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Re: Norwegian method podcast [CMac90]
It's just this modern age group mindset - searching for training hacks that supposedly make olympians Kona-fit in the hopes of going sub 10. I just don't understand what motivates an age grouper to race ironmans if they focus on other people's tips to improve speed. The best you can hope for is to be a carbon copy of every average age grouper with a generic training plan, no fun and little ownership of your success. Potentially in poor health and with time and money down the drain, living someone else's life.
Put another way: If a pro improves due to a coach's advice, they get more prize money and sponsors while still keeping the satisfaction they're training as hard as the best who are also given unlimited time and energy. Meanwhile, if an age grouper (competing against others with wildly varying levels of free time and income) improves by copying other people's training, what do they get out of it?
At best, the new "method" or piece of kit just becomes another barrier to entry - if it's even any good. At worst you end up doing training you dislike and is that is bad for you. Either way it's not your own process. This way of going about your hobby just makes no sense to me.
Last edited by: emceemanners: Jan 28, 24 23:50

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  • Post edited by emceemanners (Cloudburst Summit) on Jan 28, 24 23:25
  • Post edited by emceemanners (Cloudburst Summit) on Jan 28, 24 23:38
  • Post edited by emceemanners (Cloudburst Summit) on Jan 28, 24 23:39
  • Post edited by emceemanners (Cloudburst Summit) on Jan 28, 24 23:50