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Re: Post your average power (watts) and average speed (MPH) from your last race [MrTri123]
Great question. The answer is yes. Let me be fully transparent, I never tested anything. However, I'm a firm believer in common effin sense and lateral thinking. I have studied every single SAE paper that contains the word aerodynamic published before 2010, and then some. That was a lot of papers. And although road vehicles aerodynamics are not the same as cycling aerodynamics, they share a lot of similarities.

People who say things are individual just don't understand how one element interacts with another, or just don't want to tell you because it goes against their personal interest. Oftentimes, there is a very logical explanation why a result happens in a specific case.

Jumping off my soap box now :)
Last edited by: Runorama: Apr 29, 23 18:25

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Runorama (Cloudburst Summit) on Apr 29, 23 18:25