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Re: Shootings - Imagine what it'd be like [chaparral]
chaparral wrote:
SDG wrote:
jmh wrote:
SDG wrote:
gall1972 wrote:
Scary to think what this country would be like if there weren't deterrents in place such as school police, building security protocols, mental health protocols, and the education and encouragement of students to report things they see and hear.

Imagine what's deterred and stopped because of these protocols already in place .... and then it's really scary to think that the above isnt anywhere near enough to stop this chaos.

I don't have to imagine what it would be like without those things as when I was growing up, we had none of those things. In all of the terrible sadness and anger because of this event, I still haven't seen anyone address the issue of why these things are happening now and not in the 70's and 80's.

When I was growing up, as with many of you, guns were everywhere and very accessible to kids, teenagers, adutls etc. I grew up in Texas and gun laws were less restrictive then than they are now. We would dove hunt after HS and I parked my truck in school parking lot with shotguns and ammo at the ready all dove season. As did most of the guys in my class. Not once was I concerned about a school shooter and we had some pretty weird kids at our school. I was right not to be concerned because these things didn't happen.

Why is that? What has changed between then ( guns everywhere) and now ( guns everywhere) that makes psychotic animals want to shoot up schools? Surely it is multi-factorial but we need to study this as much as anything. I suggest kids these days are largely seeing a darker world then we ( 80's kids) grew up in. Although we had the cold war, we also had optimism about growing up, getting a job, getting married, having a family and living the american dream. The American dream was a wife, kids, boat on the weekend and vacation at the beach each summer. Maybe golf each sunday afternoon with the boys.

Kids currently only see fear porn all over the internet and social media about the word coming to an end because of climate change, race relations, discrimination, and all sorts of other things. They also see the juxtoposition of the very rich ( tic toc stars, athletes and celebrities) and see that as the american dream. If they can't achieve that status, then what is it all for. Add to that mountains of debt to go to college for the chance to even get a job paying you enough to live in an average apartment and you can see why some are depressed. Throw in two long years of COVID fear and shutdowns and it could seem hopeless to a person without a strong parental influence at home. Just my thesis but who knows.

I do agree the gun laws should be changed to outlaw AR15 ( no reason to have one),
2) waiting period for any guns ( at least a week)
3) universal background checks ( I think we already have this)
, 4) no one under the age of 21 can buy a gun,
5) outlaw all semi-autos ( even pistols)

I still don't think this would prevent a lot of these situations but hopefully a start.

This not entirely correct. Texas gun laws are far less restrictive now than 7 years ago.

1. In 2021 the need for a conceal carry permit was eliminated. Prior to that you needed to take a class/practical application for a license.

2. In 2016 you could for the first time open, sorry I mean douche, carry in Texas. At the time douche carrying required a permit.

Fair enough but I don't think open carry and concealed carry (i agree they are dumb) are relevant when it comes to why teenage guys are turning into psychotic animals and killing kids. They could get guns in the 70's and 80s just as easy. Most everyone I knew had a dad or grandpa with tons of guns in closets, gun cabinets or laying around the house. Not a one was ever used to kill someone.

I suppose if the argument is these things are happending because its easier to walk down the street and get to a school while open carrying, then OK. But I don't think people are seeing these animals on the way to the school and saying ( nothing to see here because open carry is legal) and going about their way. If I saw a teenager walking down my street ( I live right next to a school) with an AR 15 you can bet your ass 911 is getting called. I imagine I am not unique.

Why would you call the police on someone doing something totally legal?

Just a hunch. We have a strong neighborhood watch, a lot of stay at home moms always on the lookout and a very safe neighborhood. We see something, we say something. Works well for our little utopia.

I wouldn't like a teenager walking around the school with an AR15. You do you and I will do me.
Last edited by: SDG: May 25, 22 14:12

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  • Post edited by SDG (Dawson Saddle) on May 25, 22 14:12