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Bombs in London
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Check the news. Insane.
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Re: Bombs in London [Kanipupski] [ In reply to ]
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It's the French. Paris City Council.
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Re: Bombs in London [Zinc] [ In reply to ]
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our capitals under attack from al q most likely and scores dead injuredand you make a joke.

well done - your mom must be proud
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Re: Bombs in London , Here we go again . [ In reply to ]
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Thursday, 7th July 2005
Many feared dead in London blasts

HORROR: Injured commuters head for safetyA SERIES of terrorist blasts ripped through central London today leaving scores of casualties.

Eye-witnesses reported seeing bodies piled in the wreckage of damaged Tube trains.

A double decker bus packed with people forced off the underground when the network was shut down was ripped apart by a massive blast.

Eyewitnesses said there were many fatalities.

The onslaught came as world leaders including Tony Blair and US President Bush were meeting in Scotland for the G8 summit.

As the scale of the attack became clear ministers attending the regular Thursday cabinet meeting convened an emergency Cobra committee to deal with the crisis.

The terror attacks began with a series of co-ordinated blasts on the Tube network.

Emergency services rushed to rescue trapped passengers.

At Liverpool Street Station in the City, the wounded were treated by medics as they lay on the concourse.

The Hilton Metropole on the Edgware Road was used as a makeshift treatment centre.


There were unconfirmed reports that several people had died on the bus in the Russell Square area.

There were reports that more than one bus had blown up, but Scotland Yard said it was only dealing with one bus explosion.

Mainline stations were closed and Tube and bus services were cancelled across the city.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair said there had been at least six explosions, but said the picture was still "very confused".

There was no official death toll but survivors of blasts at Edgware Road station and between Aldgate and Liverpool Street reported seeing piles of bodies.

Police at the scene of the bus blast also said several people had died.

The Prime Minister was preparing to make a live televised statement on the explosions, Downing Street said

The blasts were initially blamed on a power surge but it soon became clear that it was a co-ordinated terrorist attack on the capital.

The G8 gathering had prompted fears of a terrorist spectacular.

The scale of the explosions and the disruption it has caused the capital's transport network is bound to provoke comparisons with the al Qaida attacks on the Madrid railway network.

Home Secretary Charles Clarke said there have been "terrible injuries" from a "number of dreadful incidents" across London.


He said: "As far as the police are concerned, they are in operational command and dealing with the situation in accordance with very well-established procedures in an extremely professional way.

"Health services are in support to deal with the terrible injuries that there have been and I want to express sympathy on behalf of the Government to the family and friends of those who have been injured.

"Underground services have been suspended and we advise people not to make unnecessary journeys in London at this stage in order to help the police and other emergency services deal with the current situation."

He said he would update the House of Commons later today and added: "Throughout all of this and the terrible situation that there is we will be updating the public very directly at regular intervals with the most up to date information that we have."

Sarah Reid, 23, a student doing work experience, was on the carriage next door to the one which was struck by the explosion.


Speaking after the ordeal, having been led out down the track, near Liverpool Street station, she told how she saw a carriage ripped apart with the roof blown off.

"I think some people may have died," she said.

The blast had pulled some people's clothes off.

She added: "I was on the train and there was a fire outside the carriage window and then there was a sudden jolt which shook us forward.

"The explosion was behind me.

"Some people took charge. We went out of the back of the carriage."

She said the explosion happened at 8.50am but she was not able to get off the carriage until 9.30am.

All London hospitals were put on major incident alert after today's explosions.
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Re: Bombs in London [Zinc] [ In reply to ]
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This is a sad post :

Zinc wrote :"It's the French. Paris City Council."


Fuck a duck and try to fly
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Re: Bombs in London [sjd] [ In reply to ]
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ok, let's just get focused and not lash out at each other. give Zinc the benefit of the doubt, he might not have seen the actually news yet. besides, we've got a tragedy on our hands...let's focus on the people that have been injured and traumatized.

those poor people, they were just going to work! this is beyond horrible, news. can you imagine??? what a world we live in.
Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 5:00
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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those poor people, they were just going to work! this is beyond horrible, news. can you imagine??? what a world we live in.
kitty--yes, this is awful. Absolutely. But your reaction makes it sound like you are immune to the fact that this, and worse, happens everyday around the world. Is it because you identify more closely with the British as being "like me"?
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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I agree... at least one car bomb explodes in Bagdad EVERYDAY... I forgot, the people that die EVERYDAY don't speak english...

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [Kanipupski] [ In reply to ]
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Latest news out here suggests that it has been carried out by the same group that orchestrated the Madrid train bombings. This of course is as yet unconfirmed, although an AL Q site claims responsibility (along with other groups).

Who ever is responsible it is a tragedy, as is the lost of any lives. Terrorism rears it's ugly head once again on the British mainland, seemingly Al Q taking over where PIRA left off.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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Really dude how do you know how she feels globaly? This is a very horrorible thing and it made her think a certian way. Can't we focus on what has happened and not judge people for at least 10 minutes?

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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monk, if you can say that me expressing thoughts over this tragedy leads into some other kind of bullshit that you're talking about, then i don't know what to say to you. i won't entertain it.
Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 5:34
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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Let's play nice on this, kids.

Monk, I get your point that we tend to "cry horror" when events like this occur anywhere other than the Middle East, Africa, etc. - where they routinely happen. We tend to see ourselves as somehow more civilized and "above the fray." That's clearly wrong and narrowminded.

But now's not the time. This is a terrible occurence, and right or wrong, it does hit "closer to home" for many of us here in the US. Point is, there is a distinction between terroristic events that occur within the borders of a country enmeshed in war and events such as these which occur in countries loosley involved in such conflicts.

Dan DeMaio
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you must keep moving.
- Albert Einstein
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Paulo, that's an asshole response.

Nashville, TN
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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Monk - that's a very astute post, we do see things as more horrific as things hit "closer to home", kind of like here in the US, people don't seem to get to fired up about things until they hit the suburbs.

People I've loved, I have no regrets
Some I remember, some I forget
Some of them living, some of them dead
All I want is to be home ".....Foo Fighters, Home

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Re: Bombs in London [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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You're right, what an assholish thing to express publicly a truly global view of the world.

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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sorry Cathy but Paulo is plain right.
Yes, it's terrible to have bombs in the metro in london but as Paulo said, there are countries where this happens everyday and these countries don't even get mentionned on the news...
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Happens every day in Israel. Has been happening there for many years.
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Re: Bombs in London [FooFighterFan] [ In reply to ]
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It wasn't Monk's point that was wrong it was the giant leap he took to include kittycat personally.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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what was the only country to support the U.S. war on Iraq. big surprise this is then eh

sorry but I don't have time or energy to get emotional about this stuff.

the great and powerful play their games and the little guy pays their price. what the f____ else is new.


"the trouble with normal is - it always gets worse"

- Cockburn
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Re: Bombs in London [miater] [ In reply to ]
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a bit early to draw conclusions...could be G8 related.
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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I fear turning on the TV in the morning these days,and todays horrible event leaves me numb.

The worse part is I just don't see an end to all this.

Do you guys think that this is just how a society evolves when it hits critical mass?

The fact that hatred permeates above all else.


Seeing him in deep torment, I said. " You can have my last GU , but its been down my pants for most of the run". - John Hirsch

Take care of your body, its by far the coolest thing you're going to ever own.- Can't remember who told me this, but I love it.
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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it happens everyday all over the world. people are terrorized, murdered, raped, kidnapped, etc. the world is a sick place, always has been and always will be. humans have been grotesque to each other since the beginning of time...there is nothing new under the sun.

this doesn't mean that because someone expresses compassion, remorse for the situation, and horror at the sheer awfullness of the act, they don't realize that world is f'ed up, that violence is an everyday thing, and compassion is only for those of "their own kind" or language/heritage.

it is also true that most people all over the world are starving, sick, uncomfortable, and we are all quite wealthy in comparison. yet when we talk about zipp wheels, what food to eat when, what car/bike to buy, no one mentions this.

funny, when i spoke of how horrible this act was, a few people had the gall to respond as if I (or Americans) were an idiot and ignorant of the ways of violence in the world, as if I feel mostly towards those who have suffered in London only because they speak english, and I have disregard for all others. This is absurd, and another example of grotesque human behavior.
Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 7:08
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Which is exactly why this is a successful terrorist attack, regardless of who the "terrorists" are. Such is the dichotomy of terrorism: We are plainly, and rightly outraged at the action, yet this is precisely the reaction that lends success to the terrorists.

Frankly, this was a bit of masterful timing by whoever is responsible...the eyes of the world are on that part of the world with the G8 summit and even the news of London's Olympic selection yesterday... If, indeed, it turns out to be Al Qaeda, as is already being proposed, we had better start questioning our ability to bomb, kill and capture the group out of effectiveness...

Truly sad for those involved, and, indeed UK as a whole...
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Re: Bombs in London [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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"Paulo, that's an asshole response. "

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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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actually, I just read in Le Monde that the attack was claimed by an unknown group which is part of Al Qaeda.
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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well done Ms. KC....

Dan DeMaio
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you must keep moving.
- Albert Einstein
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Re: Bombs in London [tryemdad] [ In reply to ]
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I don't mean to distract from ANYTHING that is being said about this terrible day in London. I do wonder how Churchill would handle this situation. What kind of statements he would make and what kind of action he would engage. Not that it matters - Churchills time has come and gone. But as a minor history buff it does make me stop and think.
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Re: Bombs in London [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Tony Blair is clearly not W. Churchill...
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Re: Bombs in London [tryemdad] [ In reply to ]
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The amazing thing is that the G8 was actually trying to do something about poverty in Africa and they get smoked? Just not sure what people think sometimes, if at all. Sad.

infinIT Nutrition
Custom Blended Nutrition Solutions

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Re: Bombs in London [Kanipupski] [ In reply to ]
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The indomitable spirit of the British people will see them through this as it saw them through the dark days of WWII and the inexcusable and inhumane terrorism of the IRA. Stiff upper lip, chaps.
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Re: Bombs in London , Here we go again . [Helitech] [ In reply to ]
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Terrorist attacks are becoming like a fad amongst these extremist factions and worse still morally supported by a large majority of the moderates even though they often kill their own kind. Logic has no place in religion. Simplicity in this faction dictates either you are a brother or you are not, your deeds good or bad murderess or charitable has no bearing.

If I had the power of mass influence I would gather all infedels, non believers and members of the ignorant masses together to irradicate the problem once and for all. They drew first blood, I reckon the Israelis got the right no quarter given idea. You do a dirty sneak bomb on my civillians I'll blow your town to smithereens. Don't blame me for deaths of your women and kids cuz you were the ones who are more to blame by starting it. And those kids more than likely gonna grow up becoming terrorists anyway. Want to be treated humanely it's real simple, quit with the terrorist thing. That's why as such a tiny nation Israel can survive even though surrounded by so many larger hostiles.

Unfortunately in the real world we got all this talk the talk, the USA has it's hands often restrained because of it's need to project the nice guy image to it's citizens and the rest of the world. Iin the meantime whose restraining these muthhas picking out their civillian targets at liesure?
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Re: Bombs in London [infinIT 1] [ In reply to ]
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can't rationalized any of these actions
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Re: Bombs in London [infinIT 1] [ In reply to ]
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They terrorists don't want things to improve for the people of Aferica. Besides I don't think the Africa situation had a single thing to do for their motivation to bomb and create chaos for the innocent people of London. Besides, I didn't think Africa was on the G8 agenda?
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Re: Bombs in London [infinIT 1] [ In reply to ]
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Never underestimate the power of divisiveness and predjudice.
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah Monk,

In many of those places you refering to their own assholes are doing it to their own people. Bring it to our people and cities, say what you will none of what you say justifies not taking revenge in the worse way and preventing the same assholes ever doing it again.

Yup and last year's train bombing was Spain wasn't it? Where next? Yeah these Jihad asses can take their pick right? I for one know this is not the world I find acceptable.
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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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"...this is a successful terrorist attack..."

in the eyes of whom pray tell? and what kind of success?

accepting you are hopefully offering a "devil's advocate" post:

i honestly cannot imagine anyone of sane mind and sound human values and principles who would think killing and maiming points to any success other than clearly demonstrating one's inability to be a reasonable and likeable human being.

Train hard...race well.
"Jim, I happen to agree with you" DougStern
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, for once i agree w/ mr. sac.

the savagery in london, while very, very nasty, still pales in comparsion to the scale of the killing and dismembering (by both sides) in iraq.

but, sac, why don't you take a truly 'global' view when you communicate with people individually? like on this forum?

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Bombs in London [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
They terrorists don't want things to improve for the people of Aferica. Besides I don't think the Africa situation had a single thing to do for their motivation to bomb and create chaos for the innocent people of London. Besides, I didn't think Africa was on the G8 agenda?
Forgivness of debt, creation of economic opportunities and treatment of Aids was high on the list of priorities for the G8.

infinIT Nutrition
Custom Blended Nutrition Solutions

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Re: Bombs in London [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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yeah Cathy I'm with Francois and SAC on this one... this country (US) is still incredibly racist although at a more subvert level... no longer overt. one way this is expressed is the ho-hum manner with which we take in the daily news from Baghdad. We are aghast that are troops are dying, 1,2,3 maybe more a day. But not a single news group even bothers to try and total the number of Iraqi deaths and how most attacks are Iraqi on Iraqi... why... because they know their audience doesnt care.... sick just plain sick

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Re: Bombs in London [infinIT 1] [ In reply to ]
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But aren't they always?
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Re: Bombs in London [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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You agreeing with me on this is just the beginning. Welcome to the SAC side of the force :-)

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [aus_tri] [ In reply to ]
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But not a single news group even bothers to try and total the number of Iraqi deaths and how most attacks are Iraqi on Iraqi... why... because they know their audience doesnt care.... sick just plain sick

This is fucking bullshit...do you actually watch the news? Both Fox and CNN generally give as much coverage to each attack on the Iraqis as it does to US troops. And if we didn't care about the Iraqis, then why are Americans still giving their lives over their???? We obviously care a very great deal. Go stuff yourself.


Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Bombs in London [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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Oh, you're "The artist formerly known as Greg/ORD"!!! I take that back, LOL.... ;-)

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Actually, I'm always amazed there aren't more terroist attacks in Europe, especially with all the public transportation and masses of people. I was amazed when I took a train from Rotterdam to Paris, there must have been several hundred people on board, but there want' one iota of security, we could have brought bags of bombs onto that train enough to blow trough the train and station (thousands).

These attacks will never stop, like it or not we've entrenched ourselves in a lifelong war with Islamic extremists.

People I've loved, I have no regrets
Some I remember, some I forget
Some of them living, some of them dead
All I want is to be home ".....Foo Fighters, Home

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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]sorry Cathy but Paulo is plain right.
Yes, it's terrible to have bombs in the metro in london but as Paulo said, there are countries where this happens everyday and these countries don't even get mentionned on the news...[/reply]

Well, when something happens every day, it isn't really news. If that were not true, the "news" you watch on tv or read about would be filled with all of these occurrances and you could never get through it all.
A bomb going off in England is news for the Western World. Doesn't happen every day around these parts and therefore will get reported on.
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UK GEAR MUNCHER?!? [ In reply to ]
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Where is UK Gear Muncher this morning? Let's just get all the ST London peeps accounted for please!!
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Well I should have known that this would have spiraled into a pissing match already here on ST. I understand what you are saying but I would draw a distinction. First, the reaction is no different then if something happens to your family vs. the same thing happening to countless others. People die everyday of all kinds of things but it is a bit more painful if it is your family. (Would all those people be wearing yellow bands if not for Lance? What about the thousands of others who suffer every day?)

Second, the last time I checked no one from England or Spain jumped on a bus with NOTHING but civilians with the sole intent to kill and mame. The next time a little girl gets kidnapped and raped I guess my reaction should be, well it happens all the time what is the big deal?

Sometimes you need to focus on home more than the globe.

Regardless, to all of you who live across the pond, I for one extend my wishes and prayers to you.
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Re: Bombs in London [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
But aren't they always?
I did not say that theye were going to get anything done... ;)

infinIT Nutrition
Custom Blended Nutrition Solutions

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Re: Bombs in London [5280] [ In reply to ]
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"the last time I checked no one from England or Spain jumped on a bus with NOTHING but civilians with the sole intent to kill and mame."

So what you're saying basically is that as long as "they" kill themselves and not "us", it's ok?

I don't think you're saying that, but it sure looks like it, and since you read a lot into what I posted, can I too?....

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks (most of you) for the kind words from "over the pond"

Currently 45 dead and near a thousand injured, thankfully nowhere near 9/11 but not good all the same.
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Re: Bombs in London [Jim Mishler] [ In reply to ]
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No, this was NOT offered in a devil's advocate manner. My observations are clinical in nature, and come from someone well versed in terrorism, anti-terrorism, and counter-terrorism. The success of the attack has NOTHING to do with my concurrence with their ideology or tactics. In fact I abhore them right alongside you and the others posting here. But that does NOT diminish the fact that these attacks have captured, and are currently monopolizing the world's media, and will garner attention for whatever group proving to be responsible. If it turns out to be Al Qaeda or an affiliate group, it is a large stick in the eye to us, who claim to be putting them out of business. Acts like this will continue to embolden both new and old converts to their cause. That is not sympathy or empathy to them or their ideas. That is just cold, hard, fact.

"I honestly cannot imagine anyone of sane mind and sound human values and principles who would think killing and maiming points to any success other than clearly demonstrating one's inability to be a reasonable and likeable human being."

If we want success against these folks, we'd better START IMAGINING...its not pretty, its certainly not comfortable...but we'd better start... And DON'T mistake this as me thinking we need to accept their actions in any way, shape or form...we don't need to get touchy-feely here...
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Re: Bombs in London [FooFighterFan] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
These attacks will never stop, like it or not we've entrenched ourselves in a lifelong war with Islamic extremists.
Agreed except "we" ( the western world in general) did not pick this fight, it was brought to us.

I'm just a 10 cent rider on a $2,500.00 Bike

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Re: Bombs in London [sjd] [ In reply to ]
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wow. I count two posts worrying about STers in London, more than twenty bashing each other about what we should be thinking/saying/feeling. c'mon, guys...let's leave that to the TV anchors and the pundits. keep your eye on the road, not the shit in the ditch.

glad to hear you're all right, sjd. anyone hear from UK gear muncher or jk_allen yet? and we have some other brits on here too, but names elude me at the moment. sigh...a heavy way to start the day.

"At every endurance event, there comes a time when you'll say, 'What the fuck am I doing here?' And then you'll say, 'This is what I do.'"
--John Spas
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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No, SAC my point is that I agree that there are truly horrible things that happen every day in places all over the world including Iraq, Afghanistan, most of Africa and on and on. I think everyone feels for those people who are stuck in those situations but eventually the sheer weight of the death and destruction makes it impossible to react to each event.

This attack was carried out in a place that is not a war zone by people who had a single intent which was to attack and kill civilians. This is not about us vs them in the sense you make it. It is a case of people who think this sort of attack is evil vs. those who believe it is acceptable and that they will be rewarded for such savegery.

Anyway, I just don't think that reacting to todays news means you don't care about the other tragedies occuring daily and although I live over here I feel attacked as well.
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Re: Bombs in London [5280] [ In reply to ]
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Well, Iraq, while under a terrible dictatorship, wasn't a war zone either before the "allied" invasion. In fact, it was a country where islamic fundamentalism was under control. And a country that didn't serve as a base for terrorists. Not anymore.

15 years ago it was more likely a terror attack in London, Paris or Madrid than in Bagdad... funny isn't it....? or maybe not...

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
it is also true that most people all over the world are starving, sick, uncomfortable, and we are all quite wealthy in comparison. yet when we talk about zipp wheels, what food to eat when, what car/bike to buy, no one mentions this.

funny, when i spoke of how horrible this act was, a few people had the gall to respond as if I (or Americans) were an idiot and ignorant of the ways of violence in the world, as if I feel mostly towards those who have suffered in London only because they speak english, and I have disregard for all others. This is absurd, and another example of grotesque human behavior.
I am I am new to the ST forum, so I mostly just read and learn. But this time I had to speak up. I am a student of Public Health. I study how to help those that are suffering, sick and uncomfortable. I am very well aware of ALL of the levels of human suffering but that does not make what happened in London any less shocking. It is all a matter of perspective and reality. What is my reality is not yours; your reality is not mine. So when something like this happens so close to home, or to something that I can identify with, one tends to stand up and take notice. I think that very few Americans are NOT aware of the bombings that happen everyday in other places because we have so many people constantly reminding us of this fact. This is also not to portray myself as naive to the US's involvement and support of many of these conflicts, and I am certainly not supporting our current Administration's global policies, but just as no one person is perfect, nor is any one country. If another country can do it better, then be our guests - and also bring your bank account....


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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While I generally agree that citizens of the US aren't terribly well versed in what goes on outside their own backyard, I would hardly say anyone else is THAT much more well versed than they are. Especially when it comes to foreign diplomacy.
One thing I know Americans care for are their friends and I know that the Americans are wishing everyone over in Britain a speedy recovery.
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I guess it depends on how you define a war zone. I would say Iraq was a far cry from being anything like Spain or England and while there may not have been the type of violence there is now it was certainly not a peaceful nation. Setting aside the discussion of Iraq, my point is still that we (nor do the British or Spanish) load people with bombs and send them into civilian centers with the intent to kill and mame.

Interesting point, your right 15 years ago it would have been much more likely in England and I would say sad more than funny.
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Re: UK GEAR MUNCHER?!? [Kestrelkerri] [ In reply to ]
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I would hope he has more important things to do than post to a meaningless internet forum.
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Re: UK GEAR MUNCHER?!? [Kestrelkerri] [ In reply to ]
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He's Bournemouth based as am I, 90 miles away. Safe and sound, thanks for asking though, Kerri.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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I understand your point but I think the "success" of the attack will be short lived.

I believe the response of the British populace will be similar to that of America after 9/11. Rather than Britain pulling out of Iraq I believe you will see a greater involvement and resolve to bring the cowards of this attack to justice.

I disagree that this is a "stick in our eye." Know one believes that terrorism will ever be eliminated from the earth. What we can do by mounting an offensive attack is to keep them off their game and responding to us rather than us responding to them. Unfortunately for us it only takes 1 or 2 terrorists to perpetrate a despicable act.
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Re: UK GEAR MUNCHER?!? [Barrio] [ In reply to ]
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Knowing Bryce's workload, I doubt it.

Latest news is that there are over 33 fatalities confirmed, with over 350 injured. This toll makes it the largest terrorist attack to ever hit the British mainland.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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i'm a firm believer in:

"...say anything you want to about me, just say something about me..."

that said however, i do not seek deragatory reviews.

anyone who seeks attention by killing and maiming has no success to claim and only deserves pity. there is no victory in being diseased. that way of thinking is not successful. i cannot imagine acknowledging it as such. obtaining attention which is negative and speaks to the inhumanity of the perp is simply not successful attention.

that's not a trained counter terrorist thought...just human thought.

Train hard...race well.
"Jim, I happen to agree with you" DougStern
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Re: UK GEAR MUNCHER?!? [jk_allen13] [ In reply to ]
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My condolonces. I love London and Londoners and this is a sad blow. I have no doubt they will recover and be more determined than ever before to defend their way of life.
Last edited by: tootall: Jul 7, 05 8:23
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Re: UK GEAR MUNCHER?!? [tootall] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you for your kind wishes, the English are a very resilient race. It will bring us together and unite at a very difficult, just like the much vaulted "Blitz spirit" different generation, same grit running through.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: UK GEAR MUNCHER?!? [jk_allen13] [ In reply to ]
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I think there is a little bit of Churchill in all Brits. Hang tough.
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Happens every day in Israel. Has been happening there for many years.
Actually, this rarely happens in Israel anymore because the wall has been a success.
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Re: Bombs in London [infinIT 1] [ In reply to ]
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The amazing thing is that the G8 was actually trying to do something about poverty in Africa and they get smoked? Just not sure what people think sometimes, if at all. Sad.
President Bush was making a point about the difference between all of us in the original G7 countries, along with most people in most of Europe, and the terrorists that did this attack. One of the major items on the G8 agenda was developing policies to help others less fortunate than we are in Africa. Obviously, there is a lot of disagreement on how to achieve that end, but most people in the original G7 countries and Europe do share the same goal of helping others. The terrorists, however, have the goal of killing and maiming innocent people. That is a significant difference, and it does show why we are fighting back in this war on terror.
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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ok, let's just get focused and not lash out at each other. give Zinc the benefit of the doubt, he might not have seen the actually news yet. besides, we've got a tragedy on our hands...let's focus on the people that have been injured and traumatized.

those poor people, they were just going to work! this is beyond horrible, news. can you imagine??? what a world we live in.

Thanks, when I posted that the last thing I had heard was talking to a friend in London and she mentioned that she had heard a loud bang and there was something on the radio about power surges on the subway.

For any of you who live in a big city it's fairly standard to have things go wrong on the subway (like in Boston a few years ago when the station suddenly filled with smoke and a worker calmly walked past me with a fire extinguisher and performed the apparently routine measure of putting out a fire underneath the train I was about to board.)
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Re: Bombs in London [Barrio] [ In reply to ]
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I seriously doubt it...first the Brits never wanted to go to Iraq in the first place...Tony Blair being pretty much the only guy in the whole UK who wanted to go...check the polls when Blair said 'ok, let's go'...
I don't think this has changed much since then and the answer of the Brits will likely be to get the soldiers out of Iraq...
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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I'll bet you a pound to a penny that the troops don't leave until the job is done, that's not how we operate. As for the Brits never wanting to be there in the first place, it wasn't Blair but Thatcher that lead us there. And we wanted to finsh the job in the first place, not pull out and leave Saddam (alive) in power with a slapped wrist told to behave as the world was watching him.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I seriously doubt it...first the Brits never wanted to go to Iraq in the first place...Tony Blair being pretty much the only guy in the whole UK who wanted to go...check the polls when Blair said 'ok, let's go'...
I don't think this has changed much since then and the answer of the Brits will likely be to get the soldiers out of Iraq...
Not every country surrenders to evil.
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Re: Bombs in London [jk_allen13] [ In reply to ]
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I am fairly sure I recall polls around 90% of the brits against going to Iraq with Bush....
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Re: Bombs in London [CTL] [ In reply to ]
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blah blah blah....
whenever you guys realize that going to war the traditional way against terrorists doesn't work...
whenever you guys realize that that guerilla that started in Iraq is a lose-lose situation...
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Re: Bombs in London , Here we go again . [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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If I had the power of mass influence I would gather all infedels, non believers and members of the ignorant masses together to irradicate the problem once and for all.
Pot calling the kettle black...
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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That would have been the second instance ( can't recall what "Desert....." the operation was called) the first was in the 90's when Thatcher sent the troops can't recall who was President then. You know as well as I (probably better as a maths prof) that statistics can prove anything. How large was the cross section, was it timed directly after the first British troops were killed (I believe it was), if that was a true reflection of public opinion do you think Blair would have left the troops there when he was seeking re-election?

I think not.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Post deleted by Casey [ In reply to ]
Re: Bombs in London [spot] [ In reply to ]
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easy now, no antagonism here... check this post out (see below). What i meant about lack of coverage is that it is fluff coverage and no one watches... did you see how soooooo many people were glued to the TV's this morning or to radios or hell even to this forum when the bombings happened.... but interesting... we dont do this for every daily bombing in Iraq.

Markus Mucus

Jul 7, 2005, 7:10 AM

Post #45 of 78 (321 views)
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [In reply to] Quote | Reply
In Reply To:
sorry Cathy but Paulo is plain right.
Yes, it's terrible to have bombs in the metro in london but as Paulo said, there are countries where this happens everyday and these countries don't even get mentionned on the news...

Well, when something happens every day, it isn't really news. If that were not true, the "news" you watch on tv or read about would be filled with all of these occurrances and you could never get through it all.
A bomb going off in England is news for the Western World. Doesn't happen every day around these parts and therefore will get reported on.

36 kona qualifiers 2006-'23 - 3 Kona Podiums - 4 OA IM AG wins - 5 IM AG wins - 18 70.3 AG wins
I ka nana no a 'ike -- by observing, one learns | Kulia i ka nu'u -- strive for excellence
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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And your strategy for success is what? Invite OBL to go for a train ride to the Forest de Compiègne?
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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I am marrying a brit next month and we are an odd couple. I am an American libertarian and she is a British/european(Born in london but raised mostly in Europe as her father was a UK ambassador) liberal, at least she was until today. This morning she actually said if she had the chance she would want to castrate the bastards and make them swallow their own balls.

The only way a bully/coward backs down is if you stand up to them.

"Those that cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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It sure doesnt take long for the US haters to stand up and make there selfs known on this forum, Hate me if it makes you feel better,just because the US news doesnt show enough footage you should line up all Americans and shoot us? Do i care about the people in countries where car bombs go off everyday? Yes,,I do not care where they are from,but beating up on Americans (average Joe) is not going to change what our leaders do,yes we can vote,but still things change slowly.
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Re: Bombs in London [jk_allen13] [ In reply to ]
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The British people are a little more worldly wise than the average American and for the most part they know that the war in Iraq has absolutely nothing to do with the "war on terror" or Al Qaeda. The same can be said for the people of Spain.

There will be a lot of pressure on Blair now to remove British troops from Iraq and focusing the British military on fighting Al Qaeda.

Of course the peanut gallery here in the US will accuse them of cowardice or running away if they do so. The world is getting tired of fighting Bush's war and listening to his nonsense about spreading freedom.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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Just a wild thought.

Does anyone think this may be G8 related and these acts were perpetrated by economic/environmental extremists? I tend to think not. More than likely Al Qaeda(or Al Qaeda related) but has anyone else had similar thoughts/suspicions?
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Re: Bombs in London [aus_tri] [ In reply to ]
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aus-tri, you say, -

"But not a single news group even bothers to try and total the number of Iraqi deaths and how most attacks are Iraqi on Iraqi... why... because they know their audience doesnt care.... sick just plain sick "

and Spot responds -

"This is fucking bullshit...do you actually watch the news? Both Fox and CNN generally give as much coverage to each attack on the Iraqis as it does to US troops. And if we didn't care about the Iraqis, then why are Americans still giving their lives over their???? We obviously care a very great deal. Go stuff yourself."

I fully agree with Spot. If you're talking about Iraq it ain't the US Forces that are making deliberate attacks on the citizens there. If you're ever unlucky enough to get a loved one bombed for nothing you may just change your tune. In the meantime just mind your manners to the ones who have been victimized and don't turn it into some stupid politico comment as if you can see the big pic better than others. What do you want to do? Take sides with them fanatic assholes? Just like that idiot American kid caught fighting for the Taliban in Afghanistan? aus-tri are you really an Aussie or a Muslim supporting terrorist actions? Cuz if you're OZy I can't believe the crap you're dishing out after the Bali incident.

Cut n paste my previous post -

In many of those places you refering to their own assholes are doing it to their own people. Bring it to our people and cities, say what you will none of what you say justifies not taking revenge in the worse way and preventing the same assholes ever doing it again.

Yup and last year's train bombing was Spain wasn't it? Where next? Yeah these Jihad asses can take their pick right? I for one know this is not the world I find acceptable.
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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"...masterful timing..."

more like mousey agenda.

nothing masterful going on there at all.

simple cowardice which is deserving of no praise of any sort.

Train hard...race well.
"Jim, I happen to agree with you" DougStern
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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What funny to me is how the treatment of Prisoners was in the news and how horrible we Americans are but some groups can set off car bombs and thats justified?? Everyone on this forum knows all americans are stupid,fat, mean,want to kill everything that moves,Right? We bomb babys, smoke and drink while wearing our little arm bands,give me a break, lets look at you home town and see how many retards are in your house!
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
You're right, what an assholish thing to express publicly a truly global view of the world.
Just an assholish view of the world. Can you honestly say you'd respond exactly the same way to an attack which kills 50 Iraqis as you would that kills 50 Portuguese?

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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
The British people are a little more worldly wise than the average American and for the most part they know that the war in Iraq has absolutely nothing to do with the "war on terror" or Al Qaeda. The same can be said for the people of Spain.
Why are terrorist groups threatening to do the same sorts of attacks in Italy and Denmark unless they remove their military forces from Iraq if there is no connection between Iraq and the war on terror?
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Re: Bombs in London [jhc] [ In reply to ]
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And you have an assholish way of reading I guess, because you're taking my initial post out of context.

Are you an asshole for not noticing that I made the initial post regarding someone not british commenting on the London bombs, or are you an asshole for noticing this, but going ahead and making this comment in order to further turn this debate into a pissing context?

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [Jim Mishler] [ In reply to ]
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"obtaining attention which is negative and speaks to the inhumanity of the perp is simply not successful attention."

That is a statement eminating from OUR point of view. To the perpetrators, this was highly successful. If you or I think this will not draw more to their side of the coin, we will be sadly mistaken. In fact, we'd be foolish to discount the attack's value...U.S, UK, and allies have been pouring huge amounts of capital into the War on Terrorism...and where has it gotten us? Make no mistake, this is a highly coordinated, skillfully executed attack, probably by a group of people we are claiming to be eradicating...If it is Al Qaeda or an affiliate, it is proof that they remain alive and well, and even more importantly, viable and capable of carrying out long-term, logistically intensive, coordinated attacks...and this despite the fact, as I said, that we are pouring the resources of countries against them...

I'm pretty sure you and I have the same opinion of these folks doing these attacks, especially with regard to the legitimacy of their particular cause. But we shouldn't let that cloud our estimation of how they operate, how they CONTINUE TO OPERATE. Success is success, no matter how much we hate to admit it. We can spin it however we want to...but for them to be able carry out such an attack points to some amount of failure on our part to accomplish our mission. With skill and careful consideration, we can relegate their "success" to the trash bin of history, much like we eventually did with the Nazi's initial attack during the battle of the bulge...
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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I am obviously being misunderstood.... I find the animals performing these acts dispicable... for what i see they want to see us all living in huts with no running water... shit, come on, innovation is a good thing not a sin against God, Yaweh, Allah, Budda, Etc. But what i am getting at is that a good portion of western society does not care about what is going on in Iraq... look at the polls... get us out... is what they scream why.... because to western society the lives of Iraqis are not worth the lives of westerners. I am sad to see where we have ended up in this mess... a life is a life. A quote from Hitler actually might define the western view... "a single death/murder (one that can be identified and sighted) is a tragedy.... a million is a statistic (unknown Iraqis)" I am not saying these are my views but rather those of the society that we live in. I wish bull headed Bu(ll)sh(it) had never invaded but then where does that leave iraqis?

If only there were a way to eliminate their corrupted views... then perhaps we could eliminate them.

36 kona qualifiers 2006-'23 - 3 Kona Podiums - 4 OA IM AG wins - 5 IM AG wins - 18 70.3 AG wins
I ka nana no a 'ike -- by observing, one learns | Kulia i ka nu'u -- strive for excellence
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Re: Bombs in London [CTL] [ In reply to ]
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If the British invaded Morocco in response to these attacks, Al Qaeda terrorists would demand their withdrawal. Does that mean there's a connection between the London attacks and Morocco?

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with catching those responsible for 9/11.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]The British people are a little more worldly wise than the average American and for the most part they know that the war in Iraq has absolutely nothing to do with the "war on terror" or Al Qaeda. The same can be said for the people of Spain.

There will be a lot of pressure on Blair now to remove British troops from Iraq and focusing the British military on fighting Al Qaeda.

Of course the peanut gallery here in the US will accuse them of cowardice or running away if they do so. The world is getting tired of fighting Bush's war and listening to his nonsense about spreading freedom.[/reply]

Do you care to share with all of us less then worldly ill informed fat Americans exactly how you know that "the war in Iraq has absolutely nothing to do with the war on terror or Al Qaeda". And don't give me the bullshit no blood for oil line... it would be less expensive to buy the oil then fight the war.

You really believe that the people in the upper levels of both US and UK goverments like fighting an expensive ($$ and politics) war and killing other humans. If you truely think that then I feel very sorry for you.


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Re: Bombs in London [swmrdrn] [ In reply to ]
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The impact of the invasion of Iraq on the "war on terror" is twosome:

- It allowed for a new country to be used a base for training and execution of terrorist attacks.

- Every blood thirsty fundamentalist that wants to kill an american now has thousands of them available in a country near them. Before the invasion, it was hard to kill americans, not anymore.

The impact of the invasion of Iraq is simple: It generated MORE terrorism.

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [swmrdrn] [ In reply to ]
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The onus is not on me or anyone else for that matter to disprove the link between Iraq and Al Qaeda, the onus is on those who made the decision to invade to prove the link. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. If you have evidence to the contrary please share.

The White House has even given up trying to show a link. The invasion excuse du jour is "spreading freedom and democracy" or some such nonsense.


"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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We tried the do nothing responce after the bombing of the Cole and it got us 9/11. Pulling out of Iraq is not going to stop terrorist attacks.

It is easy to kill people when a terroist is willing to trade his life for that of his target.


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Re: Bombs in London [Jim Mishler] [ In reply to ]
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"nothing masterful going on there at all.

simple cowardice which is deserving of no praise of any sort."

Only fools dismiss the capability of the enemy. As long as we keep dismissing them as "cowards" and other such low-life...we will continue to see attacks like this. They are not a large, conventional country and force which we can defeat using overwhelming numbers, mass, and logistics...on the order of, say, a monolithic Nazi Germany. If large scale formations and battles are no solution against them, why would we think the same demonizing tactics we used against Germany and Japan in WWII will work against these folks?

Being right simply isn't going to be enough in this fight, as much as we want it to be so.
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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kitty--wasn't trying to start a fight. Just pointing out how many of us, and I do not exclude myslef, react more distinctly, when these things happen to people who we feel are more "like us". Consider, for instance, Genocide in Africa, the bombings in Israel, the counter-attacks (or however, you may view them) in Palestine, the daily bombings in Iraq, etc. No horror expressed in ST main page.
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Did your original post not say this in so many words: Kittycat and Americans in general deserve criticism because they only care when Americans/British die and dont care when non-English speakers die?

And you didnt answer my question: Can you honestly say you'd respond exactly the same way to an attack which kills 50 Iraqis as you would that kills 50 Portuguese?

To be fair, replace Iraqis with Americans and the same goes for monk too. [edit] monk slipped in whil I was writing... Monk, do you really feel this phenomenon is so wrong? Weren't you more upset after 9/11 than you were after the Rwandan massacres?

Last edited by: jhc: Jul 7, 05 10:40
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Re: Bombs in London [swmrdrn] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
We tried the do nothing responce after the bombing of the Cole and it got us 9/11. Pulling out of Iraq is not going to stop terrorist attacks.

It is easy to kill people when a terroist is willing to trade his life for that of his target.

So where is your proof that Iraq had anything to do with the Cole attack, the 3 African embassy attacks or 9/11?

The 2 countries with the most anti-American sentiment on the planet which produce the most Al Qaeda terrorists, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, are our so called allies in this war. If we really were involved in a war on terror the tanks would be in Lahore, not Baghdad.

What is your solution to terror attacks? invade the wrong country? you think that will solve the problem?

Do you think the London bombers were Iraqis?.....I bet you dollars to donuts they were either Pakistani, or Arab.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
Last edited by: MattinSF: Jul 7, 05 10:42
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Re: Bombs in London [jhc] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for clarifying your wrong understanding of my post.

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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Just to make no mistake, either...these folks are anathema to me. I despise their tactics on a human level. I disagree with their view for the world.
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Re: Bombs in London [FooFighterFan] [ In reply to ]
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Monk - that's a very astute post,

Be careful, Paulo agreed with me, and look what got handed out to him.


Paulo, that's an asshole response. --ironclm
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Thanks for clarifying your wrong understanding of my post.
My apologies then. Can you give me the true clarification?

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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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jeez guy...i'm nearly at a loss here. how 'bout if i try going in this direction for a moment?

just because these idiots know how to set off bombs does not make them successful. your characterization of this assault is whacked out. in your mind, success is measured by the depth of the action. in mine, and i believe many others, success is truly measured by the intent. the greater depth is achieved by the greater intent.

for you to assert that some idiots setting off bombs equals the failure of free and conscientious people is wrong. just wrong. it is now taking on the looks of a veiled poke. take it somewhere else. good people died today because some trash made some bombs. the trash won absolutely nothing.

Train hard...race well.
"Jim, I happen to agree with you" DougStern
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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"The 2 countries with the most anti-American sentiment on the planet which produce the most Al Qaeda terrorists, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, are our so called allies in this war. If we really were involved in a war on terror the tanks would be in Lahore, not Baghdad."

I really do not understand this logic...just because some of the terrorists were from those countries does not mean we should invade them....Richard Reid, the shoe-bomber, was from England...should we invade England? The governments of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are helping the US in the war on terror...fighting in Afghanistan would be impossible without Pakistani assistance. Governments that support terror are the focus of the war on terror, not real estate where some terrorists happened to be born. As far as I can tell, there are no terrorist training camps in Saudi Arabia nor Pakistan, while there were many in Afghanistan. Just because a person is from a country does not mean that country supports terrorism.


Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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Let me say again that I didn't mean to start an argument or engender ill-will between myself and others, or amongst others. I regret that that was the effect of my post. I particularly regret that SAC has taken so much abuse for seeing some merit in my post, but I'll get over that pretty quickly--in fact, I am feeling better already.
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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To be clear, Casey, I'm pretty sure as well, that the timing has ZERO to do with the Olympic bid win...that is just luck...much like the complete collapse of the towers was more than Al Qaeda expected on 9/11...it simply adds to the effect...in this case, even MORE eyes were on London...consider yourself in the London Olympic committee's shoes...how much more effort do you think they're going to put into security now?

I'll bet a box of donuts this attack WAS timed for the G8 summit, and was probably conducted by Al Qaeda or an affiliate. London is close enough to the summit. Hitting the summit itself would have been prohibitively difficult with all of the security surrounding the world leaders. This is more like horse-shoes and hand grenades. Blair is "hosting" the summit in his back yard and gets hit in his seat of power. Close enough to make a point...threatening Blair, Bush, and the rest of them, while putting Ukers in a panic for a few hours...
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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1. I believe that our elected officials are good people and try to make good decisions.

2. I believe that the governments of both the US and the UK have credible information that they do not share with media.

3. As such I don't believe any civilian is well enough informed to make the "right" call but I do believe that our leaders are.

As you rightly point out, there is more to this mess then meets the eye. It wasn't by accident that all but one 9/11 terrorist was carrying a Saudi passport... but of course they are friends... Ever notice just how close Iraq is to Saudi Arabia or how close Afghanistan is to Pakistan? You don't think that perhaps we are running covert opps into Saudi Arabia and Pakistan do you? Do you think that Bush or Blair could say that to the media?. I amazes me watch individuals form their opinions on such little data.


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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Let me say again that I didn't mean to start an argument or engender ill-will between myself and others, or amongst others. I regret that that was the effect of my post. I particularly regret that SAC has taken so much abuse for seeing some merit in my post, but I'll get over that pretty quickly--in fact, I am feeling better already.

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: Bombs in London [spot] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
"The 2 countries with the most anti-American sentiment on the planet which produce the most Al Qaeda terrorists, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, are our so called allies in this war. If we really were involved in a war on terror the tanks would be in Lahore, not Baghdad."

I really do not understand this logic...just because some of the terrorists were from those countries does not mean we should invade them....Richard Reid, the shoe-bomber, was from England...should we invade England? The governments of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are helping the US in the war on terror...fighting in Afghanistan would be impossible without Pakistani assistance. Governments that support terror are the focus of the war on terror, not real estate where some terrorists happened to be born. As far as I can tell, there are no terrorist training camps in Saudi Arabia nor Pakistan, while there were many in Afghanistan. Just because a person is from a country does not mean that country supports terrorism.


Therein lies the problem with fighting a war on international terrorists. Invading nations to fight terrorists makes no sense whatsoever, but at least if you are going to go down that road you should target one that actually has some terrorists in it! Iraq had no connection to Al Qaeda and no Al Qaeda presence so to say we went in there to fight terror is a big crock of shit.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [Jim Mishler] [ In reply to ]
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"it is now taking on the looks of a veiled poke."

No poke intended, Jim. I thought we were having a decent discussion here. I DO disagree with you, though, that we should just dismiss these people as "trash [who] made some bombs"...That is garden variety criminal stuff...no...these people are more organized, more able to alter tactics, more thinking, more calculating, more smart...than relegating them to "trash" gives them credit for.

"Good people died today"...you're damned right they did. And I'm as mad as you about it. I'm sure I feel as much sympathy AND empathy for the people of the UK as you do.

That doesn't change the fact that whoever did this today enjoyed a tactical success, probably an operational success, though it remains to be seen if this contributes to any strategic success on their part...I rather doubt, if it is their intent to force Britain to pull out of Iraq and other actions with the US, that they will find strategic success based on this attack...

I also did NOT say that we have failed as a people, or that we are wrong in our cause. But if this is Al Qaeda's work, then we have failed, to date, to prevent a recurrance of major terrorist action on their part. We can stick our heads in the sand and call it otherwise...but almost 4 years ago we vowed to go after these folks and stop them from doing this sort of thing.

We are right. I am with you, Jim. I gladly serve in the military that consitutes a large part of the effort to stop these people. But, if this is Al Qaeda, then something isn't fully working.
Last edited by: TriBriGuy: Jul 7, 05 12:31
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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 [/reply]Therein lies the problem with fighting a war on international terrorists. Invading nations to fight terrorists makes no sense whatsoever, but at least if you are going to go down that road you should target one that actually has some terrorists in it! Iraq had no connection to Al Qaeda and no Al Qaeda presence so to say we went in there to fight terror is a big crock of shit.[/reply]

You just said that "The onus is not on me or anyone else for that matter to disprove the link between Iraq and Al Qaeda, the onus is on those who made the decision to invade to prove the link."

The problem is that you keep stating this as a fact but you can't support it. The fact is that you don't know that Iraq had no connection to Al Qaeda. Guess what, the only people privileged to this information are the ones that are making the decisions. Which is the way that it should be.


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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
kitty--wasn't trying to start a fight. Just pointing out how many of us, and I do not exclude myslef, react more distinctly, when these things happen to people who we feel are more "like us". Consider, for instance, Genocide in Africa, the bombings in Israel, the counter-attacks (or however, you may view them) in Palestine, the daily bombings in Iraq, etc. No horror expressed in ST main page.

i can honestly say, when i continue to learn of the ill treatment of women in the middle east, watch news stories/read information about the oppression of peoples in Africa, think of the rape of young girls/boys and gross onspread of AIDS, learn more of the sexual slave markets in mexico/all over the world, and think about the general corruption and violence all over the world it sickens me. this is why i have to limit my news exposure.

you don't know this, but personally one of my biggest anthems is "anti diamonds". not only do i refuse to participate in the sham of buying an item that is in fact, not rare, but I refuse to support one of the most monopolized wretched industries in existance today. and beyond my reluctance of "getting swindled" by DeBeers, my sheer hatred of the diamond industry is much deeper.

see, most people don't have much knowledge of the diamond wars in africa. how there are literally tribes of people that have amputated arms, legs, all because they try to protect their lands from diamond excavation, etc. elderly people, young children, no one is safe. and no one can tell me that DeBeers is innocent...I will not get into details as this is not the topic at hand, but I can tell you this is one hot hot spot for me. These people who suffer are nothing like me, yet I am infuriated and ever committed to the anti-diamond anthem.

the reality is, i feel passionate about all peoples who have been done unjustly, and feel compassion to all of those innocents who suffer at the hands of evil systems--government or otherwise. these innocents can be in my own backyard, across the street, or across the globe. it doesn't matter, i feel compassion and rage. compassion because they are human for God's sakes, and rage because I am powerless against the tryanny and there is so much of it.
Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 11:35
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Re: Bombs in London [swmrdrn] [ In reply to ]
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jesus Christ thats some twisted thinking. So its OK for the US to invade Canada if they can't prove that there aren't any Al Qaeda members there?

If the government wants to take the country to war they have to tell us why. If they have information linking Iraq to 9/11 they should tell us. You might be happy being kept in the dark but most of us are not.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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Buy yourself the new bike. Go for a long ride. Come home and open a bottle of good Pinot. It won't solve the worlds problems, but you will feel better.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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I am just pointing out that you continue to state as fact things that you can't support. No I don't enjoy "being kept in the dark" but I do recongize that there are times when governments must withhold information in order to be effective.

We elect our government we should have a bit of trust that they are doing the right thing. You see I believe that people are good, I guess that is the difference between you and I.


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Re: Bombs in London [Barrio] [ In reply to ]
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see, i shouldn't have got started in on this shit. all i wanted to do was to extend a few casual thoughts about how awful the situation in London is...and look where it's gone now. i'm all worked up and ready to start a revolution.

fuck it. you give great advice .
Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 11:44
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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I hear you. I never talk politics here but for some reason I chimed in today. fuck it I'm going to lunch.


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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
you give great advice .

That was because of the Pinot recommendation, right ;)

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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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(No horror expressed in St main page) Correct, this is a tri site,why would there be,but you were quick to step on Kitty for how she responded,but you have never posted how horrorable the genocide etc etc is,so i guess your one of the who gives a shit Americans you so strongly seem to hate. Get off your high horse
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Well, Matt, maybe a big crock of shit is what we needed to draw the flies away from the picnic.

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Re: Bombs in London [Azby] [ In reply to ]
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So its OK for us to fight our wars on someone else's soil? Its OK for us to turn Iraq into a bloodbath so we can draw out Al Qaeda?

I'm glad our children are more important than the children of Iraq....you know its arrogant attitudes like this that fuel hatred for this country in the muslim world. Its OK for thousands of innocent Iraqis to die if we can keep one American alive.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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"Does that mean there's a connection between the London attacks and Morocco?"

I think you're missing something in your logic. What would be the justification for the invasion? Because Moroccans were involved in the attacks, or because intelligence services believed the Moroccan government had developed nasty weapons for use against the British?

I still don't recall Bush stating that 9/11 was the impetus for the Iraq invasion.

"If the British invaded Morocco in response to these attacks, Al Qaeda terrorists would demand their withdrawal. "

So then is Al Qaeda the check on Western (Bush's) aggression / imperialism?

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Bombs in London [Kanipupski] [ In reply to ]
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I went through Moorgate at about 8.50-55 Kings Cross on the Northern Line just before 9am.

I dont think the fact this would happen came as a surprise to anyone, obviously when it happens its a surprise but the fact it could / would was almost expected, at least amongst people I work with and know.

It was a strange day, I arrived late for work, normally get in at 8, left 1 hour late and went through Kings Cross and Moorgate but on the Northern Line, not the Piccadilly, so not the same line as the bomb.

Our trains, I work on the Underground, were all stopped at about 9.45, when I left work we had 89 trains in various locations across London.

I think it was apparent very early on, at least at work, that it was something other than infrastructure related but I left work at 1.30pm to get home and it only took 35 minutes to drive from Golders Green in North London to Trafalgar Square and I walked in to Charing Cross and hopped straight on a train.

It was absolutely bizarre, everything in the station was shut but it was just a regular commuting journey, everyone broke out their books, papers and PSP.

I suppose aside from the outstanding job that the Police, the Emergency Services and the Transport Police did, I was most impressed by how fast people started to resume regular activities. By the time I split, people were out all over London doing S**t and quite frankly that was a resumption of normality which has to be good.
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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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i'll agree to have differing viewpoints on trash. no problem.

but trash they remain, regardless of what they call themselves, what kind of organization they have, whatever tactics they employ, who they claim to represent, what goals they pursue...it all still comes down to trash. there remains no victory resulting from their bombs.

by your apparent evaluation, this trash comes off sounding like admirable adversaries because they are organized and think about what they do.

thats just crap. none of those factors magically transform trash into something different.

your idea of connecting our supposed failure to not being able to prevent an act of terrorism is still very wrong. we did not fail as they did not succeed. any piece of trash can set off a bomb, just about anywhere, at any time. it is not normally a preventable act. we did not, nor will we in the future...fail...due to trash being trash. allowing them no victory is not sticking our heads in the sand. its simply calling cowardice exactly what it is. please don't give justification or award additional attention which sounds positive to trash.

i'm wondering about your counter-terrorism expertise based on the theories you present.

fighting a global war against trash-thought/trash-assaults may never be over. there simply are no predicted timelines. such things, with this trash crap to deal with, do not exist.

"...something isnt fully working..." still sounds like a poke...and it is becoming a sad thing to read from an american.

Train hard...race well.
"Jim, I happen to agree with you" DougStern
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Re: Bombs in London [Andrewmc] [ In reply to ]
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Glad to hear you are okay.

Also good to hear that you and other Londoners are getting on with your lives. That is the best way to show the bastards that they can't win.
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Re: Bombs in London [Jim Mishler] [ In reply to ]
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"admirable adversaries"

Be careful of assigning too much to my review of their action. I do NOT admire them in any way. But I don't have the luxury of discounting the fact that they are able to pull this off TODAY.

That which you call "cowardice" we call tactics in the military. I don't like the tactics. I don't think they are right to use. I abhore the destruction of innocent civilian lives as much as you do. But that is how this adversary fights. Whether you choose to recognize them as such is neither here nor there...we ARE in conflict with them, and that makes them an adversary. Despite their despicable morals, they are still a thinking, plotting, calculating enemy.

If you choose to call them trash, and assume that these are "not normally a preventable act[s]"...then why spend such huge amounts of capital trying to get rid of them? I say it is because we CAN'T ignore them...or assign them to the trash heap.

""...something isnt fully working..." still sounds like a poke...and it is becoming a sad thing to read from an american."

Still not a poke, Jim. I promise. Really, I do. I guarantee you, though, that some high-positioned AMERICANS are asking just that question today..."What isn't working? How are they pulling this off?" In fact, I wouldn't expect anything less.
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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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Still not a poke, Jim. I promise. Really, I do. I guarantee you, though, that some high-positioned AMERICANS are asking just that question today..."What isn't working? How are they pulling this off?" In fact, I wouldn't expect anything less.[/reply]

Like someone else said, fighting an enemy who is willing to give up their life to further their cause is a never ending battle I am afraid. As we have seen there is no end to how many new recruits want to martyr themselves and blow stuff up. Perhaps it is time to look at it from another angle?
Perhaps an analogy of fighting the war on drugs would be good here. Simply arresting the makers will never win you the war against drugs, you have to address the people who are using the drugs. Once you start to do that and those people start to dwindle in numbers, then the other will go away. (or go somewhere else)
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Re: Bombs in London [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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I will make a bold statement and say that what happened today was not preventable and it would not be preventable on the NY Subway, the Chicago EL or any other public transport system anywhere in the world.

There is no practical way of preventing what happened today.

The only way of preventing it would be airport style security system which is simply impractical when journey time from Charing Cross to Tottenham Court Road is roughly 4 minutes. WTF will want to get screened, just will not work and is not practical.

Already people are saying there was a failure in intelligence. Maybe, but I dont think so. Even if you knew it was coming there are 400+ stations on the tube, the Northern Line is 25-30 miles North to South I believe with 4 seperate tunnels north and south bound plus loops for turning trains and sidings underground. How do you check and know everything is secure.

The reality is, I think, irrespective of whether londoners agreed or disagreed with the war, life goes on and I think a great number were resuming life this afternoon and at some point in the future I am sure this will happen again, here or elsewhere, in some form but you cant stop living.
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Re: Bombs in London [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]I agree... at least one car bomb explodes in Bagdad EVERYDAY... I forgot, the people that die EVERYDAY don't speak english...[/reply]

Unfortunately you expect car bombs to go off in Iraq, its really sad, I dont like it, but it happens daily. You dont expect car bombs to go off in London. I'll be there in a couple months, so im sure my wife is worried. In Chicago we have death by violence on a daily basis, via street gangs, I dont see the international community sympathizes with us. I dont see critizing someones expression of sympathy being constructive.


Kestrel Syndicate
Macca Fan Club
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Just curious,

Without looking up posts in the Lavender Room, why do you think the US invaded Iraq?

a) Racism - to kill a bunch of Arabs
b) To plunder the country's oil supply
c) To enrichen Cheney & Haliburton
d) To Americanize the heathens
e) To establish a permanent American presence in the area
f) Because Israel said so
g) Because we're pretty much Saudi Arabia's lapdog (no disagreement here)
h) Because it was easier than dealing with the Saudis or the Pakistanis
i) For no good reason, other than American selfishness
j) Because Americans believed Iraq was responsible for 9/11
k) We're too afraid to stand up to N Korea
l) Watch Fahrenheit 9/11
m) All of the above
n) To spread peace, democracy, & freedom throughout the world (gag)
o) Because it was a peace-loving county with good schools, compassionate leaders, and posed to harm to anyone on Earth
p) All of the below
q) They appeared to have WMDs & SH planned to use them
r) They funded various terrorist groups
s) Because it was a "safe haven" for terrorists (i.e. Abu Abbas)
t) Because Bush et al believed that removing SH from power would make the US (and other countries) a safer place

Who said Al Qaeda is the only terrorist organization in the Middle East?

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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I think what you mean is, "So it's OK to fight our war with someone on someone ELSE'S soil?" Godzilla & Gamarron fighting it out in downtown Tokyo. To believe that is true it to believe Iraq and SH posed no threat whatsoever to the US. And that is a crock of crap to draw out the flies.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Bombs in London [aus_tri] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]yeah Cathy I'm with Francois and SAC on this one... this country (US) is still incredibly racist although at a more subvert level... no longer overt. one way this is expressed is the ho-hum manner with which we take in the daily news from Baghdad. We are aghast that are troops are dying, 1,2,3 maybe more a day. But not a single news group even bothers to try and total the number of Iraqi deaths and how most attacks are Iraqi on Iraqi... why... because they know their audience doesnt care.... sick just plain sick[/reply]

What US are you talking about? This is the melting pot of the world!


Kestrel Syndicate
Macca Fan Club
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Re: Bombs in London [spot] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]But not a single news group even bothers to try and total the number of Iraqi deaths and how most attacks are Iraqi on Iraqi... why... because they know their audience doesnt care.... sick just plain sick
[hr]This is fucking bullshit...do you actually watch the news? Both Fox and CNN generally give as much coverage to each attack on the Iraqis as it does to US troops. And if we didn't care about the Iraqis, then why are Americans still giving their lives over their???? We obviously care a very great deal. Go stuff yourself.


Right On! Ditto.


Kestrel Syndicate
Macca Fan Club
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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It may not be "OK," but it is better than having to do it here. I think most people are taking a very short sighted veiw of this whole problem. All I hear about are "weapons of mass destruction" and "Al-Q" and "Muslim extremists." It doesn't seem to have occured to most people that these are just syptoms. The whole Middle East is just waiting to become a giant problem (yes, MUCH bigger than it is now). At some point we (or someone, and this is always seems to be the US because we're the only ones left with the resources to do so) need to start cleaning out the cancer and trying to save the whole patient. Can you imagine what would happen if all these little third world countries would put aside there differences, pitched in all their oil resources, and decided to take on the western world in one big winner-take-all throw down. This is essentially what prevented the American Indian from driving the white man into the sea-they couldn't get along. Whitey won. If we can keep the major players in the radical Muslim world from getting together, or eliminate(or convert) some of the radical countries that would join this alliance maybe, just maybe, we can avert some form of WWIII.

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Re: Bombs in London [Azby] [ In reply to ]
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I'm glad I don't live in your world Azby.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [Azby] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
It may not be "OK," but it is better than having to do it here. I think most people are taking a very short sighted veiw of this whole problem. All I hear about are "weapons of mass destruction" and "Al-Q" and "Muslim extremists." It doesn't seem to have occured to most people that these are just syptoms. The whole Middle East is just waiting to become a giant problem (yes, MUCH bigger than it is now). At some point we (or someone, and this is always seems to be the US because we're the only ones left with the resources to do so) need to start cleaning out the cancer and trying to save the whole patient. Can you imagine what would happen if all these little third world countries would put aside there differences, pitched in all their oil resources, and decided to take on the western world in one big winner-take-all throw down. This is essentially what prevented the American Indian from driving the white man into the sea-they couldn't get along. Whitey won. If we can keep the major players in the radical Muslim world from getting together, or eliminate(or convert) some of the radical countries that would join this alliance maybe, just maybe, we can avert some form of WWIII.
Yep - let's just friggin take out everyone who has different cultures and religious views, looks different, acts different, is poor etc. I'm pretty sure that's what God intended for us to do to each other.

People I've loved, I have no regrets
Some I remember, some I forget
Some of them living, some of them dead
All I want is to be home ".....Foo Fighters, Home

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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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While I agree with you that there has been no substantiated link between Iraq and Al Qaeda regarding the 9-11 attacks specifically, there is evidence of contacts between Iraqi intelligence and Al Qaeda. To assume that Saddam and Bin Laden would never had found common ground against the US is, IMO, a very dangerous assumption.


Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Post deleted by Casey [ In reply to ]
Re: Bombs in London [randall t] [ In reply to ]
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so i guess your one of the who gives a shit Americans you so strongly seem to hate.
I said I was guilty of the same. I guess you shoot first and ask questions later.
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Re: Bombs in London [spot] [ In reply to ]
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While I agree with you that there has been no substantiated link between Iraq and Al Qaeda regarding the 9-11 attacks specifically, there is evidence of contacts between Iraqi intelligence and Al Qaeda. To assume that Saddam and Bin Laden would never had found common ground against the US is, IMO, a very dangerous assumption.

Spot [/reply]

So you think that justifies our invasion???? Saddam may have at some point in the future settled his differences with Bin Laden and joined forces against the US???

Thats pretty fuckin thin.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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no harm no foul Monk. nothing kills a party faster than talking about politics or religion.

peace. have a good night!

Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 14:43
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Bombs in London [Azby] [ In reply to ]
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Actually what we are doing in Iraq is training terrorists how to be more effective against American forces. We are making terrorists faster than we are killing them. Also known as blowback. This is what Reagan did for Al Qaeda in it's formative years before they pulled off 9/11.

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Re: Bombs in London [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Dont look at that picture above KC

Here's a better one for you

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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Second, seems like a few American-hating Americans here today. Frankly, I prefer to be hated by foreigners

very interesting. in the recent past, it seemed that you were quick to call others 'american-hating', and today different folks call you 'american hating'!

things do indeed seem to go in circles, and it is always amazing to me (but perhaps it shouldn't be) how quick people are to throw labels on one another...

Where would you want to swim ?
Last edited by: Greg X: Jul 7, 05 15:19
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Re: Bombs in London [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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son of a bitch! here I am finally relaxed, and you try to fuck with me like this...

meet me behind the orange barrel in the alley at 9pm--Come alone. :)
Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 15:20
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Re: Bombs in London [jhc] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, babe.
Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 15:19
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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I have a big problem with one trying to 'put into perspective' killings happening everyday in Israel, Iraq, China, blah, blah.

Killing period.. is wrong. I wish we could get back to ribbing one another about weight, how one's profiled on a tri-bike, or some other banal topic instead.

Enjoy your day nonetheless.

- mike

kestrel driver

DonorsChoose.org (!!!)
bogolight.com (!!!)
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Re: Bombs in London [swmrdrn] [ In reply to ]
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Give me a break. So we should invade another country not related to the terrorism attacks? That makes you feel better?

Also, there is no way the Republican controlled congress would have let Clinton do any major military congress back then.
Last edited by: SWoo: Jul 7, 05 15:30
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry! Peace Offering

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Pre-9-11, I would have agreed with you....but, we live in a different world today. Now we know that the one thing Al Qaeda desires above all else is WMD. According the book, "Ghost Wars" (a very good read about the CIA, Afghanistan, and the rise of Bin Laden), the contacts between Iraq and Al Qaeda included talks about chemical weapons. Believing that Saddam harbored WMD (a notion that Saddam actively cultivated, according to the Duelfer report, largely to deter Iran), knowing that there had been contact between Al Qaeda and Iraq, the President decided he could not wait. His decision was probably hurried due to intelligence generated after the Tora Bora battle in Afghanistan (source--"America's Secret War" by George Friedman, another good read).


Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Bombs in London [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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ok, but only because that drink looks purrrrrrfect.
Last edited by: kittycat: Jul 7, 05 15:35
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Re: Bombs in London [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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Not to me. I drank about 35 of them last week on vacation. But who's counting.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Bombs in London [spot] [ In reply to ]
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thats all great....but the answer is really much simpler than that. We invaded Iraq to settle a Bush family vendetta. It had nothing to do with WMDs, nothing to do with terrorists, nothing to do with Al Qaeda or 9/11 and everything to do with settling an old score with Saddam....plus the Al Sauds probably wanted us to as well.


Iraq had no WMDs when we invaded.


Iraq had no links to Al Qaeda, in fact they were hostile to eachother.


Despite 2 years of trying to cook up ghost WMDs and ghost conspiracies the administration has not managed to find a single sliver of justification for an invasion on those grounds.


We are now fighting a war to "spread freedom and democracy"...it started off as a war of self defense and has now morphed into an idealogical crusade.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London , Here we go again . [duncan] [ In reply to ]
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"Pot calling the kettle black... " ???

Yeah and I wonder what kind of kettle you are?
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Why is that, Matt? Reality suck too much?

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Re: Bombs in London [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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very interesting. in the recent past, it seemed that you were quick to call others 'american-hating', and today different folks call you 'american hating'!

things do indeed seem to go in circles, and it is always amazing to me (but perhaps it shouldn't be) how quick people are to throw labels on one another...
I'm sure you are taking something out of context. :)
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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"We invaded Iraq to settle a Bush family vendetta. It had nothing to do with WMDs, nothing to do with terrorists, nothing to do with Al Qaeda or 9/11 and everything to do with settling an old score with Saddam" --

Some details, please? I try to use some sources to back up my opinions...

"Iraq had no links to Al Qaeda, in fact they were hostile to eachother."

As previously discussed, this is not a "fact"...there were indeed contacts between the two.

"Despite 2 years of trying to cook up ghost WMDs and ghost conspiracies the administration has not managed to find a single sliver of justification for an invasion on those grounds. "

It seems to me the administration has not been trying to cook up ghost WMDs for 2 years....I don't remember any claims recently by the administration that Iraq had WMD.

"We are now fighting a war to "spread freedom and democracy"...it started off as a war of self defense and has now morphed into an idealogical crusade."

If you read "The Pentagon's New Map", it will discuss why spreading freedom and democracy in this part of the world is a very important step in ending terror (and other ills). Is spreading freedom and democracy a bad thing?

"Wake up and smell the coffee."

Trot out some "facts" that are based on something other than your own conspiratorial thoughts, and I'll gladly do so.


Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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That's it why didn't I think of that... it is a "Bush family vendetta". Because basicly the Bushs' like to kill people from their rich white perch up on top of the world just for sport. Give me a fucking break.

Clearly you know more about what was/is happening with terrorists than anyone in DC. Why don't you run for office. I'm sure that you could get elected in up in NorCal. (I assume that you are Matt in SF but I couldn't tell for sure because you don't list a name or location in your profile.)



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Re: Bombs in London [randall t] [ In reply to ]
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All that mistreatment of prisoners and infringing their rights ...what a load of crap. It's a war and if a little bit of coercion can help prevent a 911 or help or catch these crazies, the kind that just just did in London, what's the big hoo-har.

For those who advocate these prisoners' rights to gentle treatment I got one question - "If you had to choose, would you rather be a prisoner of American Troops in Guantano Bay or a Prisoner of fanatics in Iraq or the Abu Sayeef in the jungles of Phillipines."

Yeah the Abu Sayeff they raid the holiday beach resorts and kidnap tourists. Then after some good torture for a month or so behead them when they don't get what they want. Really nice. Two days ago there was also this beheading thing of some Thais by Muslim extremists in Southern Thailand.

By the sounds of it these Prisoners who were mistreated? I think we got the similar treatment when I was in boarding school.
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Re: Bombs in London [aus_tri] [ In reply to ]
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Well if we're talking about Iraq consider this - Most of these killings of Iraqis that goes on everyday, is it the American troops or the fucked up crazy insurgence fanatics killing their own Muslims? The mentallity of these crazies is incredulous. Based purely on their actions, crazies are not to be understood just irradicated for the good of all mankind.

What's so bad about Bushy? The sceptics of course are saying that he's there cuz he wants the oil. At the end of the day whilst there are business opportunities for US interests it's the Iraqis who will benefit from the development of oil under a more democratic governance such as UAE, Dubai or Kuwait. When those crazy fanatics sabotage the oil fields, do you think it affects the people in Iraq more or the people in USA? It's a win-win but I'm sure those business benefits are hardly worth all this hassle.

It's a mess and invading Iraq on iffy intelligence, but what was Bushe's real intentions. I'm sure Bush would be more than happy to pullout all the troops in Iraq if he didn't have to play Mr Nice Guy image to the world and if he didn't have to prevent those crazies from just stepping in and Bombing and assasinating a few more people and set up a threat to the rest of the world.

Bushy should take it one more step, just go in and wipe out Iran cuz that's where most of the insurgence crazies are coming from and they are confirmed developing nucleur technology. It will be a good testing ground for the latest military hardware and technology.

Say what you want, given the choice of living under a Bush administration and a Sadam administration I know which I would choose. All these complex politico issues and varying hues of opinions, it's really simple when you cut thro the chase and get down to basics.

The Israelis have got the right idea. No quarter asked or given. You do a sneak terrorist bomb attack on my civillians today, tomorrow I'll blow your town to smithereens. Don't play the women and children card when collateral damage is involved because you should have consider that before you went on your bombing spree deliberately against our civillians. That's why they can survive, one tiny Nation surrounded by hostile crazies. Imagine if Israel were to say, "Oooh we can't do that it's not politically correct, we may end up like a pot calling the kettle black (as someone here has pointed out)" Reckon Israel would no longer be on the map.
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Re: Bombs in London [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Send your Chill Pill to the families of the victims.
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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Actually, American forces are killing more terrorists/insurgents than the other way around. You might be right about us creating more terrorists than we are killing, but that's because we have not gotten serious enough yet. We should nuke the Syrian border. Of course, libs don't like nuclear weapons and they have yet to suggest a soy based alternative that can do the same amount of damage.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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"We invaded Iraq to settle a Bush family vendetta."

Mattin you've got a good imagination. Now try to imagine 911 never happened, and London now is not happening and all those likewise happenings Madrid, Bali ,daily beheadings are all only pure conjecture.

And SWoo says to give him a break. Well he can go ahead and take all the breaks he wants cuz obviously them crazy fanatics aren't taking any breaks.

USA and Bush and Presidents who have gone before in recent history may not always be on track but I for one sure like their agenda a lot better than the agendas of those crazy fanatics.

Vermins spreading death and harm to everyone else and their supporters, should be squashed ..period!
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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There is a solution. Send the children or grandchildren (or nephews and nieces) of all the supporters of the war in Iraq to Iraq. If you think that war is that important, let your children fight that war. Or if you're under 35, volunteer and log off the computer. Otherwise I can't take your dedication to Gulf War 2 very seriously.
Last edited by: SWoo: Jul 7, 05 17:20
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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Wait, I see the response of the Republicans running this country is to ask for deferments. Never mind.


Last edited by: SWoo: Jul 7, 05 17:15
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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As stated by MATTinSF in a previous post

"thats all great....but the answer is really much simpler than that. We invaded Iraq to settle a Bush family vendetta. It had nothing to do with WMDs, nothing to do with terrorists, nothing to do with Al Qaeda or 9/11 and everything to do with settling an old score with Saddam....plus the Al Sauds probably wanted us to as well.


Iraq had no WMDs when we invaded.


Iraq had no links to Al Qaeda, in fact they were hostile to eachother.


Despite 2 years of trying to cook up ghost WMDs and ghost conspiracies the administration has not managed to find a single sliver of justification for an invasion on those grounds.


We are now fighting a war to "spread freedom and democracy"...it started off as a war of self defense and has now morphed into an idealogical crusade. "


I have sat here and read through all 7 pages of of this thread. I don't even know where to begin. I have spent the last 20 years of my life participating in the defense of this country, flying jets off of aircraft carriers and working on Joint Staffs. I was on the first Aircraft Carrier into the GULF before the first Gulf War and we were flying missions over the heads of Iraqis poised on the Saudi border...we stopped them in thier tracks...we made them blink. How we did it few will ever know. I was on an aircraft carrier flying support missions off the coast of Somalia as they were dragging our service men that were shot down through the streets as we were attempting to protect food shipments that were being hijacked by Somali warlords, President Clinton tied our hands in ways the public will never know about. Most recently I was at a base in Saudi Arabia before the last war started working on the Air War Plan. I have one thing to tell you and your obviously limited exposure to the real truth. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING IN REGARDS TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WAS IN IRAQ prior to the invasion. WE DON"T OWE YOU A PUBLIC EXPLANATION OF WHAT WE KNOW. If you want to know that info, grow some balls, join the military, attempt to qualify for a TS clearance and work your ass off for years before you ever get to the place were you are cleared to know the info.

I am currently the officer in charge of the US NAVY's west coast command center. Keep reading your liberal media and draw your own conclusions but don't ever attempt to state anything as fact that you know nothing about.

Last edited by: mmfred: Jul 7, 05 18:03
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Re: Bombs in London [mmfred] [ In reply to ]
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That top secret intel that told us they knew where the WMD was at every moment so that right after we took over we could not find any active programs?

The top secret intel that told us we would be welcomed with open arms and not car bombs and an insurrection?

The top secret intel that tells us exactly where OBL is so Bush can't get him five years later?

You drank so much of the koolaid you still believe it.

A democracy runs on the public making an informed decision, not trusting some bureaucrat somewhere. If you wish to run the country that way, chop up the constitution while you're at it.
Last edited by: SWoo: Jul 7, 05 17:22
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Re: Bombs in London [spot] [ In reply to ]
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Don't forget that a typical thing for liberals to say is instead of going to Iraq, we should be spending our reosurces hunting bin laden and al queda. But when we try to extract information from detainess to help prevent attacks like the ones that occured today, they are more concerned about the rights of the detainees than preventing carnage against innocent civilians.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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You evaded my question. If this Iraq war is so critical why are you not there? If you already served, sign up again, the pay gets better and better, no point in making the boys go without your enthusiastic support. If you can't go why not your children or grandchildren or nephews or nieces?
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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Next thing you'll be saying is you want to send your children to Osama Summer Camp!
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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No, but you should send your children to the nearest US Army or Marine Corp recruitment office unless you're a big chickenhawk who only believes in war for other peoples children.
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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I have a 16 year old son who wants to join the Marines to be a sniper. He has my blessing. He's worried that the action will be over before he gets his turn to "mess some people up" as he likes to say. I was reading something in Soldier of Fortune the other day about a Marine sniper that whacked a dude at 1500 meters with a .50. His spotter said the bad guy had just laced up a suicide belt. He said that when the bullet slammed into him, the guy turned into "pink mist" and said it was the coolest things he ever saw in his life. That was one of the coolest things I have ever read in my life. Anyway I'm 41, but when my son leaves home to join the Marines, I'm going to look into a short term assignment in the Marines so my son and I can mess some people up together. This Ironman shit has kept me in good shape. I'm totally ready to kick some ass. If not as a jarhead, I'll try to get a mercenary gig.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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Good, I am glad you are 100 percent behind your words.

They have slackened the requirements so over 35 males can volunteer and you can still get a job there as a contractor with hazard pay.

Your son could also sign up at 17 with parental consent so I am pretty sure Iraq will still be going on for him to get in there with the action still hot.
Last edited by: SWoo: Jul 7, 05 17:38
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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The chill pill was for matt.

To the families of the victims I send my deepest condolances and regrets that there are still rat punk assed sub-human muslim terrorists out there that have not been wiped of the face of the earth.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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And you should have lived under Sadam's Regime or go to Communist China and see how far anti Government type rhetoric you so freely spew now and take for granted will get you.
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Re: Bombs in London [mmfred] [ In reply to ]
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Good post Mark.

I have the sound of Super Hornets from Lemoore flying over me daily. Makes me sleep better at night.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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Been there and done that already, jackass.

Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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That's a rhetorical point that has no meaning.
In reality space you can actually join the US military or get your children to join. Otherwise you are just a bunch of racist hot air.
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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I was 17 when I first joined the Marines. You can sign up and go when you are 17, but you won't get an assignment to a grunt unit until you turn 18.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the clarification.
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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"Otherwise you are just a bunch of racist hot air."

It's fine if you want to resort to name calling, but a little substantiating will go a long way.

For instance ... You're a Dickhead cuz innocent people have been killed, people whose ideologies do not encompass harm to others in the world. And all you can do is to use it as an excuse to spew crap about a system that affords you and yours a lifestyle of plenty and a democracy where you can get away with crapping in public if you want to.

Yes talking about shipping people out, they should ship ingrates like you to Osama Summer Camp or back to Mainland China to continue your crusade. You may be singing a different tune after some good experiences.
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Re: Bombs in London [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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of course.... that must be it....

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Bombs in London [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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absolutely lt and it's not about winning some silly argument on the net forum but a much more crucial issue that affects us all.
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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and Mr Woo,

You say, "That's a rhetorical point that has no meaning.
In reality space you can actually join the US military or get your children to join."

Yes of course you are full of unsubstantiated rhetoric. You've more than proven that.

I wouldn't get my children to join anything. But if any of them CHOSE (something you take for granted living blissfully in a system you so vehemently criticise) to join any part of the US armed forces, I woukd be very proud.

Your point being?
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Re: Bombs in London [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks Tim, We refer to that as the sound of Freedom.

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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Well you proved what you are here:

Our Iraq "strategy" isn't working and if you bothered looking at the data the one thing you would see is that terrorism has increased every year the war on terrorism has been going on.
The Bushies have been claiming better to fight them in Iraq rather than London or New York, well guess what, they are going to have to drop that argument. This Bush refrain paints our soldiers as just bait.
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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How does that prove anything? I could say the same thing about your postings right?

More rhetoric?
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Re: Bombs in London [spot] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
But not a single news group even bothers to try and total the number of Iraqi deaths and how most attacks are Iraqi on Iraqi... why... because they know their audience doesnt care.... sick just plain sick

This is fucking bullshit...do you actually watch the news? Both Fox and CNN generally give as much coverage to each attack on the Iraqis as it does to US troops. And if we didn't care about the Iraqis, then why are Americans still giving their lives over their???? We obviously care a very great deal. Go stuff yourself.

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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Well if your data and argument are as compelling as they are here, you could just tell your children what's going on in the world and they would see the light immediately. If you believe in this war enough for other people's children to die for, why is it not good enough for your children?
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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Swoo, your chickenhawk argument is the least effective bullet in the standard anti-war rhetoric arsenal. As a society, we've chosen to delegate certain tasks to others who are more willing and more able to carry them out. Whether its as a fireman, police officer, garbage man, or a soldier. The obvious thing you're overlooking here is that every soldier in our armed forces has freely chosen to serve. You talk about them as children, but these brave men and women aren't children at all.

"I learned from the example of my father that the manner in which one endures what must be endured is more important than the thing that must be endured"

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Re: Bombs in London [mmfred] [ In reply to ]
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PM me please.

- kd


kestrel driver

DonorsChoose.org (!!!)
bogolight.com (!!!)
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Re: Bombs in London [5280] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Well I should have known that this would have spiraled into a pissing match already here on ST. I understand what you are saying but I would draw a distinction. First, the reaction is no different then if something happens to your family vs. the same thing happening to countless others. People die everyday of all kinds of things but it is a bit more painful if it is your family. (Would all those people be wearing yellow bands if not for Lance? What about the thousands of others who suffer every day?)

Second, the last time I checked no one from England or Spain jumped on a bus with NOTHING but civilians with the sole intent to kill and mame. The next time a little girl gets kidnapped and raped I guess my reaction should be, well it happens all the time what is the big deal?

Sometimes you need to focus on home more than the globe.

Regardless, to all of you who live across the pond, I for one extend my wishes and prayers to you.

Nice post. I cried today while I watched the news - I've been to London - I have English friends. I don't think there is anything wrong with feeling more strongly about the suffering or endangerment of 'familiar' people. It's part of our genetic makeup - we are a tribal species.

If I have to edit this freakin' post one more time I'm gonna poke my eye out.

A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is just putting on its shoes.
- Mark Twain
Last edited by: CrashingGirl: Jul 7, 05 19:32
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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WTF are you going on about now? Are you simply running out of rhetoric?

I already told you, if my chidren chose to join the US armed forces I would be very proud. Even more so if they joined some special unit specialized in irradicating crazy fanatics. BTW like Spot here, I did my stint in the military in the Special Forces. Have you ever been in the military or do you just like to enjoy standing on your pretend soap box preaching about it? Now I know it's tempting but be truthful now ...it's good for your own self-esteem.

Now stop telling me what to do with my children cuz you are nobody to do so, and concentrate on telling your own, assuming you were able to father any yourself.

Back to the important jist of this thread. Whilst all condolences and well wishes for those who have sustained serious injury and for the families of those killed are forwarded, however heart felt, will never repair the damage and losses. The only positive thing is that if the rest of the world takes this as a cue to finally ignore idiotic sentiments and solidify to do what it takes to irradicate fanatical crazies so we may have a safer future.
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Well if your data and argument are as compelling as they are here, you could just tell your children what's going on in the world and they would see the light immediately. If you believe in this war enough for other people's children to die for, why is it not good enough for your children?

Why don't you shut-TF-up!. Have some respect for the people that died today(you know innocent civilians on their way to work) in London. Save your 60's fortunate son crap for another thread.
Last edited by: Trevor S: Jul 7, 05 19:14
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Re: Bombs in London [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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This thread got hijacked long ago by people who insisted on making their political points.

I don't see you jumping on top of any of the rest of them.
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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Two wrongs don't make a right. For what it is worth I served and was ready to give my life and I would be proud if my children died in the line of duty.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Kanipupski] [ In reply to ]
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Just read about this. What I find frustrating is that it shows that the security system (communication) simply is not adequate. I would have thought that after 9-11, major cities would have put in place a better communication system so that all people would be taken off every form of public transit quickly. 4 in succession over the course of an hour is plenty of time to have avoided the deaths in at least the last two explosions. That may appear as too high expectations - but that it my opinion.

Adrian in Vancouver
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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And I totally respect your decision and current beliefs. It's the guys who talk the talk and don't walk the walk that rankle me, especially the ones in power now.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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bring 'em on.

send 'em to your local recruiter asap.

our pres. will be grateful, but somehow i dont think his offspring will be joining yours.

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Bombs in London [CrashingGirl] [ In reply to ]
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It's not surprising that this thread has escalated. It's a topic that raises emotions and quite rightly so.

CG you say, "Second, the last time I checked no one from England or Spain jumped on a bus with NOTHING but civilians with the sole intent to kill and mame. The next time a little girl gets kidnapped and raped I guess my reaction should be, well it happens all the time what is the big deal?

Sometimes you need to focus on home more than the globe.

Regardless, to all of you who live across the pond, I for one extend my wishes and prayers to you."

110% concur with you. We need to focus on our home because it's our home and our family and our people. It is also even with all it's faults and blemishes a shining example to the rest of humanity what their rights as human are and the kind of lifestyle they can have.

However certain atrocities whether it be this London bombings, 911, Bali bombings, child slavery and rape from the vulnerability of the Tsunami victim refugee camps or the constant rape, torture and disfiguring of women and little girls in the Congo are just are not acceptable ...period! The free world should do whatever necessary to stop, punish and irradicate people who perpetuate these things. In my book, by doing or supporting such atrocities such people have given up their rights to be treated as fellow human beings.
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Re: Bombs in London [mmfred] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Keep reading your liberal media and draw your own conclusions but don't ever attempt to state anything as fact that you know nothing about

not me, man, i always trust that great beacon of truth and hope, Fox news, for all of my correct, accurate, and completely objective info.

thanks a bunch for posting this critical tip to all the other goofballs that even think of getting their info from anywhere else.

Where would you want to swim ?
Last edited by: Greg X: Jul 7, 05 20:25
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Re: Bombs in London [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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A lot of peoples offspring won't be joining them, rich or poor. It just a shitty point to say "What about you kids?"

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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"However certain atrocities whether it be this London bombings, 911, Bali bombings, child slavery and rape from the vulnerability of the Tsunami victim refugee camps or the constant rape, torture and disfiguring of women and little girls in the Congo are just are not acceptable ...period! The free world should do whatever necessary to stop, punish and irradicate people who perpetuate these things. In my book, by doing or supporting such atrocities such people have given up their rights to be treated as fellow human beings.

Are you trying to tell us that there are worse human rights violations occurring in places other than Guantanamo Bay?!?! Is Amnesty International aware of these atrocities? Is the DNC aware?

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
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"It's the guys who talk the talk and don't walk the walk that rankle me, especially the ones in power now."

Why get rankled so easily? Walk the walk? OK what walking have you done before?
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Re: Bombs in London [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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"Why don't you shut-TF-up!. Have some respect for the people that died today(you know innocent civilians on their way to work) in London. Save your 60's fortunate son crap for another thread."


For someone whose got nothing positive to contribute that Woo guy sure's got a lot to say.
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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Guantanamo Bay? I recall getting similar treatment when I was a junior in boarding school.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Oops. Forgot to add the "Bush family vendetta" to my list. My bad.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Bombs in London [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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Just listening to Air America(Jerry Springer) and some goober comes on and says that Bush and Guiliani planted the bombs in London. He thinks they did it because Bushs approval is falling and this would take the attention off of the quagmire in iraq. He never explained the Guiliani connection.

Just goes to show that we have dispicable crazy people in America. They are not all muslim extremists.
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Re: Bombs in London , Here we go again . [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
"Pot calling the kettle black... " ???

Yeah and I wonder what kind of kettle you are?
What's that got to do with anything? It just surprises me that you would use the rhetoric of a fundamentalist to attack and denigrate fundamentalists.
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Actually I don't see your posts in any thread where someone is asking for help of any kind. Only where there's an opportunity to spew more narrow minded racist pablum.
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Re: Bombs in London [swmrdrn] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Ron I'll make a deal with you. I'll run for office right after you enlist and go fight in this war.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [mmfred] [ In reply to ]
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So if all that is nonsense Mark and I'm just the victin of a "liberal media" where are the weapons of mass destruction that we attacked Iraq to destroy???? Where are the Al Qaeda links???? Why have the reasons for the war changed almost daily???? If we are there to spread freedom, why were we not told this before the invasion instead of two years after the fact?

And as for the part about owing the American people an explanation for attacking a country that has not attacked us...I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree on that one. You really believe the US military can attack Canada for example and tell us to mind our own business?

This is a democracy not (yet) a military dictatorship.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Oops. Forgot to add the "Bush family vendetta" to my list. My bad.
Hey right now its a more plausible explanation than the imaginary weapons of mass destruction theory.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I have a 16 year old son who wants to join the Marines to be a sniper. He has my blessing. He's worried that the action will be over before he gets his turn to "mess some people up" as he likes to say. I was reading something in Soldier of Fortune the other day about a Marine sniper that whacked a dude at 1500 meters with a .50. His spotter said the bad guy had just laced up a suicide belt. He said that when the bullet slammed into him, the guy turned into "pink mist" and said it was the coolest things he ever saw in his life. That was one of the coolest things I have ever read in my life. Anyway I'm 41, but when my son leaves home to join the Marines, I'm going to look into a short term assignment in the Marines so my son and I can mess some people up together. This Ironman shit has kept me in good shape. I'm totally ready to kick some ass. If not as a jarhead, I'll try to get a mercenary gig.

You're a credit to your country and I'm sure your son will be another great ambassador for the United States as he travels the world messing people up.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
Last edited by: MattinSF: Jul 8, 05 8:47
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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i hope not, but just in case it will be your son that will be 'pink-misted' in a really "cool" way instead those darned pesky "bad guys", drop me a line, i'll send a few bucks your way to help defray the costs of the closed-casket funeral.

maybe our super intelligent pres. will show up at the service to pay his respects.

god, i am so amazed at our pres.'s wits and brains every day! i am so glad he has lead our country to such awesome military glory and "pink-misting"! long live pink misting! how totally cool!! i gotta go subscribe to the 'soldier of fortune' mag.! how totally cool!!

Where would you want to swim ?
Last edited by: Greg X: Jul 8, 05 9:14
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Re: Bombs in London , Here we go again . [duncan] [ In reply to ]
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"What's that got to do with anything? It just surprises me that you would use the rhetoric of a fundamentalist to attack and denigrate fundamentalists." -

Duncan call me stupid if you want to go ahead, but I'll ask you back the same type of question you're asking me here. Accusing me of rhetoric and fundamentalist to attack fundamentalist whatever that means ..what's that got to do with them fanatical crazies bombing up them poor folks in London? Can't wait to hear your explaination.

"Actually I don't see your posts in any thread where someone is asking for help of any kind. Only where there's an opportunity to spew more narrow minded racist pablum." -

As for you Mr Woo your comments are getting more irrellevant and pathetic by the minute. And that's not meant to be a stupid tit for tat argument winning thing on the net forum but just a statement of honest fact. Who was it here who said something like ..."If you're dumb ass keep it to yourself, there's no need to open your mouth and confirm it." ... and you further show your ignorance by asking Trevor S why he's picked you out to tell you to shut-TF-up!. The answer's so obvious, none so blind as those who will not see. Through all your posts did you even once address the atrocities of the London Bombings? Instead you used it as an excuse to complain and criticize the democratic world that graciously houses you. Yeah why don't you shut-TF-up since you're really grasping for things to say anyway.
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Re: Bombs in London [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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I detect a little bit of sarcasm in your post. I think if you had the satisfaction of dropping a dude at 1500 meters, you would be pretty stoked. But that was only part of the story. So the guys buddy goes back to look at his friends vaporized remains and he gets whacked!! (but no "pink misting" as he was not wearing a sucide belt) Anyway, that's two confirmed kills at 1500 meters!! Almost a mile!! There are guys over there that have got 25 confirmed kills in a single day!! (maybe not at 1500 meters, but 25 confirmed kills is still pretty cool)

The sad part is that sometimes our boys run out of match grade ammunition and they have to shoot regular 7.62mm that they delink from M-60 belts. Instead of sending me money later, why don't you use that money now to send our boys some match grade 7.62 rounds. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Iraq had ties to terrorism. Not 9/11. Not al-qaeda. Iraq is just one battle on the war against terrorism.
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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there are mre dangerous Islamist militants living in London than have ever lived in Baghdad. the live there because the UK has had a long tradition of accepting political refugees, and those in danger of the death penalty in their own country. The US is still trying to extradite 2 Egyptians from London 7 years after they claimed responsibility for the bombings of our embassies in East Africa.

The man who was leader of Islamic Jihad when they murdered Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat lives openly in London and the Egyptian government has repeatedly tried to extradite him without success....Yasser al-Sirri...go google him, you're good at that. Egypt has a list of 20 terrorists they have been trying to extradite from britain for years.

Does this mean that the UK has ties to terrorism??? Are we invading them next???

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Invade the UK? What are you, nuts? They're our closest ally. How can you suggest such a move?

However, Hussein was public enemy #1 who was compared to the likes of Stalin and Hitler. Responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands..even millions of people.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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The reason there are so many islamist militants in England and throughout Europe is because there are so many muslims are moving to Europe. No country in western europe has a birthrate higher than its deathrate. There is one group in western europe increasing in size and profile: Muslims

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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The reason alot of refugees go to the UK, is they do not need a pasport to live there. They do need it in Germany, France, Belgium, blabla.


Fuck a duck and try to fly
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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Ever realised that the people you are fighting in Iraq right now, were also Saddam Hussein's ennemies ?


Fuck a duck and try to fly
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Re: Bombs in London [Kanipupski] [ In reply to ]
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Whatever the technicalities are, in western europe there is a de-evolution from a judeo-christian civilization to one that is becoming subservient to the ideology of 'jihad' and the islamic immigrants that propagate it.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Whatever the technicalities are, in western europe there is a de-evolution from a judeo-christian civilization to one that is becoming subservient to the ideology of 'jihad' and the islamic immigrants that propagate it.
Please take "zen" out of your screen name.


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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"This is a democracy not (yet) a military dictatorship."

Mattin you have absolutely no idea what living in a dictatorship is like, otherwise you wouldn't be shooting your mouth off so freely in a democracy.
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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You're losing me Brian.....you told me that we invaded Iraq primarily because there were terrorists there. Is that not so?

If our reason for invading another country is the presence of terrorists then we should be invading England...but then that never was the real reason, was it Brian?

I see you've reverted back to the hoary old Saddam is Hitler blah blah blah we have to save the Iraqi people blah blah blah nonsense.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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And you don't know a thing about me or where I have lived so I suggest you take some of your own advice.

And is your idea of democracy a nation full of docile compliant people who say nothing when their government takes the country to war for no apparent reason? diverts our military away from fighting those who are a threat to us to fighting people who never were?

Thats not a democracy.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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"Please take "zen" out of your screen name."

I used to go by "Armored Avenger" for awhile. Recently I thought of changing it to "Johnny Loco"

If I changed it, I would change it completely.

Why do you think I should I take "zen" out?

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Why do you think I should I take "zen" out?
Because bragging about how cool it is to see someone blown into a "pink mist" or how cool it is to "drop someone from 1500 feet" has nothing to do with being zen.


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
Last edited by: monterey411: Jul 8, 05 12:35
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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You're losingDo me Brian.....you told me that we invaded Iraq primarily because there were terrorists there. Is that not so?

Hussein was a terrorist. Yes. He openly said he wanted our Presidents killed and condoned terrorism.

If our reason for invading another country is the presence of terrorists then we should be invading England...

England doesn't have a leader who promotes terrorism. Iraq did.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Matt are you doing a parody of a liberal? You can't actually believe your rhetoric.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Bombs in London [Kanipupski] [ In reply to ]
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I think that it is time to move this to the lavender room.


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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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"Hussein was a terrorist. Yes. He openly said he wanted our Presidents killed and condoned terrorism."

Ahhhhhh HA!

Now we're getting close to the truth!

Saddam tried to kill my daddy an I'm gonna kick his ass. Get me the battle plan for Iraq please.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
And you don't know a thing about me or where I have lived so I suggest you take some of your own advice.

And is your idea of democracy a nation full of docile compliant people who say nothing when their government takes the country to war for no apparent reason? diverts our military away from fighting those who are a threat to us to fighting people who never were?

Thats not a democracy.

Hmmm...... The Congress and the Senate voted (with large majorities I might add, twice I believe) to authorize the President to go into Iraq. The "compliant" people also had a second chance in November of 2004 to have their say and lost. So yes I would call it a Democracy.

As for the WMD's; every country on the security councel of the un believed Iraq had WMD's. The disagreement was about how to go about getting them. Not that there wasn't any.

Your use of hyperbole to revise history is really quit amazing.
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Re: Bombs in London [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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Who is the revisionist???

Remember the UN had teams of inspectors looking for WMDs for years and couldn't find any (kinda hard to do when they don't exist)...remember Hans Blix??? the guy the UN sent there to look for these WMDs.....was he in favor of this war???? or did he want more time to confirm what he already knew to be fact...the WMDs were all long gone.

And I don't care what every country on the UN security Coucil may or may not have thought at the time, none of them Invaded Iraq...we did, and as it turns out there were no WMDs a million people are dead, terror is spreading, Iraq's infrastructure has been destroyed, a civil war will likely ensue and an anti-American ismalist Republic will be the end result.

Yeah, we did the right thing ignoring the inspectors and going to war half cocked and half assed.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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speaking of blah-blah nonsense,

you can't even differentiate between the basic difference of agendas of Crazzies fueled by fanatic interpretation of an inflexible religion and the agenda of your own Government. Do you honesty think those extremist Muslims be it the Osamas or the Saddams which follow a religion that above all else makes clear differentiation between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Ignorant Masses or Infidels will care for you and yours more than your own Administration whether it be under Bush or someone else? Killing, chopping heads, raping bombing it's inconsequential if you're not of the same religion. You're no better than a Jin in their eyes.

Of course these crazies even justify killing their own Muslims in the name of Islam but even then ...get a hold of this ... in the eyes of their fellow Muslims ...the Muslim religion clearly states that no Muslim is to judge a fellow Muslim. Only Allah has that right. And people in this religion take all of it literally and believe and follow it to the letter.

Yes politically correct is to differentiate between moderates and extremists. Whilst there are many good Muslim moderates, there are even more everyday Muslims sympathising with the fanatical crazies because the religion is still what it is. A point wise to note in the war against terrorism. As a Muslim brother an Osama is still a brother as in contrast to a welfare worker in Iraq who is sacrificing his/her life to help the people there. Such volunteers same as any other infidel are of no consequence under the religion.

I have many Muslim friends, buddies like those of any other religious beliefs and they live in the comfort of a very western lifestyle. But the moment the topic of Muslim extremists creeps into the conversation, almost without exception I see where their allegiances in their hearts lie. So much so I just avoid at all costs talking about this topic when they're around.

If any have doubts in what is said here, just ask yourself why is it they do what they do then? Why was there the bombing in London?

Well Mattin if you are in fact one of the Brotherhood there is clearly no discussion to be done with you because each side will be talking from the viewpoint of a completely different species from a different planet. But if you are not then it's about time you get your own head unfucked unless you want to join the crazies like that dick head who joined the Taliban and was fighting against his own Americans.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Remember the UN had teams of inspectors looking for WMDs for years and couldn't find any (kinda hard to do when they don't exist)...remember Hans Blix??? the guy the UN sent there to look for these WMDs.....was he in favor of this war???? or did he want more time to confirm what he already knew to be fact...the WMDs were all long gone.

The inspectors were kicked out of the country. Kind of hard to keep tabs on WMDs (remember...they were looking for them) when inspectors aren't allowed to be in the country.

How convienient of you to forget this little fact.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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"And you don't know a thing about me or where I have lived so I suggest you take some of your own advice."

Pray do tell us a little about your background so we may better understand why you're so F'ed-Up.
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Am I reading your post correctly???

So a billion Chinese are all greedy crooks and now every muslim is a terrorist sympathizer?? is that what you're telling me?

You have some issues dude.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't forget it Brian...but you seem to conveniently forget that the last country to kick the inspectors out and send them running for the Jordanian border was none other than the United States of America.

Their ability to keep tabs on WMDs is neither here nor there since we all now know that they didn't exist.

Admit it Brian, we invaded Iraq citing the existence of WMDs as the reason. Those WMDs did not exist. We were wrong.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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"Because bragging about how cool it is to see someone blown into a "pink mist" or how cool it is to "drop someone from 1500 feet" has nothing to do with being zen."

First of all, I was not bragging. I was enthusiastically recounting some thing that I read. Secondly, dropping someone at 1500 meters has a lot to to with Zen. Zen Masters trained samurai warriors in meditation and tought them enhanced concentration and willpower. The same kind of concentration and willpower that you need to whack a motherfucker at 1500 meters. I think they call it 'bushido'; sort of a spiritual way of killing spiced up with some Zen phliosophy

Anyway, what's wrong with the pink mist description? Like I said, it was a vest that would have been used for a suicide bombing. So it's probably a better thing for a Marine Sniper to kill that guy than to let him carry out a suicide bombing and kill 10 or 20 more innocent civilians.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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How could he tell from a mile away??? perhaps it was one of those baby carrier things and the pink mist was the child's brains exploding.

How cool would that be!!!

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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So you didn't forget but convieniently left it out of your argument.

Doesn't a bell go off in your mind when inspectors were ordered out of the country for a long period of time when they were initially there looking for something like WMDs? I suspect they were there looking for WMD's as ordered by the UN b/c the UN did think they were there...or does the UN just send people blindly into countries hoping to find something?

Kind of like the cops in a drug bust at a house. Show up...but told to come back a bit later...come back and are free to search the premises...and voila!!! No drugs...Go wonder....
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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I liked the pink mist description. Captured the moment brilliantly. And may the person who died rest in peace.
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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Brian your argument makes no sense whatsoever.

So what if Saddam chased the inspectors and then flushed his WMDs down the toilet....THATS WHAT THE UN MANDATE WAS ASKING HIM TO DO!

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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The administration decided to attack (retaliate against) Afghanistan in response to 9/11. It believed at the time that those responsible for the attack were in the country and supported by the Taliban government. Afghanistan was the most credible threat at the time. That was the retaliation for 9/11. Since the administration was pretty proud of itself for making America safer by doing away with the Taliban, I believe it wanted to keep the momentum rolling and do what it thought was necessary to make the US safer STILL by invading Iraq.

Is the US safer now? Who knows, time will tell.
Was the success of an Iraq invasion overly optimistic? Obviously.
Did his advisors tell Bush how much they liked his new clothes? Perhaps.
Should the US have bullied Pakistan/SA instead of invading Iraq? Probably.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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You convieniently forgot (again)...there were no records that confirmed that the weapons had been destroyed...no pictures...or evidence whatsoever....

So we should've just taken his word for it...right?
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Re: Bombs in London [Barrio] [ In reply to ]
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About the goober: seriously?? Some people will believe (invent) anything as long as it fits into their distorted view of the world.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Read it any way you want.

About the Chinese just ask any person whose been there to do business.

Ask your Muslim friends what the religion says about one Muslim's non-right to criticise another and what the religion and the Koran say about the relationships between one Muslim to another. in cotrast to another outside the religion.

Hey Mattin since you want to make me into a Simpleton here's another for you -

There's no perfect country or system of governance. But the Western world's system of democracy while it affords democracy and promotes freedom and opportunities to it's populace also promotes the occassional crazy. Like the ones who will get a sniper rifle and start shooting down people for no reason. And because of the freedom of speach philosophy it also promotes some Mattins who will describe the gory details of sniping someone in gleefull detail and expouse aggressively about a whole lot of unsubstantiated political BS going thro his disturbed cranium.

Well with the good I guess there has to be some bad.
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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We don't have to take their word for it Brian...we invaded them and didn't find any.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Jeez Dude what's with the huge lettering?

If you lose it like that on an internet discussion, chances are you must be a little nutty. So that's why you're so full of BS.
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Re: Bombs in London [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
The administration decided to attack (retaliate against) Afghanistan in response to 9/11. It believed at the time that those responsible for the attack were in the country and supported by the Taliban government. Afghanistan was the most credible threat at the time. That was the retaliation for 9/11. Since the administration was pretty proud of itself for making America safer by doing away with the Taliban, I believe it wanted to keep the momentum rolling and do what it thought was necessary to make the US safer STILL by invading Iraq.

Is the US safer now? Who knows, time will tell.
Was the success of an Iraq invasion overly optimistic? Obviously.
Did his advisors tell Bush how much they liked his new clothes? Perhaps.
Should the US have bullied Pakistan/SA instead of invading Iraq? Probably.

There'll be no informed reasonable arguments on this thread ya hear! Unless you edit this immediately and toss in a few ad hominem attacks and question someone's patriotism I suggest you go find another thread!


"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Doesn't mean they didn't exist.

Besides, we took away the man who threatened to use them...that's going to the root of the problem. At the same time, we brought a new government and gave the Iraqi people freedom. How convienient of you to forget (again) the ancilliary benefits we brought to these people...But I guess you're of the opinion that having a brutal dictator like Hussein in power was ok because he kept people in line and did terrorism his way.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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"perhaps it was one of those baby carrier things and the pink mist was the child's brains exploding."

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you work for the San Francisco Chronicle or the New York Times?

Did you stop to think that someone might come across this thread and read your stupid shit and think that Marine snipers are killing babies? Is this how you liberals 'support the troops'.....by making things up that favor the enemy and endanger soldiers and Marines?

The dude was wearing a suicide vest packed with C4. He got what he deserved. Later that week, Marines found 100 more suicide vests in a building near where this guy got whacked.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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Matt isn't willing to admit that they sniper was a good shot. He's jealous.
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Re: Bombs in London [Brian286] [ In reply to ]
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Ummmm we invaded a country and killed a million people to take out a guy who threatened us with weapons he didn't have? is that it?


"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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What the fuck is wrong with me?

Mojo...nobody needs to ask the same question of you, its pretty obvious what the fuck is wrong with you. You're a psychopath.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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No that's not it. And many here have already told you why but you refuse to listen or see.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Does that mean you're giving up & I've won?? <:)

Have a good weekend.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Funny the same could be said about you. A psychopath on a screwed up political crusade!
Last edited by: kangaroo: Jul 8, 05 14:11
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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What exactly is "it" then?

Nobody has given me a coherent reason why we are in Iraq...not on this thread or in our Government. To date we've heard blather about non-existent WMDs, innuendo about non-existent al-Qaeda links, and the latest bullshit they are feeding us is this "spreading freedom and democracy" mullarkey.

I still don't know why we are there and given that the white House changes their tune ever 6 months or so I don't think they really know either.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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cut n paste from previous post -

"And many here have already told you why but you refuse to listen or see."
Last edited by: kangaroo: Jul 8, 05 14:16
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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There's a difference between refusing to "see" it and refusing to buy it.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Post deleted by Casey [ In reply to ]
Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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EXACTLY so what is it you want us to buy?

That we should sympathise with Saddam, or Ossama and the like? Or that we should get into White House bashing like you because of the tragedy in London?
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that insurgence and terrorists and their supporters coud be surfing the web for threads in the forums concerning them. In which case they would be heartened and more encouraged by Mattin type posts.
Last edited by: kangaroo: Jul 8, 05 14:38
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Why do you link Saddam and Osama?

There isn't one...just like there isn't a link between Saddam and the London bombs...unless of course you want include the number of new terrorists our invasion has created.

Saddam = nothing to do with 9/11 and was no threat to us...we invaded his country and have him in captivity.

Osama Bin Laden = mastermind of 9/11 and according to the White House he is no longer a source of concern, and we should just ignore him....he's still a free man.

What were you selling again?

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
Last edited by: MattinSF: Jul 8, 05 14:32
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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similar reason Muslim Terrorists link all countries of the free world eg USA, England, Spain, Japan, Australia etc.

Saddam, Ossama, Iran, Insurgence, Abu Sayeff, Taliban they're all a threat arising out of the same religious fanatacism.

Was it that hard to figure on your own?
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Saddam wasn't religious, he hated the fundamentalists like bin Laden...remember his right hand man Tariq Aziz...that guy is a Christian.

Try again.

Its been fun everyone but I'm off for the weekend...I think I'm gonna spend Saturday helping OJ find the real killer and Sunday I'll give Brian a hand trying to locate those WMDs.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
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Post deleted by Casey [ In reply to ]
Re: Bombs in London [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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Noticed you live in Michigan so you might be able to pick up 700 WLW on the am dial. If you can listen on Sunday evenings from 9-midnight to a show called the sci zone.

They have callers and a host who actually believe that the us government brought down the twin towers on 9/11. They believe that jet contrails are actually airborne viruses being tested on the populace by the government. These people make Michael Moore look like a john birch society member. It would be funny if they weren't serious.
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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sarcasm? me? never.

think big, you pathetic sissy-boy! you may lust after little bits of lead, but i want to be the guy in the final scene of Dr. Stranglelove, ridin' the big nuke to her final destination, if you know what i mean. or better, i want to give the order (like one of my great movie heroes, general jack ripper) to send the whole arsenal over and waste a whole continent. you know, turn 1/3 of the earth into solid glass asphalt--not a twig left standing.

f*ck those baby blue sissy-ass bullets! i want to have a civilization-ending MONSTER in my hip pocket arsenal. i want to do some planetary 'pink-misting', not just kill a couple of lame-ass bombers. and compared to my heroes, Bush and Saddam are limp-wristed wimpy-wimps. i look up to REAL men that KNOW what its like to drop dudes en masse--Stalin is my top hero (they say he did away with a manly 40,000,000--that's cool!), with Adolf running a close second.

get your son to look up to REAL men like me, not just to some soldier of fortune mag. wanna-be's...

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum



'You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Thinsg Are As They Are.'
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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First of all, I was not bragging. I was enthusiastically recounting some thing that I read. Secondly, dropping someone at 1500 meters has a lot to to with Zen.

Anyway, what's wrong with the pink mist description? Like I said, it was a vest that would have been used for a suicide bombing. So it's probably a better thing for a Marine Sniper to kill that guy than to let him carry out a suicide bombing and kill 10 or 20 more innocent civilians.[/reply]


What I have a problem with is the implication that killing is cool. First of all, I am in no way a "Zen Master," but I think that spouting off about the glory of killing someone is just wrong and doesn't have much to do with the spirit and intension of zen as it is interpreted today. What's that quote? "War is hell." And to in any way glorify it is doing a diservice to "our boys." I also think that what got us into this conflict to begin with is this exact mentality. The conservative rhetoric about defending freedom has been totally lost on war-mongers who just want to blow shit up.

Secondly, I have NO PROBLEM with snipers defending the innocent, but as I said before, I do have a problem with the glorification of the killing. Go ahead and call me a liberal - 'cause guess what? I am. But also, I am the one that will go into Iraq long after the military has left to pick up the pieces and take care of those who have nothing left.


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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"But also, I am the one that will go into Iraq long after the military has left to pick up the pieces and take care of those who have nothing left. "

Spare me.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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Spare me.[/reply]


Really? I work in public health and I am studying international health with a focus on refugees...


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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I don't give two shits what you do it's your self righteous attitude that sucks. Get over yourself and your gift to the world and do some research on the building the US military does world wide that helps those in need.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]I don't give two shits what you do it's your self righteous attitude that sucks. Get over yourself and your gift to the world and do some research on the building the US military does world wide that helps those in need.[/reply]


I was just trying to make a point. The whole thread about killing is cool sucks just as much.


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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Point made. Your better.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Point made. Your better.[/reply]

Whatever dude. This wasn't even directed at you.


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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An inference was made at a community that I was once a member of and that I care for deeply. I am an asshole that way. Attack what I love and I defend.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]An inference was made at a community that I was once a member of and that I care for deeply. I am an asshole that way. Attack what I love and I defend.[/reply]

Fair enough, and it goes both ways, you know?


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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Bring it.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Bring it.[/reply]

I made my point, you made yours.


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
Last edited by: monterey411: Jul 8, 05 19:47
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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Now that is over with what color would you paint a bedroom for a soothing Zen sexy vibe? Just got my new apartment and want to paint this weekend.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Now that is over with what color would you paint a bedroom for a soothing Zen sexy vibe? Just got my new apartment and want to paint this weekend.[/reply]

Ha. Green.


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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Like a dark forest kinda green or a lighter cocktail kinda green. I hold no gruge.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Now that is over with what color would you paint a bedroom for a soothing Zen sexy vibe? Just got my new apartment and want to paint this weekend.[/reply]

Here ya go...

Go with the sexual energy ones ;)
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Like a dark forest kinda green or a lighter cocktail kinda green. I hold no gruge.[/reply]


Agree to disagree...and it all depends on what room you are painting.


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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"Saddam wasn't religious, he hated the fundamentalists like bin Laden..."

Yeah right, now you are assuming we're all born yesterday. BTW did you hear Sadam Hussein is so unreligious he changed his name to Saddie Hasselhoff. Yeah and do take the weekend off, shovelling that much BS takes a lot of energy.
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Re: Bombs in London [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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Here ya go...

Go with the sexual energy ones ;)[/reply]
Good website! Do you really want a bedroom in orange?


Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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So if you're the President of the USA what would you now do about Iraq and Iran who does have nuclear?
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Re: Bombs in London [Mr. Tibbs] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
An inference was made at a community that I was once a member of and that I care for deeply. I am an asshole that way. Attack what I love and I defend
most excellent. well, then you must support those valiant Iraqi "freedom fighters" defending their communities against the attack and invasion of the 'coalition' imperialist infidels.

Where would you want to swim ?
Last edited by: Greg X: Jul 8, 05 20:18
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Re: Bombs in London [MattinSF] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Ummmm we invaded a country and killed a million people to take out a guy who threatened us with weapons he didn't have? is that it?


There you go with the hyperbole again. Can you please post were you got this statistic? This total is significantly higher than any number I've seen. Even from liberal sources.

The former Iraqi government and the UN and it's Oil for Food program have killed more Iraqi civilians than anything the US or the US military will come close to.
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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"The idea of sympathizing with Saddam or OBL because you oppose the war is nonsense."

The idea of using a discussion of what happened in London to criticise our governments who are doing their utmost to protect us from such terrorists is as good as sympathising with Saddam and OBL.
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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" But also, I am the one that will go into Iraq long after the military has left to pick up the pieces and take care of those who have nothing left. "

Well as long as you're really serious and not just play pretending Mother Teressa in order to get your rocks off ..very commendable. But do prepare yourself for the reality that in grattitude one of them Muslim crazies might capture you and you may get your dick or head chopped off for your efforts.
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Re: Bombs in London [Barrio] [ In reply to ]
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"They have callers and a host who actually believe that the us government brought down the twin towers on 9/11."

Doesn't sound so crazy to me.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mookie1986] [ In reply to ]
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Yup one of the irritating things about a democraxcy is that dickheads take advantage of it to mouth of all kinds of BS. There were some who even made a case, (like wrote up a whole thesis style presentation) for the recent Tsunami being perpetuated by some latest technology tests from the USA in order to gain some kind of twisted political gain.

Quote: The world is now a dangerous place, not so much because of those who perpetuate it but more because of those who stand by and let it happen.

Because of the way terrorism is conducted, ie civillian targets at it's most vulnerable; because the targets can be anywhere anytime; because the vermin perpetuating terrorism employ this advantage in their most despicable methods, we need to remain united in order to defend ouselves and our families and friends and the places we live and work. Whilst our governments and agencies do what they can they cannot have eyes at all times in all places. Everyone of us needs to contribute our vigilance to limit incidents like the London bombings.

The very last thing we do need after such incidents like the London bombings, is for all these dickheads to come out of the woodwork to use the incident as a platform to launch their anti-government BS. To dickheads I say, "Save it for the election vote, or if you are really that committed in your views run for elections and do something about it. On your campaign trail you will have the best opportunity to spout all the BS you want. In fact you could go knock yourself out on a verbal diarrhoea fest hoping you can convince enough other dickheads to vote for you."

That's the beauty of the democracy you live in and the fairness that it can afford to all; even the dickheads. In a Saddam or Osama world that dickheads find it so fashionable to make verbal cases for, anti establishment rhetoric would likely end up getting the dick head chopped off ..literally. So I for one feel very lucky to be under a Bush administration or any US government for that matter. Unlike the dickheads I believe that those in power in the US government are doing their best for the people of the USA and other non-hostile people of the world. Unlike the dickheads, I really don't feel that the main agenda of those in the US Govt is to conspiring to screw us all.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mookie1986] [ In reply to ]
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[quote] "They have callers and a host who actually believe that the us government brought down the twin towers on 9/11."

Doesn't sound so crazy to me.[/quote]

Come on that would be like:

President McKinley telling the American people that the USS Maine had been sunk in Havana Harbor by a Spanish mine if it was really was sunk by a coal bin explosion.

Hitler telling the people of Germany that Poland had attacked first, so that the Germans, convinced they were being threatened, would follow Hitler into Poland and into World War 2.

FDR claiming Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. It wasn't. (well documented)

The United States saw war with Japan as the means to get into war with Germany, which Americans opposed. So Roosevelt needed Japan to appear to strike first. Following an 8-step plan devised by the Office of Naval Intelligence, Roosevelt intentionally provoked Japan into the attack. Contrary to the official story, the fleet did not maintain radio silence, but sent messages intercepted and decoded by US intercept stations. Tricked by the lie of a surprise attack, Americans marched off to war.

President Johnson liing about the Gulf of Tonkin to send Americans off to fight in Vietnam. There were no torpedoes in the water in the Gulf. LBJ took advantage of an inexperienced sonar man's report to goad Congress into escalating Vietnam

It is inescapable historical reality that leaders of nations will lie to their people to trick them into wars they otherwise would have refused. It is not "conspiracy theory" to suggest that leaders of nations lie to trick their people into wars. It is undeniable fact.

This brings us to the present case.

Did the government of the United States lie to the American people, more to the point, did President Bush and his Neocon associates lie to Congress, to initiate a war of conquest in Iraq?

You should be more than angry. You should be in a rage. You should be in a rage no less than that of the families of those young men and women who have been killed and maimed in this war started with a lie.You need to be in a rage and you need to act on that rage because even as these words are typed, the same government that lied about Iraq's nuclear weapons is telling the exact same lies about Iran's nuclear capabilities. The writing is on the wall; having gotten away with lying to start the war in Iraq, the US Government will lie to start a war in Iran, and after that another, and after that another, and another and another and another because as long as you remain silent, and as long as you remain inactive, the liars have no reason to stop.

As long as you remain inactive, the liars have no reason to stop.


It is time to fire the liars.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is
for good men to do nothing" .
--Edmund Burke [i]
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Re: Bombs in London [RichardS] [ In reply to ]
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"It is time to fire the liars. "

Yup and time to vote in the messengers of 'truths'. So when are you standing for elections Mr Richards?
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Me? No I hide behind the annonimity of an assumed name on an annonomous message board, kangaroo....

Given the visible and uncontested duplicity in elected governments today, it is not unreasonable to imagine that the 'truth' revealed on the deathbeds of those involved 30 years from now, may well be different than the 'truth' that is presented for public consumption today. To believe it could not be so is is truely naive. History suggests it will be so.

Oh, and I don't really think these people are evil, they are just following their nature. The wolf does not worry about the feelings and fears of the sheep. And why should he be held hostage to their concerns?
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Re: Bombs in London [RichardS] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for saving me the time and energy to type something similar so I could enjoy my long ride today. I would have noted many of the same instances of deliberate deception aimed at rallying an unknowing public behind a government's unholy actions. To your list, I'd also add Project Northwoods, a false-flag op planned by military brass to get the US to go after Cuba, which thankfully was nixed by JFK. But then it's possible his rejection of the plan also got him nixed...

Nice treatise, Roo. You sure know a lot about dickheads. Impressive.
Last edited by: Mookie1986: Jul 9, 05 9:37
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Re: Bombs in London [RichardS] [ In reply to ]
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Don't forget cattle mutlations, crops circles, time travel and the fact this is all a computer program and we are really used by a computer for batteries.

You funny GI!

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Mookie1986] [ In reply to ]
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"Nice treatise, Roo. You sure know a lot about dickheads. Impressive."

If the shoe fits Mookie ...
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Re: Bombs in London [RichardS] [ In reply to ]
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Me anonymity of an assumed name behind an anonymousmessage board? It applies to all of us. What's your point?

For all we know your real initials could be OBL. Certainly a lot more likely than the falling of the Twin Towers a result of a US Govt conspiracy.
Last edited by: kangaroo: Jul 9, 05 11:43
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Watching interviews on TV tonight after watching TdF stage 8 -

The interview given by the Palestinian Ambasador, him saying that the London bombings was a bad thing somehow did not sound too sincere.

In contrast the interview given by the representative of the Arab Nations to the USA struck me as sincere and noteworthy in the understanding of the problem of terrorism which will give us a better idea of how to combat it. The points that struck me were -

1) This form of terrorism that we are now facing is a direct result of the interpretation of Islam.

2) It has nothing to do with frustrations or dissentions arising out of the plight of poverty because terrorism of this kind does not arise out any of the other poverty stricken areas of the world.

3) This problem of Muslim terrorist recruitment in the West is assentuated more in the UK and Europe more than in the US. The reason is because in the USA where US Muslim citizens reside, the community is based more on a foundation of of mixed immigration. Whereas in the UK and Europe Muslims are alienated to a large extent making it harder for them to get jobs etc. This makes a better breeding ground for recruitment by terrorists organizations from abroad.

4) Although he wishes that concepts such as Jihad should be interpretated as pitting oneself against the problems of poverty and and literacy in the Muslim world, this and the threat of Islam based terrorism is not going change for the better anytime soon. The reason is because the large majority of Muslim leaders are not prepared to change or modify the interpretations of the religion.

To me this is certainly a very frank and honest interview and it gives me the greatest respect for the man. For him as a Muslim knowing what a great majority of his fellow Muslims are like and still be willing to get straight to the truth.... it's a first for me.

My impression of many Americans is that they are very insular in their mentalities and perceptions and don't realize how other religions and cultures motivates the behaviour of other people. Many Americans subconsciously don't realize that there is a rest of the world that doesn't think or behave anything like themselves. A mistake that is dangerous as far as terrorism goes.
Last edited by: kangaroo: Jul 9, 05 12:26
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Re: Bombs in London [RichardS] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Blah, Blah, Blah....
This brings us to the present case.

Did the government of the United States lie to the American people, more to the point, did President Bush and his Neocon associates lie to Congress, to initiate a war of conquest in Iraq?

More blah, blah, blah.....

You completely skipped over Clinton's and Europe's (i.e. NATO) "100,000's of missing people" lie. So they could achieve "piece through war" by bombing the shit out of Serbia from 25,000 feet. The fact that the side we helped (i.e. KLA) was (and is) receiving support from obl and al-qaeda was conveniently ignored.
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Re: Bombs in London [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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"Blah, Blah, Blah....
This brings us to the present case. "

Blah, Blah yourself. Present case is about the London bombings and the victims and what we should do about it.
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
"Blah, Blah, Blah....
This brings us to the present case. "

Blah, Blah yourself. Present case is about the London bombings and the victims and what we should do about it.
Exactly I agree with you 100%.
Last edited by: Trevor S: Jul 9, 05 13:46
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Re: Bombs in London [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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Stage 9 tomorrow Dude, I've got it live! Let's see if the Disco boys were really not pushing themselves yesterday or were they really knackered. I'll put my vote the former.

Oops! this brings us way out of the present Case Scenario but at least it's not the same kinda Blah, Blah we've been getting like the fall of the Twin Towers, Pearl Harbour, Tsunami n coming up on the list will be London Bombings all part of the continuing US Govt conspiracy.

See ya after stage 9!
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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"Do you think the insurgents are reading the ST forum?:)"

Not when they have friends like mattinsf to read it for them.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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but at least the insurgents have scary sissy-ass, baby bullet-loving folks like you to laugh at...

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Bombs in London [monterey411] [ In reply to ]
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"but I think that spouting off about the glory of killing someone is just wrong"

From our side, I don't think there has been nearly enough glorification of killing. Where in the mainstream media are you reading about how many bad guys we kill? All you read is about how many of our guys have been killed. If the media was truly objective, we would see a daily bodycount of dead insurgents. What would be wrong with that?

One other thing, snipers and grunts are supposed to kill as many bad guys as possible. This is not a peacekeeping mission, it's a war.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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you pathetic soldier-of-fortune reading wimp.

i would want every insurgent body decapitated and the head shoved on to a sharp spear and then i would stand one up in every room in my house to remind me of the sweet smell of 'pink-misting' the bad guys.

i have graphic pictures of one of my hero's work (hint: germany, wwII) all over my kitchen. really helps the appetite.

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Where in the mainstream media are you reading
you idiot, what are you reading the mainstream media for???! i get all my info direct from 'grim reaper magazine' and from rupert murdoch's live feed.

Where would you want to swim ?
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Re: Bombs in London [Greg X] [ In reply to ]
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Well....I thought that other post was sarcastic, but this one is definitely sarcastic. I am getting a feeling that you are mocking my pro-war, pro-pink misting position and I am offended. It is extremely poor manners for you to try and take a confirmed kill.....that took much skill and discipline to accomplish and make a joke out of it. All I was doing was recounting a real life sniper kill. I thought the "pink mist" thing was a cool way to describe what happens when a .50 cal sniper round hits a human body that is wearing a suicide vest. That's the type of carnage that a 'real man' like you should be able to appreciate, right?

Besides, anyone can fly a nuke from high altitude and hit an area target like a continent, But not anyone can whack two motherfuckers (a point target) with a sniper rifle in less than a minute at 1500 meters.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Bombs in London [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
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It's sad for that individual who has volunteered and trained as a sniper. They do so at no small mental cost to themselves and will carry those burdens for the remainder of their lives.

I support their actions absolutely as they are acting out the orders of our country and for making such sacrifices fully deserve our support.

I also support them receiving the help they require to fit back into our society whether mental or even if it is just a hospice setting to ease their pain as they deteriorate from our first fully nuclear wars and the effects of depleted uranium exposure (where do we get off?).

It'd just be nice when we are choosing to destroy young lives if it was done in defense of our country and eradication of terrorism like the Canadians are doing in Afghanistan, rather than in wars of aggression like we are waging in Iraq.

[And coming soon to a theatre of war near you, Iran, Syria, and Venezuela]

The bigger issue here that is driving these wars is inescapable. The U.S. MUST control the oil supply to maintain world domination. Many will laugh, or not want to hear this message, but you will see more and more of the effects of this over the next five to ten years. There has never been a more possible time for a discontinuous innovation that will allievate the need for oil, but it hasn't happened yet, and without it, this planet will not continue to support 6 billion people, let alone an SUV lifestyle.
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Re: Bombs in London [RichardS] [ In reply to ]
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You're making a lot of assumptions here -

First about the mental state of individuals ... My assumption no worse than yours would be those pro snipers after sniping some terrorists would probably be elated at having the chance to off some crazy fanatics, finally put their training to actual good use. After that they would go celebrate and go to the gym, ride bixcyxle or do whatever they normally do, sleep well keep practicing their craft for their next assignment.

Next about what makes the world go round and what's gonna be happening in the future on the global stage? We'll leave that to the expertise as pronounced by THE RichardS fortune telling service.

BTW while you're here have you got atheory of Western conspiracy regarding the latest London bombings?
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Post deleted by Casey [ In reply to ]
Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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Sounds good, for sure we need to fight the war on terror with a vigilance, combined intelligence effort, identifying and going after them terrorrists.

But some may say a country like Iran is a breeding ground for terrorists goups, and the nucleur development by a country governed by some pretty staunch fanatics is also a huge threat. Also there are those saying that when OBL is eventually captured or killed there will be a backlash from crazies as he will be elevated to martyr in their eyes. It's not what I say, it's what the recognised experts are saying both Muslim and non-Muslim.

It's about the interpretation of a religion that doesn't allow for a lot of room for flexibility. And it's a religion that encompasses about 40% of the world's population? So what percentage of these guys have the kind of sympathy to become terrorists or support terrorists? So that's the magnitude of the problem. Given this can we still afford the luxury of being splinterred in our convictions to fight terror ?

Perhaps the first step is to recognize the enemy for what it is and be unitedly prepared to fight it for the long haul and hit them hard from every angle ... as what Popular George says. What other choice is there? Yes there are the very vocal sceptics, some with fantastic powers of imagination. But George getting voted for a second term, I somehow suspect that the American people know that he is committed to what he says about the war on terror and best possible protection for the country.
Last edited by: kangaroo: Jul 10, 05 21:08
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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traditional war against guerilla war and terrorism doesn't work. It's been tried before. and it failed. Why not learn from previous mistakes? Can't you see that what's going on in Iraq looks like Vietnam more and more everyday? (I agree, less trees and rain...but still...)
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Terrorism isn't like Vietnam is it? The terrorists and their sentimentalists are not restricted to the parameters of a country. It doesn't go away just by pulling out of Iraq or Afghanistan. Having their way prevail all over the globe is simply unacceptable.

In any case, you may have heard different, but from what I heard in Vietnam that final Tet offensive where the Vietcong came out of hiding and started their masacre on the South and their march into Saigon? That was precisely the time that they were most vulnerable. In their mass attack they were no more guerilla warfare and ripe for the picking from supererior US firepower. An analogy would be in boxing or martial arts. When your oponent is purely intent on attack, he's at his most vulnerable. The counter punch or kick he never saw as he is aggressively moving forward will be the double impact one that will drop him flat.

But of course what happened with all them hippie-yippies, flower power take more drugs, make love not war pressure caused the Americans to pull out exactly when they could have made the decisive move. I've been a soldier and gone through intensive training but not seen action. But I can't even begin to imagine them GI's seeing their friends die and mutilated, going through all that prolonged battle hardship, only to have the rug pulled out from under them and return home to the US with all them hippies ragging them. That would really be one big suck to the max.

Vietnam and the world is worse off for it. Just look at the type of commie-capitalists they are breeding now. Not exactly good citizens of the world. And Dude don't tell me generalizations don't apply even in extremes of behaviour. Look to the nationalistic fervour of Japan in WWII, the Nazis in WW11, the Crazy mentality of general women kidnaping, raping an maiming which has become the norm inn the Congo and the large enough proportion of Muslims who empathise with Muslim based terrorism. I remember the fervour in the streets of Argentine during the Falklands crisis, the same kind of behaviour you see where mobs in Palestine are burning flags and firing weapons in the air, then the British came in and cleaned house on the Falklands in one decisive move. Suddenly all the Argentinians became 'normal' again. BTW in VN throwing acid and blinding and disfiguring, often resulting in death is an everyday affair.

Francois I don't know whether you see it, but bad general behavioral traits en masse whether it's a short term fervour or something that permeates culture and daily behaviour of a people is not such an unreality as some here have sarcastically criticised me for pointing out.

What Vietnam teaches me is the importance of unity against the enemy. What it teaches me is vocal dissedants sitting comfortably on their democratic asses can do more harm than the enemy themselves. And the Administration voted in; though many would have us believe it, are not fools who prioritize some covert agendas over the security of our home and the advance of a democratic world better for all. After all they only have four year terms at a time where the people can then decide who to have running the show again.

Yes Muslim Fundamentalist Terrorism is a lot more complex and involved than just an isolated Vietnam War. As such the stakes are much much higher and the results much more solemn if we were to make the same mistakes made in the Vietnam War. The mistake of disunity in the fight against the enemy. With this kind of evil widespread threat we need a no pulling punches strategy at all levels, forms and sources of the threat.
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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But the war in Iraq is taking the same turn as the war in Vietnam. Of course the war on terror isn't like Vietnam and you know full well, this is not what I said in the first post...
I was just saying that conventional war is just not the way to go. Not the way to go in Iraq, not the way to go against terror
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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The "war" in Iraq lasted what 3 months and frankly the US walked all over the Iraqi army. However if you call muslims (terrorists) killing other muslims (Iraqi civilians and police),which is currently happening in Iraq, like Vietnam so be it.
Last edited by: Trevor S: Jul 11, 05 8:17
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Re: Bombs in London [Trevor S] [ In reply to ]
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the war in Iraq is over? Funny, it's not what my friends who came back from there recently and working at Fort Bliss told me...they all tell me that people still die every day.
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Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Well if you're looking at it from the hit and run guerilla tactics ... yes it is. But if you consider the enemy who he is. He is not comprising of a local segment fighting for an ideology to rule within his own country. The enemy comprises largely of insurgence, fighting from a fanatic misguided belief perpetuated by the most influential motivation known to man ie religion. Iraq now represents a battle between Muslim fundamentalists who regard all outside the religion as inconsequential and democracy as we know and live and take for granted in. It is a mini battle reflecting the conflict of ideologies, where one idealogy is user friendly to all whilst the other is separatist, barbaric and elitist with strict restrictions to concepts of freedom of choice. So Iraq is not just Iraq and the outcome will have a huge ripple effect. That's why no matter what, we need to stay united and make sure we win out this one no matter ...unlike Vietnam.

That's why I get worried when I see vocal dissention from people in our very own democracies. This time we cannot afford another Vietnam ending cuz the stakes are so very different.

Those on the side of democracy besides wanting a democratic world free for all to live in and free of terrorists also want an Iraq that can become peaceful and start to regenerate and rebuild for it's inhabitants to have better opportunities in a more democratic way of life. Becoming a trading partner and negitiating some concessions in terms of oil reproduction and trade is a small price for Iraqis to come out of the dark ages and into a world of freedom, choice and civilized standard of living. All developing countries, all those around the world which have become or are now becoming affluent have come up through a foundation of support from the developed countries. Fanatic fundamentalists have no interest in any people having a better way of life, no logical foundation to their agenda, just a way of life dictated by their fanatical interpretations of an inflexible religion back to the dark ages and back to an attitude dangerous to all others around them. Whatever it takes because they kill even other Muslim's wholesale, who they feel are obstacles to their objectives shaped by their hardened beliefs.

Let's face it, like it or not there is no way to avoid another London bombing. But by keeping united and vigilant at home, by using whatever means to improve our security and by pounding them wherever they live whether it be in their financial network, in our home, in their home and in their supporters' home can we reduce the threat and ever hope to one day irradicate such problem. These crazies have never say die attitudes, literally, so in our democracies can we afford to falter in our resolve?

Those of us who verbal bash the very ones who protect us like to mention the Iraq war contributing to bring on more conflict to ourselves. In case they forgot it was 911 first then Iraq and not the other way round. Crazzies brought the war right to our door step and into our home in the worse way and these verbal bashers still want to deliberate? ...and speculate? Some who even expouse the falling Twin Towers like the Men from Mars is a homegrown conspiracy .
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Post deleted by Casey [ In reply to ]
Re: Bombs in London [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Even though Iraq is nothing at alll like Vietnam I see you point but there is one problem, we are already in Iraq. I was for the war in the begining but using everyones favorite friend, hindsight, I now see it was a mistake. How ever I have to say we must keep on.

Everyone is doing a fantastic job slamming Bush for going into Iraq but not alot of people are giving good ideas on what we should do now, probably because Bush is doing what we should do now.

Bush made a mistake and won an election with that mistake. Let's talk future and present shall we.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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Casey allow me to string some things together and see what we come up with -

1) This Terrorist threat we face does not come from a tangible enemy.

2) Religion unlike what religious folks would have us believe is not God send but man made and well documented in history.

3) In the Muslim religion this belief is taken one step further because the Koran is an exact replica, photocopy of a table in Heaven kept by Allah.

4) Therefore there is no interpretation of the meaning just exact and full acceptance word for word.

5) In the old days of Muhammed when the religion was being formed for the nomadic harsh society in a harsh land it all made sense. It's no wonder eating disease ridden pigs is prohibitted, women have to cover up head to toe and basically be under house arrest, laws exacting chopping off hands and beheadings for slightest infringements, outsiders were regarded as less than human and accorded the same.

6) But these unyielding beliefs and barbaric ways for today's applications? Well the religion even accomodates Muslims killing Muslims without any recourse or punishment. In fact the ones perpetuating such killings regard themselves as religious Martyrs ie Jihad. We don't see many of the religious leaders making efforts to change the interpretations of a Religion with set in stone directives and are conspicuous by their absence during slaughterings perpetuated by their Muslim fold on fellow Muslims.

Ironic? Whoever said religion had to be logical.

7) Demographic breakdown of Muslims -

(a) Well educated TRULY MODERATE Muslims, a very small proportion and they know the score and don't see the light at the end of the tunnel either.

(b) Educated Muslims who aren't really that moderate because they believe and feel for the Muslim brotherhood thing taught by their religion above all else, logic and common decency included. Majority may not perpetuate violence but they certainly in their hearts condone it against the infedels even though many of these types live in and enjoy the the freedoms, opportunities and lifestyle the democracy they live in affords them.

(c) The mass proportion are not educated in the way you and I know but are well schooled in the fundamentalist teachings of their religion. In fact they practice it several times a day everyday and attend long religious classes and meetings to boot.

(d) and last but not least the Terrorists. They come from demographic segments (b) and (c). And their belief is that it is their God given duty to make sure that their religion is upheld to the letter , especially in their countries of majority Muslims and it is also their duty to attack democracy anyway they can, better still in the soft belly of the infedel's homeland because they are a threat to the purity of their Islam. Such attacks, Jihad is the most glorious.

It's not politically correct to criticise religion especially one that encompasses 40% of the world's population. Bush, Blair and co could not say it openly for sure. But these are the raw facts and before you can fight your enemy you need to know him first.

So what do you think is needed to fight this war on terror?

Yes Francois this war against terrorism is anything but conventional.
Last edited by: kangaroo: Jul 11, 05 9:22
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Re: Bombs in London [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Barbaric mentality / modern weapons ... nice mix.
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Re: Bombs in London [Kanipupski] [ In reply to ]
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Intersting update that I just heard from the BBC Radio news. 6 homes in Leeds (Northern England) were raided this morning from evidence that police collected from the wreckage of the bus. IT seems that the bomber was killed when his bomb went off (intentionally or otherwise).Follow the link for full details :


"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Post deleted by Casey [ In reply to ]
Re: Bombs in London [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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