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Re: Type 1 diabetes and triathlon [TNTRI]
Edit: Just realized that this is an old thread and you were actually diagnosed a couple of months before me. So the below doesn't make too much sense anymore. Anyway - maybe it helps someone else reading this thread...


I was exactly where you are 1 year ago.
Had been doing tri for a decade before that and then suddenly T1 diagnoses at the age of 36. ("LADA" they call it)
In this last year as a new T1D, I ended up doing a full tri season with two halves and 1 full. Using a CGM but no pump.

Can't say it affected my performance significantly.

Since there's already a lot of good advice on this thread, let me just add this:
Be aware that no 2 people with T1D react the same to certain foods, dosages and general treatment strategies.
The key is to find out what works for you and ideally be somewhat systematic in your experimentation.
As an example: I was told to start workouts with a little higher blood sugar as a security buffer. But it turns out: The higher I was at the start of a workout, the steeper the drop was right after I got going. When I started around or below 100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/L), the drop wasn't nearly as bad and my blood sugar only started to gradually go down as the workout went on.

Also: Don't underestimate the honeymoon phase. For me that first year was a lot different to what things are like now.
At the height of Ironman training, my body was so sensitive to insulin that the small amount my pancreas can still produce was enough to keep my levels pretty good. I only had to inject very little amounts for very large meals.

All the best and feel free reach out if you have questions!
There's for sure more experienced diabetics and triathletes in this thread than me already, but maybe I'm the one with the most similar situation.

if you can read this
Last edited by: flogazo: Dec 6, 21 4:28

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  • Post edited by flogazo (Lightning Ridge) on Dec 6, 21 4:28