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Re: Dating after a loooooooooong time [slowguy]
slowguy wrote:
JRC wrote:
Well sorry to hear that didnt work out for you, but it looks like you are in an ok place about it which is good,

Regarding internet dating, If you do... i hope your experience will be better than mine.... it just seems to be a minefield of fake profiles and screwed up people.... as an exaple... I ended up on a date with a girl who seemed nice but something was off... when she started telling be about all her kinky stuff and he collection of "blades" i knew she wasnt the one....

Internet dating is indeed a crap shoot. Years ago, in a moment of weakness, I thought I probably should try dating, and I tried a couple of those sites where you fill out a pretty full questionnaire (along with a couple regular dating sites). No kidding, 90% of the matches I was sent were middle aged overweight (plus sized) women who worked in early education (I think they ranged from kindergarten to 2nd grade). There's nothing specifically wrong with those things, but I hadn't put anything in my profile expressing a preference for any of them, and yet I was almost exclusively matched with that demographic across a couple of platforms. Then on the regular sites, I found about half the profiles were either obvious bots or catfish situations.

Fortunately, I came to my senses and realized that I had, in fact, successfully extracted myself from the toxic web of ritualistic demonic humiliation that women inflict upon their male victims in the "dating" scene, so why would I try to claw my way back in? For all it's benefits, the internet has surely given the hordes of she-demons a new tool to torture and ruin men's lives from afar, using strong dark runes and other black magiks to reach out from the computer and remotely inject havoc and pain.

so you are saying there is a chance internet dating would work for you? lol

Last edited by: SWEDE63: Jan 9, 24 10:02

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  • Post edited by SWEDE63 (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 9, 24 9:57
  • Post edited by SWEDE63 (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 9, 24 10:02