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Re: When the reviews are $18K bikes and $4K wheels how do we grow the sport? [James2020]
James2020 wrote:

My brother just booked a ski holiday. $1200 for a week trip in a catered chalet including flights, transfers, lift pass, and ski rental.

I have a 4 day (3 ski days) trip to Whistler coming up in January. Staying in a small, studio Airbnb, lift passes, travel (no flight, but a boat and 4 hour drive), and food will be around $2k. I have my own gear so no rentals. Doing a catered chalet would probably be a $10k+ week. A standard, 3 star hotel room with no breakfast is $400/night. A standard meal is around $80/person (we are talking an average beer, burger and fries type thing at a pub).

Long Chile was a silly place.
Last edited by: BCtriguy1: Dec 25, 22 14:13

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  • Post edited by BCtriguy1 (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 25, 22 14:13