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Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!!
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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I know. Realistically though, this is what most races probably should cost. I entered the random drawing for a spot. I did the race in 2001 and it was a great event.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Most 2 and a half hour races should cost $295?!?!?

This sport would be even whiter than it is now.

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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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What are you talking about? I know plenty of great races at a fraction of the cost. These 200+ dollar events are so expensive because over time they became prestigious and people will pay more just to say 'i race xxxx'
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [freestyle] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed that 295 is too much, but Alcatraz has to be more expensive than an average race. The swim is a logistical nightmare including ferry boats and huge amounts of water safety. I would also imagine getting licensing from the city of SF and insurance for a dangerous swim has a lot to do with it. Just doing an Alcatraz swim is expensive (around 100) without the bike and run course shutting down streets in a major city.

295 is a lot, but if there is any race where above average prices make sense Alcatraz is it. That said I don't think I'll do it, even if I get a spot, cause 3 bills is an awful lot of money.


"He broke into the long easy lope, and went on, hour after hour, never at loss for the tangled way, heading straight home through strange country with a certitude of direction that put man and his magnetic needle to shame."

-Call of the Wild
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [MtTamRnr] [ In reply to ]
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The Norseman event I mentioned the other day is a full length "IM " distance event with ferry ride aswell. For Euro 135 or about $180.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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Ya'll are forgetting that there are legions of idiots with too much money, lined up, more than willing to pay $295 to do this race. Once the races stop filling up, the price will come down. S/D, dogg...
Last edited by: lucky: Nov 16, 04 13:07
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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EagleMan cost me $175 and it's a 1/2 IronMan! Maybe we should all just start meeting up at disclosed locations on the weekends and just race amongst friends?

Dave from VA
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [lucky] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with lucky. It is pure capitalism. Supply vs demand. You keep raising the price until the demand goes down, as long as there is a waiting list the price will keep going up.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Herbert] [ In reply to ]
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It is difficult to compare races and prices. For instance: Because the course brings you 220 kilometers from your starting point, in the HP Norseman xtreme triathlon (www.nxtri.com) you have to bring your own crew in a car (your own or rented). Or: because this goes through a not particularly over populated part of the world, we don't need to stop traffic or have city centers shut down while the racers passes through.

This of course not to discourage any one from coming to Eidfjord, Norway next august, would love to say hello to some slowtwitchers there, I think you would love it, but just to point out that there are many elements to take into consideration if one is to compare prices.

Bent Olav Olsen, recreational triathlete?
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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There is always the Envirosports alternative (haven't checked lately to see the exact date or the entry fee, but it will no doubt be substantially less). As others have mentioned, this race and course is a logistical challenge to say the least, but is well worth doing once (3 times for me, all the Dave Horning version) if you have the chance. There is no other race like it.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [lucky] [ In reply to ]
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Ya'll are forgetting that there are legions of idiots with too much money, lined up, more than willing to pay $295 to do this race. Once the races stop filling up, the price will come down. S/D, dogg...
Legions of idiots with too much money? Give me a break. Personally boycotting the race is your option, but to start name-calling those who do the race seems a bit immature.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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You guys in the US are getting royally ripped off. In Ontario and Quebec, our best National caliber short course event are only $50-$65 CDN and our top Ironmans with IMC, IMLP, IMFLa slots are only ~$90. At todays exchange rate the loonie is trading at a 10 year high of ~83 cents US, so you do the math :-)

I don't know how much your local RD's are paying for insurance and road closures, but something is wrong when US races are typically x3 - x4 Canadian race prices for equivalent quality
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [lucky] [ In reply to ]
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Hey lucky,

I don't think you are right about that. If people stop paying, the race doesn;t just "lower its price". It goes away. It costs a certain amount of money to put the event on. I that venue, downtown S.F. and right in the bay, that is very, very expensive. It isn't like hosting a race in the middle of farm country in Ohio.

If people aren't willing to pay the amount of money it costs to produce the event and, on top of that, enough for a hard working and experienced race management team to earn a healthy profit- then why should it go on?

At that point it is easier for race management to just say, "Forget- it isn't a big enough money maker" and shut it down.

That wouldn't be in anyone's best interest. I've done the race- awesome, awesome venue and perfect race production. It is worth every penny of $295.00.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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I did the Envirosports version a few years ago as my entry to the world of triathlon and run 4-5 of Dave's trail races a season. They are a great and epitomize the friendly, smaller scale race environment that many people think missing from the very popular races. Always good people at the envirosports events and there are races nearly every weekend.


"He broke into the long easy lope, and went on, hour after hour, never at loss for the tangled way, heading straight home through strange country with a certitude of direction that put man and his magnetic needle to shame."

-Call of the Wild
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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$190 for the Envirosports race, which is way too much for what you get, IMO.

Yeah, $295 is a lot for Escape (especially when I can do it for free everyday), but you are talking San Francisco--one of the most expensive places on the face of the earth. Sure, there is the supply and demand thing, but there are also the permit costs from three different jurisdictions, police overtime and a host of other things. And before people start slagging on TriCalifornia, keep in mind that IMG is actually the owner of the race.


Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [MtTamRnr] [ In reply to ]
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I paid US$70 to race a Ironman distance event here in Brazil with $7.000 of prize money. not to bad.

ps: BTW, forgot to say I was sent off course three times and there was no after race PARTY!
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [vinnie] [ In reply to ]
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How can you have a race in Brazil without a party. That would be like winter in Canada without snow, igloos and dogsleds !
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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$295.00 - Spendy, but worth every penny. I've done this race the last four years. I'm doing Eagleman this year instead, but I'm not nearly as psyched about that race. I'm definately going to go back to Alcatraz (assuming I can get a slot). Hopefully June 2006.

Just my $0.02 worth.

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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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It's been a few years since I did the Enviro version of the race (though I have done a number of the trail races), so I can't speak for how it is run now or what you get for the $190...though again, I'm sure a large portion goes towards permits, insurance, etc. And I'm also pretty sure Horning is not running Envirosports as a non-profit...but for those itching to do essentially the same course, in a relatively safe manner, I'm guessing it is still a pretty good alternative to the Tri-California version. Someone who has done this version of Alcatraz within the last five years would likely be a better source of info on the recent details.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Tom - If you do not get in Alcatraz by lottery, come down to our race in Florida - Florida's Great Escape Triathlon on Fed. 27th. We have 48 slots for Alcatraz.

Since the race is in Florida, the slots tend to go far down the line in each age-group. In fact last year, we had 10 slots left and about 15 people waiting for the drawing.

2 out of 3 got to go to Alcatraz. All you have to do is stick around for the awards!

Also - If you do Marty Gaal's Camp, you get a free entry into the race! Go to www.usat-ntc.com for race information.

PS - I was up in Michigan last weekend for meeting on Steelhead. Mark down Sat., Aug. 6th for the date next summer.

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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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i paid 160ish for a 1/2 IM out in alberta this summer...i figured that 120-160 is pretty standard out there (all cdn) for the biggest races, the short ones are 30-60, up to 80 for ITU in edmonton.

"Anyone can work hard when they want to; Champions do it when they don't."
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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excuse the hyperbole, perhaps 'legions of idiots' isn't appropriate, my english is bad. How about hordes of white collar warriors with much money in the high end bike parts. Semantics.

I don't believe I incited a birmingham bus boycott of the race. Fact of the matter is if there are more people willing to pay for the race than slots, then prices will go up. Pseudo science tells you that. We should all be well aware of Pseudo science.

I also will not provide a method by which to lower race entry fees. perhaps 'they' will stop putting on races if participation levels were not met. Again, it's a business not a social service. If you want to do an expensive destination race like EA, great. The little triathlon secret is no longer held. People are interested, able, and willing to pay.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Joel Smith] [ In reply to ]
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Joel Smith is a big smelly jar head. the problem is I like him...
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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The other day we where totalling up our yearly race fees.... in excess of $2500 just in entry fees!

I was, now I will tri again!
Any time is a good time.
God Bless you my friend.
Last edited by: Goodtime: Nov 16, 04 17:00
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [LarryCalifornia] [ In reply to ]
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Well, now that Larry has spoken, I guess that is the last word.

Maybe someone on the other side of the country has a real life and LIKES to holiday somewhere else in the US. Maybe his/her family LIKES to come along to a place where there is something for everyone.

Joel--hope to see you again in 2006. Stay longer at the party next time. And any other "idiot" who will be here in 2005, open invite for a get-together.

clm, hopped up on pain killers

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, that's almost as nasty as my original 'legions...' post. I like it. I'm glad there's somebody else who has gone to the dark side. Fear breeds anger, anger breeds hate...

Ironmaidenclm and I have something in common. She hates LarrygoingoinbackbacktoCaliCali and I have some serious issues with many, many posts. Is there an alliance in the making?

Obiwan, you're my only hope...
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I know. Realistically though, this is what most races probably should cost.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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When the plane ticket costs more than the entry fee you can count me out. Not to say I won't do it once, but once would be enough. The idea of hosting an "unorganized" race with local training bud's is in the mix. Could be a whole new dimension to this thing called triathlon.

Supple and Demand...
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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So? Then don't race it you buncha cheapskates! Do you know what a pain it is to put on a race?? Would YOU do it for the kind of money you'd keep? I sure wouldn't. Wayyyyyy too much work, some risk, and lots of thankless effort. Pass.

Entry fees are trivial, even at $2500 for the year. Do fewer races then.

No one "owes" you an event. And they aren't meant to be non-profit (and maybe they aren't meant to be for-profit either). They are what they are. Sheesh.

Personally, I don't care what the fee is for Alcatraz (or IM Hawaii). If I could bust out a swim like that, you could stick a 2 on the front of that amount and I'd still pony up. Lucky for my bank account, I'm not even close to being able to manage that swim.

Too f@ckin depressed from various injuries to care about having a signature line.

Sponsored by Blue Shield PPO.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
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I did the Enviro version last summer. Great event and would recommend it to anyone. Course is a bit different, but challenging and a lot of fun. Unfortunately last summer the fog set in and the swim course was knocked down to swimming around the breakwater by Aquatic Park instead of riding the ferries out to Alcatraz and swimming in. If you can't get a spot in the Tri California event, then definitely recommend this one. As far as the money goes, you're going to have to pay when the event is held in a city that requires numerous permits and road closures.
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Re: Escape from Alcatraz now $295!!! [JohnA] [ In reply to ]
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Apparently the idiots don't know or don't care the agegroupers are subsidizing the pro races to an amount in the multiply five digit range. Personally I rather they spent that money giving back something to the those that paid it. This year Tri california gave ribbions to second and third place in the age groups. Wow! Now thats worth $295 dollars.

I think they should raise the race to $500 as apparently some here think price is no object. The race is obviously still too cheap. Maybe we can get the entrys down to only a thousand who can actually afford it and some of those with marginal athletic ability can actually finish in the top ten in their age group.

This is going to be really good for the sport in the long
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