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Re: Official FIT ASSISTANCE for Canyon Speedmax CFR, SLX, and CF [ianpeace]
Hi Ian,

First off, thank you for your generosity in helping members with fit advice.

I'm looking at a SLX as my first tri bike. Here are my numbers.

Height: 182cm
Inseam: 86cm
Excellent hip mobility

Previous bike was a 2020 Giant Propel, size ML. I don't have actual pad X pad Y etc numbers since the bike is sold. The best I can offer is an estimate based on measuring various old photos of the bike using an online measuring tool. So take these numbers with a grain of salt.

Pad X: 470-480mm
Pad Y: 650-660mm
Saddle Height: 780mm
With this fit, I felt I could have moved the pads back slightly as my arm angle was 105 degrees and felt a little stretched.

Thanks for the advice.
Last edited by: TriguyRy: Oct 22, 23 6:02

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by TriguyRy (Big Pines) on Oct 22, 23 6:02