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This is one that pisses me off about cyclists
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I don't care if they're tris or roadies.

It is common etiquette among experienced cyclists that if a group of guys has been pulling you around town for a few hours, you don't jump off the front with 1 or 2 miles to go - rather you finish the ride at whatever pace the leaders want. Its simple courtesy and common practice with the faster groups around here.

I've turned into (by riding with roadies, and having the fastest folks move to Boulder) one of the stronger cyclists on our Saturday long/large group rides. Twice in a row I've dragged a group of people around for 3 hours or more, only to have this one guy blow off the front at the end, when I've decided to cool down. None of these guys takes even a single pull the whole ride as my average speed is higher than theirs if they were riding alone. (I used to be in the same boat when Joanna Z. was one of our local riders. I'd hang on her wheel for hours, was the only way I could keep up and she appreciated the company.)

So this guy did it again last night. We were at the final climb and I decide to cool down. Expecting the rest of the group to do the same - they wouldn't even go ahead of my front wheel previously - this one guy takes off again. He gets about 150 yards ahead and
I decide that if he's gonna do that, he's going to hurt so I catch up to him and ride alongside. He says "you're going to sprint over the top and leave me in the dust aren't you" I say "you bet I am", and do so.

I know that some riders like to time trial for the last mile or so, but dammit, if a guy drags you all over town, show him a little respect. You want to time trial off the front, say so a few miles ahead. "Hey bud, I appreciate you pulling me for the last few hours, so I wanted to let you know in advance that I'm going to time trial to the finish." At least a nod of acknowledgement is appropriate.

He probably doesn't realize it, isn't doing it intentionally, and doesn't think there's anything wrong with it. I'll tell him about it so from now on he at least knows that I do.

I know I'll take crap for this, be called elitist, whatever, but show some courtesy is all I'm asking.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Nope no crap here since you said you were going to talk to him. Great idea. Chances are he really doesn't understand the etiquette. Good for you to take the time to teach him.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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That's hysterical. I feel the same way. But I'm usually the guy doing the drafting all day. But I never come around the leaders at the end of a ride because I think it's disrespectful.

I was on a ride a few months ago and one guy pulled about 20 other guys for almost 40 miles. We were just coming into town and the front guy was cooling down and about 5 of the riders had the balls to sprint out in front of him. He could have slowed down to 2 mph and I wouldn't have come around him. After we stopped, I actually told him to sit down and I would go get his lunch for him.

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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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If he thinks he's going to become a better rider by doing that, then you'll have the last laugh when it comes to race day. Smile, because you've had a much better workout, while he admires his fool's gold.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Get over yourself. How does this guy's actions actually effect you. You seem to be: one wound up mofo. Relax a little. If you got a good work out in pulling people around who the f- cares whether some guys sprint around you the last mile. The only thing that seems to get in your way is your damn ego.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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ignore those who do this. go on with YOUR training and notice little by little how tiny the gap they open gets over the weeks...until your shape is good enough that they just don't go away anymore because after pulling around, they are too fried.

either that or don't ride in groups anymore
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Dry your eyes. Since you don't mention it, I'm assuming that there's no money or trophy to be had for the first to finish your group ride. What does it matter? Focus on getting the most from your workout that you can and show 'em on race day. If you don't like the way the other kids play, go play somewhere else.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [sbr140.6] [ In reply to ]
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I agree. Group rides are a 'fight club' kind of thing. It does NOT belong to you. You are NOT special.

Now, if only people would obey the first two rules, we wouldn't be having these problems.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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I'm with you - teach him the "etiquette". Had a similar situation on my Wed night ride after some hard pulling at 26 mph+, hit a stop sign and slow (as I'm supposed too, actually stop because I think a cop is there). The group I've been pulling BLOWS through the stop signs and carries on - I can't catch them for about 2 miles and they never slow to let me back on. I was 'kinda pissed.

Best part is (well not really, but evil justice) there was a minor accident as they were bolting up a hill right about as I was coming up to them. One of riders overlaps a wheel and 4 go down hard. Road rash and minor bike damage only thankfully.

I pull a lot the rest of the way in ...

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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You know you're stronger, faster and a better cyclist than he is. Why does it bother you?
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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If there was a city limit sign on the top of the hill, I would have done the same thing......
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [MojojojoMasterG] [ In reply to ]
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Its not like I'm asking him to wave at me as he goes by or anything...

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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the local group rides here often have crashes because a lot of the guys are redlining big time...
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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It is annoying - we had a guy who would go out of the back on all the climbs - this after telling us how many 100s of miles he was clocking in training. I'd get the group to slow down for him and let him catch up.

It's a group training ride - not too hard - just getting miles under our belts - it is Winter after all. Then the guy would attack like fury going down hill ? He just didn't get it. I have no idea what he thought he was doing, but it's very annoying. After a few weeks of that, we didn't wait for him at the top any more.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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I've never heard a more lame and vacant complaint in my life. Respect? Are you riding in the 'hood? I like it when people ride behind me, it's either a sign that I am stronger or they want to ride easy. I could care less if they wind it up at the end and I can't or choose not to respond. Do your ride and stop complaining about what everyone else does.

Who cools down at the bottom of the final climb? I thought people knew how to do a ride in Boulder.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]the local group rides here often have crashes because a lot of the guys are redlining big time...[/reply]

I thought maybe it was because of lack of skills ;)
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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For some of us that is how we are supposed to train. I ride a lot of criterium's as well as doing triathlons. When I am training for criteriums though I have to make sure that I am getting dragged around town, just like in the race and then in the last mile or so crank it up and go for the sprint. I don't think it has anything to do with respect. You may be taking it the wrong way. Just a thought


asc-arizona state cycling
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [deetsay00] [ In reply to ]
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yeah good thought deet - but this guy wouldn't know a road race or a crit if you showed him one. He's a second season tri. i'm saying - train the way you want to train - but show some courtesy (if the word respect turns you off) or you'll find yourself uninvited from future rides. No, I won't be the one leaving.

I don't mind pulling all day - sometimes I do, sometimes I'm the one getting pulled. Last week I got away from the group with another guy WAY stronger than me and we lost the rest. He beat me up so bad - just trying to hang on to his wheel that I ASKED him to go on ahead without me, but he was being very kind and was slowing for me on the climbs.

I don't need acknowledgement either, just a bit of common courtesy.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Etiquitte? Who's etiquette? Some made up etiquette by a few riders who consider themselves stronger and more experienced and therefore cannot stand to be overtaken right?

If you think that you pull too much stop pulling. Or slip behind towards the latter part of the ride so you conserve enough energy to win the last dash. Or just cool down and let the dickhead think he wins the stage or whatever. Why get worked up just because you're not strong enough to win the final dash after pulling the ride?

Yeah I used to join a ride where there were a group of dickheads who considered themselves elitist riders because they own the same over priced Italian jobs, take part some competitions and been riding for a few years. They always had this inner circle etiquette BS that they expected everyone around them to kow-tow to. They didn't like my Cervello Tri bike, they didn't like it when other riders 'wheel sucked' too long. They got all vocal when someone broke away from the main group etc. But the funny thing is when they did the same things it was all normal like having a crap or sumpthin.

I reckon riding in a group ride just as long as you don't endanger anyone else anyone can simply ride slow, fast, pull, wheel suck break away, drop back ...so what? As long as everyone is enjoying themselves and riding as they like ..who cares. Thank goodness most of the rides around aren't like the ones I described above and I enjoy jamming it up the front with many of the fast guys in different groups I join, as and when I like. There are about 6 different regular good group rides for me to pick and choose spread over the week. Life's too short, we should enjoy it. Especially our our riding hobby, do we really need others imposing informal rules and regs for us to follow and for them to have an excuse to start throwing tantrums? My reaction when this happens..2 words ...F-off. And I'm always ready to back it up.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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"I'm with you - teach him the "etiquette". Had a similar situation on my Wed night ride after some hard pulling at 26 mph+, hit a stop sign and slow (as I'm supposed too, actually stop because I think a cop is there). The group I've been pulling BLOWS through the stop signs and carries on - I can't catch them for about 2 miles and they never slow to let me back on. I was 'kinda pissed.

Best part is (well not really, but evil justice) there was a minor accident as they were bolting up a hill right about as I was coming up to them. One of riders overlaps a wheel and 4 go down hard. Road rash and minor bike damage only thankfully.

I pull a lot the rest of the way in ... "


You may be a nice guy ... but you sound like a dickhead! -:)
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [deetsay00] [ In reply to ]
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If you’re riding with a group, about the only way you can regulate the intensity of your workout is to vary your pulls at the front. Having a bad day? Let ‘em know you’re just there for the draft on that day. Riding in a draft continually during training won’t do much for you on race day. And if you’re strong enough that you’re up at the front and content with your level of output, there should be no problem. I just don’t get it when group rides become competitions and feelings get hurt. That’s why I do Tris, perhaps. On the other side, there is something to be said for ride etiquette when it comes to dropping riders of the back and leaving them in the dust. Anyone showing up is assumed to be making the choice of ridng with others as opposed to doing a solo training effort. On more than one occasion I have dropped back a quarter mile to pick up a straggler hopelessly off the back. Pulling them back to the main pack is an excellent way to better your ride and theirs.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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you need something else to worry about.

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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Vita-man] [ In reply to ]
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"He could have slowed down to 2 mph and I wouldn't have come around him. After we stopped, I actually told him to sit down and I would go get his lunch for him. "

If that was tongue-in-cheek, it was hilaaaarious!
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [cougie] [ In reply to ]
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we had a guy who would go out of the back on all the climbs...
Then the guy would attack like fury going down hill ?

This could be true, but also sounds like the difference between a 140# rider and a 200# rider (like myself) climbing a hill. I've had plenty of 100# women leave me in their dust on the way up. Yet, very few riders in general can keep up with me on the way down, even when I just soft pedal then let gravity take over...

On top of that, most riders (that I've experienced) don't push over the top of a climb, and just coast down. As a result, a little bit of pedaling and the heavy weight makes for a big speed difference on the way down.


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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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While there is an imliation of riding "etiquette" here, you don't give enough information to determine if there was an "etiquette" violation.

Is this a regular long established ride? If not, then how did you get appointed the "leader" with authority to decide when the ride ends and the warm down begins? There is something to your point that it is rude to let someone pull you for a very long time then try to drop them but I would not see this rule as applying if the leader pulled off and stopped riding which is essentially what you did by starting your warm down.

If it is a regular ride, is there a tradition of "racing" to the top of that last hill or some other point. If so, that will always trump the supposed rights of anyone who pulled for long periods. In this situation, anyone who leads long enough to hamper their sprinting prospects is on their own and has no right to complain anymore than you would if you got passed in a sprint at the end of a race because you pulled the peleton for the last 4 laps. In such rides, positioning, tactics etc to "win" the final sprint are part of the training aspect of the ride. These are skills racers need and this is how they practice them. You can play or not but you can't stop others from playing just because you decided to take really long pulls.

If you and the other riders are playing different games, you can't insist that they play your game. If you're all playing the same game, it is going to be a pretty unusual circumstance where you unilaterally get to decide when the game ends.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Most of you folks apparently can't read worth crap. I stated, twice I think "I don't mind pulling all day". In these situations there is no need for me to sit in, and even when I slow down for a recovery, the'd stay behind. They wanna go off - fine, but none did for the whole ride.

Our "group ride" is a ride where we all start out together. It might be 40 people or 10. It is acknowledged that there will be many ability levels and they all match up and ride together. We all ride together - because the stronger folks take long warm ups, until we get to a specific point and then the ride spreads apart as we go up a very long climb. After that, its anyone's ride - no organized leader. The people going long go long, and short - short. The ride leaders establish themselves as the ride progresses, and they usually choose where to go. It is not a race, and there is no final "king of the hill".

I specifically started this thread because I knew it would be contentious here. Surely better than a "I like puppies. Don't you like puppies, too?"

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [JDub] [ In reply to ]
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Well JDub,

You've got a good attitude. But remember some riders are there simply to participate and never intend to compete. So to them if they're not that strong they be just happy drafting the whole way.

Some stragglers rather be left alone at their own pace. Yup me too have done that drop back to pull the guy behind only to see that I'm just putting unecessary pressure on the poor guy whose just prepared to have an easy spin back.

Like I said before, unless it's a close knit group of training buddies there for some serious riding with a pre-planned training regime or a close bunch ride to reach a destination all at the same time for social purposes, most group rides are free for all. Do as you please so long as you don't endanger others is best for everyone's enjoyment. Bad is when some A-hole guy/guys starts yelling during the ride or ordering people around cuz he's got some etiquette issues he wants everyone else to abide by. I even came across this stoopid girl, young enuff to be my daughter start yelling with her shrill voice cuz she thought she was one of the elite Italian bike riding group. All because I swivelled my steering a little to avoid a pot hole and I was a good 4 feet to one side from her. And yes she was a screamer cuz she'll do it at least once every ride to someone ...outside of her 'elite' group. I just blew past and left her in the dust thinking she's never had a good screw before! When I raced superbikes I often came closer to other bikes while at full tilt scraping the knees through a fast turn at well over 100mph without any problems.

Self appointed elitist cyclists are full of BS.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Well since you acknowledge the group ride is so flexible then what are you complaining about? Best not to make up them etiquette rulings you keep harping about.

Puppies are okay but I prefer Pussy.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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Hey roo,

What would your thoughts be if the following occured: A guy showed up to the weekly ride regularly who had, literally, such an ignorance of the other cyclists riding with him that he regularly caused people to have near crashes. In this imaginary case, it is not due to anything other than simply not knowing any better. He doesn't realize his weaving everywhere at any moment is causing anxiety for everyone around him, yet he's strong enough to keep up but not to escape.

Would you just go on accepting that, or would you perhaps say to the guy "hey, would you be offended if I offered you some advice?"

I don't like giving people advice if they haven't asked for it, in fact I almost will not do it, period. But I'd sure appreciate it if someone told me was I that person.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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We have riders like this on our Saturday and Sunday large group rides. They "sit-in" or do very short pulls while the workhorses pull 99% of the time. Then these wheel suckers blast off the front to the finish or sprint zone. We don't have a problem with it. The way I look at it is this...

If you sit in, you're not getting the same workout as the guy who pulls. You know who the stronger rider is and getting stronger so don't worry about those guys. In fact, invite them to a Time Trial and then you'll see what's up. I'll bet they don't even show.

Let go of your ego and get over it. You know you got good training in and that should be all that matters. Now racing, that's another story all together.

~ AB ~
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [gottabekidding] [ In reply to ]
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Well I'll admit it - you guys have me wondering why this is bugging me so.

I'm going to ride on HIS wheel all day Saturday, then blow off the front at the end.

Then I'll return to my normal, pain in the ass self.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Well I'll admit it - you guys have me wondering why this is bugging me so.

I'm going to ride on HIS wheel all day Saturday, then blow off the front at the end.

Then I'll return to my normal, pain in the ass self.
Naah... let it go... if you do that he'll be telling all his buddies how he rattled your cage...
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [MoJoe] [ In reply to ]
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Good point. Being a heavier rider I appreciate this difference. Not meaning to take this thread elsewhere, but… Do you have the same problem riding during a Tri? In rollers, I tend to ride them the exact opposite of very light riders. I go faster overall if I slowly build up speed past the top of the hill and drive into the base of the hill preserving momentum. If I were to match speeds of some others, I’d have to brake at the base and my heartrate would go through the roof at the end of the climb. They pass me near the top and I pass near the bottom; surprising how many people get annoyed at my riding in these conditions. I’ve been yelled at more than once during triathlons. Their assumption is probably “ride my way or get away from me”.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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I have a great one for you!

Years ago when I was terrible on hills, I decided to get better I would have to go where the hills were and ride as many as possible to get better on them. I traveled to south central Ohio and did a number of group rides with the Columbus Outdoor Pursuits group. They were great rides and the strategy paid off.

On many of these rides, the strongest riders commonly pulled the weaker riders through some very challenging terrain and across some welcome flats. On one of the rides as we came into a town, one of the wheel sucking riders bolted up ahead of the group. As he surged ahead, he pulled out of one of his pedals and began to lose control of his bicycle. He crossed the centerline in the road and there was oncoming traffic. He managed to avoid a head on with a car but went into a ditch and endo-ed. He was unconscious briefly and was picked up by an ambulance and taken to a local hospital to be checked out.

After it was all cleaned up and we resumed riding I overheard one of the other riders comment that that was the third time that had happened this year on their rides. I thought to myself, what a group of slow learners!

On a ride the following weekend, I asked about him and was informed he was fine. So even though he was a slow learner, he recovers quickly, so I guess that works for him.

I was just grateful that I was not as slow a learner.

Ben Cline

Better to aspire to Greatness and fail, than to not challenge one's self at all, and succeed.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Good idea, only it won't last. You'll get bored going slower than your normal speed and wind up pulling anyway you Animal!

~ AB ~
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [kangaroo] [ In reply to ]
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All because I swivelled my steering a little to avoid a pot hole and I was a good 4 feet to one side from her. And yes she was a screamer cuz she'll do it at least once every ride to someone ...outside of her 'elite' group. I just blew past and left her in the dust thinking she's never had a good screw before!

And I might be a "dickhead"

I'll be sure to not read too many more of your posts...

As much as I'm usually there just for the fun, it is similar to the "joker" coughing or making noise just when someone is about to hit a golf ball. Might be fun, but it gets you thrown out of a golf course at times. There is "etiquette" in everything from the simple (farting in an elevator) to the complicated (meeting the Queen of England). It never hurts to have an understanding of this, even if you do choose not to "follow the rules" as unwritten as they may be.

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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It's a training ride for crying out loud. Even if it was a RR, it is a legitimate tactic.

If this bothers you, keep the hammer down until the very end and go on your own cool down ride.

This isn't an issue of respect or courtesy. What is the negative impact on you if another person rides ahead of you on a road, during a training ride?

Sheesh, guys like you are a riot to me. I don't know if you've noticed but perhaps you should consider that it's not all about you. Drop the goofy assed sense of entitlement and ride your bike.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Russell] [ In reply to ]
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Sheesh, guys like you are a riot to me.[/reply]

Who said I was a guy?

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Sheesh, guys like you are a riot to me.[/reply]

Who said I was a guy?

You are right, I should have assumed otherwise considering your panties are all in a bunch.

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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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I understand what you are saying and I agree almost totally. If this is an established group and they all know what is going on, than I get the issue at hand.

I did find is humorous when after you suggested to do the same, you got chastised. I've been there and done it. It does work. It is almost like they really think they were accomplishing something by sprinting at the end!?! But then the same ones who say there is nothing wrong with the weak doing this will complain "you arogant showoff.......".

For those who don't get it. Just remember the only reason the guy was still that at the end was he was allowed to be there. Elitist? or truthful? Come on he could have laid the power down with about 10-15 miles to go or until there was 5 miles left. Rested for 3 miles (because our hero certainlly wouldn't try it now), then powered through very hard with 1-2 miles left....oh yea that would have been elitist again.

My mistake only the weak (excuse me..the game players - all the time 100% of the time) can play those games. The strong are just #$@%*@$ elitist.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Russell] [ In reply to ]
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You guys got real issues...Both sides.

Yes, this is a free country, and on an open ride you can ride as you please. BUT:

Your own freedom around others ends at the tip of your nose.

If you are in my face, by endangering me, or disturbing my riding pattern (for example by jumping in front of me on my individual TT training and then slowing down, making me go around you again) you gonna get an ear full, proper etiquette or not.

No wonder I prefer riding alone....


(BOMK, racing drug and supplement free since 1985)
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Russell] [ In reply to ]
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I think that if this bothers you, it's really more you that has the problem. You say you don't mind pulling all day, but I would dissagree. Beacause it appears that you feel you've earned a few things by doing so. If you really didn't have a problem pulling all day, then I'd say that this guy's actions wouldn't really bother you.

The fact that he sprints to the finish should not factor into your percieved performance by yourself and your fellow riders. Everyone there knows who pulled the whole day, the fact that some guys sprints to the finish in no way efffects or diminishes that.

I know that in a lot of circles, this is a common etiquitte, but really, come on, it's trivial and needs to go. This is only ever an issue when egos are involved.

However, if you are going to say something to him, perhaps you can get your desired results in a positive way. Instead, maybe tell him that you've noticed he's still got a lot of energy at the end, and should think about pulling some..make it like a compliment, that you think he has what it takes to pull a few times. If he does, then he probably won't be sqirting out the front and sprinting to then end. Thus you get the same results.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Tina's dinner] [ In reply to ]
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Tina's - excellent post. I will take your advice.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Tina's dinner] [ In reply to ]
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You must be an arbitrator of some sort. ;)

Good advice though.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Tina's dinner] [ In reply to ]
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I concur - that sounds good: the comment about the extra energy and maybe pulling.

Very nice thought

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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I think this is the point in the thread where we all hold hands and sing Kumbyeya. Ready?
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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I have been in your shoes, and after busting on the rider who attacked the end of a ride, he told me "I felt guilty riding back there for the last couple of hours, I felt I needed to get out there and suffer." I was not the subject of any disrespect, or the victim of "bad etiquette." Just a thought. There are other points of view on this, and I have to admit I felt like shit for calling him a pussy, even if it was done in a joking manner. He meant no disrespect, but I did, and regret it.

"Maybe you should just run faster..." TM
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [sbr140.6] [ In reply to ]
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foolish pride... get's the best of us all sometimes.

"Race day is a celebration of your training"
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [skid marks] [ In reply to ]
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I think this is the point in the thread where we all hold hands and sing Kumbyeya. Ready?

LOL! Sitting around the fire at Camp SlowTwitch...

"Race day is a celebration of your training"
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Absolutely, if a guy was weaving all over the best thing is after the ride sit down and explain it to him how it's dangerous for others and himself and the domino effect it has in the close group situation. In the meantime I would just avoid going behind that guy when in a bunch.

But seriously I would avoid just screwing him at the top od my lungs during the ride itself.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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"All because I swivelled my steering a little to avoid a pot hole and I was a good 4 feet to one side from her. And yes she was a screamer cuz she'll do it at least once every ride to someone ...outside of her 'elite' group. I just blew past and left her in the dust thinking she's never had a good screw before!

And I might be a "dickhead"

I'll be sure to not read too many more of your posts...

As much as I'm usually there just for the fun, it is similar to the "joker" coughing or making noise just when someone is about to hit a golf ball. Might be fun, but it gets you thrown out of a golf course at times. There is "etiquette" in everything from the simple (farting in an elevator) to the complicated (meeting the Queen of England). It never hurts to have an understanding of this, even if you do choose not to "follow the rules" as unwritten as they may be."

Hey rRoof,

Thanks for the compliments but I didn't really get your point.

Yeah, I was thinkuing she's never had a good screw before cuz I couldn't figure any other reason fo her to be so easily frustrated screaming with that ear piercing shrill for every little non-occurrence. Guess if she was getting satisfucked she wouldn't be so frustrated.

Yup you might be a dickhead but it doesn't take one to know that it's not nice to fart in the lift. -:). What's it got to do with pulling a group and drafting. Unless you're gonna do a stinky when others are on your tail.

Don't like to read my posts? No one is holding a gun to your head dude!

Cheers and no farting in the lifts OK?
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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i agree with you. if one wants to ride behind a leader, then follow the leader.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Here is the subject for my reply:

Like 140.6, et al said, get over yourself. So he doesn't know cycling 'ettiquette' - WTF does it matter? Did he show you up and now you've lost street cred amongst your road/tri clique? Damn I guess the important things in life don't seem so important anymore..

Good freakin night, that snobbery is what keeps newbies from ciming out and joining the fun. If you want your training to be full of ettiquette and posturing, then I'd be surprised if you were to find it at the LBS weekend open group rides.

Here is a hint, drop that ego of yours and increase your avg mph - PR that Saturday morning ride baby!
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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It worked out nicely. At the start of the ride I discussed with him the benefits of taking short pulls. He didn't see where he'd be able to take any because he couldn't keep up to start with other than by drafting, and I pointed out that when he notices the guys up front taking short recoveries, he could go up to the front and even if was just for a few hundred yards, return the favor.

He started doing just that and I was happy that I'd been able to help him (in the long run) to get stronger and particpate more as a group rider.

A couple of times I thought he probably pulled a little long, but thats one way to learn.

He's a nice guy, he just doesn't have too much experience with group riding. And he might wind up being really strong, too.

So we rode that way for most of our ride, then, since I had been Mr. nice guy already, we rode away from him with about 5 miles to go. I couldn't be totally nice! Give me at least partial credit.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Good for you Schwinging. Friendly explaination and discussions, that's the way when we're all out there to enjoy our great hobby-sport. It's very rare that you'll come across a rider who will not be willing to understand and compromise if he's spoken to as a pal. Especially a less experienced rider whose all out to learn what he can.

The elitist full of in circle etiquitte rules that I encountered come from a prominent LBS in our area who also happen to be importers of that particular Italiano over priced brand. Another one of their etiquette rules is that they try to discourage any fast mountain bikers who happen to latch on for part of the ride. Reckon it's dangerous ..what a load of Bull! These guys their body language is down right hostile and they are ever ready to bite someone's head off during rides. And it's just not me saying it but many others from various other groups I've heard saying the same exact thing about their f'ed-up snobbery. WTF it get's on my nerves when I see guys like that acting so superior and cool they can't even crack a smile. So basically I make it a point not to look lest I am tempted to bust them in the chops just to see a change of expression. Their demeanor just gets worse and ours get's more jovial when me and my 2 training partners sometimes just overtake them and out perform them in the ride.

Anyways I avoid their rides like the plague now and am not prepared to take any shit when in rides which are free for alls.
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Re: This is one that pisses me off about cyclists [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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I only get pissed off when I drag them through the race. I had an infamous hockey-style dust-up (including jersey pulled over the head) over this once.
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