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Re: TED: How the US is Destroying Young People's Future [Moonrocket]
One of the things that I find most disturbing about this era is the mindless repetition of propaganda.

I feel that in previous era's people (especially wannabe intellectuals) - were more skeptical of marketing and political propaganda.

Advertising has become a lot more subtle and a lot more ubiquitous.

We have people like Tylertri shamelessly distributing political propaganda for free.

But the rest of us...

I can think of many, many times that even the most progressive posters in this forum have been nothing but shills for this, or that, corporations.

Clearly, social media contributes to this problem.

I tried really, really hard to make my kids aware of the the ubiquitous and harmful presence of marketing.

But I failed miserable.

I suppose the omni-presence of corporate values means that it is a very steep uphill battle.
Last edited by: Velocibuddha: May 9, 24 9:56

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  • Post edited by Velocibuddha (Dawson Saddle) on May 9, 24 9:56