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Re: [Lock_N_Load]
Lock_N_Load wrote:
japarker24 wrote:
Lock_N_Load wrote:

Frodo and Sebi did it right by knowing when to ride off into the sunset.

They are both racing professionally...................

They have both announced this is their last season. They are going out in their own terms, which is what Ali should do.

In the last 3 years, Frodeno and Kienle have literally been among the most injury-prone pro triathletes on the planet.

Frodeno’s problems are extremely well publicized. As a Kienle fan, I can attest his Achilles has been 100% maybe over 4 months in the last 4 years. Frodeno barely races anymore and the last time Kienle was on the podium of a major event was Kona 2019.

You have picked very poor counterexamples.

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
Last edited by: kajet: Jun 2, 23 9:12

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  • Post edited by kajet (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 2, 23 9:12