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Re: **Spoilers** 2022 Cycling Thread [turdburgler]
turdburgler wrote:
marcag wrote:
McNulty wrote:
littlefoot wrote:
What race are you referring to? I live outside DC and don't know anything about it.

Googling now!


I am just posting this to get you guys to come visit Montreal


This is the base of the 8% climb to the top of Mont-Royal. You get to be this close 18x. Where else do you get this ?

I ran that every day for a week maybe 10 years ago. I was at the Hotel Omni Mont-Royal at the base right around McGill University if memory serves right. I loved that city in the summer.

We are visiting next summer. The wife is excited about native French speaking provinces on this side of the pond, especially since the little lady of the house is speaking it so well.

I had my wedding reception at the Omni.

I have a place on Mt-Royal and it's beautiful. It's hard to pick running or riding. If you notice on the video I am on the other side of the barriers. There is a network of trails through the forest on the mountain to bypass all the crowd control.

If you visit, we'll have to ride Camilien Houde a few times. These guys did it 18x. I am toast after 6.
Last edited by: marcag: Sep 11, 22 17:21

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  • Post edited by marcag (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 11, 22 17:21