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Re: You know the Left has an antisemitism problem [just jack]
just jack wrote:
I've witnessed a significant amount of overt and covert anti-Semitism at Pro-Gaza protests - with behaviors ranging from the typical "oppressor" language to chants of "fuck Israel" to specific threats of violence towards pro-Israel counter-protesters. In addition, there is daily pro-Palestine graffiti appearing in numerous places. It goes up as quickly as the city can clean it off.

The oddest act of protest I've seen was three women (all 50-60 years of age) who used Guerilla Glue to glue their hands to the wall of city council chambers. I have new respect for the sticking power of Guerilla Glue. It took hours and much solvent to remove these ladies from the chambers and transport them to jail.

All of the protests I've witnessed have included strong under-currents of anti-Semitism coupled with very overt anti-Semitism by members of the protest groups. We've been lucky and have thus far not experienced any violence or significant acts of disruption, although I anticipate that coming. The protesters have become much more aggressive and confrontational over the last few weeks and the media coverage of events out of state will likely embolden that behavior locally.

The protest groups I've seen appear to be decidedly left wing. They have a look; IYKYK. Nearly identical to BLM protesters from a few years ago. Their local demands seem somewhat amorphous. As if a mid-size city in Colorado has any influence on war in Israel. Just today, there was a large protest on campus and the student group presented the university with a demand letter; they demanded university divestment from Israel, ending study abroad in Israel (and presumably disinviting Israeli students?) and turning down money from corporations with ties to the US military.

The hand gluing is not new. It's a method frequently employed by climate activists to shut down roadways. A funny edition of this happened not too long ago where it took a while for the fire department to drill them out of the pavement and they were begging the police to feed them water and bring them pee buckets (though they had no hands available so the police would have been expected to do more than supply the bucket).
Last edited by: mattbk: Apr 30, 24 6:06

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  • Post edited by mattbk (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 30, 24 6:06