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Re: Does anyone NOT use a smart trainer still? [The Guardian]
The Guardian wrote:
rmt wrote:
So I've just purchased a smart trainer and Zwift, and I've been blown away at the difference in engagement compared to sitting on a dumb trainer, which really was for emergency use only. I didn't think I was going to be that impressed, but have been surprised. It was a worthwhile purchase (particularly considering the price was on sale)

"difference in engagement": could you elaborate for my benefit (I'm still on a dumb trainer with TR and power pedals - and I can't imagine what would be different). thanks.

I've tried a buddy's smart trainer for about 10 minutes, and it was ok in terms of changing difficulty without me changing gears, but I wasn't sure why I would like that better.

Like the guy above said really. I have always been in the ‘riding the turbo is like having teeth pulled’ camp, and have only done a few sessions on my Kurt Kinetic road machine in the last 10 years. I’d far rather get out on the road. Anyway, bought a Kickr Core (with the sole purpose of riding on Zwift with my brother who lives on the other side of the world once every other day), and whilst I’d still rather be on the road, riding with other people on Zwift makes the riding not unpleasant. In the past I’d watch Netflix or something, but I found I was too engaged I’m not losing the group in front of me and changing gear as the road went uphill etc, that I was actually too engaged in what was happening with riding that I didn’t have time to watch Netflix. Instead of counting the seconds down till it was time to get off, I just enjoyed riding. Personally it’s never going to replace riding on the road, but now instead of going out in the rain I’ll happily do a Zwift group ride or race.
Last edited by: rmt: Jan 28, 23 12:30

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  • Post edited by rmt (Lightning Ridge) on Jan 28, 23 12:30