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Epicman Lake Placid June 9/10 2016- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1)
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OK, pulling up an old thread since I don't want to re write for the 17th year in a row....nothing changes for 2015 other than dates. Actually a few minor changes for the Thursday evening options. We have learned through trial and error that summitting Whiteface on tri bikes with negative braking in cold New York thunderstorms is not a great idea. The backup plan is a reverse loop with a toll gate climb, or a 2 hour run...whatever everyone agrees to. If we do the 2 hour run, then we shorten the running on Friday's "main event". Preference is the cycling "prologue" option. Other than that, everything stays the same....see below

Looks like I need a Director of Marketing for this stupidity because clearly I am doing a much better job marketing semiconductors than an outrageous round of training for the 17th year in row.


This is what I wrote in 2012.

Hey guys,

I've intentionally avoided posting much about Epicman, hoping that we end up with a smaller group given that Lake Placid is a bit sensitive about skinny guys with shaved legs in large groups inundating their town. But for the 14th year, we are on for Epicman. My life has been crazy busy with a variety of professional and family related items and wasting time in different forms of medical rehab to get over last year's crash injuries is not helping with available time, but here we go....I'm largely copying as pasting from last year.....CHRIS GLEASON WILL BE MISSED!!!


Whiteface + Epicman June 4/5 Lake Placid

Some of you guys have been asking for details on our annual Epicman training day outing to Lake Placid to ļæ½scout out the IMLP race courseļæ½. There are enough vets kicking around that you can ask questions, but I promised to post something in the last few weeks of lead up, so here we go. If you post more questions on this thread, myself or others who have gone can get you answers on how things work.

This is your chance to pay homage to ST celebrities like Chris G (this is copied from last year...he'll be missed....we'll try to pay homage anyway) of Kalber, or Murphy's Law who can make you hurt on the bike or in the bar! Coach Patrick McCrann may also make a celebrity appearance.

In todayļæ½s triathlon era of 365 day advanced sellouts, 6 day hotel minimums, catered training camps, training by numbers, on line live event coverage and designer nutrition programs, there are some things that actually have not changed.

Stripping things to the bare essence, triathlon is about you, the water, the bike and some running shoes.

When Collins and the boys did the first Ironman in the late 70ļæ½s thatļæ½s what it was. A bunch of guys getting together and pushing themselves over what seems like an insurmountable distance.

Weļæ½re now on year 14 of Epicman in Lake Placid

Epicman is a grass roots training day with a bunch of guys and girls getting together to train on the course fully self supported.
No registration, no timing, no awards, no aid stations, no on course neutral support vehicle. Imagine yourself out there training all day on the Ironman Lake Placid course. Now add a bunch of like minded people that just happen to show up to join in on the fun.


We cover ~3K of swimming in 50 minutes (or beach to beach to beach, whatever gets you out close to 50 minutes ), 180K of riding and 21K of running. Since this year the out and back is closed due to construction, on each loop we'll climb up to the whiteface toll gate (EDIT: this is cut and paste from last year....out and back section to be finalized soon....may be toll gate may be the second out and back we used in 2010, or one of each). This will make the ride tougher than the actual race day at Ironman Lake Placid. Run starts after you are done the ride on the IMLP course. You can do as much or as little as you want. If you finish the full 50 min swim, full 2loop bike with 2 climbs to the toll gate and full 21.1K run, my friend Chris Macknie has a surprise gift for you.

Who do I ride with?

Contrary to previous years, we wonļæ½t have any large groups aiming at 5:30, 6:00, 6:30. Just grab a group of 3-5 friends or jump in with some other folks and ride together. Quite frankly the intimacy of a small group of people works out better than being in a train with 30-50 people, and we consume less road space which is a good thing given that local drivers donļæ½t like to take a detour around skinny guys in lycra with shaved legsļæ½.everyone wins with smaller groups on the road.

Other Details

Here are the rest of the details for the training day:
This is a self supported grass roots training day that I concocted in 1999 and we want to keep the same spirit. There are lots of organized camps that you can pay big $$$ for much higher service. Iļæ½m just inviting you to train on the same day as a bunch of us.

Things we will do and you should know of:

  1. It is self supported...bring your own nutrition
  2. Your car is your Tzone....park it by the beach
  3. Swim starts at 6 am , June 5, 2015 at Mirror Lake
  4. Bike starts at 7 am sharp
  5. Please ride on the right side of the road
  6. Bring a pump and patch kit. There is no support and no one to bail you out. Imagine that you are going to ride solo.
  7. You can stop wherever you want with your friends for breaks. Consult the guys and gals in your group on where they want to stop
  8. Do not attack the bike course, pace yourself out and have consideration for the guys you are riding with. Try to ride with people of similar ability. If you are a 10 hour guy, donļæ½t ride with 13 hour guys and hammer them into the ground
  9. Put some "aid" on the run course by the horse crossing sign on River Road fofr the run...assume that whatever you put out there might be consumed by others
  10. Bring your breakfast, there is nothing open at 5 am in LP on Friday
  11. There is no cost and no timing. This is just a group of dudes arriving at the same place at the same time to train.
  12. Bring digital cameras and take lots of pictures....you could be the star of the post event write up
  13. If you have not done an Ironman before and if you think that you cannot finish Epicman in 9 hours or so, it is highly recommended that you cut the run short. It is better to do that than to do an 11+ hour training day and be shelled for all of June which is your key month for Ironman LP. You pretty well need to be "trained" to race LP next weekend to do this day and recover quickly.
  14. Bring extra goodies in your car to share with other athletes: gels, coke, chips, pretzels, banana, gatorade, water, infinit, chocolate bars, old pizza...whatever you think might help yourself and other get through.
  15. Pack all your nutrition for the day and have bags for gear for each sport just like you would do for an Ironman...easier to find in your car which WILL become a mess if you share the cars with another athlete.
  16. You can do as much or as little of the day as you wish. No one to report to but yourself. Drafting, fins, neoprene socks and gloves, all of which might get you DQļæ½d on race day are permitted. In fact, get it out of your system NOW!!! If you have a loved one to give you outside assistance, no worries. If you want to draft a transport truck riding up through High Falls Gorge, no one will stop you J

Since this is a training day where you do everything yourself, there has, nor will there ever be a cost or registration.

Whiteface Mountain Hillclimb on Thursday Evening

If you can get to Lake Placid early come join us for a climb of Whiteface mountain on Thursday at 4:30 pm from the tennis courts at Mirror Lake beach. This climb is identical to Alpe Dļæ½Huez in difficulty and duration and elevartionļæ½.just less switchbacks and more steady climbing. Times range from 50 minutes to 75 min or so. Perhaps one of the best rides in the North East that many triathletes never do. This is your chance. Many of us do the Whiteface climb and the Epicman swim+bike, and do a shorter runļæ½.youļæ½re choice. But if you go to Lake Placid enough, not doing Whiteface is a missed opportunity. Recommended gearing is 34x27 or a triple, although you can survive grinding it out in a 39x25. You can read about the 2009 climb here:


Some guys may also do a single loop for the IMLP course

Last edited by: devashish_paul: Jun 5, 16 18:21
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in! First time coming to LP for Epicman.

Dev, in #3, you mean June 8th, right?
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [dmorris] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, cut and past error....Friday June 8th for the swim at 6 am (who is the idiot that picked that start time????) at Mirror Lake. Seems like the time was picked in 1999 and it has stayed fixed!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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The MLSC Whiteface Prologue will leave more like 4:10, 4:15 the *latest*. We don't hang around until 4:30. Sorry.

Be there, ready to ride, by 4 sharp.

Or meet us down at Wilmington at the stop sign by no later than say 4:45, if you want to ride w the main group.
(which for all I know, may just be myself, KAlber, and Dev)

So, if you are one of the dumbasses (er, I mean intrepid souls) who thinks that a 2.5 hour ride, with nearly a full hour of climbing at threshold - finishing less than 12 hours before doing 80% of an Iron-distance event TOTALLY SELF-SUPPORTED - is a great idea, then come out and play.

What's the worst thing that could happen? ;-)

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I won't be there for Epicman, but I'm joining the masses for the weekend. My buddy is training for IMLP. I, on the other hand am leading a balanced life. Accordingly, I will be in LP Brewery saturday afternoon and evening. If any Epicmen hang around, your first Ubu Ale is on me.

Otherwise, enjoy!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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If Northwoods Inn is too much or too rough, try the Wildwood on the Lake. My buddy Stuart owns it and is a great guy and they have rooms. 518 523 2624
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Hey ML....I needed to move the start time for the Whiteface climb to 4:30 pm. This is to account for your Canadian friends getting through the US border, especially the ones with dark skin. We all know there is no racial profiling at the border, but just in case there are "other reasons" to detain a triathlete, then we have some buffer. As an FYI, I have a US L1 visa now which means the border guys waive me through because I am actually entitled to work in the US, because aparently I have a skill that no one in the entire US can fill in the semiconductor industry (something like 1000 pages of paperwork, by too many lawyers). So the nice guys at US Immigration have granted me this "status"....so there is no reason why my vehicle should be detained :-)
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I 'see' your stupidity and raise you two.

Assuming I survive the MLSC and Epicman, Mrs. Rolldown and I will be doing the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour on Saturday and Sunday. 180k to 220k of riding per day, depending on the routes we choose. My taint is getting sore just thinking about this...

P.S. I will bail on the Whiteface climb if it's raining at the start. For a wimp like me, that descent is scary enough on dry roads...
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Let us know how long you can hold dmorris' wheel. Dude's a stud.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Rolldown] [ In reply to ]
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Rolldown wrote:
I 'see' your stupidity and raise you two.

Assuming I survive the MLSC and Epicman, Mrs. Rolldown and I will be doing the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour on Saturday and Sunday. 180k to 220k of riding per day, depending on the routes we choose. My taint is getting sore just thinking about this...

P.S. I will bail on the Whiteface climb if it's raining at the start. For a wimp like me, that descent is scary enough on dry roads...

And this would any different than any other year *how*?

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, ok - 4:30:00.0001 we roll.

You score any Dev-sized discounts at Northwoods and/or Art Devlin's this year? If so, what's the secret code to give to reservations?

PS - eganski, is your buddy doing Whiteface with us?
He'll probably drop me like a hot rock, I'm (relatively, not tetsuoni-ly) weak and fat at the moment.

PPS - rolldown - you and the Kona Queen always win the Stupid Human Tricks part of the whole weekend.
Nobody can trump your tacking on 2 more huge saddle days like that.
Nor would they want to. Holy monkey-butt, Green Lantern!!

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Don't know. My only interaction with the guy was when he emasculated me in a race last month by passing and asking "are you the leader" and didn't even have the courtesy to wait and hear my reply, which was "no, you are."

Is jerry devil going to Epicman? I have to do this one day, being around you guys is just awesome. Even if Dev is there.

Maybe next year.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Mike- I booked Northwoods a few weeks ago using this:

Rooms have been discounted for training athletes in May, June and early July.
Call and request the Ironman Training Rate (IRTR). Rates are as follows:

  • May 1 – May 31, 2012, $74.00* Guest Rooms, $94.00* Kitchenette Suites
  • June 1 – June 30, 2012, $94.00* Guest Rooms, $114.00* Kitchenette Suites
  • July 1 – July 15th, 2012, $104.00* Guest Rooms, $124.00* Kitchenettes Suites
Call 518-523-1818, or use the rate code IRTR to make reservations and to confirm accommodations.
Last edited by: stillrollin: Jun 4, 12 11:03
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Any hint of rain, and I won't be going up WF (still traumatized by the past weeken'd whiteknuckle hypothermic descent of Moosezilla), but if it is fine, I want to do it and remember some good time with Chris. I may actually bring my road bike for the festivities to take some pressure off my neck. If I rde with the 28 mm balloon tires at 70 psi would it be acceptable to set the pace for the broom wagon crowd?
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [eganski] [ In reply to ]
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eganski wrote:
My only interaction with the guy was when he emasculated me in a race last month by passing and asking "are you the leader" and didn't even have the courtesy to wait and hear my reply, which was "no, you are."

I heard you! Made me smile. It's nice to know you've got the same wit in person that you do online. Sorry, I was really confused at that point because I thought I was in third, but I was expecting you to be leading because you crushed the swim and I know you're strong on the bike. I lost count somewhere or missed someone or something like that, hence the question.

I probably won't make it up in time for the Whiteface prologue so I'll have an unfair advantage on Friday. Plus, I'm planning on being a baby and only running 5 or 6 miles off the bike because I want to be able to ride Saturday as well.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Ok, ok - 4:30:00.0001 we roll.

PS - eganski, is your buddy doing Whiteface with us?

What time would that put you in Wilmington then? I'm not staying in LP and might be able to make it to the stop sign at the bottom of the climb by 5 depending on traffic.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [dmorris] [ In reply to ]
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dmorris wrote:
eganski wrote:
My only interaction with the guy was when he emasculated me in a race last month by passing and asking "are you the leader" and didn't even have the courtesy to wait and hear my reply, which was "no, you are."

I heard you! Made me smile. It's nice to know you've got the same wit in person that you do online. Sorry, I was really confused at that point because I thought I was in third, but I was expecting you to be leading because you crushed the swim and I know you're strong on the bike. I lost count somewhere or missed someone or something like that, hence the question.

I probably won't make it up in time for the Whiteface prologue so I'll have an unfair advantage on Friday. Plus, I'm planning on being a baby and only running 5 or 6 miles off the bike because I want to be able to ride Saturday as well.

You're lucky that Chris G is not around. Declaring yourself on the dreaded "tapered list" is a long standing Epicman Faux Pas!!! Better to show up on Thu PM and be a man and stand up to the jeers of going "tapered list" as the real men ascend whiteface in 39F horizontal rain and lightening while the boys do a reverse loop. If you are going on the tapered list, it is important to be man enough to take the verbal abuse for the entire duration. You have to earn your way on the tapered list by taking the abuse, you can't just "sneak on the tapered list" without the constant verbal bashing.

Who is doing to step up and fill the giant shoes of Chris G as chief "tapered list" cop????
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [dmorris] [ In reply to ]
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Just after 5, most likely.
IIRC, it's a little over 30 mins rolling time to get down to the stop sign. Figger another coupla 2-3 mins to ditch extraneous gear in the bushes there, pee, whatever.

If you're there wheels-down by 5:05-ish you should be fine.
Worst case - you start after us, and have some rabbits for a little while.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
You're lucky that Chris G is not around. Declaring yourself on the dreaded "tapered list" is a long standing Epicman Faux Pas!!! Better to show up on Thu PM and be a man and stand up to the jeers of going "tapered list" as the real men ascend whiteface in 39F horizontal rain and lightening while the boys do a reverse loop. If you are going on the tapered list, it is important to be man enough to take the verbal abuse for the entire duration. You have to earn your way on the tapered list by taking the abuse, you can't just "sneak on the tapered list" without the constant verbal bashing.

Who is doing to step up and fill the giant shoes of Chris G as chief "tapered list" cop????

Ha, it looks like you're well on your way to filling those shoes! Is the only way to get off the tapered list to ride on Thursday late afternoon? I can assure I will NOT be tapered for Friday. TSB is currently -35 (aka pretty heavily fatigued if you don't do WKO+ speak), and I've got some serious meat on the bone the next few days prior to driving up on Thursday.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [dmorris] [ In reply to ]
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dmorris wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:

You're lucky that Chris G is not around. Declaring yourself on the dreaded "tapered list" is a long standing Epicman Faux Pas!!! Better to show up on Thu PM and be a man and stand up to the jeers of going "tapered list" as the real men ascend whiteface in 39F horizontal rain and lightening while the boys do a reverse loop. If you are going on the tapered list, it is important to be man enough to take the verbal abuse for the entire duration. You have to earn your way on the tapered list by taking the abuse, you can't just "sneak on the tapered list" without the constant verbal bashing.

Who is doing to step up and fill the giant shoes of Chris G as chief "tapered list" cop????

Ha, it looks like you're well on your way to filling those shoes! Is the only way to get off the tapered list to ride on Thursday late afternoon? I can assure I will NOT be tapered for Friday. TSB is currently -35 (aka pretty heavily fatigued if you don't do WKO+ speak), and I've got some serious meat on the bone the next few days prior to driving up on Thursday.

Technically the only way to officially get off the tapered list is to climb WF faster than ML. Anyone who climbs WF slower than ML is on the taper list, but has some honour on account of climbing. Anyone who does not climb at all gets continuously mocked for the next 24 hours. Having missed the climbed the last 2 years straight, I have taken my fair share of "tapered list beating". The shame of that alone and the desire to remember Chris by making a return trip to the summit is motivating me to avoid the tapered list...heck the last 2 years I have done Moooseman and I was told that I could only milk that till Tuesday after which, I'm shoved on the dreaded tapered list. This is not a category that you want to fall into. It takes around 364 days for one's manliness to recover (or not)!!!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry I am going miss it.... Going to Eagleman

e.dot was the "bestest" thing I did in prep for IMLP

"if you chose it, it's not really pain"
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Any hint of rain, and I won't be going up WF

a bunch of fools said the same thing last year...and yet there we were descending in the pouring rain (and freezing).

I will be going up come hell or very high water. my brakes work and my forearms are strong (insert joke here).

btw...the forecast doesn't look so hot.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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KAlber wrote:
Any hint of rain, and I won't be going up WF

a bunch of fools said the same thing last year...and yet there we were descending in the pouring rain (and freezing).

I will be going up come hell or very high water. my brakes work and my forearms are strong (insert joke here)
btw...the forecast doesn't look so hot.

3rd time's the charm??
It cant be any worse than last year, right? Right??

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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It cant be any worse than last year, right? Right??

i suppose it could hail...that would be worse.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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KAlber wrote:
It cant be any worse than last year, right? Right??

i suppose it could hail...that would be worse.

Locusts? Dogs and cats living together? Lightning strike?

The one way it for sure could get worse:
Us - "Chris!! Holy crap! How did you get here?!?!!"
Chris - " uh, fellas - bad news. It's how did *you* get *here*..."

Much as I look forward to seeing Chris again some day, I'll need to remind myself during the descent that "today is not that day".

float , hammer , and jog

Last edited by: Murphy'sLaw: Jun 4, 12 15:55
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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stillrollin wrote:
Mike- I booked Northwoods a few weeks ago using this:

Rooms have been discounted for training athletes in May, June and early July.
Call and request the Ironman Training Rate (IRTR). Rates are as follows:

  • May 1 – May 31, 2012, $74.00* Guest Rooms, $94.00* Kitchenette Suites
  • June 1 – June 30, 2012, $94.00* Guest Rooms, $114.00* Kitchenette Suites
  • July 1 – July 15th, 2012, $104.00* Guest Rooms, $124.00* Kitchenettes Suites
Call 518-523-1818, or use the rate code IRTR to make reservations and to confirm accommodations.

Fwiw - just booked at Art Devlin's, 2 queen beds @ $84 / nite.
Cheapest non-crappy hotel rate I found.
(plus the parking at Northwoods can be a major CF. And Art's is right on the course!)

/end PSA.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
KAlber wrote:
Any hint of rain, and I won't be going up WF

a bunch of fools said the same thing last year...and yet there we were descending in the pouring rain (and freezing).

I will be going up come hell or very high water. my brakes work and my forearms are strong (insert joke here)
btw...the forecast doesn't look so hot.

3rd time's the charm??
It cant be any worse than last year, right? Right??

I don't have the ambition to look up the 2011 thread, but I'm pretty sure this part of the conversation is identical to the one that we had exactly a year ago. Can't possibly be worse than last year. I'm not descending in the rain. Etc.

This year, I'm invoking my one-time disability pass. The narcotics would be great for exceeding threshold on the way up, but I'm pretty sure that the effects would be less favorable on the descent. Good luck to the MLSC prospects .... true idiots among men :-)

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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Thurs LP forecast: 40% chance of T-storms.
Swell. :-p

Glass half full - 60% chance we won't be utterly miserable.

That being said, I'll take the weight penalty to bring up more clothing if the weather is even remotely iffy.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Heck, I might even carry a wetsuit up to Whiteface if that is what it takes to come down warm !!!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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2 queen beds?
Who's the other queen?

2015 American Zofingen Du is May 17.
R.I.P. Chris Gleason
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [tetsuoni] [ In reply to ]
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tetsuoni wrote:
2 queen beds?
Who's the other queen?

You. The one staying home-o.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Still hurting from Mooseman. With any luck Louis and I will get stuck at the border and be late for the Whiteface climb.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Scott_B] [ In reply to ]
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Bring a bag of weed with you - you'll be plenty late.

Weather forecast looks ok-ish. Chance of an afternoon T-storm both days. Typical Dacks dealio.
Hopefully IF it happens tomorrow, it rolls thru early and then that's it, so we can get it out of the way before we roll.

But, given our "luck" the past 2 years, it's for sure almost guaranteed to hit us while we're up on Whiteface.
Plan accordingly.

Rain during the run on Friday?
Yes, please!

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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OK, Rolldown and I are booked into Art Devlin's. Scott_B, we delayed the start of WF so that the rain passes through and we all have time to get through the border! Now if my legs can actually even get me up a flight of stairs that would be a good post Mooseman start!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Bump for the MLSC crowd.

Weather forecast for this afternoon - 40% chance of rain/T-storms. Temps low-mid 60's.

Will be colder/windier on Whiteface, particularly if/when we get rained on.
Plan accordingly.

Pro tip - a swim cap is light head insulation.

PSA - I have a full, unopened jug of Hammer Espresso gel.
Good-thru date is this Monday.
If anybody wants some, bring a gel flask and you can have as much as you like.


float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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OK, we are packed up and ready to roll after lunch. Maybe I should wear my neoprene swim cap for the Whiteface descent today!!!

Chris Macknie (Rolldown) has some nice Chris Gleason memorial Epicman medals made up! Maybe we will get a nice bright day like 2009.

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Oh crap, there goes my excuse for not doing WF. A 1 hour FTP ride does not sound like fun. My post-Mooseman quads are feeling quite a bit better. I no longer have to walk down stairs backwards. It's my calves that are still tighter than a nun's bum. Louis and I are heading out just after lunch.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Scott_B] [ In reply to ]
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No excuses. Can't you hear Chris G's voice saying that our Mooseman excuses expired on Tuesday when we officially returned to the "tapered list". I actually did a short 35 min easy run this morning so Chris G does not shout something down from the heavens about me being tapered. That would just be bad form (yesterday, I could not do any training on account of business meetings through the day, and customer wining and dining that went on till 10:30 pm).

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Chris favored us with nearly perfect weather for the Whiteface jackassery. Alex crushed the field w a 53:xx finish.
Rolldown and I led the chase group at 58:1x (he apparently pipped me by :01).

Quick shower and it's a belated beer:thirty!!
10 hours until E.Dot.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Jealous! Have a great day tomorrow.

2015 American Zofingen Du is May 17.
R.I.P. Chris Gleason
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [tetsuoni] [ In reply to ]
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It was raining for the drive over, but magically cleared up for the climb. Mtl (Alex. Albuqurque) went 53, Rolldown Chris Macknie in 58 a second ahead of ML also 58. I was planning to try to climb easy, but you can't climb this easy....61 min even off 248W. Kalber had gravity telling him they are enemies and came in around. 63. The two "fattest giuys" MTL and myself were first down the mountain, but ML was lollygagging.

Off for today's main event festivities!!!! Picture later!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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What happened to the "descending devil"?

2015 American Zofingen Du is May 17.
R.I.P. Chris Gleason
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [tetsuoni] [ In reply to ]
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Hanging at HPC right now - Keith's massive wattage was too massive for his pathetic puny chain.
Will roll out for lap 2 shortly.

Lovely weather so far.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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So despite the advanced publicity, there was around 20 folks who showed up. So it looks like we had 6 finishers of the full Epicman: ML, Kalber, Rolldown, Louis Tay, Scott_B and myself......and we had 4 official finishers of the Whiteface Climb + Full Epicman (knows as the Murphy's Law Stupidity Challenge for obvious reasons): ML, Kalber, Rolldown and Myself. I got my full completion of the MLSC. This was probably not the wisest thing to do starting only 4 days after Mooseman was done, but the classic medal that Rolldown made in memory of Chris G was what kept me in the game. I had previously done 10 of the 14 full Epicmans but had "formally retired" from the full distance, but I thought that Chris would have done it, so I should . I'll write a full report with pictures later this weekend. I should probably catch up on all the work I missed on Friday.

Being a the summit of Whiteface with the guys was the most uplifing experience of the last 11 months. We were missing Chris, but that's as close as we can get to him for now.

Finally, of all the places I have ridden in my life across the US, Asia, Canada, and New Zealand, I found the drivers in Lake Placid remarkably rude. We stayed clear to the right, our group was quite small, but I think amongst the local population who don't derive any economic benefit from Ironman LP (hourly workers etc), there seems to be animosity that has built up to the hoards of cyclists on the roads.

We intentionally do this on a Friday so that we're not in the midst of the weekend crowds, but neverthless were greeted countless times with very aggressive behaviour. To some degree, I don't entirely blame these folks. So if you are going to LP, please train safely and do stick to the right (even though the shoulder is bad in places). We need to build goodwill with these folks, although at times, it can be trying. We're on their local roads after all. Please be safe.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Jun 9, 12 5:14
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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What Dev said. About everything.

I was pretty sure I was "only" going to do EpicBoy (6m run in lieu of the 13.1) but once I saw the finishers medals that Rolldown created in Chris G's honor, well - I couldn't not get one of those.

Whiteface was amazing, utterly perfect weather. Sublime to be there with the sweeping views amongst like minded folks, in one of Chris' favorite places.

The E.Dot festivities were mostly fun and, other than Keith's trashed chain, uneventful. Weather was about perfect, but there were occasional huge gusts or wind. We decided that that was just Chris f'n with us - because he can.
Wouldn't you mess with your friends a little too, given the chance?
We were glad to feel his spirit and know he was with us.

The swim was certainly 1000x more enjoyable than the last time I was in Mirror Lake. :-p

Bike lap 1 was nice, we had a good train working. After the chain issue and half hour spent at HPC getting it fixed, Keith and I got busy trying to catch back up. We were trading pulls doing 27-28 mph along the "I am an AERO GOD" section from Keene to Jay.
Saw Dev and crew on the Haselton o&b, but didn't get back to the gas station quite fast enough to latch back on again.

Ride back from Wilmington was tough, windy, and we were both pretty toasty. I towed Keith where I could, but our bikes don't pedal themselves, and it's net uphill.
Negative split the bike by a few mins, in spite of crawling back.

Run was decent. Cruised along in z1, just wanting to get thru it w/o cracking. Met up w/ Rolldown and then Dev and crew at the far end of River Road. I was a dumbass, and f'd up the mental math of how far it was to the turn - 11 miles round trip, so that's 6.5 each way, right? D'oh!!
Plus side was, got the see the boys, and also only had to run about .2m past the pub and back to finish off my 13.1.
Got r done in 1:35 and change, felt ok.

Only minor downer, and about the only bad thing I can say about my Canuckistani brethren, is that NONE of them went to the pub!!
Keith and I took it upon ourselves to do Chris proud and uphold our long-standing tradition of beers and eats on the deck afterwards.

I am sooooo tired and sore today.
But it was totally worth it.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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ML, thanks for the blow by blow account. I'll download my pictures at some point. It was really nice spending time with you guys. I honestly did not think on Wed that I'd even be able to make it up Whiteface, after spending 3 days post Mooseman walking down the stairs backwards. Once I got up to WF, I felt that perhaps I could finish my first complete "stupidity challenge". Rolldown said, that I could have one of the medals on account of being Epicman organizer, but no way, I would take a medal without actually doing the distance. So I ended up with my longest run of the year, which happened after my longest bike of the year, which happened after my longest open water swim of the year! Nothing like a bit of peer pressure to make you push your limits.

The door to door time for yesterday's workout was 8:45....how is it possible that it started at 6 am, and ended at 3:50 pm....that means 65 minutes of "transitions, stops, pee breaks, and other assorted standing around". No wonder, I find that my most efficient rides back at home are 4 hours with no stopping, standing around, or pee breaks...usually those rides end up taking all of 4:10 with a few traffic lights to get out of town and perhaps a single pee break. But Epicman is more of a social occaision than "pure workout".

Anyway, 2 events down for June 2012. Now the back end of the month between Tremblant 70.3 and Tupper should feel a "bit" easier.

Rolldown and I discussed the logistics for Epicman Tremblant. I'm hoping that we can get some of you up to Canada....and sorry for our lack of brew pub presence. I hope you drank for us and kept Chris company!!!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks Dev for taking the time to organise Epicman LP. This was first trip to LP since I was a little kid and was thoroughly impressed with the beauty of the region and the town. It reminds me a lot of Banff. I travelled down with Louis but unfortunately did not make it to LP in time to do the Whiteface mountain climb. Probably just as well since I was still recovering from Mooseman. Instead Louis and I did an easy 2-1/2 hour ride and met up with the the crew that did the Whiteface climb on the way back to town. Louis and I found a really nice restaurant where I ordered an awesome 8 ounce burger, homemade chips and a couple of pints of Heineken. Figure I was carb loading for Epicman.

Mirror lake is smaller than I imagined and have a hard time believing that 2500+ people can fit in there. I can see why there would be a LOT of contact in the Ironman LP swim. The water was a perfect temperature for a wetsuit swim. After changing over to bike gear all participants in this years Epicman went out in one group. Not having ridden the course before, I sat back and drafted the entire first loop - let's just say I was not doing target race wattage. The Keene descent was awesome. My max speed on the first loop was 83.0 kph when I decided enough was enough. My wife would definitely have been pissed to have seen me do that. The road down the descent was a little rough due to snow plow damage. Due to a mechanical, we lost the two workhorses who were at the front for the whole first loop leaving only four of us riding together for the second loop. The wind picked up as the morning went by making the Keene descent a lot more interesting. By the turn around back to town we had a pretty strong headwind which complemented the general uphill trend quite nicely. Dev, Louis and I started the run together. I thought the plan was to do around 10 km at an easy pace. This was to be my first run since Mooseman and I didn't want to put myself into a deeper recovery hole. Dev and Louis, however, made a decision to do the entire 21 km run as it is what Chris G would have done. I was not about to be the only one to not complete the full Epicman so I ended up doing the entire run. The final steep uphill to the tennis courts was a killer. Tired but glad I participated in Epicman and will be sure to mark this event on my calendar for next year.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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That was a great couple of days in LP. I have to admit, i had not intended on doing the full stupidity challenge/epicman. But, after seeing the finishers medals, I had to do the full run. I'm honestly very happy that I decided to do it. Even though I was battling an abdominal cramp for the first ~5 miles of the run, and I bonked a little...it wasn't THAT bad. I'm sure that's due to the increased run volume I've been doing this year. I learned a lot...mostly that I need salt (and a lot of it)...and that I need a ton of fluid. I actually stopped by the river on the way back in and slugged down 4 8oz flasks (and had 2 more during the last 4.5 miles). I'm really not sure what the best option would be for the epicman run...maybe leave some bottles out on the course the night before?? run with a camelback ;) I normally run 10-13 miles with nothing...obviously I cannot do that in this scenario.

A fewside notes: 1) many thanks to ML for sticking around and doing the 2nd loop with me after breaking my chain. Thankfully that happened right near the bike shop...it really could not have happened in a better place. 2) the last 12 miles was really rough after mike and I dropped the hammer for the 2nd loop. I had all i could do to stay on his wheel after 100 miles (and couldn't on some of the climbs back into town). I would NOT attempt to negative split the bike at IMLP next year (or do whiteface the day before) 3) Canadians: McDonalds and subway? really? REALLY??? You know, they have awesome burgers and fries at the LP Brewery...billions and billions times better than McDonald's. You don't even HAVE to drink alcohol there (though I'm not sure why you wouldn't). 4) I felt like I was taking in a ton of calories. But, when I tallied them up at the end of the day, I was around 300 cals/hour. I probably could have taken in a bit more without overloading my stomach, but I felt pretty good all things considered. I honestly don't know how Patrick took in 750/hour at IMTX...though I'm sure willing to try (in training first, of course).

I was very sore saturday (shocking)...did nothing. Yesterday I was still sore...but managed a short bike and treadmill run. I was surprised at how easy the run felt. Everything else this year will be a piece of cake. I really need to drop 10 pounds for my next climb up whiteface. BTW...if anybody is planning on attending IMLP and wants to meet up for another ascent the day before, let me know...I am planning on going back up with a friend and volunteering at the race.

MLSC/epicman: it's not a race, it's an adventure.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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Kalber...about calorie consumption and salt....I know everyone was mocking the Canadian faithful of the Subway chain, but the half sub I ate at the halfway point was probably one of the most satisfying "one course nutrition" items ever. As for salt, I had the sub totally loaded up with extra salt, although I should have eaten the half with the hot jalapena peppers the day before. Nevertheless riding along at 160W (barely 2.6W per kilo) it is much easier to absorb 800 calories (sub,+ drink + cookie for desert) in one shot than trying to do it at race pace. Not to push sponsor stuff, but if you use Infinit, you can actually get a ton of salt in your mix. Or you could have a burger and fries, or perhaps a salami sandwich with Mayo....real food rules!!!

I agree that your chain break could not happen in a more perfect spot. Of all the places to break it, right by the Arena was continues downhill to High Peaks....and they were open at that time!

The Whiteface Climb + Full Epicman is definitely an adventure. I guess technically I'm not an official finisher of the Murphy's Law stupidity challenge as I did not cap off the athletic adventures with the LP Brew Pub festivities. At least this year, I did not have the shame of being on the tapered list. I believe I took being on the untapered list to new level thrashing my quads with Mooseman first.

I still can't believe that Chris "Rolldown" Macknie backed up the entire Thu and Friday event at LP with the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour on Saturday and Sunday. Depending on what route he took, it is 2x180-200K!!!

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I still can't believe that Chris "Rolldown" Macknie backed up the entire Thu and Friday event at LP with the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour on Saturday and Sunday. Depending on what route he took, it is 2x180-200K!!!

that's insane...i give him serious credit for pulling that off.

I actually use infinite (although I'm going to try EFS for a bit). At one point I had the salt cranked up, but it tasted like crap to me (maybe i needed more flavor?). Now, i just use salt stick tablets and infinite clydesdale mix. I'm all for eating real food. Most of my long training rides on the weekend are preceded by a big breakfast, so i don't need as much other stuff. But, for me, part of the epicman adventure was getting a feel for what I could do with race day nutrition. So, between infinite, powerbars, gatorade perform, some gels and water I should be ok. I might HAVE to put a big can of red bull/monster in my special needs bag though. That really hit the spot.

Really no excuse to not join us at the brewery afterward (thursday and/or friday) As I said, you don't *have* to imbibe in alcohol. Good times none-the-less.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I passed you guys on the way back from the Wilmington Whiteface road race and couldn't agree with you more about the awful drivers up there. Not giving you guys any room on top of not slowing down. With all the cyclists in that area I'm not sure why there aren't any "shared road" signs. Between reckless drivers and cyclists trying to avoid poor road conditions its a recipe for disaster.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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I may head over to LP to do another Whiteface climb with you and stay overnite to watch the start of the Ironman. If I can get a lift to LP, then I will try to ride back to Ottawa the next day. I believe it is around 240K to my house. I just formulated this concept while typing. This thread is evil!!!!....but this is exactly how ideas like the Stupidity challenge start....and no, I will not ride up to LP BEFORE a Whiteface climb....
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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very cool idea. maybe I'll start off whiteface with a bit more reasonable power for the first 20' next time. I overcooked it by quite a bit the other day. lesson learned: don't be stupid.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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Keith - Nice work up there and glad to see the bike gods were smiling on you!
I may take you up on your offer to climb Whiteface. I rode the course this weekend and both times I passed WF I thought of you sick puppies!

Anyhow, we scoped out the house my friend is renting in Wilimgton. It's close enough to WF to entice me to give it a go rather than riding the course again. If the stars align and I get back up there for the race I'll drop you a pm.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [stillrollin] [ In reply to ]
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sweet! the more the merrier.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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Oh, my aching taint...

It was so cool hanging out and training with all of you in Lake Placid; perfect conditions on both days and great company. There's not much more to add about the Whiteface climb and Epicman; you guys have said it all. Just a word on Subway/McD's vs, the Brew Pub - normally I would never refuse an invite to good food and beer, but for me this weekend it was all about being efficient - getting my meals quickly and then organizing/recovering/resting for the next event. As much as I would have loved to join you guys, I had other things to get ready for.

Got back to Ottawa about 8:30 on Friday, then gathered gear and food for the next two days' rides. Woke up at 5:15 Saturday morning, ate, drank several gallons of coffee, cycled to Carleton University with Mrs. Rolldown, dropped our bags off, then headed to Kingston via the 220k Challenge Route on the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour. Mrs. Rolldown doesn't have as much top-end speed as she used to, but her diesel engine is as good as ever, so while we were slow-ish, we rode at a consistent speed. If there is such a thing as a nine-hour recovery ride, that's what I did on Saturday. Sunday we took the Classic Route back to Ottawa, 180k in just over seven hours.

With a couple of mid-week long rides, from Sunday to Sunday I rode over 1040k, did a couple of token swims and runs, and worked out for 43 hours. Oh, and put in 3.5 days at the office. I'm pretty sure that's the biggest eight-day training stretch of my life. Other than an aching taint and a bit of general fatigue, I really don't feel too badly today.

Thanks, Dev, for organizing another successful Epicman, and thanks for everybody's great company! Until Epicman Tremblant...

Last edited by: Rolldown: Jun 11, 12 10:39
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Rolldown] [ In reply to ]
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Damn. Just, damn.

You "won" the Stupid Human Tricks award for the weekend for sure.
Amazing amount of volume, AND you crushed it on Whiteface to boot! Plus the Iron Taint Medal of Fortitude.

Wouldn't be surprised if we see you out there looking to kick Mike Coughlin's butt at Ultraman someday... ;-)

Hope I can come out and see everybody again at Tupper.
Still trying to work out the sked for the end of the month.
IF I can make it happen, I'll be there.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Hope to see you at Tupper Lake, Mike.

Here's our "victory shot" from Whiteface. Left to right: Rolldown, Dev, KAlber, Murphy's Law. Photo taken by MTL (Alexandre).

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Keith - I'll be in LP volunteering at bike check-in on Saturday (10:00-3:00?). Not sure if the timing (or my total inability) will jive with your planned trip up whiteface, but I'll gladly partake in any other festivities throughout the weekend. Where are you guys staying?

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Planning next year - when I can hopefully ride again...

What type of W/kg are we talking to do the Whiteface thing without embarrassing oneself? So to for example pull in l'autobus (that's FOBOP in ST terms I guess)?

Citizen of the world, former drunkard. Resident Traumatic Brain Injury advocate.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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I'm volunteering as a bike handler on race day...and am supposed to be at a pre-volunteer meeting saturday at 5...so i'm not sure if things will work out. I'll most likely have to bike up whiteface saturday afternoon. Right now I'm planning on camping...and was looking at rollins pond in saranac. But, i don't have any firm plans yet. what about you?
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Chipmunk] [ In reply to ]
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My PT is on extended sabbatical these days (another call and shipment to CycleOps imminent), so I don't know for sure what my watts going up WF were. GRRRRR!!!

SWAG of ~3.8x w/kg, got me up in 58 mins.
Alex rode 4.5 w/kg and that netted him 53:xx.
He's a strong fast little bastard.

I'm sure there's a calculator out there you could figger WF time estimate based on w/kg if you were so motivated.

We had another fellow with us, Dave, who started riding 15 mins before we did, so he wouldn't be too far behind at the top, and that worked out fine.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
My PT is on extended sabbatical these days (another call and shipment to CycleOps imminent), so I don't know for sure what my watts going up WF were. GRRRRR!!!

SWAG of ~3.8x w/kg, got me up in 58 mins.
Alex rode 4.5 w/kg and that netted him 53:xx.
He's a strong fast little bastard.

I'm sure there's a calculator out there you could figger WF time estimate based on w/kg if you were so motivated.

We had another fellow with us, Dave, who started riding 15 mins before we did, so he wouldn't be too far behind at the top, and that worked out fine.

OK so I'll get on my trainer now and aim for 4 W/kg. The trainer and a lock on the fridge.

Citizen of the world, former drunkard. Resident Traumatic Brain Injury advocate.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
My PT is on extended sabbatical these days (another call and shipment to CycleOps imminent), so I don't know for sure what my watts going up WF were. GRRRRR!!!

SWAG of ~3.8x w/kg, got me up in 58 mins.
Alex rode 4.5 w/kg and that netted him 53:xx.
He's a strong fast little bastard.

I'm sure there's a calculator out there you could figger WF time estimate based on w/kg if you were so motivated.

We had another fellow with us, Dave, who started riding 15 mins before we did, so he wouldn't be too far behind at the top, and that worked out fine.

I averaged 249.1W for a 1:01.11 with the SRM. I weighed myself last week at 138 lbs and 137 lbs today. I may have been fatter for the climb though :-). I was also riding very low psi (around 80 psi on 25c tires) , so that might explain why I took 4W per kilo on the nose to ride 1:01. Seems really slow for that many watts as we had a "good wind day". Or maybe my Airfoil Pro is just a tank for weight when equipped with the SRM!!! The 249W effort felt in line with a few rides at similar wattage this past winter on the CT. Keep in mind that SRM watts read a bit higher than powertap or CT watts. I'll post my ride file later!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Rolldown] [ In reply to ]
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wow! that is one helluva week. I think i would have cried if i had to get back on my bike for that long on saturday and sunday. We'll have to meet up after tupper lake for a couple of cold one's then. Last year they had some for free for the racers...if not, we'll be sure to bring a cooler.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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Just bumping last year's thread...we're on for next Thu and Friday in Lake Placid. Hopefully someone sends some heat over or it might be like Andy Hampsten on Gavia, except it will be 25 years later and we'll be on Whiteface:

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Good luck with that. I'll be right next door in lake George. Can't make it again this year and I really want to do this one year. Have fun!!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Just bumping last year's thread...we're on for next Thu and Friday in Lake Placid. Hopefully someone sends some heat over or it might be like Andy Hampsten on Gavia, except it will be 25 years later and we'll be on Whiteface:

Just in case people don't know what you're talking about, I'll include the pic from this year's Memorial Day. Here's just outside of Whiteface, living up to it's name:

Once again, I can't make it. One of these years, I'll be there.

Take a short break from ST and read my blog:
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Tri-Banter] [ In reply to ]
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I guess somebody heard Dev's prayers - going to be 80 the next 4 days in LP, then back to more normal 70's after that.

I think the toll road will be clear and open.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I hope that the road is open but 80F in the valley is still often only 50's up on the mountain. In either case, I better go on a starvation program over the next week. 2.5 weeks of eating out in restaurants on biz travel is not the best prep for going up Whiteface!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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You and me both (not so much on the travel, just the eating a lot). Plus, I've done just about nada since AmZof...

It's gonna be ugly. Which at E.Dot, is beautiful.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I'm going to use the full ML stupidity challenge to try to shave off some weight. You figure that 12 hours of training in under 24 hours should take care of that!!! Let's see if I can drum up some of the boys from Ottawa to make it over!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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OK OK OK....in case we have Gavia on Whiteface, I have a backup plan.

  • Climb 1, Wilmington Stop sign to Toll Gate and back down
  • Contunue ride IMLP reverse loop to bottom of Keene
  • Climb 2....up Keene
  • But you are not done yet as this is not quite as hard at Whiteface....Transition run is IMLP last run loop, come back to Oval and then run the hill to Crowne Plaza, run to Route 86, back downtown and be a bunch of lame tri geeks in mandatory compression back to the tennis courts

I would like to know from the Chief Technology Officer of the Murphy's Law Stupidity Challenge if the above replacement prologue qualifies as a stand in for the official MLSC prologue. I don't really want anyone dying on a Gavia caliber snow/ice covered descent on P4's with no rear brakes....
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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VETO the running part. No upside.
At least for me.
You are welcome to do so.

IF the road past the toll booth is nasty, and we choose not to go up, then going back down and doing the reverse loop (sans o&b) is plenty.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I'm going all the way up. You pikers can wuss out if you want. If I'm going to do a stupidity challenge the day before 85% of a self supported ironman...then I'm going 100% stupidity.

"IF the road past the toll booth is nasty, and we choose not to go up"

btw...you know damn well that you won't back off unless the road is covered in ice and snow...and that's probably not going to be the case.

direct from the website:

"The Whiteface Veterans Memorial Highway hopefully will re open this afternoon. Please check back here for updates."

p.s. please stop whining about all the extra baggage you 2 are carrying. I can eliminate that amount of weight by leaving my water bottles at the bottom.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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OK OK....we're going up, but as long as there is no ice. I don't want a Gavia descent. The problem with snowbanks is the snow melts in the sun and then has a chance to "refreeze" as it hits the pavement in the shade if the pavement is cold. I assume the pavement will be warm enough for this not to happen. We won't know until we start going up. The problem with these 'adventures' is that you really don't know how bad something is for descending, until you are actually descending!!!! Everything looks fairly benign climbing at 7- 8 mph, which is a lot different than the interaction with the pavement at 40-45 mph!!!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'd rather not "interact" with the pavement, at ANY speed.

The re-freeze part of your scenario is unlikely. Shade or no.
LP is forecast to have highs near 80 and rain this weekend.
Lows around 60.
Granted, it's colder on Whiteface - but enough so to get near freezing is a stretch.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I suppose we could always tie sleds to our backs for the climb?
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Have fun!!!

Barry Dmitruk
2017: Florida 70.3 (done); Mont Tremblant 70.3 & Ironman

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone have an update on Whiteface yet? It was 10C in Ottawa this morning. That would generally equate it to being below freezing at the Whiteface summit given the extra 4000 feet they are above us. What's going on with the snow there?

This is from the ORDA website Whiteface Vet's Memorial Highway webpage "picture of the day", although it is unclear what "DAY" it was taken:

It "appears" that the road has been cleared off and the snow pushed to the sides.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Jun 3, 13 8:38
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Some more pics from there website (clearly on other days):

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
I'd rather not "interact" with the pavement, at ANY speed.

The re-freeze part of your scenario is unlikely. Shade or no.
LP is forecast to have highs near 80 and rain this weekend.
Lows around 60.
Granted, it's colder on Whiteface - but enough so to get near freezing is a stretch.

OK, aparently ML is bringing the GoPro camera to video the descent. It will also be there to ensure that he does the entire course and does not get a lift with Motoman to the summit of Whiteface....then again, all forms of cheating (water rovers, drafting, fins, course cutting) are encouraged at Epicman....get it all out of your system on a training day and play by the rules on race day!!!!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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The weather forecast for Thurs has taken a turn, to the "interesting".
50-60% chance of rain/T-storms. Yay?

We managed not to die the last 2 times it was like that, lets hope the 3rd time is NOT the charm.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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50-60% chance of rain/T-storms

which means there's 100% chance of that. I'm sure the view from the top will be awesome. <sigh>
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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KAlber wrote:
50-60% chance of rain/T-storms

which means there's 100% chance of that. I'm sure the view from the top will be awesome. <sigh>

I'll tell you guys what to expect on Whiteface when we drive over from the St. Lawrence valley. The track record is that whatever moisture comes off the Great Lakes and up the St. Lawrence valley quickly turns into rain/thunder/Noah's Arc deluge when it rises up that extra 2000-4500 feet of vertical. Every time we get poured on during the drive from Ogdensburg via Tupper to LP ensures that the Whiteface summit will we a slightly warmer, but wetter version of Gavia.

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Damn, I was hoping this was next week, not this one. Wish I could be up there with you guys.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [phabio] [ In reply to ]
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Discretion was the better part of valor, due to it being 50 degrees and rainy in town, so the MLSC was cancelled, and replaced by a run (for which 50 and rainy is quite lovely).

It's beer:thirty now, and we'll be headed over to the LP brewery for UBU direct from the mother ship.

IF its not raining after the swim, we may hit Whiteface in the am.
Or "just" ride 112m on the LP course.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I envy you being in LP heading to the LP Brewery and swimming in Mirror Lake tomorrow, but no thank you to the UBU beer. I tried to like it, but was disappointed.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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That weather seems like a ground hogs day.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [B.McMaster] [ In reply to ]
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It was mid 50's and pissing rain for about 98% of the time we've been here. The 2 trips (so far) to the LP brewery have been the highlights of this years E.dot festivities.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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seems like this 50s and rainy weather follows you around. Maybe you should stop with all the rain dances.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I got home, unloaded my bags, unloaded my bike, then looked at the heap of dirt-ladened, sopping wet gear piled in the rear of my car. I've got a can of gasoline in the garage, and I'm burning that shit. Easier than cleaning it.

As always, many thanks to everyone that came out for another miserable adventure and the good times that ensued.

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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Full report later....just got home after a 32 hour trip to LP with 10.5 hours of training, 6 hour of sleeping and 8 hours of driving. That's adds up to 24.5 hours. I guess the rest of the time (which would be around 8 hours) was spent preparing gear, eating, preparing more gear, preparing nutrition, worrying about the rain and cold....worrying more about the rain and cold and listen to Murphy's Law talk smack. I've never head as much smack from someone who was the definition of the "TAPERED LIST"...however, what's even funnier is that he is the only person in the 15 year history of Epicman who actually gets away with being on the tapered list and seems to do it with honour. The rest of us seem to do it with some semblance of shame. Well, I got my share done.....Thu PM, 23.5K run + beach to beach to beach wet noodle swim. Today another pathetic beach to beach to beach wet noodle swim then 6:06 of biking with 1800m of vertical including an unplanned Keene climb to find Konaexpress Dmitruk, whose Quarq Riken crank aparently came loose....3500 Kilojoules later, it was off for 8 k of running which I have to say was the LEAST miserable time of the entire day!

Actually got all my laundry done and washed all my crap off. Old military habit. When you come back from deployment, it all gets "disinfected' before it comes back into barracks. I can't believe that Rolldown is going to do 2x200K of riding tomorrow along with Chris Belair, who complete the full Murphy's Law Stupidity challenge with a Whiteface climb last night and then the full Epicman today....3K swim, 180k bike, 21K run. I guess he did not get the cancellation notice and said that the Whiteface descent in rain that was borderline snow was the stupidest thing he has done in his life....well, we kind of knew that it the possibly the stupidest thing you can do. OK for Andy Hampsten descending Gavia to win the 1988 Giro...but he's descending to be the first American to win the Giro...we're not descending Whiteface to win anything!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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It ain't called the Stupidity Challenge for nuthin.
Particularly in conditions like these.

I guess he was also the only official E.dot finisher this year?
Mega props.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I was told by Chris "Rolldown" Macknie that the event director gets to decide what constitures an official finisher.

I think for this year's version, anyone who actually wasted a vacation day to drive 4-6 hours to hang out with us, and train in 50F in pissing rain, swim in water just above 60F is an "official finisher" simply because they got to the start line of Edot. I was just sharing this with a few friends at home:

The amazing thing is that everyone took all "events of the day" in stride. I was telling Chris maybe that is why there were so many Kona and Vegas qualifiers out there. It's not as much in any genetic advantage these guys have. Many who do not qualify like to think that, but in reality, 98% of their competitive advantage is their mental attitude and what they are willing to put themselves through without complaining, because it is part of "the journey". Some days are aweome, others truly suck, but when it truly sucks they deal with it.

I know a bunch of guys who said they wanted to come to Epicman and then in the last moment they gave me all kinds of excuses about not being able to get out of work etc etc. Seems like those excuses popped up to coincide with the horrendous weather forecast.

Simply put, champions don't complain, they just do, and putting all the smacktalk aside, after 15 years, this is why I keep going back to Epicman....to hang out with some guys with perhaps a few "loose screws" but who are bit extra ordinary compared to the folks I hang out with in other aspects of life.


PS. Barry Dmitruk dropped his chain and get got caught up in his Quarq magnet. Then the magnet actually attached to the chain somehow and actually did not come lose!!! He did not want to do more damage as he heard a gridning noise so he walked up hills and coasted down hill back to LP. Turns out, it was just a magnet attached to a chain. He made it back to LP and got it all fixed up!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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cheating was in full effect at this years MLSC + Epicman (or should we call it Ape-icman)

As always, it was "fun"....well...as fun as training in 50's and rain for 2 days can be. At first on the bike I thought I felt ok after "only" running 13.5 miles in-lieu of whiteface. But it became pretty evident that I wasn't really in much better shape than normal after doing whiteface. Perhaps one of these years I'll skip any form of stupidity challenge and "just" do epicman. I would imagine it could actually be more enjoyable that way??

I have to admit, I'm a little bummed I didn't run after the bike yesterday (ok...not really)...but I didn't feel like it was a great idea. I probably would have run if it hadn't started raining again for the last 5 miles of the bike. It's one thing to dig yourself into a hole...yet another to dig your own grave. I just thought that if i kept going then I was going to wake up sick.

At any rate, my last 6 big workouts/races over the last 6 weekends have gone like this:

St Croix (grotesquely hot and humid...2nd worst half ironman of my life...the only one worse was my first half (and triathlon) ever)
1 weekend of pretty nice
American Zofingen Long course (50's and rain. All. Day. Long.)
4 hour bike in 45 degree's and pouring rain. This was the single worst riding experience of my life. It made AmZof and Epicman seem pleasant.
Last weekend 90 degree bike (I cracked).
Ape-icman...2 days of 50's and rain.

I feel like I'm an expert at dealing with fairly miserable conditions at this point. But...I will still take 50's and rain over 90 and humid any day of the week.

After the first loop of the bike ML, Chris Wilhelm and I were standing in stewarts with the kid (Kevin Miles) getting some hot coffee and food and the skies opened up for a few minutes. It was already going to be rough getting back on the bikes for the 2nd loop. But, if that downpour had continued for much longer, it would have been very hard not just calling it a day at that point (I'm sure one of us would have made the others suffer through it...but the thoughts were there). The kid was laughing at us whilst eating an ice cream as he was heading home for his last few hours of high school. He took some big pulls on his 1 bike loop...which was nice. However, apparently the only thing he left with was his bike and ice cream as he left all his personal belongings strewn about in the greater high peaks area. Thank god he's off to West Point in a few weeks. Perhaps they can square him away. ;)

Chris Wilhelm and I considered doing something this morning after several for a PB while watching the bruins sweep...but decided that breakfast and maybe working out later at home with no rain would be the better call. It definitely was and now it will be soooo much easier to take today completely off with my honey-do list.

Good luck to the crazy canadians doing the bike tour this weekend. The iron-taint award is officially yours!!! Massive kudo's to Chris Belair for taking on whiteface and doing the entire epicman yesterday. Now he *might* know better.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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Once again, proof positive that it don't hafta be "fun", to be fun.

And believe me, there were large chunks o' time when it was about the exact opposite of fun.

Strava didn't recognize that other activity I did, prior to the aqua-velo. I guess it had no frame of reference to compare it to?
"Drowning with directionality" apparently isn't an available activity option, yet.
I think I swallowed a lot less water during the swim, than the bike. Keeping well hydrated was not remotely a concern.

The "new (to me) car smell" of my Jetta lasted for <~3 days. By the end, it looked and smelled like the inventory of a tri shop was sunk in a swamp, then dredged up, and deposited thoughout my car. I think J-Dub's idea of just burning it all is a good one.
My bike is a shambles. Again.

Great to see everybody, as always.

PS - MANY thanks to Eric/Trihumor, for his karmic sponsoring of the 2013 G Chris Gleason LP Brewery Scholarship Fund.
That took care of the 3 for a PB (tm) for several of us on Thursday nite. Exactly as Chris would have wanted it.

float , hammer , and jog

Last edited by: Murphy'sLaw: Jun 8, 13 12:18
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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thanks guys for sharing in the misery that was this year's epicman...currently sitting in dorm room after day 1 of rideau lakes bike tour..134miles on the bike and it only rained for about 2hrs!!! After this year's epicman I think I could actually enjoy weather conditions at IMLP like in '08.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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chbelair wrote:
thanks guys for sharing in the misery that was this year's epicman...currently sitting in dorm room after day 1 of rideau lakes bike tour..134miles on the bike and it only rained for about 2hrs!!! After this year's epicman I think I could actually enjoy weather conditions at IMLP like in '08.

Have another great 220K ride back from Kingston to Ottawa today. You and Mr. Macknie are making the Ultraman guys look lazy. After you get back to Ottawa, you can add another stage on Monday, which would be a double marathon from Ottawa South to Cornwall. It could be our version of running from Hawi to Kona on day three of the Ultraman although Ottawa to Cornwall is 105K....but for studs like you guys, that's just an extra half marathon over the 84K ultaman double marathon....and as much as I joke about this, this is exactly how Epicman started in the first place, then Murphy's Law adds in the Whiteface climb, and then guys like Chris Macknie tack on the Rideau Lakes bike tour to the back. So what's the logical (or should I say illogical) extension of all of this ultra-stupidity?
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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Ditto exactly what you said, Chris. Thanks to everyone for the fun/misery that was Epicman '13. It was one for the ages and it was great to see the usual cast of misfits attending.

I'm sitting in a dorm room at Queens too, after the 220 km ride from my door to here. Who knew such a long ride could feel easy, at least compared to the last two days. Sorry we didn't meet along the way. I am going for breakfast at 5, heading out at 6ish tomorrow for the ride back if you want to meet up. Though I don't think I am worthy of cycling with you after your ascent of Whiteface in those conditions!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Rolldown] [ In reply to ]
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Chris and Chris....I can arrange a double marathon route for you guys on Monday if the 220K of riding feels too easy!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Rolldown] [ In reply to ]
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You guys are totally insane.

I could have ridden a bike yesterday, but was really, REALLY glad that I didn't.

At least the weather stopped sucking. Eventually.
Back home, it got nice late yesterday, and is lovely out today.

I think I'm going to go try to put my bike back together now. I got it mostly cleaned off yesterday...

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Well today certainly made up for Friday's misery at Epicman. I have to confess that I returned to Ottawa via the 180 km Classic route rather than the 220 km Challenge route that I took yesterday, but I did it all solo. Blessed with sunny, perfect conditions (I had forgotten what those were), an early start and an awesome tailwind, I was on my back deck drinking a bottle of Ithaca Flower Power beer by noon today. What a great ride! Thanks very much for the Epicman beer exchange Mike.

Until next year's Epicman... It couldn't be any worse, right?
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I think I'm going to go try to put my bike back together now. I got it mostly cleaned off yesterday...

Planning on putting it on ebay Mr. "I'm not even training for anything"?

You're not done 'til the gorilla's done!! Now get your ass back in the game bitch!!!!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, the gorilla's definitely not done! The gorilla is training for Epicman XVI...same bat time, same bat channel for 2014. I think we got the format nailed:

  • NO rain version = Whiteface on Thu PM, Full Epicman 3/180/21.1K on Fri
  • Rain Version = 24K run + 3K swim Thu PM, Epicboy 3/180/7 on Friday (including Whiteface if there is no rain on Friday)

I am not sure which one is worse. I really don't know. Both are painful.

Hopefully someone can take care of the weather next year. My quads and taint are in pain just thinking about Rolldown and Chris Belair's exploits. By the way, on the car drive over, Rolldown and I were wondering what type of stage training could be pulled off by riding from Ottawa to LP, climbing whiteface, doing Epicman, riding home. The ride each way is 250K!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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i am not even looking at my bike tomorrow, let alone riding it...800km for the week..happy with that, 220k on both rlct days and a sunburn on my arms and hands to top it off...who would of thought after all the rain that we got to start this very long weekend...as much "fun" as running the +100K home would have been...decide to drive home...maybe next year......next challenge, tremblant 70.3.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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So, since you were the only one who attempted Whiteface this year - how'd ya do? Break an hour?

Coming down musta sucked royal.
I've done that 2x in the rain, and that's why there wasn't a 3rd.

Props on completing the entire Stupidity Challenge. And then going to plaid, by riding long for another 2 days.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Those guys remind me of this classic from the slowtwitch archives:


I'm tempted to sorta give this a whirl (to a lesser, more human, degree) heading into Tupper Lake. Yes...now I'm openly goading ML into getting his head out of his ass. Maybe he can end his beefcaked skid at 1? Probably not ;)

At any rate, I remember reading that back in 2004 when I was getting ready from IMLP (my only crappy attempt at a full ironman). If I hadn't just come off of 2.5 weeks of feeling like hell, I think I would have joined you for the thursday swim and short run friday. Of course, that's easy to say now. I was telling Kevin Lanahan today that I thought I felt better friday then I did after whiteface the last 2 years...but in reality, I didn't. Speaking for myself, my worst swim (and bike) days are usually the day after my long run...so feeling relatively crappy on friday shouldn't have surprised me. I know that 13.5 miles isn't a hugely long run...but it still took a lot out of me. I honestly think swimming first would be the better call though (less of a hassle in getting ready).

I told you the first time I did epicman in 2004, me and 2 other guys rode from clifton park to lake placid (140-45 miles). The last climb up from Keene was awful. One of the guys (Joe Skufca...who used to be on ST) rode back to Clifton park the day after...though I'm relatively certain none of us did the 13 mile full epicman. I don't really remember the details. I know that Shanley met us up there with our stuff. I'm kind of doubtful that we even ran 1 step in LP after all that. One of the things I do remember vividly is stopping in schroon lake for lunch (with a chocolate shake) on the ride to LP and standing in the lake for a while. Ironically, I ran into the other guy (Brian Olmstead) last year at IMLP...and Joe will be on our Ragnar Relay team this fall that finishes in LP.

Maybe I'll try something similar next year and have Shanley meet me up there. She could do the LP half marathon on sunday if it's the same weekend. We'll see. Gotta keep the crazy train rolling.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
So, since you were the only one who attempted Whiteface this year - how'd ya do? Break an hour?

Coming down musta sucked royal.
I've done that 2x in the rain, and that's why there wasn't a 3rd.

Props on completing the entire Stupidity Challenge. And then going to plaid, by riding long for another 2 days.

Hey, just checking in with the usual crew. Are you guys recovered from AmZof already. My legs are still pulverized from Texan concrete, but hoping they can bounce back by next week in LP.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Keith is a gimp these days, a pudgy, rotund gimp - so he has nothing to recover from (except shoulder surgery later this year).

I'm feeling pretty good. "Only" did CWD, so the recovery not as bad as for GCG F1.

Not sure who else but me is attending E.Dot 2015 from the lower 48.
I'll be there that Thurs afternoon around 3-ish, 'ready' for the MLSC (assuming the weather gods don't shit on us. Again.), and then my first swim since mid Sept on Fri at 6am.

I'm not just the President of Total Aversion - I'm also a client.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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For once, I cannot argue with ML's assessment. I'm scheduled for shoulder surgery in late august for a torn labrum (so I''ll have a matching set), and I'm having fairly significant issues with my ankles in general...which makes me not want to run. I feel like a hobbled old man every damn day now. I'll find out the deal on that pretty quickly as well.

If I were in decent shape, I would join in for the ride...but I'm not.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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KAlber wrote:
For once, I cannot argue with ML's assessment. I'm scheduled for shoulder surgery in late august for a torn labrum (so I''ll have a matching set), and I'm having fairly significant issues with my ankles in general...which makes me not want to run. I feel like a hobbled old man every damn day now. I'll find out the deal on that pretty quickly as well.

If I were in decent shape, I would join in for the ride...but I'm not.

What's this about being Old? Wait till you got to H20Fun's age (I can't say wait till you get to my age because he will 1 up me, so may as well just go right to that).
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Speaking of H2ofunboy - You'll be using PC's for the MLSC Whiteface Prologue, won't you?

Gotta have that extra 30% of wattage.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Speaking of H2ofunboy - You'll be using PC's for the MLSC Whiteface Prologue, won't you?

Gotta have that extra 30% of wattage.

Remember, they on help you run a 1:20 half marathon at age 58. Since I am self boycotting from longer runs for a month, I don't need the cranks for Epicman. Let's just say I have largely used up my quota of longer runs between IM South Africa, IM Texas, Wildflower and running the Ottawa half marathon with my son today. At this point, I feel like burning every pair of running shoes I own just to make sure I don't do anything stupid. On a plus side, I just ordered a Cannondale "Peter Sagan edition"Supersix. I am going to be in Europe in June and hope to take it up Alpe d'Huez and Galibier, at least that is my hope and maybe I get it in time for Whiteface.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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What's a L run? I don't think think I've run more than an hour at a clip since Boston last year.
EpicBoy is plenty for me.

If you get the new C-dale in time for E.dot, are you using that for Fri too? Or bringing both bikes?
I think the latter is against the spirit of the event - run whatcha brung.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I hope to join you guys in this year Epicman... Also, I will give my very best to honour Chris G memory at the top of Whiteface, by going (sub 60) sandbagging is not allowed. So that will be my target, not having a great training year so far, but no excuse I will try! If I employed going up and missing the sub 60, Chris will be proud of my effort.

We all are managing our little injuries, but make no excuses for the sub 60, either you try or fall off your bike trying!!!

See you guys down there at the tennis court yard, ready to suffer for 59:59...

The Chris G FTP test is ready to crush us!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [MTL] [ In reply to ]
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Alex, getting an early start on the sandbagging, eh?

The only way you don't break an hour going up Whitefsce, is if you're riding a full-suspension downhill MTB.
And even then, I wouldn't be surprised if you still went < :60.

I don't think I've yet to ride over 2 hours this year.
At this rate, the MLSC will be my longest ride... Until the next morning.

What, me worry?
It's just like riding a bike.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Can't make it this year, work commitment. Just starting to feel somewhat recovered from AmZof LC although an easy paced 2hr/1hr brick session yesterday left me exhausted.

I just read ML's question about my decent from Whiteface back in 2013. It sucked, going up there was one of the dumbest things I've ever done. I spent 1hr at convenience store in Wilmington defrosting my hands, basically holding boiling coffee pot in my bare hands. Hope it snows a little less up there this year.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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I still can't believe you went up there that day.
I've been there/done that 2x in similar conditions, and somehow managed to survive both.
Didn't want to give Darwin a "3rd time is the charm" shot at it.

Great work at AmZof this year!
That's a righteous time and result - couldn't imagine that in May.
Wish I'd put 2 and 2 together and realized who you were.
I blame the beer. ;-)

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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First time playing - any issues with using a road bike since my tribike is still being decontaminated from mud at IMTX? Not sure it will be back by next week.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [twwphilly] [ In reply to ]
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We generally ride as a group, and drafting is not only allowed, it's encouraged! You should be fine.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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So, who all is coming out to play next week?

Would like to get a handle on that, as there is a chance our Fearless Leader (Dev) may have a scheduling conflict for some or all of the E.dot festivities.

Also - I haven't booked a room yet.
Usually go with Art Devlin's, since it's clean and not too spendy.
But - the brand new Hampton Inn is RIGHT THERE on Mirror Lake Drive, also conveniently located directly next door to the LP Brewery.
So, for a few shekels more, that could be pretty sweet.

I'll need to depart late Friday afternoon.
(Which I've done about half the times I've done E.dot. I prefer to stay over Fri nite and leave Sat am, but that's not an option this year due to family obligations.)

Pipe up if yer IN, and whether you'll be considering the Whiteface Prologue on Thurs afternoon, or "just" E.dot on Fri.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
So, who all is coming out to play next week?

Would like to get a handle on that, as there is a chance our Fearless Leader (Dev) may have a scheduling conflict for some or all of the E.dot festivities.

Also - I haven't booked a room yet.
Usually go with Art Devlin's, since it's clean and not too spendy.
But - the brand new Hampton Inn is RIGHT THERE on Mirror Lake Drive, also conveniently located directly next door to the LP Brewery.
So, for a few shekels more, that could be pretty sweet.

I'll need to depart late Friday afternoon.
(Which I've done about half the times I've done E.dot. I prefer to stay over Fri nite and leave Sat am, but that's not an option this year due to family obligations.)

Pipe up if yer IN, and whether you'll be considering the Whiteface Prologue on Thurs afternoon, or "just" E.dot on Fri.

The thing in most jeopardy is the Whiteface climb on Thu PM. Fri should be manageable, I'd just arrive late on Thu PM. Will confirm in the next few days.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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In and looking forward to it. Should get there Thursday afternoon. I need to leave Friday afternoon as well, so may edit the run accordingly.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [twwphilly] [ In reply to ]
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I'm definitely "only" doing EpicBoy 6m run, down to red barn on River Road and back to the tennis courts.
That's plenty for me.

And cuts recovery down quite a bit, compared to doing 13m off the bike.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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After coming down last year I was really looking forward to joining in again this year. I'm Unfortunately fortunate to have just started a new job and cannot take my first friday off. I'm gonna most likely drive up there early Saturday morning and do the training day two days late on Sunday morning. Not sure if anyone will be up there still but if so I am going to try to stay as close to the E.Dot scheduling as possible.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [dbikelink] [ In reply to ]
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Not that we can put much (ANY) credence in it, but - the forecast for Thurs Eve and Fri is looking pretty decent.

I'm hoping that after 2 straight years of the MLSC Whiteface prologue being curtailed, that maybe we'll actually get up her this year.
I'll be bringing fewer W's and more Kg's to the party, so breaking :60 for the summit will be tougher than usual.
But at least I am exceptionally well-tapered.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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How is this possible....2 days in a row of decent weather in the Adirondacks? I think just typing that jinxed us. See you on Thu PM for the fun and games. 17th year in row on the first weekend of June. My kilos are half decent, and watts are climbing up gradually post IM Texas. I would like to break 60 but we all know how hard that is.

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Give her time - Nature is a Mother.
I'll believe it when I see it.

But yes, as of now, it looks pretty promising!

My w/kg math isn't the most favorable, but I'll do my best to try to break :60 if at all possible.

See ya tomorrow afternoon!
Looking forward to the annual Stupid Human Tricks w the crew.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Last bump for anyone interested:

I'll be arriving LP tomorrow by 3:30 or so.
After a quick stop into Placid Planet, will check into hotel (Hampton Inn, right next to the pub!), and be out by the tennis courts ready to ride by 4:15 or so.

Safe travels tomorrow everybody!
Game on.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Last bump for anyone interested:

I'll be arriving LP tomorrow by 3:30 or so.
After a quick stop into Placid Planet, will check into hotel (Hampton Inn, right next to the pub!), and be out by the tennis courts ready to ride by 4:15 or so.

Safe travels tomorrow everybody!
Game on.

I am trying to track down a few servings of tapeworms between now and tomorrow to get my kg's down. The top line watts are lost cause at this point barring a Floyd Landis style miracle but those miracles get you banned from sport (even Epicman) so I have to stick to trying to track down the tape worms! One moment I was waffling about returning to LP for the 17th year in a row, now I am excited. I should just throw in the towel now on future waffling and commit to 20 years of this silliness. It would be fun if I could rope my son into an Epicman one of these years but I think he is smarter than we are to never get hooked on this.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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What we need:

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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or just that horrible drink they make you have before a colonoscopy...that should be enough to lose 4-5 lbs and there should be enough glycogen on the body anyway to survive a 1 hour climb....but it would likely make Friday not fun doing that much training on empty!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Get to the shop early. We're closing at 4 today! I was planning on going out for a ride this afternoon and the climb sounds fun. What's the schedule looking like?

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [skiermarc127] [ In reply to ]
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PERFECT afternoon for a ride today!!!

We got turned back about 2k shy of the top of Whiteface due to construction. It's freshly paved, and pure goodness on the descent.
Was cruising along at 52+ for several minutes after the toll booth.
5k descent in 4 minutes. :)

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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As I was saying afterwards today's climb was as imperfect as you can make a near perfect day. The weather was fantastic, the pavement even better...just more construction at the second last switch back. It will be perfect for The official Saturday Whiteface bike race!
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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It was about time they repaved it. Sweet, although I'm not sure I'll ever get back to ride it:(
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [tri_yoda] [ In reply to ]
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Why? Did you lose your NY privileges?

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Certainly wish I could have been up there yesterday/today...

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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burnman wrote:
Certainly wish I could have been up there yesterday/today...

The paving is beyond awesome. Whiteface is now the "go to hill climb" with the new pavement. Being turned around just short of the second switchback was really disappointing. I am actually considering going back some time in the next month. Drive up after work one evening (arrive at 9 pm), up the next day at 5 am, start riding at 5:30 pm, done by 8:30 pm, in the car by 9 am, back in the office at noon. Since I work largely on Pacific time but work physically on East coast, this works out to essentially zero impact. Any of you guys interested? We just have to block off two mornings and choose one where the weather is looking clear and make the call on "climb week".

As for the Epicman day itself, Let's just say I was the 140 lbs weakling that drafted ML for an entire 6 hours and still kept getting dropped. I can't recall every feeling that pathetic, but I guess I was a bit sick after IM Texas three weeks ago that delayed bouncing back so nothing really to be too worried about. ML could have likely ridden the course in 5:15 yesterday on his taperxtaper (if that is possible) plan. On a plus side, once I got going I was running OK. Next Thursday PM I hope to be climbing Alpe d'Huez if logistics work to plan so hopefully I can be less pathetic than Whiteface which I seemed to be on pace for only doing 64 minutes (I was at 58 min just near the second switchback when we got turned back by construction crews).
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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The whole course was pretty awesome, and Whiteface was ridiculously nice.
Was bummed to get turned back, I was on pace for a :60 min ascent, give or take a handful of seconds.
Made it to the toll booth in :20 mins, but then cracked after that.
Woulda been ~3.5 w/kg to get up in an hour.

The descent back down was a blast - I hit 56.6 going down from the toll gate to Wilmington, and 54.6 on Keene the 2nd time.

I'm definitely up for a quick jaunt up there again later this summer - keep me in the loop.
Unfinished business.

Speaking of loops, I was suprised to be able to get us around in 3hrs / loop, at only like 175 watts. (AP was 155w!)
World's Longest "Recovery Ride".
Haselton Rd is sooo much nicer than going out to Ausable Forks.

Thanks for coming out!
This was my 10th straight E.Dot, even though I've only been "training for an IM" for 2 of those, the last being 4 seasons ago.
It's by far the best way to experience the LP course, w/o sharing it with 3,000 of your closest friends and dealing with 3x hotel rates for 5 night minimums, etc.
I even really enjoyed the swim in Mirror Lake. (shhh! Don't tell anybody!!)

I was definitiely on the tapered list for this year - in fact I WAS the tapered list:
Prior to Thurs, I had done 44 hours of riding YTD, for 572 miles.
Those totals are now 52.5 hours, and 723 miles!
(in < 24 hours, my YTD riding hours went up by 19%, and miles by 26%.)
Volume Is Overrated.

float , hammer , and jog

Last edited by: Murphy'sLaw: Jun 6, 15 8:13
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Hey, sign me up to tag along for that next whiteface attempt. I will be spending most of my summer in saranac so will be in the neighborhood. I wasn't able to watch the legendary ML's descending skilzz at AZ this year but whiteface is a worthy replacement.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Natrl DIZZ] [ In reply to ]
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Consider yourself signed up! Would love to have you come out and and join the fun.

I think the 56.6 mph I hit coming down from the toll gate may be my new land speed record*.
(*on a bike. I've gone 60+ on skis.)

(PS - we might even be able to cajole you into breaking 40 there - it's straight and smooth as glass)

edited to add: gonna pay the weight penalty next time and run the aero F wheel.
I was only a handful of seconds off the descending KOM coming down from the toll booth.

float , hammer , and jog

Last edited by: Murphy'sLaw: Jun 6, 15 19:44
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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The last time I hit 50+ below the toll gate, I had the pleasurable experience of trying to null out a death wobble. It turned my purple knuckles white.

I'll be up in Placid for IM race weekend, and possibly for the SkyMarathon weekend at the end of June. I'm waaaay short on bike hours this year, but could certainly use the quad pounding as cross-training.

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, that's always fun, huh? :0

That's why cycling shorts are black - to hide the stains.

It's like buttah now. Glass.
Bring all the climbing gears ya have for the ascent, and then enjoy the view and the ride down.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'd be up for whiteface climb.
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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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chbelair wrote:
I'd be up for whiteface climb.

Where the heck were you this weekend?
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Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev is away this year for Epicman LP...I was planning on going up to LP this Thursday/Friday so I bumped up this thread to see if anyone else was interested. I think I have convinced Dancon7 to join me. The weather forecast actually improved a bit(no rain), the IMLP FB page has Mirror Lake at 62 as of last week.

I've done IMLP x3 and Epicman was a big help each time, both physically getting ready to cover the distance and the confidence in knowing that I had already covered covered a huge portion of the course in training. I'm glad to keep the tradition going.

[devashish_paul]OK, pulling up an old thread since I don't want to re write for the 17th year in a row....nothing changes for 2015 other than dates. Actually a few minor changes for the Thursday evening options. We have learned through trial and error that summitting Whiteface on tri bikes with negative braking in cold New York thunderstorms is not a great idea. The backup plan is a reverse loop with a toll gate climb, or a 2 hour run...whatever everyone agrees to. If we do the 2 hour run, then we shorten the running on Friday's "main event". Preference is the cycling "prologue" option. Other than that, everything stays the same....see below

Looks like I need a Director of Marketing for this stupidity because clearly I am doing a much better job marketing semiconductors than an outrageous round of training for the 17th year in row.


This is what I wrote in 2012.

Hey guys,

I've intentionally avoided posting much about Epicman, hoping that we end up with a smaller group given that Lake Placid is a bit sensitive about skinny guys with shaved legs in large groups inundating their town. But for the 14th year, we are on for Epicman. My life has been crazy busy with a variety of professional and family related items and wasting time in different forms of medical rehab to get over last year's crash injuries is not helping with available time, but here we go....I'm largely copying as pasting from last year.....CHRIS GLEASON WILL BE MISSED!!!


Whiteface + Epicman June 4/5 Lake Placid

Some of you guys have been asking for details on our annual Epicman training day outing to Lake Placid to ļæ½scout out the IMLP race courseļæ½. There are enough vets kicking around that you can ask questions, but I promised to post something in the last few weeks of lead up, so here we go. If you post more questions on this thread, myself or others who have gone can get you answers on how things work.

This is your chance to pay homage to ST celebrities like Chris G (this is copied from last year...he'll be missed....we'll try to pay homage anyway) of Kalber, or Murphy's Law who can make you hurt on the bike or in the bar! Coach Patrick McCrann may also make a celebrity appearance.

In todayļæ½s triathlon era of 365 day advanced sellouts, 6 day hotel minimums, catered training camps, training by numbers, on line live event coverage and designer nutrition programs, there are some things that actually have not changed.

Stripping things to the bare essence, triathlon is about you, the water, the bike and some running shoes.

When Collins and the boys did the first Ironman in the late 70ļæ½s thatļæ½s what it was. A bunch of guys getting together and pushing themselves over what seems like an insurmountable distance.

Weļæ½re now on year 14 of Epicman in Lake Placid

Epicman is a grass roots training day with a bunch of guys and girls getting together to train on the course fully self supported.
No registration, no timing, no awards, no aid stations, no on course neutral support vehicle. Imagine yourself out there training all day on the Ironman Lake Placid course. Now add a bunch of like minded people that just happen to show up to join in on the fun.


We cover ~3K of swimming in 50 minutes (or beach to beach to beach, whatever gets you out close to 50 minutes ), 180K of riding and 21K of running. Since this year the out and back is closed due to construction, on each loop we'll climb up to the whiteface toll gate (EDIT: this is cut and paste from last year....out and back section to be finalized soon....may be toll gate may be the second out and back we used in 2010, or one of each). This will make the ride tougher than the actual race day at Ironman Lake Placid. Run starts after you are done the ride on the IMLP course. You can do as much or as little as you want. If you finish the full 50 min swim, full 2loop bike with 2 climbs to the toll gate and full 21.1K run, my friend Chris Macknie has a surprise gift for you.

Who do I ride with?

Contrary to previous years, we wonļæ½t have any large groups aiming at 5:30, 6:00, 6:30. Just grab a group of 3-5 friends or jump in with some other folks and ride together. Quite frankly the intimacy of a small group of people works out better than being in a train with 30-50 people, and we consume less road space which is a good thing given that local drivers donļæ½t like to take a detour around skinny guys in lycra with shaved legsļæ½.everyone wins with smaller groups on the road.

Other Details

Here are the rest of the details for the training day:
This is a self supported grass roots training day that I concocted in 1999 and we want to keep the same spirit. There are lots of organized camps that you can pay big $$$ for much higher service. Iļæ½m just inviting you to train on the same day as a bunch of us.

Things we will do and you should know of:

  1. It is self supported...bring your own nutrition
  2. Your car is your Tzone....park it by the beach
  3. Swim starts at 6 am , June 5, 2015 at Mirror Lake
  4. Bike starts at 7 am sharp
  5. Please ride on the right side of the road
  6. Bring a pump and patch kit. There is no support and no one to bail you out. Imagine that you are going to ride solo.
  7. You can stop wherever you want with your friends for breaks. Consult the guys and gals in your group on where they want to stop
  8. Do not attack the bike course, pace yourself out and have consideration for the guys you are riding with. Try to ride with people of similar ability. If you are a 10 hour guy, donļæ½t ride with 13 hour guys and hammer them into the ground
  9. Put some "aid" on the run course by the horse crossing sign on River Road fofr the run...assume that whatever you put out there might be consumed by others
  10. Bring your breakfast, there is nothing open at 5 am in LP on Friday
  11. There is no cost and no timing. This is just a group of dudes arriving at the same place at the same time to train.
  12. Bring digital cameras and take lots of pictures....you could be the star of the post event write up
  13. If you have not done an Ironman before and if you think that you cannot finish Epicman in 9 hours or so, it is highly recommended that you cut the run short. It is better to do that than to do an 11+ hour training day and be shelled for all of June which is your key month for Ironman LP. You pretty well need to be "trained" to race LP next weekend to do this day and recover quickly.
  14. Bring extra goodies in your car to share with other athletes: gels, coke, chips, pretzels, banana, gatorade, water, infinit, chocolate bars, old pizza...whatever you think might help yourself and other get through.
  15. Pack all your nutrition for the day and have bags for gear for each sport just like you would do for an Ironman...easier to find in your car which WILL become a mess if you share the cars with another athlete.
  16. You can do as much or as little of the day as you wish. No one to report to but yourself. Drafting, fins, neoprene socks and gloves, all of which might get you DQļæ½d on race day are permitted. In fact, get it out of your system NOW!!! If you have a loved one to give you outside assistance, no worries. If you want to draft a transport truck riding up through High Falls Gorge, no one will stop you J

Since this is a training day where you do everything yourself, there has, nor will there ever be a cost or registration.

Whiteface Mountain Hillclimb on Thursday Evening

If you can get to Lake Placid early come join us for a climb of Whiteface mountain on Thursday at 4:30 pm from the tennis courts at Mirror Lake beach. This climb is identical to Alpe Dļæ½Huez in difficulty and duration and elevartionļæ½.just less switchbacks and more steady climbing. Times range from 50 minutes to 75 min or so. Perhaps one of the best rides in the North East that many triathletes never do. This is your chance. Many of us do the Whiteface climb and the Epicman swim+bike, and do a shorter runļæ½.youļæ½re choice. But if you go to Lake Placid enough, not doing Whiteface is a missed opportunity. Recommended gearing is 34x27 or a triple, although you can survive grinding it out in a 39x25. You can read about the 2009 climb here:


Some guys may also do a single loop for the IMLP course

Quote Reply
Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, sorry guys, I am going to be in Alpe d'Huez next weekend and plan to watch the Criterium du Dauphine Vaujany stage. Today Contador won the prologue!

I may head over to LP for a day around Canada day weekend to do the Whiteface climb. Seems like a year would be incomplete without it. Hope you guys have fun next Thu-Fri
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Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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chbelair wrote:
Dev is away this year for Epicman LP...I was planning on going up to LP this Thursday/Friday so I bumped up this thread to see if anyone else was interested. I think I have convinced Dancon7 to join me. The weather forecast actually improved a bit(no rain), the IMLP FB page has Mirror Lake at 62 as of last week.

I've done IMLP x3 and Epicman was a big help each time, both physically getting ready to cover the distance and the confidence in knowing that I had already covered covered a huge portion of the course in training. I'm glad to keep the tradition going.

WOOT!!! It's not going to be just me*!!! YAY!!!

(*and my buddy Dr Mike, who is an E.Dot noob. And maybe Rich Burke, if'n he can wangle outta work)

We were going to "bandit" the E.Dot course, since it's not an official EpicMan w/o Dev there. :(

Plan is to arrive LP around 3-ish on Thurs afternoon, meet at the tennis courts/Mirror Lake beach area at about 4-ish, then roll down to Wilmington and up Whiteface (weather permitting) for the MLSC Prologue.

And then beers.
And then the usual Friday silliness.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
chbelair wrote:
Dev is away this year for Epicman LP...I was planning on going up to LP this Thursday/Friday so I bumped up this thread to see if anyone else was interested. I think I have convinced Dancon7 to join me. The weather forecast actually improved a bit(no rain), the IMLP FB page has Mirror Lake at 62 as of last week.

I've done IMLP x3 and Epicman was a big help each time, both physically getting ready to cover the distance and the confidence in knowing that I had already covered covered a huge portion of the course in training. I'm glad to keep the tradition going.

WOOT!!! It's not going to be just me*!!! YAY!!!

(*and my buddy Dr Mike, who is an E.Dot noob. And maybe Rich Burke, if'n he can wangle outta work)

We were going to "bandit" the E.Dot course, since it's not an official EpicMan w/o Dev there. :(

Plan is to arrive LP around 3-ish on Thurs afternoon, meet at the tennis courts/Mirror Lake beach area at about 4-ish, then roll down to Wilmington and up Whiteface (weather permitting) for the MLSC Prologue.

And then beers.
And then the usual Friday silliness.

It's always official in the sense it is as official as an unofficial event can get. It will be weird to not be there. First time in 18 years (been there for every edition since 1999). I am glad you guys will be doing the hammerfest. We're going to try to climb Alpe d'Huez on either Thu PM or Fri morning (Yves Fortin and I....Yves had the exact same bike and run splits as you at IMLP 2006 but his swim put him on the podium....he's going for a KQ at IM Tremblant in 55-59 and just won the 55-59 in the Ottawa half marathon in 1:25). I'm in Europe for work so we're doing a replacement "event" over there. I'll be Yves' unpaid tour guide. Next Fri, Contador, Froome and Porte also get into town in Vaujany in the Dauphine, so maybe we can convince them to lend us some watts, or tainted beef or the secret Sky weight loss plan.

Quote Reply
Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Tell Yves I say hi! And see if somebody's Columbian grandma can send you some special cookies pre-ride.

This is year 11 for me, happy to keep the tradition rolling along.
Hoping the weather cooperates for the MLSC Whiteface prologue - I haven't been all the way to the top in several years now.
Kinda due for a non-sucky afternoon for that, for once.

Any other members of your Canuckistanian posse planning on coming down to LP?
Alex? Rolldown? Kona Express? Other?

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Tell Yves I say hi! And see if somebody's Columbian grandma can send you some special cookies pre-ride.

This is year 11 for me, happy to keep the tradition rolling along.
Hoping the weather cooperates for the MLSC Whiteface prologue - I haven't been all the way to the top in several years now.
Kinda due for a non-sucky afternoon for that, for once.

Any other members of your Canuckistanian posse planning on coming down to LP?
Alex? Rolldown? Kona Express? Other?

We should work on Alex.

Konaexpress was on track after a brain surgery last winter, but he had a hernia from the tube that drains the cerebral spinal fluid into his stomach so he has been on bed rest for the last week but will have clearance soon to train. Rolldown and Mrs Rolldown are on the Island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic (seriously the island that Napoleon was banished to) doing some hiking and exploring before taking a ship over to Cape Town South Africa. Hopefully we will all be back there next year. Seems like a shame to miss out after 17 years in a row!
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Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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How about Rick Hellard and some of his crew?

Alex and his wife (I'm spacing on her name) would certainly be welcome - that dude climbs like a mtn goat.

Give Barry my best. Won't be the same w/o all you fellas there.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Bump for the am crowd.

Anybody else coming out to play this Thurs & Fri?

Gonna be on the cooler side in LP - Thurs high 55, overnight low 40, Fri high mid-60's.
Overheating won't be an issue.

(I have no clue how this translates to Celsius. 'Murica!! :-p )

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Final bump for 2016's E.Dot event.

Plan is to roll from tennis courts a little after 4 today. Forecast has improved somewhat in terms of rain (or lack thereof, hopefully) being predicted.
Will be cool and very windy today, highs only into 50's.

Tomorrow am, standing on beach at Mirror Lake in wetsuit ready to swim by 6am sharp.

We're staying at the Hampton, so we may do a very casual T1 and go in and get changed and grab breakfast, then be riding by 7:30.

Game on.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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See you at 4pm. Dancon7 will join us tomorrow for the bike/run.
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Re: Epicman Lake Placid June 4/5 2015- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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The Whiteface climb is in the books. Not as cold as a few years back when it was snowing at the top and raining in Wilmington, but the wind made the descent pretty chilly...temperature going up wasn't an issue since we were working hard. Time to rest, big day tomorrow.
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EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [ In reply to ]
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Chris, great to hang w you and Dan - thx for coming out again!

PSA - EpicMan LP 2017 will be on June 8 & 9, 2017

(It's ALWAYS the Thurs & Fri of the first FULL week of June)

Pencil it in to your calendar now, so you can avoid all the lame-ass excuses about how you didn't know when it was, work stuff, yada yada yada.

You can do as much - or as little - of the silliness as you want.
It's all good.

Drafting on the bike is not only allowed, it is strongly encouraged!!
Get your Kevin Moats on, legally!

Don't wanna swim? Ok, don't.
(Don't tell anybody, but I really enjoy swimming in Mirror Lake, so you should swim if you can.
Or even if you can't - I always do.)

Don't wanna do the whole ride? Fine.

Don't wanna do the whole run, or run at all?
That's what the LP Brewery is for.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks guys, I had a blast. See you next year.

Proudly sponsored by Orleans Cycles, Turbo Cranks, and the csdceo
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Dancon7] [ In reply to ]
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Dan, great to meet ya - thx for coming out to play!

See ya next year.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:

PSA - EpicMan LP 2017 will be on June 8 & 9, 2017

Is this happening this year?
And has anyone ridden Whiteface this year? How are the frost-heaves?
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Dan, great to meet ya - thx for coming out to play!

See ya next year.

My health is not quite there yet, unless you guys want to swim 20K in 2 days, then I can. I am just getting back to riding again in lots of short bouts, but I can't use riding shoes on account of nerves in my spine overreacting to the feedback from a hard soled cycling shoe, so I am just puttering around with running shoes and platform pedals. I hope ML and crew make it over to LP.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Bummer Dev - it's just not the same without you.
For one thing, it's much quieter on the bike. ;-)

Have you tried flat pedals and some other shoes?
Any biking is better than none.
Edited to add - ok, missed that.
Some of the best mtb'ers I know, ride flats.

Dr Mike & I already have a room at the Marriott for Thurs & Fri nite.
Weather permitting, we're doing the MLSC Whiteface Prologue on Thurs afternoon, departing from the tennis courts at 4:30 sharp.

Swim start at 6am sharp Fri am, as always.
Due to the wussification of E.Dot, we now usually go back into the hotel to change and eat some breakfast, so we probably won't roll out on the bikes until more like 7:30.

We may or may not run afterwards, Depends(tm) on our levels of gimpiness and motivation. EpicTot at most, maybe run down to red barn on River Road, maybe not.

RecoverWrongs on the deck of the LP pub upon completion.

float , hammer , and jog

Last edited by: Murphy'sLaw: May 22, 17 8:11
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Two questions for you Murp,

What is the MLSC Whiteface Prologue?

And are cyclist permitted to ride Veterans Highway up Whiteface?

Any info would be awesome!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Bummer Dev - it's just not the same without you.
For one thing, it's much quieter on the bike. ;-)

Have you tried flat pedals and some other shoes?
Any biking is better than none.
Edited to add - ok, missed that.
Some of the best mtb'ers I know, ride flats.

Dr Mike & I already have a room at the Marriott for Thurs & Fri nite.
Weather permitting, we're doing the MLSC Whiteface Prologue on Thurs afternoon, departing from the tennis courts at 4:30 sharp.

Swim start at 6am sharp Fri am, as always.
Due to the wussification of E.Dot, we now usually go back into the hotel to change and eat some breakfast, so we probably won't roll out on the bikes until more like 7:30.

We may or may not run afterwards, Depends(tm) on our levels of gimpiness and motivation. EpicTot at most, maybe run down to red barn on River Road, maybe not.

RecoverWrongs on the deck of the LP pub upon completion.

Yes, riding with running shoes and flat pedals now and it seems to keep the spasms and bay and I am up to 2 hrs now without things totally locking up. I am almost thinking that I should go for the company and putter around for some junior-junior-light version. I'll let you know now the next 10 days pan out. I'd just do a pile of extra swimming while you guys run and ride.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I'd say just come hang out and drink beer, but...

You could lead the am swim, do some of lap 1, go back and chill, or swim again.
Then maybe ride down reverse direction and meet us for the return on 2nd lap - something like that?
Not too much riding in any one block.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Ok folks, the Wussification of E.Dot will continue unabated this Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.

The plan is to meet at the tennis courts Thursday at 4:15 sharp, ready to ride*.

* weather permitting.
If it's nice or at least passable, we'll ride up Whiteface for the MLSC Prologue.
Meh or worse - probably do some alternative ride, like maybe the LP bike course in reverse, minus the out and backs.
Truly crappy - maybe just go for a run.

Friday is the traditional 6am SHARP swim start, beach to beach to beach, or in my case, just over to the boathouse and back.
~50 mins of swimming.

Bike - here's where the wussification kicks in full force:
We will go back to our rooms at the Hampton Inn and dry off and change, then go eat the complimentary breakfast, then go ride 2xIMLP bike loops.
So instead of rolling at 7-ish, it'll likely be more like 7:30-7:40-ish.
We will stop at the market in Wilmington before Haselton Rd on each lap for a pit stop/aid station, and also back at the car/hotel in LP for each lap. Bring $ w you, and whatever fluids and fuel you'll need, as well as fl_t repair kit.
And bike kit for anything from 40's and raining to 90 and muggy.

Run - for anybody interested, you can go run after biking.
I haven't done the full 1xIMLP run loop in ages now, but there are some more dedicated folks who may.
I'll likely do the EpicBoy run, down to the Red Barn on River Road and back, which is 6m total.
Or, I may just go straight to the bar.

Please pipe up if you plan to come out and play for any part(s) of the festivities!

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I could be in for the swim in the morning. I'll be in town, but have to work on Friday.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [dmorris] [ In reply to ]
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dmorris wrote:
I could be in for the swim in the morning. I'll be in town, but have to work on Friday.

Be on the beach in your wettie by 6am, and you can lead us out.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Murphy'sLaw wrote:

Ok folks, the Wussification of E.Dot will continue unabated this Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.

The plan is to meet at the tennis courts Thursday at 4:15 sharp, ready to ride*.

* weather permitting.
If it's nice or at least passable, we'll ride up Whiteface for the MLSC Prologue.
Meh or worse - probably do some alternative ride, like maybe the LP bike course in reverse, minus the out and backs.
Truly crappy - maybe just go for a run.

Friday is the traditional 6am SHARP swim start, beach to beach to beach, or in my case, just over to the boathouse and back.
~50 mins of swimming.

Bike - here's where the wussification kicks in full force:
We will go back to our rooms at the Hampton Inn and dry off and change, then go eat the complimentary breakfast, then go ride 2xIMLP bike loops.
So instead of rolling at 7-ish, it'll likely be more like 7:30-7:40-ish.
We will stop at the market in Wilmington before Haselton Rd on each lap for a pit stop/aid station, and also back at the car/hotel in LP for each lap. Bring $ w you, and whatever fluids and fuel you'll need, as well as fl_t repair kit.
And bike kit for anything from 40's and raining to 90 and muggy.

Run - for anybody interested, you can go run after biking.
I haven't done the full 1xIMLP run loop in ages now, but there are some more dedicated folks who may.
I'll likely do the EpicBoy run, down to the Red Barn on River Road and back, which is 6m total.
Or, I may just go straight to the bar.

Please pipe up if you plan to come out and play for any part(s) of the festivities!

I support the wussification, noting that fins, waterovers and other floatation devices are permitted during the swim. Course cutting on all legs also won't get you DQ'd but will gain you the full scorn of the event director (in this case, it is ML). Other than that, big thanks to all of you for keeping this going. I am hoping that by next year, all of my health related limitations are cleared up and I can engage in the full deal with zero wussification. I did swim 5.5K today, which would be in excess of one full perimeter loop of Mirror Lake going into every corner. That's about all I have!!!
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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This thread brings me back to the tri forum at least once a year.. so let the weak excuses begin!

I haven't been on my bike for nearly a year, and swimming (since 2013) has consisted purely of not drowning whenever I'm in water above my ankles. Running is the only thing keeping me from becoming a soft pile of humanity, and even that has me at a bloated 150# - morbidly obese by my former Dev Paul standard.

I won't be there this year, but next year will officially be my last opportunity to eke out a performance before graduating into the M40-44 super group. If I can summon the fortitude, I'll make my edot return in about 12 months.

I'll be in LP for race weekend (Fri-Mon), so if anyone wants to do a little SBR and then get piled up with myself (and possibly KAlber) then plan to meet up. Safe training/travels kids!

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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Dev - I'll try to keep the E.Dot embers burning until you can make your triumphant return.
I plan to do this annually for as long as I draw breath and remain ambulatory.
Looks to be a pretty small crew this year, but honestly, I'd probably still go solo if I couldn't find anybody else to drag along.

E.Dot is one of the highlights of my year.
And LP is wonderful when you're not surrounded my 3k of your closest Lycra-wearing friends, no 5-night minimums, no registering a year in advance, yada yada yada.

J-Dub - if you can run, you can ride.
I thought cycling was the last refuge for broken down runners, not vice versa.

Gents - We'll leave the light on for you.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
J-Dub - if you can run, you can ride.
I thought cycling was the last refuge for broken down runners, not vice versa.

Good point! In my case, running is the last refuge for broken down bikes. My front end got thrashed in a garage mishap last June. Despite having the replacement parts, it has yet to be remedied because... laziness.

Once the running weather turns south, I'll get back on the bike and shed this 10-pound protective layer that I'm carrying. God knows that I won't get back to 4 W/kg by gaining strength and endurance.

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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You could drop it off at the LBS - they need some lovin' every now and again too.

I couldn't imagine not having a bike to ride.
That's why I have 7 now - there's always at least a few ready to roll at any given moment.
(Of course, taking the Fatbike up Whiteface would lead to epic suffering).

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
You could drop it off at the LBS - they need some lovin' every now and again too.

I couldn't imagine not having a bike to ride.
That's why I have 7 now - there's always at least a few ready to roll at any given moment.
(Of course, taking the Fatbike up Whiteface would lead to epic suffering).

If I'm hearing you correctly, it sounds like you're suggesting an advanced level of stupidity, referencing this Whiteface Fat Bike Time Trial. Perhaps not as an addendum to the MLSC but as an alternative level of suffering!

My legs just shit themselves.

"The right to party is a battle we have fought, but we'll surrender and go Amish... NOT!" -Wayne Campbell
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [burnman] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
LOL. That would be absurd, even I hafta agree to that.
So.... when we gonna try that?

Well - E.Dot 2017 is officially here.
We've got the usual weather forecast for the Dacks, the shrug emoji guy.

Had our first club race last nite, so I think that takes me & Dr Mike off the dreaded Tapered List.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
LOL. That would be absurd, even I hafta agree to that.
So.... when we gonna try that?

Well - E.Dot 2017 is officially here.
We've got the usual weather forecast for the Dacks, the shrug emoji guy.

Had our first club race last nite, so I think that takes me & Dr Mike off the dreaded Tapered List.

Can you guys take some pics of the non tapered list guys at the event, drafting, riding the center line, drafting motos/video guys. I am thinking we can extend an invite to Alistair Brownlee for next year as this might be right up his ally.
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
devashish_paul wrote:
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
LOL. That would be absurd, even I hafta agree to that.
So.... when we gonna try that?

Well - E.Dot 2017 is officially here.
We've got the usual weather forecast for the Dacks, the shrug emoji guy.

Had our first club race last nite, so I think that takes me & Dr Mike off the dreaded Tapered List.

Can you guys take some pics of the non tapered list guys at the event, drafting, riding the center line, drafting motos/video guys. I am thinking we can extend an invite to Alistair Brownlee for next year as this might be right up his ally.

I'll be rocking the Water Rover for the swim, as always, but new this year will be zoomers.
Will give me at least a fighting chance to stay on Dr Mike's feet - and since I'll be dragging him around on the bike, he wants as many reasons as possible to mock me re: the swim.
FinMan Approved.

We will be rolling on the bikes in full Kevin Moats drafting mode - less the doping, of course.

Just need to track down a gorilla pacer in Newtons for the run, and I think we'll have all the bases covered.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [burnman] [ In reply to ]
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Best line of this thread... 'My legs just shit themselves'

As a rep of the LP Marathon, hit us up on our FB page for a deal on a last minute entry for Sunday... Just use the code MLJST and we will give you $20 off if you promise not to biatch about the potential lack of t-shirt size availability.
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [dmorris] [ In reply to ]
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dmorris wrote:
I could be in for the swim in the morning. I'll be in town, but have to work on Friday.

Hey David - thx for coming out to play!! Dr Mike was very glad to have somebody to swim with, he said you guys were perfectly matched, and he really enjoyed it.
(I liked being on your feet for the 4-5 minutes I managed to hang on)

We had an epic 24 hour adventure - already looking forward to next year.
I'm already planning on how to take down the Whiteface descent KOM's.

Here's the MLSC Whiteface Prologue:

And the main event, the E.Dot ride (less the stupid little OaB the 2nd lap):

And yes - I did swim, but haven't uploaded my 310 yet.
We bagged on the run, even though we both could have knocked out a few miles, didn't feel the need to.
Went to the new Big Slide Brewery instead - a much better call.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
dmorris wrote:
I could be in for the swim in the morning. I'll be in town, but have to work on Friday.

Hey David - thx for coming out to play!! Dr Mike was very glad to have somebody to swim with, he said you guys were perfectly matched, and he really enjoyed it.
(I liked being on your feet for the 4-5 minutes I managed to hang on)

We had an epic 24 hour adventure - already looking forward to next year.
I'm already planning on how to take down the Whiteface descent KOM's.

Here's the MLSC Whiteface Prologue:

And the main event, the E.Dot ride (less the stupid little OaB the 2nd lap):

And yes - I did swim, but haven't uploaded my 310 yet.
We bagged on the run, even though we both could have knocked out a few miles, didn't feel the need to.
Went to the new Big Slide Brewery instead - a much better call.

Wow....I see that we have the Inverse Whiteface KOM going on with the 10:10 descent. You realize that this means people will be wearing these aerovests with built in interior compartments that you can fill up with 20 lbs of stones and gravel at the summit in order to break 9:30 on the descent!!! Let's make that happen next year. Thanks for keeping the tradition alive. Hoping to get back into enough form for next year!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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I just need to hit it sometime when the gate isn't closed, and I'd have that for sure.
About 99.9999% chance the 2 guys ahead of me didn't have to stop at the gate when they did it.

You'd love it Dev! That new pavement is like buttah.

Thx again for getting me hooked on E.Dot 12 events ago. Will be back for Lucky 13 next year!

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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It is funny how Stava is driving people to all kinds of downhill craziness. When I did Alpe d'Huez in 2015 a week after Epicman, the guy I was descending with was going nuts. We caught and passed cars and vans. Eventually it just got too crazy weaving around the traffic we were catching and I decided to ride the brakes behind the vehicles. My friend was at the bottom uploading his ride around a minute before I got there and once he completed his upload he say, "I got 16th all time on the ADH descent...if it was for not all the traffic, I'd have hit top 5". It was only at that point, that I understood why all the risk taking was going on!!!!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry I couldn't play for longer! Please let Dr. Mike know it was very nice to have company in open water.

Smart move on that second loop to avoid the gravel on Haselton Rd. I found out about that bridge work the hard way on Saturday.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Any idea what the water temp is in Mirror? Headed up there this weekend for the summer.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2017 - June 8/9 2017 [mdgreene] [ In reply to ]
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It was probably in the low to mid 60s. Face was a little cold at the start, but after five minutes, it was fine.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Calling all E.Dot peeps!!!!!

After a year's hiatus, the incredible Stupid Human Tricks known as EpicMan is slated to make its triumphant return to the 2019 multisport calendar!!!

As has always been the case, the "official" main event is on the Friday of the first full week of June, hence June 7th this year.

(the Rideau Lakes Tour is always the Sat & Sun after E.Dot, so that's another way to 'know' when to expect E.Dot to occur in any given year)

And as has become the custom for those so inclined, the MLSC Whiteface Prologue will take place Thurs afternoon/evening of June 6th.

There may be a change in start time scheduling for the Prologue, as I would like to take a shot at the Whiteface descent KOM, and need for the toll gate to be open for that.
(as it stands, I'm currently in 6th place, in spite of having to come to a full stop, duck under the toll gate, then remount and start pedalling up to speed again)
So we'd have to depart much earlier Thursday afternoon, such that we could come back down Whiteface before they close the gate at the bottom.

We've got a crew of 4 coming up from the Hudson Valley, with potentially several more 'tentatives'.
Plan to stay at the Hampton Inn right there at Mirror Lake, most likely for Thurs and Fri nights.

Pencil it into your calendar NOW, and let us know if you think you'll be coming out to play.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Calling all E.Dot peeps!!!!!

After a year's hiatus, the incredible Stupid Human Tricks known as EpicMan is slated to make its triumphant return to the 2019 multisport calendar!!!

As has always been the case, the "official" main event is on the Friday of the first full week of June, hence June 7th this year.

(the Rideau Lakes Tour is always the Sat & Sun after E.Dot, so that's another way to 'know' when to expect E.Dot to occur in any given year)

And as has become the custom for those so inclined, the MLSC Whiteface Prologue will take place Thurs afternoon/evening of June 6th.

There may be a change in start time scheduling for the Prologue, as I would like to take a shot at the Whiteface descent KOM, and need for the toll gate to be open for that.
(as it stands, I'm currently in 6th place, in spite of having to come to a full stop, duck under the toll gate, then remount and start pedalling up to speed again)
So we'd have to depart much earlier Thursday afternoon, such that we could come back down Whiteface before they close the gate at the bottom.

We've got a crew of 4 coming up from the Hudson Valley, with potentially several more 'tentatives'.
Plan to stay at the Hampton Inn right there at Mirror Lake, most likely for Thurs and Fri nights.

Pencil it into your calendar NOW, and let us know if you think you'll be coming out to play.

Hey I just started biking again (literally have only done 2 rides outdoors this year), but things are working well. I am unsure if it is the best idea for me to climb Whiteface, but one loop of the bike is totally doable (I did 50K ride yesterday after a really hard 5000m swim). My other excuse is I am beefcaked out with all my swimming and weights and it would take more forever and a few days to climb Whiteface!!!!! Let's keep it open. Do you want me to change thread title?
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Calling all E.Dot peeps!!!!!

After a year's hiatus, the incredible Stupid Human Tricks known as EpicMan is slated to make its triumphant return to the 2019 multisport calendar!!!

As has always been the case, the "official" main event is on the Friday of the first full week of June, hence June 7th this year.

(the Rideau Lakes Tour is always the Sat & Sun after E.Dot, so that's another way to 'know' when to expect E.Dot to occur in any given year)

And as has become the custom for those so inclined, the MLSC Whiteface Prologue will take place Thurs afternoon/evening of June 6th.

There may be a change in start time scheduling for the Prologue, as I would like to take a shot at the Whiteface descent KOM, and need for the toll gate to be open for that.
(as it stands, I'm currently in 6th place, in spite of having to come to a full stop, duck under the toll gate, then remount and start pedalling up to speed again)
So we'd have to depart much earlier Thursday afternoon, such that we could come back down Whiteface before they close the gate at the bottom.

We've got a crew of 4 coming up from the Hudson Valley, with potentially several more 'tentatives'.
Plan to stay at the Hampton Inn right there at Mirror Lake, most likely for Thurs and Fri nights.

Pencil it into your calendar NOW, and let us know if you think you'll be coming out to play.

Hey I just started biking again (literally have only done 2 rides outdoors this year), but things are working well. I am unsure if it is the best idea for me to climb Whiteface, but one loop of the bike is totally doable (I did 50K ride yesterday after a really hard 5000m swim). My other excuse is I am beefcaked out with all my swimming and weights and it would take more forever and a few days to climb Whiteface!!!!! Let's keep it open. Do you want me to change thread title?

Hey Dev!!

Well, you could do the E.Dot AquaVelo event on Friday, and lead us out for the swim, and maybe just do 1 lap of the bike course?
You'd be most welcome, as the OG of E.Dot.
Hope you can make it!!

And - please do!
Would like to get the word out, since the more of the E.Dot folks who know about it, the more fun it'll be if they actually show up.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Kind of weird, I was just looking into Ironman Lake Placid page. Really surprised registration still opened at this time of the year. Not sure if this been the case the past 4 years, I haven't looked into this Ironman since my bad crash during the race in 2015.

Not doing an Ironman in the future what so ever! Last year scratch 2 Ironman entries because lack of motivation to go through the training, past few months just kept moving here and there to not gain too much weights. Just doing what I feel like.

Climbing Whiteface is always a nice challenge... Would probably go with a even shorter version the following day of the Epicman 70.3(swim beach-to-beach) one loop bike (not including the out-backs in Whiteface Ski center) and short run (6 mi) .

We shall see if I get enough motivation over the next 4-5 weeks...
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [MTL] [ In reply to ]
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Alex - you (and the Mrs) should definitely come on out to play at LP for E.Dot!!!

I haven't registered for an IM since 2011, and I still look forward to this event every year.
It's the best part of IMLP, without all of the worst parts.

I'm sure you'll still destroy us all going up Whiteface, you've always had a killer power/weight ratio.

Whatever you do or don't do on Friday is just the gravy on the icing anyway.
The Prologue (weather permitting) is the most fun part of the whole thing these days.
I haven't run during an E.Dot in several years now, and haven't done the full E.Dot distance since 2012.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Lol - 7 years later I will not destroy anything anymore... w/kg is just decreasing with age... kind of normal human nature!

I need to check with work and new Mrs to see ;)

Hope, I can make it, just for the camaraderie would be worth the trip!

Jack Rabbit's inns bonk beds won't be missed on the opposite side! :)
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [MTL] [ In reply to ]
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MTL wrote:
Lol - 7 years later I will not destroy anything anymore... w/kg is just decreasing with age... kind of normal human nature!

I need to check with work and new Mrs to see ;)

Hope, I can make it, just for the camaraderie would be worth the trip!

Jack Rabbit's inns bonk beds won't be missed on the opposite side! :)

surprisingly, my watts are very good. Actually they are really good with all this IM and butterfly stroke training....the problem is in the denominator....kilos are up in my beefcake mode. I need to go on the cabbage and water program.

Guys, can we do this Friday and Saturday?
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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I'm thinking about it. Think I'll wuss out of AMzof and use that as my first challenge of the year.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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chbelair wrote:
I'm thinking about it. Think I'll wuss out of AMzof and use that as my first challenge of the year.

No reason not to still do AmZof - you can go with the time-honored approach of dropping down to a shorter distance.
Been there, done that.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [MTL] [ In reply to ]
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Hey MTL--

LP has been at about this level for the past couple of years--almost a sell out, with the exception of last year and the anniversary where it really sold out. I think Tremblant has taken a few registrations from LP, but not as many as it used to.

Hmmmmmm...perhaps I could take a trip up instead of doing Connecticut 70.3. We'll be in town for our training camp a couple weeks later.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
MTL wrote:
Lol - 7 years later I will not destroy anything anymore... w/kg is just decreasing with age... kind of normal human nature!

I need to check with work and new Mrs to see ;)

Hope, I can make it, just for the camaraderie would be worth the trip!

Jack Rabbit's inns bonk beds won't be missed on the opposite side! :)

surprisingly, my watts are very good. Actually they are really good with all this IM and butterfly stroke training....the problem is in the denominator....kilos are up in my beefcake mode. I need to go on the cabbage and water program.

Guys, can we do this Friday and Saturday?


I know that at least 2 of us coming up from NY, can't do Saturday.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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E.DOT WILL RETURN for 2019, next Thurs afternoon and Friday, June 6th & 7th.

We have a crew of 6-7 coming up from downstate to partake in the wonderful Stupid Human Tricks that are EpicMan.

The current plan is for a bit earlier Thursday afternoon arrival, so as to try to get up AND back down Whiteface before the toll gate closes.

The toll for cyclists is $11 USD.
Or, you can go up a little later (like we have in every other year past) and duck the gate for FREE.

As mentioned prior, I'm gunning for the descent KOM -
currently in 6th place, in spite of being (as far as I can tell) the only guy in the Top 6 who had to stop for the toll gate being CLOSED.

If I get a clean shot thru there without having to stop to duck the gate, it's all over but the crying.
My descending game is very much on point these days.

Thurs nite - dinner and drinks either at LP Brewery or their sister establishment, Big Slide Brewery.

Friday am: In a ritual as old as time (or, at least dating back to 1999), we meet at the Mirror Lake Beach, ready to start swimming at 6:00:00 am.

SWIM: Beach to Beach to Beach (I'm gonna use f'n fins if I hafta), then back to our rooms to dry off, change, eat some of the hot breakfast buffet, and then roll out for 2 loops (and variations) of the bike course.
BIKE: as mentioned, 2 loops, with some variations to keep it interesante. Hotel/Car is aid station, and also the convenience store in Wilmington. Bring $ with you.
RUN: is optional - you can do the full E.Dot 13.0 mile lap, or the EpicBoy 6m out and back to the Red Barn on River Rd, or just skip it and go straight to the bar.

I believe most of us are staying over Friday nite also, then plan to depart early-ish Sat am, to get back home around lunchtime.
I have also done it leaving right after everything is done Friday afternoon, which works too - but is much less fun.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Bump! E.Dot is THIS Thursday!!!

If anybody wishes to join us for any part(s) of the ā€œfunā€, please chime in now.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Bump! E.Dot is THIS Thursday!!!

If anybody wishes to join us for any part(s) of the ā€œfunā€, please chime in now.

Hey Mike, Alex and crew. I have only ridden 8 times as I had swimming nationals to focus on last weekend.

If you guys want to convene in July I can be ready. I did my longest bike of the year today which was 32 km in a sprint tri and it just about killed me! I need some saddle time. I only averaged 33 kph...granted I was wearing a parachute raincoat, standard helmet 28mm tires at 60 psi and no race wheels, and I did the 1000m swim as a 1000m IM in the pool, but still 33 kph is a bit pathetic. So give me a month....plus I am 10 lbs fat for Whiteface with all my pool and weight training. I don't even resemble a runner or climber anymore.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Dev!

Sorry ya can't come out and play, but it's a very good sign that at least you're back in the saddle again!!

In '17 we got our buddy who we randomly ran into at the Stewarts in Keene to come ride Whiteface w/ us, and he literally hadn't been on a bike at all since the prior October.
He had to go out to High Peaks and buy bike kit, since he didn't have any with him.

So - lack of bike training is roight out as an excuse!!

Unlikely I can get another pass for later this summer, but - there's always next year!

This is now E.Dot Lucky #13 for me - last year was my only miss since '06.
We should be arriving LP by 2pm on Thursday, and hoping to get out to ride shortly thereafter.

So - anybody else gonna come out to play?

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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OK, another BUMP.

Just in case there's anybody else who wants in on (some or) all of the fun!

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
OK, another BUMP.

Just in case there's anybody else who wants in on (some or) all of the fun!

Enjoy boys, I remember there was a time when this was my A event of the year, even more so than IM Race day. Boy have times changed, I haven't done this since 2010 I believe, how time flies. Enjoy all the craziness and nice to know there are still some dudes I used to ride and run with that are still out there keeping this tradition going, 20 years later.
I'll be in my cubicle staring at a screen all day.
Maybe one day when the kids are bit older, I can get back into this if I'm not too old and busted by then. ;-)
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [CementBottle] [ In reply to ]
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Howdy Jean!!

We'll leave the light on for ya!!
E.Dot is one of my favorite things to do each year, and I plan to keep on keeping on as long as I'm able.

We're all old and busted now.
Run whatcha brung!!

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Howdy Jean!!

We'll leave the light on for ya!!
E.Dot is one of my favorite things to do each year, and I plan to keep on keeping on as long as I'm able.

We're all old and busted now.
Run whatcha brung!!

Thanks Mike my old friend, much appreciated. Maybe post a few pics for those of us not so fortunate to be there and YES!!! Nice to know that the lights will still be on so that one day I can return and join in. :-)
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Mike,

What time are you guys leaving for Whiteface on Thursday? And from where?

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [MTL] [ In reply to ]
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Probably from the tennis courts.

Iā€™m thinking weā€™ll be rolling by 3ish -
going for an earlier start than normal so we can get up and then back down before the toll gate closes.

If any of that changes, Iā€™ll post the details here.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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If I leave work now I could make it...

...dammit. I have an IT project that's not gonna let me come out. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Have fun gents. Don't set the bar too high on Whiteface...I've got a few weeks before I'll be making my attempt on up.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Probably from the tennis courts.

Iā€™m thinking weā€™ll be rolling by 3ish -
going for an earlier start than normal so we can get up and then back down before the toll gate closes.

If any of that changes, Iā€™ll post the details here.

Wow, I can't believe that I am so up to my eyeballs in my tech startup that its 3:30 pm on the first Thursday in June and I am not rushing to get to the tennis courts for the Whiteface climb festivities. Honestly I am just getting back on the bike and things are going well and I think in a month I could do the Epicman swim and bike legs if any of you want to head back to LP.

To show you how much of a non bike-runner I am, I just finished a swim set in the pool that was a breakthrough 5x400IM on 8 minutes coming in on 7:25 to 7:03 range. That's almost something that I real swimmer MIGHT respect.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ahhh no dev... real swimmers would avoid that set all costs!
But you get the f'n badass award (from what its worth from me) for doing that!! that is really impressive.

I remember our LP days meeting up w your group!! what a fun random and epic day that was. I will always remember that fondly.

if you remember I was there with a friend who has a house on the actual LP and we were just up there to ride... and train. Not knowing what you were doing.. Do you remember? His name was Alec. He was by best friend and sadly took his own life 3 1/2 years ago. Super sad.. but that really is a great memory of a day. Great fun.


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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [daved] [ In reply to ]
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daved wrote:
Ahhh no dev... real swimmers would avoid that set all costs!
But you get the f'n badass award (from what its worth from me) for doing that!! that is really impressive.

I remember our LP days meeting up w your group!! what a fun random and epic day that was. I will always remember that fondly.

if you remember I was there with a friend who has a house on the actual LP and we were just up there to ride... and train. Not knowing what you were doing.. Do you remember? His name was Alec. He was by best friend and sadly took his own life 3 1/2 years ago. Super sad.. but that really is a great memory of a day. Great fun.


Shit man, I am sorry your friend died from suicide, but we got to share Epicman with him as part of his journey through life. To me, days like Epicman are exactly about that. Sharing the outdoors and sporting ability with like minded people. As for the swim set, my speed is not badass, but I suppose doing it is. I want to get up to doing 10x400IM on 8 minutes as my weekly "volume set". On a plus note I am doing repeats on my previous year's PB's. There is always a chance to explore new limits driven by adversity!!!

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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Probably from the tennis courts.

Iā€™m thinking weā€™ll be rolling by 3ish -
going for an earlier start than normal so we can get up and then back down before the toll gate closes.

If any of that changes, Iā€™ll post the details here.

Are we going to get any pictures of the event once everyone finishes, by now I"m guessing most folks are on the run course. Boy I miss those Epicman days.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [CementBottle] [ In reply to ]
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Iā€™ll try to post some up maybe tomorrow.

Conditions were quite good, very sunny, borderline too warm, and a bit windy.

Alex took the Whiteface honors at 58 flat.
I was 1:00:3x - Chris Gleason would not approve of missing breaking the ā€œround #ā€ by so little.

Alex also crushed the swim, sub-40 beach to beach to beach.
And then pulled us all around most of the first loop, before jumping off to go meet his g/f to ride w her in the afternoon.

The 3 of us who did all of both loops knocked it out in 5:38 rolling time. Pretty decent.

Devin got props for the most Epic outing, his first, as he also ran like 7.5 miles after the bike.
I jogged 1.7 and then walked to Stewartā€™s for a ice cream cone.

Then we held down a table on the LP Brewery deck for several hours.

EpicMan is BACK. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ»

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Iā€™ll try to post some up maybe tomorrow.

Conditions were quite good, very sunny, borderline too warm, and a bit windy.

Alex took the Whiteface honors at 58 flat.
I was 1:00:3x - Chris Gleason would not approve of missing breaking the ā€œround #ā€ by so little.

Alex also crushed the swim, sub-40 beach to beach to beach.
And then pulled us all around most of the first loop, before jumping off to go meet his g/f to ride w her in the afternoon.

The 3 of us who did all of both loops knocked it out in 5:38 rolling time. Pretty decent.

Devin got props for the most Epic outing, his first, as he also ran like 7.5 miles after the bike.
I jogged 1.7 and then walked to Stewartā€™s for a ice cream cone.

Then we held down a table on the LP Brewery deck for several hours.

EpicMan is BACK. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ»

I think by next year, I can do the non running version of Epicman that you did. I just need some more bike miles. If you are interested, I can go in July or August on a weekend. I should be ready by then assuming I don't do anything entirely stupid to have a setback (which is always in my realm of stupidity).
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Re: EpicMan LP 2019 - June 6 & 7, 2019 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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By the way, kudos to Alex on the 58 flat and your 1:00.xx. That's no small joke at our advanced ages. I would be hard pressed to go under 80 minutes on Whiteface and sub 6 hrs rolling would be very very very good.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [ In reply to ]
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Howdy ST!! Heeeeeeee's BA-ACK!!!!!

We did a stealth E.Dot last year, with only 4 of us who headed up, and had some seriously fun Stupid Human Tricks.

The E.Dot crew will be back tomorrow, arriving in LP in mid-afternoon, with the plan to bike over to Whiteface departing from the tennis courts at 3:30 or so.
(which means we'll likely have to pay the $15 toll for cyclists on the way up)

I'm gunning for the descent KOM, so wish me luck.

Friday am will be the traditional 6am SHARP swim start at Mirror Lake beach.
Those who suck less at swimming than I do will do beach to beach to beach in < 50 minutes.
(I'ma just swim out for 24 mins, which usually gets me to the boathouse, float for a minute, swim back)

We then have a leisurely breakfast at the Hampton (which is where everybody is staying), then head out for the bike.
Often don't get rolling until 8am or later, but whatevs.

Hardly anybody runs after the bike anymore, because we're all old and decrepit.
But there may be some E.Dot noobs there looking for the full-on experience (and who are also doing IMLP), so maybe somebody will run a loop, for old times sake?

Post ride festivities are usually at LP Brewery, or their sister location BSB.

As always, it's fully SELF-SUPPORTED, everybody is responsible for their own safety and nutrition and hydration and not drowning or crashing or bonking.

Game on.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Howdy ST!! Heeeeeeee's BA-ACK!!!!!

We did a stealth E.Dot last year, with only 4 of us who headed up, and had some seriously fun Stupid Human Tricks.

The E.Dot crew will be back tomorrow, arriving in LP in mid-afternoon, with the plan to bike over to Whiteface departing from the tennis courts at 3:30 or so.
(which means we'll likely have to pay the $15 toll for cyclists on the way up)

I'm gunning for the descent KOM, so wish me luck.

Friday am will be the traditional 6am SHARP swim start at Mirror Lake beach.
Those who suck less at swimming than I do will do beach to beach to beach in < 50 minutes.
(I'ma just swim out for 24 mins, which usually gets me to the boathouse, float for a minute, swim back)

We then have a leisurely breakfast at the Hampton (which is where everybody is staying), then head out for the bike.
Often don't get rolling until 8am or later, but whatevs.

Hardly anybody runs after the bike anymore, because we're all old and decrepit.
But there may be some E.Dot noobs there looking for the full-on experience (and who are also doing IMLP), so maybe somebody will run a loop, for old times sake?

Post ride festivities are usually at LP Brewery, or their sister location BSB.

As always, it's fully SELF-SUPPORTED, everybody is responsible for their own safety and nutrition and hydration and not drowning or crashing or bonking.

Game on.

Talk about a zombie thread!!! Hey, us Canuckistanis are banned from Murica!!!

If I could be there, I would be in for a Whiteface climb, and a 3km swim and 180km bike. I think I could even do the 21km run afterwards as fitness and health are good.

Last summer I did a Soloman Mont Tremblant. It was 10km swimming, 300km bike, 44km running total vertical was 3800m, spread over 10 stages in <48 hrs elapsed time (Friday afternoon to Sunday noon). I will probably do something like that as soon as our border to Quebec is opened back up on 16 June.

Post the results from LP!!!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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By the way, I rode half of the Alpe d'Huez climb on Rouvy. I am old and slow and barely managing 10kph...that would equate to a 80 min Whiteface climb....a far cry from my 54 min best (I think it was 2009?)
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Jun 9, 21 12:24
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Howdy Dev!!! Long timeā€¦.

None of us are getting any younger around here.
Glad to hear youā€™re back out after it.
I have run exactly 1m this year, and that was a week ago.

My bike fitness is meh also, so while Iā€™d like to think I can break an hour going up WF, itā€™ll likely be more like 1:05.

Going down? Another story.
Weather (wind) permitting, Iā€™m gunning for the descent KOM.
Bringing my Venge for the WF action, as itā€™s a better tool for the job than the P5.

Yeah - my WF PB was from ā€˜07, the first year I did the MLSC Prologue solo, and did 54.5 mins.
I know your PB is better than mine, you were really killing it that one year.
And of course, Alex (MTL) demolished both of us.

Only way I ever see that time again is on an eBike.

Wish it had dawned upon me to post sooner.
Been away from the multi sport thing for a while, but am signed up for SOS this Sept, so Iā€™ll need to start getting my swim & run on again.

Ride on-

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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What were the results from the 2021 Whiteface climb ? If I can get across border before end of year without quarantine, I may head over to see what percent of the 55-59 studs I am at. I think 1:20 is doable, and an outside chance at 1:15 (its not helpful being 7-8 lbs heavier than when I was 54.xx....or maybe not that helpful being 12 years older LOL)

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Howdy Dev!!! Long timeā€¦.

None of us are getting any younger around here.
Glad to hear youā€™re back out after it.
I have run exactly 1m this year, and that was a week ago.

My bike fitness is meh also, so while Iā€™d like to think I can break an hour going up WF, itā€™ll likely be more like 1:05.

Going down? Another story.
Weather (wind) permitting, Iā€™m gunning for the descent KOM.
Bringing my Venge for the WF action, as itā€™s a better tool for the job than the P5.

Yeah - my WF PB was from ā€˜07, the first year I did the MLSC Prologue solo, and did 54.5 mins.
I know your PB is better than mine, you were really killing it that one year.
And of course, Alex (MTL) demolished both of us.

Only way I ever see that time again is on an eBike.

Wish it had dawned upon me to post sooner.
Been away from the multi sport thing for a while, but am signed up for SOS this Sept, so Iā€™ll need to start getting my swim & run on again.

Ride on-

WOW this post sure brings back memories, thank's Mike for the bump on this thread. Have some very special memories of E.Dot over the years, when I revisit those memories, they seem like yesterday. Chris G., Bakker, Alex A, Rick H, Kona Express, Dev., Trevor (forget his last name), Ben Z, Chris M. Zoe, Mike W., Mike G., my buddy Mulder, there's some other guys but I forget their names.

Good times man, and that rewarding feeling while I drive back to Ottawa, exhausted, sore, tired but content and exhilarated!!!

Please post some pics Mike once it's all done PLEASE!! :-)
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [CementBottle] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, a LOT of great memories, great times, and great people over the years.

This was my 15th EpicMan, in 16 years.
(I missed 2018 due to a major job change, going independent after 22 years w my prior employer)

We had a fairly small crew, and it was just me and Dr Mike for the MLSC Whiteface Prologue.
We got a prompt early start at 3 from the Hamilton Inn parking lot, and it was an absolute bluebird perfect Dacks afternoon -
Mostly sunny, few fluffy clouds, low humidity, light breeze.

We rolled down to Wilmington on the beautiful freshly paved roads, and then ditched our extra supplies and then started climbing.
Iā€™ve got a few more years, few more Kgā€™s, and a few less watts, so while Iā€™m always of the mindset to try to ā€œbreak an hourā€, I was really just hoping to be < 1:04, which would be under 8 minutes/mile.

Fumbled getting my $ out for the toll gate, had to hop off bike, run back and get it, then roll up, stop and drop it off w the girl working there.
My lower back was bothering me starting not long after that, and was more of a limiter than legs or lungs.
Topped out in 1:02:16, on .93 IF, so I considered that a win. Never really got too deep into the pain cave, and being on my Venge for the climb up probably helped w that.


We hung out up top for about 20 mins, snapping pics and just relishing the achievement.

Time to go down. Game on.
I sprinted to get up to speed thru the parking lot, but then had to slow to wait to pass a car at the first hairpin turn (the left).
Got it rolling, ripped thru the R hairpin, then onto main part of the upper toll road.
Winds were negligible, conditions were perfect, and there were no more cars the rest of the way.
The problem I discovered is that while my Venge is a great handling bike, i just am not quite as fast and aero at max as on the P5.
Which cost me - ended up :05 slower than my prior PB, on a day I should have otherwise been able to kill it.
Back to the P5 for all future E.Dot outings!

Beer in the room, more at the pub with dinner, then another in the hot tub, and it was time for bed.

I slept very poorly. Like, almost not at all.

Get up, itā€™s 50 and calm, but starts to rain.
At times fairly steadily. No worries, weā€™re swimming!
4 of us swam, leaving promptly at exactly 6am.
Itā€™s really the only ā€œruleā€ of E.Dot that I enforce.
Water was lovely, clear, comfortable, calm.
The other 3 guys made it to the beach in about 23 mins, I got just past the boathouse in that time. Coulda made it there, but discretion & valor, and I hadnā€™t swim in 9 months (as per my E.Dot tradition), so that was plenty.
I used Zoomers, but not the Water Rover, as that actually makes my legs too high in the water for the fins to be effective.


We had a leisurely breakfast - itā€™s a buffet again! - while we waited out the rain.
Finally got rolling a little after 8:30. Traffic in village is snarled due to the construction- the Oval is GONE now. But, we rode down the sidewalk a bit, then cut over past the Olympic Center, then down the packs to rejoin the main road at Lisa Gā€™s.
Other than being wet until down beyond Keene, it was a fairly uneventful first loop.
We did the Haselton out and back, always a favorite.

Back to the hotel, maybe a 10 min pit stop to restock, and out for loop 2.
It was warmer, some occasional sun, and the breeze had picked up.
Dr Mikeā€™s young buddy from NYC was very strong on the bike, and he did a ton of pulls - often right off the front.
I did all the rest.
We made the executive decision to punt on another out and back, except for the 1 older guy (M60-64) who is actually doing IMLP in 6 weeks.
He also did the only run off the bike, 4 miles around the back of the lake and back.


Then more beers and food on the deck of the LP Brewery, in spite of a light rain starting up again near the end of it.

Thinking about another swim in the am.
Who hacked MLā€™s ST account??!!

Always great time to do Stupid Human Tricks w like minded folks, and live to tell the tale.
Iā€™ll be back again for #16 next year, with the P5, and hopefully a few more watts and a few less Kgā€™s.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Good stuff. I only did EpicMan once in 2007 when it was brutally hot. Tough day where I was completely shelled afterwards but it was still fun and well worth it.

Iā€™m up there next month for a week before IM (not racing) but looking forward to getting some good rides in and spending time at the brew pub.

"You can never win or lose if you don't run the race." - Richard Butler

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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Cool story bro.
I climbed that mountain once.... I think it was 2008 or so. It was amazing ! I think it took me just over 80 minutes. At a hefty 195 lbs the effort left me absolutely spent and in full-on bonk mode I barely made it up the 3 bears and back to town ..lol.
Good memories
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Brian in MA] [ In reply to ]
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Brian in MA wrote:
Good stuff. I only did EpicMan once in 2007 when it was brutally hot. Tough day where I was completely shelled afterwards but it was still fun and well worth it.

Iā€™m up there next month for a week before IM (not racing) but looking forward to getting some good rides in and spending time at the brew pub.

Yeah, that year was hot AF.
Like 95 and full sun. Total death March coming back on the run.
That was back when nearly everybody did the whole run, and I think we had like 60+ folks participating - but it was soooo hot that only a handful of guys actually completed the whole run.

I had done WF prologue for the first time the night before, and everybody said my blowup was due to hubris and not respecting the E.Dot distances.
(It more part that, but more dehydration and stupidity of not doing more about that during the 2nd bike loop)

So - nobody did WF in ā€˜08.

But then, a bunch of us did in ā€˜09, and it officially became a thing.

Have fun next month!

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [shady] [ In reply to ]
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shady wrote:
Cool story bro.
I climbed that mountain once.... I think it was 2008 or so. It was amazing ! I think it took me just over 80 minutes. At a hefty 195 lbs the effort left me absolutely spent and in full-on bonk mode I barely made it up the 3 bears and back to town ..lol.
Good memories

For a pretty solid dude thatā€™s a pretty solid time.
Thereā€™s no such thing as an easy WF climb.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for sharing the updates. Once the border opens I think I want to head over and give Whiteface a try again and then do a an Epicboy (swim, 1 loop bike, maybe a loop or 2 of mirror lake)....wanna join in?
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Keep me posted!
Weekend passes are tough for me, but I never say never.

Did a short token swim this am.
500 out, bob, then back.
The other 3 guys went all the way across.
Socked in w fog, but the water was cool and glassy.

And then of course, it had burned off an hour later.

Til next time LP!

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Keep me posted!
Weekend passes are tough for me, but I never say never.

Did a short token swim this am.
500 out, bob, then back.
The other 3 guys went all the way across.
Socked in w fog, but the water was cool and glassy.

And then of course, it had burned off an hour later.

Til next time LP!

What about weekday passes. I have to burn thru 6 days of vacation by early Sept and its not like there are any vacations to really go on "yet".

I just realized it is 10 years since you, Keith and Chris Gleason climbed Whiteface in the thunder and lightening. I got held up at the border on account of two brown guys crossing the border with a car full of bikes and gear for a training weekend (never really thought about terrorists going in the guise of triathletes, but there is a first for border guys), and missed the departure for Mirror Lake....got to the bottom of WF at Wilmington and the skies opened up and I said, "no way I am doing that". You guys were 20 min ahead, so I did a reverse loop and swim, and next day I did Whiteface while the swimming was going on and joined you guys on loop 1 just as you came down for out and back!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Brian in MA] [ In reply to ]
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Brian in MA wrote:
Good stuff. I only did EpicMan once in 2007 when it was brutally hot. Tough day where I was completely shelled afterwards but it was still fun and well worth it.

Iā€™m up there next month for a week before IM (not racing) but looking forward to getting some good rides in and spending time at the brew pub.

I was there in 2007, I remember that year well. Epicman was actually my A event for the entire year in 2007, since I had crashed in Kona the year before and was still in recovery mode. So I had not signed up for any races.

To me, the run along river road is the icing on the cake, and the reward after completing two loops of the bike, and the token 3k swim in the morning.

Boy I love this thread, brings back SOOO many memories.

Mike, any chance you can post a few pictures of the festivities?

Jean :-)
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [CementBottle] [ In reply to ]
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I agree, thanks to Mike for reviving this thread. Now I am plotting a return to Whiteface and LP as soon as the border re opens. Good times boys!!!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Jean - most of the pics I took are in the Strava link for my WF ride.

OK - so I just realized, I dunno how to post pics here anymore?
Hmmm. Will hafta try to re-figger that out.

Dr Mike took a lot more, and once he gets them over to me, Iā€™ll try to post them up here.

Dev - weekdays are actually MUCH easier for me than weekends, since Iā€™m the boss of me during the week.
We could do a E.Dot lite, get there Thurs, ride up WF, then SBR Friday am/day to whatever extent we want to.
(This assumes I have an R at my disposal by then).

float , hammer , and jog

Last edited by: Murphy'sLaw: Jun 12, 21 15:00
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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devashish_paul wrote:
Thanks for sharing the updates. Once the border opens I think I want to head over and give Whiteface a try again and then do a an Epicboy (swim, 1 loop bike, maybe a loop or 2 of mirror lake)....wanna join in?

I still need to get my second shot before even thinking of crossing the border. My appointment is only august 18th... but will try to see if I can find opens spots after minimum of 8 weeks between shots so end of June.

If I can get a E-Bike a sub 60 minutes is feasible for the WF climb but more realistic a 1:05-1:10... yup, age caught up and long gone those fast times in every single discipline when leaving the wall on 1:30 for 100m was something hard but a good session, now canā€™t even do a 100m in 1:30 šŸ˜‚, bike slowed as well no longer would I be able to maintain 275-285watts going up WF, will be lucky to hold 220-30w finally a single loop around mirror should be enough. But would certainly be able to eat 2 burgers, fries and a couple of beers at the brewery!

Canā€™t wait for EPICMAN 2022...and see all you guys!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [MTL] [ In reply to ]
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MTL wrote:
devashish_paul wrote:
Thanks for sharing the updates. Once the border opens I think I want to head over and give Whiteface a try again and then do a an Epicboy (swim, 1 loop bike, maybe a loop or 2 of mirror lake)....wanna join in?

I still need to get my second shot before even thinking of crossing the border. My appointment is only august 18th... but will try to see if I can find opens spots after minimum of 8 weeks between shots so end of June.

If I can get a E-Bike a sub 60 minutes is feasible for the WF climb but more realistic a 1:05-1:10... yup, age caught up and long gone those fast times in every single discipline when leaving the wall on 1:30 for 100m was something hard but a good session, now canā€™t even do a 100m in 1:30 šŸ˜‚, bike slowed as well no longer would I be able to maintain 275-285watts going up WF, will be lucky to hold 220-30w finally a single loop around mirror should be enough. But would certainly be able to eat 2 burgers, fries and a couple of beers at the brewery!

Canā€™t wait for EPICMAN 2022...and see all you guys!

I am in the same vaccine boat as you. Let's try to do a mini-man Tremblant and an EpicboyLP2021.5 later this summer. Yeah, if I hold 220-230W on Whiteface it would be a stellar day!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Why do you Canuckistanians have such a large time gap between vax jabs?

Here in NY it was mandated to be exactly 3 weeks between shot 1 & 2. (Pfizer).
My daughter & I did them together, and itā€™s really nice to be fully vaxxed and getting to live a much more normal life.

Almost nobody in LP was wearing a mask, other than servers and staff. Felt really weird.
Still not used to it.
In New Paltz, still a lot more mask usage - even in places where itā€™s no longer required.

Keep me posted on your tentative potential jaunt down to LP.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Why do you Canuckistanians have such a large time gap between vax jabs?

Here in NY it was mandated to be exactly 3 weeks between shot 1 & 2. (Pfizer).
My daughter & I did them together, and itā€™s really nice to be fully vaxxed and getting to live a much more normal life.

Almost nobody in LP was wearing a mask, other than servers and staff. Felt really weird.
Still not used to it.
In New Paltz, still a lot more mask usage - even in places where itā€™s no longer required.

Keep me posted on your tentative potential jaunt down to LP.

Mike we were limited in vaccine supply in Canada, although the supply is ramping up quickly now so we are starting to push forward our second shot. So that everyone at least got one shot, they set the schedule at 4 months apart for our shots, now that the vaccination rate has accelerated, a number of us are able to push ahead our second shot.

But no "million dollar lottery" to entice us to get jabbed, Canadians were "begging/praying" for the vaccines to come.
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [CementBottle] [ In reply to ]
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But no "million dollar lottery" to entice us to get jabbed, Canadians were "asking very politely" for the vaccines to come.

FIFY. ; )

The average Murican is very stupid.
And, as George Carlin brilliantly noted - fully half of all Americans are even dumber than that!!

K, I get it now.
Canuckistan went with the UK model of - get as many people the first stick as possible, get around to the 2nd one as best you can.

Here we went from it being harder to register for a vaxx than to get into an IM 15 years ago, to now they can't give them away, and as you said, some states are actively bribing people to take them.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:
but I never say never

Total bullshit. I asked if I could spoon with you at Epicman one year...and you most definitely said "NEVER!!!"...but forking would be ok. ;)
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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KAlber wrote:
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
but I never say never

Total bullshit. I asked if I could spoon with you at Epicman one year...and you most definitely said "NEVER!!!"...but forking would be ok. ;)

Hey, Kalber....what about an Epicman 2021.5 as soon as they open up the border?
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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As long as I can only bike, I'll be fine :)

Maybe we can introduce a mountain bike portion to the event!
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Re: EpicMan LP 2021 - June 10 & 11 2021 [KAlber] [ In reply to ]
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Mountain bike means you ride it up the toll and down the ski hill
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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As the arbiter (by default) of all things E.DOT these days, and to accommodate the RETURN OF AMERICAN ZOFINGEN on SUNDAY, JUNE 12th,
the E.DOT Race Committee (me & Dr Mike), have decided to push the dates for EpicMan 2022 back by one week from their traditional slot.

EpicMan 2022 will be on Thurs & Friday 6/16 & 6/17.

Thurs 6/16 is the now traditional MLSC Whiteface Prologue - we will depart from the tennis courts across from the Hampton Inn (the official base of E.Dot festivities) at ~ 3pm.

There is a day fee for bicycles to ride up the Toll Road.
We have been going earlier and paying that, so that the gate is open for the descent.
I am still gunning for the full descending KOM, and weather permitting will give it another crack this year.


Friday 6/17 is the traditional EpicMan start - 6am SHARP for the swim.

Be at the beach, in your wetsuit and ready to go BEFORE 6am.
We will swim beach-to-beach-to-beach, OR :50 minutes, whichever is less.
Water Rovers, snorkels, zoomers, whatever - it's all legal for E.Dot.

Then back to the hotel to change, eat a warm breakfast, and then get rolling on the bike.

A post-ride run is completely optional.
The traditional E.Dot run is/was a full loop of the IMLP run course, 13 miles.
Any distance you choose is entirely up to you.

Prologue and E.Dot proper both followed by beers and food at LP Brewery and/or Big Slide Brewery.


float , hammer , and jog

Last edited by: Murphy'sLaw: Apr 4, 22 7:20
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Hey the border is open and this just may be doable as I am in some semblance of health and going to do Hawaii 70.3 two weeks before.

The last time I was at Epicman was 2014 so it will be 8 years of elapsed time. I would be in for a long swim moderate bike and short run both days
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Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Sweet Dev!!

Itā€™d be great to get the E.Dot OG back into the game again.

Itā€™s totally choose your own adventure at this point.
You can do whatever combo of S/B/R that makes ya happy.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Murphy'sLaw wrote:

As the arbiter (by default) of all things E.DOT these days, and to accommodate the RETURN OF AMERICAN ZOFINGEN on SUNDAY, JUNE 12th,
the E.DOT Race Committee (me & Dr Mike), have decided to push the dates for EpicMan 2022 back by one week from their traditional slot.

EpicMan 2022 will be on Thurs & Friday 6/16 & 6/17.

Thurs 6/16 is the now traditional MLSC Whiteface Prologue - we will depart from the tennis courts across from the Hampton Inn (the official base of E.Dot festivities) at ~ 3pm.

There is a day fee for bicycles to ride up the Toll Road.
We have been going earlier and paying that, so that the gate is open for the descent.
I am still gunning for the full descending KOM, and weather permitting will give it another crack this year.


Friday 6/17 is the traditional EpicMan start - 6am SHARP for the swim.

Be at the beach, in your wetsuit and ready to go BEFORE 6am.
We will swim beach-to-beach-to-beach, OR :50 minutes, whichever is less.
Water Rovers, snorkels, zoomers, whatever - it's all legal for E.Dot.

Then back to the hotel to change, eat a warm breakfast, and then get rolling on the bike.

A post-ride run is completely optional.
The traditional E.Dot run is/was a full loop of the IMLP run course, 13 miles.
Any distance you choose is entirely up to you.

Prologue and E.Dot proper both followed by beers and food at LP Brewery and/or Big Slide Brewery.


Bumpity bump bump.

E.Dot 2022 is in a little over 2 weeks.

Still time to cram for the finals a bit in advance of that.

I've got AmZof on Sun 6/12, first club Tri sprint on Wed evening 6/15, then the MLSC on Thurs eve 6/16, and of course, E.Dot on Fri 6/17
(more like Epic.Tot, since we rarely run after the bike anymore)
What could possibly go wrong?

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Murphy'sLaw wrote:

As the arbiter (by default) of all things E.DOT these days, and to accommodate the RETURN OF AMERICAN ZOFINGEN on SUNDAY, JUNE 12th,
the E.DOT Race Committee (me & Dr Mike), have decided to push the dates for EpicMan 2022 back by one week from their traditional slot.

EpicMan 2022 will be on Thurs & Friday 6/16 & 6/17.

Thurs 6/16 is the now traditional MLSC Whiteface Prologue - we will depart from the tennis courts across from the Hampton Inn (the official base of E.Dot festivities) at ~ 3pm.

There is a day fee for bicycles to ride up the Toll Road.
We have been going earlier and paying that, so that the gate is open for the descent.
I am still gunning for the full descending KOM, and weather permitting will give it another crack this year.


Friday 6/17 is the traditional EpicMan start - 6am SHARP for the swim.

Be at the beach, in your wetsuit and ready to go BEFORE 6am.
We will swim beach-to-beach-to-beach, OR :50 minutes, whichever is less.
Water Rovers, snorkels, zoomers, whatever - it's all legal for E.Dot.

Then back to the hotel to change, eat a warm breakfast, and then get rolling on the bike.

A post-ride run is completely optional.
The traditional E.Dot run is/was a full loop of the IMLP run course, 13 miles.
Any distance you choose is entirely up to you.

The pussification of triathlon continues. Why, back in my day....... ;)
Last edited by: M~: May 31, 22 12:31
Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, those are some fast times down Whiteface! But you have 1.5 mph to make up for on the longer segment, I know that can be a lot to make up so good luck and think heavy.

Also, what's up with the super high power numbers on the shorter segment?
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Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [rrutis] [ In reply to ]
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rrutis wrote:
Wow, those are some fast times down Whiteface! But you have 1.5 mph to make up for on the longer segment, I know that can be a lot to make up so good luck and think heavy.

Also, what's up with the super high power numbers on the shorter segment?

That's some BS Strava power 'estimate'.
Unless there's the little lightning bolt next to it (actual power readings from a PM), then it's just some wonky algorithm.

I think my PowerTap was on the fritz that day.
Seems to happen to me a lot up in LP, as that's usually one of my first rides of the year on the DreamCrusher Express (my OG P5), after it's been hanging on the shed wall since the prior Sept.

I've got one ride on it so far this year, and the PM worked fine.
The watts were low, but that's just my legs being toast from a long ride on Sun, and also not having ridden a TT bike in over 8+ months.

float , hammer , and jog

Quote Reply
Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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E.Dot is this Thurs & Fri.

We plan to roll from the tennis courts at about 3:15 on Thurs afternoon to head down to Wilmington, then up Whiteface.

Not sure Iā€™ve got a sub:60 ascent in me right now, but Iā€™ll give it a go.

Then food and beers after we return to LP.

Fri am - 6am SHARP for the beach to beach to beach swim, or :50 mins.
(Iā€™m usually the latter)

Then casual breakfast at the Hampton Inn, and then roll out on bikes.

Post ride T-run is optional.

E.Dot is a waaaaaay better time in LP than M.Dot, and best of all - itā€™s FREE!!!

(Ok, you may hafta pay the toll to ride up Whiteface).

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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How did Epicman go? Did you win?
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Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [chbelair] [ In reply to ]
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chbelair wrote:
How did Epicman go? Did you win?

LOL!! No "winners" this year.
Was still a fun jaunt up to LP, as always.

Next year we'll try to get the word out a little earlier, and get a little larger posse up there for the silliness.

Great to see ya (& the Mrs!) at AmZof!
Hope to see ya around!

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: EpicMan LP 2022 - JUNE 16 & 17, 2022 [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Hello E.Dot party people!!

Weā€™ve got a posse heading up to Lake Placid this Thursday, for yet another batch of Stupid Human Tricks in and around the LP area.

New wrinkles this year:
We rented a UUUGE AirBnB in the village, since that was cheaper than staying at the Hampton.
(Who have jacked up their prices to be the highest in town, ugh.)
Weā€™re staying from Thurs - Sun.

Also - bunch of us are bringing MTBā€™s, and plan to sample the local singletrack on Sat & Sun.

The things that are ā€œsame as it ever wasā€ -
Thursday afternoon is the Whiteface Prologue.
We will depart from the tennis courts at approx 3:30.
The downside - weā€™ll have to pay to ride up the toll road.
The upside - weā€™ll get to ride back down w the gate OPEN.
Once again Iā€™ll be gunning for the descending KOM, conditions willing.

Then beers & food after.

Fri am - swim departs at 6am SHARP.
This is the only ā€˜ruleā€™ thatā€™s enforced.
If you wanna swim, be at the beach, in your wettie (or not, if you have sufficient natural insulation) to swim beach to beach to beach, or :50 minutes, or less. Or not at all.
Your call.

After breakfast, weā€™ll head out for the first of 2 loops of the bike course.
How much of that yā€™all do is entirely up to you.

Then a leisurely transition, and a run.
(This also is optional).
Back in the day, weā€™d do a full lap (13 miles) of the IMLP run course, but now very few still do so.
Most of us are planning on running down to the red barn on River Road, and back.
Thatā€™s 6 miles.

Then beers & food.

Sat & Sun - MTB and/or swim and/or hike -
choose your adventure.

Anybody who wants to come out and join us for any or all of the festivities, just lemme know.

float , hammer , and jog

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