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Re: Ex-UCI pros win AG's at Ironman WC Nice [Johnny21]
Not saying I love Vino nor Jaja. They are not banned for life so they can compete in any wada signatory sport. Lance is banned for life for any world level or feeder level events that can get him to world's at any WADA sport so if Ironman allowed him in to compete here you would have a point.

You are right that I have no proof about the 100's of age groupers currently doping just like we have no proof if Jaja or Vino currently are doping.

But today's rules allows them to race after sitting in the sin bin. Hate the system for allowing that. Heck Vino took the London Olympic gold after sitting out his suspension ...that race was tailor made for Cav who most recently raced on Vino's Protour team !!!

The Olympic games let Vino back in after sitting out his time. Lots of former dopers like Justin Gatlin come back and win medals at the highest level. This is just meaningless slow old age groupers we are worried about. Relative to the Olympics, age group racing means not much at all.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Sep 11, 23 18:02

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