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Re: Freedom to choose clients, here we go again. [hullcb]
hullcb wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
So you feel that the wedding site web designer can make a wedding announcement website with rainbows and hearts for straight couples. But then this designer can legally refuse to make an IDENTICAL wedding website with rainbows and hearts for gay couples?
I guess so, yes, based on the symbolism of things? Does seem weird though...

But, if yes, how is that any different from a landord that can rent his apartments to white people. But then this landloard can legally refuse to rent an identical apartment to black people (who have identical backgrounds to the white people)?

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
On the related topic, any thoughts why market forces did not do a good job of reducing US racism in the 150 years after the civil war?
Tough question that deserves more thought than I can give it right now. I'd say the short answer is because people, and thus "the market," were / are still racist to some degree that has changed over time? But I also think the market does do a decent job of this, at least sometimes... Businesses / people get axed via public opinion all the time when it comes out they are assholes in some form or fashion...
Well, not many racist businesses / people got axed via public opinion in the 150 years since the end of slavery, since racism thrived quite well in that period (and thrives today as well, but slightly less since the passage of the 1960s civil rights and affirmative action laws). And then today, if some racist person or business does get "axed", the nutters complain, "oh, they were unfairly cancelled!!"

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Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Dec 5, 22 10:10

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