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Re: From soccer to Kona M35-39 age group champion [marcoviappiani]
marcoviappiani wrote:
Basically a slower pro and an an age group winner under 40 are roughly the same thing. But the slow pro gets almost no glory.
But the amateur isn't paid to race and doesn't win prize money. Besides, what glory is there for AGs, really?

Have to break it to you, a slower pro isn't paid to race nor do they win any prize money. Who knows how those outside the top PTO 50 make a living. Though they have had to KQ so that meant a pay day at whichever IM they raced so to do.
The top amateurs get considerable kudos amongst their peers and a umeke. And if in the first start beating some of the pros. Glory? You decide.
Well done De Bruyn.
Last edited by: Ajax Bay: Nov 16, 22 11:30

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  • Post edited by Ajax Bay (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 16, 22 11:26
  • Post edited by Ajax Bay (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 16, 22 11:30