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Re: Liberal Democracy vs Christian State [TriFloyd]
 In rebuttal to your "argh, these articles", I would throw out an " argh these bibles and the stories told therin. Or maybe argh these Korans" (sp?).

But lets talk about Miss Cohen, our noted atheist journalist, and her written word that is certainly meant to influence. My reading of her commentary? Sounds good to me! From the linked article she states how the courts have handled the nexus of religion, state and the 1st amendment and how National Prayer day was the work of the Reverend Graham back in the 50's

The courts have argued that these assertions of religiosity are essentially meaningless — declaring them “ceremonial” or “civic” in order to find them constitutional. Supposedly nonsectarian, they presume belief in a monotheistic God, and they lean distinctly Christian, with some “Judeo” thrown in. The National Day of Prayer, which was suggested by the Rev. Billy Graham on the steps of the Capitol during a huge evangelical revival, was promoted as an idea that “all creeds can join in whether they be Catholic, Protestant or Jew.”

Pray tell, how does she go wrong here? If Billy were to come back today with the same idea to have a nationally recognized prayer day, would he have expanded his "all creeds" to include maybe Islam? And is her assertion that the courts terms of "ceremonial" and "civic" are used to skirt a strict constitutional ruling to separate church from the state correct? It is safe to assume my Christian faith is a work in progress and that recent Republican culture War legislating efforts are not at all helpful in winning me over.

Since the President is required by law today to encourage all citizens to say a prayer today, I pray to that unknown authority, whoever they be, wherever they are to help you in your response so that I might yet keep a somewhat open mind on this. Hint, argh this atheist does not know shit probably does not make the cut off grade as acceptable. Please feel free to attack her lawyerly "supposedly" and "presume" qualifications.

I would have gone further with my rebuttal on your last post to me, but I honestly cannot comprehend well enough what you have written. Your writing is a few paygrades above my level and I am still working through our FF histories and their written word about governing while also consulting (or is it recognizing?) our Christian higher authority.
Last edited by: gofigure: May 2, 24 9:45

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  • Post edited by gofigure (Dawson Saddle) on May 2, 24 9:45