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Was thinking about races I've done that were truly awesome and ones I'd like to do over the next few years and decided to make a list. What are the races on your must-do list? You can make it either ones you want/plan to do or ones you have already done and recommend as can't miss events for a triathlon career.

My Top 10 Must-Do List:

IRONMAN = 1) Kona (obvious but unlikely) 2) New Zealand 3) Canada 4) Lake Placid (did last year - first IM) 5) Brazil 6) Australia 7) Lanzarote 8) Florida (doing next year) 9) Germany 10) Coeur D'Alene

OTHER = 1) Wildflower Half 2) Alcatraz 3) Vineman Half 4) Eagleman Half(did) 5) Timberman Half (doing this year) 6) St Croix Half 7) Chile Half 8) St Anthony's (did) 9) Curacao Olympic (did) 10) Survival of the Shawagunks
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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You should add Boulder Peak to your list. The race is well run and has an amazing bike course.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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I need to add the original World's Toughest Half to that list. It was a very well run race on a beautiful course. I'm sad they changed it this year, but I'm hoping when I race it in 2006 they'll change it back to the old course.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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Now THIS is an excellent thread.

Here's my contribution:
  1. Laguna Phuket Tritahlon (and yeah, I would have said that before the tsunami too).
  2. Former Nice Triathlon, whatever the new version may be, Ironman France, whatever.
  3. Ironman Canada.
  4. Alcatraz.
  5. RBTT Fatum Bank Triathlonfest, Curacao.
  6. Ironman New Zealand.
  7. Whirlpool Steelhead 1/2 Ironman.
  8. Maumee Bay Triathlon, Ohio (I know, seems odd, but this race is what the sport is all about).
  9. Chicago triathlon before 5,000 people starting doing it.
  10. That one in Hawaii where you run right along Waikiki beach where the first Olympic Trials were this year.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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xterra tahoe would be a good one for the list as well - well Maui too
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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I agree, Kona would have to top the list. Sticking to just run, bike or swim races that are actually doable for the average person i.e, no Eco Challenge, since most people don't have the $10000 entry fee.

1. Kona

2. Boston Marathon

3. Powerman Zofingen

4. Assault on Mount Mitchell/Death ride. Okay actually events, although people do these events for time (Hincapie "won" AOMM 5 times). I make this an either/or so you you have a west or (l)east coast alternative.

5. Tour D'etape (Citizen's race over one TDF stage each year)

6. Strongman (Japanese race, slightly less than IM distance, bike is only 100 miles), but nearly as old as Kona and apparently the race for Japanese endurance athletes.

7. Powerman Alabama

8. Alcatraz

9. All Ohio Cross Country. I ran this several times in college and have also run open. Maybe my all time favorite race. Awesome course and the varsity race has every college kid in Ohio Div I, II, III and NAIA in the same race. I don't think any other state has such a collegiate race with 39 teams from all divisions representing all colleges in the state)

10. Mt. Washington road race/Bicycle hill climb. Pick your poison, bike or run. I imagine the Pikes Peak 1/2 marathon (uphill) or MT. Evans hillclimb (bike) could substitute for this one.

I have done Alabama and All Ohio. Enetered i nBoston this year and if I make it through lottery will also do Mt. Washington Road race (bicycle hill climb costs $250!!! (It goes to charity), but bike race is also the day before Timberman, although I know at least one guy did this double last year)

"When I first had the opportunity to compete in triathlon, it was the chicks and their skimpy race clothing that drew me in. Everyone was so welcoming and the lifestyle so obviously narcissistic. I fed off of that vain energy. To me it is what the sport is all about."
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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1. IM Kona

2. Alcatraz

3. IM New Zealand

4. Old Keauhou half IM

5. IM Lanzarote

6. Wildflower

7. Roth

8. Nice

9. Tahiti Aitoman

10. Ultraman

The true Master does not wish to lead,
Nor does he wish to follow.
He only wishes to place himself
Where he is needed most.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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1. Kona
2. Roth
3. Alcatraz
3. Vineman Half
4. IM Canada
5. Wildflower
6. IM New Zealand
7. IM Lake Placid
8. IM Australia
9. World's Toughest Half
10. IM Lanzarote
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [RSum716] [ In reply to ]
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all those sound very good, try to add superfrog in San Diego!
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [tristeve] [ In reply to ]
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I've done IMC, IMCDA, Wildflower, Pacific Crest. I'd consider Roth, IM France, ImNZ. Signed up for Auburn International in '05. I honestly believe in two years most people will have The Grand Columbian on their very short list. Its got a better venue than many on the list. It has everything the great races have...except crowds of athletes. Always going to be limited ot ensure a great race and athlete experience. And this year both the half and full are US qualifiers for 06 World Long Course Championship in Canberra Australia.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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1. IM Hawaii (done)

2. Nice (done)

3. Roth IM (done)

4. Trans Alps Challenge (would like to do)

5. Wildflower (would like to do)

6. IM Canada (would like to do)

7. Phuket Tri (done x 2)

8. Xterra Tahoe (would like to do)

9. Escape from Alcatraz (would like to do)

10. Embunman IM (would like to do)

Alot of the events I would like to do are in the USA, very expensive and hard to get into, you guys don;t make it easy for foriegners !
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [BNasty] [ In reply to ]
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I would like to see anyone say that the Worlds Toughest Half changed sooo much this next year that they were able to PR the course. The name changed...and the course is a little different but please don't say that you think it is easier...it hasn't even been raced yet.

Come on....let's see who can beat Tim DeBoom this year.....the course is really awesome and if you need some help they have the best medical staff for resuscitation that I know.

Don't wait for 2006 BNasty....sign up....I think that Mr. Kearns runs one of the best races in California....it's all about the race and the triathletes trying to get through the course in record time. It is an awesome course but definitely one of the toughest.....only the strong survive!!

Come on - I dare ya!
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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I never did a full ironman and never been at one either but my top five "must-do" races would sound like this:
  1. Kona
  2. IM Australia
  3. IM Lake Placid
  4. IM New Zealand
  5. IM Canada

  1. Alcatraz
  2. Wildflower
  3. Timberman
  4. Eagleman
  5. Vineman

I can only talk about my personal impression...

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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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Why do people constantly list WTC races ? Have they done nothing else ? Probably ! They're awful value for money, ridiculously overcrowded, often badly measured and sometimes averagly organised. Let's see:
  1. Nice (undisputed number 1).
  2. Phuket is awesome too.
  3. Almere (the Ironman's Ironman).
  4. Ironbridge (for UK people: 10 times better then Sherbourne, 10 years before Sherbourne).
  5. Too many other French races that nobody's heard of to mention.

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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Ironman Bangkok] [ In reply to ]
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let's put it simply: anyone who races Ironman HAS to have Roth on his list...
Until you go there and climb Solarer Berg, or go through the Beer mile on the run or Eckersmullen etc. you can't really know why...but if there is one must do race, it's Roth (apart from Hawaii that started it all)

IM BK makes a good point with Almere...second oldest IM ever after Hawaii (non WTC)...although I would argue that the atmosphere isn't great except close to the finish chute, where Roth is awesome from the start to finish.

Nice? I always thought the FFTRI org. was poor...at best. Maybe the same area and the race organized by someone else will be better...

Races in France? Vouglans, Dijon, Savoy'Hard, Saint Raphael Half IM, the old LD in the Pyrenees (sorry I forgot the name...awesome race, same distance as Nice) are just examples of top notch races.

But Roth is THE must do race.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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I agree, Vouglans is a total must do. Had a decent battle with Rene Rovera one year when he was breaking through. Any Triathlon Team Time Trial is quite a thrilling experience too. Famously remember averaging about 51 km/hr for the bike leg once before all seven of us (it used to be 7, now it's 5) totally blew up on the run. Just read also that my old team mate Kiki Buquet has just won the Millau 100km for the 2nd time. 7:25 can't be too bad for the old guy ! The races and club scene in France is undisputedly without a challenger. However, I do have Roth, Hawaii and Embrun on my future races list. Muir.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Ironman Bangkok] [ In reply to ]
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Kiki is such a freakingly fast runner...he ran a 2h42' in Zurich one year...
Vouglans is fun but needs to be monitored...saw a bit of course cutting on the loop midway through the run...you can just turn there and cut 3km off the run (if I say that, it's because it happened...to me ;-( )

embrun...yes...if one day I can actually go downhill fast ;-)
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Forgot a couple:
  1. Gerardmer BEFORE WTC ! Now I live in Strasbourg I may go back there as they are staying as an IM Distance.
  2. France Iron Tour. Badly organised, dangerous even and wasted totally wasted on invited only elite teams. If this were opened to the masses (even if working off a central venue) it would be HUGE !!!!!! Watch this space for my own version following the above format.

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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Ironman Bangkok] [ In reply to ]
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Two more on my to do list:
  1. The Pre-Tour de France (self supported).
  2. The Kona version of the above (day before the race).

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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Tom--I still wish you would come to Clermont to qualify for Alcatraz.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Ironman Bangkok] [ In reply to ]
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>>The Pre-Tour de France (self supported).<<

Oh man, that would be a blast!!

Roth is also on my list. And IM Brazil.


Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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When shall we go then ?
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Ironman Bangkok] [ In reply to ]
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I'm already booked up for 2005, so 2006? That should be a counter-clockwise year.


Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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"8. Maumee Bay Triathlon, Ohio (I know, seems odd, but this race is what the sport is all about)."

Tom, I know you have said this before, and I can not figure out where you are coming from.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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Do the SOS ten times!

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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In no particular order:

- NYC Marathon



- Vancouver Sun Run( a 10K race with 45,000 people!)

- Canadian Ski Marathon( 100 mile 2 day ski tour)

- Vasaloppet( 90K classic xc ski race in Sweden)

- Annapurna Triathlon( in Pokhara, Nepal)


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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This is my "must do" list....not to be confused with "must race" list.

1) Badwater Ultra

2) Roth

3) Ironman Brasil

4) Leadville 100 MTB

5) St. Croix 1/2

6) IM Canada

7) Alcatraz

8) HHH (again)

9) Chicago

10) Eagleman 1/2
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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If you're in the northeast,
1. the Pat Griskus olympic - one of the hardest oly. bike courses around.
2. the Pat Griskus sprint tri.

Both are flawlessly run, fun to race and eat/relax after.

I'm not affiliated with the races but they're great.

Great things never come from comfort zones.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Barry S.] [ In reply to ]
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why is wildflower on so many lists? i've done it twice (oly) and have not been all that impressed, except by the amount of money they manage to squeeze out of so many people. right now i only do it because it attracts a decent size collegiate wave (2nd to nationals), once i'm racing age group i won't go back.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Ironman Canada


Memphis in May (done x 2)

Muskoka (done x 3)

IM Brazil

Etape du Tour

Rideau Lakes Tour (not really a race, but what the hell)

Escape from Alcatraz

IM New Zealand

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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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None are really must do, but I'd be proud if I did them.


Western States 100



Pacific Crest Trail (of course it's not really a race, but it'd be cool to race nonetheless)
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Barry S.] [ In reply to ]
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Grand Columbian
(new) Mooseman Half
Survival of Shawanagunks

Barry S, you made my morning, thanks much. I'll pass along the props to the crew!
Tom -
RD, Griskus Tri's

http://www.PatGriskusTri.com USAT Certified Race Director
2024 Races: USAT State of CT Age Group Championship/State of CT HS Champs/ CT Club Championship - Sat June 15th (Oly/Du/Sprint) Hopkins Vineyard Tri at Lake Waramaug Saturday July 13th http://www.HopkinsVineyardTri.com
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Twilkas] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know if I have ten, I'm still trying to figure out what local races to do. But here are some I think sound neat.

HUFF 50k (did this year)

Blue Devil Full Iron (on my 2005 calendar)

SOS (probably my A race for 06)

Norseman Extreme Triathlon

Raid Gualoise (before they ruined it)

One of those freakishly long multi day ultras

I don't have a burning desire to do Kona, the comercialism of the IMNA kinda sets wrong with me. And having said that I will probably do IMC or IMmoo at some point.


**Note above poster works for a retailer selling bikes and related gear*
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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1. Mooseman 1/2 - offspring of beloved Granite Ledges

2. Timberman

3. Eagleman

4. Chicago


6. Boston

7. Columbia

8. The Canadian Iron - new this year, but on the course of the 4-year old Canadian Half. As this is my iron for '05, I have to believe it is a must-do!

9. And a few I have yet to do, beyond #8 - ChesapeakemanVinemanGrandColumbianIMCanadaBlueDevil.....and on and on and on.......
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jack m] [ In reply to ]
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I've done Maumee twice, 2004 and back about 1995. I do a few HFP races every year, good solid race promotion, Shannon and his crew do a good job, but like you say, nothing all that special about Maumee Bay.

"It doesn't get any easier, you just go faster"
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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My list - all have tough bike legs (help for the swimming challenged):

Grand Columbian 1/2 IM
Whisky Dick - Oly + distance, point-to-point, Kona type winds on bike and run.
Carpenteria (Oly Distance, great venue, mostly trail run overlooking the Pacific, personal all time favorite)

"It is never too late to fix your childhood!" Tom Robbins

Dean Wilson
Bicycle Protection Indoors & Out
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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Favorites that I've done (no order):

- Boston



- Timberman

- FirmMan

- Reach the Beach Relay

Would like to do in the future:

- IM Hawaii

- Ultraman

- Badwater Ultra

- IMC (I’m doing this year)

- IM Brazil (I’m doing this year)

- Big Sur Marathon

- IM New Zealand

- Chesapeake Bay Swim


“You can't coach desire.” --Dathan Ritzenhein
http://xtreme4.com/ -- an extreme ride for extreme change: go green
Last edited by: audentia: Jan 6, 05 13:33
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [jsmith] [ In reply to ]
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4th St Off Road Sprint

Moab Steel Bender Xterra

Salem Spring Sprint

Utah State Games Oly

Echo Challenge Half IM

Emmett's Oly

Jordanelle Oly

Now, according to my schedule, these are MY MUST DO.
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Re: TOP TEN MUST DO RACES [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Favorite race memories:

1. Ann Arbor Triathlon. An amazing run on the Potawatomi Trail. No other race like it. (Plus, I'm the founder).

2. Waterloo Triathlon. Sandhill cranes on the bike and run. Sissy Hanshaw would feel right at home. (O.K., I'm the founder of this one too).

3. 1980 Grandma's Marathon. Did the race with my best friend, set a pr, and then partied the night away to the music of the Booze Brothers.

4. Drummond Island ROGAINE (24-hour). The course setter from hell. But you got a 15-minute credit if you ate a can of Spam or two jalapeno peppers at control #8.

5. Pikes Peak Marathon (up and down). Eight black toenails are an ever-present reminder.

6. 24-hour Bikeathon at Chrysler Proving Grounds. Towed Mike Sechrist through the opening 120 miles of his very first ultra. He went on to win RAAM and place second several times.

7. 1994 Mark Mellon SC Triathlon. I won and Karen was second overall, becoming (we think) the first ever married couple to go one-two in a triathlon. And if not the first, we were certainly the oldest (at 52 and 41 respectively). Caveat? O.K., there were just 90 people in the race.

8. 1971 4-mile road run in Grosse Pointe. First ever running race. Good news? Ran 23:50 in Chuck Taylor high-top b-ball shoes and finished sixth overall. Bad? There were only seven entrants.

9. 1984 Vic Tanny Triathlon. Got off the bike in second overall, ran 67 minutes for the 10-miles . . . and finished 20th. You could see waffle prints on my back for the next three weeks.

10. 2004 ITU World Triathlon Championship. Didn't even do the race . . . but it was the moment when Sheila Taormina reached the very top of the world in her second major sport. Think about it How many athletes have EVER scaled those heights?

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