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Re: 300k one day gravel tour - fueling question [trisomemari]
325kcal/hour sounds pretty reasonable, and is in the ballpark of what the body can process while working hard.

Though over 12 hours, eating the same thing can get monotonous, and deep in an ultra-type event it's always good to look forward to eating/drinking rather than cramming yet another gel down because you know you have to.

You do have your planned stop, and the opportunity for ad-hoc stops to handle that. But you might also just throw in various other things as part of the plan.

For example, if at hour 8 your body starts craving something salty or savory, good to just reach in the bag and find something other than a gel.

I also try to use "sciency" gel nutrition drink as the primary, but also throw in little packages of peanut butter crackers, etc, to break things up.
Last edited by: trail: Aug 10, 22 7:10

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  • Post edited by trail (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 10, 22 7:10