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Torn Hip Labrum - Input Needed
Has anyone dealt with a torn hip labrum? I discovered early last year that I have tearing of my anterior superior acetabular labrum. They checked the right hip but it is likely in both as I have the same pain on both sides. I went in to have my knee looked at (torn meniscus). At the time, I didn’t worry too much about the labrum as it only occasionally hurt during specific yoga poses and not running or riding. Now I regularly feel like I have a strained groin.

A couple questions for those that have had a similar injury:
Did it feel like a strained groin for you?
Were you able to remedy with rest, PT, etc?
Did a change in bike fit help?
Any experience with surgical repair? Recovery?

I’m a 32 year old male and feel like all of a sudden I’m becoming much too good of friends with my ortho (~4 injuries in 2 years) when I previously went 30 years with only a couple visits. Thanks for the input.
Last edited by: mrboomerang: Jan 1, 24 7:27

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  • Post edited by mrboomerang (Big Pines) on Jan 1, 24 7:27