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Re: I sprained an ankle because I fell while walking and eating a donut. Make me feel better with your "got injured because I did something dumb" stories. Overuse injury stories not welcome. [Dr. Tigerchik]
Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
I'm the poster boy for I can't walk and chew gum at the same time - in other words, a triathlete (eye roll emoji goes here).

I bet you can swim ok with a buoy, paddles, and fins all at the same time though.

No....not very likely with the addition of the fins. That would probably be pretty comical actually, up to the point where I drowned.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Dec 1, 22 7:54

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 1, 22 7:54
  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 1, 22 7:54