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Re: Strength Training to Pedal Hard in an Aero Position [MrRabbit]
I 100% agree. I KNOW that will work and that it's necessary, but it's not this question. I also know that there are athletes who have done strength training that specifically and deliberately supports (edit: is intended to support) aero position power output and that's what I'm curious about. So what has that looked like for someone who has done it? I'm going to be in the gym doing some weight lifting, for this and other general health reasons, so I'm asking what modifications, if any, to the typical squat and deadlift (or other exercises) have people done that have helped. I'm not asking what I can do on the bike. That's a different, and you're right, almost certainly more important, topic, but it's not what I'm asking about. Maybe your answer is "I've done strength training and nothing helped except riding more in aero on the trainer and not outside", but that isn't exactly what y'all have said. "Ride in aero more" is not really an answer to the questions I've asked.
Last edited by: mitchellgsides: Oct 11, 23 12:01

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  • Post edited by mgs27 (Cloudburst Summit) on Oct 11, 23 11:55
  • Post edited by mgs27 (Cloudburst Summit) on Oct 11, 23 12:01