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100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances
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Hey guys....the annual running and drinking challenge is upon us (thanks Andypants), so I suggest all you guys planning on the 100/100 get a jump start and join in there to get you suitably trashed before the 100/100 start date on Dec 15th.

In the mean time, perhaps we can get the annual questions and airing of grievances out of the way. There is no plan for any change of rules at this point as it would devalue the achievements of athletes in past years (kind of like allowing people to draft, use testosterone, use EPO or cut the course in Kona...that would be bad too)

Last year's thread is here that covers the rules etc:


Edit:....OK here is last year's real thread: http://forum.slowtwitch.com/..._reply;so=ASC;mh=100;

Maybe I should get it started. Why is the minimum run 30 minutes?...that sucks...it should be 15 minutes....who set the limit anyway? Oh well, I guess I need to suck it up and get 30 min of running in per day to count!
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Nov 28, 12 8:41
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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why do i have to run 100 times in 100 days? that's crazy talk! i should only have to cover 100 miles in 100 days. i guess i will have to HTFU and just follow the crowd.


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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [TimAndrus] [ In reply to ]
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Actually there are many levels....the highest level is 100 official runs in 100 days....then there are levels for 90, 80, 70 etc. I'd personally like to hit 80 as lately I am on the pace of running 4 out of every 5 days. You bring up a good point about mileage...the goal is mileage through frequency. Frequency is the tool, mileage in the end goal.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In. Last year was awesome. Well the 100 runs in 100 days actually wasn't that great, but the PRs I set all spring and summer were definitely fantastic. Definitely in for the 100 at minimum.

It will be nice to have you back at much closer to full strength this year Dev! Are you going for the full 100?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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are there finisher medals and t-shirts?



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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, Cinnabon I can totally get behind, but I don't think it's right to have to rinse my cottage cheese to run 100/100... ;)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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LOL Are the rules really found in the "Dave Scott rinses his cottage cheese...Faris Al-Sultan eats at Cinnabon" thread?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
In the mean time, perhaps we can get the annual questions and airing of grievances out of the way.

Welcome, newcomers. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it!

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [MattAune] [ In reply to ]
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Matt....I don't think I should get ahead of myself and try for the full 100. There are still days when not all body parts feel right so I should just respect that, and go with what is currently working which is 4 out of 5 days. Glad that you hit some PR's last year and in keeping with this thread, it was good that the process felt miserable, because nothing worth having really comes easily. If the 100/100 does not have some semblance of misery index, then we're doing it wrong!

Finisher medals and Tshirts.....well maybe we can have a contest for a logo during the 100/100 and then we can select one (we'll need to select people for the selection committee....), you can download the logo and plaster it over your last WTC finisher Tshirt or medal. Do you guys think that would suffice?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Matt....I don't think I should get ahead of myself and try for the full 100. There are still days when not all body parts feel right so I should just respect that, and go with what is currently working which is 4 out of 5 days. Glad that you hit some PR's last year and in keeping with this thread, it was good that the process felt miserable, because nothing worth having really comes easily. If the 100/100 does not have some semblance of misery index, then we're doing it wrong!

Finisher medals and Tshirts.....well maybe we can have a contest for a logo during the 100/100 and then we can select one (we'll need to select people for the selection committee....), you can download the logo and plaster it over your last WTC finisher Tshirt or medal. Do you guys think that would suffice?

Awesome, I cant wait, as long as my injuried back heals up.
i got the 100 last year but i didnt have a good vpn to get on ST most of the time.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Sure as long I as I dont have to eat strained cottage cheese. ;)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [orphious] [ In reply to ]
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Searched the forum and found this link. I'm assuming this is the one that was supposed to be posted! I was more than confused reading about Taco Bell and Cinnabon haha



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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JHTFU] [ In reply to ]
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I was wondering why all the questions about cottage cheese....good fun...I guess I left out a few digits when I copied the link....I'll go fix it...on second thought, I could just leave it that way for the rest of the day!
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JHTFU] [ In reply to ]
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Can't find the challenge in the training section (as per the original old thread)?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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So if I run 6x5 min does that count as 1 run?

What if I go for a total of 30 mins but I walk 2 of it? Does that count?


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Can time on my bike trainer count?
What average pace do I have to hold?
Why don't we do minimum miles instead? I'm sure everyone can run 5 miles in 30 minutes so let's set that as the line.
What constitutes running?
Does pool running count?


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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how much time do I have to do on the elliptacal to equal a 30 minute run?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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Devlin wrote:
So if I run 6x5 min does that count as 1 run?

What if I go for a total of 30 mins but I walk 2 of it? Does that count?


Yeah....I better go re check the rules, but I am pretty sure that in a single day 6x5 min counts as long as both feet leave the ground on each of the 5 minutes on every stride. 30 minutes with 2 minutes walking is a 28 minute run....sorry, that would not count in a given day.

I actually did an experiment the other day on the treadmill to see if I could run slower than I can walk. I came to the conclusion that I am actually able to run "legally" at 3 mph (20 min miles) with both feet leaving the ground on each stride while I can walk at 3.5-3.8 mph.

All this to say, if you are short on minutes, you can always go shuffle out the delta around the block or on your treadmill and not have to take a shower etc....slow running is better than no running.

Elliptical does not count, water running does not count....if memory serves me correct, any running on real ground or on a treadmill counts.

Before anyone asks, if you want to count snowshoe running, be our guest, just make sure that both feet leave the ground on every stride for those minutes to count. After all this is ST and most of you guys want to make things harder than they need to be :-)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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JenSw wrote:
Can time on my bike trainer count?
What average pace do I have to hold?
Why don't we do minimum miles instead? I'm sure everyone can run 5 miles in 30 minutes so let's set that as the line.
What constitutes running?
Does pool running count?

To answer your question partially, unfortunately guys like Mo Farah would not be able to count their Olympic 10,000m final as a legal run for this challenge. His run was way under 30 minutes. Now if you add in his victory lap/s, it might push him over the 30 minute threshold (yes, fast guys get penalized on their short runs....we'll make them pay for their fastness by forcing them to run longer) :-)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Awesome. I'm in for the first time. Going for 85+/500mi+
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Before anyone asks, if you want to count snowshoe running, be our guest, just make sure that both feet leave the ground on every stride for those minutes to count. After all this is ST and most of you guys want to make things harder than they need to be :-)

Do both snowshoes have to leave the ground too?

(I case others don't know, I'm kidding. I laugh every year at these questions)


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In for the third year. I hit 100/100 last year w/ ~770 miles. I am not planning on repeating that performance this year. My running dramatically improved, but I had issues getting my bike legs back in time for AmZof. My current plan is to run ~5 of 7 days, w/ the two off days spent on the bike.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok after a two year absence I am back in on the challenge. I am officially challenging Bmanners and anyone who lives at Big White Ski Resort for top on ours ;)

I will be looking to go 100-110. I ind the two run days work well for me.

Cue the "Captain Canada training Plan" jokes

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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so are we substituting the 100/100 for the traditional Festivus "Feats of Strength".

it's going to take a Festivus Miracle for this to happen for me.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In the spirit of the airing of grievances:

1. If I run for two hours does it count as two runs? If you run 30 minutes, eat donuts for an hour, then run 30 minutes, you get credit for two runs...if I run for two hours I have run 30 minutes, run for an hour, then run 30 minutes. The only thing I have done differently is replace my off time of donut eating with off time of running. Hmmm....I would think this should count, but I'm sure there has been a ruling on this in the past.

2. Days don't count, right? If I run for an hour from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., I have run 30 minutes in each of two days, but only get to count one run, right?

Wow, this is fun and it hasn't even started yet....
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev ... first of all ... thank you again for continuing with your 100/100 program. Great stuff. I did it last year for the first time and it was really fun. Which brings me to the "mileage is the goal while frequency is the tool" part. I used to think this as well ... but at least for me, there is a huge difference in training outcome if I run let's say 7x7 miles versus 3x16 miles ... even when trying to have a similar pace pattern/distribution between the two regimes. Thus, at least to some extent, I think that frequency is the final goal and mileage is simply a by-product.

devashish_paul wrote:
Actually there are many levels....the highest level is 100 official runs in 100 days....then there are levels for 90, 80, 70 etc. I'd personally like to hit 80 as lately I am on the pace of running 4 out of every 5 days. You bring up a good point about mileage...the goal is mileage through frequency. Frequency is the tool, mileage in the end goal.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [baliman] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, I think the way you explain it, the 7x7 miles ends up being better quality than 3x16 miles per week. the point about mileage through frequency was more directed to guys wanting to do 15x30 min runs in a week. That is 7.5 hours of running. Might get more out of 7x60 minutes versus a pure "spreadsheet chase".

OK, I am hoping some of the vets can answer the airing of the grievances too. I can't possibly answer every variation of questions posted on this thread and should be offline for the next half day.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
In the mean time, perhaps we can get the annual questions and airing of grievances out of the way. There is no plan for any change of rules at this point as it would devalue the achievements of athletes in past years

Then why even have an airing out if there is no plan for change?

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in for the third year in a row. I hit 569mi last year in 78 runs and ended up with a tibial stress fx in April. I'll be looking to hit the same frequency, but probably less mileage. We'll see what happens.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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Because people are incapable of doing this challenge without asking ridiculous questions and having complaints about the rules :-)


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Sean11] [ In reply to ]
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From the rules:

For a run to count as a double, it must be separated by at least 1 hour. I have to pick a duration to separate 2 runs and it can't be 1 minute or 5 minutes, and putting 1 hour in between means that I will allow you to count a run-swim-run, run-bike-run, run-wts-run, run-XC ski-run, run-McDonalds-run as 2 sessions as long as the thing in between lasts for at least 1 hour (be it 40K on the bike, or a session at the donut shop)

You get no credit for going longer than 30 minute wrt number of runs, however it will help your distance totals. Over time, many of your runs will be in excess of 30 minutes.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Some running rules to live by. Check out this fatass run list of faqs:


"At the end he was staggering into parked cars and accusing his support-van driver of trying to poison him." A description of John Dunbar in the 1st Hawaii Iron Man
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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desert dude wrote:
Then why even have an airing out if there is no plan for change?

Isn't that your theory on underwear?


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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Devlin wrote:
desert dude wrote:
Then why even have an airing out if there is no plan for change?

Isn't that your theory on underwear?


Oh snap!


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Sean11] [ In reply to ]
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1. If I run for two hours does it count as two runs? If you run 30 minutes, eat donuts for an hour, then run 30 minutes, you get credit for two runs...if I run for two hours I have run 30 minutes, run for an hour, then run 30 minutes. The only thing I have done differently is replace my off time of donut eating with off time of running. Hmmm....I would think this should count, but I'm sure there has been a ruling on this in the past.

I did 5:20 50k ultra as part of 100/100 in 2010 and it was suggested then that i could actually claim 4 runs from it, since the rules do not require that you STOP running in between runs. but you know that you will know for all time that you ... twisted the rules to your advantage and did not reflect the intention of the challenge.

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I am in! Should fit right in to my winter run focus I am working on with my coach. Plus I need the motivation.

SM Gose
Red Lodge, MT
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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JenSw wrote:
From the rules:

For a run to count as a double, it must be separated by at least 1 hour. I have to pick a duration to separate 2 runs and it can't be 1 minute or 5 minutes, and putting 1 hour in between means that I will allow you to count a run-swim-run, run-bike-run, run-wts-run, run-XC ski-run, run-McDonalds-run as 2 sessions as long as the thing in between lasts for at least 1 hour (be it 40K on the bike, or a session at the donut shop)

You get no credit for going longer than 30 minute wrt number of runs, however it will help your distance totals. Over time, many of your runs will be in excess of 30 minutes.

Umm, yeah...I was kidding. I read the rules. Thought the primary purpose of the thread was to inform about the start of the challenge and the secondary purpose was so people could come up with dumb challenges to rules that have been in place for years and aren't going to change.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [PaulDavis] [ In reply to ]
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PaulDavis wrote:

1. If I run for two hours does it count as two runs? If you run 30 minutes, eat donuts for an hour, then run 30 minutes, you get credit for two runs...if I run for two hours I have run 30 minutes, run for an hour, then run 30 minutes. The only thing I have done differently is replace my off time of donut eating with off time of running. Hmmm....I would think this should count, but I'm sure there has been a ruling on this in the past.

I did 5:20 50k ultra as part of 100/100 in 2010 and it was suggested then that i could actually claim 4 runs from it, since the rules do not require that you STOP running in between runs. but you know that you will know for all time that you ... twisted the rules to your advantage and did not reflect the intention of the challenge.

Yep...like I said to JenSw, I was kidding....I'm not stupid enough to join the challenge for the first time and actually contest a rule that has been in place forever....but I did find that quirk of the rules funny. Your story is fantastic though...lots of mileage credit for one run. I'm thinking about doing this race in GA that has a 5k one evening, then a 10k in the morning, then a half mary later in the morning, then a 2.8 mile run in the afternoon, then a one mile run later in the afternoon. All adds up to 26.2. I think under the rules I would only get 2 or 3 counted runs out of it though, as I'm not fast enough to do the 10k and have a 60 minute break before the half mary, and not slow enough to do the 2.8 mile run for 30 minutes (unless I was really broken by then). I guess i could get 3 by extending the 2.8 mile run on my own to get to 30 minutes.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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hoping to do it this year-since i can now run anytime and day I want!
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [littlefoot] [ In reply to ]
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Is nordic skate skiing allowed? Feet leave the ground. Did not find a reference in the rules.

SM Gose
Red Lodge, MT
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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So I went and read the rules, which were ridiculously long, and I want to know why there isn't a special, "Powdered Donut" level that's like, 50/100, for all of us people with lives?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [katcycle] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in for the first time! Going to try and do 80+

When your legs get tired, run with your heart
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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How much running each day do I have to do to achieve "Prancing Peacock" status?...I'm currently in the cellar with the lowly assholes and would like to lift my game..

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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none, you just have to talk about it a lot....lol
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [IRONwolf] [ In reply to ]
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IRONwolf wrote:
none, you just have to talk about it a lot....lol


Hahaha..Pictures count as well so I'd better get the camera ready in case I see some foreign cattle on a mountaintop..

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [katcycle] [ In reply to ]
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katcycle wrote:
So I went and read the rules, which were ridiculously long, and I want to know why there isn't a special, "Powdered Donut" level that's like, 50/100, for all of us people with lives?

We could/should add a powdered donut level, as it seems there have been multiple mentions over the years about running 30 min to the donut store, having a coffee and donut and hanging out for the required 1 hour break and then running home for 30 minutes.

Ultratriguy...looking forward to your participation as you put down the base for your next round of ultraman exploits. We'll also need some old school guys to keep everyone around here honest. So if I understand things correctly, you are planning on triple consisting of Ultraman Canada+ Challenge Penticton + Ultraman Kona?
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Post deleted by oooo [ In reply to ]
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'd really like to do this as I am doing my last IM this summer because my knees are going.... so might as well crush them totally this year for a good time (pink)!!! Anyway, i've been biking a lot already and don't want to sacrifice that training thus far, anyone out there who's done this and managed to keep their numbers up on the bike? What was your system? Thanks!

The Rat Snake:
A Tribute Race at Gilbert Lake State Park, Laurens, NY May 16 2015
Follow the Rat Snake on Twitter
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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These rules are too darn confusing, so I humbly submit the following scenario for review by the Council of Elders.

It's getting late, but I'm hungry. I'm ready to throw Desert Dude's eating rules out the window. I decide to make a run to the border for some Taco Bell. During the drive to/from Taco Bell, I make sure to avoid having both feet on pedals at the same time. Now, a round trip border run only takes about 20 minutes, so I'm still short on duration. The silver lining is that soon after eating a 7-layer burrito I will spend 10 minutes dealing with a different sort of run which should add up to a total of 30 minutes. But I can see where people think this 100/100 is a recipe for injury. I mean, have you ever tried to use a squatty potty while keeping one foot in the air at all times?

Can I get a ruling on this?

In all seriousness, I started the BarryP plan about a month ago to increase my run frequency, and my mileage is just getting to the point where my short runs will qualify (if I keep them easy enough). So, I'm going to give this a shot and aim for 80/100. Thanks for organizing this again this year.
Last edited by: walewanderer: Nov 29, 12 12:54
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [katcycle] [ In reply to ]
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katcycle wrote:
So I went and read the rules, which were ridiculously long, and I want to know why there isn't a special, "Powdered Donut" level that's like, 50/100, for all of us people with lives?

Mmmm... powdered donuts!

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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New rule suggestion...

As a new dad with a jog stroller, I want special status. I don't care what it is but since I now have special status at the store (people let me cut in line), with the ladies (oooh, he is so cute, wink wink), at work (sorry I am late, baby was...), and with my wife (you are my baby's daddy, *swoon*), I want special status here. I can't accept the reality of running 100 days straight - I need an excuse!

How about each run, I get 1.5 credit? I think that seems about right... Or at least, I get extra kudos (you did a SUPER good job) if I do all of the runs with a BOB.

Entire post was meant to be pink... I am looking forward to joining!

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [dforbes] [ In reply to ]
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dforbes wrote:
I'd really like to do this as I am doing my last IM this summer because my knees are going.... so might as well crush them totally this year for a good time (pink)!!! Anyway, i've been biking a lot already and don't want to sacrifice that training thus far, anyone out there who's done this and managed to keep their numbers up on the bike? What was your system? Thanks!

I did it last year, although un-official because I couldnt get on ST, the year before I got to about 75 but had some stuff happen so I couldnt finish it.

Last time around, I found that the first few weeks were tough, but around week 4 it started getting easier and easier, I ended up taking 1 day off and doing it for another 75 days or so.

Once my body adapted, it was really nothing to get in a 30 minute jog, usually about 4 miles. Just start slow and in the initial parts of the challenge, just go for time, dont worry about distance. thats what worked for me.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [mike@wahoo] [ In reply to ]
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mike@wahoo wrote:
New rule suggestion...

As a new dad with a jog stroller, I want special status. I don't care what it is but since I now have special status at the store (people let me cut in line), with the ladies (oooh, he is so cute, wink wink), at work (sorry I am late, baby was...), and with my wife (you are my baby's daddy, *swoon*), I want special status here. I can't accept the reality of running 100 days straight - I need an excuse!

How about each run, I get 1.5 credit? I think that seems about right... Or at least, I get extra kudos (you did a SUPER good job) if I do all of the runs with a BOB.

Entire post was meant to be pink... I am looking forward to joining!

Maybe if you load your body weight worth of bricks in the stroller.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [IRONwolf] [ In reply to ]
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IRONwolf wrote:
mike@wahoo wrote:
New rule suggestion...

As a new dad with a jog stroller, I want special status. I don't care what it is but since I now have special status at the store (people let me cut in line), with the ladies (oooh, he is so cute, wink wink), at work (sorry I am late, baby was...), and with my wife (you are my baby's daddy, *swoon*), I want special status here. I can't accept the reality of running 100 days straight - I need an excuse!

How about each run, I get 1.5 credit? I think that seems about right... Or at least, I get extra kudos (you did a SUPER good job) if I do all of the runs with a BOB.

Entire post was meant to be pink... I am looking forward to joining!

Maybe if you load your body weight worth of bricks in the stroller.

If he loads his body weight of bricks in the stroller and the stroller leaves the ground on each stride, perhaps the resident jury on this thread can decide if the man deserves double points. Then again, we don't award 25% more points to guys who gained a ton of weight and run with a backpack and weight jacket, so I think the answer is "No bonus points".

By the way, I think the Japan, New Zealand and Aussie crew are way too kind. Seems like no grievances from that part of the planet while we were asleep. Seems like Canadians, Americans and Euros (do we count Brits in that???) are the only guys whining around here! Maybe the guys from that part of the world are just harder than us. I have no clue about the China crew as Slowman has banned every IP address from a land line in China.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Im in China right now haha. Sucks for me that China got banned from ST. oh well, VPNs work. No whining here, im looking forward to getting it done.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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Ultra-tri-guy wrote:
How much running each day do I have to do to achieve "Prancing Peacock" status?...I'm currently in the cellar with the lowly assholes and would like to lift my game..


You have already achieved prancing peacock Nick. Next step is "Rollicking Rooster"

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [walewanderer] [ In reply to ]
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Just so you know, * f* does not equal * ' *.

Just saying :)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [katcycle] [ In reply to ]
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"So I went and read the rules, which were ridiculously long, and I want to know why there isn't a special, "Powdered Donut" level that's like, 50/100, for all of us people with lives?"

Because then someone would come on and whine "why isn't there a special level of 0/100 for all of us people with lives."

Someone has to draw the line somewhere, and some would contend that if you don't have time to run 30 minutes a day, it's not much of a life.

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [kdw] [ In reply to ]
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In. Participated for the first time last year and only got to 56 but still PR'd my half marathon. I went from 1:51 to 1:37.

Trying to get to get to 80 with a 1:30 half mary goal time.

Thanks for setting this up again.
Last edited by: EvilMonkey: Nov 29, 12 10:46
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in. This sounds like total fun. My biggest challenge will be actually logging the miles on the training log. I deal with so many spreadsheets in my daily life I tend to avoid them and use a simple hand written log.

I have a buddy who works at adidas. He's now on 11 years straight without a day off. His rule is a run to qualify has to be one hour. So that's 11 years of running at least one run of one hour. I've gotten off the plane after 14 hours to run with him. He's actually run during flight layovers. He's also run through two hospital visits. His story: He's a good runner and would take regular breaks in his running but during that time he always dealt with nagging injuries. Since his streak started he's never been injured. Imagine that. He's running 70 miles a week minimum with no injuries. There is something to consistency.

Dave Jewell
Free Run Speed

Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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burnman wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
In the mean time, perhaps we can get the annual questions and airing of grievances out of the way.

Welcome, newcomers. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it!

Did you see the "pole" Kramer? "George, get over here and wrestle your father."

Its a festivus for the rest of us. "Frank, this holiday really scratches me where I itch."
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [mike@wahoo] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mike@wahoo wrote:
New rule suggestion...

As a new dad with a jog stroller, I want special status. I don't care what it is but since I now have special status at the store (people let me cut in line), with the ladies (oooh, he is so cute, wink wink), at work (sorry I am late, baby was...), and with my wife (you are my baby's daddy, *swoon*), I want special status here. I can't accept the reality of running 100 days straight - I need an excuse!

How about each run, I get 1.5 credit? I think that seems about right... Or at least, I get extra kudos (you did a SUPER good job) if I do all of the runs with a BOB.




"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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Which ultras are you planning?


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
CaptainCanada wrote:
Ok after a two year absence I am back in on the challenge. I am officially challenging Bmanners and anyone who lives at Big White Ski Resort for top on ours ;)

I will be looking to go 100-110. I ind the two run days work well for me.

Cue the "Captain Canada training Plan" jokes

Game on, Firestorm and I are in. What are the stakes this year? We should have something.

Today is the second day of the rest of your life if you started keeping track yesterday
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I suck at spreadsheets, but I'd be willing to mess around with something on google that maybe we could all put our names down on and check off every day when we run starting on the 15th? maybe columns for time/distance, dates, first & last names, and what else??? I have no idea what I am doing with functions and stuff but maybe those aren't necessary.... but I know if there is a public doc that I can go to and "check off" the day I did something and see others do the same, I may be more apt to do it because I really want to try this. or, is this too much work for everyone and a dumb idea?

The Rat Snake:
A Tribute Race at Gilbert Lake State Park, Laurens, NY May 16 2015
Follow the Rat Snake on Twitter
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Damn! I wanted to try to take a shot at the title but schedule is not going to work out this year. Next year then!
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [SDJ] [ In reply to ]
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The more amazing thing about 11 years of 1 hour runs per day (aside from not getting injured) is that it appears the guy never gets sick! That is the best part of his success!

To dforbes, you enter on the ST Training log (look at the top right of your page). You can't enter in the challenge yet as I still have to set up the actual challenge in the log (not hard to do, I just have not done it).

In the mean time, please join Andypants December Drinking and Running Challenge.

Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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I just want to get in more runs then you!
Notice I did not word it like-
"I just want to beat CaptainCanada"
After your workout post it would.....I mean never sound
Right again :0)

Official Polar Ambassador
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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JenSw wrote:
Which ultras are you planning?


I have to stay in Oz longer than expected so no U.S ultras this year,then I found these races...

North Face 100,Katoomba in May..

National 100k Champs,Gold Coast in June..

National 24hr Champs,Sydney in June..

Steve King Classic in Sept..

Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Ultra-tri-guy wrote:
JenSw wrote:
Which ultras are you planning?


I have to stay in Oz longer than expected so no U.S ultras this year,then I found these races...

North Face 100,Katoomba in May..

National 100k Champs,Gold Coast in June..

National 24hr Champs,Sydney in June..

Steve King Classic in Sept..


Nick, maybe ill come over and ru none of those with you!!!
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [IRONwolf] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
IRONwolf wrote:
Ultra-tri-guy wrote:
JenSw wrote:
Which ultras are you planning?


I have to stay in Oz longer than expected so no U.S ultras this year,then I found these races...

North Face 100,Katoomba in May..

National 100k Champs,Gold Coast in June..

National 24hr Champs,Sydney in June..

Steve King Classic in Sept..


Nick, maybe ill come over and ru none of those with you!!!


There are a few long ones in your neighbourhood that might be worth a look and the beer afterwards is much cheaper.

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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Man, the beer here is CHEAP....but its also pretty shitty, I pretty much stopped drinking because I just dont like the beer...

What races are good around here? I know the great wall marathon is supposed to be cool, the north face challenge?
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [dforbes] [ In reply to ]
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dforbes wrote:
I suck at spreadsheets, but I'd be willing to mess around with something on google that maybe we could all put our names down on and check off every day when we run starting on the 15th? maybe columns for time/distance, dates, first & last names, and what else??? I have no idea what I am doing with functions and stuff but maybe those aren't necessary.... but I know if there is a public doc that I can go to and "check off" the day I did something and see others do the same, I may be more apt to do it because I really want to try this. or, is this too much work for everyone and a dumb idea?

We generally use the challenge feature in the training log available here on ST.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ok, cool. I've never heard of it or used it but I like it and I'll check into it!! But I did find a template online that has some cool stuff if anyone is interested in it personally.

The Rat Snake:
A Tribute Race at Gilbert Lake State Park, Laurens, NY May 16 2015
Follow the Rat Snake on Twitter
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [dforbes] [ In reply to ]
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We'll be using the ST challenge function. That's the whole point of hosting the challenge here! By the way, you can complain about the features of the ST training log, but unfortunately Rapp lost access to the developer who built the function so there will be no added features at least for a while.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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no worries, as I said to devlin, i didn't realize there was a challenge function!! and I can't bitch anymore, I've been doing enough at work this year. i'll leave you alone. thanks guys

The Rat Snake:
A Tribute Race at Gilbert Lake State Park, Laurens, NY May 16 2015
Follow the Rat Snake on Twitter
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Cannonball] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Cannonball wrote:
CaptainCanada wrote:
Ok after a two year absence I am back in on the challenge. I am officially challenging Bmanners and anyone who lives at Big White Ski Resort for top on ours ;)

I will be looking to go 100-110. I ind the two run days work well for me.

Cue the "Captain Canada training Plan" jokes

Game on, Firestorm and I are in. What are the stakes this year? We should have something.

Bottle of wine?

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
CaptainCanada wrote:
Bottle of wine?

Bottle of red....bottle of white. All depends upon your appetite.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
CaptainCanada wrote:
Cannonball wrote:
CaptainCanada wrote:
Ok after a two year absence I am back in on the challenge. I am officially challenging Bmanners and anyone who lives at Big White Ski Resort for top on ours ;)

I will be looking to go 100-110. I ind the two run days work well for me.

Cue the "Captain Canada training Plan" jokes

Game on, Firestorm and I are in. What are the stakes this year? We should have something.

Bottle of wine?

Sounds good

Today is the second day of the rest of your life if you started keeping track yesterday
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Cannonball] [ In reply to ]
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A couple years ago I did a stupid workout contest to see who did the dumbest workout just to get in the mileage. Bernie circled his firestation 40+ times and someone else did a run in China (?) in chocking smog that almost killed him. The China runner won and I sent him a bottle of Sport Wash. That ended up being fun too.

May be time to resurrect that one. Another bottle of Sport Wash on the line.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
That sounds pretty good too. Bottle of wine and some sport wash.

Today is the second day of the rest of your life if you started keeping track yesterday
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Cannonball] [ In reply to ]
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Cannonball wrote:
That sounds pretty good too. Bottle of wine and some sport wash.

Hrm. Might be interesting to tier it. People all pitch in *something*, and prize packs get randomly assigned to the 90+, 80+, 70+ ranges. There are people that won't and don't intend to make 100 runs, but they may make 91. or 80.

So, if you make 75 runs, you are eligible for the 70+ tier but not the 80+.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Way too complicated. Sport Wash for being ridiculous. Wine for kicking ass.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
JenSw wrote:
Way too complicated. Sport Wash for being ridiculous. Wine for kicking ass.

So....it's a ridiculous idea. I get teh sports wash. :D


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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Just replying to the thread. I just checked my totals for Nov and it was 27 runs for 280K, however, some of those runs were 20 minute runs. I think it is reasonable to try to get in the 800-900K range for the challenge off 80-90 "legal" runs. This month was encouraging, because for the first time in 15 months or so I have been doing speed work (relative term, but fast for me) and lots of hill running.

I have an outside goal of running to the summit of Mauna Kea next year from the visitor centre. That is 7 miles uphill starting at 9300 feet above sea level ending at 13700. That is 12% grade average, but the bottom half is more like 15-17%. We'll see, but I'm doing a lot of uphill treadmill runs to prepare over the next year. I ran two of those 7 miles this year and it took me half an hour just to cover that distance (15 min miles)

Last edited by: devashish_paul: Nov 30, 12 10:59
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Just replying to the thread. I just checked my totals for Nov and it was 27 runs for 280K, however, some of those runs were 20 minute runs. I think it is reasonable to try to get in the 800-900K range for the challenge off 80-90 "legal" runs. This month was encouraging, because for the first time in 15 months or so I have been doing speed work (relative term, but fast for me) and lots of hill running.

I have an outside goal of running to the summit of Mauna Kea next year from the visitor centre. That is 7 miles uphill starting at 9300 feet above sea level ending at 13700. That is 12% grade average, but the bottom half is more like 15-17%. We'll see, but I'm doing a lot of uphill treadmill runs to prepare over the next year. I ran two of those 7 miles this year and it took me half an hour just to cover that distance (15 min miles)


That's reasonable. I did 444 miles off of 71 runs last year, and that puts me right at 710k.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
some of those runs were 20 minute runs........off 80-90 "legal" runs.

That's what's BS. You ran, it should count. Especially those going for high frequency instead of volume. Now I can see making 20 min the lowest counting standard but 30 min is complete bull shit, especially since you are adding that time into tomorrow's run making 50min a 70min run. How fucked up is that?

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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desert dude wrote:
In Reply To:
some of those runs were 20 minute runs........off 80-90 "legal" runs.

That's what's BS. You ran, it should count. Especially those going for high frequency instead of volume. Now I can see making 20 min the lowest counting standard but 30 min is complete bull shit, especially since you are adding that time into tomorrow's run making 50min a 70min run. How fucked up is that?

Hey Brian, I agree, but the rules were established a few years ago and they have worked to get people to run a bit more than they might normally run. Even if you run less than 30 minutes in a day, your body knows the difference, even though this challenge won't know the difference, and in the end, I think we can agree that what happens to your body is more important than what happens on the challenge spreadsheet!

But I am glad you are participating in airing the grievances related to the rules. Some of them suck and we should spend 2 weeks whining about them and getting them out of our system before we actually do any real training :-)
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
desert dude wrote:
In Reply To:
some of those runs were 20 minute runs........off 80-90 "legal" runs.

That's what's BS. You ran, it should count. Especially those going for high frequency instead of volume. Now I can see making 20 min the lowest counting standard but 30 min is complete bull shit, especially since you are adding that time into tomorrow's run making 50min a 70min run. How fucked up is that?

Hey Brian, I agree, but the rules were established a few years ago and they have worked to get people to run a bit more than they might normally run. Even if you run less than 30 minutes in a day, your body knows the difference, even though this challenge won't know the difference, and in the end, I think we can agree that what happens to your body is more important than what happens on the challenge spreadsheet!

True, but it does exclude anyone that doesn't have good base, coming back from injury, things of that nature. If you have someone starting out on the BarryP plan at 20/40/60 mins, they would only be able to count 3 out of 6 runs. Kind of defeats the purpose of the challenge, which is to get people out running. Sure, they could run an extra 10 minutes on the 20 days, but for a 9 min/mile runner that's ~ 4.5 miles extra, on a weekly of 21ish. That's a pretty significant increase.

Is the purpose to get people out running? Or simply to provide a brag point for the already accomplished among the forum crowd? Just because rules were established, doesn't mean they can't be revisited. Hell, major sports organizations have rule changes almost every year.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Hell...even the crazies over at Streak Runner's International only require a single mile (or 1.61 Km) in a day.

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [toughie96] [ In reply to ]
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toughie96 wrote:
Hell...even the crazies over at Streak Runner's International only require a single mile (or 1.61 Km) in a day.


Holy crap! 16202 days in a row?!?

Even if it was only one mile each day, that's 2/3 around the Earth. Guaranteed he's actually made it around the earth at least once...


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I think I'm in for the first time. However PF Changs Marathon and Tough Mudder (both AZ) are right in the middle and I'm overweight and under trained. This could have a severe level of suckiness but I'm game for just about anything.
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
But I am glad you are participating in airing the grievances related to the rules. Some of them suck and we should spend 2 weeks whining about them and getting them out of our system before we actually do any real training :-)

I think the middle east had a small uprising based upon similar management style.

besides this is something that has been brought up every year about this challenge. Maybe management should listen to the workers?

Which brings me back to my original point early in the thread.

Why even have this farce 2 weeks if nothing is going to change?

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply

I see the airing of the grievances are in full throttle, which is good to see (By the way Brian, we'd love for you to actually participate for a free event that you're more than welcome to complain about....you get what you pay for....). The thread is not about changing the rules, it's just fun complaining about them (seriously, I complain about them too).

Trust me, I'd like to change the minimum to 15 minutes, but that would just be self serving because I am not ready to run 30 minutes minimum for 100 days in a row, but I am ready to do 15 minutes.

The reason for not budging on this is that the challenge is also supposed to be tough (not saying that 100 x 15 minutes is not tough, it is just that 100x 30 minutes is actually quite a bit tougher). No one is stopping us from doing days that are 15 minutes and just not getting credit (it won't kill us to not get credit for something on a spreadsheet sitting on a server in the cloud....in the end it's just some bits sitting on a hard drive in the cloud...your body does not know the difference on what those bits say).

I think that after 5 years of this, we've seen that overall the minimum has provided a nice balance between pushing people a bit, and also getting them out for higher frequency than they would like.

We're all more than welcome to run less day than 100 (there are several levels) or on some days less than 30 min and not get credit. It won't kill us to not get credit on a challenge....listen to our bodies and listen to the plan from the coach and do what our bodies are ready for....use the spreadsheet as a motivator when we are feeling lazy, but don't use it as a motivator to break our bodies.... the latter being the bad type.
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
devashish_paul wrote:
I see the airing of the grievances are in full throttle, which is good to see (By the way Brian, we'd love for you to actually participate for a free event that you're more than welcome to complain about....you get what you pay for....). The thread is not about changing the rules, it's just fun complaining about them (seriously, I complain about them too).

Trust me, I'd like to change the minimum to 15 minutes, but that would just be self serving because I am not ready to run 30 minutes minimum for 100 days in a row, but I am ready to do 15 minutes.

The reason we complain is because we don't like it. Pretty consistently, the biggest complaint has been the 30 minute rule.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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desert dude wrote:
In Reply To:
some of those runs were 20 minute runs........off 80-90 "legal" runs.

That's what's BS. You ran, it should count. Especially those going for high frequency instead of volume. Now I can see making 20 min the lowest counting standard but 30 min is complete bull shit, especially since you are adding that time into tomorrow's run making 50min a 70min run. How fucked up is that?

Exactly. 20 minutes is a 5k a day. 30 minutes is an injury. And for short course guys 5k is long enough
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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CaptainCanada wrote:
Ultra-tri-guy wrote:
How much running each day do I have to do to achieve "Prancing Peacock" status?...I'm currently in the cellar with the lowly assholes and would like to lift my game..


You have already achieved prancing peacock Nick. Next step is "Rollicking Rooster"


I'll be rollicking at the Challenge Penticton after party when all our racing bets are to be paid in full..

Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Ok how about this ...

A beer for the swim
A beer for T1
A beer for the bike
A beer for T2
A beer for the Run
A beer for overall.

I could use a free six pack ;)

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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I agree, the 30 min rule has been the biggest complaint, but we don't like the last 6 miles of the 26 mile run in an Ironman, yet many return every year. So on the one hand, on threads like these we see the squeeky wheel complaints, including my own (really guys, I am very happy running 10 min too)...but on the other hand, the yearly sign ups suggest that many like the challenge being slightly hard.

So we are playing a fine balance between bragging rights in a virtual training camp and fitness gains and trying to be both inclusive while at the same time, rewarding people for pushing themselves a bit too. That's why we have all the other level which encourage us to take days off if we need them.
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [B.McMaster] [ In reply to ]
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B.McMaster wrote:
desert dude wrote:
In Reply To:
some of those runs were 20 minute runs........off 80-90 "legal" runs.

That's what's BS. You ran, it should count. Especially those going for high frequency instead of volume. Now I can see making 20 min the lowest counting standard but 30 min is complete bull shit, especially since you are adding that time into tomorrow's run making 50min a 70min run. How fucked up is that?

Exactly. 20 minutes is a 5k a day. 30 minutes is an injury. And for short course guys 5k is long enough

So run an extra ten minutes at slow slow pace if it really means something to you.

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Does the treadmill have to be a specific incline to count, or is 0 incline OK?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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CaptainCanada wrote:
B.McMaster wrote:
desert dude wrote:
In Reply To:
some of those runs were 20 minute runs........off 80-90 "legal" runs.

That's what's BS. You ran, it should count. Especially those going for high frequency instead of volume. Now I can see making 20 min the lowest counting standard but 30 min is complete bull shit, especially since you are adding that time into tomorrow's run making 50min a 70min run. How fucked up is that?

Exactly. 20 minutes is a 5k a day. 30 minutes is an injury. And for short course guys 5k is long enough

So run an extra ten minutes at slow slow pace if it really means something to you.

It doesn't. It would be fun to play, but I have no desire to run slower than I already do or increase my mileage by 50 percent.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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CaptainCanada wrote:
Ok how about this ...

A beer for the swim
A beer for T1
A beer for the bike
A beer for T2
A beer for the Run
A beer for overall.

I could use a free six pack ;)


Better double each of them or I will have drunk them all before you finish..

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [MSUtri] [ In reply to ]
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MSUtri wrote:
I'm in for the third year in a row. I hit 569mi last year in 78 runs and ended up with a tibial stress fx in April. I'll be looking to hit the same frequency, but probably less mileage. We'll see what happens.

Wow, that's quite a selling feature!
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I agree, the 30 min rule has been the biggest complaint, but we don't like the last 6 miles of the 26 mile run in an Ironman

Very poor analogy at best. If it's the biggest complaint why don't you listen to your customer base and change it? Make it easy to buy, it's already tough to complete.

In Reply To:
the yearly sign ups suggest that many like the challenge being slightly hard.

The yearly completion rate would be a better judge of how hard, and better yet, how successful the challenge is. If you've got a low completion rate then maybe it needs looking at. The same if it's a high completion rate.

Somewhere it's stated that the goal of the challenge is to increase frequency and volume.

Having it at 30 min is a discouragement to increasing frequency and an encouragement to increase the dropout rate.

The reality is it's a bad rule if increasing frequency is still a goal, especially when lots of people are willing to bang out an extra 3 miles here and there but not 4.25. And if someone does bang out 3 miles they get to add it to the next run anyway although they don't get to add it to the frequency column. Plus if people are doing doubles, adding in a bunch of 30 min runs right off the bat is a lot riskier than adding in a bunch of 20 min runs right off the bat.

The way it's written someone could do 25 min runs every day or even 2x per day and get half credit for running frequency but full credit for time.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

Last edited by: desert dude: Nov 30, 12 15:40
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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desert dude wrote:
In Reply To:
I agree, the 30 min rule has been the biggest complaint, but we don't like the last 6 miles of the 26 mile run in an Ironman

Very poor analogy at best. If it's the biggest complaint why don't you listen to your customer base and change it? Make it easy to buy, it's already tough to complete.

In Reply To:
the yearly sign ups suggest that many like the challenge being slightly hard.

The yearly completion rate would be a better judge of how hard, and better yet, how successful the challenge is. If you've got a low completion rate then maybe it needs looking at. The same if it's a high completion rate.

Somewhere it's stated that the goal of the challenge is to increase frequency and volume.

Having it at 30 min is a discouragement to increasing frequency and an encouragement to increase the dropout rate.

The reality is it's a bad rule if increasing frequency is still a goal, especially when lots of people are willing to bang out an extra 3 miles here and there but not 4.25. And if someone does bang out 3 miles they get to add it to the next run anyway although they don't get to add it to the frequency column. Plus if people are doing doubles, adding in a bunch of 30 min runs right off the bat is a lot riskier than adding in a bunch of 20 min runs right off the bat.

The way it's written someone could do 25 min runs every day or even 2x per day and get half credit for running frequency but full credit for time.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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Devs bab Devs rules . I agree with whatever Dev decides. It is in my ooinion this is not beginner triathlete and mostly everyone is a bit advanced. If not set yur goal at 4-5 runs a week and go for 80 runs in 100 dys or something like that.

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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everyone on here is basically criticizing the rules for being to hard? Or possibly causing Injury... or possibly causing drop out..


If its hard.. you will most likely see gains

If you feel an injury coming on... stop, don't risk the season for some silly internet challenge

If it causes drop out... congrats, you just gained the mental or physical edge to pass that guy in a race

I honestly don't see the problem with it..

Awesome motivation and challenge in my eyes!


COROS Sports Science

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-livin wrote:
everyone on here is basically criticizing the rules for being to hard? Or possibly causing Injury... or possibly causing drop out..


If its hard.. you will most likely see gains

If you feel an injury coming on... stop, don't risk the season for some silly internet challenge

If it causes drop out... congrats, you just gained the mental or physical edge to pass that guy in a race

I honestly don't see the problem with it..

Awesome motivation and challenge in my eyes!




For heavens sake,it is only another 10 minutes over the supposed precious 20 min "safe zone" so use it as a cool down if running for the full 30 mins is so hard..When did running for 30 mins a day get so hard for ST'ers?

Last edited by: Ultra-tri-guy: Nov 30, 12 23:18
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Ultra-tri-guy] [ In reply to ]
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Ultra-tri-guy wrote:
Tri-livin wrote:
everyone on here is basically criticizing the rules for being to hard? Or possibly causing Injury... or possibly causing drop out..


If its hard.. you will most likely see gains

If you feel an injury coming on... stop, don't risk the season for some silly internet challenge

If it causes drop out... congrats, you just gained the mental or physical edge to pass that guy in a race

I honestly don't see the problem with it..

Awesome motivation and challenge in my eyes!




For heavens sake,it is only another 10 minutes over the supposed precious 20 min "safe zone" so use it as a cool down if running for the full 30 mins is so hard..When did running for 30 mins a day get so hard for ST'ers?


Isn't this the "airing of grievances" thread? We are supposed to get grievances out there, real or not...nobody said running 30 mins in a single day was hard.

edited to make it pink!
Last edited by: toughie96: Dec 1, 12 6:07
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [toughie96] [ In reply to ]
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I think the whole thing about airing of grievances is meant in a humorous manner. The humor lies not in the fact that he doesn't think people will complain but that the complaints have all been made a dozen times before and answered. The format is what it is because in his judgement, it presents the best balance. No format will satisfy everyone.

In other words this is kinda like the "Whine like a little bitch" thread for the 100 / 100.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JoeO] [ In reply to ]
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Let me go back and edit my response to put it in pink! Done!
Last edited by: toughie96: Dec 1, 12 6:08
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [toughie96] [ In reply to ]
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Ok I am officially terrible at deciphering tone from text...
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Post deleted by Devlin [ In reply to ]
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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Devlin wrote:
JoeO wrote:
I think the whole thing about airing of grievances is meant in a humorous manner. The humor lies not in the fact that he doesn't think people will complain but that the complaints have all been made a dozen times before and answered. The format is what it is because in his judgement, it presents the best balance. No format will satisfy everyone.

In other words this is kinda like the "Whine like a little bitch" thread for the 100 / 100.

No, mines an actual grievance, and it'll probably keep me from running the challenge this year. My biggest bitch is that the number one complaint is 30 vs 20 minutes for a minimum run, and Dev just straddles that old fence and refuses to listen to cogent arguments.

Not everyone runs that much every week, unlike ultra-tri-elitist over there.


So you just don't object, you strongly object. You want to go on record as objecting. done

You can join my 100 coffees in 100 days challenge if you like. You still get a ribbon if you only drink 1/2 a coffee a day.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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sdmike wrote:

So you just don't object, you strongly object. You want to go on record as objecting. done

You can join my 100 coffees in 100 days challenge if you like. You still get a ribbon if you only drink 1/2 a coffee a day.

No, I STRONGLY object. Is that how it works?

I want to go to the rocko clubbo typewriter school for wimmen.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [LoriT] [ In reply to ]
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LoriT wrote:
MSUtri wrote:
I'm in for the third year in a row. I hit 569mi last year in 78 runs and ended up with a tibial stress fx in April. I'll be looking to hit the same frequency, but probably less mileage. We'll see what happens.

Wow, that's quite a selling feature!

Ha! yea...I was a bit over zealous. I had just moved to a new area and was waiting to start work, so I had nothing to do but run. Hindsight being 20/20 I should have done quite a bit more than just run. oh well! Live and learn!
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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Your all going down this year!! CaptainCanada yu better wash that sock and get it ready.

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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is this like an individual challenge, or is there a prize of bragging rights or what are the stakes in this game
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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Hi Devlin,

My personal view is that the 30 min minimum is what makes the challenge tough, yet reachable.

As a concession noting that most are not ready to do that 100 days in a row (which is 3.5 hours per week for 14 weeks), we added the different levels. For example if one targets 70 runs that is 3.5 hours every ten days, leaving more room for rest.

View it another way, this is running 30 min slightly more than two out of three days. View it in a weekly context on one week you run 4 out of 7 the next week 5 out of 7. One week could be all minimum 30 min runs, the other week one run of 40 and another of 60....then gradually add ten min to a couple of runs per week. Maybe by week ten add an extra run per week as weight comes down and base goes up.

Also as a concession a few years ago we allowed the minimum run to be broken into multiple shorter runs as long as they add up to 30 min in a day. Personally my view is this works nicely...jog for ten min warmup...hop on the CT 45 min of intervals and then 20 min transition run....basically cutting down the bike workout but keeping the bike in there....just use easy running to warm up
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Hi Devlin,

My personal view is that the 30 min minimum is what makes the challenge tough, yet reachable.

As a concession noting that most are not ready to do that 100 days in a row (which is 3.5 hours per week for 14 weeks), we added the different levels. For example if one targets 70 runs that is 3.5 hours every ten days, leaving more room for rest.

View it another way, this is running 30 min slightly more than two out of three days. View it in a weekly context on one week you run 4 out of 7 the next week 5 out of 7. One week could be all minimum 30 min runs, the other week one run of 40 and another of 60....then gradually add ten min to a couple of runs per week. Maybe by week ten add an extra run per week as weight comes down and base goes up.

Also as a concession a few years ago we allowed the minimum run to be broken into multiple shorter runs as long as they add up to 30 min in a day. Personally my view is this works nicely...jog for ten min warmup...hop on the CT 45 min of intervals and then 20 min transition run....basically cutting down the bike workout but keeping the bike in there....just use easy running to warm up

DD is right. I'm out.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Bmanners wrote:
Your all going down this year!! CaptainCanada yu better wash that sock and get it ready.

Oh, the boy has some fight in him!!!

You gonna be changing your cream name to CCBitch in about 115 days ;)

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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I love this thread.

Seriously people ... don't sign up if you don't like the rules. So what if Dev were to decrease the minimum to 20 minutes ... that discriminates against those that have 15 minute lunch breaks. At some point you pick a distance/time/frequency for a challenge and if you want to sign up, go for it. If not, don't ... or even better start your own challenge. It's easy, and free!!!!

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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Every year.

The minimum mileage hasn't popped up yet. I'm waiting for that.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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What am I missing here???

Is this guy really crying because he wants to run 20 minutes a day??? I remember when people were hardcore here on ST, I remember looking at the 100/100 log and seeing people hit an hour a day...what happened???

Bmanners....YOU are going down!!!! did you reak 20 min for the 5k yet???
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [IRONwolf] [ In reply to ]
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IRONwolf wrote:
What am I missing here???

Is this guy really crying because he wants to run 20 minutes a day??? I remember when people were hardcore here on ST, I remember looking at the 100/100 log and seeing people hit an hour a day...what happened???

Bmanners....YOU are going down!!!! did you reak 20 min for the 5k yet???

Pretty sure he didn't yet .. Although his chief competition (moi) crack the 19 minute mark ;)

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [IRONwolf] [ In reply to ]
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I'm signing up knowing I won't hit all 100. I can live with that.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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 It's easy, and free!!!!
Damn i paypal'ed Dev. a 45.00 entry fee

Official Polar Ambassador
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [JenSw] [ In reply to ]
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JenSw wrote:
I'm signing up knowing I won't hit all 100. I can live with that.


Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [IRONwolf] [ In reply to ]
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IRONwolf wrote:
What am I missing here???

Is this guy really crying because he wants to run 20 minutes a day??? I remember when people were hardcore here on ST, I remember looking at the 100/100 log and seeing people hit an hour a day...what happened???

Bmanners....YOU are going down!!!! did you reak 20 min for the 5k yet???
Close but no. Maybe Dec 16 th.

Official Polar Ambassador
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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IRONwolf wrote:What am I missing here???

Is this guy really crying because he wants to run 20 minutes a day??? I remember when people were hardcore here on ST, I remember looking at the 100/100 log and seeing people hit an hour a day...what happened???

Bmanners....YOU are going down!!!! did you reak 20 min for the 5k yet???
Pretty sure he didn't yet .. Although his chief competition (moi) crack the 19 minute mark ;)

Baaaa.... It must of been short and downhill :0)

Official Polar Ambassador
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Bmanners wrote:
IRONwolf wrote:What am I missing here???

Is this guy really crying because he wants to run 20 minutes a day??? I remember when people were hardcore here on ST, I remember looking at the 100/100 log and seeing people hit an hour a day...what happened???

Bmanners....YOU are going down!!!! did you reak 20 min for the 5k yet???
Pretty sure he didn't yet .. Although his chief competition (moi) crack the 19 minute mark ;)

Baaaa.... It must of been short and downhill :0)

Yeah something like that ;)

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
Quote Reply
Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Bmanners wrote:
IRONwolf wrote:What am I missing here???

Is this guy really crying because he wants to run 20 minutes a day??? I remember when people were hardcore here on ST, I remember looking at the 100/100 log and seeing people hit an hour a day...what happened???

Bmanners....YOU are going down!!!! did you reak 20 min for the 5k yet???
Pretty sure he didn't yet .. Although his chief competition (moi) crack the 19 minute mark ;)

Baaaa.... It must of been short and downhill :0)

It must have been short.....I followed his EXACT training plan for a year and couldnt break 25mins.....must be bad genetics.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [IRONwolf] [ In reply to ]
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My complaint is that I can't find the 100/100 in the challenge section.

Maybe my complaint is that I'm so technically inept; but if anyone has a link, I'd appreciate it.

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [twomarks] [ In reply to ]
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Your complaint is valid....the link will be up there on or before Dec 15th. Till then get your running done in the Dec running and drinking challenge.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Alright then - I'm in!

First year and am gunning for 70 as realistic and 84 as the push.

Happy running!

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [twomarks] [ In reply to ]
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How many in the 60+ age group signing up?

SM Gose
Red Lodge, MT
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [rbow_trout] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in again this year.
Last year I went 100/100.
It was fun.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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for all the whiners about the time minimum - i'm spending the two weeks before 100/100 running every day. this week has been just 2 miles every day, next week i will step it up to 3 miles. if you can't transition from 2miles to 3miles to 30minutes, then you probably shouldn't be doing 100/100. or you're just so damn fast than 3 miles = 15mins and thus 100/100 minimum means doubling your runtimes :)
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in again this year! Last year I either did 72 or 68. The challenge counting confused me so I gave up figuring out and took the higher number. This year I live in the same city as my girlfriend so hopefully her presence will not affect my training. Last year I missed 12 training sessions due to visiting her. Hoping to hit 80 this year.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [PaulDavis] [ In reply to ]
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This guy does not even meet the 30 minute minimum on 10K forget about 5K

The two most beautiful gold medals of the London Olympics in endurance sport (sorry to all the Brownlee fans).

Staking out the Kenyans. Take it home for Great Britain young man!

This one was like magic....closing with a sub 4 minute mile...thank you Sir Roger for beating down the path....now the boys are closing with sub 4 min mile at the end of a 5000m....last lap 53 seconds! Look at the face of that man. I think he even shocked himself with that finishing speed.

Training partners rejoicing....100/100 illegal 10k run...even illegal after a victory lap jog

Maybe the two best back to back weekends in long distance running since Emil Zatopek.

OK, are the rest of you guys motivated yet for the 100/100. It's Friday 5 pm, and I'm going to be at work late....good time for a diversion back to two glorious weekends in August in London....you Brits don't know how good you had it summer. In a couple of decades, you'll look back to a pretty amazing summer of sport between Chelsea winning the UEFA Champion's League, Wiggins at the Tour and the Olympics.

OK, back to the grievances on this thread.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Dec 7, 12 14:16
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in ... are you going to add it to the challenges?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Joe24] [ In reply to ]
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Where do we find the challenges? How do I join, etc?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for organizing this. I'm thinking about trying 80/100 this year.

Not to bogart your thread, but does anyone know if there are going to be any other challenges in the winter of 2012-2013?

"The Fit Shall Inherit the Earth" -Endurance Conspiracy
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Mrdavidalex] [ In reply to ]
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It will be done through the Training Log here on slowtwitch.


The 100/100 has not been added yet, but it will be up soon I'm sure. Even if it isn't up by Saturday, if you log all your runs they will count towards the challenge once we can join.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:

Maybe I should get it started. Why is the minimum run 30 minutes?..

Why is the minimum in minutes at all? Say I normally run 5k in 25 minutes well what if I just dog it and do 30 minutes? That's ok? Should be a 5-7 km minimum.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:

Maybe I should get it started. Why is the minimum run 30 minutes?..

Why is the minimum in minutes at all? Say I normally run 5k in 25 minutes well what if I just dog it and do 30 minutes? That's ok? Should be a 5-7 km minimum.

Its an arbitrary rule. But it does make sense, we all race minutes, not miles correct?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [MattAune] [ In reply to ]
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MattAune wrote:
It will be done through the Training Log here on slowtwitch.


The 100/100 has not been added yet, but it will be up soon I'm sure. Even if it isn't up by Saturday, if you log all your runs they will count towards the challenge once we can join.

Yes, I will try to put it up some time this week. I'm on business travel a lot, so it may take until Saturday when I am back home but as Matt said, once it is up and you join the challenge it will automatically pull your runs in starting 15 Dec.

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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sdmike wrote:
Devlin wrote:
JoeO wrote:
I think the whole thing about airing of grievances is meant in a humorous manner. The humor lies not in the fact that he doesn't think people will complain but that the complaints have all been made a dozen times before and answered. The format is what it is because in his judgement, it presents the best balance. No format will satisfy everyone.

In other words this is kinda like the "Whine like a little bitch" thread for the 100 / 100.

No, mines an actual grievance, and it'll probably keep me from running the challenge this year. My biggest bitch is that the number one complaint is 30 vs 20 minutes for a minimum run, and Dev just straddles that old fence and refuses to listen to cogent arguments.

Not everyone runs that much every week, unlike ultra-tri-elitist over there.


So you just don't object, you strongly object. You want to go on record as objecting. done

You can join my 100 coffees in 100 days challenge if you like. You still get a ribbon if you only drink 1/2 a coffee a day.

Oh man, I'd SO win that one! I'd even win double that one! Maybe triple! i think i'm going to log coffee instead of run and call it all even. :)


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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Where is the sign-up?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [imsparticus] [ In reply to ]
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As I said, I'm on the road a lot this week and most of my connected time is doing work or family related stuff and have done almost zero triathlon related stuff on the net this week (spending it in transit instead). I'll likely put it up on Saturday, but if I have time tomorrow before my flight I will do it....but my first priority is to run at the Roger Bannister Track on Iffley Road in Oxford tomorrow morning. I've been waiting to do this run since I ran track in high school and finally this seems like it will work out.....so if I don't get the challenge up its because I put a higher priority to run 4 laps around the same track that Bannister broke the 4 min mile at. I'm just thankful I can run. This will be a great way to kick off my 2013 run training season "1 day earlier" than usual (although this run won't count for the challenge).

Please be patient, the challenge will be up FOR sure by Saturday morning.

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Hey is there something up with the Challenges page? Every time I click on it it asks for my user name and password but won't let me past that.

Today is the second day of the rest of your life if you started keeping track yesterday
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Cannonball] [ In reply to ]
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All set to start!
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Cannonball] [ In reply to ]
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Cannonball wrote:
Hey is there something up with the Challenges page? Every time I click on it it asks for my user name and password but won't let me past that.

I have the same problem with Microsoft Explorer, but I can get in using Firefox
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [theCowboy] [ In reply to ]
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put it in ink on my training plan... However I have a flight out tomorrow! i'll have to wake up extremely early to get this first day it...

Time to put up or shut up! Good luck everyone!

COROS Sports Science

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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
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Count me in, time to party!


Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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sorry if i'm being a PITA here, first time i've actually looked at the "training log" page with the "challenges" tab... will this challenge be post starting tomorrow? I'm kinda pumped to try this and signing in everyday is the accountability i need to do something like this!!

The Rat Snake:
A Tribute Race at Gilbert Lake State Park, Laurens, NY May 16 2015
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Will my run ups and barriers from Sundays 'cross race count towards my 30 minutes?

Ready for this to start. I have been low on motivation for early morning runs.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah,I can't find the challenge on the challenge page either.....and as I have a 24hr track run to do in 118 days,if I am not right up there in the top group AND don't run over 240k during the race I'll have to face the music and get deleted from ST..

I'm gonna have to do some study on these rules in the next day or so..
Last edited by: Ultra-tri-guy: Dec 14, 12 7:35
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Good luck Dev and thanks for organizing this. Quick question... I plan to get in on this so if I happen to log my 1st run on this tommorrow and its before you get the challenge up will I have to relog the run for it to count or will automatially pick it up out of the log since its already there?
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [orphious] [ In reply to ]
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Anything you log in the training log tomorrow and beyond that meets the challenges minimum rules, will automatically count towards the challenge when you join.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [MattAune] [ In reply to ]
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [orphious] [ In reply to ]
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Im in I have never ran more than 6 days a week should be interesting.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in. I did 88 last year - a much rounder number than 100, but I'll still try for 100 this year.

Good luck to all.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Why not? I'm in. Aiming for 5-6 runs per week.
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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1st IM on march 23rd. HITS Ocala. im in, shooting for 70
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [bothepat] [ In reply to ]
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OK...let's end the grievances, no more complaining about the minimums or the rules. I just got back from business in Europe and will have some time to put up the challenge this evening for the start tomorrow.

I ended up 2012 season (or should I say I am starting my 2013) season, with a very slow 6:26 mile at Iffley Road in Oxford UK....this is where Bannister finished his 3:59 mile...every time you measure a mile split in the challenge, well thank Bannister for imprinting it in our heads. For me, I barely broke 4 min at the kilometer mark going through in 3:59! I was hoping to run sub 6, but I am totally out of shape for speed....too much steep hill work lately, zero fast foot speed and 8 lbs up on race season.

Last edited by: devashish_paul: Dec 14, 12 15:12
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Re: 100/100 Starts on Dec 15th....annual airing of the Grievances [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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THats a nice pic Dev, Im really Jelous. Im a day ahead of the NA crowd too, I got started early today (its 8:20am here now). 4 painful miles with my injured lower back. going for 100/100
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