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Re: Gwen Jorgensen Paris Olympics [Lurker4]
My tactics are itu 101 tactics lol. Guess what Knibb has to do in order to win a medal- get a gap into T2. Guess what GJ is going to need to win a medal- make it to T2 in the front group. Everyone at the WTCS level knows exactly what every other athlete/team is basically going to do and/or need in order to win. So while you think it's just show up and do your best- that's of course the stupid simplicist measure.

So please tell me if Knibb makes the front group, who from the chase group is going to pull the chase group to the front group? Guess what every coach and athlete knows who is "strong" and who isn't, etc.

Race tactics are generally pretty easy *for the most part* to tell- you need race roster and course profile. You get those 2 and you can prety much dictate to probaly 90% accuracy what is going to happen. You may not be able to name the podium 100% accuracy, but the tactics of the race are generally fairly easy to forecast if you know or follow the sport.

And btw those athletes will have dozen of scenarios with race forecastiong and going over what happens when X happens or what happens when Y happens. These coaches and athletes go to great detail to be prepared mentally and physically for the demands of competition. It's certainly not "well let's just show up and race hard and see what happens". So I'll have to disagree with your assessment again.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Jan 18, 24 22:21

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  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 18, 24 22:21