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Re: Is this normal? [j p o]
j p o wrote:
Cases per capita

1 - North Dakota
2 - Alaska
4 - Wyoming
5 - South Dakota
6 - Utah
9 - Montana

How else in states where there is little choice but to be socially distanced and there was plenty of warning it was coming can you manage to give everyone COVID?

In those states, people have to drive 90 miles to give each other Covid. But they do it!

Sidney, the town of the AG’s legal presentation to healthcare workers who want to avoid complying with the federal law and their employer’s requirements, is a shithole.

I flew there in flimsy little plane to take the deposition of a boy who had repeatedly raped his sister and then sued her teacher (who was a mandated reporter) for defamation. I had to ask him during the deposition about his sexual assault of his sister. As we left, my client said, “You really made him sweat!”

I was like, “It’s me!” I was bigly pregnant and using all-natural, aluminum-free deodorant that did not work.

He had been in juvenile detention and was already out when we did the deposition. Last I heard, the girl had attempted suicide and was in the state mental hospital.

The attorney representing the boy was piece of work. She was like, “he’s served his time. The teacher shouldn’t talk about it.” It was the truth, though. My client had every right to tell the truth. Holy shit. I know I’ve told this story before. That case was traumatizing. That town is traumatizing.

Sorry for traumatizing you.
Last edited by: CallMeMaybe: Nov 29, 21 22:08

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  • Post edited by Barks&Purrs (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 29, 21 21:07
  • Post edited by Barks&Purrs (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 29, 21 22:08