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Re: Is triathlon facing a drop in popularity? [Kent_NewZealand]
Kent_NewZealand wrote:
It is technically possible, but not the culture, and not enjoyable. And to be clear, I am not talking 'blinged out piece of unobtanium', I am talking about a base spec Cervelo P2.

I don't know why we would pretty a five fold increase in price (potentially quite region specific) wouldn't impact uptake.


Again sorry but this is just wrong. 'Technically possible'...of course its bloody technically possible, you make out as if riding over 90ks is somehow a miraculous achievement on a road bike? As for not enjoyable...how many people do you see sitting up after 50ks into an ironman! The whole TT thing is a joke, the majority people would be much better off riding road bikes. I think most people would actually find riding a road bike more enjoyable then riding a TT bike for 50ks and then having to sit up due to a sore neck, back and bum...?

I do agree re culture though, and that's why I think it's important that we change the culture and help people understand that they dont need a TT bike. Hell, the overwhelming majority of people are happy just to finish, and are only competing against themselves. A very small % ever get to the point where they are even competing for top 20. If you want pointy end then sure, you will eventually need a TT bike and all the marginal gains you can get.

Otherwise ride what you can and enjoy yourself.
Last edited by: lastlap: Oct 5, 23 20:58

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  • Post edited by lastlap (Lightning Ridge) on Oct 5, 23 20:58