes faster during the practice swim. I have talked to those athletes and we have come to the conclusion it is the results of two things:

1) The swim is not an all out life or death sprint for the first 400. Pushing so hard comes back to haunt you for the rest of the swim.
2) There are less people on race day to swim with if you get dropped by first and second group.

It is impossible to assess what would happen, but I am guessing you were at least 5-6 minutes with Chrabot. If you were really truly on his hip than you were getting and incredible draft. Hip drafting is incredibly tough. The few times I have actually hip drafted in a pro race I have been nearly knocked out by a pissed off pro or they do something else specifically to make sure I don't stay there. Chrabot being instructed to swim for you would change that all.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Stevie G] [ In reply to ]
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Stevie G wrote:
Trying to police this is challenging. Think about it in the AG context where the stakes are not high, but I know the people who are going to swim under 30 in 70.3 races.

I try to line up with them and get my free ride saving around 3 minutes and feeling nice and fresh. It's no different to what sanders did except he had the decency to ask for the ride.

It actually is very different situation. In a race you know you have to find the feet and if you lose them they might never come again - it is very stressful. In this situation, there is no pressure to find feet because you have feet that have been instructed to wait for you.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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jest if you must, but over the years the ST hive mind has been right more than not regarding these things.

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“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.â€
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
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ericM40-44 wrote:
jest if you must, but over the years the ST hive mind has been right more than not regarding these things.

I am not kidding. Most of the time, top end age groupers know more than many pros, because they are less genetically gifted to overcome stupid speed reducing errors and can't afford to squader free speed that is there for the taking. Pros who win all the time might think it is all overrated. Certainly Andy with his swim buffer and run speed can win a ton of non Kona caliber races and feel he is got it all nailed....until he can't give away those watts and ends up 4th rather than 1-3 in Kona. But based on the response to Tim DeBoom, he does not sound like he cares that much about Kona being the most important day of the year.

Last edited by: devashish_paul: Oct 13, 15 11:47
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
ericM40-44 wrote:
jest if you must, but over the years the ST hive mind has been right more than not regarding these things.

I am not kidding. Most of the time, top end age groupers know more than many pros, because they are less genetically gifted to overcome stupid speed reducing errors and can't afford to squader free speed that is there for the taking. Pros who win all the time might think it is all overrated. Certainly Andy with his swim buffer and run speed can win a ton of non Kona caliber races and feel he is got it all nailed....until he can't give away those watts and ends up 4th rather than 1-3 in Kona. But based on the response to Tim DeBoom, he does not sound like he cares that much about Kona being the most important day of the year.


Very Smart man.

Since he trains most of the time on his trainer, you will not see him having to deal with injuries caused by an accident with a car.

Very Smart man.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Last edited by: h2ofun: Oct 13, 15 11:59
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Phoenixrising wrote:
Good Point Jason, concerning the Super Coaches!! I agree, he should not be looking for those last few subtle technique changes that can give him a few seconds. We are talking a 6-7 minute improvement on an Ironman swim.

I'm also wondering what's gone wrong so far with the guy's he has chosen? They appear to be guy's that know what they are doing and have some lofty resumes. Lionel is for sure not shy about putting in the work, what gives???

Any comments on Gary Hall Sr. I think they post here on ST??

Might be nothing wrong with Barrie as a coach, sometimes an athlete just needs a change to someone with a fresh perspective. It might be that Barrie is the guy who needs to go talk to Gary Hall, or Byron, or Dave Marsh, or whomever. I'm sure he talks to other coaches all the time, but maybe not about Lionel specifically? Just speculating at this point.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.
He obviously has the engine and is a good athlete. Maybe he has an aptitude for swimming and just needs more time in the pool. Maybe he is good in the pool but sucks in the open water. Maybe he just has no aptitude for swimming and should quit the sport.
What he doesn't need is to be able to swim the 1500 in in14:31.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic.

Of course, i don't know what Potts can swim right now for the 1500 lcm but his time at the '96 Trials at age 19 was 15:38.06, which placed him 9th, missing the final by 0.02 sec. Just for the record, his 400 free was 3:58.4. So, i'm guessing he can still swim within 50-ish sec of his best 1500 time, but i could be off base. Ajthomas or others may have more "inside scoop".

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Key word being "solely"
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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ericmulk wrote:
kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.
He obviously has the engine and is a good athlete. Maybe he has an aptitude for swimming and just needs more time in the pool. Maybe he is good in the pool but sucks in the open water. Maybe he just has no aptitude for swimming and should quit the sport.
What he doesn't need is to be able to swim the 1500 in in14:31.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic.

Of course, i don't know what Potts can swim right now for the 1500 lcm but his time at the '96 Trials at age 19 was 15:38.06, which placed him 9th, missing the final by 0.02 sec. Just for the record, his 400 free was 3:58.4. So, i'm guessing he can still swim within 50-ish sec of his best 1500 time, but i could be off base. Ajthomas or others may have more "inside scoop".

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

what?!?!??! i'm like the worst swimmer in the world and at my last half iron i swam 1300 yards in 21 mins. is LS only 200 yards faster than me in the same amount of time? that seems really really off.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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This issue may just be a great business model for x-pro's and/or "participation coaches". Not to cheat in a race or to break a rule getting an age grouper slot to Kona. I'm talking about a local race. Would I pay the entry fee and a fair wage to get someone like Rapp or an x-pro to pace me at my best ability on the swim and watch me through transitions, how I take my nutrition; my pace on the bike and run...hell yes. Once a year or a few months out before my "A" race.

I just got back from a mid-day swim scheduled for speed work. My masters coach was at the pool, jumped in and did the workout with me. I worked harder "smarter", I was paced better and got more out of the workout than if I had done it by myself. If someone like Rapp (if he knew me and knew my strengths and weaknesses as my coach) did something similar but for a hole race for me once a year....it would be a wonderful experience and great training tool. It would also help my coach - coach me.

Maybe some of these fast "coaches" could help slower AG clients by racing "pacing" with them. Nothing illegal just showing them how to race, pace, feed and get the most out of their ability.

Dan Kennison

facebook: @triPremierBike
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
Slowman wrote:
"Slowman, what you quoted here are USAT rules, not IM rules"

these rules are cumulative, not either/or, unless ironman got specific permission from USAT to have a USAT rule not apply. example: not all helmets have to be CPSC-certified in kona. that's a specific rule abatement.

i've sent a note off to jimmy about this. you might be right that the USAT rule is not applicable, but my guess is that it is applicable, and ironman's rules are lopped on top, as a second rule that must be followed as well.

in any case, we'll see what he says. whatever the interpretation is will be how it is the rules work going forward.

Ironman is actually even more specific.

(a) An athlete may not subordinate his/her race ambitions solely for the benefit of another athletes race ambitions. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes; (DSQ of both athletes)

Originally from: http://www.ironman.com/...s.aspx#ixzz3oTELgCA7

Given this, why would Jimmy Riccetello indicate to Shepley that his proposed plan was OK?

Dan and I are waiting to hear that from Jimmy.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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ahhchon wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.
He obviously has the engine and is a good athlete. Maybe he has an aptitude for swimming and just needs more time in the pool. Maybe he is good in the pool but sucks in the open water. Maybe he just has no aptitude for swimming and should quit the sport.
What he doesn't need is to be able to swim the 1500 in in14:31.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic.

Of course, i don't know what Potts can swim right now for the 1500 lcm but his time at the '96 Trials at age 19 was 15:38.06, which placed him 9th, missing the final by 0.02 sec. Just for the record, his 400 free was 3:58.4. So, i'm guessing he can still swim within 50-ish sec of his best 1500 time, but i could be off base. Ajthomas or others may have more "inside scoop".

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

what?!?!??! i'm like the worst swimmer in the world and at my last half iron i swam 1300 yards in 21 mins. is LS only 200 yards faster than me in the same amount of time? that seems really really off.

Well, technically a half iron swim is 1900 m or 2100 yd, so if you only swam 1300 yds, then the swim in that race was very short. This is not at all uncommon in the tri world but generally the really big races like Kona have very accurately measured swims. What kind of times do you swim in the pool for an all-out 1500 m or 1650 yd??? Really, pool times are the only way to monitor progress since the length of any given pool does not vary from day to day:)

Also, note that the 20-21 min estimated LS time is for 1500 meters, or 1650 yds, so he's going about 350 yds, or about 27%, further in same time. Remember 1 meter = about 1.1 yds, roughly.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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ericmulk wrote:
kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.
He obviously has the engine and is a good athlete. Maybe he has an aptitude for swimming and just needs more time in the pool. Maybe he is good in the pool but sucks in the open water. Maybe he just has no aptitude for swimming and should quit the sport.
What he doesn't need is to be able to swim the 1500 in in14:31.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic.

Of course, i don't know what Potts can swim right now for the 1500 lcm but his time at the '96 Trials at age 19 was 15:38.06, which placed him 9th, missing the final by 0.02 sec. Just for the record, his 400 free was 3:58.4. So, i'm guessing he can still swim within 50-ish sec of his best 1500 time, but i could be off base. Ajthomas or others may have more "inside scoop".

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

Couple things - I think you may be surprised how much slower Potts may be in the pool vs when he was presumably spending 20+ hrs/week just swimming. (No idea how much he swims now, but he should cut it in half and ride more.) Sanders doesn't need to be close to as fast as Potts/Frodo. He just needs to be able to hang on to the B+ pack and be giving up 5 minutes instead of 10+ minutes. The reason we think Sanders could be so great is because how strong of a cyclist and runner he is. And we have seen his lack of swim fitness force him to overcook the bike and not run to his potential multiple times this season.


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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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This is the part that is interesting to me.

I think a lot of us share a view which could fairly be summarized as:
- If I were the head ref, I would not interpret this plan as allowed and would consider it cheating, but...
- I am not the head ref, Jimmy R is, so...
- Since Jimmy R was consulted ahead of time and said it was ok...
- It was not cheating, despite it feeling somewhat distasteful.

I am very curious to hear Jimmy R's reasoning for why he pre-cleared this tactic.

The plural of anecdote is not data. :-)
- Andrew Coggan
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ahhchon] [ In reply to ]
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ericmulk wrote:
kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic....

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

Based on what LS did in that time trial (1500 SCM in a speed suit in 19:40 ish) I would say you are about right -> in the 20 MID range for 1500LCM. I would say 16:30 seems reasonable for Andy too. So 4 minutes over 1500 M. Which comes out to about 10 MIN over 3800M. Which is howit played out... Realistically LS should shoot for being in that 2nd pack. He needs 3 seconds per 100M to get there. That is doable in 12 months.

Regarding the topic at hand: Did Matt Hanson and Micheal Weiss know about the strategy ahead of time too?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [j-hud] [ In reply to ]
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j-hud wrote:
This is the part that is interesting to me.

I think a lot of us share a view which could fairly be summarized as:
- If I were the head ref, I would not interpret this plan as allowed and would consider it cheating, but...
- I am not the head ref, Jimmy R is, so...
- Since Jimmy R was consulted ahead of time and said it was ok...
- It was not cheating, despite it feeling somewhat distasteful.

I am very curious to hear Jimmy R's reasoning for why he pre-cleared this tactic.

I am guessing he pre cleared the tactic since there is no way of truly enforcing that there is intentional pacing going on. As Jordan said, you can't look at the livestream coverage after the race or NBC coverage you have to use ref's on the ground during the race (in other word's unlike team sports where they can stop the game for instant replay, we can't stop the game for it, and we can retroactively change the game for after the game reply evidence)....I suppose they could have ref's in kayaks checking for pacers, but how do we know that Frodo and Potts did not cut a deal to swim together and put a gap on Kienle, just like Macca teamed up with Marino, Tissink, Faris, and Twelsiek (sp?) at Kona 2010 to put a big T2 gap on Crowie? How is what Macca did that much different? All those guys knew that Macca could likely outrun them, so they had given up hope for the win to play along with Macca. The question is did they completely give up their race ambitions or did they just play with Macca to get the highest podium placing possible. How do you know each man's intent? How does Jimmy enforce it?

Charbot, could have been pacing Lionel in exchange for some nice pacing on the bike (we know now that he was not, but on race day, how does Jimmy know what Chrabot's tactic is)? This is probably why he said, Lionel could go ahead because he has no way of knowing what tactics are going on in people's heads and as a ref he can't guess what they are planning to do next.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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(1500 SCM in a speed suit in 19:40 ish)

If this is true, he's well and truly screwing the pooch in races.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I too want to speculate how this all went down but I think it is best to wait and see what Dan etc uncover.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic....

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

Based on what LS did in that time trial (1500 SCM in a speed suit in 19:40 ish) I would say you are about right -> in the 20 MID range for 1500LCM. I would say 16:30 seems reasonable for Andy too. So 4 minutes over 1500 M. Which comes out to about 10 MIN over 3800M. Which is howit played out... Realistically LS should shoot for being in that 2nd pack. He needs 3 seconds per 100M to get there. That is doable in 12 months.

Regarding the topic at hand: Did Matt Hanson and Micheal Weiss know about the strategy ahead of time too?

AJ - Not sure i'm following your math: if LS is roughly 4 min or 240 sec slower than AP right now over 1500 m, then that's 240/15 = 16 sec per 100 m. Even assuming he's just aiming to get in the 2nd pack, that pack is only about 2min back over 3800 m, or about 3 sec per 100 m slower than Potts et al. So, it would *appear* that LS would need to be roughly 13 sec per 100 m faster, not just 3 sec/100 m. Granted, drafting can make up some of that but still, I would think LS needs to improve around 10 sec/100 m to swim in that 2nd pack. Your thoughts???

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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ericmulk wrote:
ahhchon wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.
He obviously has the engine and is a good athlete. Maybe he has an aptitude for swimming and just needs more time in the pool. Maybe he is good in the pool but sucks in the open water. Maybe he just has no aptitude for swimming and should quit the sport.
What he doesn't need is to be able to swim the 1500 in in14:31.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic.

Of course, i don't know what Potts can swim right now for the 1500 lcm but his time at the '96 Trials at age 19 was 15:38.06, which placed him 9th, missing the final by 0.02 sec. Just for the record, his 400 free was 3:58.4. So, i'm guessing he can still swim within 50-ish sec of his best 1500 time, but i could be off base. Ajthomas or others may have more "inside scoop".

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

what?!?!??! i'm like the worst swimmer in the world and at my last half iron i swam 1300 yards in 21 mins. is LS only 200 yards faster than me in the same amount of time? that seems really really off.

Well, technically a half iron swim is 1900 m or 2100 yd, so if you only swam 1300 yds, then the swim in that race was very short. This is not at all uncommon in the tri world but generally the really big races like Kona have very accurately measured swims. What kind of times do you swim in the pool for an all-out 1500 m or 1650 yd??? Really, pool times are the only way to monitor progress since the length of any given pool does not vary from day to day:)

Also, note that the 20-21 min estimated LS time is for 1500 meters, or 1650 yds, so he's going about 350 yds, or about 27%, further in same time. Remember 1 meter = about 1.1 yds, roughly.

whoops. didn't see the meter/yard difference.

my half iron was the proper distance. i just divided yards per minute then multiplied by 21 to see how far i would go in his time.

granted, now that i know it's meters, he's a lot faster than me. which is good, since he's a pro.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
j-hud wrote:
I am very curious to hear Jimmy R's reasoning for why he pre-cleared this tactic.

I am guessing he pre cleared the tactic since there is no way of truly enforcing that there is intentional pacing going on.

This makes no sense. Just because it is difficult to enforce does not make it within the rules. There is no drafting your car in RAAM, but it is not enforceable. Do you think if a rider were to contact RAAM ahead of time to ask whether he can draft his vehicle that they would say it is acceptable because they cannot enforce otherwise?

I think Jimmy R has some 'splainin to do as this tactic pretty clearly breaks Ironman's rule 2.02. For Sanders to have gotten permission ahead of time to do this really baffles me.
(a) An athlete may not subordinate his/her race ambitions solely for the benefit of another athletes race ambitions. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes; (DSQ of both athletes)
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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ericmulk wrote:
kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.
He obviously has the engine and is a good athlete. Maybe he has an aptitude for swimming and just needs more time in the pool. Maybe he is good in the pool but sucks in the open water. Maybe he just has no aptitude for swimming and should quit the sport.
What he doesn't need is to be able to swim the 1500 in in14:31.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic.

Of course, i don't know what Potts can swim right now for the 1500 lcm but his time at the '96 Trials at age 19 was 15:38.06, which placed him 9th, missing the final by 0.02 sec. Just for the record, his 400 free was 3:58.4. So, i'm guessing he can still swim within 50-ish sec of his best 1500 time, but i could be off base. Ajthomas or others may have more "inside scoop".

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

his swim time are inline with a 22:30 1500meter swimmer.

to swim front pack in hawaii with the main contender, a 18:30/1500meter and good open water skill is enough. That is real life data...

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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jonnyo wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
kjmcawesome wrote:
Everyone take a deep breath. In order for Lionel to be a GREAT triathlete, he does not need to be a GREAT swimmer. He doesn't need to make Olympic trials in the 200IM. He just needs to be able to swim as well as a halfway decent 16 year old swimmer.
He obviously has the engine and is a good athlete. Maybe he has an aptitude for swimming and just needs more time in the pool. Maybe he is good in the pool but sucks in the open water. Maybe he just has no aptitude for swimming and should quit the sport.
What he doesn't need is to be able to swim the 1500 in in14:31.

Guesstimating that Potts and Frodo can prob still swim say 16:30 for 1500 lcm, then Lionel would need to be around 17-ish. The USAS AAA time in the 1500 lcm for a 16-yr old boy is 17:35 and the AAAA time is 16:47, or in scy 16:24 and 17:10. So, while you may think of a AAA level swimmer as just "half-way decent", i think that might be a bit of an overly harsh characterization. Prob you were exaggerating but still i think we should be somewhat realistic.

Of course, i don't know what Potts can swim right now for the 1500 lcm but his time at the '96 Trials at age 19 was 15:38.06, which placed him 9th, missing the final by 0.02 sec. Just for the record, his 400 free was 3:58.4. So, i'm guessing he can still swim within 50-ish sec of his best 1500 time, but i could be off base. Ajthomas or others may have more "inside scoop".

In any case, Lionel is prob swimming around 20-21 min for 1500 right now and needs to get down to 17-ish, which is a huge jump.

his swim time are inline with a 22:30 1500meter swimmer.

to swim front pack in hawaii with the main contender, a 18:30/1500meter and good open water skill is enough. That is real life data...

less about your 1500m time than 200m or 400m time. But yes, the times being thrown around are a bit crazy...

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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I am not speculating that he swam 1500scm in a speeds suit in 19:4X - I am recollecting
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kny] [ In reply to ]
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kny wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
j-hud wrote:

I am very curious to hear Jimmy R's reasoning for why he pre-cleared this tactic.

I am guessing he pre cleared the tactic since there is no way of truly enforcing that there is intentional pacing going on.

This makes no sense. Just because it is difficult to enforce does not make it within the rules. There is no drafting your car in RAAM, but it is not enforceable. Do you think if a rider were to contact RAAM ahead of time to ask whether he can draft his vehicle that they would say it is acceptable because they cannot enforce otherwise?

I think Jimmy R has some 'splainin to do as this tactic pretty clearly breaks Ironman's rule 2.02. For Sanders to have gotten permission ahead of time to do this really baffles me.
(a) An athlete may not subordinate his/her race ambitions solely for the benefit of another athletes race ambitions. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes; (DSQ of both athletes)

Well, maybe Jimmy's IM rules are different than yours. Here's what I found online as "Ironman 2015 COMPETITION RULES": http://www.ironman.com/...a28565a453f79c0.ashx
Look at Section 2.02, what you quoted as (a) is missing there...
I said it before, triathlon rules are in a state of complete and utter mess.

Achim Traut
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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You need to look at the pro rules.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kny] [ In reply to ]
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kny wrote:
You need to look at the pro rules.


Do I? My rules are from the IM webpage where it says "The official competition rules governing all IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 events".
Clearly IM/WTC are doing an incredibly poor job in communicating the rules applying to their events.

Achim Traut
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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You and me dont agree on that aspect.

That is a big part of what i teach....to kill this myth that 200-400 speed matter at ironman. If a swimmer as the steady state fitness...i can teach him the skills and strategy to swim front pack without having to start hard/fast. It is extremely important for a swimmer that is on the edge of missing the group to not start hard but at a very honest substainable pace with no fade. They cant afford to start hard.... They need superior open water skill...they need a high turnover swim stroke and they need to love playig the game in tight space..been hit and hitting back.

18:30 is 1:15min/100m that is a 2:30 200m opening and a 5min 400m opening. That is more than enough to be part of the long line of swimmers that will form the front group.

this year in kona....30+ guys were in the front group. At the 400m mark...that was already streatch out to 20-25m. That mean you could already accuse a 20sec deficit and still be part of the front group. It s what you do after that point that really matter. Because that initial acceleration by the front swimmers never last....the pace drop usually much before the 400m mark.

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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i m not sure i follow you? i was replying to eric.

but perhaps Lionel did swim a sub 20min once with a speed suit. Was that alone? with 4 other guys in the lane? rested? on a swim focus? i dont know....

but from looking at is swim performance this weekend, i douth that on oct 10th 2015.... he had sub 20min/1500m fitness in him because he would have been able to swim 56-57min alone without over exerting himself.

Jonathan Caron / Professional Coach / ironman champions / age group world champions
Jonnyo Coaching
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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jonnyo wrote:
You and me dont agree on that aspect.

That is a big part of what i teach....to kill this myth that 200-400 speed matter at ironman. If a swimmer as the steady state fitness...i can teach him the skills and strategy to swim front pack without having to start hard/fast. It is extremely important for a swimmer that is on the edge of missing the group to not start hard but at a very honest substainable pace with no fade. They cant afford to start hard.... They need superior open water skill...they need a high turnover swim stroke and they need to love playig the game in tight space..been hit and hitting back.

18:30 is 1:15min/100m that is a 2:30 200m opening and a 5min 400m opening. That is more than enough to be part of the long line of swimmers that will form the front group.

this year in kona....30+ guys were in the front group. At the 400m mark...that was already streatch out to 20-25m. That mean you could already accuse a 20sec deficit and still be part of the front group. It s what you do after that point that really matter. Because that initial acceleration by the front swimmers never last....the pace drop usually much before the 400m mark.

I think we disagree less than you think. The better you are as an open water swimmer, the slower you can be in the pool. But where I think you and I disagree is that somehow learning open water skill is somehow more guaranteed than learning skill in the pool.

We are each biased by our own experiences. You were a relatively slow pool swimmer - though I'd point out your fastest pool times were quite fast - who swam above his pool level thanks to good open water skill. On the flipside, I'm a very good pool swimmer who doesn't swim up to that level in open water.

I don't disagree that learning to swim a high stroke rate in rough water and with a lot of other people hitting you will allow you to achieve swim with swimmers who are much faster than you. What I disagree with is the idea that somehow that skillset is so much easier to achieve than fast 200/400 speed.

Both are skills. And both are a challenge to learn. And both are suited to different types of folks.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Hutch] [ In reply to ]
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"I thought Dan made up the term 'Subordinate his/her race ambitions' as his own opinion of what the rules should be. That is incorrect."

jimmy and i have had a lot of discussion about this over the years. i'm going to flatter myself into thinking that my phrasing on this might have insinuated themselve into the rules. whether or not that's true, everything i know about jimmy tells me that he and i think exactly the same about this. i'll be shocked if in the end we aren't perfectly aligned, notwithstanding what's been written higher up in this thread.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [jonnyo] [ In reply to ]
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jonnyo wrote:
You and me dont agree on that aspect.

That is a big part of what i teach....to kill this myth that 200-400 speed matter at ironman. If a swimmer as the steady state fitness...i can teach him the skills and strategy to swim front pack without having to start hard/fast. It is extremely important for a swimmer that is on the edge of missing the group to not start hard but at a very honest substainable pace with no fade. They cant afford to start hard.... They need superior open water skill...they need a high turnover swim stroke and they need to love playig the game in tight space..been hit and hitting back.

18:30 is 1:15min/100m that is a 2:30 200m opening and a 5min 400m opening. That is more than enough to be part of the long line of swimmers that will form the front group.

this year in kona....30+ guys were in the front group. At the 400m mark...that was already streatch out to 20-25m. That mean you could already accuse a 20sec deficit and still be part of the front group. It s what you do after that point that really matter. Because that initial acceleration by the front swimmers never last....the pace drop usually much before the 400m mark.

Agree with what you say in practice, but actual implementation is different. I don't think I have let a single gap open up in a very long time on the swim. What happens is someone else opens a gap that they don't close it and I can't close it. If you don't start out hard you are going to be around some swimmers who just don't have the ability to keep up and that is how you get hosed. Jordan has been trying to implement this in swimming this year with some degree of success, except he prefers to line up on outside. It worked out perfectly at IMMT for him easing into the effort and slotting in. It didn't work so well at Wildflower. Regardless OWS is a true art, an art that I think would be developed more by people who actual race more than a couple of times a year.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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"It worked out perfectly at IMMT for him easing into the effort and slotting in. It didn't work so well at Wildflower."

jordan's going to do better the weaker the field is. the problem is when some badass swims really fast, and somebody not that fast is nevertheless fast enough to swim on that badass's feet. and so on. the whole field goes out quicker. if you can't swim a 57sec 100scy off the wall you probably aren't going to make it to the 800m mark of the swim in the front pack.

jordan's perfect race style would be a streaming start. but i don't think the pros ever stream their starts, do they?

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"It worked out perfectly at IMMT for him easing into the effort and slotting in. It didn't work so well at Wildflower."

jordan's going to do better the weaker the field is. the problem is when some badass swims really fast, and somebody not that fast is nevertheless fast enough to swim on that badass's feet. and so on. the whole field goes out quicker. if you can't swim a 57sec 100scy off the wall you probably aren't going to make it to the 800m mark of the swim in the front pack.

jordan's perfect race style would be a streaming start. but i don't think the pros ever stream their starts, do they?

Only race I know like that was the old Memphis In May race.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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I think we all need to take at least two steps back and re-evaluate the facts.

Lionel knew he was going to do this once he got on the bike:

So he pre-rewarded himself with a little "pacing" on the swim to prepare him for this absolute travesty later.
I'm pretty sure he went from a solid position to quite poor Age Grouper in the 40 seconds it took to strap that on under his race suit.

Bravo, coach.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [chicanery] [ In reply to ]
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Ya why arent more people talking about that? Absurd
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Team_Doc28] [ In reply to ]
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How do you know it's absurd? Do you even know what the purpose was? It could have been for aerodynamics, body temperature (frozen camelback), both or something I am not thinking about.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Trirunner] [ In reply to ]
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Calm down. It's absurd that no one on ST is talking about it. Remember this is the place where people freak out over any little thing. Especially when it's dealing with a bike.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Team_Doc28] [ In reply to ]
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OK, sorry. Then it's not absurd since this thread was meant to discuss the topic of pacing on the swim. You are welcome to start a new thread to discuss the monkey he is carrying under his trisuit :)
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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Not really. If you can swim 25 100s on 1:25 at 1:01 or 1:00 on every repeat you make the first pack. Though this weekend you were in pack 1b ( the 3 guys are pack 1a). You have to be able to do that set all the time. Not when you are feeling great, only in the middle of a swim block, wearing a speed suit or whatever. That needs to be your go to pace. Hold 1:02/:03? Draft well and maybe you can hang on. 1:04 and you are in the next pack. And for whatever reason in this race that second pack didn't execute well as a collective. Maybe the wrong guys got in front and were allowed to sit in, or maybe all the 1:03 guys stayed in 1b leaving no one to drive the 2nd pack...
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
Not really. If you can swim 25 100s on 1:25 at 1:01 or 1:00 on every repeat you make the first pack. Though this weekend you were in pack 1b ( the 3 guys are pack 1a). You have to be able to do that set all the time. Not when you are feeling great, only in the middle of a swim block, wearing a speed suit or whatever. That needs to be your go to pace. Hold 1:02/:03? Draft well and maybe you can hang on. 1:04 and you are in the next pack. And for whatever reason in this race that second pack didn't execute well as a collective. Maybe the wrong guys got in front and were allowed to sit in, or maybe all the 1:03 guys stayed in 1b leaving no one to drive the 2nd pack...

OK, i'm going to take a wild guess and say that a swimmer who can hold 1:01 for 25 x 100 scy on 1:25 as his/her go-to pace, could swim a 1650 scy in around 17:05-ish, i.e. holding 1:02s per 100 scy. This is about what i would think it would take, as a maximum time (e.g., 16:45 would make it easier), just to draft off of Potts et al.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Trirunner] [ In reply to ]
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Trirunner wrote:
How do you know it's absurd? Do you even know what the purpose was? It could have been for aerodynamics, body temperature (frozen camelback), both or something I am not thinking about.

If you think that is for aerodynamics, you have a lot to learn. This was one of the stupidest things I have ever seen someone do for Kona. I can't believe his coach let him do that

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Last edited by: BryanD: Oct 13, 15 21:36
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [BryanD] [ In reply to ]
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" I can't believe his coach let him do that "

Maybe the coach did not know or maybe the coach told him to do it. Who knows? That's the point I was trying to make. Let's find out what the thinking was then we can discuss it.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ In reply to ]
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I have all the respect in the world for Lionel Sanders. But since I have become part of the story – and since I feel that I (and Lionel) have been taken advantage of - here are my facts:

  • I was never specifically asked if it was okay for Matt Chrabot to serve as a domestique in the swim for Lionel Sanders.
  • I never told Coach Barrie Shepley that it was okay to have an athlete help Lionel in the swim.
  • I do not approve of Coach Barrie’s idea to provide help for Lionel in the swim in the manner in which it appears it was done.
  • Barry Siff sent me an email on Sept. 5 (below) asking a general question that I interpreted to mean can friends draft off each other in the swim.
  • My answer to that question is apparently my permission for Lionel to have a domestique during the swim.
  • Although outside assistance is – as evidenced by the discussions here on Slowtwitch – a tricky and nuanced issue, and my answer to Barry Siff was perhaps too casual and failed to dig further into the details - in my mind, my answer does not give permission for the scenario that Barrie Shepley and Barry Siff had in mind (Can I find someone to abandon his race ambitions in favor of helping Lionel in the swim?).
  • If Barry and Barrie really wanted to know whether their plans were okay – they should have asked the direct question without being deceptive and devious.
  • And yes, I'm a lot pissed off as I feel I have been set up and taken advantage of. I would like to think I can trust the intent behind emails I receive from my colleagues and friends.
  • For the record, I believe that Lionel and Matt, based on what Barrie Shepley told them that I said, did not feel that they were breaking a rule.

From Barry Siff on Sept. 5, 2015:


Hey man!

Question - just to be 100% certain: is it OK for someone to team up with another registered athlete in an Ironman, and draft off their feet for the entire swim?

I am quite certain it is … but, just want to be 100% sure. I was asked this by someone else, and need to be certain.

Thanks, man.

From Jimmy Riccitello:


Definitely okay to swim “together.” Swim buddies are a cool think, in my book.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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JimmyRiccitello wrote:
I have all the respect in the world for Lionel Sanders. But since I have become part of the story – and since I feel that I (and Lionel) have been taken advantage of - here are my facts:

  • I was never specifically asked if it was okay for Matt Chrabot to serve as a domestique in the swim for Lionel Sanders.
  • I never told Coach Barrie Shepley that it was okay to have an athlete help Lionel in the swim.
  • I do not approve of Coach Barrie’s idea to provide help for Lionel in the swim in the manner in which it appears it was done.
  • Barry Siff sent me an email on Sept. 5 (below) asking a general question that I interpreted to mean can friends draft off each other in the swim.
  • My answer to that question is apparently my permission for Lionel to have a domestique during the swim.
  • Although outside assistance is – as evidenced by the discussions here on Slowtwitch – a tricky and nuanced issue, and my answer to Barry Siff was perhaps too casual and failed to dig further into the details - in my mind, my answer does not give permission for the scenario that Barrie Shepley and Barry Siff had in mind (Can I find someone to abandon his race ambitions in favor of helping Lionel in the swim?).
  • If Barry and Barrie really wanted to know whether their plans were okay – they should have asked the direct question without being deceptive and devious.
  • And yes, I'm a lot pissed off as I feel I have been set up and taken advantage of. I would like to think I can trust the intent behind emails I receive from my colleagues and friends.
  • For the record, I believe that Lionel and Matt, based on what Barrie Shepley told them that I said, did not feel that they were breaking a rule.

From Barry Siff on Sept. 5, 2015:


Hey man!

Question - just to be 100% certain: is it OK for someone to team up with another registered athlete in an Ironman, and draft off their feet for the entire swim?

I am quite certain it is … but, just want to be 100% sure. I was asked this by someone else, and need to be certain.

Thanks, man.

From Jimmy Riccitello:


Definitely okay to swim “together.” Swim buddies are a cool think, in my book.

This certainly changes things.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
Not really. If you can swim 25 100s on 1:25 at 1:01 or 1:00 on every repeat you make the first pack. Though this weekend you were in pack 1b ( the 3 guys are pack 1a). You have to be able to do that set all the time. Not when you are feeling great, only in the middle of a swim block, wearing a speed suit or whatever. That needs to be your go to pace. Hold 1:02/:03? Draft well and maybe you can hang on. 1:04 and you are in the next pack. And for whatever reason in this race that second pack didn't execute well as a collective. Maybe the wrong guys got in front and were allowed to sit in, or maybe all the 1:03 guys stayed in 1b leaving no one to drive the 2nd pack...

We can go over this same argument again and again and again. I can assure you nobody talks to more pros about their own markers swimsets on a regular basis. Again, just tonight I spent a good 5 minutes talking to Frodeno about his swim to hopefully learn something to apply to future races. I can't do 25 100s on the 1:25 at 1:01, not even 1:03, not 1:04, yet I am 100% confident I would have come out ahead of Matt Hanson and Lionel despite Matt being able to do so. Maik Twelsiak is a regular swim partner of mine who continually blows it out of the water in open swims but not so much in the pool. Likewise, I have another swim partner, who I will not name, but we swim side by side in the pool he is usually 2-3 minutes down in 70.3 and sometimes 3-5 minutes slower.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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this all speaks to the "intent" of the question - if it was bill and bob both are 70 min swimmers is it ok to swim together OR was it bob's a 48 min swimmer and he's going to pull Bill a 70 min swimmer faster

the email would - as read imply the former - the intent it appears was the later - be interesting to hear a view on that
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Andrewmc] [ In reply to ]
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No, the email does not imply the former. The email clearly asks about the scenario where Bill drafts off Bob's feet for the whole swim. This would not make any sense if Bill was as good a swimmer as Bob is. From the question it is clear that Bob agrees to teaming up even though he has no benefit from it (during the swim - he might benefit on the bike from being with Bill).

Achim Traut
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [fredclausen] [ In reply to ]
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fredclausen wrote:
JimmyRiccitello wrote:
I have all the respect in the world for Lionel Sanders. But since I have become part of the story – and since I feel that I (and Lionel) have been taken advantage of - here are my facts:

  • I was never specifically asked if it was okay for Matt Chrabot to serve as a domestique in the swim for Lionel Sanders.
  • I never told Coach Barrie Shepley that it was okay to have an athlete help Lionel in the swim.
  • I do not approve of Coach Barrie’s idea to provide help for Lionel in the swim in the manner in which it appears it was done.
  • Barry Siff sent me an email on Sept. 5 (below) asking a general question that I interpreted to mean can friends draft off each other in the swim.
  • My answer to that question is apparently my permission for Lionel to have a domestique during the swim.
  • Although outside assistance is – as evidenced by the discussions here on Slowtwitch – a tricky and nuanced issue, and my answer to Barry Siff was perhaps too casual and failed to dig further into the details - in my mind, my answer does not give permission for the scenario that Barrie Shepley and Barry Siff had in mind (Can I find someone to abandon his race ambitions in favor of helping Lionel in the swim?).
  • If Barry and Barrie really wanted to know whether their plans were okay – they should have asked the direct question without being deceptive and devious.
  • And yes, I'm a lot pissed off as I feel I have been set up and taken advantage of. I would like to think I can trust the intent behind emails I receive from my colleagues and friends.
  • For the record, I believe that Lionel and Matt, based on what Barrie Shepley told them that I said, did not feel that they were breaking a rule.

From Barry Siff on Sept. 5, 2015:


Hey man!

Question - just to be 100% certain: is it OK for someone to team up with another registered athlete in an Ironman, and draft off their feet for the entire swim?

I am quite certain it is … but, just want to be 100% sure. I was asked this by someone else, and need to be certain.

Thanks, man.

From Jimmy Riccitello:


Definitely okay to swim “together.” Swim buddies are a cool think, in my book.

This certainly changes things.

In my book there definitely seems to be some miscommunication going on, but giving every party the benefit of the doubt I would say there was no "ill-intent" on either side.

I can see Riccitello feeling his "approval" has been stretched, and I can see Barry Siff feeling that he was speaking straight out regarding the intentions of the athletes. Asking if it is "OK to team up" in my book goes quite a long way to saying one will provide some sort of assistance to another. On the other hand, as others surely will emphasize to great extent (what ST does best/worst..), one could argue that the question was dubious and unclear and lead Riccitello to "approve" of something completely different than what was put in place with Chabrot acting as a domestique.

My opinion is that the rules on this subject remain very unclear - and the essence of this is that once you bring the athletes "intentions" into consideration, enforcing the rule is already made so subjective that the rule should be altered. This issue can be argued up and down over 1 000 posts, and I'll stay out of this one. I think that the essence of this case is that both the athletes (whom are the ones we judge according to the rules) believed they did nothing wrong, and in my opinion they had justifiable grounds to believe so. What people think of this from a moral point of view, and what people make of the correspondence between Barry Siff and Riccitello, is another story and probably something that will call for both pop-corn and drinks.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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heartpatient wrote:
No, the email does not imply the former. The email clearly asks about the scenario where Bill drafts off Bob's feet for the whole swim. This would not make any sense if Bill was as good a swimmer as Bob is. From the question it is clear that Bob agrees to teaming up even though he has no benefit from it (during the swim - he might benefit on the bike from being with Bill).

I agree with this.

Whilst the original email was far from "explicit" and could have explained its own question better, I don't think that it was purposefully misleading.

It's a grey area for sure.
IMO the whole swim domestique thing (in a competitive/pro scenario where the drafting athlete is trying to place/podium) falls into the category of "legal, but not in the spirit of the race" and should be discouraged where possible.

I think that pulling a 2hr+ swimmer friend to help them get to T1 is fine.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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It appears that there are different rule books, one for the pros:
and another one which the IM website claims to be "The official competition rules governing all IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 events" (and which also contains rules spefically for professional athletes, so it's clearly not just an age group rule book):

Maybe before answering Barry's question you should have asked him whether he had asked about professional or age group athletes.
If the following is an applicable rule (it is present in one rule book but not the other)
(a) An athlete may not subordinate his/her race ambitions solely for the benefit of another athletes race ambitions. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes; (DSQ of both athletes)
then I think the answer to the question (as it was asked by Barry) should have been that it's not OK.

Achim Traut
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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kjmcawesome wrote:
Slowman wrote:
"So when Chrissie got the CO2 that was a violation or was this rule after that?"

this technically broke the rule. but i would not have given a penalty for that. the sportsmanship exception. that's slowman rule, sub-paragraph 1, exception 3.

I have definitely given flat repair supplies to other athletes during races. Never thought of this as cheating, but I'll reference the "Slowman sportsmanship exception" if I ever get busted.

Also, this is not subordinating your race to that of another; if they had stopped and fixed her flat for her, then that would have been the case.

29 years and counting
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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I do not approve of Coach Barrie’s idea to provide help for Lionel in the swim in the manner in which it appears it was done.

So is it against the rules (asking for both AG and Pro)? I thought this stuff to some extent always went on based on what I've heard and read in interviews.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [BryanD] [ In reply to ]
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BryanD wrote:
Trirunner wrote:
How do you know it's absurd? Do you even know what the purpose was? It could have been for aerodynamics, body temperature (frozen camelback), both or something I am not thinking about.

If you think that is for aerodynamics, you have a lot to learn. This was one of the stupidest things I have ever seen someone do for Kona. I can't believe his coach let him do that

An all around bad day of decision making for the Sanders camp. He and his coaches lost a bit of respect from me on Saturday.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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I'm going to take a more charitable view and say that Barry thought he was asking the right question (basically "can I have a domestique", implied through the wording about drafting off the other swimmer for the entire swim), and you wouldn't have expected that they actually meant that one guy would go deliberately slower in order to assist the slower athlete. Chalk it up to miscommunication, issue a rule clarification, and done.

There is still a ton of interpretation here, so there will always be a degree of discretion, e.g. the situation with the Hoyts. Dick always "subordinates" his own performance for that of Rick. Or a lesser scenario, if one competitor gives another their only spare tube, then themselves get a flat tire later in the race, should they be DQ'd? If someone collapses on the course and someone stops.

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2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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ehh never mind
Last edited by: ajthomas: Oct 14, 15 5:52
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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JimmyRiccitello wrote:
I have all the respect in the world for Lionel Sanders. But since I have become part of the story – and since I feel that I (and Lionel) have been taken advantage of - here are my facts:

  • I was never specifically asked if it was okay for Matt Chrabot to serve as a domestique in the swim for Lionel Sanders.
  • I never told Coach Barrie Shepley that it was okay to have an athlete help Lionel in the swim.
  • I do not approve of Coach Barrie’s idea to provide help for Lionel in the swim in the manner in which it appears it was done.
  • Barry Siff sent me an email on Sept. 5 (below) asking a general question that I interpreted to mean can friends draft off each other in the swim.
  • My answer to that question is apparently my permission for Lionel to have a domestique during the swim.
  • Although outside assistance is – as evidenced by the discussions here on Slowtwitch – a tricky and nuanced issue, and my answer to Barry Siff was perhaps too casual and failed to dig further into the details - in my mind, my answer does not give permission for the scenario that Barrie Shepley and Barry Siff had in mind (Can I find someone to abandon his race ambitions in favor of helping Lionel in the swim?).
  • If Barry and Barrie really wanted to know whether their plans were okay – they should have asked the direct question without being deceptive and devious.
  • And yes, I'm a lot pissed off as I feel I have been set up and taken advantage of. I would like to think I can trust the intent behind emails I receive from my colleagues and friends.
  • For the record, I believe that Lionel and Matt, based on what Barrie Shepley told them that I said, did not feel that they were breaking a rule.

From Barry Siff on Sept. 5, 2015:


Hey man!

Question - just to be 100% certain: is it OK for someone to team up with another registered athlete in an Ironman, and draft off their feet for the entire swim?

I am quite certain it is … but, just want to be 100% sure. I was asked this by someone else, and need to be certain.

Thanks, man.

From Jimmy Riccitello:


Definitely okay to swim “together.” Swim buddies are a cool think, in my book.

JImmy and Barry (Siff). I think the question was fair and the answer fair. Why? Because perhaps Matt had already abandoned his Kona race ambitions before the race on account of Chattanooga and he was just going to go out and have some fun on the course for which he rightfully qualfied anyway whether Lionel came up with this idea or not. So in fairness to Lionel, he was not sure this was legit, so he asked the questions through the channels (USAT president to WTC head official)

I THINK Barrie Shepley's context is coming from ITU racing where we all know that teammates are often there explicitly to help the guy or girl who can close the deal on the run, an example of which would be Colin Jenkins in Beijing on a victory lap during the run after having "worked" for Simon Whitfield in the swim+bike. In this context, Jenkins is basically going to jog the run and has abandoned his race ambitions before the gun goes off (or perhaps the definition of his race ambitions is to protect his team leader vs his own time).

Matt still rode a decent 4:53 bike (for him, solo in the wind, he's not a massive guy and maybe he even paced off Lionel for a while) and jogged the run and seems to have been out for a training day to take in the Kona experience. By hammering Chattanooga and jogging Kona, he ends up with as many KPR points as someone who needed a 14th in Kona AND he fulfills his mandatory IM validation a year early. He MIGHT be able to just bag enough KPR Points from enough 70.3's to squeek in to Kona if he picks the right 70.3's. I don't really know Matt's plans. Maybe Matt felt he could get more KPR points if he paced Lionel in the swim and tried to pace him on the bike and rest as much as possible and then do a steady run given that his legs would be fried from Chattanooga.....so I don't THINK we can definitely say that Matt had entirely abandoned his Kona ambitions for pacing Lionel. Perhaps he thought he could pace Lionel to a 56 swim, then get paced by him on the bike and have the best chance of a fresh run and decent KPR points for next year.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Oct 14, 15 6:05
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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I think this can be chalked up to an ill-advised idea by Coach Barrie and less than great communication. It happens, not the end of the world.

Serious question, though. DSQs can be handed out after the fact; the infraction does not need to be seen firsthand by an official. Course cutters DQed for missing timing mats, for instance. So, in the case of pro rule 2.02.a, which video evidence and coach/athlete personal admission shows was clearly broken, would you DQ after the fact? At 14th place it does not matter so much, but what if Lionel had gone on to win the race and the very clear evidence existed that he had a swim domestique. Would the result stand or must 2.02.a infractions be handed down on the spot?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kny] [ In reply to ]
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kny wrote:
...would you DQ after the fact? At 14th place it does not matter so much, ....

Lionel still got 1620 points, which is not insignificant. The next guy would get an additional 245 points if Lionel was DQ'd. It's a good question.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kny] [ In reply to ]
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For that particular rule, I wouldn't be in favour of post-race DQ's where it involves the cooperation of 2 competitors within the race. It gets very gray. Like Dev said, who's to say definitively that the assister's race ambition has actually been subordinated?

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2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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My thoughts:
- are your 100's with paddles/ pull buoy substantially better than w/o? Also - are your times with paddles/buoy substantially more competitive to your peers?

Typically faster pool swimmers who can't translate that to open water are too reliant on their kick and can be somewhat lacking in rotation/ upper body strength.

Maybe you just stink at flip turns?

Thoughts on being an Urban Triathlete
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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Gah! Fix the spelling in the subject line. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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Could they have been any more vague with their question? They new exactly what they were planning on doing, so why not just disclose the whole plan to Jimmy and then ask "is this within the rules or not"? I think they were vague and misleading. Also I think Jimmy should have asked for a more detailed explanation as well, but had they disclosed their plan he could have issued his opinion more accurately.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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Jimmy you have the worst job in the WTC and for that you have my upmost respect!

As of my typing there are 176 replies on this thread from about 50 to 60 contributors. How many raced a WTC event this year? 250,000 maybe worldwide?

Despite the ST sleuthing and/or godfather of triathlon editor in chief....seriously, this is blown way out of proportion.

Please take it all with grain of salt. The go forward position might be some pro specific rule changes. But for right now, nothing was done outside the rules.

And ST let's remember. Lionel is the youngest pro and least experienced pro there. How many times in business have we been influenced to do work, or send an email, or present something that our gut was saying "take a moment. Doesn't feel right" but we still went ahead? Takes a few lumps of poor experience to learn the gut check rule is REAL. Lionel just learned that. Cut the kid some slack for Christ sakes and stop throwing stones. What exactly did he do wrong? Listen to someone?

Let's move on as a lesson learned. We have Barry, Barrie, and Jimmy involved. All 3 top of the heap in this sport. Clearly communication was SNAFU and may enlighten some change. But let's not lump on Sanders here. He's manned up already.



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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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I guess first thing is, what race ambitions was Matt abandoning? I honestly don't think he had any ambitions for this race other then a nice easy training day and little recon of the course and conditions. He didn't really abandon anything. He basically agreed to allow Lionel to ride his feet for the swim and he would ensure he stayed with him. But I'm not sure he actually gave up any of his own race ambitions, as I don't think he had any to begin with. Combine that with the fact that I honestly believe this happens quite often and we just don't hear about them all. Matt or Michael just decided to make this one public knowledge on the broadcast. Many back room deals are made all the time i.e. Macca bike team vs Crowie etc.. etc...

Given the drafting that takes place in the swim, I think this is too big of a grey area to make a big deal about.

Now, if Matt was in 100% top form coming in and was a top 5 favorite and did the same thing, we might have something to discuss. But as it is right now, I have no problem with it at all.

Good on Barrie / Barry & Lionel for exploring all options!!! Keep up or be left behind.

Now, channel that same level of thought and planning into getting Lionel a top notch swim coach :)
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Regardless, I do think they they both owe Jimmy an apology.

-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Bryancd] [ In reply to ]
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Fair enough!! I'm sure Barrie and Barry will reach out to Jimmy and clarify. They are big names in the sport and I'm sure will want to clear this up and put it to bed.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [arby] [ In reply to ]
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arby wrote:
Could they have been any more vague with their question? They new exactly what they were planning on doing, so why not just disclose the whole plan to Jimmy and then ask "is this within the rules or not"? I think they were vague and misleading. Also I think Jimmy should have asked for a more detailed explanation as well, but had they disclosed their plan he could have issued his opinion more accurately.

Very misleading. Why was a proxy used to ask the question? Why did the Coach not make the contact himself and disclose that the question was in regards to the pro race and involved one pro deliberately slowing his pace to help another?

Why did the athlete think his Coach contacted Jimmy?

Barrie then told the idea to Jimmy Riccitello (head referee for WTC) and asked if this was in violation of any of the rules.

This implies a conversation, which is much better than an email, as details can emerge -- such as that this involves the pro race.

Barry Siff asked Jimmy about a "registered athlete" not a "hyped IMWC pro contender." Was Barry Siff's email question sent to Jimmy for the purpose of clearing the plan for Lionel, or was it sent on behalf of another athlete?

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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rhys wrote:
Jimmy you have the worst job in the WTC and for that you have my upmost respect!

As of my typing there are 176 replies on this thread from about 50 to 60 contributors. How many raced a WTC event this year? 250,000 maybe worldwide?

Despite the ST sleuthing and/or godfather of triathlon editor in chief....seriously, this is blown way out of proportion.

Please take it all with grain of salt. The go forward position might be some pro specific rule changes. But for right now, nothing was done outside the rules.

And ST let's remember. Lionel is the youngest pro and least experienced pro there. How many times in business have we been influenced to do work, or send an email, or present something that our gut was saying "take a moment. Doesn't feel right" but we still went ahead? Takes a few lumps of poor experience to learn the gut check rule is REAL. Lionel just learned that. Cut the kid some slack for Christ sakes and stop throwing stones. What exactly did he do wrong? Listen to someone?

Let's move on as a lesson learned. We have Barry, Barrie, and Jimmy involved. All 3 top of the heap in this sport. Clearly communication was SNAFU and may enlighten some change. But let's not lump on Sanders here. He's manned up already.



1) I do not think you can say no rules were broken. It seems to be against both the letter and intent of the law and Jimmy appears to think so also.

2) it does not seem like the youngest most inexperienced athlete there made this mistake but that a very experienced coach manipulated both the very inexperienced athlete he supposedly mentors and Jimmy into making this happen - that is scandalous.

I do not know what should be done about it but I think it is very appropriate for us to take it seriously.

Ed O'Malley
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [H-] [ In reply to ]
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Seriously, you are reading waaay too much into it. This kind of thing happens all the time.

Barrie: Hey Barry, do you know if "x" is against the rules?

Barry: I think so, but let me check

Barry: Hey jimmy, is this OK?

Jimmy: yeah, sounds ok to me...

Barry: Hey Barrie, i checked with Jimmy, it's fine.

Barrie: cool, thanks....

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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rhys wrote:
Jimmy you have the worst job in the WTC and for that you have my upmost respect!

As of my typing there are 176 replies on this thread from about 50 to 60 contributors. How many raced a WTC event this year? 250,000 maybe worldwide?

Despite the ST sleuthing and/or godfather of triathlon editor in chief....seriously, this is blown way out of proportion.

I'm one of those 50 to 60 contributors, and my comments towards WTC (and other governing bodies who issue rules) may have been harsher than necessary. I have participated in one WTC race this year as an athlete and in one other WTC race as a referee (as well as at some non-WTC races). And having made a serious effort to familiarize myself with and be knowledgable about all applicable rules, I have to say that it's hugely frustrating how difficult it is, not to say impossible. It really should be quite simple.
I feel Barry's email to Jimmy was fine, and if Jimmy had felt any more details had been relevant to answer the question, then he ought to have asked.

Achim Traut
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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LOL!! I agree, this whole thing is a total joke. You are living in a cave on Mars if you don't think this type of thing happens all the time. Do you think Barrie and Barry are the first to come up with a plan like this. Part of the game, get used to it!!

I think people are just really curious as too Lionel, his story and where he can go in this sport, thus the added attention... 15,000+ views
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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Could be. Perhaps I've been reading too much into the title "Professional."

But in general I can't believe this happens often. While pro athletes may reach strategic agreements during the swim and even on the pier before the swim, does anyone believe that Lionel would have found a domestique if he wandered the pier before the race asking if someone would give up five minutes of their swim for him?

As Coach Barrie explained in his post, finding a person who would be willing the help required advance work and planning. As he said, most are not inclined to give up even one second.

I may be wrong and this could be normal pre-race swim dealmaking. If so, it should be easy to find evidence in the race results of pros that came to the finish in pairs with one guy swimming much slower than normal.

Maybe the pro swim should be a team event. Fans of Jordan Rapp might be happy with that.

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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As of my typing there are 176 replies on this thread from about 50 to 60 contributors. How many raced a WTC event this year? 250,000 maybe worldwide?
Despite the ST sleuthing and/or godfather of triathlon editor in chief....seriously, this is blown way out of proportion.

Shut down the slowtwitch forum immediately. At least until rhys tells us how many signatures we need on a petition before we are allowed to have a conversation about a triathlon sporting event.

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [H-] [ In reply to ]
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H- wrote:
Could be. Perhaps I've been reading too much into the title "Professional."

But in general I can't believe this happens often. While pro athletes may reach strategic agreements during the swim and even on the pier before the swim, does anyone believe that Lionel would have found a domestique if he wandered the pier before the race asking if someone would give up five minutes of their swim for him?

As Coach Barrie explained in his post, finding a person who would be willing the help required advance work and planning. As he said, most are not inclined to give up even one second.

I may be wrong and this could be normal pre-race swim dealmaking. If so, it should be easy to find evidence in the race results of pros that came to the finish in pairs with one guy swimming much slower than normal.

Maybe the pro swim should be a team event. Fans of Jordan Rapp might be happy with that.

2010, Macca did some good deal making to attack on the bike with Tissink, Marino, Maik and Faris to take the win. That's really not that different and they never even tried to clear it with Jimmy. Craig Alexander "lost" but he manned up the next year, and did all his aero research, gave his sponsor a chance to come up with aero gear which they did not, and so he tore up his contract, and got on a faster bike and posted his best ever 4:24 run. Macca happened to have success with his deal making, whereas Lionel did not. Either way, they both did the same thing and in 2010 we were all talking about how brilliant Macca was to dupe these guys into his plan, having sandbagged the season and having everyone believe he was washed up and had no chance anyway.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [H-] [ In reply to ]
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H- wrote:
But in general I can't believe this happens often.

If you are referring to this specific scenario I think you are right. I think most pairs would work together as much as possible but when the chain breaks it breaks. No looking back to see if they are still there and waiting for them to reconnect.

I was in Arizona last year and the topic of swim partners came up. This particular pro was listing who they pair up with before races. The only time this pro does not pair up is when their friends are not racing that day. Seemed pretty common based on the comments.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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dev, I think the difference between what Macca did and what LS did is pretty substantial. He said to the strong bikers "Look, your best chance is for us to work together, within the rules, to try and distance Crowie before the run." IOW, he was identifying to others what he felt was their best chance to advance their race ambitions.

IMO, that is pretty much the polar opposite to having Chrabot slowing up to wait for another slower swimmer and abandoning his race goals / efforts.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [H-] [ In reply to ]
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I'm still mulling it over, but right now, I actually find Macca's tactics and his team against Crowie to be far far worse then Lionel / Matt. Matt had no chance in this race and didn't give up anything, asking him to do this was a no brainer. Matt did nothing to self sabotage his race, given his current physical state and race ambitions, he had no race plan to sabotage. However, Macca's crew risked burning several matches or riding outside a zone of what they were capable of to team up and Gap Crowie, possibly sabotaging any attempt they may have had at winning the race. I'm sorry, but I think this is just the tip of the spear.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I just cannot believe how nasty some folks remarks are.

I cannot believe how some are now trying to throw others under the bus.

I think a fair question was asked. I think a fair answer was given. Nothing hidden, nothing sneaky.

I do not think what they did is against the rules relating to the gray areas on how the rules are written in the swim.

Seems the high road folks should be doing is here is what happened. Everyone had the right intentions.

The question now is this legal? If not, then clearly the rules with USAT and WTC need to be updated with better clarity.
How something like this would ever be enforced seems impossible to me. We can legally draft on the swim.
No way anyone can say with 100% certainty what folks plan was. Looking back IMO does not prove anything.

Some of these exchanges just show the real negative in our sport. Lets act like adults.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [3Aims] [ In reply to ]
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I have been told by friends who have over heard top AG's before a racing talking together about drafting together. This kind of stuff happens all the time.
Wow, this will probably cause the sun to not rise tomorrow morning.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Phoenixrising wrote:
I'm still mulling it over, . . .

It is a good one to mull over. Initially the question is what criteria will one apply to determine if coordinated effort within Ironman is sporting or fair.

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In the case of Macca, do you think that Tissink, Marino, Maik, and Faris believed that they were helping Macca and hurting themselves?

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Does it make it acceptable just because it happens all the time?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
H- wrote:
Could be. Perhaps I've been reading too much into the title "Professional."

But in general I can't believe this happens often. While pro athletes may reach strategic agreements during the swim and even on the pier before the swim, does anyone believe that Lionel would have found a domestique if he wandered the pier before the race asking if someone would give up five minutes of their swim for him?

As Coach Barrie explained in his post, finding a person who would be willing the help required advance work and planning. As he said, most are not inclined to give up even one second.

I may be wrong and this could be normal pre-race swim dealmaking. If so, it should be easy to find evidence in the race results of pros that came to the finish in pairs with one guy swimming much slower than normal.

Maybe the pro swim should be a team event. Fans of Jordan Rapp might be happy with that.

2010, Macca did some good deal making to attack on the bike with Tissink, Marino, Maik and Faris to take the win. That's really not that different and they never even tried to clear it with Jimmy. Craig Alexander "lost" but he manned up the next year, and did all his aero research, gave his sponsor a chance to come up with aero gear which they did not, and so he tore up his contract, and got on a faster bike and posted his best ever 4:24 run. Macca happened to have success with his deal making, whereas Lionel did not. Either way, they both did the same thing and in 2010 we were all talking about how brilliant Macca was to dupe these guys into his plan, having sandbagged the season and having everyone believe he was washed up and had no chance anyway.

Somewhat agree with this and was going to make the same point. But those guys went with Macca because they thought it helped their chances of winning. Hell, even Macca told them in the lead up, the only way we're going to beat Crowie is if we make him bike a bit faster so his run suffers, they all agree'd and went with him.

Lionels camp went to an athlete and said hey, you're gutted from Chattanooga, want to slow your swim down, and help us out? They're very similar, yet two different scenarios entirely.

And it happens all the effing time, not just by pro athletes either. Go to any race, stand at the swim start for a bit before the start, and you will see packs of athletes discussing all their swim times and slotting themselves into a pack and swimming together. No it's not advanced planning, but you bet your ass as we all train together and season plans get discussed we all consider which races to sign up for based on who else we know is going to be there so we can swim together, and then race when we get on the bike.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
I have been told by friends who have over heard top AG's before a racing talking together about drafting together. This kind of stuff happens all the time.
Wow, this will probably cause the sun to not rise tomorrow morning.

Red herring. No one is debating whether two pros can talk about trying to swim together. Drafting is allowed in the swim. Swimming five minutes slower than normal to pull someone else does not seem to happen "all the time" in the pro races. Again results showing this happened will prove me wrong.

Are you advocating allowing the pro IM swim to be a team event?

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
No way anyone can say with 100% certainty what folks plan was.

Normally I would a agree, but we got confirmation from both athlete and coach who would be the only two people who actually do know with 100% certainty what the plan was.

I think with better execution, this would be much more of a controversy. If they had actually practiced and executed this, it could have been the difference between Lionel finishing 14th or on the podium. And we probably never would have known about it.

The part that nails it home for me is the significant difference between working together within the rules for mutual benefit and working FOR someone else, knowing that diminishes your chance of achievement.


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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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Don't think the email was deceptive at all.
If only certain scenarios of this are ok - YOU should have clarified.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [habbywall] [ In reply to ]
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"They're very similar, yet two different scenarios entirely."

they two scenarios are completely different. historically, when it was crowie in the race, or before him when grip was in the race, every male pro knew the only way to win was to find a way to make the uberrunner suffer on the bike. none of those who rode hard, and who as a group conspired to ride hard, were forfeiting their own race ambitions. quite the opposite.

when one athlete's goal - whether during the swim or the bike - is to sacrifice his own race in order to help another, that's pacing.

it's prima facie. i don't understand the confusion. if a husband and wife each qualify for kona in the pro field, and the husband is pre-race knackered and knows it, and decides in advance of the race he's going to drop back and "legally" pull his wife through the bike, you all would know this is wrong and the rules are right there, written, specifically to this point (especially for pros). the only difference here is gender, and whether the "consideration" in exchange for the sacrifice is love or money or friendship.

i did this kona race the first year it was ever in kona. few of us knew, back then, much of anything about the sport. heck, it wasn't even a sport. i had never met another ironman athlete prior to coming to the island. we had to explain to all our loved ones what a triathlon was. but even back then we knew the sport was individual, and we knew what that meant.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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The purpose of this note is to address the swim issue of Matt Charbot & Lionel Sanders at the Kona Ironman on Sat and to ensure that the two guys and Jimmie Riccitello are not painted with incorrect information. I accept complete responsibility for not having all the proper information required when I made the recommendation to Lionel for me to seek out another swimmer for him to follow in the Ironman Kona Swim. Not fully aware of all the WTC rules, I had a senior colleague contact Jimmie by email on the topic. My colleague did email Jimmie, but failed to communicate he was inquiring about an elite competitor. My colleague confirmed back to me that the strategy of swimming on another person's feet was legal and not a problem. With that information, I spoke to Lionel about us employing it in Kona. Lionel asked if it was legal and I told him we had communicated with Jimmie.
Anyone who knows Lionel, knows he likes to race hard all day long, on his own and didn't believe he needed to employ the strategy. As his coach, I saw the value and started to investigate options. Had I followed back up with Jimmie directly myself, I am sure he would have counseled against swimming with another person. That is 100% my error on not following back up with Jimmie and I feel terrible about it.

It was my responsibility to know all the WTC rules and I regret the advice I gave to Lionel as he trusted my assessment of the information. Still fatigued and sore from the Chattanooga Ironman, Matt Charbot planned on just cruising the course for recognizance for 2016 and because he wasn’t racing, as a friend he agreed to have Lionel on his hip during the swim. Lionel swam as hard as he could on Matt’s hip and they exited the water together before Lionel biked and ran away.

I want to unconditionally apologize to Jimmie and his officials for distracting them from doing their important jobs. I want to apologize to the WTC Ironman family for doing anything that would take away from their amazing event. Mostly I want to apologize to Matt and Lionel who are two great young men, who only acted after I assured them it had been okayed (as I believed it had). As a long-time coach, it’s my responsibility to be fully aware of the implications of my actions and decisions. I love triathlon and fully accept that my decisions have been a distraction to the joy of Saturday's World Championships and the focus the top three men & women so rightly deserve.
I don’t intend on reading any comments or responding online after this as I feel badly the way my actions have impacted the two athletes, but I felt it was important that any blame or criticism should be appropriately targeted at me and recognize that Jimmie Riccitello, Lionel Sanders and Matt Charbot were involved in this situation totally due to my improper assessment of the information. For that I am deeply sorry to all involved.

Barrie Shepley
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [lovegoat] [ In reply to ]
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lovegoat wrote:
Asking if it is "OK to team up" in my book goes quite a long way to saying one will provide some sort of assistance to another. On the other hand, as others surely will emphasize to great extent (what ST does best/worst..), one could argue that the question was dubious and unclear and lead Riccitello to "approve" of something completely different than what was put in place with Chabrot acting as a domestique.
The e-mail asks if it's okay to draft a friend the whole way. Even though it wasn't stated, I think anyone's assumption (including Jimmy's) upon hearing such a question would have naturally been that *both* friends were still going to be racing. If both friends are racing then I think most people would think the arrangement was okay. For one thing, if the guy on the feet can't keep up then if both are racing that's his problem. The question was misleading because it omitted the fact that Chrabot was *not* going to be racing, but instead was specifically going to dedicate his swim to helping Sanders. The problem with omitting that detail is that *that* is exactly the detail that makes the arrangement against the rules (in my opinion anyway).
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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bravo, my friend (a sentiment i want to write even if you're not going to be reading it!).

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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BTW: I received an apology email from Volkswagon last week regarding my diesel Golf wagon. It was terrible in comparison to Barrie.

Barrie's on the other hand is direct; takes accountability, and knowing Barrie as i do, 100% heart felt.


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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [H-] [ In reply to ]
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H- wrote:
Could be. Perhaps I've been reading too much into the title "Professional."

But in general I can't believe this happens often. While pro athletes may reach strategic agreements during the swim and even on the pier before the swim, does anyone believe that Lionel would have found a domestique if he wandered the pier before the race asking if someone would give up five minutes of their swim for him?

As Coach Barrie explained in his post, finding a person who would be willing the help required advance work and planning. As he said, most are not inclined to give up even one second.

I may be wrong and this could be normal pre-race swim dealmaking. If so, it should be easy to find evidence in the race results of pros that came to the finish in pairs with one guy swimming much slower than normal.

Maybe the pro swim should be a team event. Fans of Jordan Rapp might be happy with that.

No, I wasn't talking about this specific scenario. I was just talking about that style of email exchange, where you have a question, send it to someone, they don't know for certain, so they ask someone who does, then the answer circles back around to you. It happens all the time in personal or professional scenarios, and isn't a case of being "sneaky" or using a proxy to manipulate someone into giving the answer that you want.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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I appreciate the clear acceptance of responsibility by you and thank you for that forthright statement - a very classy way to end an unfortunate situation.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [H-] [ In reply to ]
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H- wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
I have been told by friends who have over heard top AG's before a racing talking together about drafting together. This kind of stuff happens all the time.
Wow, this will probably cause the sun to not rise tomorrow morning.

Red herring. No one is debating whether two pros can talk about trying to swim together. Drafting is allowed in the swim. Swimming five minutes slower than normal to pull someone else does not seem to happen "all the time" in the pro races. Again results showing this happened will prove me wrong.

Are you advocating allowing the pro IM swim to be a team event?

As was commented, smart folks racing have been making the swim a team event for ever. Folks line up by me all the time to draft off me. I am always looking who is around
that I might draft off of. Totally legal.

So pro IM swimming is basically already a "team event" for the smart ones.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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kjmcawesome wrote:
h2ofun wrote:

No way anyone can say with 100% certainty what folks plan was.

Normally I would a agree, but we got confirmation from both athlete and coach who would be the only two people who actually do know with 100% certainty what the plan was.

I think with better execution, this would be much more of a controversy. If they had actually practiced and executed this, it could have been the difference between Lionel finishing 14th or on the podium. And we probably never would have known about it.

The part that nails it home for me is the significant difference between working together within the rules for mutual benefit and working FOR someone else, knowing that diminishes your chance of achievement.

I was making my comment for any race. Folks do this all the time. Folks talk about it at the swim start all the time. Whether some do it in advance, who cares.
NO WAY is this sport individual. Never was, never will be.

I really am hoping to do some of the DL races next year. Just total fun. One can just go for it and ignore all this emotion behind swim drafting and bike drafting and poor official calls.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I for one actually care. It's one thing to take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself during a race, through either good luck or good strategy. It's another thing to pre-engineer those opportunities.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
bravo, my friend (a sentiment i want to write even if you're not going to be reading it!).

Wow, have we really gotten this PC in our sport?

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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well... that escalated quickly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
I for one actually care. It's one thing to take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself during a race, through either good luck or good strategy. It's another thing to pre-engineer those opportunities.

And you never pre engineer opportunities? Better bike parts? Bike fitting?

This entire thread just makes me smile. This sport, and any sport mean nothing at the end of the day, trust me, I just saw it first hand.
All that matters is family.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
I for one actually care. It's one thing to take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself during a race, through either good luck or good strategy. It's another thing to pre-engineer those opportunities.

Actually, its not the pre-engineering of the opportunities which is the problem, the issue is one where the opportunity is single or dual sided. I see nothing wrong with Frodeno and Potts chatting on the beach - "are we going at 95% or 100% speed today?" knowing that a common answer gets them both faster. Sanders and Charbot only benefits Sanders' race.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JimmyRiccitello] [ In reply to ]
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JimmyRiccitello wrote:
I have all the respect in the world for Lionel Sanders. But since I have become part of the story – and since I feel that I (and Lionel) have been taken advantage of - here are my facts:

  • I was never specifically asked if it was okay for Matt Chrabot to serve as a domestique in the swim for Lionel Sanders.
  • I never told Coach Barrie Shepley that it was okay to have an athlete help Lionel in the swim.
  • I do not approve of Coach Barrie’s idea to provide help for Lionel in the swim in the manner in which it appears it was done.
  • Barry Siff sent me an email on Sept. 5 (below) asking a general question that I interpreted to mean can friends draft off each other in the swim.
  • My answer to that question is apparently my permission for Lionel to have a domestique during the swim.
  • Although outside assistance is – as evidenced by the discussions here on Slowtwitch – a tricky and nuanced issue, and my answer to Barry Siff was perhaps too casual and failed to dig further into the details - in my mind, my answer does not give permission for the scenario that Barrie Shepley and Barry Siff had in mind (Can I find someone to abandon his race ambitions in favor of helping Lionel in the swim?).
  • If Barry and Barrie really wanted to know whether their plans were okay – they should have asked the direct question without being deceptive and devious.
  • And yes, I'm a lot pissed off as I feel I have been set up and taken advantage of. I would like to think I can trust the intent behind emails I receive from my colleagues and friends.
  • For the record, I believe that Lionel and Matt, based on what Barrie Shepley told them that I said, did not feel that they were breaking a rule.

From Barry Siff on Sept. 5, 2015:


Hey man!

Question - just to be 100% certain: is it OK for someone to team up with another registered athlete in an Ironman, and draft off their feet for the entire swim?

I am quite certain it is … but, just want to be 100% sure. I was asked this by someone else, and need to be certain.

Thanks, man.

From Jimmy Riccitello:


Definitely okay to swim “together.” Swim buddies are a cool think, in my book.

I am not sure Jimmy's beef. A general question was asked, can an athlete team up up another registered athlete in an Ironman and draft off their feet for the swim? Jimmy said okay to swim together, and even went and said swim buddies are a cool think (thing). So what's the problem? If you didn't think it should be done whether pro/ag'er than just say no.

What people should be really asking is Why in the hell was he wearing a camelpak under he's suit?!
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
I for one actually care. It's one thing to take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself during a race, through either good luck or good strategy. It's another thing to pre-engineer those opportunities.

Not exactly obvious where's the difference between those two...

Achim Traut
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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No. A bicycle is not a pre-engineered opportunity.

There are norms and customs that are followed in any sport. In triathlon, one of the norms and customs is to use a certain style of bicycle, and it is accepted that you can use certain types of equipment. That's not an issue.

It is not accepted that you accept outside assistance or pacing to further your performance.

As to your last comment, that's pretty much a non-sequitur. For a pro athlete, who is racing to put food on his/her families table, fairness in sport matters.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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heartpatient wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I for one actually care. It's one thing to take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself during a race, through either good luck or good strategy. It's another thing to pre-engineer those opportunities.

Not exactly obvious where's the difference between those two...

No, there are gray areas. But in general, if it smells funny, then trust your nose.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [timbasile] [ In reply to ]
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timbasile wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I for one actually care. It's one thing to take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself during a race, through either good luck or good strategy. It's another thing to pre-engineer those opportunities.

Actually, its not the pre-engineering of the opportunities which is the problem, the issue is one where the opportunity is single or dual sided. I see nothing wrong with Frodeno and Potts chatting on the beach - "are we going at 95% or 100% speed today?" knowing that a common answer gets them both faster. Sanders and Charbot only benefits Sanders' race.

I don't even like the frodo / potts scenario you suggest, although a lot of people will disagree with me. I see nothing wrong with potts asking frodo "how fast are you going to go on the swim?" or "what line are you taking?" but there is a subtle difference between that and collusion, where they come to an actual arrangement.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
timbasile wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I for one actually care. It's one thing to take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself during a race, through either good luck or good strategy. It's another thing to pre-engineer those opportunities.

Actually, its not the pre-engineering of the opportunities which is the problem, the issue is one where the opportunity is single or dual sided. I see nothing wrong with Frodeno and Potts chatting on the beach - "are we going at 95% or 100% speed today?" knowing that a common answer gets them both faster. Sanders and Charbot only benefits Sanders' race.

I don't even like the frodo / potts scenario you suggest, although a lot of people will disagree with me. I see nothing wrong with potts asking frodo "how fast are you going to go on the swim?" or "what line are you taking?" but there is a subtle difference between that and collusion, where they come to an actual arrangement.

Guess you have not read Matts post yet.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Phoenixrising wrote:
I'm still mulling it over, but right now, I actually find Macca's tactics and his team against Crowie to be far far worse then Lionel / Matt. Matt had no chance in this race and didn't give up anything, asking him to do this was a no brainer. Matt did nothing to self sabotage his race, given his current physical state and race ambitions, he had no race plan to sabotage. However, Macca's crew risked burning several matches or riding outside a zone of what they were capable of to team up and Gap Crowie, possibly sabotaging any attempt they may have had at winning the race. I'm sorry, but I think this is just the tip of the spear.

Completely agree. Still hate that Macca did that.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, I have.

There is a difference between telling someone to get on your hip and try to stay there, and telling them that you will make sure that they don't lose you. The former is just sharing strategy / suggesting a strategy. The latter is pacing.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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FFS...it's Chrabot, not Charbot.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [coachbarrie] [ In reply to ]
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I think there's a lot of mental gymnastics going on here that I simply don't agree with. On Thursday before the race, there was a mandatory pro meeting designed, at least in part, to clarify questions about the rules. Lionel was there. Matt was there. Jimmy was there. You, Barrie, were there. Jimmy explained the basic, most common rules and asked if there were any questions. No hands went up. Jimmy further said, "if anyone wants to discuss any issues, I'm around after."

Here's the simplest, most logical way that this goes down.

Lionel goes up to Jimmy and says, "Hi Jimmy, I'm wondering if it is okay for Matt Chrabot to pace me on the swim. He is just here to finish after Chattanooga, and he's okay with swimming with me the whole way and making sure I stay on his feet. Is that okay?"

Instead, Lionel and you ask Barry Siff, who sends a vaguely worded email inquiring about the legality of said tactic. If YOU, Barrie, had asked Jimmy directly, it would have been obvious who you were asking for. Why ask Barry to email Jimmy? Yes, I can imagine a lot of ways in which that came about. But the simplest explanation is that you were doing something you were pretty sure was against the rules and attempted to obfuscate that in order to get away with it and now that it's been exposed, you're very sorry. I just can't see it any other way given that *YOU AND LIONEL* didn't go up to Jimmy at the pro meeting, explain in simple terms what you wanted to do, and to get his take on it.

I truly don't mean this to come across harshly, but I think there's an awful lot being thrown around to try to get around Occam's Razor... In the future, should you need any clarification on the rules, making sure you get it is part of my responsibilities as a pro ambassador/liaison.

And to those analogizing it to Macca's plans in 2010, five athletes out of the top-6 were a part of Macca's "group." All those athletes had their BEST ever Kona finish. Macca won. Andreas Raelert was second. Marino was third. Tissink was fifth. Timo was sixth. They ALL benefitted. It's not even close to comparable.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the above Jordan. Simple fix to this situation. If the coach thought this was worth doing, and something borderline enough to ask permission through a 3rd party, he should have asked Jimmy at the meeting.

To me it is obvious in this situation the coach was trying to get away with something or skirt the rules, then claim it was all made ok because they "asked jimmy".

Likely he was hoping to get away with folks scratching their heads over a bad swim by Matt, not knowing it would be blatantly obvious from the boat about 7 strokes in.

-Matt Lieto
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Very well stated.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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I knew I liked you for some reason.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [NEPA_Trifan] [ In reply to ]
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regardless of the rule breaking/legality of the situation and who said what, I think the whole thing is very much against the spirit of the race and sport.

I'd equate it to an unsportsmanlike conduct in hockey

the world's still turning? >>>>>>> the world's still turning
Last edited by: Callin': Oct 14, 15 12:09
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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I still have not heard anyone say what they did is/was against the rules. Any formal verdict here?

I ask because today we practiced group drafting at lunch masters and I told my coach I could not participate in such an exercise until a formal ruling came down regarding drafting on the swim at triathlons.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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I will add one more piece to this then I will be done. I do agree with Jordan 100% that I should have asked Jimmy at the pro meeting. Hindsight is 20/20.

I will say, I did review the "rule book" before the race, both due to this matter, and because I was thinking about creating a necklace filled with instant cold packs to wear on the run. This is the rule book I consulted, that I got off of the Ironman World Championship website:


Because this document makes mention of professional athletes on numerous occasions I had no reason to believe there was another set of rules housed elsewhere. But it turns out there is (and I learned this through this thread, which is a testament to the spirit of open conversation and debate). Here it is:


That one is almost the same, but addresses the issue in question. Had I read this set of rules, I absolutely would not have even entertained this idea. For the sake of transparency and accuracy, I will admit that in the pro athlete newsletter prior to the race, it did say to familiarize yourself with the rules and provided a link to the second document. But I did not click the link because I felt that I had already read the rule book in its entirety, which I did, but it was the first link. I think WTC can improve in this regard by creating two completely separate documents: one for AG competition and one for Pro competition, that way there is no ambiguity. And also, they should include both of these documents right on the Ironman World Championship page under the "Rules and Regulations" heading.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Run For Money] [ In reply to ]
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Run For Money wrote:

What people should be really asking is Why in the hell was he wearing a camelpak under he's suit?!

Or, more specifically, why he wasn't wearing it on his chest.


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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [3Aims] [ In reply to ]
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3Aims wrote:
I still have not heard anyone say what they did is/was against the rules. Any formal verdict here?

I ask because today we practiced group drafting at lunch masters and I told my coach I could not participate in such an exercise until a formal ruling came down regarding drafting on the swim at triathlons.

Yes, pretty clearly against pro rules 2.02.a
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:
And to those analogizing it to Macca's plans in 2010, five athletes out of the top-6 were a part of Macca's "group." All those athletes had their BEST ever Kona finish. Macca won. Andreas Raelert was second. Marino was third. Tissink was fifth. Timo was sixth. They ALL benefitted. It's not even close to comparable.

So, then it's OK to form a team as long as everyone involved profits? Had Lionel paced Matt on the bike would have made it OK for Matt to wait for Lionel during the swim?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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Was Matt Chrabot compensated for being your domestique?
Last edited by: kny: Oct 14, 15 12:17
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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It's very hard to identify and track individuals given that draft and pack swimming is the only way to succeed in Ironman racing. But we can ask questions when an individuals swim times suddenly improve by a wide margin in a short period of time. Or if two individuals swim times are very similar across multiple races at different venue's.

I mean Kienle had a huge improvement in this years swim making the front pack out of seemingly nowhere. Not sure many people would have predicted that. I read a ton of articles where many had hoped Lionel could exit with Kienle. Even the commentators were shocked. Yet, his times are remarkably similar to Tyler Butterfield's the last couple years over a few different events. I'm not saying they are working together, as a number of factors could have led to this. For all I know, they may have lined up on opposite ends of the line and didn't meet up until the swim exit. What I'm trying to say is that without being tipped off, we will not know the true extent of this type of activity. Funny how commentators Matt or Michael was able to identify Matt and Lionel and call it as soon as the swim started.

2015 Kona & : Butterfield: 52:33 / Kienle: 52:36

2015 70.3 World Champs: Butterfield: 24:05 / Kienle: 24:04

2014 Kona: Butterfield: 54:35 / Kienle: 54:38

2014 70.3 World Champs: Butterfield: No Data / Kienle: 25:37

2013 Kona: Butterfield: 51:24 / Kienle: 54:13
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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this whole thing is ridiculous. Barrie has been putting his foot in his mouth for the better part of a year. IMHO It's time for Lionel to part ways and get a better support crew around him.

swimgate and camelbackghazi are just two of the latest indicators.

Rappstar wrote:
I think there's a lot of mental gymnastics going on here that I simply don't agree with. On Thursday before the race, there was a mandatory pro meeting designed, at least in part, to clarify questions about the rules. Lionel was there. Matt was there. Jimmy was there. You, Barrie, were there. Jimmy explained the basic, most common rules and asked if there were any questions. No hands went up. Jimmy further said, "if anyone wants to discuss any issues, I'm around after."

Here's the simplest, most logical way that this goes down.

Lionel goes up to Jimmy and says, "Hi Jimmy, I'm wondering if it is okay for Matt Chrabot to pace me on the swim. He is just here to finish after Chattanooga, and he's okay with swimming with me the whole way and making sure I stay on his feet. Is that okay?"

Instead, Lionel and you ask Barry Siff, who sends a vaguely worded email inquiring about the legality of said tactic. If YOU, Barrie, had asked Jimmy directly, it would have been obvious who you were asking for. Why ask Barry to email Jimmy? Yes, I can imagine a lot of ways in which that came about. But the simplest explanation is that you were doing something you were pretty sure was against the rules and attempted to obfuscate that in order to get away with it and now that it's been exposed, you're very sorry. I just can't see it any other way given that *YOU AND LIONEL* didn't go up to Jimmy at the pro meeting, explain in simple terms what you wanted to do, and to get his take on it.

I truly don't mean this to come across harshly, but I think there's an awful lot being thrown around to try to get around Occam's Razor... In the future, should you need any clarification on the rules, making sure you get it is part of my responsibilities as a pro ambassador/liaison.

And to those analogizing it to Macca's plans in 2010, five athletes out of the top-6 were a part of Macca's "group." All those athletes had their BEST ever Kona finish. Macca won. Andreas Raelert was second. Marino was third. Tissink was fifth. Timo was sixth. They ALL benefitted. It's not even close to comparable.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks Lionel. I absolutely agree that the we could make the different rules more clear and will see if I can get that changed pronto.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
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Still laughing at Camelbackghazi Eric!

-Of course it's 'effing hard, it's IRONMAN!
ZOOT, QR, Garmin, HED Wheels, Zealios, FormSwim, Precision Hydration, Rudy Project
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [mlawless] [ In reply to ]
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"a very classy way to end an unfortunate situation. "

I like you. You're an optimist. Unfortunately I fear this one is going to drag on for at least another 8 or 9 pages.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Doru] [ In reply to ]
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Doru wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
And to those analogizing it to Macca's plans in 2010, five athletes out of the top-6 were a part of Macca's "group." All those athletes had their BEST ever Kona finish. Macca won. Andreas Raelert was second. Marino was third. Tissink was fifth. Timo was sixth. They ALL benefitted. It's not even close to comparable.

So, then it's OK to form a team as long as everyone involved profits? Had Lionel paced Matt on the bike would have made it OK for Matt to wait for Lionel during the swim?

What part of "abandoning one's own race ambitions" is not clear?

2010 w/ Macca and this year w/ Sanders are about as opposite as you can get.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Doru] [ In reply to ]
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Doru wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
And to those analogizing it to Macca's plans in 2010, five athletes out of the top-6 were a part of Macca's "group." All those athletes had their BEST ever Kona finish. Macca won. Andreas Raelert was second. Marino was third. Tissink was fifth. Timo was sixth. They ALL benefitted. It's not even close to comparable.

So, then it's OK to form a team as long as everyone involved profits? Had Lionel paced Matt on the bike would have made it OK for Matt to wait for Lionel during the swim?

Yes. That is allowed according to the rules provided that the rest of the rules - drafting, etc - are observed.

Example: Maik Twielsek and I came out of the water at IMAZ in pretty much the same time. We both rode about the same too. But last year, Maik was tired from Kona, and I thought I was in better shape than I was, so I rode the first lap way faster than Maik and he rode the last lap way faster than me. However, it probably would have been better for us to ride together. But that's not how I like to race. Nor how Maik likes to race. But it's absolutely legal.

Put more simply, it's always better to cooperate than to fight. It's way to better to swim front/back than side-by-side. Front/back, you can rotate through and both swim faster. Side-by-side, you actually slow each other down.

AS LONG AS YOU RESPECT ALL THE OTHER RULES, it just makes to help someone else so that you both finish faster. That's why the rule is worded as it is. On the run, it's easy to run with someone than alone. Easier for both parties. Look at Dave Scott and Mark Allen in Ironwar. Look at what they pushed themselves to. Clearly they both benefitted from that. Why would that be against the rules?

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [justhavefun] [ In reply to ]
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From the mouths (or typing fingers) of pros for whom these race tactics directly affect, and it reads like they weren't big fans:

justhavefun wrote:
Thanks for the above Jordan. Simple fix to this situation. If the coach thought this was worth doing, and something borderline enough to ask permission through a 3rd party, he should have asked Jimmy at the meeting.

To me it is obvious in this situation the coach was trying to get away with something or skirt the rules, then claim it was all made ok because they "asked jimmy".

Likely he was hoping to get away with folks scratching their heads over a bad swim by Matt, not knowing it would be blatantly obvious from the boat about 7 strokes in.

And from Rappstar:

I think there's a lot of mental gymnastics going on here that I simply don't agree with. On Thursday before the race, there was a mandatory pro meeting designed, at least in part, to clarify questions about the rules. Lionel was there. Matt was there. Jimmy was there. You, Barrie, were there. Jimmy explained the basic, most common rules and asked if there were any questions. No hands went up. Jimmy further said, "if anyone wants to discuss any issues, I'm around after."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kny] [ In reply to ]
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kny wrote:
Was Matt Chrabot compensated for being your domestique?

This is a good question. And deserves an honest answer.

I think the competitors do have the right to draw the line under this as long as the officials don't want the matter opened. Jordan seems happy to keep stirring the pot.

As for the court of public opinion I think one proper question has been overlooked. What if this tactic had worked? What if Chrabot had pulled LS up to a 55min swim? Or even better? In the long run this outcome hurts LS even more as it would encourage the practice.

As an aside I think it would be great for another well known pro to come out and say "oh, yeah, xxxx and I have been doing this for years". There is nothing really new in sport.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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There's no problem with Tyler pacing Kienle as long as Tyler doesn't swim slower than he otherwise would. If Sebastian lines up next to Tyler because he knows Tyler starts cleanly or swims straight or whatever and Tyler let's Sebastian do it because he knows Sebastian will get right to his feet and not punch him, then that is just smart racing.

This sort of thing happens all the time. There's nothing in the rules against this. The key is that Sebastian is swimming faster *AND* Tyler is not swimming slower.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Impulse-Warp] [ In reply to ]
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On that note, just totally out of curiosity can anyone confirm where Butterfield and Kienle lined up??
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [3Aims] [ In reply to ]
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3Aims wrote:
I still have not heard anyone say what they did is/was against the rules. Any formal verdict here?

I ask because today we practiced group drafting at lunch masters and I told my coach I could not participate in such an exercise until a formal ruling came down regarding drafting on the swim at triathlons.

Hard to get much more clear than Jimmy writing this: "I do not approve of Coach Barrie’s idea to provide help for Lionel in the swim in the manner in which it appears it was done."


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:

There's no problem with Tyler pacing Kienle as long as Tyler doesn't swim slower than he otherwise would. If Sebastian lines up next to Tyler because he knows Tyler starts cleanly or swims straight or whatever and Tyler let's Sebastian do it because he knows Sebastian will get right to his feet and not punch him, then that is just smart racing.

This sort of thing happens all the time. There's nothing in the rules against this. The key is that Sebastian is swimming faster *AND* Tyler is not swimming slower.

Would it be OK in your book for Tyler to swim slower saving some matches in the swim, and then pace off Sebastien (saving even more matches in the bike) and arrive at T2 around the same time or maybe faster overall but having burnt way less matches overall? In this scenario, yes he swam slower, but just watching the slower swim you don't know if he is surrendering his racing ambitions "yet".

I think what I am trying to get at is that it is very difficult for an official watching from the outside to know what the ambitions are and how an athlete is planning to achieve them. Sandbagging one part of the race to do less work during other parts of the race might be a great plan. Not that anyone is roping Andy Potts into doing so, but the last few years, when he has not come out of the water first he has had a better race overall.....just swimming at a lower threshold.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I would like to see someone trying to use this rule for the bike leg.
Some athletes are pushing the bike to then stop in T2, is that ok.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Is Tyler not swimming slower?? 2013 he hits a 51:24 vs Kienle's 54:13, in 2014 he slows to near the exact time of Kienle with Kienle only improving 25 sec and Butterfield dropping almost 3min. From then on they are neck and neck. Is it not possible in 2015 he was waiting for Kienle and he blew up trying to stick with him?? Very similar situations with fast ITU guy's "Pacing" slower swimming uber cyclists. (Edit: Sorry, I should have said I can't prove any of that, so it's only my opinion)

2015 Kona & : Butterfield: 52:33 / Kienle: 52:36

2015 70.3 World Champs: Butterfield: 24:05 / Kienle: 24:04

2014 Kona: Butterfield: 54:35 / Kienle: 54:38

2014 70.3 World Champs: Butterfield: No Data / Kienle: 25:37

2013 Kona: Butterfield: 51:24 / Kienle: 54:13

Last edited by: Phoenixrising: Oct 14, 15 13:00
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I do not personally find this to be ethical, but that doesn't mean I think it should be penalized. It's not how I would race, but I don't think that the rules should necessarily be designed to prevent other people from racing in this way.

The fact that something is "difficult for an official" to determine is not a problem for me. Every mature sport assumes that officials are capable of making difficult decisions. And, in general, we don't write laws based on how easy they are to enforce. EVERY poster on this forum would like to see harsher enforcement of "distracted driving" penalties, but distracted driving is, admittedly, hard to determine. And yet we continually lament the result of the current attitude which is exactly what you are referring to.

Heck, doping is pretty hard to determine too. And yet we don't just simply throw up our arms about that.

I will say one change I'd like to see is that any sort of remuneration should be explicitly illegal. I have heard stories of women pros who have paid pro men, either outright or as a percentage of prize money, in exchange for pacing. The situation where Matt Chrabot is tired from Chattanooga and agrees to pace Lionel is rare. A situation like in 2014, where members of Team BMC/Uplace agreed to drop back and pace Bart Aernouts on the bike is something I can imagine happening MUCH more frequently. The conflict that comes with a sponsor asking for such tactics - where financial considerations are at least implied if not explicitly stated - is of much greater concern.

How would we know if that was happening? It'd be difficult. But that does not, however, mean it should not be made illegal.

As an analogy, are you not glad for international copyright law? It's not easy to tell that someone didn't have the exact same idea as you at nearly the exact same time, but that doesn't mean we don't have laws designed to prevent copyright theft. In fact, I would say this is probably one of the biggest challenges you face in your business - intellectual property theft. A bit of a LR tangent there, but I'm surprised at your emphasis on the difficulty of policing this as an argument against it.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with you the Coach Barrie's words are sufficient to close the matter. (Yeah, they could of, should of, brought it up in athletes meeting, but they are both now ok in my book and I am a fan again.)

So, rhys, now I agree with you: nothing to see here anymore -- unless someone finds it fascinating that some people cannot grasp the difference between pacing and fair strategy within the rules.

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:
Doru wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
And to those analogizing it to Macca's plans in 2010, five athletes out of the top-6 were a part of Macca's "group." All those athletes had their BEST ever Kona finish. Macca won. Andreas Raelert was second. Marino was third. Tissink was fifth. Timo was sixth. They ALL benefitted. It's not even close to comparable.

So, then it's OK to form a team as long as everyone involved profits? Had Lionel paced Matt on the bike would have made it OK for Matt to wait for Lionel during the swim?

Yes. That is allowed according to the rules provided that the rest of the rules - drafting, etc - are observed.

Example: Maik Twielsek and I came out of the water at IMAZ in pretty much the same time. We both rode about the same too. But last year, Maik was tired from Kona, and I thought I was in better shape than I was, so I rode the first lap way faster than Maik and he rode the last lap way faster than me. However, it probably would have been better for us to ride together. But that's not how I like to race. Nor how Maik likes to race. But it's absolutely legal.

Put more simply, it's always better to cooperate than to fight. It's way to better to swim front/back than side-by-side. Front/back, you can rotate through and both swim faster. Side-by-side, you actually slow each other down.

AS LONG AS YOU RESPECT ALL THE OTHER RULES, it just makes to help someone else so that you both finish faster. That's why the rule is worded as it is. On the run, it's easy to run with someone than alone. Easier for both parties. Look at Dave Scott and Mark Allen in Ironwar. Look at what they pushed themselves to. Clearly they both benefitted from that. Why would that be against the rules?

Thanks for the clear and detailed reply Jordan! I appreciate it. I wanted to have this clarified by someone in the know.

Ironman can be a team sport as long as everyone involved benefits and of course as long as you respect all the rules. I got the impression that some people on this forum think that this is against the rules.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Phoenixrising wrote:
Is Tyler not swimming slower?? 2013 he hits a 51:24 vs Kienle's 54:13, in 2014 he slows to near the exact time of Kienle with Kienle only improving 25 sec and Butterfield dropping almost 3min. From then on they are neck and neck. Is it not possible he in 2015 he was waiting for Kienle and he blew up trying to stick with him?? Very similar situations with fast ITU guy's "Pacing" slower swimming uber cyclists.

2015 Kona & : Butterfield: 52:33 / Kienle: 52:36

2015 70.3 World Champs: Butterfield: 24:05 / Kienle: 24:04

2014 Kona: Butterfield: 54:35 / Kienle: 54:38

2014 70.3 World Champs: Butterfield: No Data / Kienle: 25:37

2013 Kona: Butterfield: 51:24 / Kienle: 54:13

Full disclosure, I'm a friend of Tyler's, watched him grow up, went to his dad's house and raced his dad and himself as a kid. He's an awesome guy and very honest. I don't think he would ever deliberately break a rule, in letter or in spirit.

Ty had a bad race in '14, he changed some things about his training to try to build endurance, and it didn't work out in his favour. IMO, his swim time just reflected that he had a bad race.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim. Just because they swam slower ST is going to accuse them of cheating?

Why are SO many worried about what others do?

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Last edited by: h2ofun: Oct 14, 15 13:11
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure I meant to paint him as being dishonest vs that it's possible so many are doing this that it's just a part of racing. I actually have no idea if Tyler and Kienle even know each other. If you or Jordan can clarify that it would eliminate my post to nothing more then a coincidence.

Do you know if they are in fact friends and plan to swim with each other at certain events, maybe not in "pacing" terms but as Jordan referred to as a "good race strategy"??
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Phoenixrising wrote:
Is Tyler not swimming slower?? 2013 he hits a 51:24 vs Kienle's 54:13, in 2014 he slows to near the exact time of Kienle with Kienle only improving 25 sec and Butterfield dropping almost 3min. From then on they are neck and neck. Is it not possible in 2015 he was waiting for Kienle and he blew up trying to stick with him?? Very similar situations with fast ITU guy's "Pacing" slower swimming uber cyclists. (Edit: Sorry, I should have said I can't prove any of that, so it's only my opinion)

2015 Kona & : Butterfield: 52:33 / Kienle: 52:36

2015 70.3 World Champs: Butterfield: 24:05 / Kienle: 24:04

2014 Kona: Butterfield: 54:35 / Kienle: 54:38

2014 70.3 World Champs: Butterfield: No Data / Kienle: 25:37

2013 Kona: Butterfield: 51:24 / Kienle: 54:13

Sure it's possible the Tyler is pacing Sebastian. But that doesn't really matter. Pacing is not illegal. It's only illegal if Tyler gives up his own race. And why would he do that? He was 7th the previous year (2013) after being 4th for most of the run. So if Tyler thought, "okay, I'll agree to pace Sebastian and then try to ride with him..." that wouldn't make much sense. Better to come out ahead of Sebastian and then make him catch you and then ride with him. Now, if Sebastian agrees to wait to Tyler on the bike, that's also legal. Because they are trading off in order to help each other out. It's not how I'd want to race, but it's also not illegal.

It's pretty clear that in none of these races has Tyler "submitted his own ambitions" to help Sebastian. If he and Sebastian want to help each other for other reasons, I'm okay with that.* It's not how I'd want to race, but I don't think it should be illegal.

We've beaten this to death pretty well now. I have no intention of "stirring the pot" here. The interpretation and enforcement of professional rules - and how professional racing is conducted - is of significant personal importance to me, for obvious reasons. I want to make sure that there's no sense of, "oh, well that's probably fine..." about this sort of thing. It's not okay. That said, I don't really see any new points that need to be made. So this is my last reply. If people still can't see the difference between athletes cooperating versus an athlete playing a "domestique" role to another, that's their problem. Yes, athletes are allowed to be domestiques in ITU racing. Ironman is not ITU racing.

*as long as the reasons are not financial. while that isn't against the rules, I think it should be.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Well, Ty is pretty friendly and has been around a while. I'm not positive he knows Kienle, but my guess is that he probably does, at least a little bit.

I know it wasn't your intent to say that they are skirting the rules, but I just wanted to state that I think it is extremely unlikely that they are.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
Well, Ty is pretty friendly and has been around a while. I'm not positive he knows Kienle, but my guess is that he probably does, at least a little bit.

I know it wasn't your intent to say that they are skirting the rules, but I just wanted to state that I think it is extremely unlikely that they are.

Whats wrong with skirting the rules? EVERYONE does this is life ALL the time.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not responding to your question until you answer mine.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Athletes who show up to Kona to "scout" the course should not be allowed to toe the line race morning. There should be a penalty assessed for those athletes who intentionally DQ. By knowing in the morning that you're not going to finish the course is abandoning your ambitions before the gun goes off.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ttmonkey] [ In reply to ]
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Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.


Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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*as long as the reasons are not financial. while that isn't against the rules, I think it should be.

This is the dangerous part!!!

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ttmonkey] [ In reply to ]
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ttmonkey wrote:
Athletes who show up to Kona to "scout" the course should not be allowed to toe the line race morning. There should be a penalty assessed for those athletes who intentionally DQ. By knowing in the morning that you're not going to finish the course is abandoning your ambitions before the gun goes off.

I agree, though my solution is different. This is yet another reason why I think we have too many pros in Kona. If there were 25 slots for men and 25 for women, you would never run into this problem. Fewer pro athletes doing the race fixes a LOT of problems. It creates some new ones, but it fixes a lot more than it creates. It's a world championships. Everyone should be there to do their absolute best.

It's not the Olympics, where simply taking part is a worthy goal. For a variety of reasons. One, the Olympics are only every four years. And, of course, the biggest reason is that there is no age-group Olympics available to give the chance to be a part down the road...

While this issue certainly highlights it, I do believe that there the presence of athletes who are "just there to finish" or "to scout the course" or, basically, do anything other than compete at the highest level is a problem for a whole host of reasons - makes the front swim pack bigger, affects the female pros, makes transition more crowded, etc. If we just had fewer Kona slots, it'd fix all those problems as well as also making "domestique" situations much, much less likely.

EDIT: it's also cleaner than trying to determine intent. better to eliminate the fix the source of the problem rather than trying to address it once it comes up.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
Last edited by: Rappstar: Oct 14, 15 13:40
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim. Just because they swam slower ST is going to accuse them of cheating?

Why are SO many worried about what others do?

Why do you insist on building strawmen? None of those scenarios occurred and the participants in this situation have already acknowledged their mistakes.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not the brightest bulb but in Matt's post he said he was going to swim a certain speed and it was on Lionel to stay with him. Creative wording?? Possible ;)

So does this not make the possible scenario with Butterfield pacing Kienle the same. Butterfield say's to Kienle, "I'm going to be swimming a 52:30 ish that's what you will need to make the front pack. I'll wait for you to get on my hip and I'll keep an eye on you but it's on you to stay with me".

Same deal with Lionel except in slower terms??

I agree totally, I don't want to beat a dead horse here, so I'm trying to dig more into the amount of times this might occur with others and try and take some of the surprise and shock out of it for some people. I for one had no idea on the "teamwork" "Domestique" that takes place during the Ironman swim. So an interesting chat and great learning for me.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not sure I understand why it matters.

As I said before, there's nothing illegal about pacing if both parties benefit. Or, at least, PERCEIVE a benefit.

In other words, while it might be a stupid strategy for Tyler to say to Sebastian, "let's swim together and ride together!" that's absolutely not illegal. Even though, you could argue, Tyler is definitely "submitting" his own ambitions if he thinks he's going to ride with Sebastian. Wink

The point is, if Tyler wants to shepherd Sebi through the swim, that's totally fine as long as he's neither giving up his own race nor harming it in order to do so. If Tyler thinks his best finish comes from pacing Sebastian on the swim - (or even if he just sees that it has no real impact on his race) - then it's fine.

There's a pretty obvious difference between people working TOGETHER and one person working FOR someone else. I think it is possible that Tyler and Sebastian are working together. Totally legally. In no way, shape, or form skirting the rules. It's also possible they are not, and that Sebastian just happens to use Tyler as a "marker" during the swim. There are a bunch of guys that I use as markers. When i saw that I was swimming with Marino, Maik, and Ronnie, I thought, "okay, I'm having a good swim." I just know those guys are similar to me and are good, consistent swimmers. Sebastian may have just found Tyler to be the same. Sort of the inverse of how I know NOT to start near Starky, because he takes off like a hurricane at the beginning of a race...

As for Matt's post, i think AJ said it best in there, "I think I'd like to play poker with you..."

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
Last edited by: Rappstar: Oct 14, 15 14:22
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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"As I said before, there's nothing legal about pacing if both parties benefit. "

I think you meant "illegal".
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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As I said before, there's nothing legal about pacing if both parties benefit. Or, at least, PERCEIVE a benefit.

In other words, while it might be a stupid strategy for Tyler to say to Sebastian, "let's swim together and ride together!" that's absolutely not illegal. Even though, you could argue, Tyler is definitely "submitting" his own ambitions if he thinks he's going to ride with Sebastian. Wink

I guess this where I fall off. If Tyler is in any way helping Sebastian in his weakest leg, I just can't see how it helps Tyler. Like you said, no way Tyler comes remotely close to riding with Sebastien. Similar to a 100% Matt Chrabot, in no way wins by helping a slow swimming Lionel Sanders.

Does it then come down to the end result of splitting / sharing $$$. That's the only thing that worries me. Especially in this era of Teams "Bahrain 13" "Bravo" etc and the prize splitting that goes on. I think it's creating a real dangerous situation. (And I continue to use Tyler and Kienle as a hypothetical!!)

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Jamaican] [ In reply to ]
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Jamaican wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.


Always fun to see who the real "professional" ones are by their posts. :)

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim. Just because they swam slower ST is going to accuse them of cheating?

Why are SO many worried about what others do?

Why do you insist on building strawmen? None of those scenarios occurred and the participants in this situation have already acknowledged their mistakes.

Why should focus focus on attacks on those involved with I believe there is enough gray area to go around to all of them. But what value does it give to have folks attack them, see PC posts, throw folks under the bus, etc?

Clearly I see a come point in basically everyone posts. The rules were not totally clear. So, why should it not make sense to try and make this into a positive by working on the rules, rather than continue with the attacks?
Well, one clear answer, this would not be ST if this were to happen. :)

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Rappstar wrote:
The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.


Who are your sponsors again?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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No commentary to add, but I did want to post this photo. Also how much does a bowtie slow you down in a 2.4 mile swim (non-wetsuit)?


Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"Always fun to see who the real "professional" ones are by their posts. :)"

dave, i think the problem here is you take somebody like jordan (or me, for that matter) this sport is subject to entropy, just like everything else in the universe. unless you pump the tires up, every day, things go to hell. so, whether it's doping, course cutting, outside assistance, drafting, you either keep the tires pumped up or the sport turns into a doped-up draftfest with folks doing as many laps as they feel like before turning into the finish chute.

when you come up with these zingers like why do you care? did it affect your race? it's kind of insulting to folks like me who could've paid the typical guy's mortgage for the last several months with what i've paid in legal fees recently to fend off a threat because i showed interest in whether folks in your age group race complete the entire course.

so, yeah, this stuff does matter. if not to you, to some other folks. you could just, you know, say thank you, and go on your way, or pick up a weapon, and, instead of writing a post, stand one.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
Power13 wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim. Just because they swam slower ST is going to accuse them of cheating?

Why are SO many worried about what others do?

Why do you insist on building strawmen? None of those scenarios occurred and the participants in this situation have already acknowledged their mistakes.

Why should focus focus on attacks on those involved with I believe there is enough gray area to go around to all of them. But what value does it give to have folks attack them, see PC posts, throw folks under the bus, etc?

Clearly I see a come point in basically everyone posts. The rules were not totally clear. So, why should it not make sense to try and make this into a positive by working on the rules, rather than continue with the attacks?
Well, one clear answer, this would not be ST if this were to happen. :)

Not surprisingly, none of that answered my question....and yes, in this case, the rules are clear and everyone involved acknowledges that.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Bravo! I'm loving your stands more and more. Well done.

Rappstar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"Always fun to see who the real "professional" ones are by their posts. :)"

dave, i think the problem here is you take somebody like jordan (or me, for that matter) this sport is subject to entropy, just like everything else in the universe. unless you pump the tires up, every day, things go to hell. so, whether it's doping, course cutting, outside assistance, drafting, you either keep the tires pumped up or the sport turns into a doped-up draftfest with folks doing as many laps as they feel like before turning into the finish chute.

when you come up with these zingers like why do you care? did it affect your race? it's kind of insulting to folks like me who could've paid the typical guy's mortgage for the last several months with what i've paid in legal fees recently to fend off a threat because i showed interest in whether folks in your age group race complete the entire course.

so, yeah, this stuff does matter. if not to you, to some other folks. you could just, you know, say thank you, and go on your way, or pick up a weapon, and, instead of writing a post, stand one.

Dan look at the posts and see who are the folks calling others liars, etc? Sure not me!

IMO, the sign of a true leader, professional, or whatever word you want to use, is how these folks deal with others that just might have a different "opinion" than theirs.
When folks attack others when they just have a different "opinion", what does that say about them? I know what is says about them IMO.

You and I over the years have different opinions on topics. But I never remember me attacking you personally with insults, or you me. We are just debating.

But some others, well, their writing says all that needs to be said.

And yes, it is always interesting to see some of these leaders, etc. deal with others opinions that might be different.

Personally, I think you have added fuel to this fire that is just not as black and white and how you seem to want the rest of us to see it. But rather than helping to direct
this energy into trying to make some positives out of what happened, it seems you have been willing to point the finger on who you think is telling the truth and who is not.

I again ask, does it now seem the rules are not that clear? I feel folks did the best they could to ask the right questions, not trying to be sneaky or anything. I am going to stay with
the positive about folks.

Does this stuff matter? Yep, or I would not be posting. But what is the best way to move forward and make a positive outcome. I guess we just have a different view on where to focus
the energy.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.


Who are your sponsors again?

I was thinking the exact same thing. Time to toss some support to Jordan's sponsors just for that comment alone.

Take a short break from ST and read my blog:
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I've never seen someone who so consistently invests as much energy into caring about why others care as you. Your most consistent refrain is, "I just don't understand why people care about X." Yet, by repeatedly posting that same hook over and over and over, you yourself are demonstrating that you are guilty of the very thing you claim to lament.

Why do YOU care that other people care about X? Why do you feel the need, every time someone posts about something you just don't find of interest, to wade in with, "why do you care what other people do?" Why do YOU care what other people do?

Based off that behavior, I can only conclude that you are a troll, the greatest "meta" comedian since Andy Kaufman, or are simply obtuse.

I'm sorry to have insulted you, but there is a richness to you coming on here and accusing others of simply adding fuel to the fire and not helping move the issue forward towards a positive outcome. That is pretty much the definition of what you do. All. The. Time. You simply add fuel to whatever fire is going on through willful ignorance, strawmen, and general non sequiturs.

I've been on this forum a long time, and I cannot think of a single issue where I thought, "wow, Dave Campbell really had a unique insight. I never considered that. That really helped me think of things in a new/different/better way."

Most of the time, I just choose to ignore it. It doesn't really matter to me that you don't care about professional athletes, that you don't actually care about scientific consensus if you like something, or any of the other typical opinions you choose to weigh in with.

But when there is a topic of actual substance that actually matters to me where you continue to blather on, it offends me. There's no debating with you. There just isn't. If you think there is, I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word "debate," or you've spent too much time watching Fox News.

The rules are clear. The idea that somehow we should just rewrite the rules until every possible hypothetical scenario is covered in them is just absurd.

I don't even know why I'm replying to you. I can answer the question as to why I care, but I can't answer that...

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:

I've never seen someone who so consistently invests as much energy into caring about why others care as you. Your most consistent refrain is, "I just don't understand why people care about X." Yet, by repeatedly posting that same hook over and over and over, you yourself are demonstrating that you are guilty of the very thing you claim to lament.

Why do YOU care that other people care about X? Why do you feel the need, every time someone posts about something you just don't find of interest, to wade in with, "why do you care what other people do?" Why do YOU care what other people do?

Based off that behavior, I can only conclude that you are a troll, the greatest "meta" comedian since Andy Kaufman, or are simply obtuse.

I'm sorry to have insulted you, but there is a richness to you coming on here and accusing others of simply adding fuel to the fire and not helping move the issue forward towards a positive outcome. That is pretty much the definition of what you do. All. The. Time. You simply add fuel to whatever fire is going on through willful ignorance, strawmen, and general non sequiturs.

I've been on this forum a long time, and I cannot think of a single issue where I thought, "wow, Dave Campbell really had a unique insight. I never considered that. That really helped me think of things in a new/different/better way."

Most of the time, I just choose to ignore it. It doesn't really matter to me that you don't care about professional athletes, that you don't actually care about scientific consensus if you like something, or any of the other typical opinions you choose to weigh in with.

But when there is a topic of actual substance that actually matters to me where you continue to blather on, it offends me. There's no debating with you. There just isn't. If you think there is, I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word "debate," or you've spent too much time watching Fox News.

The rules are clear. The idea that somehow we should just rewrite the rules until every possible hypothetical scenario is covered in them is just absurd.

I don't even know why I'm replying to you. I can answer the question as to why I care, but I can't answer that...

Time to wrap up this thread so you can start training for IM Arizona!!!!
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. This is at least 50% the result of being in Hawaii for another day, by myself, not ready to really yet be back into training, and still full of residual race emotion. Not that I disagree with anything that I wrote, but once I reply to Dave and/or post the keyboard-rage GIF, I know it's time to take a break for a while...

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"I again ask, does it now seem the rules are not that clear?"

to keep with my we follow orders or people die theme, are the rules clear? crystal.

if you read the article on the front page, the rules were already there. i'd written about this back in 2011, almost the same article. since that time ironman has made it extremely clear to the pros via a second more expansive and obvious explanation.

look, other than random acts of sportsmanship that crop up in the course of a race, it's an individual sport. people can work together inside of the rules as long as each is going for the win. when somebody is not going for the win, and instead focuses his efforts on another's race, whether husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, top male AG racer helping female pro, brother helping sister, we've seen it all, that's against the rules. easy peasy.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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An athlete can work WITH another athlete (within the confines of the other rules), an athlete cannot work FOR another athlete.

Yup, pretty straightforward.

Sure, it is not always easy to tell which is going on in every scenario and mistakes will be made, but the fact that it is complicated to enforce doesn't mean it shouldn't be a rule.

The plural of anecdote is not data. :-)
- Andrew Coggan
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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I think the rule which you say is crystal is not. To me it is very vague. Who makes the determination and what is the definition of someone abandoning their race? Where is the proof that their was any actual aid rendered? For all we know he could have actually hurt his time. The burden of proof is on the referees and is not as easily called as a drafting penalty on the bike. That being said I also think the email to Jimmy was very underhanded and should have been more specific. Would any of this changed any outcome I really don't think so. But for the pros on here I totally get being upset. That is a spot you could have had, such as at Silverman a few weeks ago. The language in the rules just needs to be defined a little clearer in my opinion and everyone will be happy.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [LSandersTri] [ In reply to ]
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At the least we want to see one of these. :0)
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"I again ask, does it now seem the rules are not that clear?"

to keep with my we follow orders or people die theme, are the rules clear? crystal.

if you read the article on the front page, the rules were already there. i'd written about this back in 2011, almost the same article. since that time ironman has made it extremely clear to the pros via a second more expansive and obvious explanation.

look, other than random acts of sportsmanship that crop up in the course of a race, it's an individual sport. people can work together inside of the rules as long as each is going for the win. when somebody is not going for the win, and instead focuses his efforts on another's race, whether husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, top male AG racer helping female pro, brother helping sister, we've seen it all, that's against the rules. easy peasy.

Our sport has never ever been 100% individual! The rules support this 100% with the swim. Most races have lots of drafting that never gets called. Our sport is going more to DL races, which will clearly be tactic focused,
as shown by the DU and Tri AG world sprint races are DL. The Olympic Tri is DL.

So clearly, IMO, it never has been 100% individual, and is clearly even legally by the rules going further away.

In your opinion, the rules are crystal clear. In my opinion, they are not. Why is this so bad? You are old enough and experienced enough, like me, to know other than death and taxes, everything is an opinion, and not 100% fact.

Oh well, I pride myself that I do not attack others. Do I believe I have the right, as everyone on social media, to be able to post an opinion that might be different than the bullies. Yep. And I will go to my grave with this value.

And I get accused of being Mr. Black and White.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"In my opinion, they are not. Why is this so bad?"

we can't have a successful race, or sport, if you and i disagree what the rules are. if the rules are there, for everyone to read, and the head ref of the whole organization explains the rules, interprets them, that ought to be enough. there should not be any disagreement between us. we can disagree as to whether a rule (or a law, for that matter) is wise or just or enforceable, but there is no reason for us to disagree about what the rule (or law) says, especially if it's right there, and especially if our sport's "supreme court" explains that it means what it says.

I pride myself that I do not attack others."

many don't realize you are a contrary. i know that if i come up to you in a race and you say, "goodbye, my enemy" what's in your heart is, "hello, my friend." others don't know that about you. they haven't read little big man (good movie, great book).

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Rappstar wrote:

I've never seen someone who so consistently invests as much energy into caring about why others care as you. Your most consistent refrain is, "I just don't understand why people care about X." Yet, by repeatedly posting that same hook over and over and over, you yourself are demonstrating that you are guilty of the very thing you claim to lament.

Why do YOU care that other people care about X? Why do you feel the need, every time someone posts about something you just don't find of interest, to wade in with, "why do you care what other people do?" Why do YOU care what other people do?

Based off that behavior, I can only conclude that you are a troll, the greatest "meta" comedian since Andy Kaufman, or are simply obtuse.

I'm sorry to have insulted you, but there is a richness to you coming on here and accusing others of simply adding fuel to the fire and not helping move the issue forward towards a positive outcome. That is pretty much the definition of what you do. All. The. Time. You simply add fuel to whatever fire is going on through willful ignorance, strawmen, and general non sequiturs.

I've been on this forum a long time, and I cannot think of a single issue where I thought, "wow, Dave Campbell really had a unique insight. I never considered that. That really helped me think of things in a new/different/better way."

Most of the time, I just choose to ignore it. It doesn't really matter to me that you don't care about professional athletes, that you don't actually care about scientific consensus if you like something, or any of the other typical opinions you choose to weigh in with.

But when there is a topic of actual substance that actually matters to me where you continue to blather on, it offends me. There's no debating with you. There just isn't. If you think there is, I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word "debate," or you've spent too much time watching Fox News.

The rules are clear. The idea that somehow we should just rewrite the rules until every possible hypothetical scenario is covered in them is just absurd.

I don't even know why I'm replying to you. I can answer the question as to why I care, but I can't answer that...

I have never ever attacked you personally! I do not believe I have ever attacked anyone personally on ST.

Debate, what is a debate? It is not to convince the other person that you are right. It is to stick up for what you believe. And if I hear facts that I am wrong, my reputation at work is I could swing faster
with a opinion change than anyone, when I saw my facts were clearly wrong.

The best Covey principal of strong leaders is the ability to understand before trying to be understood. But most have no idea what this means.

There are LOTS of posts in ST I ignore, do not post in. But, there some that I do have an opinion on, and yep, I do post in these. But boy does the ST mob usually come and attack.
I know in the forums I moderate personal attacks are not allowed. Opinions, yep, all the time. But if anyone attacks another for an opinion, I delete the post. After a few times they either get the message
or ....

You have never met me. You have no idea who I am. And you have no idea what skills I have. Thats fine. But I would put my life up against anyone with how I have always helped others. But you clearly
would never believe that.

Oh well, I have learned how to deal with the bullies in social media. You just ignore them when they attack personally. It's too bad since a number of folks ask me some great questions
I would love to give my opinion on, but, ....

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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when you come up with these zingers like why do you care? did it affect your race? it's kind of insulting to folks like me who could've paid the typical guy's mortgage for the last several months with what i've paid in legal fees recently to fend off a threat because i showed interest in whether folks in your age group race complete the entire course.

Wow, really? I missed this post. I cannot believe some cheating turd or non-cheating turd, it really doesn't matter. Would feel the need to sue one of the nicest and most open members of the Triathlon community because of a forum post/opinion. This should be a thread but I understand why it isn't. What is this world coming to?

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [blaxxuede] [ In reply to ]
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Blame Obama.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [blaxxuede] [ In reply to ]
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"I think the rule which you say is crystal is not. To me it is very vague."

i will answer your questions to the best of my ability.

"Who makes the determination and what is the definition of someone abandoning their race?"

some things are "self evident." if you don't believe this, if we need to stop right there, if you don't stipulate to that, then we can't have a discussion (let alone a republic). along with "all men are created equal, and are imbued with certain inalienable rights..." etc., so on and so forth, another axiom that is self evident in athletic competition is that when the gun goes off we all are out there to perform as well as we can and by "well" i mean finish the race according to the operative metric, which in the case of everything in endurance sports except the hour ride (and run) is "time."

so, once somebody very obviously abandons the attempt to do that, then we can say that this athlete has abandoned his or her race ambition. you might say, "different folks have different ambitions," and it may well be that somebody says, "my ambition was to help this person get across the line faster than what otherwise might have been the case." for the purpose of this rule we're defining "ambition" in the context of this truth that we hold to be self-evident, that when you toe the line you're actually attempting to finish as high and as fast as you can.

who makes the determination? the official, and it's made kind of like how we have been catching course cutters: when your speed very obviously changes versus a reasonable expectation, you're caught. if you get out of the water, pedal at 13mph until your girlfriend catches up, then start pedaling 26mph, you're caught. official makes the call.

"Where is the proof that their was any actual aid rendered?"

another truth we hold a self-evident is physics. when you swim or ride directly in front of someone, it makes it easier for the person directly behind. but even alongside is an aid, if you're taking upon yourself the duty of thinking about the pace.

For all we know he could have actually hurt his time."

yes. and if i cut the course, and instead take a long-cut instead of a short-cut, because i'm a bad navigator or map reader, i still am guilty. if i let you draft behind me but i go too slow and you're too stupid to notice, we're both still guilty of the infraction.

hope this helps.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"In my opinion, they are not. Why is this so bad?"

we can't have a successful race, or sport, if you and i disagree what the rules are. if the rules are there, for everyone to read, and the head ref of the whole organization explains the rules, interprets them, that ought to be enough. there should not be any disagreement between us. we can disagree as to whether a rule (or a law, for that matter) is wise or just or enforceable, but there is no reason for us to disagree about what the rule (or law) says, especially if it's right there, and especially if our sport's "supreme court" explains that it means what it says.

I pride myself that I do not attack others."

many don't realize you are a contrary. i know that if i come up to you in a race and you say, "goodbye, my enemy" what's in your heart is, "hello, my friend." others don't know that about you. they haven't read little big man (good movie, great book).

I agree about the rules. This is why I have asked head officials many times for clarity. But in this case, I believe the HO was asked, and answered. Now some are trying to twist what happened to make some look good and some look bad.
Why? You believe many had sneaky motives. I do not. So why are you right and I am wrong? But clearly in this case, many have stated the rules are not written as clear as others believe. So why not work on improving the wording?

No way am I an contrary. If you can up to me in a race, as I had posted on ST before Donner, my comment to you is I hope you do not kick my butt too badly. Enemy, I have no enemies. Life is too short for that type of baggage!!

I am far for PC. I say what is on my mind which does not always come out correct. But boy, you can tell who your true friends are by how they react. True friends assume the positive and ask the covey question which is was that what you meant!
So so few have this skill. I continue to try and improve in this area.

Oh well, I really am bummed we missed our Donner meeting. It has been all down hill since then with my health. Am hoping to get it back for next season.

I just get so sick of the bullies and mob tactics. So yep, I push back against this by just offering different opinions when I disagree and watch the attacks begin. But as I say, you do not see me join them in the mud!!

Oh well, I just hate to see others attacked and like to stick up for them on ST. I just continue, as I have been pushing for over many years, to see our sport have a common set of rules, and enough details in them that
this type of thing is the exception, not the norm at times it seems.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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I call BS on Coach Barrie.
It's easier to beg for forgiveness then ask for permission.
I've been around triathlon a long time and have had the "pleasure" to deal with Barrie a few times. Less then impressed every time.
To me he is like Don King. Preys on young naive up and comers.
He knew better - and was just covering his ass with the way he sought "approval".
He was/is the head of the Canadian national team and involved in tris for decades. Disgraceful.
This should be a wake up call to LS to move on.

"There may be men that can beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it." Steve Prefontane
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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I am sorry I was not clear in what I was trying to point out. I am not questioning the rules as they have been discussed in this thread. As this also offers the testimonies of those involved. Kind of a non-moot point since parties have admitted guilt and the head ref has chimed in.

I'm speaking as of the ref actually seeing it during the race. I'm thinking in his shoes. In my mind at that point in time all the questions I asked you are going through my mind do I DQ these athletes or not? That is a lot to put on a ref or even a group of refs without a major discussion of the rules as has been had here. There were also 2000 other athletes on the course that day they had to worry about.

*I did add in there about not helping his time because I believe it did not* That does not apply

*I also am not the best with trying to say what I'm thinking: whether speaking or on paper
Last edited by: blaxxuede: Oct 14, 15 18:46
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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"You believe many had sneaky motives. I do not."

what do you mean by sneaky motives? lionel said an arrangement was in place, in advance, for him to swim on/with/behind/beside matt chrabot. that seemed to happen. motive? sneaky? no. the goal was for lionel to exit with a faster time than otherwise (because chrabot could navigate better, hold a better pace, provide a draft, i don't know). why would matt agree to this? because he's a nice guy. because he was asked.
don't know. doesn't matter. beside the point.

why not work on improving the wording?"

no need. wording is fine. it would just be nice if folks said okay, i didn't really understand; or i hadn't read that language in the rules; or i didn't think you actually meant it; now i know you mean it. whatever. this wasn't doping. it wasn't course cutting. it was minor. it didn't change the outcome of the race. no need to sanction anybody. but it might've altered the outcome of the race, and next time it might, and when it does do you think people are not going to be screaming? so, this is a nice, easy, no-harm, no-foul opportunity to set this right, once and for all.

Oh well, I really am bummed we missed our Donner meeting. It has been all down hill since then with my health. Am hoping to get it back for next season."

we're old. it's hard getting to the starting line. just know that i'm going to kick the engine over, warm it up, and get ready again to meet you somewhere next season.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:

And I will go to my grave with this value.

How soon?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"You believe many had sneaky motives. I do not."

what do you mean by sneaky motives? lionel said an arrangement was in place, in advance, for him to swim on/with/behind/beside matt chrabot. that seemed to happen. motive? sneaky? no. the goal was for lionel to exit with a faster time than otherwise (because chrabot could navigate better, hold a better pace, provide a draft, i don't know). why would matt agree to this? because he's a nice guy. because he was asked.
don't know. doesn't matter. beside the point.

why not work on improving the wording?"

no need. wording is fine. it would just be nice if folks said okay, i didn't really understand; or i hadn't read that language in the rules; or i didn't think you actually meant it; now i know you mean it. whatever. this wasn't doping. it wasn't course cutting. it was minor. it didn't change the outcome of the race. no need to sanction anybody. but it might've altered the outcome of the race, and next time it might, and when it does do you think people are not going to be screaming? so, this is a nice, easy, no-harm, no-foul opportunity to set this right, once and for all.

Oh well, I really am bummed we missed our Donner meeting. It has been all down hill since then with my health. Am hoping to get it back for next season."

we're old. it's hard getting to the starting line. just know that i'm going to kick the engine over, warm it up, and get ready again to meet you somewhere next season.

Some have posted that some folks knew they wanted to cheat, so they did things to try and be sneaky to get Jimmy to say yes. I just do not read all that what happened being sneaky, and still do not agree with all the spinning after the fact. Someone had an idea to try and improve their race within the rules, asked
what they thought was the right question, and got back an answer to what that person that was going to happen. To now try to spin after the fact is what I am pushing back against. Move forward.

Man, I guess we never would have worked well together. If you were to write technical documents that I had to review at work, and came back to you with things I either did not understand and I thought were worded poorly and you said basically, tough, I guess are bosses would have been talking a lot and one of us would have been out of a job. :) I was paid for years to review technical documents and find things that were not clear. I guess I made a lot of folks unhappy, but the folks from other countries that had to read this stuff were happy.

Yep, one of these days our paths will cross.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"Always fun to see who the real "professional" ones are by their posts. :)"

dave, i think the problem here is you take somebody like jordan (or me, for that matter) this sport is subject to entropy, just like everything else in the universe. unless you pump the tires up, every day, things go to hell. so, whether it's doping, course cutting, outside assistance, drafting, you either keep the tires pumped up or the sport turns into a doped-up draftfest with folks doing as many laps as they feel like before turning into the finish chute.

when you come up with these zingers like why do you care? did it affect your race? it's kind of insulting to folks like me who could've paid the typical guy's mortgage for the last several months with what i've paid in legal fees recently to fend off a threat because i showed interest in whether folks in your age group race complete the entire course.

so, yeah, this stuff does matter. if not to you, to some other folks. you could just, you know, say thank you, and go on your way, or pick up a weapon, and, instead of writing a post, stand one.

Dan, I fully agree with you that the rules and the spirit of the sport matter, and my impression from Dave's posts is that he cares about them too. What he doesn't seem to care about as much as you do is a verdict on Matt Chrabot's behaviour.
I greatly appreciate how you stand up for the integrity of the sport; I think it's awesome that you provide this forum without buckling under legal threats and I find the vast majority of what you write very insightful and well balanced.
What I don't get is how you and Jordan can say the rules are fine. Dave says effort should be focussed on improving the rules, and I think he's right.
On the IM homepage are the IM rules
http://www.ironman.com/...s.aspx#axzz3oRB5TS8F which claim to be The official competition rules governing all IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 events and which DO NOT contain the wording about someone subordinating their race. So not only has the WTC published wrong rules, which is bad enough, it hasn't even, despite several days of a public discussion, been bothered to correct them, or at the very least change the wording above the link to clarify that the pros have different rules and provide a link to those pro rules. If this matters to you, Jordan and many others, how can you not be outraged that the WTC apparently doesn't give a sh*t?

Fwiw, it's beyond me why it should be ok for an age group athlete to subordinate his race to another athlete.

Achim Traut
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Exactly. Think you are spot on. If one would DQ Lionel I think you would be on a slippery slope and it would be hard to draw lines for what to accept or not. In the long run a bad swim could also be an injury for instance(broken collarbone resulting in less swim training before competition).

devashish_paul wrote:
H- wrote:
Could be. Perhaps I've been reading too much into the title "Professional."

But in general I can't believe this happens often. While pro athletes may reach strategic agreements during the swim and even on the pier before the swim, does anyone believe that Lionel would have found a domestique if he wandered the pier before the race asking if someone would give up five minutes of their swim for him?

As Coach Barrie explained in his post, finding a person who would be willing the help required advance work and planning. As he said, most are not inclined to give up even one second.

I may be wrong and this could be normal pre-race swim dealmaking. If so, it should be easy to find evidence in the race results of pros that came to the finish in pairs with one guy swimming much slower than normal.

Maybe the pro swim should be a team event. Fans of Jordan Rapp might be happy with that.

2010, Macca did some good deal making to attack on the bike with Tissink, Marino, Maik and Faris to take the win. That's really not that different and they never even tried to clear it with Jimmy. Craig Alexander "lost" but he manned up the next year, and did all his aero research, gave his sponsor a chance to come up with aero gear which they did not, and so he tore up his contract, and got on a faster bike and posted his best ever 4:24 run. Macca happened to have success with his deal making, whereas Lionel did not. Either way, they both did the same thing and in 2010 we were all talking about how brilliant Macca was to dupe these guys into his plan, having sandbagged the season and having everyone believe he was washed up and had no chance anyway.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
h2ofun wrote:

And I will go to my grave with this value.

How soon?

Front runner for post of the year.........
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Beachboy] [ In reply to ]
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Replying to the thread in general, and apologize if this has been asked and I missed it.

So the email to JimmyR was September 8. IMCHOO was like 20 days later. How did Barrie know Matt would have been smoked and not really be racing Kona? He could've DNF'd and been fresh for Kona, hence racing it for real. Did Barrie have other athletes in mind?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:

I've never seen someone who so consistently invests as much energy into caring about why others care as you. Your most consistent refrain is, "I just don't understand why people care about X." Yet, by repeatedly posting that same hook over and over and over, you yourself are demonstrating that you are guilty of the very thing you claim to lament.

Why do YOU care that other people care about X? Why do you feel the need, every time someone posts about something you just don't find of interest, to wade in with, "why do you care what other people do?" Why do YOU care what other people do?

Based off that behavior, I can only conclude that you are a troll, the greatest "meta" comedian since Andy Kaufman, or are simply obtuse.

I'm sorry to have insulted you, but there is a richness to you coming on here and accusing others of simply adding fuel to the fire and not helping move the issue forward towards a positive outcome. That is pretty much the definition of what you do. All. The. Time. You simply add fuel to whatever fire is going on through willful ignorance, strawmen, and general non sequiturs.

I've been on this forum a long time, and I cannot think of a single issue where I thought, "wow, Dave Campbell really had a unique insight. I never considered that. That really helped me think of things in a new/different/better way."

Most of the time, I just choose to ignore it. It doesn't really matter to me that you don't care about professional athletes, that you don't actually care about scientific consensus if you like something, or any of the other typical opinions you choose to weigh in with.

But when there is a topic of actual substance that actually matters to me where you continue to blather on, it offends me. There's no debating with you. There just isn't. If you think there is, I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word "debate," or you've spent too much time watching Fox News.

The rules are clear. The idea that somehow we should just rewrite the rules until every possible hypothetical scenario is covered in them is just absurd.

I don't even know why I'm replying to you. I can answer the question as to why I care, but I can't answer that...

I think this topic (Race domestique) is deeply emotional for a lot of us, and nobody has more stake in the conversation than you, a fellow competitor on the day in question. With that being said, the gravity in which you, Dan and a few others latched onto this story was borderline "Online bullying". I get how according to your interpretation of the rules these two "Cheated" and did not act in accordance of the "Spirit" of the sport. I'm 100% in agreement that things were definitely grey. HOWEVER we all know Lionel had 0 chance of winning on Saturday. Maybe in a fluke or miracle but he's too early in his development to be WC. If that's the premise why not let a guy develop in a live situation? Perhaps he was misguided or misinformed or just a tad bit naive but his actions in the end didn't effect the money for any of the pros. If you've interacted with him you'd know that there wasn't any intention of breaking a rule or cutting corners (this has been highlighted in his posts). I think he genuinely was thinking "I can race the swim with Matt and we can both learn a thing or two about Kona" which to me is harmless enough. Do we need to set a precedence and make sure other pros know this is not to become common placed, absolutely! However publicly shaming, bullying and going on a witch hunt I think was a bit much. I would have preferred this all took place behind the scenes and the results presented in a journalistic fashion on the homepage rather than in a back and forth battle in the forums with yourself being an active member. I'm sure post race emotions and other factors contributed but as a IM ambassador I think it's fair to say your initial reaction to anything of this sort is to side with the athletes until absolutely all the facts have been brought forth. At that point you could act and ensure others in the community (AG or Pro) understand the rules from an unbiased point of view. I honestly didn't get that feeling from any of your posts. I hope you know I respect your views and opinions alike but in this instance I was a bit put off.

I've lost no respect for any of you but I would have like to see that same "spirit of our sport" utilized when dealing with this. Give fellow athletes the benefit of the doubt. Accept the simple answer of this was a miscommunication and not a conspiracy. Take the time to factor in the human element and see that the offenders in question are as protective of the "spirit" as you and others are.

I spent a long time reading all the threads and all the articles about this. I debated replying and getting involved as I'm not one to contribute to these type of posts but for some reason I couldn't help myself this time. I appreciate that now that all the details have come out, all the fact sorted, all the apologies made that Team ST took the time to highlight that all parties involved had no malicious intent. In the end I think the community was educated and this brought some new things to light. Could that same goal have been achieved differently? I am of the opinion that it could have but it's water under the bridge now. I just hope Lionel isn't the only person who learned a lesson from this situation.

Good luck with your recovery and I look forward to your next article, post and contribution to the triathlon community.

"Train so you have no regrets @ the finish line"
Last edited by: cshowe80: Oct 15, 15 12:59
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [tucktri] [ In reply to ]
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This is kinda big. I'm able to digest this easier if Matt is not 100% due to the fact that I would be fairly confident that he wouldn't be throwing the race for himself. As I mentioned before, he already has no race ambitions. However, if Barrie and Matt had this agreement in place no matter the outcome of IMCHOO then that makes things more interesting. i.e if he DNF'ed in IMCHOO and came in well trained / rested and tapered and had a legit chance to win Kona but still sacked the swim for Lionel. Or would they have scrapped the strategy and let Lionel swim on his own. I know the rule is broken either way, but I'm still struggling differentiating that with the idea of anyone working with / for any other athlete.

Frodeno may swim with Potts but in no way does Frodeno wait and pace Potts and vice versa. They will swim a blistering pace, both hang on and draft if they can. Compare that to the hypothetical ( Insert other names if known) of Tyler and Kienle working together to ensure Kienle comes outta the swim faster. Maybe if Kienle loses his feet, Tyler slows up and waits for him to get back in the draft and then tows the line again to get him through faster. Then it comes back to Kienle absolutely leaving Tyler in the dust on the bike. Sebi will be rolling with Frodeno at the front 99.9% of the time and they will be alone. So in my opinion both scenario's kinda cross each other. I don't know, I'm still struggling with that. The whole abandoning race part just muddles the issue, as most guy's that would agree to assist another athlete is basically saying, "I don't have a chance to win this race, so I'll agree to help you through a leg". Like Jordan said, some guy's team up and swim and bike together and take turns towing the line, but do they ever have a chance at actually winning WC races or just improving placings?

(a) An athlete may not subordinate his/her race ambitions solely for the benefit of another athletes race ambitions. The penalty for this will be disqualification of both athletes; (DSQ of both athletes)

1) What were Matt's race ambitions? Finish 1st / top 5 / top 10 / or just participate, recon and swim a very moderately paced swim and ensure Lionel was with him?
What were Lionel's race ambitions? Finish 1st / top 5 / top 10 / arrange to hop on Matt's hip and swim along at a blistering 1:01 pace?
3) What were Tylers race ambitions?
Finish 1st / top 5 / top 10 / or just participate hope for a top 20 and tow Kienle along for the swim?
4) What were Kienle's race ambitions?
Finish 1st / Top 5 at worst / swim with Tyler and ensure he makes front pack swim and get close to Frodeno?
5) What were Frodeno's race ambitions? Finish 1st... and I don't need anyone's help to do it.

Tyler did end up having a great race, but did Kienle at all aid in that??

Still very very possible I'm barking up the wrong tree with Tyler / Kienle, as I'm just going by swim times alone, but I think I'm showing how easy deals can be made and how messy interpretations of the rules can be.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [cshowe80] [ In reply to ]
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cshowe80 wrote:
I've lost no respect for any of you but I would have like to see that same "spirit of our sport" utilized when dealing with this. Give fellow athletes the benefit of the doubt. Accept the simple answer of this was a miscommunication and not a conspiracy. Take the time to factor in the human element and see that the offenders in question are as protective of the "spirit" as you and others are.

The "spirit" of the sport is kind of subjective though. As an example, many people find Rappstar's "tactics" on the bike to be against the spirit of the sport (Matt Chrabot in particular has been a vocal critic of Jordan's). Matt is protective of the spirit of the sport and doesn't like the idea of one racer intentionally forcing a penalty on a competitor in order to gain an advantage, and obviously Jordan sees nothing wrong with this. In this case and the Sanders/Chrabot issue, we have two athletes who, while both taking a stand on the notion of integrity in triathlon racing, seem to have different ideas of what this actually means. Who's right? Certainly the rules have a bearing here, but as mentioned they do appear in need of some clarification, and the degree to which these things are actually enforceable is debatable. Until then a lot of it is up to the personal ethics of the racer, which clearly vary from individual to individual.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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Best response yet
Thank you
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [cshowe80] [ In reply to ]
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What if Chrabot were paid to be Lionel's domestique? Does that make the infraction different or worse?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kny] [ In reply to ]
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kny wrote:
What if Chrabot were paid to be Lionel's domestique? Does that make the infraction different or worse?

I'm not going to speculate on the WHAT IFS because they are plenty and none are founded in fact. This topic is done and over with now. It's been drawn out longer than it needed to be.

"Train so you have no regrets @ the finish line"
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [cshowe80] [ In reply to ]
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It is a valid question that has been asked of Lionel but not answered. And, whether or not it should matter, I suspect that people will find themselves more opposed to the domestique concept in triathlon if the domestique is being paid to play that role. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kny] [ In reply to ]
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I think Matt's description of the events covered that it was not a paid position. He indicated a "friend asked him" and he obliged. I think that's straight forward enough. If he was paid it's another element to be considered but like I said earlier. I'm giving these guys the benefit of the doubt. I've met and interacted with Lionel and Barrie on a few occasions and I believe them to both be outstanding people with a strong passion for our sport. I don't see them taking this that far and implying it is a bit audacious in my opinion.

"Train so you have no regrets @ the finish line"
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [cshowe80] [ In reply to ]
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"However publicly shaming, bullying and going on a witch hunt"

since you associated me with this, i will absolutely apologize here and now for anything i've written that bullies, shames or witch hunts. just, i would need to be shown where i've done this.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [mhaager2] [ In reply to ]
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mhaager2 wrote:
Best response yet
Thank you

Thank you. but clearly you a H- disagree...refer to his response to my post here:

ME: As of my typing there are 176 replies on this thread from about 50 to 60 contributors. How many raced a WTC event this year? 250,000 maybe worldwide?
Despite the ST sleuthing and/or godfather of triathlon editor in chief....seriously, this is blown way out of proportion.
H-: Shut down the slowtwitch forum immediately. At least until rhys tells us how many signatures we need on a petition before we are allowed to have a conversation about a triathlon sporting event.

My response to that is .... wtf dude? But I digress....

I think the more Rapp and Dan lay into this thread and the other one on the board the less credibility to whole *debate* has...feels like they are extending a debate to ensure banner ads are read.

seriously, this has gone redic.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Dan with all due respect, if you don't feel like you're emotions and passion for our sport had gotten the better of you, then me spending time highlighting the exact phrases or words that I felt you did won't do us any good. It's also all open to interpretation and then there is the fact tone is lost via the written word. I'm not trying to throw mud on anybody, most of all not you or Jordan. Like I said I don't like getting involved in these discussions because it's entirely individual and I don't feel my opinion matters anyhow.

I saw how the Julie Miller thread went and saw this as a similar example of the same thing. The only difference I saw was a clear malicious attempt to cheat and win with no consideration given to the spirit of the sport or just sportsmanship overall by JM. I didn't feel Lionel, Barrie or Matt should be treated in any way like that but they seemed to be. This is all subjective and personal so there is no need for debate. That being said, I feel like your article on the front page was apology enough. Again absolutely no disrespect here I just think it's a matter of how us as individuals have different approaches to situations like this. We are all entitled to our opinions and disagreements are a product of that. Let's just put this whole thing to rest now and move on :)

"Train so you have no regrets @ the finish line"
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [cshowe80] [ In reply to ]
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cshowe80 wrote:
Rappstar wrote:

I've never seen someone who so consistently invests as much energy into caring about why others care as you. Your most consistent refrain is, "I just don't understand why people care about X." Yet, by repeatedly posting that same hook over and over and over, you yourself are demonstrating that you are guilty of the very thing you claim to lament.

Why do YOU care that other people care about X? Why do you feel the need, every time someone posts about something you just don't find of interest, to wade in with, "why do you care what other people do?" Why do YOU care what other people do?

Based off that behavior, I can only conclude that you are a troll, the greatest "meta" comedian since Andy Kaufman, or are simply obtuse.

I'm sorry to have insulted you, but there is a richness to you coming on here and accusing others of simply adding fuel to the fire and not helping move the issue forward towards a positive outcome. That is pretty much the definition of what you do. All. The. Time. You simply add fuel to whatever fire is going on through willful ignorance, strawmen, and general non sequiturs.

I've been on this forum a long time, and I cannot think of a single issue where I thought, "wow, Dave Campbell really had a unique insight. I never considered that. That really helped me think of things in a new/different/better way."

Most of the time, I just choose to ignore it. It doesn't really matter to me that you don't care about professional athletes, that you don't actually care about scientific consensus if you like something, or any of the other typical opinions you choose to weigh in with.

But when there is a topic of actual substance that actually matters to me where you continue to blather on, it offends me. There's no debating with you. There just isn't. If you think there is, I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word "debate," or you've spent too much time watching Fox News.

The rules are clear. The idea that somehow we should just rewrite the rules until every possible hypothetical scenario is covered in them is just absurd.

I don't even know why I'm replying to you. I can answer the question as to why I care, but I can't answer that...

I think this topic (Race domestique) is deeply emotional for a lot of us, and nobody has more stake in the conversation than you, a fellow competitor on the day in question. With that being said, the gravity in which you, Dan and a few others latched onto this story was borderline "Online bullying". I get how according to your interpretation of the rules these two "Cheated" and did not act in accordance of the "Spirit" of the sport. I'm 100% in agreement that things were definitely grey. HOWEVER we all know Lionel had 0 chance of winning on Saturday. Maybe in a fluke or miracle but he's too early in his development to be WC. If that's the premise why not let a guy develop in a live situation? Perhaps he was misguided or misinformed or just a tad bit naive but his actions in the end didn't effect the money for any of the pros. If you've interacted with him you'd know that there wasn't any intention of breaking a rule or cutting corners (this has been highlighted in his posts). I think he genuinely was thinking "I can race the swim with Matt and we can both learn a thing or two about Kona" which to me is harmless enough. Do we need to set a precedence and make sure other pros know this is not to become common placed, absolutely! However publicly shaming, bullying and going on a witch hunt I think was a bit much. I would have preferred this all took place behind the scenes and the results presented in a journalistic fashion on the homepage rather than in a back and forth battle in the forums with yourself being an active member. I'm sure post race emotions and other factors contributed but as a IM ambassador I think it's fair to say your initial reaction to anything of this sort is to side with the athletes until absolutely all the facts have been brought forth. At that point you could act and ensure others in the community (AG or Pro) understand the rules from an unbiased point of view. I honestly didn't get that feeling from any of your posts. I hope you know I respect your views and opinions alike but in this instance I was a bit put off.

I've lost no respect for any of you but I would have like to see that same "spirit of our sport" utilized when dealing with this. Give fellow athletes the benefit of the doubt. Accept the simple answer of this was a miscommunication and not a conspiracy. Take the time to factor in the human element and see that the offenders in question are as protective of the "spirit" as you and others are.

I spent a long time reading all the threads and all the articles about this. I debated replying and getting involved as I'm not one to contribute to these type of posts but for some reason I couldn't help myself this time. I appreciate that now that all the details have come out, all the fact sorted, all the apologies made that Team ST took the time to highlight that all parties involved had no malicious intent. In the end I think the community was educated and this brought some new things to light. Could that same goal have been achieved differently? I am of the opinion that it could have but it's water under the bridge now. I just hope Lionel isn't the only person who learned a lesson from this situation.

Good luck with your recovery and I look forward to your next article, post and contribution to the triathlon community.

Great post

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ClayDavis] [ In reply to ]
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ClayDavis wrote:
cshowe80 wrote:

I've lost no respect for any of you but I would have like to see that same "spirit of our sport" utilized when dealing with this. Give fellow athletes the benefit of the doubt. Accept the simple answer of this was a miscommunication and not a conspiracy. Take the time to factor in the human element and see that the offenders in question are as protective of the "spirit" as you and others are.

The "spirit" of the sport is kind of subjective though. As an example, many people find Rappstar's "tactics" on the bike to be against the spirit of the sport (Matt Chrabot in particular has been a vocal critic of Jordan's). Matt is protective of the spirit of the sport and doesn't like the idea of one racer intentionally forcing a penalty on a competitor in order to gain an advantage, and obviously Jordan sees nothing wrong with this. In this case and the Sanders/Chrabot issue, we have two athletes who, while both taking a stand on the notion of integrity in triathlon racing, seem to have different ideas of what this actually means. Who's right? Certainly the rules have a bearing here, but as mentioned they do appear in need of some clarification, and the degree to which these things are actually enforceable is debatable. Until then a lot of it is up to the personal ethics of the racer, which clearly vary from individual to individual.

Interesting, very interesting.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"However publicly shaming, bullying and going on a witch hunt"

since you associated me with this, i will absolutely apologize here and now for anything i've written that bullies, shames or witch hunts. just, i would need to be shown where i've done this.

I have to say I agree that a number of your posts for mee crossed the line I very seldom see you go down. But if you need to be shown a word, sentence, well, this gets to an example of what
these threads have been about. You may not have used the direct personal attack nasty language some have used here, but again to be honest, that is how it felt. Just do not see you do this very
often so I kept asking, why is Dan making this so personal.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [cshowe80] [ In reply to ]
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with all due respect right back atcha, if you can't find anything i wrote that is anywhere close to what you accused me of, then i can only assume that i didn't write it.

if you think barrie or lionel are viewed and treated similar to julie miller, you and i aren't reading the same threads. you're certainly not reading my posts. i see nothing except praise for lionel on these threads. i can't find one person who hasn't come away with this with an even higher opinion of lionel, me included. i absolutely see the difference between an act that is unequivocally against every spirit and letter of the rules versus something that is borderline, a gray area, a misdemeanor, not well understood.

i also understand that in the pro ranks for every time we've had to confront an issue of course cutting we've had to deal with 50 cases of this we're discussing here.

yes, i am passionate about rules being followed. still i, like you, am quite happy to "put this whole thing to rest and move on." just, we have put this behind us and moved on several times in the past. would you like me to link to the threads where we discussed this at least as much as we're discussing it now, and we moved on? with no change in enforcement, and with no attempt really to highlight this for racing athletes, so that it ceases to happen? this time i would like us to move on but with the understanding that we're either going to change the rules, or follow and enforce them. is that okay?

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [cshowe80] [ In reply to ]
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cshowe80 wrote:
Dan with all due respect, if you don't feel like you're emotions and passion for our sport had gotten the better of you, then me spending time highlighting the exact phrases or words that I felt you did won't do us any good. It's also all open to interpretation and then there is the fact tone is lost via the written word. I'm not trying to throw mud on anybody, most of all not you or Jordan. Like I said I don't like getting involved in these discussions because it's entirely individual and I don't feel my opinion matters anyhow.

I saw how the Julie Miller thread went and saw this as a similar example of the same thing. The only difference I saw was a clear malicious attempt to cheat and win with no consideration given to the spirit of the sport or just sportsmanship overall by JM. I didn't feel Lionel, Barrie or Matt should be treated in any way like that but they seemed to be. This is all subjective and personal so there is no need for debate. That being said, I feel like your article on the front page was apology enough. Again absolutely no disrespect here I just think it's a matter of how us as individuals have different approaches to situations like this. We are all entitled to our opinions and disagreements are a product of that. Let's just put this whole thing to rest now and move on :)

Could not have said it better

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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I'd say matt pretty much made his "race ambition" clear when he posted "Still feeling yesterday's ‪#ưIronman‬ sprint finish. Headed to ‪#ưKona‬ next week for some 2016 recon and extended warm down." on his FB page. He laid it all out there in Chattanooga and didn't have any expectations for Kona except to get some experience for the future. Did he swim slower than he's capable of - sure. Did he intentionally throw his day in the gutter to do that - nope.

Slowman wrote:
"who's to say his "own race ambition" wasn't to pull Lionel through the swim and collect a chunk of his prize money."

i'm pretty sure you know what it is i'm saying. when your goal - once the race commences - is to help someone else finish higher rather than to finish as high as you can, that's what i'm talking about by "race ambition."

look, there is my view of the world, there is everyone else's view of the world. i'm not saying mine is the only way. yes, i will be disappointed if this race falls to the point where i can hire somebody to pull me to the finish, like hiring someone to tether me up everest. but maybe i'm just an old fuddy-duddy. i've got a pretty tight view of fidelity, whether it's in marriage, business or racing. i don't think my view needs to be everybody's view.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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rhys wrote:
mhaager2 wrote:
Best response yet
Thank you

Thank you. but clearly you a H- disagree...refer to his response to my post here:

ME: As of my typing there are 176 replies on this thread from about 50 to 60 contributors. How many raced a WTC event this year? 250,000 maybe worldwide?
Despite the ST sleuthing and/or godfather of triathlon editor in chief....seriously, this is blown way out of proportion.

H-: Shut down the slowtwitch forum immediately. At least until rhys tells us how many signatures we need on a petition before we are allowed to have a conversation about a triathlon sporting event.

My response to that is .... wtf dude? But I digress....

Well, I am sorry, as perhaps my post was a bit obtuse. But I had difficulty comprehending your post. You observed that only a relatively small proportion of the IM populace was discussing a certain matter and claimed that this was evidence of the matter being "blown way out of proportion." That is incoherent. Thus, I took your statement as, "because there are so few people discussing this, we should not discuss this any more." On principle I object to efforts to squelch discussion. Sanders and Barrie participate in a public sport as professionals. They cannot claim (and never have claimed) that they deserve some immunity from "sports talk" because this is a small matter in what is a niche sport. As slowman has pointed out, this sport is important to many people. Hence my response.

At the time, your statement, which I took to be protective of Sanders and Barrie in the manner of "move along folks, nothing to see here," was a disservice to both of them. If the thread was shut down at that point we would lack the subsequent communications by Barrie and Sanders, which communications have boosted their reputations.

I think the more Rapp and Dan lay into this thread and the other one on the board the less credibility to whole *debate* has...feels like they are extending a debate to ensure banner ads are read.

Something must be wrong with my browser. I am not seeing what you seem to be seeing. For the most part, many pages ago the discussion of Sanders and Barrie was closed -- with laudatory posts far outnumbering critical ones. For the most part, Sanders and Barrie have won the thread, so to speak. Dan for his part complimented Barrie. What has been going on the last few pages is general discussion of the rules -- not the Sander/Barrie case. Maybe that deserves a new thread, but big deal. If you are a fan of Sanders and Barrie, your continuous complaints about the discussion reflect poorly upon them.

It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [H-] [ In reply to ]
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I can be incoherent. especially without wine. maybe that was my issue.

That at hand it is interesting how one can read my response as "best response yet" and another can call me out as the guy who must be consulted before posting. I think that pretty much clearly defines the social interaction that is the internet.

now...back to my cabernet.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [rhys] [ In reply to ]
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Well if you don't mind, I'll join you but with a bit of scotch. Best wishes to you, Sanders, and Canadian triathletes in general, who for some reason have always been my favorites.


It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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In your very first post on this topic, you state "this was the most obvious occasion you've ever seen of outside assistance".

Given your weighty resume in the field, perhaps this would constitute "shaming" or "borderline online bullying", in the eyes of some readers.

(Though witch hunt might be a stretch...)

Thanks to Euro-Sports for my H3Cs.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [boney] [ In reply to ]
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"Given your weighty resume in the field, perhaps this would constitute "shaming" or "borderline online bullying", in the eyes of some readers."

let me rephrase. i don't mean it was a bad case. an onerous case. rather, it was an easy-to-identify case of unauthorized assistance, as described in the rules, whereas some cases are less straightforward. that makes it a useful example to choose when deciding what our posture as a sport ought to be.

if most triathletes think it's fine to have a domestique, then fine. if not, then not. this is an elegant case for this discussion because there is very little question about what actually happened.

so, if you'll allow me to substitute "most straightforward" or "least obfuscatory" for "most obvious occasion" i hope you'll see the point i'm making. as rule infractions go, this was a misdemeanor. it also didn't work, which is another reason why we can look at this dispassionately. had lionel swam 56min, and then gone on to win the race overall, it wouldn't be you and i writing about, it would be you and i and a lot of pro athletes having something to say about it.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
"it also didn't work, which is another reason why we can look at this dispassionately. had lionel swam 56min, and then gone on to win the race overall, it wouldn't be you and i writing about, it would be you and i and a lot of pro athletes having something to say about it.

Ding ding ding. This is exactly the point I brought up. The discussion is very different if Lionel wins and it is Frodo, Raelert, Tim O, Potts and Sebi calling him out instead of you and me.


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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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substitution allowed....and a reminder I had no issue with the post, but could see how others might

the posts that followed yours, particularly from Lionel, certainly seemed to clear up whether or net there was intent to circumvent the rules

Thanks to Euro-Sports for my H3Cs.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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While I *think* I disagree with you on how much "skill" plays into OWS, I continue to scratch my head with regards to Matt Hanson's swimming. Based on what SnappingT has posted in various threads and in the front page post here, some of the workouts that Matt has done would have been a challenge for me to accomplish 15 years ago when I was swimming 15+ hours a week, and really really difficult now, yet I have no doubts about my ability to beat him out of the water.

*While admitting he and I are likely to have differing priorities and conditions during the swim.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [sentania] [ In reply to ]
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sentania wrote:
While I *think* I disagree with you on how much "skill" plays into OWS, I continue to scratch my head with regards to Matt Hanson's swimming. Based on what SnappingT has posted in various threads and in the front page post here, some of the workouts that Matt has done would have been a challenge for me to accomplish 15 years ago when I was swimming 15+ hours a week, and really really difficult now, yet I have no doubts about my ability to beat him out of the water.

*While admitting he and I are likely to have differing priorities and conditions during the swim.

This is where I'm scratching my head. I'm think I'm about an equal swimmer to Sanders in the pool in terms of speed, but in a solo effort on Sat., I suspect I would have swam 59:00-1:00. How he went 1:01 with an escort, blows my mind. Do these guys go out way too fast and struggle to recover? I can't imagine that, given their overall fitness. As it was I went 1:02 having to keep slowing down since I couldn't move up, or go right or left. At some point I debated swimming under water and trying to pop up in a gap somewhere. I started swimming with fists a few times to slow myself down to stop running up the guy in front of me. But from talking to others, most had the same issue. Could have been a little choppy out front slowing the leaders and bunching up the field too.

Of course I don't understand the camelback thing. Give up at least 10-15 watts of aero efficiency to cool yourself down. Why not just ride 10 watts slower and just dump cold water at every aide station on yourself and get almost the same effect. Or better yet, ride 10 minutes faster and be able to run 10' slower. The relative humidity was low enough that you were almost dry after 15-20 minutes so evaporative cooling worked well except around Hawi where it rained, but it was overcast then. Really, I wasn't sweating as much as in some training rides that week since I was soaking myself every 8-10 miles.

TrainingBible Coaching
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [motoguy128] [ In reply to ]
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All of these things lead me to believe, (as others and him, have mentioned) that this KONA was a trial run for Sanders. He was experimenting. Pushing boundaries, taking risks, seeing what works and what doesn't. The whole swim partner thing was a cockup, but worth a try. If they had managed to hang onto a group, no-one would've known.

The camelback is another attempt at those marginal gains. We see athletes doing this everywhere. If you have been following Sanders you will know that he has been working hard and very focused at learning how to prepare for KONA properly. He was there to race, but realistically knew that he had very little chance of being near the front, so why not try something out there. He is also a smart guy and has a team around him that is trying to make him as fast as possible. Whether you "like" his team or not is not important. Are their others out there who might give him better advice and make him a faster swimmer? Probably, but Lionel is a fiercely loyal dude and his coaches and friends have helped him get to where he is. I highly doubt you will see a wholesale change. They also seem more than willing to bring in and consult experts to get him faster. This is key. This is why he will be fighting for the win in KONA in the future.

What impressed me most about his race is the way that he dealt with the heat. Earlier in the season he had a poor race because of not planning properly for a hot race. As far as I can see he nailed this aspect in KONA. It was a very hot day and he rode fast and ran very strong through the whole marathon. He managed his body very well. Did the camelback help? Maybe. If it gave him comfort and more a feeling of control over his nutrition then it was a success.

NCCP certified Comp coach
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [motoguy128] [ In reply to ]
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motoguy128 wrote:
This is where I'm scratching my head. I'm think I'm about an equal swimmer to Sanders in the pool in terms of speed, but in a solo effort on Sat., I suspect I would have swam 59:00-1:00. How he went 1:01 with an escort, blows my mind.

Because the escort went too slow. The plan backfired. You've got a 50 minute IM guy trying to swim 58 minute pace as pacer. He missed and went too slow. It's like asking a 2:10 marathoner to be a lead pacer for the 3 hour group at some marathon, but to do so with no watch and no splits and he brings his group home in 3:06 by mistake.
Last edited by: kny: Oct 16, 15 7:11
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [motoguy128] [ In reply to ]
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I'm also curious how this was discovered so early in the race and judgement determined 1:20 into the race. It's as though this type of thing is so prevalent that they knew exactly what to look for. Or was leaked well before hand and someone was tipped off to expose this early in the coverage?

Matt Lieto comments from the race:

" We have an athlete off the front to our left, um a little bit of a gap but to our right here were going to see theses two athletes, guy's I've never seen this before but it is obvious that Matt Chrabott is waiting for Lionel Sanders and is pulling Lionel Sanders in the swim today. Absolutely blatant, and you can do it, you can pace each other, but he is looking over his shoulder every stroke to make sure Lionel is there. But Matt Chrabott is definitely working for Lionel Sanders who's an athlete that's going to have a slower swim, generally, um if he has a personal domestique through out this swim here today, ah he's going to be a little bit better off. Matt Chrabott was 2nd a few weeks ago at Ironman Chattanooga, so he can't really, he doesn't necessarily have a lot in the tank, but back to the main field."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [sentania] [ In reply to ]
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sentania wrote:
While I *think* I disagree with you on how much "skill" plays into OWS, I continue to scratch my head with regards to Matt Hanson's swimming. Based on what SnappingT has posted in various threads and in the front page post here, some of the workouts that Matt has done would have been a challenge for me to accomplish 15 years ago when I was swimming 15+ hours a week, and really really difficult now, yet I have no doubts about my ability to beat him out of the water.

*While admitting he and I are likely to have differing priorities and conditions during the swim.

On a personal note, I scratch my head as well. Matt is a teammate as mine and I know how talented he is. I introduced myself to SnappingT in Kona and I told him I would be interesting in coming down and checking it out to see for myself. I have had the problem before where I go out to hard in swim and then just fade and that is what it sounds like happened to Matt in the swim, but that was when I put in huge sprint work include lots of fast 25s.

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [motoguy128] [ In reply to ]
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This is where I'm scratching my head. I'm think I'm about an equal swimmer to Sanders in the pool in terms of speed, but in a solo effort on Sat., I suspect I would have swam 59:00-1:00//

Easy, swim was over 3 minutes slow on the day from the normal Kona swims. That puts him at 58, so now he beats you, feel better? (-;
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [monty] [ In reply to ]
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LOL!! Odd, Kienle was able to improve his swim by almost 3 minutes from last year ;)
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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kjmcawesome wrote:
Slowman wrote:
"it also didn't work, which is another reason why we can look at this dispassionately. had lionel swam 56min, and then gone on to win the race overall, it wouldn't be you and i writing about, it would be you and i and a lot of pro athletes having something to say about it.

Ding ding ding. This is exactly the point I brought up. The discussion is very different if Lionel wins and it is Frodo, Raelert, Tim O, Potts and Sebi calling him out instead of you and me.

You and several others keep saying Lionel could've possibly won if he had swum 56, but that still puts him 5:10 back on Frodo after the swim. On the bike, he was 7:50 slower than Frodo, and on the run he was 2:20 slower, so in total he would still be 15:20 slower than Frodo. Now granted the "race dynamics" would have been diff if Lionel had ridden hard and caught up to Frodo and come into the transition together with him but, by then he would have had to bike 13 full min than he did in the actual race, so it would seem to me that it would have been highly unlikely that he could've still found the energy to run 2:20 faster to win the race.

Again, I understand there are benefits from riding 10 meters back, being in the main pack, and all that, but the bottom line is that, even with a 56:00 swim, he would've still had to go 15:20 faster than Frodo on the B + R to actually win the race, which seems highly unlikely IMO.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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I'm one of Lionel's biggest fans and this event and his actions changes nothing for me, but he has to swim sub 55 if he ever wants a shot at Kona. I can only hope that Lionel and his team are thinking long and hard on how they go about doing that.
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Phoenixrising wrote:
I'm one of Lionel's biggest fans and this event and his actions changes nothing for me, but he has to swim sub 55 if he ever wants a shot at Kona. I can only hope that Lionel and his team are thinking long and hard on how they go about doing that.

I would think he needs to be within 2:00 of the leader, so maybe 52-ish. With the emergence of Frodo, everyone is going to have to raise the level of their swim. You just can't give him a 5 min lead OOW:)

I'm a fan of swimmer/tri guys like Frodo and Potts, simply b/c they worked their butts off for 10-15 yrs to earn their swim prowess, and I think all those 1000s of hours in the pool should count for something. It's bad enough that the swim is so short in iron races as it is, but let's have no more of this prearranged pacing. Your analysis of Tyler and Sebi was/is very enlightening, espec since, if this year's Kona swim was about 3 min long, but yet Sebi still went 3 min faster, so a net 6 min gain in one year, which is pretty much unheard of.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
Last edited by: ericmulk: Oct 16, 15 18:48
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [motoguy128] [ In reply to ]
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motoguy128 wrote:
I suspect I would have swum 59:00-1:00
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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My thought's exactly... More going on in that swim then we thought and we need to turn over a few more rocks...

Lionel and Matt are taking all the heat when some of that might need to be spread around.
Last edited by: Phoenixrising: Oct 16, 15 12:35
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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Kona 2014

Tyler: Swim 54:35 and then dropped out?? No Bike or Run Splits? Anyone have any info, i.e. Mechanical, Flat etc??
Sebastien: Swim 54:38
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [urbantriathlete] [ In reply to ]
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urbantriathlete wrote:
My thoughts:
- are your 100's with paddles/ pull buoy substantially better than w/o? Also - are your times with paddles/buoy substantially more competitive to your peers?

Typically faster pool swimmers who can't translate that to open water are too reliant on their kick and can be somewhat lacking in rotation/ upper body strength.

Maybe you just stink at flip turns?

Could be the flip turns, but seriously I found that those who are not that good of pools swimmers, who swims better OWS, tend to be the ones that have pretty good kicks. So just the opposite. As for pp, I just started really pulling coming up on 2 years. At first I wasn't that good at paddles, like slower than w/o. Then get to the point where swim with just paddles I was an absolute beast. I swimmer better with paddles for sure now. I swim better with paddles better than I do with paddles and buoy.

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Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Phoenixrising wrote:
Kona 2014 Tyler: Swim 54:35 and then dropped out?? No Bike or Run Splits? Anyone have any info, i.e. Mechanical, Flat etc??
Sebastien: Swim 54:38

Sorry but i have no additional info on this.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Ty dropped out in '14 due to injury. Back issues, I believe.

It is really starting to look like you are trying to prove that sebi and Tyler somehow cheated. Is that what you are trying to do?

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Not at all!! As I stated many times, I don't have all the facts concerning the two athletes. All I have are swim times. That's why I'm practically begging for anyone to add to the facts, either to back up the swim times or discourage them. They just don't add up in my opinion. Look at Sebi's swim time this year.. Does that not stick out to anyone?? Especially in what was considered a slow swim.

My main point is that Lionel and Matt are being portrayed as rule breakers and that this type of thing in the swim is unheard of. I'm just trying to provide other cases where "Possible" agreements may have been made that "May" or "May not" have lead to an individual abandoning his race ambition for someone else. If this is common place, then we really need to back off Lionel / Matt / Barry and Barrie and go back and take a serious look at the rules.

I'm just throwing out posted swim numbers that I stumbled upon. Believe me, I would rather have more facts to back them up. I'm relying on ST for that. I'm not at the races to see who lines up with who at the swim line. Or if someone is purposely slowing down to wait for an individual and then speeding back up when he makes the draft. Maybe some of the Pro's or Slowman on here can dispel this notion real fast. I'm waiting for someone to counter the swim numbers on the two athletes mentioned and tie that into the bike numbers.

It just baffles me that Barry and Barrie would be the first people to think of such a strategy ;)
Last edited by: Phoenixrising: Oct 17, 15 6:26
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I don't have much patience for the "I'm just asking questions" strategy. That seems to be what you are doing.

Before you go down this path too far, ask yourself if either of these guys are such weak swimmers that they wouldn't ordinarily be in a larger pack of swimmers. You will probably find that they were in a big cluster every year.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
Well, I don't have much patience for the "I'm just asking questions" strategy. That seems to be what you are doing.

Before you go down this path too far, ask yourself if either of these guys are such weak swimmers that they wouldn't ordinarily be in a larger pack of swimmers. You will probably find that they were in a big cluster every year.

I think asking the tough questions is what needs to be done which means patience and not jumping to conclusions.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
It is one thing to actually ask reasonable questions. It is quite another to call out 2 individuals who only have similar swim splits at a handful of races, with no meaningful analysis to determine if the question is even legitimate.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
when he's talking about "just asking tough questions", bear in mind that this is the group who exited the water between 52:20 and 52:43 in 2015

O'Donnell, Timothy
Kahlefeldt, Brad
Rana, Ivan
McMahon, Brent
Cartmell, Fraser
Van Lierde, Frederik
McKenzie, Luke
Chevrot, Denis
Hoffman, Ben
Amorelli, Igor
Van Berkel, Timothy
McNamee, David
Diederen, Bas
Alonso-Mckernan, Clemente
Ambrose, Paul
Butterfield, Tyler
Viennot, Cyril
Llanos, Eneko
Kienle, Sebastian
Bell, Luke
Millward, Callum
Boecherer, Andi
Symonds, Jeffrey
Tinto, Miquel

This is the group who exited together in '14, and is not complete. It just shows those pros who finished top 20 (because downloading the splits from the ironman website into excel is a pain in the butt. Tyler was in that group, but dnf'd.

Kienle, Sebastian
Viennot, Cyril
Twelsiek, Maik

in '13, tyler's group was as follows, again just out of the top 20.
VanLierde, Frederik
Mckenzie, Luke
Cunnama, James
O'Donnell, Timothy
Rana, Ivan
Butterfield, Tyler
Bracht, Timo
Al-Sultan, Faris
Llanos, Eneko
Amorelli, Igor
Kramer, Christian
Hoffman, Ben
Albert, Marco
Starykowicz, Andrew

and sebi's group was:
Kienle, Sebastian
Viennot, Cyril
Amey, Paul

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Last edited by: JasoninHalifax: Oct 17, 15 8:45
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
This sport is overrun with cheaters.

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Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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I was just making a general comment, nothing about folks.

But the more I think of our sport, and the more some want to say that imply our rules are written to have it be "individual" or "spirit of the sport", I just do not seem this the more
I consider it.

The swim. We have legal drafting. Most of us talk to each other before the swim, know what speed each have, and swim trying to draft others to improve our swim. Call it a team tactic,
or friend tactic, or competitor tactic, it is far from individual. And when you throw in mass starts, swim waves, etc., again, means we all work together in the swim. So, folks have been
doing for years. Some may even slow up some, who cares.

During the bike the "legal" bike box, like 3 bike lengths, does give folks some draft impact on the outside of it. I know when I see a person just a little faster than me in front, I work
my butt off to stay right at this 3 bike length distance. So no way I could work this hard if the bike was totally individual.

Legal to draft on the run. I can use a person as a rabbit. No way I could run as fast as an individual.

So bottom line, IMO, if one looks at what a race would look like if it were 100% individual, our rules, let alone how our races are run, are no where close.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
We all know that the sport isn't 100% individual, so I don't really know what you are arguing for. I'm specifically addressing what appears, to my eyes anyway, to be a witchhunt that is directed against a good friend of mine.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
h2ofun wrote:
I was just making a general comment, nothing about folks.

But the more I think of our sport, and the more some want to imply our rules are written to have it be "individual" or "spirit of the sport", I just do not see this the more I consider it.

The swim. We have legal drafting. Most of us talk to each other before the swim, know what speed each have, and swim trying to draft others to improve our swim. Call it a team tactic,
or friend tactic, or competitor tactic, it is far from individual. And when you throw in mass starts, swim waves, etc., again, means we all work together in the swim. So, folks have been
doing this for years. Some may even slow up some, who cares.

During the bike the "legal" bike box, like 3 bike lengths, does give folks some draft impact on the outside of it. I know when I see a person just a little faster than me in front, I work
my butt off to stay right at this 3 bike length distance. So no way I could work this hard if the bike was totally individual.

Legal to draft on the run. I can use a person as a rabbit. No way I could run as fast as an individual.

So bottom line, IMO, if one looks at what a race would look like if it were 100% individual, our rules, let alone how our races are run, are no where close.

You continue to not understand the other side of this discussion, or what people are saying about this. You are taking the meaning of individual in the sense that someone is completely on their own with no interaction with others. That is a very strange interpretation of 'individual'. I'm quite sure that many here are saying that triathlon shouldn't be a team sport like cycling. If people are in the race with no objective to race as hard as they can to the finish, but are in fact planning to race with someone else in order to support their race and share in the payoff, that goes against what many people view as the spirit of an individual sport like triathlon. The same thing happens in pro cycling, only difference is that is how the sport is structure and how it has been structured for years and years.

Your discussion of using another competitor to push yourself has nothing to do with the current discussion and is really just a distraction from the issues being discussed. The discussion of draft-legal racing is also irrelevant since that is not what happens at WTC events or Kona.
Last edited by: Jctriguy: Oct 17, 15 10:05
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
JasoninHalifax wrote:
We all know that the sport isn't 100% individual, so I don't really know what you are arguing for. I'm specifically addressing what appears, to my eyes anyway, to be a witchhunt that is directed against a good friend of mine.

We have a number of what could be seen as witchhunts going on now it seems.

But so so little focus on where things really feel apart. The WTC website has the wrong rules. Head Officials pointing fingers at others.

Why do we just not try to see how we, if need to, fix things going forward? Now, we would not want to improve things would we?

I keep bringing up individual since it has come up in many posts about this issue, even I believe in Dan's posts, and others that this is the spirit of the sport. Never has been to the level some are trying to use on this example.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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The IM website does not have the wrong rules. It has the rules for AGers. The pro rules are posted in the pro section of the website. If professional athletes can't be bothered to read the pro rules, then they aren't very professional. In fact, Lionel Sanders acknowledged that Ironman emailed him a direct link to the pro rules, but he didn't read them. That's on him and his coach.
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [craigj532] [ In reply to ]
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craigj532 wrote:
The IM website does not have the wrong rules. It has the rules for AGers. The pro rules are posted in the pro section of the website. If professional athletes can't be bothered to read the pro rules, then they aren't very professional. In fact, Lionel Sanders acknowledged that Ironman emailed him a direct link to the pro rules, but he didn't read them. That's on him and his coach.

So you are saying the rules are perfect? The website is perfect? I just see too many things that happened that why not just go forward, rather than it seems some want to just destroy some folks. And I love the ones trying to point the fingers at others and take no ownership.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [craigj532] [ In reply to ]
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craigj532 wrote:
The IM website does not have the wrong rules. It has the rules for AGers. The pro rules are posted in the pro section of the website. If professional athletes can't be bothered to read the pro rules, then they aren't very professional. In fact, Lionel Sanders acknowledged that Ironman emailed him a direct link to the pro rules, but he didn't read them. That's on him and his coach.

How are these rules for age groupers? The document contains some rules for both pros and age groupers, some details specific to pros and some details specific to age groupers. Nowhere in that document itself, nor on the IM webpage where's the link to that document, is even the slightest hint that another set of IM rules for pros exists.
Lionel was completely justified in thinking that the rules he had read are the ones relevant for him. Emailing a link to the pros is clearly not enough. Plus, this being a professional sport it depends on some fans and interested public and some of them will want to know the pro rules - and of course they didn't receive an email with a link to the pro rules.

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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The pro rules really aren't hard to find. On the ironman.com website, hover over results, under "professional athletes" click "membership" There is a link to pro rules and the code of conduct, right there. If you have a pro card, then you really should know about that.

Now, the ironman.com site itself I don't particularly like, interface is too busy and slow to respond. But the rules are really easy to find.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
heartpatient wrote:
craigj532 wrote:
The IM website does not have the wrong rules. It has the rules for AGers. The pro rules are posted in the pro section of the website. If professional athletes can't be bothered to read the pro rules, then they aren't very professional. In fact, Lionel Sanders acknowledged that Ironman emailed him a direct link to the pro rules, but he didn't read them. That's on him and his coach.

How are these rules for age groupers? The document contains some rules for both pros and age groupers, some details specific to pros and some details specific to age groupers. Nowhere in that document itself, nor on the IM webpage where's the link to that document, is even the slightest hint that another set of IM rules for pros exists.
Lionel was completely justified in thinking that the rules he had read are the ones relevant for him. Emailing a link to the pros is clearly not enough. Plus, this being a professional sport it depends on some fans and interested public and some of them will want to know the pro rules - and of course they didn't receive an email with a link to the pro rules.

I totally agree. The WTC website should be 100% accurate. 100% thorough!! The links to rules, guides, etc. should be 100% accurate. Are they?

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
pro rules. found it in under 2 minutes.


here's the thing. even if I didn't know they existed, I would have found them if I were a pro triathlete in WTC races. because I would have gone to the site, saw that there is a pro membership section of the site, and said to myself that this might be a part of the site that I should skim through at least.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Last edited by: JasoninHalifax: Oct 17, 15 12:43
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
JasoninHalifax wrote:
pro rules. found it in under 2 minutes.


here's the thing. even if I didn't know they existed, I would have found them if I were a pro triathlete in WTC races. because I would have gone to the site, saw that there is a pro membership section of the site, and said to myself that this might be a part of the site that I should skim through at least.

Great, that is you. So, what about my questions? Why are some so willing to let WTC off the hook or others?

Guess my thoughts about this are reflected in the poll results. Not even close.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
JasoninHalifax wrote:
pro rules. found it in under 2 minutes.


here's the thing. even if I didn't know they existed, I would have found them if I were a pro triathlete in WTC races. because I would have gone to the site, saw that there is a pro membership section of the site, and said to myself that this might be a part of the site that I should skim through at least.

The pro rules should be in a section that is obviously public, not in a membership section (which happens to be public as well). In any case is there just no justification to have such a misleading webpage with a link to document which is not what it claims and looks to be.
And how difficult can it be to correct that? All IM staff gone directly on holidays following the Kona race?

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Umm, yeah that is me, the point remains that the rules are really easy to find, and there is no excuse for not finding them. There are ample opportunities for anyone, pro or otherwise, to clarify any rule which they find unclear.

I don't particularly care about poll results if I don't know who is responding to the poll. The respondents certainly aren't all pros.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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it is pretty obviously a public section of the site. there is no login prompt, it is just in a section that is about pro athletes, which all pros really should read.

if an AG'er cares about the pros that much, then they'll find the pro section as well.

is it absolutely perfect? No, because it isn't automatically beamed directly into your brain.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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And neither were the rules beamed into Jimmy Riccitello's brain...

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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he read and knows them, and is responsible for enforcing them.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe your right, I stated from the beginning that I'm only going to present the numbers of the swim times from several WC races over the last few years. From this point on, I'll leave it to everyone else to decide if they want to dig any deeper into this issue.

If we don't want to ask (not witch hunt) questions of any athletes then I guess we wait and hope with fingers crossed that the Ironman Coverage will expose any questionable activity. I don't have a horse in this race. I actually don't even care if Tyler did tow Sebi along in those races, lets just cut Matt / Lionel and team some slack.

* You didn't mention the 2015 70.3 WC's do you have the pack info for that one?

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:

he read and knows them, and is responsible for enforcing them.

But he failed to provide the appropriate answer when he was asked about this detail of the rules by the Sanders camp prior to Kona otherwise there wouldn't have been any issue.

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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No, it's a pain in the butt to grab the information off the IM results page. I have to find the results page in the first place, filter to just the group I want to see, copy the table into a text file, clean up data (eg make Van Lierde into one word rather than 2) then import the text file into excel, then use a formula to bring that imported data back into columns, then format the time data so it displays correctly, then eliminate unwanted columns, then copy that back into a text file and copy that into the ST message.

I just figured my point was clear enough by presenting the IM splits.

If you read the comments on this thread, it's pretty clear that everyone IS cutting Matt and Lionel some slack. Lionel moreso than Matt.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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Apparently Sebi was able to swim in the first large pack in Kona this year where he can draft of someone in any case. If his swim form had been such that he would only have been able to swim 3 min slower, how would Tyler have helped? Maybe a rubber band between the two?

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
it appears that he supplied the appropriate answer based on the scenario which was asked about.

he could have dug more deeply to ascertain that the scenario being asked about was not the scenario which was actually going to happen, but that's not the fault of the rules.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
heartpatient wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
pro rules. found it in under 2 minutes.


here's the thing. even if I didn't know they existed, I would have found them if I were a pro triathlete in WTC races. because I would have gone to the site, saw that there is a pro membership section of the site, and said to myself that this might be a part of the site that I should skim through at least.

The pro rules should be in a section that is obviously public, not in a membership section (which happens to be public as well). In any case is there just no justification to have such a misleading webpage with a link to document which is not what it claims and looks to be.
And how difficult can it be to correct that? All IM staff gone directly on holidays following the Kona race?

Do you think that the pro athletes don't know the rules exist or where to find them? If so, that is 100% on the athletes. They are meant to be professionals and part of that would be knowing what rules you are agreeing to race by. They have pro meetings at all the races to go over key details. Why does this need to be public?
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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Hey fair enough, I've obviously failed to make my point. However, you guy's have made yours perfectly clear. Tyler and Sebi obviously have the exact same ability when it comes to the swim.

It was my mistake to question it.
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Phoenixrising] [ In reply to ]
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No they don't have the same ability. They did, however, get in the same group for the last 2 years in Kona. There are also other names who were in always in Tyler's group, or always in Sebi's group.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Jctriguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
They might be going over key details at every pro meeting, but apparently not over the relevant detail here.
Why do the rules need to be public? Is there any other sport you follow? Wouldn't you want to know the rules? I for instance like watching football, but if I didn't know the rules of the game I wouldn't find it as interesting. Why should be triathlon be different? If triathlon pro races were not for the public, then there wouldn't be any revenue and hence no pros.

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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and 2015 70.3 WC's ;)
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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heartpatient wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:

he read and knows them, and is responsible for enforcing them.

But he failed to provide the appropriate answer when he was asked about this detail of the rules by the Sanders camp prior to Kona otherwise there wouldn't have been any issue.

I see you haven't really read through this thread. He was asked by a third party who was asked by the Sanders camp to ask him, not the Sanders camp themselves. Obviously to veil who actually wanted the information… and to prevent an answer they wouldn't want to hear. As such, he would have had no idea what athletes were in question. From the email he received it looks like two age-group ham and eggers wanted to swim together as buddies during the race. Wake up.
Last edited by: Josh Seifarth: Oct 17, 15 19:12
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Josh Seifarth] [ In reply to ]
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Josh Seifarth wrote:
heartpatient wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:

he read and knows them, and is responsible for enforcing them.

But he failed to provide the appropriate answer when he was asked about this detail of the rules by the Sanders camp prior to Kona otherwise there wouldn't have been any issue.

I see you haven't really read through this thread. He was asked by a third party who was asked by the Sanders camp to ask him, not the Sanders camp themselves. Obviously to veil who actually wanted the information… and to prevent an answer they wouldn't want to hear. As such, he would have had no idea what athletes were in question. From the email he received it looks like two age-group ham and eggers wanted to swim together as buddies during the race. Wake up.

It's called "plausible deniability" where I'm from :-)

Citizen of the world, former drunkard. Resident Traumatic Brain Injury advocate.
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
heartpatient wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:

he read and knows them, and is responsible for enforcing them.

But he failed to provide the appropriate answer when he was asked about this detail of the rules by the Sanders camp prior to Kona otherwise there wouldn't have been any issue.

what is your problem with Jimmy? Are you trying to say he doesn't know the rules? Are you saying he didn't enforce it properly or are you just ignorant to the fact that the events that took place were not presented to him in a manner as such. seriously. what is your specific problem with Jimmy Riccitello, on the record right here. Barry Siff emailed him and asked about drafting and could an athlete purposely draft off another one in the the swim...that's it. nothing else. he did NOT say hey jimmy can an athlete purposely guide another athlete around on the swim and make sure they stay on their hip? No it didn't go that way. It was vague and misleading. They took advantage of knowing him and asking a question which was misleading. I suggest you go back and read his post before you keep firing off accusations that are off base. This is not the only thread you have questioned him specifically on things so it's becoming fairly obvious you have an agenda or a problem with him.

Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Josh Seifarth] [ In reply to ]
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Ha, I just saw this after I posted that same message. Guess I should have read all of the posts as well. haha

Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kman74] [ In reply to ]
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kman74 wrote:

what is your problem with Jimmy? Are you trying to say he doesn't know the rules? Are you saying he didn't enforce it properly or are you just ignorant to the fact that the events that took place were not presented to him in a manner as such. seriously. what is your specific problem with Jimmy Riccitello, on the record right here. Barry Siff emailed him and asked about drafting and could an athlete purposely draft off another one in the the swim...that's it. nothing else. he did NOT say hey jimmy can an athlete purposely guide another athlete around on the swim and make sure they stay on their hip? No it didn't go that way. It was vague and misleading. They took advantage of knowing him and asking a question which was misleading. I suggest you go back and read his post before you keep firing off accusations that are off base. This is not the only thread you have questioned him specifically on things so it's becoming fairly obvious you have an agenda or a problem with him.

I don't know Jimmy, and a week ago I hardly would have known his name. I also don't know anyone else involved (so I have no idea about the relation betwees Lionel and Barry S, so my notion of the Sanders camp may have been incorrect or too loose), although I've been following Lionel's blog for about a year and maybe one could say I'm a fan of his.

I have read Jimmy's post and in fact I responded to it. I pointed out to him the existence of the rule book on the IM website that doesn't have the part about subordinating ones race. I would have appreciated if Jimmy had responded to my post but he hasn't. Some people here have claimed that this rule book be a rule book for age groupers. I have not seen a statement from Jimmy or IM claiming that this is indeed the case, and neither the IM website where the document is linked nor the document itself indicate in any way that this is an age group rule book. Ironman should come out to clarify this and alter their misleading website.
Jimmy's statement highlighted (several times!) that from the email he hadn't known that Lionel was going to be the drafting athlete. Clearly, his answer should not depend on who the athletes involved are, but if it does, then I can understand that such a question was asked without revealing the names. What Jimmy didn't say is that he wasn't aware that the athletes involved were professionals (although this might have been what he meant).

As my motivation for this topic is being questioned: I became a referee at the beginning of this season and therefore wanted to familiarize myself with the triathlon rules more thoroughly than I would ever have wanted or needed as an athlete. And this was a somewhat frustrating experience, as triathlon rules are simply a mess, and IM is not the exception. ITU, USAT, other national federations all have rules that would greatly benefit from a major overhaul too. There are rules that are inconsistent, superfluous, ambiguous, non-sensical, over-regulating some details, failing to regulate some other important details, you name it. The situation gets more complicated if two rulebooks cumulatively apply to one race.

I didn't like Lionel's Kona drafting strategy and am somewhat relieved it wasn't successful. Lionel regrets it and won't do it again, so for me this specific incident is closed. But arguments about triathlon rules are a recurrent theme which in my mind could best be limited by overhauling the rules.

Achim Traut
Last edited by: heartpatient: Oct 18, 15 2:12
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.

Wow. Rappstar for the thread win.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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heartpatient wrote:
kman74 wrote:

what is your problem with Jimmy? Are you trying to say he doesn't know the rules? Are you saying he didn't enforce it properly or are you just ignorant to the fact that the events that took place were not presented to him in a manner as such. seriously. what is your specific problem with Jimmy Riccitello, on the record right here. Barry Siff emailed him and asked about drafting and could an athlete purposely draft off another one in the the swim...that's it. nothing else. he did NOT say hey jimmy can an athlete purposely guide another athlete around on the swim and make sure they stay on their hip? No it didn't go that way. It was vague and misleading. They took advantage of knowing him and asking a question which was misleading. I suggest you go back and read his post before you keep firing off accusations that are off base. This is not the only thread you have questioned him specifically on things so it's becoming fairly obvious you have an agenda or a problem with him.

I don't know Jimmy, and a week ago I hardly would have known his name. I also don't know anyone else involved (so I have no idea about the relation betwees Lionel and Barry S, so my notion of the Sanders camp may have been incorrect or too loose), although I've been following Lionel's blog for about a year and maybe one could say I'm a fan of his.

I have read Jimmy's post and in fact I responded to it. I pointed out to him the existence of the rule book on the IM website that doesn't have the part about subordinating ones race. I would have appreciated if Jimmy had responded to my post but he hasn't. Some people here have claimed that this rule book be a rule book for age groupers. I have not seen a statement from Jimmy or IM claiming that this is indeed the case, and neither the IM website where the document is linked nor the document itself indicate in any way that this is an age group rule book. Ironman should come out to clarify this and alter their misleading website.
Jimmy's statement highlighted (several times!) that from the email he hadn't known that Lionel was going to be the drafting athlete. Clearly, his answer should not depend on who the athletes involved are, but if it does, then I can understand that such a question was asked without revealing the names. What Jimmy didn't say is that he wasn't aware that the athletes involved were professionals (although this might have been what he meant).

As my motivation for this topic is being questioned: I became a referee at the beginning of this season and therefore wanted to familiarize myself with the triathlon rules more thoroughly than I would ever have wanted or needed as an athlete. And this was a somewhat frustrating experience, as triathlon rules are simply a mess, and IM is not the exception. ITU, USAT, other national federations all have rules that would greatly benefit from a major overhaul too. There are rules that are inconsistent, superfluous, ambiguous, non-sensical, over-regulating some details, failing to regulate some other important details, you name it. The situation gets more complicated if two rulebooks cumulatively apply to one race.

I didn't like Lionel's Kona drafting strategy and am somewhat relieved it wasn't successful. Lionel regrets it and won't do it again, so for me this specific incident is closed. But arguments about triathlon rules are a recurrent theme which in my mind could best be limited by overhauling the rules.

I could not agree more.

I know when I ask Charlie Crawford a question about a rule, he is very careful to ask lots of questions to make sure he fully understands what is being asked and why before he attempts to provide any kind
of answer.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.

Wow. Rappstar for the thread win.


Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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heartpatient wrote:
kman74 wrote:

what is your problem with Jimmy? Are you trying to say he doesn't know the rules? Are you saying he didn't enforce it properly or are you just ignorant to the fact that the events that took place were not presented to him in a manner as such. seriously. what is your specific problem with Jimmy Riccitello, on the record right here. Barry Siff emailed him and asked about drafting and could an athlete purposely draft off another one in the the swim...that's it. nothing else. he did NOT say hey jimmy can an athlete purposely guide another athlete around on the swim and make sure they stay on their hip? No it didn't go that way. It was vague and misleading. They took advantage of knowing him and asking a question which was misleading. I suggest you go back and read his post before you keep firing off accusations that are off base. This is not the only thread you have questioned him specifically on things so it's becoming fairly obvious you have an agenda or a problem with him.

I don't know Jimmy, and a week ago I hardly would have known his name. I also don't know anyone else involved (so I have no idea about the relation betwees Lionel and Barry S, so my notion of the Sanders camp may have been incorrect or too loose), although I've been following Lionel's blog for about a year and maybe one could say I'm a fan of his.

I have read Jimmy's post and in fact I responded to it. I pointed out to him the existence of the rule book on the IM website that doesn't have the part about subordinating ones race. I would have appreciated if Jimmy had responded to my post but he hasn't. Some people here have claimed that this rule book be a rule book for age groupers. I have not seen a statement from Jimmy or IM claiming that this is indeed the case, and neither the IM website where the document is linked nor the document itself indicate in any way that this is an age group rule book. Ironman should come out to clarify this and alter their misleading website.
Jimmy's statement highlighted (several times!) that from the email he hadn't known that Lionel was going to be the drafting athlete. Clearly, his answer should not depend on who the athletes involved are, but if it does, then I can understand that such a question was asked without revealing the names. What Jimmy didn't say is that he wasn't aware that the athletes involved were professionals (although this might have been what he meant).

As my motivation for this topic is being questioned: I became a referee at the beginning of this season and therefore wanted to familiarize myself with the triathlon rules more thoroughly than I would ever have wanted or needed as an athlete. And this was a somewhat frustrating experience, as triathlon rules are simply a mess, and IM is not the exception. ITU, USAT, other national federations all have rules that would greatly benefit from a major overhaul too. There are rules that are inconsistent, superfluous, ambiguous, non-sensical, over-regulating some details, failing to regulate some other important details, you name it. The situation gets more complicated if two rulebooks cumulatively apply to one race.

I didn't like Lionel's Kona drafting strategy and am somewhat relieved it wasn't successful. Lionel regrets it and won't do it again, so for me this specific incident is closed. But arguments about triathlon rules are a recurrent theme which in my mind could best be limited by overhauling the rules.

After this and reading your replys to Jimmy you obviously have never been to Kona and seen how crazy it is and the level of business and stress officials have. Also just like other threads you are putting the onus on a ref's feet that this should have been prevented. You could not be more wrong. They lied to him by not telling him it was the situation as we now know it. They asked a misleading questioin by basically saying "hey can two people team up and draft" which is not illegal. So again, do you just not understand the situation or choose to ignore the actual facts. You said you became a ref recently, you would think you would have some empathy toward your compatriots in this situation but sadly you appear to be a ref that we all dread running into in a race who appears to be a know it all and high and mighty who won't listen to the actual situation and make a ruling based off some bizarre view. Again, you don't get it and obviously don't understand how the situation happened with Jimmy involved or you would say " wow, they totally mislead and lied to him"

Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't realize until just now who Barry Siff is. When Barry Siff, president of USAT, asks a question, it is a little different than if some random age grouper asks a question.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kman74] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I would expect any referee (which now includes myself) to know the rules we are supposed to apply. If my superiors don't provide a framework in which I feel I can do a good job, then I'm annoyed about it. This would no different at work.
Why you would dread runnung into me at a race I don't know. I view athletes almost like customers and want to provide them a good and fair service. Some people here argue that athletes should know all rules (and the rules themselves indeed say that athletes must know all rules), but I'm a lot more understanding of athletes and don't expect them to know all rules. If you've read my other posts then you'll have seen me argue for a common sense approach to rules. You can also see my attitude towards refereeing in my response to the IMFL thread which you sound like you haven't seen yet. When judging situations I try to put myself in the athlete's shoes. The head referees under whom I've been working so far luckily all seemed to share my common sense approach, but the letter of the rulebook is (unfortunately) often not a good guide.

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
I didn't realize until just now who Barry Siff is. When Barry Siff, president of USAT, asks a question, it is a little different than if some random age grouper asks a question.

True but if anything, because it was the president of USAT, it would seem one might consider doing a more thorough job making sure one fully understood the question before an answer.

I see some folks standing up and taking ownership, kudos to them. I see others just trying to pass the buck.

Oh well, time to get back to training to prepare for next seasons racing.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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heartpatient wrote:
Well, I would expect any referee (which now includes myself) to know the rules we are supposed to apply. If my superiors don't provide a framework in which I feel I can do a good job, then I'm annoyed about it. This would no different at work.
Why you would dread runnung into me at a race I don't know. I view athletes almost like customers and want to provide them a good and fair service. Some people here argue that athletes should know all rules (and the rules themselves indeed say that athletes must know all rules), but I'm a lot more understanding of athletes and don't expect them to know all rules. If you've read my other posts then you'll have seen me argue for a common sense approach to rules. You can also see my attitude towards refereeing in my response to the IMFL thread which you sound like you haven't seen yet. When judging situations I try to put myself in the athlete's shoes. The head referees under whom I've been working so far luckily all seemed to share my common sense approach, but the letter of the rulebook is (unfortunately) often not a good guide.

Are you an official for USAT or WTC races? There is a different approach to rule enforcement before these two groups.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I'm actually not blaming either Barry or jimmy, I previously said it was a communications breakdown between 2 guys who are really busy. When you are getting an email from the USAT president, you assume a certain base level of knowledge, such as the difference between swimming together and acting as a domestique. But I'm not casting blame at either of those guys.

That doesn't mean that the rules aren't there and easy to find though.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
I'm actually not blaming either Barry or jimmy, I previously said it was a communications breakdown between 2 guys who are really busy. When you are getting an email from the USAT president, you assume a certain base level of knowledge, such as the difference between swimming together and acting as a domestique. But I'm not casting blame at either of those guys.

That doesn't mean that the rules aren't there and easy to find though.

You are not, but so many are and more than just blaming, they have resorted to some very below the belt attacks, IMO.

Personally, I take the opposite view. Many in management are there not because they know the rules better, or have a better level of knowledge, but they have a great skill to put great folks around them. Know how to ask the right questions. Can Listen well. (Only a few can do this)

Just like a coach maybe. Many are very poor athletes, which is not what most would expect, but boy do some of them know their stuff.

I just hate to see a few always want to get into the mud and always assume when something happens that they wanted to cheat or are a liar or any of the nasty comments some love to make behind their keyboards. But, I guess this is the nature of social media.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I'm an official for Swiss Triathlon. One of my races this year was WTC, but for that race I was at the check-in and on the run course, so not really in situation where any tough judgement calls needed to be made. At Inferno Triathlon I was on the motor bike and had to hand out some penalties for drafting.

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I'm actually not blaming either Barry or jimmy, I previously said it was a communications breakdown between 2 guys who are really busy. When you are getting an email from the USAT president, you assume a certain base level of knowledge, such as the difference between swimming together and acting as a domestique. But I'm not casting blame at either of those guys.

That doesn't mean that the rules aren't there and easy to find though.

You are not, but so many are and more than just blaming, they have resorted to some very below the belt attacks, IMO.

Personally, I take the opposite view. Many in management are there not because they know the rules better, or have a better level of knowledge, but they have a great skill to put great folks around them. Know how to ask the right questions. Can Listen well. (Only a few can do this)

Just like a coach maybe. Many are very poor athletes, which is not what most would expect, but boy do some of them know their stuff.

I just hate to see a few always want to get into the mud and always assume when something happens that they wanted to cheat or are a liar or any of the nasty comments some love to make behind their keyboards. But, I guess this is the nature of social media.

Barry Siff took advantage of his relationship with Jimmy IMO and asked him a vague question. Why would Jimmy think it was in relation to a pro when AT THE PRO MEETING he said if you have any questions, comments, concerns please come find me and talk to me as I will be here. Lionel, Shepley nor Matt did. Shepley asked Siff to ask Jimmy. They did this in a premeditated fashion and I feel should be reprimanded for this. I fail to see how Jimmy should shoulder any blame. seriously. Ask any pro and you would be hard pressed to find a pro who says Jimmy doesn't do a great job and is fair. He is a hall of fame athlete who I feel gives the athletes the benefit of the doubt because he has been there. But he also doesn't let them get away with bullshit and stuff they should know better about. Jimmy came on here to defend himself because after it all came out he realized he was duped and wasn't given an honest question or I can assure he probably would have said hell no those two can't do that. If they are both going at it 100% and trying to win the race then they absolutely can work together on the swim but one can't abandon is desire to win to shepherd someone through. that is MY opinion of what his answer would be not HIS.

Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kman74] [ In reply to ]
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kman74 wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I'm actually not blaming either Barry or jimmy, I previously said it was a communications breakdown between 2 guys who are really busy. When you are getting an email from the USAT president, you assume a certain base level of knowledge, such as the difference between swimming together and acting as a domestique. But I'm not casting blame at either of those guys.

That doesn't mean that the rules aren't there and easy to find though.

You are not, but so many are and more than just blaming, they have resorted to some very below the belt attacks, IMO.

Personally, I take the opposite view. Many in management are there not because they know the rules better, or have a better level of knowledge, but they have a great skill to put great folks around them. Know how to ask the right questions. Can Listen well. (Only a few can do this)

Just like a coach maybe. Many are very poor athletes, which is not what most would expect, but boy do some of them know their stuff.

I just hate to see a few always want to get into the mud and always assume when something happens that they wanted to cheat or are a liar or any of the nasty comments some love to make behind their keyboards. But, I guess this is the nature of social media.

Barry Siff took advantage of his relationship with Jimmy IMO and asked him a vague question. Why would Jimmy think it was in relation to a pro when AT THE PRO MEETING he said if you have any questions, comments, concerns please come find me and talk to me as I will be here. Lionel, Shepley nor Matt did. Shepley asked Siff to ask Jimmy. They did this in a premeditated fashion and I feel should be reprimanded for this. I fail to see how Jimmy should shoulder any blame. seriously. Ask any pro and you would be hard pressed to find a pro who says Jimmy doesn't do a great job and is fair. He is a hall of fame athlete who I feel gives the athletes the benefit of the doubt because he has been there. But he also doesn't let them get away with bullshit and stuff they should know better about. Jimmy came on here to defend himself because after it all came out he realized he was duped and wasn't given an honest question or I can assure he probably would have said hell no those two can't do that. If they are both going at it 100% and trying to win the race then they absolutely can work together on the swim but one can't abandon is desire to win to shepherd someone through. that is MY opinion of what his answer would be not HIS.

I have a value in life that if I am 1% at fault, I am will to take 100% ownership. I just do not like pointing fingers at others.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kman74] [ In reply to ]
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I haven't read the empire thread, but are you all talking about Barry Siff, or Barry Shepley? Shepley is not with USAT as far as I know.

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [mungub50] [ In reply to ]
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mungub50 wrote:
I haven't read the empire thread, but are you all talking about Barry Siff, or Barry Shepley? Shepley is not with USAT as far as I know.

Shepley asked Siff to email Jimmy about drafting in the swim. They both are involved. Siff was the one who was super vague in the email. Shepley is the one who cooked up the entire idea. Shepley is not with the USAT.

Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
kman74 wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I'm actually not blaming either Barry or jimmy, I previously said it was a communications breakdown between 2 guys who are really busy. When you are getting an email from the USAT president, you assume a certain base level of knowledge, such as the difference between swimming together and acting as a domestique. But I'm not casting blame at either of those guys.

That doesn't mean that the rules aren't there and easy to find though.

You are not, but so many are and more than just blaming, they have resorted to some very below the belt attacks, IMO.

Personally, I take the opposite view. Many in management are there not because they know the rules better, or have a better level of knowledge, but they have a great skill to put great folks around them. Know how to ask the right questions. Can Listen well. (Only a few can do this)

Just like a coach maybe. Many are very poor athletes, which is not what most would expect, but boy do some of them know their stuff.

I just hate to see a few always want to get into the mud and always assume when something happens that they wanted to cheat or are a liar or any of the nasty comments some love to make behind their keyboards. But, I guess this is the nature of social media.

Barry Siff took advantage of his relationship with Jimmy IMO and asked him a vague question. Why would Jimmy think it was in relation to a pro when AT THE PRO MEETING he said if you have any questions, comments, concerns please come find me and talk to me as I will be here. Lionel, Shepley nor Matt did. Shepley asked Siff to ask Jimmy. They did this in a premeditated fashion and I feel should be reprimanded for this. I fail to see how Jimmy should shoulder any blame. seriously. Ask any pro and you would be hard pressed to find a pro who says Jimmy doesn't do a great job and is fair. He is a hall of fame athlete who I feel gives the athletes the benefit of the doubt because he has been there. But he also doesn't let them get away with bullshit and stuff they should know better about. Jimmy came on here to defend himself because after it all came out he realized he was duped and wasn't given an honest question or I can assure he probably would have said hell no those two can't do that. If they are both going at it 100% and trying to win the race then they absolutely can work together on the swim but one can't abandon is desire to win to shepherd someone through. that is MY opinion of what his answer would be not HIS.

I have a value in life that if I am 1% at fault, I am will to take 100% ownership. I just do not like pointing fingers at others.

I don't disagree with you on the first point as I am of the same school of thought but as for the bolded if you think Jimmy is pointing fingers at others you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Who's fault is this entire debacle? Jimmy came on to clarify his position and give the facts of what happened.

Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kman74] [ In reply to ]
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kman74 wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
kman74 wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I'm actually not blaming either Barry or jimmy, I previously said it was a communications breakdown between 2 guys who are really busy. When you are getting an email from the USAT president, you assume a certain base level of knowledge, such as the difference between swimming together and acting as a domestique. But I'm not casting blame at either of those guys.

That doesn't mean that the rules aren't there and easy to find though.

You are not, but so many are and more than just blaming, they have resorted to some very below the belt attacks, IMO.

Personally, I take the opposite view. Many in management are there not because they know the rules better, or have a better level of knowledge, but they have a great skill to put great folks around them. Know how to ask the right questions. Can Listen well. (Only a few can do this)

Just like a coach maybe. Many are very poor athletes, which is not what most would expect, but boy do some of them know their stuff.

I just hate to see a few always want to get into the mud and always assume when something happens that they wanted to cheat or are a liar or any of the nasty comments some love to make behind their keyboards. But, I guess this is the nature of social media.

Barry Siff took advantage of his relationship with Jimmy IMO and asked him a vague question. Why would Jimmy think it was in relation to a pro when AT THE PRO MEETING he said if you have any questions, comments, concerns please come find me and talk to me as I will be here. Lionel, Shepley nor Matt did. Shepley asked Siff to ask Jimmy. They did this in a premeditated fashion and I feel should be reprimanded for this. I fail to see how Jimmy should shoulder any blame. seriously. Ask any pro and you would be hard pressed to find a pro who says Jimmy doesn't do a great job and is fair. He is a hall of fame athlete who I feel gives the athletes the benefit of the doubt because he has been there. But he also doesn't let them get away with bullshit and stuff they should know better about. Jimmy came on here to defend himself because after it all came out he realized he was duped and wasn't given an honest question or I can assure he probably would have said hell no those two can't do that. If they are both going at it 100% and trying to win the race then they absolutely can work together on the swim but one can't abandon is desire to win to shepherd someone through. that is MY opinion of what his answer would be not HIS.

I have a value in life that if I am 1% at fault, I am will to take 100% ownership. I just do not like pointing fingers at others.

I don't disagree with you on the first point as I am of the same school of thought but as for the bolded if you think Jimmy is pointing fingers at others you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Who's fault is this entire debacle? Jimmy came on to clarify his position and give the facts of what happened.

Guess I have a serious reading comprehension problem. :)

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Post deleted by Administrator [ In reply to ]
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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As my motivation for this topic is being questioned: I became a referee at the beginning of this season and therefore wanted to familiarize myself with the triathlon rules more thoroughly than I would ever have wanted or needed as an athlete. And this was a somewhat frustrating experience, as triathlon rules are simply a mess, and IM is not the exception. ITU, USAT, other national federations all have rules that would greatly benefit from a major overhaul too. There are rules that are inconsistent, superfluous, ambiguous, non-sensical, over-regulating some details, failing to regulate some other important details, you name it. The situation gets more complicated if two rulebooks cumulatively apply to one race.

Here, here!

Could not have said it better myself.

The whole of the sort of triathlon would be well served by a significant over-haul of the rules and a unification of rules so that no matter where you race and who is administering those rules, they are ALL under one umbrella.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.

Wow. Rappstar for the thread win.

I disagree. This forum is turning to bullshit because insulting someone is now being accepted as a manner of discrediting another person's position (or beliefs).

This reminds me of high school. "Man, you don't know whether I slept with the teacher... you are stupid and everyone knows it..."

Proud Representative of Slowtwitch Anti-Atheists Society.
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [noneoftheabove] [ In reply to ]
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Meh, read the entire thread. H2o was thoroughly discredited. Rapp was just done with reading his idiotic ramblings.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
As my motivation for this topic is being questioned: I became a referee at the beginning of this season and therefore wanted to familiarize myself with the triathlon rules more thoroughly than I would ever have wanted or needed as an athlete. And this was a somewhat frustrating experience, as triathlon rules are simply a mess, and IM is not the exception. ITU, USAT, other national federations all have rules that would greatly benefit from a major overhaul too. There are rules that are inconsistent, superfluous, ambiguous, non-sensical, over-regulating some details, failing to regulate some other important details, you name it. The situation gets more complicated if two rulebooks cumulatively apply to one race.

Here, here!

Could not have said it better myself.

The whole of the sort of triathlon would be well served by a significant over-haul of the rules and a unification of rules so that no matter where you race and who is administering those rules, they are ALL under one umbrella.

Yes, Yes

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [noneoftheabove] [ In reply to ]
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noneoftheabove wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Rappstar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
How do we know the racer did not get up in the morning not feeling well? Or they started to get sea sick? Or got hit hard at the start of the swim.

The same way that everyone on here knows you are an idiot - some things are just obvious.

Wow. Rappstar for the thread win.

I disagree. This forum is turning to bullshit because insulting someone is now being accepted as a manner of discrediting another person's position (or beliefs).

This reminds me of high school. "Man, you don't know whether I slept with the teacher... you are stupid and everyone knows it..."


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
Meh, read the entire thread. H2o was thoroughly discredited. Rapp was just done with reading his idiotic ramblings.

Discredited, discredited from what? Saying folks attacking others is wrong? Saying we should look to see if rules, websites, etc could be improved?
I look to look and move forward, not deal on the past, especially when the ST bullies come out in full force. :)

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
Meh, read the entire thread. H2o was thoroughly discredited. Rapp was just done with reading his idiotic ramblings.

I have read the whole thread, but neither do I agree that H2ofun has been discredited, nor should under any circumstances a thread be won by calling someone an idiot.

Achim Traut
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [kman74] [ In reply to ]
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kman74 wrote:
mungub50 wrote:
I haven't read the empire thread, but are you all talking about Barry Siff, or Barry Shepley? Shepley is not with USAT as far as I know.

Shepley asked Siff to email Jimmy about drafting in the swim. They both are involved. Siff was the one who was super vague in the email. Shepley is the one who cooked up the entire idea. Shepley is not with the USAT.

From Lionel's blog post from yesterday: http://lsanderstri.com/...19/kona-15-the-data/ - Looks like Lionel feels like he was misled, at a minimum:

My advisor reassured me that he had consulted with the head referee of Ironman and that not only did he say it was within the rules of the sport, but that he actually thought it was a good idea! I found out a few days after the race that this conversation actually never happened.

Assuming his advisor was Sheply and not Siff, what it really sounds like was that Barrie thought this was a good idea which revved him up and biased all his thinking, and resulted in him using nuanced words to describe the activity, and not follow up in other ways. It's possible that after the eMail exchange he told Lionel he had a conversation (misleading, although it was an eMail 'conversation' through a 3rd party) with Jimmy and that he 'thought it was a good idea', with no mention that the question he asked was not the qualified 'it' that Lionel though it was.


- I do all my own stunts
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rick in the D] [ In reply to ]
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Rick in the D wrote:
kman74 wrote:
mungub50 wrote:
I haven't read the empire thread, but are you all talking about Barry Siff, or Barry Shepley? Shepley is not with USAT as far as I know.

Shepley asked Siff to email Jimmy about drafting in the swim. They both are involved. Siff was the one who was super vague in the email. Shepley is the one who cooked up the entire idea. Shepley is not with the USAT.

From Lionel's blog post from yesterday: http://lsanderstri.com/...19/kona-15-the-data/ - Looks like Lionel feels like he was misled, at a minimum:

My advisor reassured me that he had consulted with the head referee of Ironman and that not only did he say it was within the rules of the sport, but that he actually thought it was a good idea! I found out a few days after the race that this conversation actually never happened.

Assuming his advisor was Sheply and not Siff, what it really sounds like was that Barrie thought this was a good idea which revved him up and biased all his thinking, and resulted in him using nuanced words to describe the activity, and not follow up in other ways. It's possible that after the eMail exchange he told Lionel he had a conversation (misleading, although it was an eMail 'conversation' through a 3rd party) with Jimmy and that he 'thought it was a good idea', with no mention that the question he asked was not the qualified 'it' that Lionel though it was.

I just wish folks would move on with positives, rather than continue the finger pointing as in the blog
"I told him what happened and how I felt that I had been greatly mislead. He also felt that he had been greatly mislead and manipulated."

But just how I try to deal with issues in my life.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
Rick in the D wrote:
kman74 wrote:
mungub50 wrote:
I haven't read the empire thread, but are you all talking about Barry Siff, or Barry Shepley? Shepley is not with USAT as far as I know.

Shepley asked Siff to email Jimmy about drafting in the swim. They both are involved. Siff was the one who was super vague in the email. Shepley is the one who cooked up the entire idea. Shepley is not with the USAT.

From Lionel's blog post from yesterday: http://lsanderstri.com/...19/kona-15-the-data/ - Looks like Lionel feels like he was misled, at a minimum:

My advisor reassured me that he had consulted with the head referee of Ironman and that not only did he say it was within the rules of the sport, but that he actually thought it was a good idea! I found out a few days after the race that this conversation actually never happened.

Assuming his advisor was Sheply and not Siff, what it really sounds like was that Barrie thought this was a good idea which revved him up and biased all his thinking, and resulted in him using nuanced words to describe the activity, and not follow up in other ways. It's possible that after the eMail exchange he told Lionel he had a conversation (misleading, although it was an eMail 'conversation' through a 3rd party) with Jimmy and that he 'thought it was a good idea', with no mention that the question he asked was not the qualified 'it' that Lionel though it was.

I just wish folks would move on with positives, rather than continue the finger pointing as in the blog
"I told him what happened and how I felt that I had been greatly mislead. He also felt that he had been greatly mislead and manipulated."

But just how I try to deal with issues in my life.

You realize, of course, that youa re doing exactly what you are criticizing others of doing, right?

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I just wish folks would move on with positives, rather than continue the finger pointing as in the blog
"I told him what happened and how I felt that I had been greatly mislead. He also felt that he had been greatly mislead and manipulated."

But just how I try to deal with issues in my life.

God forbid he actually say what he actually thinks in his blog.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
I just wish folks would move on with positives, rather than continue the finger pointing as in the blog
"I told him what happened and how I felt that I had been greatly mislead. He also felt that he had been greatly mislead and manipulated."

But just how I try to deal with issues in my life.

God forbid he actually say what he actually thinks in his blog.

I guess if someone did not read the entire blog, things could be missing.

"I felt absolutely terrible. I immediately found the number for the head referee and gave him a call. I told him what happened and how I felt that I had been greatly mislead. He also felt that he had been greatly mislead and manipulated."

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I read the blog. What's your point?

He's saying what he thinks. I'd much rather hear someone's honest opinion than have them just try to "play nice". Playing nice just ensures that the people who should be accountable, aren't.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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JasoninHalifax wrote:
I read the blog. What's your point?

He's saying what he thinks. I'd much rather hear someone's honest opinion than have them just try to "play nice". Playing nice just ensures that the people who should be accountable, aren't.

Does not look like he is taking much accountability by his post, IMO.

Again, why not put this energy into improvements?

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [heartpatient] [ In reply to ]
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heartpatient wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Meh, read the entire thread. H2o was thoroughly discredited. Rapp was just done with reading his idiotic ramblings.

I have read the whole thread, but neither do I agree that H2ofun has been discredited, nor should under any circumstances a thread be won by calling someone an idiot.

Based on when your profile says you joined, you have not been here long enough to see what a cancer Dave is to this community. The vast majority of reasonable and patient people have come to that conclusion. Of course it is probably best to ignore him so I am not completely disagreeing with your second statement.
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I read the blog. What's your point?

He's saying what he thinks. I'd much rather hear someone's honest opinion than have them just try to "play nice". Playing nice just ensures that the people who should be accountable, aren't.

Does not look like he is taking much accountability by his post, IMO.

Again, why not put this energy into improvements?

What makes you think he isn't? The swim decision was 2 paragraphs out of the entire blog (and he doesn't mention his "advisor" by name). Everything else he is saying was his decision, the bottles, the camelback, not working with a swim coach on a regular basis. He's taking ownership of all that stuff.

looks like the blog post is mostly about deconstructing what he didn't do well, a bit of what he did, and what he can do to make improvements.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I read the blog. What's your point?

He's saying what he thinks. I'd much rather hear someone's honest opinion than have them just try to "play nice". Playing nice just ensures that the people who should be accountable, aren't.

Does not look like he is taking much accountability by his post, IMO.

Again, why not put this energy into improvements?

Why do you assume he is not doing that? The two ideas are not mutually exclusive.

And if you think he is not taking accountability for his actions, I think you need to re-read his blog and his posts here...as well as review his actions post-race (i.e. calling Jimmy and asking to be removed from the results).

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
heartpatient wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Meh, read the entire thread. H2o was thoroughly discredited. Rapp was just done with reading his idiotic ramblings.

I have read the whole thread, but neither do I agree that H2ofun has been discredited, nor should under any circumstances a thread be won by calling someone an idiot.

Based on when your profile says you joined, you have not been here long enough to see what a cancer Dave is to this community. The vast majority of reasonable and patient people have come to that conclusion. Of course it is probably best to ignore him so I am not completely disagreeing with your second statement.


Dave IS an idiot, but he's our idiot. I like him, in spite of, or perhaps because of, all his flaws.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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Someone described him as an eccentric engineer. To some degree I see that and agree (with you).
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Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
heartpatient wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Meh, read the entire thread. H2o was thoroughly discredited. Rapp was just done with reading his idiotic ramblings.

I have read the whole thread, but neither do I agree that H2ofun has been discredited, nor should under any circumstances a thread be won by calling someone an idiot.

Based on when your profile says you joined, you have not been here long enough to see what a cancer Dave is to this community. The vast majority of reasonable and patient people have come to that conclusion. Of course it is probably best to ignore him so I am not completely disagreeing with your second statement.

Low blow based on what I am dealing with but why would anyone care how words can hurt others.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Dave I will pray for you and your family tonight. My mom, brother, and sister all battled cancer. They all survived but it sucks. Good luck.
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't realize that. Cancer sucks.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I didn't realize that. Cancer sucks.

My Mom just passed away from Multiple Myeloma cancer and ALS a few weeks ago. ALS SUCKS! Just finished up the video for my mom with the memorial service,
celebration of life and other video of her and our families life we made from them last Christmas when see what still able to interact with us.

This is why for me after going through this, and seeing I am not that young, so many stupid things we fight about mean NOTHING on a persons death bed,
let alone what is talked about at a memorial service or celebration of life. No one will care I ran Boston. No one will care I went to various worlds.
No one will care I posted on Slowtwitch. :)

But, they will talk about all the family videos I have made. All the crazy trips to Disneyland in one car and staying all together in one hotel room.
When one is young and thought the only thing that matter is me, which I have been there, it will change if one has to live through seeing family members

Oh well, life goes on. :(

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Rappstar wrote:

I've never seen someone who so consistently invests as much energy into caring about why others care as you. Your most consistent refrain is, "I just don't understand why people care about X." Yet, by repeatedly posting that same hook over and over and over, you yourself are demonstrating that you are guilty of the very thing you claim to lament.

Why do YOU care that other people care about X? Why do you feel the need, every time someone posts about something you just don't find of interest, to wade in with, "why do you care what other people do?" Why do YOU care what other people do?

Based off that behavior, I can only conclude that you are a troll, the greatest "meta" comedian since Andy Kaufman, or are simply obtuse.

I'm sorry to have insulted you, but there is a richness to you coming on here and accusing others of simply adding fuel to the fire and not helping move the issue forward towards a positive outcome. That is pretty much the definition of what you do. All. The. Time. You simply add fuel to whatever fire is going on through willful ignorance, strawmen, and general non sequiturs.

I've been on this forum a long time, and I cannot think of a single issue where I thought, "wow, Dave Campbell really had a unique insight. I never considered that. That really helped me think of things in a new/different/better way."

Most of the time, I just choose to ignore it. It doesn't really matter to me that you don't care about professional athletes, that you don't actually care about scientific consensus if you like something, or any of the other typical opinions you choose to weigh in with.

But when there is a topic of actual substance that actually matters to me where you continue to blather on, it offends me. There's no debating with you. There just isn't. If you think there is, I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word "debate," or you've spent too much time watching Fox News.

The rules are clear. The idea that somehow we should just rewrite the rules until every possible hypothetical scenario is covered in them is just absurd.

I don't even know why I'm replying to you. I can answer the question as to why I care, but I can't answer that...

Jordan, i have to say when i initially read your comment if i'd had coffee in my mouth it would have been all over the screen.

and then i felt sad for Dave...


i think Dave is quite honestly very confused as to why no-one can see his POV because it is SO OBVIOUS (and that he is right). and that causes him some frustration. and i think that maybe he isn't the most socially umm.... talented? person around. and that causes further divide. i don't think he is trolling. i think he is literal to a fault. like absolutely, positively literal to the point that he is so tunneled into that light that he is so incredibly focused on, he hears no whistle and no squealing of brakes and can't figure WTH the engineer just had a heart attack about. and then sees something shiny and gets pissed off at the train that almost hit him.

i think he, like all of us, likes to contribute and gets satisfaction from contributing. so he does. and maybe that is what we can take away from this - that not only is he a trying individual, he actually is trying too. so there is some solace that can be taken there?

and unfortunately i have no assvice because i can see his side and i can see your side. well, i mean i can see a reason as to why he posts like he does and i can see your argument on the topic and i have to totally agree with dan - it shouldn't be something (i'm back on the rule now in case you got lost) you should have to define as it should be something you just Know but i can also understand Dave needing to have every single example specified in rules.

oh, sorry about this. i had this and today's thread opened in 1 tabs and got them confused. sorry to bump an old one.


Last edited by: kathy_caribe: Nov 10, 15 16:17
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I didn't realize that. Cancer sucks.

My Mom just passed away from Multiple Myeloma cancer and ALS a few weeks ago. ALS SUCKS! Just finished up the video for my mom with the memorial service,
celebration of life and other video of her and our families life we made from them last Christmas when see what still able to interact with us.

This is why for me after going through this, and seeing I am not that young, so many stupid things we fight about mean NOTHING on a persons death bed,
let alone what is talked about at a memorial service or celebration of life. No one will care I ran Boston. No one will care I went to various worlds.
No one will care I posted on Slowtwitch. :)
But, they will talk about all the family videos I have made. All the crazy trips to Disneyland in one car and staying all together in one hotel room.
When one is young and thought the only thing that matter is me, which I have been there, it will change if one has to live through seeing family members
Oh well, life goes on. :(

Actually, I know a guy who was a USA Worlds Team member many times in his 30s and 40s; he used to come down south every summer on vacation and proceed to win 2 or 3 races, then go back home to Ohio. He won the Kiawah Island Triathlon (oly dist) in 1:57, so he was pretty quick. Anyway, he just keeled over one day of a heart attack at age 50, right after a fairly routine 50-mi bike ride. Acc to his obit, he was buried in his Team USA uniform. Now I don't know what was said at his memorial service but i would *assume* that triathlon was discussed to some extent. AFAIK, this guy did not post on ST but obv he cared a lot about triathlon, enough to the point of being buried in his team kit. Say what you will but it would appear that triathlon was fairly central to his life.

So, i would counter that life is not all about "crazy trips to Disney World". In fact, i would say stuff like that is at the very bottom of my list of "important things to do in life".

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ericmulk wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I didn't realize that. Cancer sucks.

My Mom just passed away from Multiple Myeloma cancer and ALS a few weeks ago. ALS SUCKS! Just finished up the video for my mom with the memorial service,
celebration of life and other video of her and our families life we made from them last Christmas when see what still able to interact with us.

This is why for me after going through this, and seeing I am not that young, so many stupid things we fight about mean NOTHING on a persons death bed,
let alone what is talked about at a memorial service or celebration of life. No one will care I ran Boston. No one will care I went to various worlds.
No one will care I posted on Slowtwitch. :)
But, they will talk about all the family videos I have made. All the crazy trips to Disneyland in one car and staying all together in one hotel room.
When one is young and thought the only thing that matter is me, which I have been there, it will change if one has to live through seeing family members
Oh well, life goes on. :(

Actually, I know a guy who was a USA Worlds Team member many times in his 30s and 40s; he used to come down south every summer on vacation and proceed to win 2 or 3 races, then go back home to Ohio. He won the Kiawah Island Triathlon (oly dist) in 1:57, so he was pretty quick. Anyway, he just keeled over one day of a heart attack at age 50, right after a fairly routine 50-mi bike ride. Acc to his obit, he was buried in his Team USA uniform. Now I don't know what was said at his memorial service but i would *assume* that triathlon was discussed to some extent. AFAIK, this guy did not post on ST but obv he cared a lot about triathlon, enough to the point of being buried in his team kit. Say what you will but it would appear that triathlon was fairly central to his life.

So, i would counter that life is not all about "crazy trips to Disney World". In fact, i would say stuff like that is at the very bottom of my list of "important things to do in life".

Yep, luckily we all like to do different stuff.

This sport is still a hobby to me, and always will be.

Go look at my last 3 run races on Athlinks. I was I believe the dead last person in each race.

Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
Quote Reply
Re: Charbot Swim Domestique for Sanders [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
h2ofun wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
JasoninHalifax wrote:
I didn't realize that. Cancer sucks.

My Mom just passed away from Multiple Myeloma cancer and ALS a few weeks ago. ALS SUCKS! Just finished up the video for my mom with the memorial service,
celebration of life and other video of her and our families life we made from them last Christmas when see what still able to interact with us.

This is why for me after going through this, and seeing I am not that young, so many stupid things we fight about mean NOTHING on a persons death bed,
let alone what is talked about at a memorial service or celebration of life. No one will care I ran Boston. No one will care I went to various worlds.
No one will care I posted on Slowtwitch. :)
But, they will talk about all the family videos I have made. All the crazy trips to Disneyland in one car and staying all together in one hotel room.
When one is young and thought the only thing that matter is me, which I have been there, it will change if one has to live through seeing family members
Oh well, life goes on. :(

Actually, I know a guy who was a USA Worlds Team member many times in his 30s and 40s; he used to come down south every summer on vacation and proceed to win 2 or 3 races, then go back home to Ohio. He won the Kiawah Island Triathlon (oly dist) in 1:57, so he was pretty quick. Anyway, he just keeled over one day of a heart attack at age 50, right after a fairly routine 50-mi bike ride. Acc to his obit, he was buried in his Team USA uniform. Now I don't know what was said at his memorial service but i would *assume* that triathlon was discussed to some extent. AFAIK, this guy did not post on ST but obv he cared a lot about triathlon, enough to the point of being buried in his team kit. Say what you will but it would appear that triathlon was fairly central to his life.

So, i would counter that life is not all about "crazy trips to Disney World". In fact, i would say stuff like that is at the very bottom of my list of "important things to do in life".

Yep, luckily we all like to do different stuff.

This sport is still a hobby to me, and always will be.

Go look at my last 3 run races on Athlinks. I was I believe the dead last person in each race.

Well, that's prob just b/c you've been injured and busy with your Mom's passing, etc. I'm sure you'll get back to your 38:XX tri run splits soon:)

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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