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Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace?
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So after talking about running, working out, etc. in the office our 23 year old IT guy is convinced of the superiority of his natural athletic talent. He's about 5'9", 260 pounds, not muscular not obese, just a big round, wide dude. Says he played high school football, goes to the gym but mostly to tan and hang out and does P90X once in a while.

So we're going to to have a running race at the local track, I wanted to do it as me doing 1.5 miles him doing 1 mile. He wanted me doing 1 mile and him doing a half mile. So we settled on me running 1 1/4 miles and him running 3/4 mile. I figure I can cover the 1.25 in 6:15-6:30. So if he's doing 3/4 of a mile if he runs ~8:30 pace or better he's going to win.

Does he have a chance?

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I'd say he'd be lucky to hold 10:00/mile pace at that weight
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [robertl] [ In reply to ]
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Even for that short of a time?

My hope is he sprints the first quarter and is staggering by the end.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Without knowing a damn thing about the guy, I'd say so. If he's even remotely in shape, holding an 8:30 pace for 6 minutes should be pretty easy.

My roomate in college was a large dude who used to be an offensive lineman in high school. He could go out and run a 13 minute 2 miler even though he did very little running and what little exercise he did was lifting weights.

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I plugged in 240 lbs and 5'10" into one of those BMI calculators and got back 34.4 where over 30 means obese.

Hmmm. Only 23. 5 years out from high school football. If he was motivated and had more than 2 or 3 weeks to "train," I'd bet that he could pop out a few 2:00 quarters.

When is the race?


"If you want to ride by the Force, you had better make sure that you are a real Jedi." - FastYellow (6/13/2011)
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
So after talking about running, working out, etc. in the office our 23 year old IT guy is convinced of the superiority of his natural athletic talent. He's about 5'9", 260 pounds, not muscular not obese, just a big round, wide dude. Says he played high school football, goes to the gym but mostly to tan and hang out and does P90X once in a while.

So we're going to to have a running race at the local track, I wanted to do it as me doing 1.5 miles him doing 1 mile. He wanted me doing 1 mile and him doing a half mile. So we settled on me running 1 1/4 miles and him running 3/4 mile. I figure I can cover the 1.25 in 6:15-6:30. So if he's doing 3/4 of a mile if he runs ~8:30 pace or better he's going to win.

Does he have a chance?

Here will be his first 3 200 splits:


He will possibly quit at this point. If he runs it "right" then he should beat you. He is 23 and works out a little. He should be able to un 3/4 in 6:15 even if he is 260.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [trijedi] [ In reply to ]
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I say no and that he starts walking after one lap of the track.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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If it's especially sunny at the track that day, he might have an advantage thanks to his tanning training.

Travis Rassat
Vector Cycle Works
Noblesville, IN
BikeFit Instructor | FMS | F.I.S.T. | IBFI
Toughman Triathlon Series Ambassador
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [trijedi] [ In reply to ]
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When is the race?

I want to do it soon. He told me he starts training today and that his plan was to go to the gym do 45 minutes of cardio, lift for an hour, work on his core, another 45 minutes worth of cardio then do P90X when he gets home. So he'll probably be hurt before it even starts.

He said he uses the elliptical because the bike and treadmill are for sissies.

But he's not the smartest dude, I am hoping if I go flying off the line he'll be tempted to chase and will absolutely blow up on the last quarter.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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he beats you. 3 laps is a pretty short distance and 8:30 is pretty slow. You better get your 1.25 down to for more confidence
Last edited by: npage148: Jun 4, 12 13:23
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
So after talking about running, working out, etc. in the office

Your first mistake.
Not sure how you come out winning anything, no matter how the "race" goes.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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My 8-yo daughter can run a mile in ~9 minutes, so despite your co-workers perceived "size disadvantage," I think you're going to get beat.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
So after talking about running, working out, etc. in the office our 23 year old IT guy is convinced of the superiority of his natural athletic talent. He's about 5'9", 260 pounds, not muscular not obese, just a big round, wide dude. Says he played high school football, goes to the gym but mostly to tan and hang out and does P90X once in a while.

So we're going to to have a running race at the local track, I wanted to do it as me doing 1.5 miles him doing 1 mile. He wanted me doing 1 mile and him doing a half mile. So we settled on me running 1 1/4 miles and him running 3/4 mile. I figure I can cover the 1.25 in 6:15-6:30. So if he's doing 3/4 of a mile if he runs ~8:30 pace or better he's going to win.

Does he have a chance?

Sorry, even outside of ST land that is not normal. But yes he does have a chance but why don't you just up the speed a bit and make sure eh? ;-) Could be embarrassing.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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Your first mistake.
Not sure how you come out winning anything, no matter how the "race" goes.

I really tried to avoid the discussion as much as possible. I don't really talk about the stuff at work other than with a close friend or two. But I work in Boston and was out on Marathon Monday to run so the topic came up afterwards.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Can I bet he doesn't show up.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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stillrollin wrote:
SwBkRn44 wrote:
So after talking about running, working out, etc. in the office

Your first mistake.
Not sure how you come out winning anything, no matter how the "race" goes.

This. No talkie about religion or politics or your workout regimen, unless you already know where the co-worker sits on the matter. People offend very easily when you bring that stuff up. Yes the workout/weight is right up there with the other two no-nos. Egos get bruised when large people are reminded of their largeness. When egos are bruised the people will skip on over to HR office to denounce you.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I had one of my co workers challenge me to a race as well. I refused becasue of 2 things:

1. Just about everyone can sprint fast for a short distance

2. What did I have to gain by beating him? If I win, I did nothing more than beat an out shape smoker. If he wins he gains a whole lot more... "look at me I dont work out and I am just as fast as Tom"

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Dilbert] [ In reply to ]
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Egos get bruised when large people are reminded of their largeness. When egos are bruised the people will skip on over to HR office to denounce you.

As I said to someone else, I didn't bring it up.

And he's a great guy, he and I are good friends. He thinks he's jacked and thinks I am scrawny and we laugh about it. It's all in good fun, that's for sure.

But I still want to beat him.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Dilbert] [ In reply to ]
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Dilbert wrote:
stillrollin wrote:
SwBkRn44 wrote:
So after talking about running, working out, etc. in the office

Your first mistake.
Not sure how you come out winning anything, no matter how the "race" goes.

This. No talkie about religion or politics or your workout regimen, unless you already know where the co-worker sits on the matter. People offend very easily when you bring that stuff up. Yes the workout/weight is right up there with the other two no-nos. Egos get bruised when large people are reminded of their largeness. When egos are bruised the people will skip on over to HR office to denounce you.

Unless it's couched as a "safety issue", in which case talking about fitness is obligatory. The industry I work takes safety to an extreme level, and health, ergonomics and fitness are considered part of the program. Not that it's enforced the same way as other safety issues, but stil...

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Can you reverse it on him somehow?
Can you set up some sort of weightlifting contest that sways the advantage to you?

How will the race be run? Will you both start at the same time, but you need to run 2 extra laps? Or maybe you run 2 laps and he gets to start once you cross the start line for the 2nd time?
Or will it be a time trial?

If it is going to be a hot day, try to start later so it is hot. Or if he likes to party, schedule for a Saturday morning after he has been out drinking all night.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Totally understand this and I think the comp is actually a very fun idea. With that said though, I think you comped your advantage too much. 1200 meters, even for an out of shape person isn't THAT much of a stretch, distance wise, and if he races even remotely intelligently I think he's got a pretty good shot. You're right, if he completely blows it at the beginning you are likely going to win, and I think your idea of going out, somewhat, fast makes sense. Just don't overdo it, remember, your race pace is already going to seem fast to him, so don't cripple yourself by overly showing off.

Also, if it's close at the end, either blow by him with well over 100M to go, or pip him right at the end with him having no chance to recover. I've been incredibly surprised by how hard most people can push, for a little bit, if the really have to.

-Andrew Saar
It is better to do the right thing and be paid poorly,
than to do the wrong thing and be rewarded richly.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [vtlars] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [orphious] [ In reply to ]
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I had one of my co workers challenge me to a race as well. I refused becasue of 2 things:

1. Just about everyone can sprint fast for a short distance

2. What did I have to gain by beating him? If I win, I did nothing more than beat an out shape smoker. If he wins he gains a whole lot more... "look at me I dont work out and I am just as fast as Tom"

He's a good guy and there is no mean spirit to this challenge at all. We're both willing and ready to accept to ribbing that the winner will give the loser. It's all in fun.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I would have insisted on the "you running 1.5 miles and him running 1 mile" format ... Although you have the speed advantage it's the endurance advantage that's really your ace in the hole. Based on your current format I say he wins if he paces correctly.


You never have the wind with you - either it is against you or you're having a good day. ~Daniel Behrman
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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You have been hustled.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Put me down for $10 on the Clydesdale.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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You should try and make it a "series" of events and see where it evens out at.

Start out with a 100 meter dash. He does 100 and you do 150.
Then 400 for him and 600 for you.
Keep going up until you get to 3.75 and he has to do 2.25.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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8:30 pace is not slow and he will not make it. Try to make sure he does not warm -up : ) well maybe not a good idea he may have a heartattack.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Figure out ahead of time what your comfort zone is regarding CPR on a male acquaintance...

You should have both done 1.25 but given him a 2 lap headstart...the pursuit is much more dramatic. Half mile is a lot to make up but you'd have a much better chance this way.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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He has a really good chance. But just remember this. Even if he beats you, you will recover within a few minutes and not even feel it the next day. He most likely will hurt for several days.

Think of something cruel to do when he is sore. :)
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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He's about 5'9", 260 pounds, not muscular not obese

I don't see how both of those can be true.

Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.

- Chinese proverb
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Duffy] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, technically he's probably obese.

But he's got broad shoulders and is young so doesn't look like a total fat guy.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [roubaixman] [ In reply to ]
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roubaixman wrote:
Put me down for $10 on the Clydesdale.

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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He will not do it. I was 260 once and my girlfriend (a varsity track athlete) got me to go running. I made it 300 yards.

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
I figure I can cover the 1.25 in 6:15-6:30.

When was the last time you ran a 5 min mile?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [GregRF] [ In reply to ]
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I ran a 5:05 as the opening mile of a 5k last weekend and finished in 16:25 cruising the last mile.

Does that count?

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, yes it does.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [GregRF] [ In reply to ]
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I literally laughed out loud thinking about your astonished face when you saw his reply!

But to be fair i thought the same thing!

5:05 mile: DAMN
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Miguelon] [ In reply to ]
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Truth. You're gonna get smoked.


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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [snoop] [ In reply to ]
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snoop wrote:
I literally laughed out loud thinking about your astonished face when you saw his reply!

But to be fair i thought the same thing!

5:05 mile: DAMN

+1 hahaha
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
So after talking about running, working out, etc. in the office our 23 year old IT guy is convinced of the superiority of his natural athletic talent. He's about 5'9", 260 pounds, not muscular not obese, just a big round, wide dude. Says he played high school football, goes to the gym but mostly to tan and hang out and does P90X once in a while.

So we're going to to have a running race at the local track, I wanted to do it as me doing 1.5 miles him doing 1 mile. He wanted me doing 1 mile and him doing a half mile. So we settled on me running 1 1/4 miles and him running 3/4 mile. I figure I can cover the 1.25 in 6:15-6:30. So if he's doing 3/4 of a mile if he runs ~8:30 pace or better he's going to win.

Does he have a chance?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
I had one of my co workers challenge me to a race as well. I refused becasue of 2 things:

1. Just about everyone can sprint fast for a short distance

2. What did I have to gain by beating him? If I win, I did nothing more than beat an out shape smoker. If he wins he gains a whole lot more... "look at me I dont work out and I am just as fast as Tom"

He's a good guy and there is no mean spirit to this challenge at all. We're both willing and ready to accept to ribbing that the winner will give the loser. It's all in fun.

The guy who challenged me is a really nice guy too. I told him I would take his challenge if he accepted my challenge to race him another time at a distance of my choosing. He respectfully declined.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I'll take you for $10 bucks....

I don't think he can hold 8:30.


I *heart* weak, dumb ass people...
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [coopdog] [ In reply to ]
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I think he does have a chance.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [trijedi] [ In reply to ]
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trijedi wrote:
I plugged in 240 lbs and 5'10" into one of those BMI calculators and got back 34.4 where over 30 means obese.

Hmmm. Only 23. 5 years out from high school football. If he was motivated and had more than 2 or 3 weeks to "train," I'd bet that he could pop out a few 2:00 quarters.

When is the race?

BMI is bullshit

5'8", 200 lbs, 15% body fat. Thats 170 lbs of lean muscle mass. Your BMI calculator still puts me in the "overweight" category with my lean muscle mass. If your more muscular, then average, its useless.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Just do this race as soon as possible and please post video...
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I predict the race never happens because the guy backs out. If it does go he has no chance. Unless he has been running a lot, 8:30 pace for a big guy is tough.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Yes. Video or it did't happen.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Lacticbath] [ In reply to ]
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Well I've got an update. Being that 1.25 and .75 are pretty random distances we've agreed to do 1.5 miles for me and 1 mile for him.

I am certain I can hold a 5:15 pace comfortably, so he's going to need to run a sub 8 minute mile.

Can he do it?

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
Well I've got an update. Being that 1.25 and .75 are pretty random distances we've agreed to do 1.5 miles for me and 1 mile for him.

I am certain I can hold a 5:15 pace comfortably, so he's going to need to run a sub 8 minute mile.

Can he do it?

no. I/m 5'10' and 160lbs..the guy out weighs me by my wife!...Now an easy run for me is 8 minute pace but I don't think I could so it with 100 extra pounds and no training.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
Just do this race as soon as possible and please post video...

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I'm 126 lbs now and 5'4", but when I was 133 lbs and I was starting training I couldn't hold 9:30 for 2 miles.....
Just saying the lack of weight doesn't mean you can automatically go fast, and weight doesn't necessarily mean you are slow. Much shorter distance but I've seen someone with 50+ lbs on them outrun a stick.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [GatorDeb] [ In reply to ]
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fat people are smart. They have to be, in order to get liked. Kinda like most girls are either 'cute' or "have a great personality".

The fat kid already knows he can run a 8:00 pace which is why he's engineered a plan to make you think it's your idea to do this race. Your tell-tale sign will be when he ups the bet big-time, at the 11th hour. Then you'll know he's got your ass.

I've got ten bucks on the fat kid.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Voice of Reason] [ In reply to ]
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I bet he (fat guy) doesn't know how fast a 5:15 mile is... times 1.5
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Voice of Reason] [ In reply to ]
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slice of cake on the fat kid!
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [mike@wahoo] [ In reply to ]
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How did you get a varsity track gf at 260? If I could have done this I probably would have stayed fat and never started running.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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You're going to win... smart idea by making him run longer. Since you will pass him once, make sure you say something smart to get in his head when you pass.
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Post deleted by boilerup [ In reply to ]
Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
Well I've got an update. Being that 1.25 and .75 are pretty random distances we've agreed to do 1.5 miles for me and 1 mile for him.

I am certain I can hold a 5:15 pace comfortably, so he's going to need to run a sub 8 minute mile.

Can he do it?

I think you would've won at the shorter distance as well but this one is a no-brainer.

Dude will go off running in a near sprint, gas out, and will end up walking the majority of the mile. You beat him by three minutes.

Even if he paced it smart he wouldn't beat you. A fattie isn't running a sub-8 mile.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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No way will he beat you. Outside of ST, 8:30 pace, especially for .75 miles at 260 lbs., is not that easy. Sub 8:00 pace for a mile, not gonna happen.

"Honestly, triathlon is a pussified version of duathlon on that final run."- Desert Dude

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Gtjojo189] [ In reply to ]
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Gtjojo189 wrote:
How did you get a varsity track gf at 260? If I could have done this I probably would have stayed fat and never started running.

When you are 260 and 38% body fat, you need master other skills out of necessity. The only problem is now I am 80lbs lighter and lost those skills. Ha!

I won't lie, fat was fun. Lots of fun.

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [teekona] [ In reply to ]
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Good call on the 1.5 miles... we still need video though ;-)
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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GMAN19030 wrote:
SwBkRn44 wrote:
Well I've got an update. Being that 1.25 and .75 are pretty random distances we've agreed to do 1.5 miles for me and 1 mile for him.

I am certain I can hold a 5:15 pace comfortably, so he's going to need to run a sub 8 minute mile.

Can he do it?

Dude will go off running in a near sprint, gas out, and will end up walking the majority of the mile. You beat him by three minutes.

Even if he isn't tanked by the 2nd lap ...

Gtjojo189 wrote:
Since you will pass him once, make sure you say something smart to get in his head when you pass.

... When you come up behind, he's gonna try to hang with you for two more laps to cross the line a tie, but that will take whatever he's got left and then some

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [randymar] [ In reply to ]
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My first x-country race in high school was only after about 3 weeks of run training ever. I was excited and nervous and took off with the gun with the rest of the crowd. Ran a 5:45 for the first mile. Finished the race around 25 or so but my first mile was bad azz, right? Never underestimate the power of adrenalin and competitiveness.

Yeah, my bet? ....... Dude is gonna smoke you ......

Rick, "Retired" hobbyist athlete
Trying to come back slowly from acute A-Fib
Last edited by: Daremo: Jun 6, 12 8:00
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Voice of Reason] [ In reply to ]
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Voice of Reason wrote:
fat people are smart. They have to be, in order to get liked. Kinda like most girls are either 'cute' or "have a great personality".

The fat kid already knows he can run a 8:00 pace which is why he's engineered a plan to make you think it's your idea to do this race. Your tell-tale sign will be when he ups the bet big-time, at the 11th hour. Then you'll know he's got your ass.

I've got ten bucks on the fat kid.


My $$ on Slim&Fast. Make sure you tell DirtyFat&Slow to carbo load the night before, watch clips of Lance Armstrong winning the latest 70.3, and dont' forget to offer him a Snickers bar 5 min before the race! And definitely slap his ass when you lap him!
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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When is this epic race???
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I'm 5'7", currently 210 down from 250+. I train 6 days a week now and 8:30 is a hard Z4 interval for me today. I can hold it for 7.5 minutes so we would be close in this race.

If he is really 50 pounds more than I am, he is screwed.


You will remain the same person, before, during and after the race. So the result, no matter how important, will not define you. The journey is what matters. ~ Chrissie W.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [teekona] [ In reply to ]
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In grad school I stopped running and gained 50# (33% gain) to 210# over like 5 years and I'm only 5-7 tall. Even at this most horribly out of shape I could still run 8:30 for a 5k. While I came from a running background, 1200m at 8:30 pace is not fast for a 23 year old that frequents the gym on a regular basis and is only 4-5 years out of playing HS football.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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I beg to differ having been fast in football. You never run a mile in football. It's a 40 yard Sprint game.


You will remain the same person, before, during and after the race. So the result, no matter how important, will not define you. The journey is what matters. ~ Chrissie W.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think he has a chance, smoke him
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [diviesti] [ In reply to ]
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I think you need to set it up so that you run the first 800 with bubba sparxx watching at the line....you drop the hammer with your 5 minute mile self......and he is going to explode when he joins you for the last mile. This method would require 2 stopwatches to determine the winner, though....and everybody on this forum doesn't want you to waste volunteers that should be filming this showcase for our viewing pleasure.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [ In reply to ]
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Slowtwitch demands:

this happen soon

results posted

video posted

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [AnthonyS] [ In reply to ]
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you may never run a mile but you are an athlete and have the associated skills
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [jadubya] [ In reply to ]
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jadubya wrote:
I think you need to set it up so that you run the first 800 with bubba sparxx watching at the line....you drop the hammer with your 5 minute mile self......and he is going to explode when he joins you for the last mile. This method would require 2 stopwatches to determine the winner, though....and everybody on this forum doesn't want you to waste volunteers that should be filming this showcase for our viewing pleasure.

LOL @ bubba sparxx

maybe strap a GoPro to his head too so we can hear his expletives you smoke past him doing 75 second quarters
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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After reading this whole thread, my money is on you. BUTTTTTT, there better be a video of this whole damn race posted!

Hunter Robinson
Sponsored by: http://www.92fifty.com
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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My money is definitely on you. How did you get him to agree that his distance is increased by 25% and yours only by 20%? The challenge only gets easier for you. When is the race?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Dilbert] [ In reply to ]
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Slowtwitch demands:

this happen soon

results posted

video posted


+1 except change soon to already happened. Pleaseandthankyou.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Sometimes those chunky kids can run....

Last edited by: bvfrompc: Jun 6, 12 13:49
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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My coworkers did a similar race a little over a month ago. I didn't participate, but was very surprised by the results. It was only a 400m race. And yes, they are all short because they're all asian...=)

Dude #1 - 25 years old, 5'3", 130 pounds. Former tennis player in high school, doesn't exercise much, but does go for a 2-3 mile run now and then...about 2-3 times a month.

Dude #2 - 35 years old, 5'3", 160 pounds. Former baseball player in high school, doesn't exercise at all, and is on high blood pressure medication. He's got decent muscular build, so he doesn't look fat...but not skinny either.

Dude #3 - 55 years old, 5'5", 160 pounds. Former avid runner 15 years ago, and recently did a marathon last year in 5:30.

The most hilarious thing was that everyone was sure they were going to win. Nobody trained for it, they just went out and raced...loser of the race had to pay the winner $40, middle guy breaks even.

Dude #1 won at 1:15, Dude #2 at 1:22, Dude #3 at 1:30. I was pretty shocked at how fast all of them ran. I for sure thought that something like 1:25 would win, and Dude #3 would run closer to 1:45 as he's not a top end speed kind of guy. They were all pretty gassed, but just goes to show that it doesn't take much training to run fast for a short period.

One mile though...hmmm. If he knows that 7:45 will win, and he tries to run 1:54 each lap, I think he'll win. If he doesn't pace it, and tries to chase you, or gets mentally defeated as you lap him the first time...then you have a chance. Either way, it "should" be close if he doesn't give up.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [tri808] [ In reply to ]
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Everyone is taking sides - you'd think it's a Lance thread.

My bet is on SlimFast.
Running is NOT lifting. A mile is NOT football.
If the assessment of his mental faculties is correct he won't pace, he'll race, and cook by lap two when he sees how fast you're going.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Whether you win or lose, you need to go up to him afterwards and suggest, "You want to make it two out of three?".
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I've got $10 on the fast guy. I'll even throw in a $5 parlay that the big guy blows chunks.
Last edited by: hullcb: Jun 7, 12 11:51
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I got a 23 year old kid that was jaw jacking about how he could beat me (33 years old) in a sprint,,

I smoked his ass in the parking lot.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [ In reply to ]
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I think you should do an 800 warm up at an 8:00 minute mile. Just make the statement that he's got four laps at that pace. He might not even start the race.

I've got $5 that big boy sharts pants at start line.

Do something.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [santa777] [ In reply to ]
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santa777 wrote:
I got a 23 year old kid that was jaw jacking about how he could beat me (33 years old) in a sprint,,

I smoked his ass in the parking lot.

Um, OK, but how did the race go?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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College PhysEd class we ran this race back in the days of wind-up stop watches. First week of class we were measured on a 7:30 second run, and the last week as well. Part of your grade was dependent on going farther the second time around.

I was a pretty regular 10K runner then, and worked fairly hard over the semester to improve my pace. Most people just did the 2x week 'jog on your own'. As the group of us wandered over to the track for our 'final', people talked over how far they were going to run. I forget the exact conversation, but somehow I ended up in some sort of challenge with the sexy blond girl that I could run 1 1/2 miles before she got her mile in. (I'm not usually a loudmouth braggart - but i DO remember that she was extremely hot...I could very easily have been acting like a fool )

They all looked at me with very puzzled faces as I did some strides to warm up... you need to definitely do some strides to throw him off before your race.

So long story short, I did it. I still have a freeze-frame image in my mind of her perfect backside as I sprinted past her in the final corner.

I predict you will win, and I predict the image in your mind of your final pass will be far more unpleasant than the one in my mind . :-)

" I take my gear out of my car and put my bike together. Tourists and locals are watching from sidewalk cafes. Non-racers. The emptiness of of their lives shocks me. "
(opening lines from Tim Krabbe's The Rider , 1978
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [TriDevilDog] [ In reply to ]
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Unless he's into his coworkers hot backend, the motivation is a little different.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [robertl] [ In reply to ]
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robertl wrote:
I'd say he'd be lucky to hold 10:00/mile pace at that weight

At 260 lbs I ran a 5k in 26:30, although I'm a few inches taller.

Check out my sad excuse for a blog:
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [ChrisM] [ In reply to ]
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ChrisM wrote:
santa777 wrote:
I got a 23 year old kid that was jaw jacking about how he could beat me (33 years old) in a sprint,,

I smoked his ass in the parking lot.

Um, OK, but how did the race go?

...And I can't stop laughing.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I've got the fast guy for $10. I think 8:30 is too fast for a non-runner and one mile is too far. He will go out fast and fade hard with a cramp or other ailment.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
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Burnt Toast wrote:
trijedi wrote:
I plugged in 240 lbs and 5'10" into one of those BMI calculators and got back 34.4 where over 30 means obese.

Hmmm. Only 23. 5 years out from high school football. If he was motivated and had more than 2 or 3 weeks to "train," I'd bet that he could pop out a few 2:00 quarters.

When is the race?

BMI is bullshit

5'8", 200 lbs, 15% body fat. Thats 170 lbs of lean muscle mass. Your BMI calculator still puts me in the "overweight" category with my lean muscle mass. If your more muscular, then average, its useless.

Agreed, according to BMI, every NFL running back and professional bodybuilder is obese. Steroids aside Ronnie Coleman weighs 305 during competition and is 5'11...his BMI would be 42.5.

Check out my sad excuse for a blog:
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [ChrisM] [ In reply to ]
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What race?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I am going with you. He's too big.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
So after talking about running, working out, etc. in the office our 23 year old IT guy is convinced of the superiority of his natural athletic talent. He's about 5'9", 260 pounds, not muscular not obese, just a big round, wide dude. Says he played high school football, goes to the gym but mostly to tan and hang out and does P90X once in a while.

So we're going to to have a running race at the local track, I wanted to do it as me doing 1.5 miles him doing 1 mile. He wanted me doing 1 mile and him doing a half mile. So we settled on me running 1 1/4 miles and him running 3/4 mile. I figure I can cover the 1.25 in 6:15-6:30. So if he's doing 3/4 of a mile if he runs ~8:30 pace or better he's going to win.

Does he have a chance?
Has this race happened yet? If not, when? If so, who won?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [bama3athlt] [ In reply to ]
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Hasn't happened yet, trying to set it up in the next month or so. I'll definitely post updates when it happens and before once we've got a date set up.

We're doing the 1.5 mile, 1 mile version of the challenge. I figure I can easily run the 1.5 miles in 7:30-7:45, so can the big man run a mile that fast?

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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If you give you co-worker a month to train, then my money is on the co-worker. You are losing all of your advantage by pushing the date out so far.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [godseyt] [ In reply to ]
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If you give you co-worker a month to train, then my money is on the co-worker. You are losing all of your advantage by pushing the date out so far.

I am not so worried. I am losing "all of my advantage"? A decade of competitive running and being 100 pounds lighter than him...all of that is going out the window in a month?

In his first week of "training" he's done P90X once and failed to run a 10 minute mile on the treadmill. He also lifted arms at the gym. I don't think he's closing the gap in a month on that routine.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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While it might not give him an actual training advantage I would think it gives him the opportunity to either get hurt training for it and cancelling, or he will see that he has no chance and backs out.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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My money is on you...please post the results and have someone video record this.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Monsieur Trois] [ In reply to ]
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Monsieur Trois wrote:
My money is on you...please post the results and have someone video record this.

Yes, this is necessary. So funny, the co-worker seems to be in high gear.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
If you give you co-worker a month to train, then my money is on the co-worker. You are losing all of your advantage by pushing the date out so far.

I am not so worried. I am losing "all of my advantage"? A decade of competitive running and being 100 pounds lighter than him...all of that is going out the window in a month?

In his first week of "training" he's done P90X once and failed to run a 10 minute mile on the treadmill. He also lifted arms at the gym. I don't think he's closing the gap in a month on that routine.
What if he's gotten some better training advice and isn't training like that anymore? A mile isn't very far. Hope he's not sandbagging you.
Last edited by: bama3athlt: Jun 15, 12 11:42
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
If you give you co-worker a month to train, then my money is on the co-worker. You are losing all of your advantage by pushing the date out so far.

I am not so worried. I am losing "all of my advantage"? A decade of competitive running and being 100 pounds lighter than him...all of that is going out the window in a month?

In his first week of "training" he's done P90X once and failed to run a 10 minute mile on the treadmill. He also lifted arms at the gym. I don't think he's closing the gap in a month on that routine.

How do you know that is all he did?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Regardless of who wins or loses, you got him exercising and that's awesome. Non the less, money is on you.


Ride it like you stole it
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [PTwist] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, that's what I told him. I caught him in the kitchen making a bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch, much better than the Monster Energy Drink and bag of chips he used to eat for breakfast. I almost want to drag it out further so he actually gets healthy.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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He's telling him that but secretly has is running 30mpw.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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update? When is this thing happening? Strava data? Upload video with annotation?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Did you smoke your fat coworker yet? Video?

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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The diplomatic thing to do would be to smoke it and run the last lap with him so you cross the line together - then you dont look like an asshole even though you kicked his ass. Hell, you might even get more kudos doing that.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Seriously race the guy already. There is just way too much suspense for me about this (considering that it has absolutely no bearing on my life whatsoever). Another thing I was thinking about.... Let the dude pick something else where he has to spot you an advantage (competitive eating/drinking maybe?). You could have a traveling trophy and all. Keep coming up with new events and have an annual points series. And of course - videos of any hilarity that ensues...
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [ceswee] [ In reply to ]
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We're tentatively planning for a Friday at the end of July. To the people questioning whether he is sandbagging or not, trust me, I know the guy well enough to not get played like that. I am sure you all have people you know well and can read, and that's how I am with this guy. His gym priorities are:

1) Tanning
2) Biceps
3) Smoothie Bar
4) Elliptical for cardio

I'll post more once we have a definitive date and it gets closer. I ran a 15:49 5k a few weeks ago, so figure 1.5 miles at 5 minute mile pace is easily within range. So he needs to run a 7:30 mile and I know that the one time he's been on the treadmill since we made the deal, he bailed at 3/4 of a mile, and he was surely not running 7:30 pace, his only goal was to finish a mile.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I love it, now he will have had almost two months to train but you "know" him and you "know" what he is doing.

Somehow I think it is a safe bet to say you are going to come off looking like an ass...win or lose.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
We're tentatively planning for a Friday at the end of July. To the people questioning whether he is sandbagging or not, trust me, I know the guy well enough to not get played like that. I am sure you all have people you know well and can read, and that's how I am with this guy. His gym priorities are:

1) Tanning
2) Biceps
3) Smoothie Bar
4) Elliptical for cardio

I'll post more once we have a definitive date and it gets closer. I ran a 15:49 5k a few weeks ago, so figure 1.5 miles at 5 minute mile pace is easily within range. So he needs to run a 7:30 mile and I know that the one time he's been on the treadmill since we made the deal, he bailed at 3/4 of a mile, and he was surely not running 7:30 pace, his only goal was to finish a mile.

$20 says he pulls a Michael Johnson and pulls up lame with an "injury" as soon as he knows he is getting spanked.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I;m sad that you have him such a long time to train so that he could easy beat you and he's squandering it (according to you). I still have my money on sandbagging though
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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I love it, now he will have had almost two months to train but you "know" him and you "know" what he is doing.

Somehow I think it is a safe bet to say you are going to come off looking like an ass...win or lose.

I love it, you're more of an expert than me when it comes to a guy I deal with every freaking day. 2 months to train? You're confusing ST's dedication and competitiveness with the average population. By his own admission he has run once. I know the guy, I know some of his friends, I know his personality. So unless he is waking up in the middle of the night to train in secret I have a pretty good idea of what he's been up to.

You can't just agree that maybe I know this guy well enough? This isn't a huge competitive thing, we're both using it as a chance to rib each other in the office and will get to the track one day and have 7 or 8 minutes worth of fun with the loser buying a few beers. Neither one of us care as much as you seem to.

How am I going to come off looking like an ass exactly?

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
I love it, now he will have had almost two months to train but you "know" him and you "know" what he is doing.

Somehow I think it is a safe bet to say you are going to come off looking like an ass...win or lose.

I love it, you're more of an expert than me when it comes to a guy I deal with every freaking day. 2 months to train? You're confusing ST's dedication and competitiveness with the average population. By his own admission he has run once. I know the guy, I know some of his friends, I know his personality. So unless he is waking up in the middle of the night to train in secret I have a pretty good idea of what he's been up to.

You can't just agree that maybe I know this guy well enough? This isn't a huge competitive thing, we're both using it as a chance to rib each other in the office and will get to the track one day and have 7 or 8 minutes worth of fun with the loser buying a few beers. Neither one of us care as much as you seem to.

How am I going to come off looking like an ass exactly?

1) A lot of people claim to really know somebody well.

2) It's all about fun...yet you come on to ST to figure out the best way to set it up for you to win and to talk shit about the guy. Somehow I doubt he posts here, so it's all being done behind his back. Yep, that sounds lie it is all about fun at the office.

3) If you lose it's obvious, if you win, you trained and talked shit to someone you should have beaten. Either way you look like an ass.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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He's squandering it because he doesn't really care, neither do I. It's a chance for the skinny guy and the office and the big guy to have some good natured fun with each other.

His lunch yesterday was a soda and a huge sugar covered muffin, that was his attempt to eat healthy. When I walked over to his cube later that day, he had a giant bag of cheese fries spilled all over his desk.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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1) A lot of people claim to really know somebody well.

I do, we're friends. You don't seem like the type of person to have many of those, so maybe you wouldn't understand.

2) It's all about fun...yet you come on to ST to figure out the best way to set it up for you to win and to talk shit about the guy. Somehow I doubt he posts here, so it's all being done behind his back. Yep, that sounds lie it is all about fun at the office.

We're both talking shit and trying to set each other up, that's the whole fun of it. Neither one of us could possibly care less.

3) If you lose it's obvious, if you win, you trained and talked shit to someone you should have beaten. Either way you look like an ass.

If I "lose" I'll be happy a guy I personally like got a little bit healthier. If I win, my friend is buying me some beers. And I am not "training" for this, I am training for all of my normal planned races and am going to have some fun with a coworker one Friday after work. I think I'll be Ok either way.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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You need to make it a beer 3/4 mile.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [AlanShearer] [ In reply to ]
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He wanted to add drinking, my other coworkers who have know me longer told him that would not help his chances.

Skinny runners can put down a surprising amount of beer relatively quickly :-)

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
1) A lot of people claim to really know somebody well.

I do, we're friends. You don't seem like the type of person to have many of those, so maybe you wouldn't understand.

Looks like I touched a nerve.

2) It's all about fun...yet you come on to ST to figure out the best way to set it up for you to win and to talk shit about the guy. Somehow I doubt he posts here, so it's all being done behind his back. Yep, that sounds lie it is all about fun at the office.

We're both talking shit and trying to set each other up, that's the whole fun of it. Neither one of us could possibly care less.

Yet you are doing it behind his back on ST. You must be a great friend!

3) If you lose it's obvious, if you win, you trained and talked shit to someone you should have beaten. Either way you look like an ass.

If I "lose" I'll be happy a guy I personally like got a little bit healthier. If I win, my friend is buying me some beers. And I am not "training" for this, I am training for all of my normal planned races and am going to have some fun with a coworker one Friday after work. I think I'll be Ok either way.

Either way you come off as an ass and you are coming off that way on ST as well.

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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Looks like I touched a nerve.

Not really, you just seem to be a know-it-all and an internet tough guy, those types of people generally don't have many friends.

Yet you are doing it behind his back on ST. You must be a great friend!

It's an internet message board for an obscure hobby sport, I don't think he cares

Either way you come off as an ass and you are coming off that way on ST as well.

Really? ST seems to be having a lot of fun with this and he and I are as well. I'm in a good place, hope you find the same some day.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
1) A lot of people claim to really know somebody well.

I do, we're friends. You don't seem like the type of person to have many of those, so maybe you wouldn't understand.

Nope. We all play a social game and act for the benefit of those around us. You don't know someone unless they are immediate family you grew up with, or a spouse, or you spent some time in a foxhole with them. Especially that last one.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
Looks like I touched a nerve.

Not really, you just seem to be a know-it-all and an internet tough guy, those types of people generally don't have many friends.

If it was no big deal and I hadn't touched a nerve you wouldn't keep trying to insult me.

Yet you are doing it behind his back on ST. You must be a great friend!

It's an internet message board for an obscure hobby sport, I don't think he cares

It's not about whether he cares, it's about fun and good natured ribbing yet you move it to a forum with thousands of people, where he is not a member and nobody else knows him. If you can't understand this then even I can't help you.

Either way you come off as an ass and you are coming off that way on ST as well.

Really? ST seems to be having a lot of fun with this and he and I are as well. I'm in a good place, hope you find the same some day.

Keep telling yourself that, one day you will believe it.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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What is your deal in all of this? You seem needlessly aggressive and judgmental towards the OP. I am hoping your red font was meant to be pink.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [The Guardian] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks man, this was 5 pages of pretty good natured fun among most of us. And amongst my buddy at work and I as well.

Mr. Nedbraden seems to have had someone piss in his corn flakes this morning.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [The Guardian] [ In reply to ]
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The Guardian wrote:
What is your deal in all of this? You seem needlessly aggressive and judgmental towards the OP. I am hoping your red font was meant to be pink.

I hope you meant for ths to be in pink, since the only time I got aggressive and judgmental was after he started making claims about "knowing" the guy and then started retorting with insults and complete bullshit.

Hell the fact that he claims this guy is a "good friend" and that it is all about "fun" and "a little ribbing" makes him look like an asshole since he is talking shit about the guy behind his back and insecure since he is doing on a forum where he knows most of the people will back him up and insult the other guy. Hell, the fact that you posted this proves it.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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You're the one who people independent of the situation seem to think is being overly judgemental and aggressive.

Take that for what it's worth. One of us may be coming of like an asshole, but not the person you think.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
You're the one who people independent of the situation seem to think is being overly judgemental and aggressive.

Take that for what it's worth. One of us may be coming of like an asshole, but not the person you think.

It's funny how I keep sticking to backing up my initial comments and retorting the claims you make and you keep trying to insult me and avoid certain points I have made. I think that speaks volumes.

No matter, I think I will head out for a ride in the 100 degree heat now.

Enjoy your insults tough guy!
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
We're tentatively planning for a Friday at the end of July. To the people questioning whether he is sandbagging or not, trust me, I know the guy well enough to not get played like that. I am sure you all have people you know well and can read, and that's how I am with this guy. His gym priorities are:

1) Tanning
2) Biceps
3) Smoothie Bar
4) Elliptical for cardio

I'll post more once we have a definitive date and it gets closer. I ran a 15:49 5k a few weeks ago, so figure 1.5 miles at 5 minute mile pace is easily within range. So he needs to run a 7:30 mile and I know that the one time he's been on the treadmill since we made the deal, he bailed at 3/4 of a mile, and he was surely not running 7:30 pace, his only goal was to finish a mile.

A Friday at the end of July?

No offense, but if you gave me ~ a month - I could get ANYONE to the point where they could run 3/4 in ~8:30. ANYONE. My wife's obese friend who never works out, my 97 year old great grandmother, Stephen Hawking - ANYONE.

Much less a 23 year old ex football player who occasionally works out. Unless the guy does NOTHING from now until the race - he'll beat you handily (regardless of how fast you run). Even if he does nothing, I'm positive he'll be able to get 8:30. But...maybe not - who knows?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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the only time I got aggressive and judgmental was after he started making claims about "knowing" the guy and then started retorting with insults and complete bullshit.

By the way, a little fact-checking here on who resorted to name calling. You replied to one of my posts that wasn't directed to you with the below. So who was it that got aggressive and judgemental first and resorted to insults?

I love it, now he will have had almost two months to train but you "know" him and you "know" what he is doing.

Somehow I think it is a safe bet to say you are going to come off looking like an ass...win or lose.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SurfingLamb] [ In reply to ]
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No offense, but if you gave me ~ a month - I could get ANYONE to the point where they could run 3/4 in ~8:30. ANYONE. My wife's obese friend who never works out, my 97 year old great grandmother, Stephen Hawking - ANYONE.

You probably didn't have time to read the giant thread this has become, but the bet got changed. I am doing 1.5 miles, him 1 mile.

I can easily do the 1.5 in ~7:30, so can you training ANYONE to run a 7:30 mile? I don't know, we'll see what happens. The absolute worst thing that could happen is I encouraged him to drop a little weight and end up paying for a few beers, no biggie.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
No offense, but if you gave me ~ a month - I could get ANYONE to the point where they could run 3/4 in ~8:30. ANYONE. My wife's obese friend who never works out, my 97 year old great grandmother, Stephen Hawking - ANYONE.

You probably didn't have time to read the giant thread this has become, but the bet got changed. I am doing 1.5 miles, him 1 mile.

I can easily do the 1.5 in ~7:30, so can you training ANYONE to run a 7:30 mile? I don't know, we'll see what happens. The absolute worst thing that could happen is I encouraged him to drop a little weight and end up paying for a few beers, no biggie.

You're right - I didn't read the entire thread.

Probably not. That definitely changes things a bit.

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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It's funny how I keep sticking to backing up my initial comments and retorting the claims you make and you keep trying to insult me and avoid certain points I have made. I think that speaks volumes.

Except if you see what I posted above, you'll notice that's not the case, the aggressive tone and name calling all started with you. As another poster on this forum likes to say, "You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

No matter, I think I will head out for a ride in the 100 degree heat now.

Have a good ride, we're all impressed.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
the only time I got aggressive and judgmental was after he started making claims about "knowing" the guy and then started retorting with insults and complete bullshit.

By the way, a little fact-checking here on who resorted to name calling. You replied to one of my posts that wasn't directed to you with the below. So who was it that got aggressive and judgemental first and resorted to insults?

I love it, now he will have had almost two months to train but you "know" him and you "know" what he is doing.

Somehow I think it is a safe bet to say you are going to come off looking like an ass...win or lose.

How is saying that you will come off looking like an ass be name calling? Now if I said "You are an ass win or lose" that would be name calling.

Seriously stop making a complete fool of yourself (P.S.- I really don't care what people here say as you wouldn't have come here to talk shit about this guy if you weren't sure the whole forum would back you up)

Have a great day!
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [M~] [ In reply to ]
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M~ wrote:

$20 says he pulls a Michael Johnson and pulls up lame with an "injury" as soon as he knows he is getting spanked.


No American will get this reference. I did though and I enjoyed it.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:

No matter, I think I will head out for a ride in the 100 degree heat now.

Have a good ride, we're all impressed.

Unlike you I don't post here to try to impress people. I simply stated why I wouldn't be responding for a while. I know forum guys like you and within minutes you would have been claiming I ran away.

I am really starting to feel bad for picking on someone like you.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [teekona] [ In reply to ]
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teekona wrote:
No way will he beat you. Outside of ST, 8:30 pace, especially for .75 miles at 260 lbs., is not that easy. Sub 8:00 pace for a mile, not gonna happen.

My favorite reply. You beat your buddy by three minutes. He'll pop before he starts the third lap because he's going to go out at your pace. I would have a beer for him at the finish and some ice for his knees. I would consider making sure you do it with just the two of you so it's done in the spirit in which you seem to be describing it. As there is no winner in such a battle of "pissing for distance vs pissing for accuracy," it still seems like it would be fun to do with a friend. But really, an 8:00 mile outside of a running/triathlon forum, is a pretty quick mile for the average Joe on the street.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [The Guardian] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed. This nedbraden guy seems to really be bent about something.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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Unlike you I don't post here to try to impress people. I simply stated why I wouldn't be responding for a while. I know forum guys like you and within minutes you would have been claiming I ran away.

Aahh, right. The temperature definitely needed to be included then, otherwise we wouldn't have any idea where you went.

FYI, there is now a second person independent of you and me who thinks you're the one with the issue. Maybe you can resolve that with yourself on your epic ride.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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To be fair that race was stupid. 150m race pitting the 100m record holder vs the 200/400m record holder. I'd take Johnson's career over Bailey's any day.

Formerly DrD
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Broken Leg Guy] [ In reply to ]
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Broken Leg Guy wrote:
To be fair that race was stupid. 150m race pitting the 100m record holder vs the 200/400m record holder. I'd take Johnson's career over Bailey's any day.

Of course it was stupid. So was Johnson's claim to be the World's Fastest Man when that title is always given to the 100m record holder (Bailey at the time).

We on this side of the border enjoyed Johnson pulling up lame rather than losing.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
Unlike you I don't post here to try to impress people. I simply stated why I wouldn't be responding for a while. I know forum guys like you and within minutes you would have been claiming I ran away.

Aahh, right. The temperature definitely needed to be included then, otherwise we wouldn't have any idea where you went.

FYI, there is now a second person independent of you and me who thinks you're the one with the issue. Maybe you can resolve that with yourself on your epic ride.

Make that 3 people.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed on the WFM claim. Never understood why Bailey wasn't better at 200m. Both were crazy good with the egos to go with the talent. I was in Atlanta when Johnson ran his 200m WR. Most electric athletic moment I've ever witnessed in person.

Formerly DrD
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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nedbraden wrote:
SwBkRn44 wrote:
the only time I got aggressive and judgmental was after he started making claims about "knowing" the guy and then started retorting with insults and complete bullshit.

By the way, a little fact-checking here on who resorted to name calling. You replied to one of my posts that wasn't directed to you with the below. So who was it that got aggressive and judgemental first and resorted to insults?

I love it, now he will have had almost two months to train but you "know" him and you "know" what he is doing.

Somehow I think it is a safe bet to say you are going to come off looking like an ass...win or lose.

How is saying that you will come off looking like an ass be name calling? Now if I said "You are an ass win or lose" that would be name calling.

Seriously stop making a complete fool of yourself (P.S.- I really don't care what people here say as you wouldn't have come here to talk shit about this guy if you weren't sure the whole forum would back you up)

Have a great day!

Ned, the only one that's looking like an ass in this thread is you.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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Printer86 wrote:
SwBkRn44 wrote:
Unlike you I don't post here to try to impress people. I simply stated why I wouldn't be responding for a while. I know forum guys like you and within minutes you would have been claiming I ran away.

Aahh, right. The temperature definitely needed to be included then, otherwise we wouldn't have any idea where you went.

FYI, there is now a second person independent of you and me who thinks you're the one with the issue. Maybe you can resolve that with yourself on your epic ride.

Make that 3 people.

And now 4.....


I *heart* weak, dumb ass people...
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [coopdog] [ In reply to ]
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make that 5.

Seems like the OP is having a good natured competition with a co-worker and somehow Ned thinks that makes them an a$$. I think maybe someone pissed in his cornflakes this morning.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [coopdog] [ In reply to ]
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Go ahead and make it 5. I originally thought SwBkRn44 was an ass to begin with, but you know, an ass who was having fun with one of his friends...kind of like me, and um, my friends (with the exception being that my friends are all really imaginary, but otherwise just the same).

-Andrew Saar
It is better to do the right thing and be paid poorly,
than to do the wrong thing and be rewarded richly.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [AndrewSaar] [ In reply to ]
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For some reason the last two pages of this thread reminded me of this.


Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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nedbraden wrote:
SwBkRn44 wrote:
Looks like I touched a nerve.

Not really, you just seem to be a know-it-all and an internet tough guy, those types of people generally don't have many friends.

If it was no big deal and I hadn't touched a nerve you wouldn't keep trying to insult me.

Yet you are doing it behind his back on ST. You must be a great friend!

It's an internet message board for an obscure hobby sport, I don't think he cares

It's not about whether he cares, it's about fun and good natured ribbing yet you move it to a forum with thousands of people, where he is not a member and nobody else knows him. If you can't understand this then even I can't help you.

Either way you come off as an ass and you are coming off that way on ST as well.

Really? ST seems to be having a lot of fun with this and he and I are as well. I'm in a good place, hope you find the same some day.

Keep telling yourself that, one day you will believe it.

I have enjoyed this thread over the past few weeks. Normally I let this kind of stuff go but Nedbraden...is there something wrong with you?....chill out.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
M~ wrote:

$20 says he pulls a Michael Johnson and pulls up lame with an "injury" as soon as he knows he is getting spanked.


No American will get this reference. I did though and I enjoyed it.

I got it. I was saddened too. I didn't think he would necessarily win that race, but was expecting it to be a bit closer.

To the OP, I say this: I don't care who thinks you'll look like an @$$; I'm a supporter.

(I'll apologize if this was mentioned, but I didn't read every post, but) I think you need to come up with matching T-Shirts post race, similar to what the Superbowl champs get. A slogan of some sort stating you are the champion, him = not. etc.
If it's done in fun (which can be), this will do wonders for the spirit of the game.
I had it done to me (as I was the loser of a football bet) and it was very impressive that someone would take the time to do that for that extra little rub.

Make it happen and stand tall.
Last edited by: GonnaHurt: Jun 28, 12 11:14
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [GonnaHurt] [ In reply to ]
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To the OP, I say this: I don't care who thinks you'll look like an @$$; I'm a supporter.


Our plan is to have at least one coworker come over with a camera. Before the race I want to do one of those boxing style photos with each of us holding up our fists towards each other. It should be a great photo, him with his crazy tan, tattoos, slick hair and wife beater. My scrawny butt in a pair of running shorts and racing flats.

Properly paced, this could be close. But if he goes out hard, he's dead. Either way, it should be fun.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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when is the big event?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [squid] [ In reply to ]
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Could be as soon as Thursday July 12, I'll update once we firm up our plans.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [nedbraden] [ In reply to ]
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nedbraden wrote:
No matter, I think I will head out for a ride in the 100 degree heat now.

Your next post was 5 minutes later - that was quite a ride! :)

I would just let this go, man - you're not going to win the Internet today.

Travis Rassat
Vector Cycle Works
Noblesville, IN
BikeFit Instructor | FMS | F.I.S.T. | IBFI
Toughman Triathlon Series Ambassador
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Dirty Bottles] [ In reply to ]
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In ned's defense, I did piss in his cornflakes this morning. In my defense, it was accidental. I should probably get my prostate checked.

My personal opinion is: something like this, said in the open, taken as a joke between friends, can (nay SHOULD) be said elsewhere. It really seems like it's part of the deal. If the coworker is anything like my group of friends, I'd send him the link to the thread and he'd love it. Shouting this from the mountain top is kind of what this type of competition is all about.

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [rhayden] [ In reply to ]
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rhayden wrote:
I have enjoyed this thread over the past few weeks. Normally I let this kind of stuff go but Nedbraden...is there something wrong with you?....chill out.

Agreed. This has been one of the more entertaining threads to read through. I'm just glad that it looks like a race will happen. Maybe we can get some live coverage and even some track side commentary by NedBraden...
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [ceswee] [ In reply to ]
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My personal opinion is: something like this, said in the open, taken as a joke between friends, can (nay SHOULD) be said elsewhere. It really seems like it's part of the deal. If the coworker is anything like my group of friends, I'd send him the link to the thread and he'd love it. Shouting this from the mountain top is kind of what this type of competition is all about.


I am sure he is talking smack to his guido (his word) gym buddies. And I am totally fine with that.

Portside Athletics Blog

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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After looking at the results of the Hingham July 4th race, I think your football buddy is in over his head. Nice race.


What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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Actually not my best day out there, I thought going into it I could have run low to mid 22s based on some recent 5ks which would have put me up near the leaders. My wife fractured her pelvis in a bike crash a couple weeks ago and as such training hasn't been great and life in general has been a little hectic and stressful.

It's a fast course, but the downhills can be tough to run well. I am stronger on uphills and don't have great footspeed for flying downhill. But I'll go back next year and definitely do some fast downhill running in training as well as wear shoes with a little more support. I wore my 4 ounce Asics Piranhas and my feet are sore from the pounding downhill.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, hope your wife heals quickly.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [rhayden] [ In reply to ]
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rhayden wrote:
Nedbraden...is there something wrong with you?....chill out.

He has a history of making stupid arguments very aggressively, then taking it personally and overreacting when people argue with him, and eventually ending with him crying about personal attacks when people pile up on him and tell him to go away.

Ignore him.
Last edited by: matto: Jul 5, 12 6:25
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks, if you're ever riding on North Main Street in Cohasset be careful where the commuter rail tracks cross the road near the golf course. The tracks intersect the road at a pretty nasty angle and she went down (as have many, many other people as we've heard since).

I'll go back to the Hingham race next year with a few lessons learned from this year's race.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
Thanks, if you're ever riding on North Main Street in Cohasset be careful where the commuter rail tracks cross the road near the golf course. The tracks intersect the road at a pretty nasty angle and she went down (as have many, many other people as we've heard since).

I'll go back to the Hingham race next year with a few lessons learned from this year's race.

I rode over those very tracks on my way to watch the Cohasset Triathlon a couple of weeks ago. My immediate thought was how dangerous they are for bikers. So far, that was my only outdoor ride up here (not counting the Patriot Half). I tend to always gravitate back to my trainer. Last Sunday, I placed my trainer in the complex fitness room and rode for 2 hours. At least I had a view of the pool.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
When is the race?
He said he uses the elliptical because the bike and treadmill are for sissies.

This is wonderful, I skipped everything else after reading this.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Make that 9... 10?

Lost count. Weird that he was so invested in that little argument.

'Good luck' to you and 'get well' to your wife!
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [bradl016] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks, and thanks to all for making me feel like I am not crazy in my dealings with nedbranden.

The race was originally scheduled for last Thursday after work, but he came in that morning and backed out, so it's been postponed.

He said he's run 2 miles in about a half hour, so I don't see him going 7:30-8:00 for one mile. We'll see, and I'll update once we get a date.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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He's just waiting for his red count to come up before the next transfusion! Quick! Draw some blood!
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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I would have picked you in the race with the original distances and given the current longer distances it will be an easy win for you.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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Take his money, and take his parking space!

Head off a touch quicker than you'd like, to get him to go out too fast. Then ease back into your pace, and hammer the last 600 yards/metres.

When you see him at the finish line, remind him that we all remember how awesome we were back in High School! And have Bruce Springsteens "Glory Days" blasting out of a ghetto blaster, just to rub salt into his wounds.

At 5-9 and 260, he probably won't even be able to tie his own running shoes! He'll trip on the laces and cry like an IT geek, I mean 12 year old girl.


"Happiness is a myth. All you can hope for is to get laid once in a while, drunk once in a while and to eat chocolate every day"
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [tridork] [ In reply to ]
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Bump because I'm curious about what happened.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." -- Bertrand Russell
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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Ok we need updates!!!

Seriously i have been waiting all summer long for the results of this friendly (cough) encounter!!

So what happened?

Keep us posted

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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [snoop] [ In reply to ]
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He backed out a couple times, but I am insisting this has to happen at some point. I'll be certain to bump this with results when it does.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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This is hilarious. I know a guy that had a similar bet. They ran on treadmills on lunch break at the company gym. The guy got destroyed.

I bet he will go out too hard watching you running and he will LOSE!

Good luck!
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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Video this race, I think it will end up on Tosh.O

"Keep those feet moving!" Me
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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Mad Jee wrote:
He backed out a couple times, but I am insisting this has to happen at some point. I'll be certain to bump this with results when it does.

Set a deadline. If he doesn't put up before the deadline, he automatically forfeits.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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If he ever agrees to run the race, you lose no matter what happens. It's like when a guy gets into a fight with a woman: If the guy wins, he beat up a woman. If he loses, he got his ass kicked by a girl. :)

If you guys are as good of friends as you say, you should do it anyway, though. Ball busting among friends is always good for laughs, and no matter the outcome, I'm sure there's going to be plenty to go around.

Don Larkin
Reach For More
USAT Lvl1 Coach, NSCA-CPT, NASM-CPT, BS Exercise Science
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [TriMyBest] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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Can we live-stream the race on slowtwitch?
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [T3_Beer] [ In reply to ]
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T3_Beer wrote:
Can we live-stream the race on slowtwitch?

This would be awesome.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." -- Bertrand Russell
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Desiderata] [ In reply to ]
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Take video with smartphone.

Upload video to youtube directly from said smartphone.

Post link here.

Pls pls make this happen soon and show us the video.
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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Mad Jee wrote:
He backed out a couple times, but I am insisting this has to happen at some point. I'll be certain to bump this with results when it does.

this race will never happen, the guy made the bet and then had that 'holy shit' moment when he figured out fitness takes 'ahem' real work!
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [racin_rusty] [ In reply to ]
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"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." -- Bertrand Russell
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [Mad Jee] [ In reply to ]
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Just read this, I have been doing similar things with people at work. I just did a 10k versus 5k. My friend doubled his 5k time and subtracted 2:35. We were within 5 seconds of one another. I like to do this with people at work just for the fun and motivation. Quite a few people at work asked us about it and the most important part is it motivated other people to train and think about their health. Whether or not you do the race, it makes other people think about their lives a little bit. I don't think that can hurt. And for me it motivated me quite a bit.
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